Warframe Mobile, Fortuna Buffs, and Patch Review! | Warframe

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Warframe is now available on iOS so if you have access to devices that can use that this update now enables that for everyone we'll be getting into details in this video going over firstly this major update itself and the patch notes that have come with it I'm the engineer let's solve a practical problem in terms of Warframe being available at I itself that's pretty self-explanatory but if you'd like a little bit more guidance on that there have been FAQ put out which gives you the details on how to get going on that this is just for iOS at the moment not yet for Android devices so if you have any of these iPads from iPad 8th generation all the way up to iPad Pro 6th generation or if you have any of these iPhones from the iPhone XS all the way up to the iPhone 15 Pro Max then you will be able to play Warframe on your mobile device now but alongside that there have been a number of changes which are worth talking about in the game itself I won't be going over every single line just the really notable ones the ones which actually make a difference to typical gameplay to get started with that there have been some improvements to quests including they've added cver to the explore lure Mission rewards for the sacrifice Quest as I've said here this means you don't need to go off and get some couver just continue the quest as you'll get the couver required to build Excalibur Umbra straight away it's little changes like these designed to make the whole flow of quest in Warframe a better flow overall that said I'm not sure about the changes in levels on the board hex gallion stage apparently a reduction of levels from 5 to8 to 4 to 5 was warranted had a look for at Lancer coming down from Level 8 to level five the head points do come down by about a third but at the same time we're still talking hundreds of effective hit points much more important are the changes to the Solaris so with their Fortuna rankup cost they have been massively reduced as we can see all the way through here all of the debt bonds that at every level have been brought down significantly for the medical debt bonds the total to get to rank five has come down from 35 to 11 Advanced debt bonds have gone down from 25 to 10 and familial debt bonds right at the end here have been reduced from 10 to just five in combination with ticket offerings this is a roughly three-fold reduction in the bounties required for you to progress all the way to maximum rank which is absolutely huge so it's great to have that once you've completed with Fortuna themselves you can move on to Vox Solaris and this too has seen a major reduction all of the toroids to rank up from rank two to rank five have been reduced down to one so only a single drop is all you need to make that progress on top of that all of the systems have been reduced to one or in the case of rank five just removed entirely now that on its own is useful except they drop in pretty much these quantities the biggest change on that is that all of the systems are now available from the appropri rank to get you to the next one so with the gyx systems the atmo systems and the repeller systems that last one you could already do all three of these can now be purchased withstanding so you don't need to rely on the drop from the bounties looking at further changes there is an introduction of a new Aura mod this Aura mod becomes available to players they say on completing the Earth Junction Earth doesn't actually have a junction instead it's got two Junctions leading away from it the point is it's available from completing the Venus Junction so while moving to the first planet after the starting planet that is when you get access to dreamer's bond for pretty much everyone watching this video you've already completed that you'll have it in your inbox this Aura mod gives you half the benefit of Rejuvenation and half the benefit of Energy Siphon granting 0.3 energy per second and 1.5 Health per second the design here is pretty clear to not only give new players an aura mod that they can use on any starting Warframe without an issue also it grants them both energy and health regen whereas normally for new players that just doesn't exist a special note about this Aura is that in the next major update with Dante Unbound it will be changed to have a universal polarity by my understanding that means it should match with every single polarity on any Warframe that has one on their Aura slot so every Warframe will be able to use it with equal effect which is a nice touch moving beyond the new player adjustments there have been a couple additions to the stores firstly to the market or cash shop however you want to phrase it there is a new starter weapon pack granting a Max rank of AAC a Max Rank serration and 100 Platinum if we have a look at the B Platinum page we can see that the pack comes in at least in the UK at $3.99 which is the same price as a 75 Platinum pack I imagine that relationship is going to be the same for most people whichever country you're in with the more info on that the AOL at Max rank you can compare that to the Warframe market prices if you were to buy the set from players and that tracks around 160 to 180 Platinum likewise there is also the max R acceleration which if you were to buy from other players tracks at roughly around 50 Platinum the prices vary here or there but that gives you an idea as to the kind of values players are putting on those items all told then this pack here with the Platinum included comes to a rough value of 320 platinums worth closer to this third pack up here it depends on where you are in the game and how you value the money in the Platinum but that's still at least a reasonable offer the other new store item added are the new somac cord songs available through vsia all of these can be purchased for five a a piece that's five normal a not Regal a so there's no actual money required if you open up the market head to the menu and go to Prime Resurgence you'll be able to purchase it directly without having to visit maru's Bazar as with any good set of patch notes beyond the introductions of new things we have all of the fixes and changes now as I said earlier I'm not going to go through these line by line instead let's focus on the more notable changes scrolling past all the cross save stuff all of those are Minor Details we have some more notable ones alongside here for example if you've done the Alchemy Bounties in alre Labs you may have had some difficulty in throwing the am fors at the enemies as it turns out it was only counting it on a direct hit now it counts if you also cat them in the AOE which makes it a lot easier to complete I certainly know that when I tried it there was a little bit of difficulty actually Landing that strike likewise if you're doing the auro assassination mission with lesen of full Squad you'll now be given more time to pick up the eyes before they vanish a strange bug that a lot of people notice is that the nrel key glyphs when you trying to pick them up at the console would sometimes hand it to a different player that has now been fixed so you only pick up the netr L key glyph if you are the one to actually choose it not if you just happen to be next to someone further great changes if you're flying around duy you may have noticed before now that you're thrown off of your cave and otherwise dragged into doing the void mirror puzzle if you came close to it now if you're on a cave the void mirror puzzle won't activate and instead tell you to get off your cave first Riven drops have been rebalanced adjusted Riven type drop race in sorties arand steel path circuit basically anywhere you can get a Riven all of them have been adjusted to now consider how many weapons of that type are actually available as a result of this kick gun and zor rivens are now much much rarer whilst meley rivens pistol rivens rifle rivens those are ones you should be getting far more commonly the biggest thing this means is that the kit gun or veiled ribbon prices are likely to climb back up a bit over time it's not going to happen immediately and it's not going to be incredible as there's no new kit guns or zor but still we'll see the prices of those climb up and likewise you'll be receiving fewer of them by random chance anyway thxs have been improved specifically where where they can change into a spectral form previously whilst they became status immune they didn't cleanse any status already acting on them which means if you'd hit them with cold Brocks they would very slowly go through their animation this has been fixed now the spectral form will go through a much quicker animation or at least the animation it's supposed to go through further down C's ruffle Advance now actually activates sokai previously if you were using that and accidentally teleported onto an enemy whilst your tenai was available you wouldn't use the tenai and instead lose your combo so it's great to have that no longer be an issue if you've been struggling with the AL fire on your secondary weapons or incarn mode non activating whilst using a glaive that's been fixed melee influence has been nerfed or at least put back into line melee influence should no longer apply when using Warframe abilities with clones such as using it with Mirage and likewise it'll no longer apply when using the Dual ior inar and toxin Fields neither of these were direct melee hits by yourself they aren't supposed to be triggering melee influence and now D have come in and swung the Nerf bat at that if this is all news to you interactions that you were unaware actually existed that's understandable I didn't cover them myself on this channel I didn't feel it necessary to go through something that was about to vanish Anyway by the same token both primary and melee arcanes all of them should no longer be triggered by secondary weapons while you're on a k drive or maralina fans of your already will know that as much as she may be a powerful Warframe she is also full of quite a number of bugs here or there combination that evaded me entirely there was a bug with Trinity's well of life that was allowing you to One-Shot Thumpers in the plains of idolon I would never considered using well of life to One-Shot anything let alone a thumper that has now been resolved but perhaps the most saddening of all the changes we could find in this entire patch note oric and I and Carl beacons Now consume air support charges air support isn't exactly an expensive item to build but it still means actually building them now and the final patch of note that I wish to drag out of this entire long list of things further down here is on this section here fixed players being unable to deploy extractors on damos if they haven't completed the Al's laboratory nodes now you'll only need to complete the main damos nodes not the ones which are locked behind one of the very last quests in the game helpful considering that extractors are more of a new player item I actually covered this myself over on Twitter having come across the details from a new player on a Reddit by the way did you know I am also on Twitter or do we call it X now you know I'm really not sure if we're supposed to be calling it Twitter or XX they still call it Twitter in the URL in any case you can catch me over on Twitter but that is all on these patch notes there's a lot of other details in there if you wish to dig into the minutia but that's all for me so as always patch up rank up and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 31,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, patch, patch notes, mobile, ios, kengineer, fortuna, update, update notes, whispers in the wall, kahl beacon, air support, bug fix, hotfix, review
Id: G92hcM1p1WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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