Contagious Bond is so strong it CRASHES | Warframe

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of the variety of bond mods added for companions contagious bond is one that requires your companion to secure kills while this might sound like an exercise in futility I'm here to tell you that your companion can solo a steel path survival Mission thanks to this mod and quite handily so there's some setup involved so we'll get right to it I'm the engineer ah yeah I should probably mention this could be so effective that my game nearly crashed multiple times over probably something to do with 10,000 heat procs and nearly 2,000 electric procs buckle up tenno I'm the engineer let's off a practical problem you can obtain a bomb mods from the three conservation vendors in the open world hubs of cetus fortuna and the necis contagious bond is from Sun in the necis requiring 20,000 standing and rank three with The inti Syndicate it is equipable to any companion almost without restriction rtion there's also basically no restriction un supporting me on patreon either to help bring more guides to you so sign up with the link in the description for even more benefits the basic functionality contagious bond is simple when your companion kills an enemy the status prox on enemy get hared and then spread to All Enemies within 9 m 9 m is not a very big range but still wide enough to have some effect for reference sake here is an Octavia casting Mallet with a 9 M radius if my companion killed an enemy right now in the center of this puling beat that ring is how far the status would spread and there are no mods to increase that range in some ways this is similar to the mecca set a somewhat quirky set which I previously covered as a means to turn your Kubo into a nuke all of which still works by the way however unlike the mecca set there is no cool down on contagious Bond every time it's triggered all the status effects on the target regardless of source are halfed and spread in the full radius even through walls and other terrain the Restriction instead said is that your companion has to kill the enemy I don't know if you've noticed but most companions are pretty bad at killing you might buff a Kat quite highly with armor stripping crit mods damage mods and more to try and make it do some work but it'll still be limited by Target management low Bas stats and giving up all those mod slots preventing you using other companion features however there is one means of companion damage which is reliable buffable and reasonably lethal even onto the steel path I'm talking about my fav Sentinel weapon the verglas the verglas is basically the tenno weapon the galaxian but strapped onto a sentinel it has the same base stats in almost every regard the galatic is not an award-winning weapon but it sure beats out every other bit of the competition by a nautical mile what's more you mod the damage stats on the verglas independently of modding a sentinel giving us much more room for improvement I ran some test steel path missions on Draco seras using Rhino a primer epit Cronin Prime and ver vlass to see how effective the Sentinel can be with verglas removed 99% of the kills were melee from Cronin Prime with verglas equipped but no contagious Bond around 12% of the kills were caused by verglas going further with contagious Bond added into the mix this Rose to an average of 27% of the kills coming from my companion clearly the B is getting some work done but in doing these test I noticed something truly amazing there was a Cascade effect going off when enough enemies clustered up in the companion killed one the state is spread throughout the group of them when the next one dies to the companion the state is spread again throughout the group this repeats a few times over until the state of spreading reaches completely lethal from that point on so long as another enemy is within 9 M of an affected enemy the effect would keep on spreading as it's the companion doing the killing only now it's via contagious Bond alone rather than verglas this leads to the thinking how necess necessary are the Warframe kills from the clip at the start you can probably guess the answer not necessary at all so long as the companion is suitably strong we can let the Sentinel do everything so let's start stacking some Buffs we'll start with verglas itself it's an innate cold low critical weapon so we can Shore up its stats with a heat viral modding alongside damage fire rate and multishot a bane mod is also a very big deal because status damage double dips the effect and that's precisely what we want more damaging status effects modded like this we have a lot of both heat and viral procs with an overwhelming 22.8 shots per second while you could use unranked Ry rounds malignum Force to reduce the viral component and increase the chance of a proc being Heat doing so actually reduces the status Chance by a greater extent and just makes the weapon worse stick to this morning here verglas is simple to mod the next bit is setting up our Warframe you can choose from a variety of options for buffing purposes but my go-to choice is Rhino the reason being is it's easy to get him to an absurd amount of strength owing to his tank being based on iron skin rather than some normal hit point method duration is important to keeping Buffs up as long as possible making it our second most buff stat preparation is crucial for being able to cast everything at the start of a mission before all the energy you'll ever need comes rolling in if you have Amber Aron shards to spare use those for starting energy and replace preparation with your choice of Orga Secrets or an additional former and transient fortitude mol augmented further adds to the strength while Arcane steadfast can provide free cast to reduce energy demand in awkward situations you can apply further strength how you please in typical ways such as helmet configurations operator strength Buffs or even a nidus tenos spectre you'll probably find the modded strength is sufficient though for subsume I've replaced rhino charge with thermal Sunder in addition to the thermal transfer orbment this means we can can apply both a high strength raw for faction damage buff and a high strength thermal transfer for a heat damage buff both of which buff are Sentinels output substantially so we've got an autot turet galacon firing heat viral with high heat bonuses stacked up enough to take out just about anything that isn't status resistant now we finally need to pick the right Sentinel for the job most of them are unhelpful oxus being able to scam plans or Carrier giving us extra ammo for our own guns it's just not doing anything useful even worm with it High Shields is unimportant to this particular setup no to get the most out of contagious Bond we need to return to the source of the verglas weapon and use Nautilus Nautilus has this unique mod called Cordon typically it's not that amazing grouping up enemies without restraining them in a strong but intermittent fashion it's like a weaker version of koras in snare however grouping of enemies is crucial for us now as it puts more enemies into that small 9 M radius for spreading the contagious Bond effect what's more we can combine it with additional Bond mods the momentous Bond mod will grant 120% of a random Elemental type to our companion's weapon for 30 seconds after an xmus unit is killed the xmus can be killed by us or our companion meaning nus can self-buff its own Weapon by killing one eximus unit at 120% the bonus isn't shabby but much more useful is the random Elemental effect with 10 different Elemental effects to choose from it has an 80% chance of gaining a damage type not already on the verglas bringing it up to three status types while blast Brock is effectively useless to us at this time that extra stus type or any other would open up the effect of another Bond mod manifold Bond manifold Bond applies your companion's weapon damage types as status effects to its damaging abilities unfortunately nus doesn't have damaging abilities that's not the plan though the second effect is that killing enemies with three or more status effects on them reduces the cool down of companion abilities Nautilus killing an enemy with either verglas or contagious Bond counts for you killing an enemy and naus has three or more status types thanks to killing an xmus unit that's now repeatedly reducing the cool down on Cordon allowing nus to frequently group up new enemies as the old ones are emulated you could use a different subsumed ability of rhino namely overon Smite with Smite infusion to have three status effects immediately but I prefer to have the higher heat bonus rather than high radiation effect you can help nto long in the earlier parts of a mission by using a primal weapon like the Epitaph to create those extra procs further at all this should Nautilus get down a single exus kill in combination with momentus Bond and Prime regen we'll see naus return in just 7 Seconds two exus kills and it'll instantly revive I've had nto hit a pair of exus hard enough that they'll burn to death nus was killed and then it basically self- revived itself as the status procs killed both exus a moment later being a sentinel nus also has access to fired up this mod increases the heat damage of its weapon so long as it fires it's only 5% per hit stacking to 100% Max bonus but then we have a fire rate of over 20 meaning this bonus is maxed out in less than a second of firing after that you'd have to actively avoid enemies to lose the bonus only to recover in a second of firing anyway the remaining Nautilus mods are a health bonus vacuum assault mode to actually fire and guardian as a protective mod in case you zone out a little too much and react too slowly to iron skin running out so our Sentinel super weapon has status Overkill triple sacking heat Buffs double sacking faction Buffs rapid Gordons and has near enough learned how to self-revive Via xmus unit kills bringing this into a mission with a high enemy density we get a monstrous output with this contagious Cascade followed by Karma moment as na to sets of the next one now this does have some downsides to to it one you need High enemy density to pull this off low density means no Cascade effect two your companion needs to be getting kills if anyone else even you gets kills then the effect never triggers three if enough enemies are caught in the Cascade Warframe starts to struggle to comprehend the scale of our destruction frequently I found that when enemies really Bunch up the game begins to C or hang as the effect spreads the one point SL mean with a 45 second freeze the game eventually caught up to what happened but not without losing a lot of survival life support in the process as the timer kept ticking this seems to happen when around 10,000 status blocks are applied which is actually quite common with this build think about it if 10 enemies are in a group and one of them has 40 procs on them that one dying will spread 20 to everyone nearby adding 40 procs to the next one and killing it will spread another 30 procs to everyone else bringing them up to 50 nothing amazing yet but now those 50 procs are enough to kill all eight of those enemies perish and each hand out 25 procs to anything still alive which will be eight lots of 25 for 200 procs in that time if another group of 10 enemies are Dragged In that's 10 new enemies with 200 procs on them they all die in a second and spread 100 procs each to anything nearby those new nearby enemies now have 1,000 procs on them and so the cas continues to scale however many enemies are in the next wave of the Cascade the procs increase by half that amount and we have ourselves an explosion of power oh and when I say it spreads every second that's only true for heat Toxin and slash blocks gas is capped at 10 so mostly just messes up your view but electric can scale infinitely and hits immediately on being applied that means with electric in the mix we can spread thousands of electric procs to every enemy in range instantly which is probably where the game completely gives up while we should probably consider crashing the game a bug I sincerely hope de don't try to fix this by nerfing contagious bond for a final downside while your companion getting kills is all fine and dandy if you do not kill any enemies yourself then acolytes will not spawn it's easy enough to work around though Focus killing a couple enemies yourself every now and then especially enemies with explosive weapons like bombards and nap arms do that and Aces will still spawn this has the double benefit of keeping your companion Alive by avoiding AOE damage and keeping the flow of Steel Essence and arcanes into your pocket in normal circumstances contagious bond is an underwhelming mod due to requiring companion kills having a small range and only spreading half the active stateus effects however by leaning into it and make your companion steel path ready you can solo steel path survival missions even against the heavily armored grineer without ever having to fire a shot if you love achieving ludicrous power through ridiculous means show your support overun patreon for as little as a couple quid a month the link for that is in the video description that's all for me for now though so as always buff lasers spread nukes and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 96,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, contagious bond, nautillus, verglas, nautilus, bond mods, kengineer, guide, build, broken, crash
Id: ojGQgFwI1hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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