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I want you to know the life you are facing and the challenges you are facing in your life they need to be confronted by a warrior and I want to begin by announcing to you you are a warrior you are a fighter I will come in each one of you to our miracle Monday service every Monday is a miracle Monday welcome to the arena of miracles your life will never be the same again this month of February the Lord spoke to me with clarity and he said it is the month for war again messed up on problems I am anointed by God in this miracle Mondays so tell with your stubborn problems hallelujah friend we are declaring whoa I can't stop on problem somebody say Amen father I decrease that you may increase Lord I decrease Jehovah I disappeared that you may appear let this be a word of direction a word of revelation a word of confirmation speak to us thank you for the thousands of people that are joining us from around the world from the continent of Europe from America South America Australia from the Middle East in Saudi Arabia in Oman in Qatar in Dubai father those that are joining us all over Africa from North Africa South Africa Central Africa and all over the world I declare distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit for the move by your spirit and by your power in Jesus mighty name amen Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 and Exodus chapter 15 and verse 3 aha watch this now a scripture that we all know and from the days of John the Baptist until now 20:19 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of miracle Monday that kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force alright let's read Exodus 15:3 the Lord can we read together the Lord is a man of war come on read it again the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name now listen to me as I begin to let the foundation concerning war again estaban problem the Lord spoke to my heart and he said there is time to declare war against upon problem if there were no words to fight then the Lord would not be described as a man of war and if the Lord is a man of war then as his children we are also supposed to be children of war and from Matthew 11:12 the Bible says from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent shall take it by force this one helps me to understand that Deborah does not understand the language of diplomacy but that Deborah understands the language of violence and the language of war and I am here to show you how to engage in war and how to engage in warfare with the temper to fight for what is yours this month of February we are declaring enough is enough we are fighting for our nation we are fighting for our families we are fighting for our callings we are fighting for our husbands we are fighting for our wives we are fighting for our children we are fighting for our pessimism we are fighting for our businesses we are fighting for our careers we are fighting for our promotional touch three people tell them five touch three people tell them fight right fights tell your neighbor fight rabbika dashka I came to tell you there are many blessings with your name on it in 2019 but they will not come on a silver platter you need to fight for what God has ordained for you what God has ordained for you we'll take a fight the Bible says the Lord is a man of war and I've told you if there was no war there was no point of calling the Lord a man of war I want you to know the life you are facing and the challenges you are facing in your life they need to be confronted by a warrior and I want to begin by announcing to you you are a warrior you are a fighter look at your neighbor's a neighbor I am a fighter you are sitting next to a fighter and a survivor tell your neighbor neighbor I have fought many battles tell your neighbor I'm a survivor come on give two people a high-five and tell them I'm a survivor if some people went through what you went through they would have died that is why I'm calling you a survivor if what you have gone through some people are told to go through it they would not come out alive they were dying in the storm they would die in the fire they would die in the affliction but you went through the fire you went through the sponsor you went through the water but you survived because you are a fighter and you are a warrior now I want to equip you hallelujah because you cannot go into battle empty-handed look at your neighbor tell them you cannot go into battle empty-handed now what do you need so that you can be able to fight this fight and this war again Esteban problems I know some of you that are seated here are going through stubborn problems and even some of you are watching me from around the world stubborn problems are problems as I said that have lasted for a long time problems that have defied solution problems that have been long-standing problems that make you take one step forward today and five steps backward tomorrow stop on problems are problems that no matter how hard you pray the problem is still there that problem you see it was there with your mother and father it is with your siblings your brothers and sisters and now you are still in the problem a problem that defies solution we are here to declare war on stubborn problem stop on challenges Alleluia stop on difficulties I declared they are coming to an end in the name of Jesus somebody say Amen now how do we fight against stubborn problem first John chapter 5 and verse and verse 4 for what pepper is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith the first force is the force of violent faith look at your neighbor tell them the force of violent faith hallelujah I want you to know you need to engage the force of violent fate hallelujah if you need to take what is yours you need to engage the force of fire land faith and I'm here to tell you don't just operate on the level of the word of faith you need to graduate this month of February from the word of faith to the gift of faith from the gift of faith to the spirit of faith I decree and declare this month of February we shall open little violet faith in the name of Jesus you our faith is growing to another level touch your neighbor tell them this February my faith is coming to another level this month I'm not praying for the gentle spirit you know you need that gentle spirit to forgive but to take it by force you need fire faith we are going too much into the purpose come and pick what is ours by fine your lamp this month believe God for the impossible Chewbacca Pescara baka - Scott that is the first force violent the first of violent fate hey first the words of the fatigue let's have us eight and was 18 so David inquired of the Lord saying shall i pursue this true shall I overtake them and he answered him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all verse 18 verse 18 so David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away and David rescued his two wives somebody say Amen the second force you need to engage in and this we learned from David is the force of divine direction David asked of the Lord shall I pursue shall i overtake he need that direction on what Purdue and God said pursue overtake you shall recover all you need the force of divine direction don't just do anything anyhow I am praying for you in the name of Jesus various steps will be divinely ordered by the Lord that God will alter your steps and your stops that you will be at the right place at the right time the first of divine direction look at your neighbor tell them the force of divine direction lift your hand and say Oh Lord lift your hand and say Oh Lord dialect and order my steps throughout this year my father my father dialect an autumn I steps in the name of Jesus Oh Lord cut me from making fundamental mistakes in the name of Jesus I never received divine direction selamat woven watch a video MBA divine direction to fight the anyhow tanga took wounds appear Shara or take attained a Kwanza Allah move on the quita one say how do you have a relationship your your tape playing a quail amalgam a coma ah yeah yeah yeah yeah tell about divine direction divine direction you will not invest your money everywhere God will be directing you you will not be doing everything that everybody is doing divine direction and have it inquired of the Lord shall I pass whom shall I overtake hallelujah don't do anything without divine direction I don't want to go where God has not sent me and I pray the prayer this year I said my father my father I don't want to do things as convenient I want to do things as commanded keep me divine direction lift your hand and humble yourself to the Lord somebody say Lord divine direction say Lord I am ready same upon dakota re happening lord I am ready by me this year the force of divine direction ping at the right place at the right time divine direction whatever you are doing divine direction may your spirit be sensitive to God Shabak Atossa number three let's see Genesis chapter 32 and verse 26 the third force and now this is Jacob and he said let me go for the day breaks but he said no this is the angel no this is and he said let me go before the day breaks the angel speaking then Jacob says but he said I will not let you go unless you bless me this is the force of violent prayer then your neighbor the force of violent Preah [Music] can we have James chapter 5 verse 16 be the force of my homeland Priya hey the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much that your neighbor prayer is warfare ah tell aneema prayer is warfare when you pray your prayer goes to God as washed but it goes to the devil as warfare your player is warfare actually repel them pray again I know you've been praying but in 2019 pray again may God sought you in the spirit or prayer McGirt ignite your prayer life with fire Jacob prayed up a violent prayer and this prayer made one man to become a nation in one instant a man became a nation Jacob became Israel rapper cut post because of a final prayer layer hens on one neighbor tell them received the spirit of Prayer receive the spirit of prayer every great move of God in history has been president by violent and aggressive and great prayer receive the spirit of prayer salami Amontillado makoki Amba lucky neon Bettina and I'm praying for you whatever you have prayed for may god answer this year my god turn your prayer requests into praise report in the mighty name of Jesus Oh skyrocket - Cara God owes the fourth force he's second Chronicles 2020 believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established and believe in his prophet and you shall prosper there are problems you will go through that will require a prophetic intervention tell your neighbor their force of prophetic intervention believe must be in two way the Bible says believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established then believe in his prophets and slowly you shall prosper the force of prophetic intervention by a prophet Israel was delivered by our prophet Israel was preserved when God wants to accelerate your destiny he sends a prophet and in time God raises a prophet God raises our prophets to profit you if you don't believe in the prophetic word I carry it can never come to pass in your life you must believe in the Lord your God so that you can be established then be living his prophets so you can prosper hallelujah salami ad Aranya Columbia Tirana prosperity is in the mouth of the Prophet when a prophet appears trouble disappears i decree and declare this year go and prosper I say co-ed prosper I said go and prosper sham Mikado's the fifth one and then we pray sums fifty was fine god damn my sings to me gotta my sense together to me those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice kata Oh Rob Acosta my sings together to me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice let's see someone 2065 those who sow in tears shall reap in joy I read this because sacrifice is not what you give cheerfully sacrifice is not what you give laughing if you give and it does not touch you it is not a sacrifice it is an offering are you listening to me let's see David second samuel chapter 24 verse 24 second some well as I close on this one second samuel chapter 24 and verse 24 aha then the king said to aronia no but I will surely buy it from you for a price no will I offer a burnt offering to the Lord my god that which cost me nothing this is David speaking tell your neighbor I will not give God anything that does not cost me watch this now so David brought the threshing floor and the oxen and they and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver let's continue verse 25 and David builds an altar there to the Lord of and offered burnt offerings and peace offering so the Lord listen to what happened after he gave a sacrifice so the Lord heated the prayers for the land after he gave a sacrifice and the plague was withdrawn from Israel somebody said the force of sacrifice come on touch your neighbor tell them the force of sacrifice offering is what you give cheerfully hallelujah tell your neighbor offering is what you give cheerfully [Music] but sacrifice is what touches you and pains you come on talk to your neighbor for me tell your never sacrifice is what pains you if you give and it does not move you it is not a sacrifice it is an offering sacrifice is something that touches you when you give a sacrifice it will move you and it time you give a sacrifice it moves you but you know the problem with especially our days and our generation we are so much casual with God some of us have been believers and Christians for 10 years 15 years 5 years 7 years but we have never given God a sacrifice in our lives I know the power of sacrifice fire does not fall on empty altar it is always good to give a sacrifice as sacrifice that can speak on your behalf yeah new number T among good Abuna semi Jehovah in limit power Kawika again unaware because you cannot enter into covenant with God without a sacrifice you give God something and you say Jehovah I am giving this on the altar as a sacrifice let it speak for me let it speak for my children let it speak for my business Ilya tankini omona Terry Bhupinder Kawajiri Kenan our gang go at energy rocket Arabic when the coffin yamanba yeah there is an old Panther is speaking for you when they call you an ambulance fire that answer tell your neighbor sacrifice look at your neighbor tell them sacrifice I challenge you 2019 give God a sacrifice the force of sacrifice when you are going through stubborn problems and catch the force of sacrifice everybody stand up on your feet in Jesus as your hands above your head I declare it's a new season receive divine power to rule over every stubborn problem in the name of Jesus any problem our time to destroy you I command it to catch fire hot fire in the mighty name of Jesus every generation of bondage that is causing limitation in your life I command it to catch fire hot fire I command longtime afflictions to catch fire hot fire Rabbitohs Karabakh adesh Karabakh ADO's I declare to that situation that makes you crying that brings you pain I commanded to come to an end in the name of Jesus I declare in authority or avacados you were delivered from that stubborn problem in the name of Jesus met the God in whom I suffer remember you anything that is hindering your destiny I command you to obey destroy anything that is hindering your calling anything that is hindering the salvation of your loved ones I command it to be destroyed and the thing that is hindering your prosperity I command it to be destroyed anything that is hindering your financial breakthrough I command it to be destroyed things are turning around for your good God will disappoint the expectations of the weekend your adversary will not rejoice over you in the name of Jesus sit down for one minute there are some certain prophetic prayers I want to pray for breaking Saban problems but before I get there if you are in this place and you have your tithe you have your partnership I want you to start getting ready for those that are watching the 0-7 1084 21 21 and also it's on screen and for those that are watching me from around the world you can also be able to give via wave by a wild rabbit on the same number that is the 0-7 1084 21 21 height is 10 percent of our income it is holy and it belongs to the Lord anytime you don't give your type I want you to know when you will hold your type anytime you withhold your type you are using what is holy you are using what belongs to the Lord the Lord all only commands you to give a 10 percent so that he can release a blessing on your 90 percent there is power in giving you a tight if you don't tight your things will be tight and you will be able to see this you are working you are working you are working but you have nothing to show because the devour and devour azar eaters of finances one Arabic Asya maica nuyoc oh you are tied is the foundation of prosperity because you are tied is the connection to the protection of your finances Alleluia anytime you give your tight it is in obedience to God's Word you are tight brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity you are tight rebukes that devour it is your tight that opens the heavens and I appreciate God for everyone that gives their tight on the altar of this ministry may God increase you and multiply you may every financial button in your life been lifted may you never lack money may you be anointed for wealth may their pockets never go dry raise them to be house owners and Jesus name lift your hand as you're seated say I received the anointing of a house owner in the name of Jesus this is your ear God will wipe away your tears every door that has been shut by the DEP oh I see it opens everybody lift up your hands you know the Bible says the Bible says there's an open door but there are many adversaries thus saith the Lord God of Israel any adversary against your open doors that adversary shall be destroyed in the name of Jesus Shahla Mikado's Kurama kadesha I declare you shall be well with you you shall be well with you I see you chose that God is opening for you this is your ear Michael my god you are going to walk into the realm of whale you are going to walk into the rim of whale I see the eyes and you thought that God is opening for you that will change your story you will become a point of attraction you will become a reference point of the blessing of God in the name of Jesus POW and itself shall have a somebody pray pray pray pray it is well with you sha Mikado's Karabakh adesh I see open doors favor favor favor Shama cargo stop or you along awaited breakfast God is releasing them in the name of Jesus sha Mikado's repo Kokoschka rebecca desta somebody lift up your hands and begin to receive I declare it is done in the name of Jesus or Ibaka jessica lee McCosker avocados prophetess this year us how will shine this Mia caught villains God will announce you this year this is your year of divine announcement God is launching you into their into new rows of fresh anointing and power God will expose you this year God will expose you to the world your voice will be hard in this generation the Lord is releasing you Chris I see core Arabica Tosca you will be used by God mightily you will be an a prophetess and pepper up in this generation that will move in signs and wonders you will move in signs and wonders you will move in signs and wonders you will move in signs and wonders - perova Tedesco God will confirm your word the Lord says you will not go in the excellency of speech but you will come in the demonstration of power receive it in the name of Jesus somebody lift up your hands I heard a lot say this month of February you will prep through what was impossible before God will turn into possibility I declare this month receive a new dimension of ever new dimension of Chris somebody opened your mouth and said Lord somebody say Lord Lord open a new chapter open a new chapter in my life in my life in my fin my life in my line my finances in my final somebody said I declare I declare every stop on problem every stop is coming to an end is coming to an coming to an is the name of Jesus this February this febrile I will give a testimony I will give a test of what God will do in my life of what God will do in my life one hand on your head say I declare I declare my story my story will be turned to glory will be turned into flight Italy I declare my love - irrelevant ich will be 22 laughter will be to love I declare this man I will break through I will I will break forward I will pray for look at your hands so what I have been looking for what I have been looking is coming into my hands is coming into my what I have been praying for what I have been pretty what I have been crying for what I happen I am receiving it this month I am receiving it lift your hands and I declare high declare this months this man I will be assignment I want I will be assigned an award I declare I will be a sign and I wonder will be a sign and a won my story will change my story will change my life will change my life which I will sing my new song will see a new smile I will dance a dance of celebration we dance a dance of celebration I will shout a shout of joy I will share a shout of joy declare this is my month I declare this is every tenth this month every day this month will be a day of favor it will be a true it will be a day of miracles will be a day of mirror every day of February every day of failure will be a day of open doors will be a day of up and down as you are lifting your hands this month of February I hear the Lord say is our month that God is connecting us to our help us you know some of you because of stubborn problems there is a period that there were hard put between you and your help us but I stand as God saw record anybody up between you and your help us I command it cut fires fire fire fire fire fire fire i speaker scott Scirocco this month of February yes you are help us we look at women I said your help us we look at you God is turning their hearts of your help us to help you in the name of Jesus I overruled every satanic console and agenda yes concerning your destiny hell yes I decree and declare yes anyone that has your blessing yeah anyone that has your money yes anyone that has your job yeah anyone that is meant to help you here I declare they will not rest yeah I think yeah they will not have peace people that you have been calling and they have not been answering yeah this week they will call you yes they bother you have been trying to meet and you could not meet yes I declare this month you will meet them I said this month you will meet them I said this month you will be there we put that one running away from you that are meant to help you yes they will run to you this is connection to your help us somebody lift up your hands are anointed anointing that the trucks help us that attracts help followed me now follow me annoying thing that attracts help us anointing that attracts help follow me now follow me now anointing that provokes open pose I don't think that provokes opens all on me now I declare I declare a struggle is over this trouble is all this tracker is over this struggle is best record is over yes Travel is of salami or to a tattoo and via that struggle is over that struggle is over the struggle is over this job this is my month this is my hardest struggle is over sample is though I announce to you in the name of Jesus that long-standing problem is over I declare it is over I declare it is over Shabak adios [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 106,907
Rating: 4.7469015 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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