How long is EVERY Warframe farm in 2023? | Warframe

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as we enter the new year we've got 51 standard warframes to collect from all over the game back in 2021 I covered how long it takes to farm up the blueprint for the RNG based frames but that still skipped some important details so today let's cover every single warframes farm from requirements and time gates to final resource Gathering to see which frame really is the longest to farm I'm the engineer let's solve a practical problem since mid-2021 we've seen urali caliban Jaya stylax and varuna all added into the mix as well as changes to many other warframes farms and requirements last time I skipped over warframes that you purchased rather than directly Farm like lavas and Zephyr but I want to make this video much more comprehensive to that end I've given every Warframe a star rating to indicate just how long it'll take to get them this is a combination of how advanced in the game you need to be to even begin to reliably Farm their parts as well as how long it'll take to actually obtain the parts how much extra grinding you can expect to do for the resources to build them and even any soft locks the game imposes on you preventing you from making any progress until the game says otherwise in total then the higher the star rating the more overall time and effort you'll spend before getting your hands on that Warframe unless you've either Platinum of course oh and just a note as I'm calling out every single Warframe there will be some minor progression based spoilers in the later parts of this video so brand new players you've been warned without any further Ado let's start with the lowest tier of gameplay the very early game I'm defining very early game as basic star chart progression all the way up to Europa with Missions at most around level 20ish many new players will experience a bit of a shock on Saturn after dealing with the Corpus for two planets so that's why I'm drawing the line there for this very early game it's zero stars for progression required as you basically don't need any in fact for the very first frames you can get some are almost freely available almost by joining an established Clan you'll be able to replicate the blueprints for Banshee Leisure Vault Wukong and Zephyr with no specific farming needed to get those blueprints just the credit cost it costs 80 000 credits to replicate the blueprint for just one of these warframes which isn't nothing for a brand new player but it's still positively tiny overall there's no real soft lock on accessing These Blueprints aside from constructing a clan Dojo key which you should be doing anyway meaning the only real grind time is getting the resources to build these warframes veterans May scoff the idea of farming 400 plastids or a single neural sensor but for a new player it's unavoidable effort they need to do because of that I'll rate all five of these warframes one star for their Grind Time in order to actually pay for them outside of the clan Dojo there are a selection of very early game warframes you can obtain through normal missions on the easier half of the star chart all seven of Excalibur Frost mag necross Nova Rhino and valkyr can be obtained from assassination missions scattered across those early planets unlike the dojo frames you need to go out of your way to run the specific assassination mission multiple times over to get the parts you need for most of everyone this will only be 5 runs of a given assassination to get all of the parts and so long as you have decent gear or Allies have a similar level joining your squad those missions are quick to run as well for that mission time I'm rating it only half a star this is RNG bass though so fidrons will not be enough for over 40 percent of players with 1 in 25 players needing more than 13 runs to finish off one of these Warframe sets while one in a thousand players can need more than 28 runs necross is slightly more forgiving out of these seven but only to the point that The Unlucky One in a thousand would need just 20 plus runs not necessarily 28 plus runs once again being very early game frames means I wouldn't expect the newest players to just have the resources on hand for every single frame straight away so on top of the half star to get the parts blueprint I'm adding one star to the rating to get all the resources as well even if you already have all the resources you need that just means you're already Beyond being a one star tenno so you've done your time you've done the grind vauben is another very early game frame to acquire but he's not from any specific Mission instead his parts are purchased from Nora Knight in the nightwave shop night wave is effectively warframe's answer to a battle pass except it's 100 free with no premium option and front loads the very first level of the pass with 150 night wave creds not to be confused with ordinary credits vorman's Parts only require 75 credits which means you just need to reach the first level and then you can pick up the vauben pieces just like that and the main blueprint from the market for credits for that reason I'm putting it down as half a star growing time a newer player can expect to have to put in some effort to actually get that first night wave level due to not having the requirements for many challenges so early on and once again one staff for resource Gathering puts vorman at one and a half stars to farm in the very early game you'll also come across two quests which unlock warframes for you too the quest the limbo theorem pops up when you clear the Europa Junction the quest itself is technically optional although limbo is a powerful if unusual Warframe so it's definitely worth doing given the quest is specifically to get limbo awarding all three parts I'm adding one star for the time spent doing that Quest and once to offer the time spent to get the resources to build him as a very new player this makes it two stars to get Limbo with its main blueprint again just in the market for credits the other very early Game Quest actually pops up a bit sooner if you want to and that's the Wave Rider quest which becomes available after completing the voxelaris quest on Venus The Wave Rider unlocks the Israeli main blueprint while the parts blueprints for you ready can be replicated in an established Clans dojo in The Bash lab just like limbos this Quest is optional and entirely to get urali so that's one star for the quest and then one star for the resource grind to ELD her finally to wrap up the very early game warframes we have our very first soft lock Warframe NYX NYX is also found from assassinations like many of the other very early game frames but you won't find her Farm in a fixed or permanent location she is farmed from the forehead assassination a mission which is only available when the game randomly and temporarily spawns an invasion on an assassination mode these assassinations are pretty common and while they're active you can run the mission as much as you need to in order to get the full set of Nick's parts aside from this assassination sometimes not being available nix's Farm is otherwise identical to the other assassination frames including having a main blueprint in the market for credits she'll typically take up to five runs to get a complete set and the forward is actually pretty quick to kill still about 1 in 25 players will need more than 13 runs and again 100 000 players will need more than 28 runs to get a complete set of Nicks so in terms of total rating in that's half a star for the typical Mission time one star for the soft lock that can happen if the game just doesn't give you the option to farm her when you want to and one star for the resource grind for a very new player to actually be able to build her this means for the last of the very early game frames she sits at two and a half Stars before we move up at here I just want to be clear to any new players watching very early game doesn't mean very weak frames every single Warframe I've mentioned so far is capable with some of them being the absolute best picks for the variety of content you can very easily play the entire game without issue with just these very early game warframes I'm only calling them very early game based on when you can get them having completed enough of Europa we're pushing up a tier into Saturn and Beyond entering the early game yeah that's right we're going from very early to just early game it's still only the basic star chart after all on Saturn and Neptune are too simple enough assassination missions which once again give out Warfare frame Parts this time for Ember and Loki back on earth a similar assassination also opens up rewarding hydroid I've lumped in the vahec assassination on Earth here because the difficulty of that mission is definitely Beyond most very early game players all three of these missions drop the component parts just like early assassinations meaning most players will only need to run five short runs and they're really unlucky maybe a couple dozen runs so long as you're appropriately geared you can Farm each set in a well under an hour and probably under half an hour so for these three frames I'm scoring them one star from being early game tier half a star for the actual Mission time and half a star for the resource grind as an early game player May well still need to pick up a few resources here or there to finish their construction at two stars these are still easy to achieve frames as we progress from here more and more steps are required for each new Warframe Mirage and Titania are obtained three quests both of them give you all the parts blueprints in the quest with mirage's main blueprint found in the market for a few credits while Titania's main blueprint is also awarded from her Quest being early game tier we can give both of these warframes one star for that and one star for the quest as well as half a staff the resource requirements to construct those frames otherwise there's no additional farming needed for them I'm still going to keep popping on that half star for build requirements throughout the early game as the newest of you watching will still find gaps in your inventory especially if you speed through these requirements at the end of the star chart is the farm for sarin she's from an assassination mission like many before her but she's also locked behind acquiring judgment points which you get from other missions before you can even tackle her own mission there's no quest in the way and the number of reruns is just like other assassination based frames but that X requirement means she does take a bit longer than Loki or hydroid adding together the tier the runs and the resource costs that pushes her to two and a half Stars Atlas is another assassination based frame but his assassination is locked behind the optional Quest the jawdus precept it's optional because you don't need it for any other progression other than unlocking Atlas so we'll count that against his farm atlas's farm also involves an arc Wing section which is a struggle if you're using an improperly modded Star to Arch gun the imperator my advice don't do that grab pretty much any different Arch gun slap on rubida line barrel and a couple mods to make the damage corrosive all of that is really easy to achieve and makes this Mission frankly very easy to run so assuming you're not being silly about this farm that means we've got one star for the tier one star for the quest half a star for the actual farm and then half a star for the resource grind to build at least afterwards this makes Atlas our first three star Farm as a result of the increasing requirements speaking of requirements we can also pop back to Earth to look at Gara gara's also got an Associated quest in science vigil as it Awards her main blueprint however that Quest is necessary for other parts of the game so I won't really count against Gara her Parts blueprints are the bigger hurdle Gara is farmed from Tier 1 2 and 3 bounties on The Plains of eidlon the tier 3 being level 20 to 40 missions making it more than a very early game player could handle on top of this the time actually taken to run the bounties can be quite significant with the split drop tables most players will need half a dozen or more of these bounties to get her full set taking up to an hour for unlucky players this can take a couple hours or even more if you're under geared even once you've got gara's Parts you then need to get hold of the resources many of which are specific to the planes of idlon the Mana you go mining fishing and then crafting the materials so there's a star added on for farming the parts a star for the materials and the staff of the tier making Gara a clear 3 star frame even if everything goes smoothly by the time you're farming these three star frames you'll also have completed the quest the new strange and in a few Junctions afterwards which will give you all of the blueprints for Chroma rather than having his own assassination mission chroma's construction requires parts from other warframes mostly found behind assassinations Emma's neuroptics from Saturn Frost chassis from Sarah's and sarin systems from sedna on top of the Vault near Optics from your clan Dojo individually these aren't terribly hard to get but the combined time definitely does begin to add up so chroma scores one star for the tier as you need to be able to access sedna and half a star for the time spent on the quest reducing it down a bit because you're still going to do the quest anyway for the star chart add on to this one and a half stars to go ahead and grab all four components from other warframes and then to build those and you can see how chroma becomes a three-star grind on Uranus we find our final three star Warframe which is equinox she's not got a quest lock or anything like that but instead she has a staggering eight pieces to obtain from the assassination mission the mission itself isn't that hard but face it off against the RNG means even the average player will run that mission 20 times over just to get a full set more in 20 players will need twice as many runs with nearly one in a thousand players reaching 70 runs without finishing even if you're running really quickly that's about an hour for the average person and a few hours if you're slower or less lucky for that reason Equinox has one star from the tier one and a half stars from the mission alone and then an extra half a star for the time a player will need to spend to actually build Equinox it's not the worst Farm still early game but it is tedious and at the mercy of RNG now Trinity is far more tedious than Equinox for farming choose again another assassination base frame another one with only three parts so again Trinity is one where most players would only need about five runs to be done with her the problem for Trinity however is twofold the Pluto assassination sees locked behind also requires you to First farm animal nav beacons by farming other Pluto missions then when you get into the assassination it's one of the longer missions when optimized taking about 12 minutes each time you can't just invest in a faster Warframe to speed up the level substantially so Trinity's mission is very much a hurry up and wait assassination as a result of this despite the low cost to build average players can expect to spend over an hour on this farm and The Unlucky a lot more earning Trinity a full two stars for the mission time on top of the one star from Matia and half a star to wrap up the resource cost I'll be honest I can assume that most players attempting a farm have probably put it off long enough to end up having the resources but that's just farming in a different order as we're beginning to exhaust the assassination missions we might get an inbox notification Barrow katira arrives every two weeks and always stocks the blueprint to get started on the quest Sans of anaros as you might expect this Quest rewards you with everything you need to build in Aros I'm putting in ours into the early game tier partly because you need to get enough ducats to actually get the blueprint partly to be able to actually do the quest requirements and then also because you need to access the relay that Barrow is visiting well there are some lower level relays he does visit but it's still a barrier if he visits a higher tier relay and you need Mastery 5 to even start the quest anyway so on top of the one star from the tier to access the quest we can put one star for the soft lock of waiting for Barra to arrive one star for completing the quest itself and then half a star to round off any resource requirements you may still have at the end of the quest to build a panaris fully we're nearly at the end of the early game for farming warframes which leads us to the second to last assassination-based Warframe Mesa just like within ours Mesa is more than just getting the parts have you first have a whole quest to do patient zero once you've done that you then need to get the materials to build keys to unlock access to the fight to actually try to get the mace apart like most assassinations this is typically going to require about five runs which means about five Keys those keys are the mutilist Alan V assassinate keys made using mutilist Allied vid and have coordinates and those coordinates can either be obtained by gambling on some unforgiving Mission drops or you can get them from Invasion rewards while the invasions are the more preferable option they have the same issue as the forehead for farming Knicks in that they're not always available effectively this is a soft lock on farming Mesa unless you slog away at the even worse Farms on damos even when The Invasion pops up and you run it three times this will only give you one coordinate and then only when the invasion is defeated to make this Farm easier you'll want to find other players to share your key with when you Squad up with others only the host's key will be used on starting this Mission reducing the drain on a four-player squad as you can each take turns hosting and using a key otherwise you've got a long road ahead of you I know there are a lot of comments on my previous video about me not giving enough weights this roadblock for Mesa so this is me correcting that mistake all told then that's one star for Macy's tier all the way up on Eris one star for the time spent getting the keys and the quick assassination two stars for the soft locks on Invasion payouts and an extra half star to wrap up the construction cost for building her totaling four and a half stars for Mesa there are not a lot of frames where I'd seriously recommend finding people to help you out but this is definitely one of them breaking away from assassinations one early game frame is instead scattered across the star chart spy missions envirus parts are split up with her systems dropping from spy missions on Mercury to Phobos her chassis on series to Saturn as well as Lua while her neurotics and Main blueprint come from the spy missions on Uranus or later planets there's no specific Quest you have to do but no crazy requirements or soft locks but having her part split up on different spy missions means you'll definitely be running more than a few the average player will need to run over 40 missions with even moderately unlucky players having to do over 100 spy missions because of the number of missions you'll require farming up a spy frame like Wukong or Loki first is highly advisable to make these as quick as possible because of the number of missions this will take this gives avara a full three stars for Mission time on top of one star from the tier and the resource cost half a star bringing her total to four and a half stars to grind out and then our final frame of the early game is Octavia she's locked behind her own optional Quest Octavius Anthem but this Quest doesn't give you any of the parts blueprints to build her instead one part can be obtained by doing the common music puzzle on lure another by finding caches under his exterminate Mission and then the big grind is getting hernia Optics that part is locked behind rotation C of Survivor on Deimos meaning you need to spend 20 minutes surviving there for a chance again in the part you need if it doesn't drop there is no pity system you've just got to do it again so taking into account the tier of play the quest the mission Farm time and the significantly higher resource cost than every other frame so far at this tier this racks up five stars of grind for Octavia swallow Octavia is only early game in terms of difficulty the grind for her is very real and so we Mark our entry into the mid game mid gameplay unlocks a rail Jack NECA making operator but doesn't include doing the quest the new war and otherwise represents players who've not yet reached the higher levels of intrinsics or faction grinds having reached this tier the first frame we can talk about is Lavos on the surface he seems to have relatively General requirements only needing Rank 3 with The entrati Syndicate and then you just buy his blueprints from them for standing sure you also need to pick up a couple mining blueprints but that's again just a little bit more standing in mining time but sealed away in the requirements to build him is 2 000 titanium and not tiny amounts of other resources to get titanium you need to do rail Jack and what you can get into rail Jack missions without a rail Jack yourself technically that's been carried by a high level player which I want to avoid in this overview for that reason I'm putting levels into the mid game giving him two stars for being a mid game frame along with one star for the standing Tobias component parts and one star to get the specific resources including the mining ones it's still just a four-star grind but he is a mid-game grind another open world framer marking as mid game is Revenant in order to unlock Revenant you must complete the quest mask of the Revenant which itself requires the war within Quest putting this into the mid game of progression the quest only Awards his main blueprint demanding you to get his pass from tier 3 4 and 5 ceases bounties yourself before or during the quest most players can expect to spend over an hour getting revenant's parts across at least seven bounties run with 1 in 20 players needing over 16 bounties and one in a thousand players needing over 30 bounties to complete the set thankfully the resource requirements are things that by the time you're actively farming Revenant you should already have all of it covered or at most a few minutes to top up this means Remnant is two star for his tier and two stars for the quest and Bounty grind make him also a four-star grind in the mid game looking inside a rail Jack the earlier stages of that gives you access to Oberon he's locked behind running Grenier rail Jack missions on Earth and Saturn Proxima only demanding level 3 intrinsics to be able to start the missions but also a decent bit of gear to survive them compared to the star chart its systems and neuroptics are earned from Earth Proxima by completing Grenier points of interest like disabling the pulse turbine chassis on the other hand is from doing the same thing but on Saturn Proxima having simulated this farm with four minute Mission times which is plenty doable half of everyone can Farm a Pokemon's Parts within 22 missions taking about one and a half hours around 1 in 20 people will need over 50 missions and one in a thousand people over 90 of these railroad missions for this reason I'm scoring him two stars for tier and two stars for The Grind Time his Resource gas on the other hand are laughably low as Oberon used to be accessible much earlier in the game years ago so by the time you're farming Oberon you should definitely be able to build him without any concern coming back to the normal star chart progressing into the mid game of quests also opens up the final assassination mission the Roper low list this funky boss fight notorious more for its bugs than its actual mechanics is the source of wisp unlike the other assassinated missions this one Awards not only wisps Parts but also her main blueprint meaning you'll need extra runs of this mission to complete the set you will also find yourself in need of at least a semi-decent amp if you don't want to be spending forever in the mission all till then that's typically up to seven runs for most players to finish a set with 1 in 20 needing over 16 runs or one in a thousand players needing over 30 runs well for more advanced players this can be a quick fight I'm rating the Roper Lotus at two stars for the tier and one and a half stars for the mission time on top of this WIS demands a large amount of hexanon and oxium to construct from my recent survey of players the vast majority of those who could Farm up wisp but have yet to get her do not have these resources on hand adding an extra star for that resource grind bringing wisp up to four and a half Stars swinging back to Venus I've so far not mentioned Garuda her main blueprint you get really early on by doing the voxelaris quest and her parts are only locked behind tier one to three bounties on the orb Ballas that said those enemies tend to punch above their level in the first place not only that even when you've got garuda's Parts you'll then met with some exotic build requirements compared to how early the quest is 3500 cuva 6 toroids and gems taking you as far as Rank 4 with the Solaris United to obtain the crafting blueprint individually the these could be skirted around but all combined it'll be unfair to call her requirements early game in total this gives us two stars for the tier one star for the actual Parts grind with the average person only needing to run five mounties and then two stars for the resource grind to actually get her belt all combined gruda sits solidly at five stars our next two warframes also come online in the mid game on other parts of the star chart Harrow's main blueprint is locked behind the chains of power request while nidus's main blueprint is locked behind the glass Gambit Quest both of which take place after the war Within the Harrow his pieces are scattered with neuroptics available from couver Spy or rotation C of Cuba survival his systems from rotation B and C of defection or again rotation C of cougar survival and his chassis well you already have a chassis doing defection and spy will take the average player 15 missions for about two hours of mission time while doing Cuba survival for the parts we'll take 10 rotation C's on average which is over 3 hours asphenidus his parts are farmed solely from the infested Salvage mission on Eris with all three parts only available on rotation C typically taking about 12 minutes to get there this means for an average player it will take 11 rounds or over 2 hours to get all nighter spots for both nidus and Harrow 1 in 20 people will be looking at over 5 hours of efficient farming so all told these two frames have two star requirements to access and three stars for their mission times all told then nidus and Harrow are 5 Star grinds but the rating doesn't stop at 5 Stars dotted around the star charts are a few missions which punch well above their level mostly being the disruption missions Gauss is farmed from one of the highest of these disruption missions found on sedna well it's technically accessible without having to do the war within no early game player is going to handle that mission gracefully making this at least a mid-game farm the parts for girls drop from rotation C though that reward table is much more accessible than with most endless Mission types for this then the typical player would need 20 rotation C rounds to get a complete gal set which is not even two hours of your quick at running though again our unlucky 1 in 20 will need over 50 runs or over 100 runs for one in a thousand players even once you get his part gauss's build requirements include gems from Rank 4 of both Solaris United and the austrons adding even more time to get the materials and the ability to craft them you could skip this last bit by trading for the gems from other players but that's once again being carried by someone further into the game so not accounting for that option then this is a two-star progression requirement a two-star mission time for farming and a two-standing man for resources that you'll need to go out of your way to sort out Gauss takes all the boxes for our first six star grind on a similar vein is a Warframe whose main blueprint becomes available far earlier than shouldn't be reasonably constructed and that is protea the quest the deadlock protocol is an early Game Quest but running the grandom voice ghetto parts isn't so easily embarked on not only that protease build requirements include carbides cubic diodes and titanium which you're only going to get in worthwhile quantities through rail Jack missions within the ground void each proteopart has a one in nine drop chance but each of them are from a different tier of gram void meaning that even an average look player will need 24 Grand and voids to get everything and that's already a couple hours of farming one in 20 players will need over 55 runs and the unmitigated RNG just gets even sillier beyond that so we have a combination of a mid game set of requirements for two stars a clear 3 star Mission grind and an extra one star to gather resources you need once you've got to that tier unrating protea as a six star grind just like Gauss this leaves us with one final Warframe before you progress into the late game of warframe's progression system you can actually unlock the ability to begin farming this one a little bit earlier on but the efficiency demands to reach rotation C really hold this one back to being a mid-game farm this Frame I'm talking about is Cora farmed from Sanctuary Onslaught she's a legendary Farm not only to get apart which is an ordeal in itself but also because she requires convert genetic codes ignoring byronym for platinum those codes drop only 25 of the time from scanning live combats on damos missions in the oracan Terra Lake tile set the only saving grace to get Angora is that Sanctuary on slot is desirable for reasons other than farming her part meaning a lot of players do kind of end up having many other pieces if not a whole set still farming from zero will take a typical player just over 5 hours with one in 20 players needing to do around 13 hours of sanctuary Onslaught just to get those parts this is due to the fact that while her parts are split over rotations a b and c she's got two blueprints on rotation C yet only one of them are rotation a Cora is a serious grain scoring two stars for the progression to actually be capable of farming her yourself 4 stars for the mission time and two stars for the additional resource Grind On Top meaning core of rounds off the top of the mid game frames at an eye watering 8 stars of grind yeah she's a beast so now we can talk about the late game warframes just being late game doesn't make them long to farm it just means they either demand complete should have the quest the new war or otherwise have a similar level of progression block on completing the new war and angels of zaraman quest just five more Mission nodes open up and then you've completed the entire star chart granting you access to arbitrations this opens up the farm for Grendel unlike many farms his is mostly not restricted by RNG you need to farm at Vitus Essence from farberations and use that to purchase locators to access Grendel's unique missions these are not the easiest missions as most of your options including mods and operator are disabled however with a solid pick like Lavos or protea all the help of friends on the same grind as you the missions can be handled easily the thing with the locators is just like with Mesa only the host key is consumed for this reason I strongly recommend finding two other people who are farming Grendel and work together to share the load both for Vitus Essence and for the mission itself considering all that then Grendel gets three stars for being a late game farm and two and a half stars for the farm time as it's still 20 minutes of survival 10 waves of defense and 800 cryotic all without your normal gear if you're fully solo you can probably add on an extra star here but for the general case I'm rating Grendel at just five and a half Stars his resource costs are absolutely not a problem for a late game player late game also means starting to refine your gear for various Mission types making high level rail Jack missions achievable this opens up farms for both severgoff and Ash sebagoth is obtained exclusively through void storm missions as a bonus reward for completing them dropping each part 10 of the time for any of Neptune Pluto or Veil voidstorms those missions are not the easiest nor the shortest if you choose the Corpus ones and given the priority objectives you have to do before you even embark on the corporate ship the average player will need to complete 16 void storms to completely Farm sevagoth taking around a couple hours one in 20 players will need over 39 void storms and one in a thousand will be doing over 76 runs Ash's Farm is similar to severoff and indeed farmable simultaneously sometimes by doing Corpus railjack missions such as defense or survival after rotation a or with lower drop rates from volatile or exterminate Ash's systems come from Venus Proxima neuroptics from Neptune Proxima and the chassis from Pluto Proxima at the time my original video on this topic his farm was substantially worse but D have reduced this significantly so the average player farming Ash will need around two and a half hours for his part not the 13 hours he needed before that said it is still quite the chunk of time so for both of these frames then I can rate them three stars just for the progression you need to try to farm them and then three stars for the time they'll take actually doing the missions bringing them both to a six star grind returning to the star chart once more we can head back to Fortuna Fortuna's standing ground is notorious so being able to rank up with voxelaris is something I'm confident at rating late game grind wise in ranking up with them you'll unlock the warframe's barook and hildren of the two Baruch is slightly more forgiving it has all of his blueprints are available for standing from little duck this does mean farming up toroids or number isoplasts in order to actually get his pieces though once you're established into the late game you should be able to do that handily enough such as by facing off against profit taker for 6 000 standing with every kill on top of this however muruk also requires the lower tier toroids to construct in addition to mining materials that according to my survey most players able and in need of farming Brook simply do not have a stockpile of so with three stars for the late game tier one star for some reasonably quick profit taker runs and then two stars to go out of your way to get the resources needed The Rook sits squarely at six stars of grind children's main blueprint also comes from little duck again a standing in ranked Demand with voxelarus however Hilton's components are arguably worse all three pieces drop from the boss fight against the exploiter orb on the orb vallis this fight is an experience in itself to put it gently but at least it follows the same drop rates as normal assassination missions requiring most players to only do a few runs to get all the parts well that would be true if it weren't for the build requirements building hildren requires six lazulite Tories which without boost only drop one at a time from the exploiter Rob meaning you will have to fight it at least six times to build hildren anyway as a result this will take about one to one and a half hours for the average player this is on top of the standing with little duck and a handful of other resources just to push it that little bit further the exploit orb also requires a key of source to access you can only start the fight by having someone in the squad spend one a diluted thermia and the only source of diluted thermia is from thermia fractures event which only appears from time to time if it's not active you can't get thermia and therefore you either rely on someone else who did do it or you just can't farm hildren this means we've got three stars for the tier one and a half stars for the mission time one star for the extra resource grinds overall and then one star for the soft lock from the thermia fractures event all considered hildren is a six and a half star grind now at first glance you'd be forgiven for thinking only those two frames were tied up in late game Fortuna there's actually a third frame for an entirely different planet I'm talking about the broken Warframe zaku their components are farmed from tier 2 4 and 5 bounties on damos which itself is both a challenge for mid-game players and a grind of over an hour for some with average luck most people need to run eight bounties with again 1 in 20 people needing over 17 bounties or one in a thousand players needing over 31 bounties but the parts are just the start of their grind zaku requires scintillant a somewhat painful demos resource on top of gems and oars and other assorted bits from the open world Zaki requires Escher Devar and breath of the eidlon from The Plains of eidlon though that's not too terrible to get late game but then zaku also requires gyromag systems which themselves require reaching rank 5 with the Solaris United and farming them from profit taker bounties this means that zaku is pushed into the late game overall for three stars on progression one and a half stars for the mission time to get their part and a further two stars to get the materials they need totaling six and a half Stars worth of effort you get more recent warframes managed to take this even further though after completing the angels of Zara man you'll unlock the ability to farm up Jaya from the various bounties on the zaraman I covered this in more detail in the video on how long it takes to get everything on this Iron Man but the basic gist is that your fastest Mission time will come from cherry picking the exterminary bounties you will need to do tier 1 bounties for Giants neuroptics tier 2 for chassis tier 3 for systems and then either tier 4 or 5 in the main blueprint Jaya also requires resources unique to the xyreman missions but it turns out that so long as you're somewhat reasonably looting the map as you go like using an AOE weapon or Carrier most players should cross the resource requirements off before getting a full set of gyre so that's not as much of a concern the average player focused on exterminate bounties will get a full set of gyre in just over two hours of mission time at an efficient Pace but if we're being fair about this you can't rely on the extremely bounty to always be the right Bounty for you because of this you either run a slower Bounty or you take a self-inflicted soft lock on waiting for a better bounty to roll around because of this I'm rating Jaya 3 stars for the late game mission three stars for the actual Mission time and an extra one star for the choice of an even longer Mission or self-imposed soft lock this means Jaya sits at Seven Stars for the grind also available after Angel to zerman is varuna you can find varuna's parts in the mid game if you're stubbed enough as that's when the conjunction survival missions become available on lure however varuna's build requirements include void gel orbs which are only obtainable in the game on zaraman even setting that aside varuna's Farm may be a fair one in terms of having a pity system but she's still going to take no small amount of mission time due to her Parts being locked behind either rotation C or the conjunction survival Mission or otherwise gathering enough lower thrax plasm to buy her parts and again you can only do that on the Iron Man so most players will need over three hours to farm varuna including the Lewis racks plasm after getting those blueprints you then need to get the other resources which includes 20 somatic fibers a grind in itself taking that into account that's three stars are being a late game farm three stars for the time spent just getting the part and a further two stars just to finish getting the resources you need rating varuna as an eight star Farm in total matching the rate I have given to Cora but there are two yet higher rated warframes than that left to go completing the new war opens up Nama bounties on the plains of Ireland in the old valleys and these are the sole source of Parts blueprints for caliban unlike other Bounty based frames however you cannot get all of caliban's parts at any given time each one of them is on its own drop table and the Bounty drop tables change every two and a half hours meaning if you get the timing just wrong it can be five hours before the caliban part you need is back in rotation to get even when you do run a bounty you have a 26.2 chance of getting a caliban part during the Bounty or 31.7 if you do all bonus objectives which is quite far from guaranteed just getting the parts will take the average player nearly two hours of mission time on top of this Caravan also requires more Nama isoblasts Than You'll received just getting the blueprints in addition to this caliber needs anomaly shards which only drop from the sentient anomaly found in grineer Veil rail Jack missions pretty much the exact opposite side of the game from the open world bounties based on my survey of players not even counting the narm Riser plus less than one in seven people having reached the point of needing to and being able to farm caliban actually have the other resources on hand to build them as soon as they get the parts so for caliban this means three stars for the late game tier two stars for the mission time for parts two stars for the extra resources to farm and I'm adding on two stars for the soft lock that the bounties can just not be available I think I'm fair in assessing caliban as a Nine Star farm and so finally then after all else is said and done once you've completed the veil breaker Quest we find ourselves looking at the process needed to get stymax the quest doesn't give you any part of him as all four of his blueprints are locked behind completing the Karl missions for stock each car Mission pays out a maximum of 105 stock if you do every Challenge and completing the mission for the week will also rank up Carl's Garrison once to a Max of five over the course of four weeks as steinx requires rank 5 for you to buy the main blueprint that's a three week soft lock already built in but you can only begin after the veil breaker Quest the total cost of cynax's blueprints is 270 stock meaning you could get him straight away upon completing the fourth car Mission though this comes at the cost of not being able to pick up the Arca mods or other weapons blueprints available with Carl it's your choice either delay steinx or delay something else once you've got the blueprint you still need to build stylax he needs in charity lamp thorns thrax plasm and void plume quills from the xyerman he needs star crimson and radiant centerum from cetus he needs hesper Sim alloy from Fortuna and Purge dagonic from the cambian drift so that is a late game farm for three stars two stars for the time spent on car missions three stars on the three-week soft lock and then two more stars for the extra resource Grind On Top across all of the open worlds it's no surprise that D handed out stynax for free for a while on release because this Warframe ends up being the only Warframe on the entire roster that I would rate a full 10 stars for the time it takes to get him the only saving grace is that he's at least not locked behind any real RNG but this just means that everyone's got the same delay to deal with in fact I go so far as to say if an experienced player started a new account they could Farm up every other Warframe in the time it takes steinx to become an option and that my esteem tenno is the frame that takes the longest to farm as we enter 2023 I hope this gives you a very comprehensive look into what every Warframe takes to get including the wider factors beyond just getting the individual blueprints in any case that's all from me for now though so as always gather resources Farm frames and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 707,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, farm, grind
Id: YgN1PVxegIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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