20 Young Avengers With Insane Power

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teen superhero groups are a pretty common trope in the comic verse but the mcu is yet to utilize any up-and-coming heroes in their tales that may change real soon young avengers assemble so who are the young avengers well it pretty much says that on the tin young avengers who fight for the cause of justice like their older counterparts they are pretty much marvel's answer to the teen titans but age doesn't mean their power is any less so let's dive into some incredible abilities wielded by these young heroes some names may be surprisingly familiar giving us hope for an mcu appearance someday soon this list is not in any particular order so any interpretations of who is truly the strongest young avenger is still very much up for debate if you think we miss someone please let us know alright i ran out of patience underoos we all know our friendly neighborhood spider-man aka peter parker a classic hero with little intro required most fans know his power set super strength enhanced reflexes wall crawling and some pretty superb fighting skills those traits together pack a punch from giant lizards to vampires to flying millionaires on gliders parker has proved his power time and time again now we know spider-man has never actually been a member of the young avengers in the comics but he gets a special mention for being a potential future member in the mcu peter is a younger member of the avengers team and may prove a great leader for an upcoming team of heroes especially due to his age still being young thanks to the blip peter is a fan favorite and we can be pretty certain and other parents won't make anyone sick of them especially with tom holland's wonderful performance cheers to you parker and thank you spider-man and he'll be right back out to take photos and videos thank you we want a series with spider-man despite her less than heroic status amity hunter aka big zero was indeed a young avenger amity isn't a great role model we expect from a team of teen supers no she's actually a neo-nazi hailing from the microverse amity was recruited by norman osborne due to size-changing abilities being able to reach heights of 100 feet tall big zero can pack a real punch not only is she strong but she has a great level of tech prowess to stack on her skills brain and brawn in one amity now is a member of the young masters a team of villainous youths who originally took the title of young avengers she's not the only one of these dark inclined super powered teens to make this list and her departure from the young avengers is likely for the best since cassie lang shares her power set and fulfills her role a little bit better just don't tell her we said that anyone with their finger on the pulse of the mcu knows a little bit about speed already little tommy maximov from wandavision does indeed grow up to be a hero like his parents though in the comics he is a reborn version of the character called thomas shepard semantics aside speed does what it says on the tin he inherited the same power set as pietro maximoff aka quicksilver the speedster can do everything his uncle can do making him a tough hero to keep up with if you need a reminder of just what this guy can do take a re-watch of evan peters's quicksilver these slo-mo scenes really showcase the versatility and amazing possibilities that a talented speedster can utilize in the blink of an eye prodigy is a little less well known than many of his teammates but that doesn't lessen his power level by any means a mutant and a member of the various divisions of the x-men david aline did a stint with the young avengers for a time prodigy boasts the ability to telepathically absorb and mimic the skills and knowledge from the minds of others who are near him any weaponry any piece of tech any fighting style those he can master in a flash adaptable in any scenario and a living multi-tool prodigy is the person you want around when gathering intel making the job so much easier he's not a mind reader but honestly that's to his advantage no need to sift through thoughts when you can directly download that skill simple efficient and no additional pop-ups cassie lang should be a familiar name to any fan of the ant-man just as her father before her cassie ends up playing around with the pym particles to become the hero's stature just as her family had she can alter her size and strength allowing her to sneak away into any space or become a forceful giant the mcu leaves some huge potential for stature to join a young avengers team she's been around her dad's exploits many times including that fight on her train set in the first ant-man film the littlest lang is no stranger to conflicts of superheroes with the possibilities of the quantum realm cassie may master some incredible powers of time travel as well scott despite all his flaws became a pretty good role model for his daughter so let's give her the chance to show what she's earned no var also known as marvel boy is a cree super soldier having had his dna altered with that of a cockroach cree are already more powerful than the standard human but novar is super by their standards making his power level closer to godly on earth so what exactly did the cockroach jeans give him power wise well we have the super strength agility durability and speed we expect from a super soldier novar gains the extra bonus of wall crawling powers control over his body's growth including his hair and nanobots in his blood that allow him to reroute the sensations of pain also his saliva can cause hallucinations so that's fun a good old mix of weird certainly helps craft a memorable hero and novar is a blast of strange that could certainly shake up the mcu if he was ever given a chance melter is another former young avenger that is now a member of the young masters he's not just any other member though he's often their leader christopher colchess is pretty normal at first glance having more standard abilities when it comes to strength speed and agility whereas true powers lie is in the field of molecular acceleration what does that mean exactly hm simply put he can liquify anything including people speeding up the molecules until they lose their solid form melting or coming apart quite easily that really sounds like a bad way to go rather keep a wide berth from this guy huh but that doesn't really make much of a difference since he doesn't even have to touch them he's been known to melt bullets midair long story short don't mess with the melter just don't you'll thank me later when you're still solid this character was already given mcu-cannon in the falcon in the winter soldier elijah bradley is the grandson of isaiah bradley a survivor of the super soldier serum experiments in the comic verse elijah is a founding member of the young avengers though he does lie to keep his spot initially claiming he had inherited his powers from his grandfather in truth he hadn't and he was eventually caught in his lies lacking his super soldier powers elijah was putting himself in major danger in order to become a hero though this isn't a smart idea it does harken back to the fiery spirit of steve rogers elijah can do this all day patriot was later on given a blood transfusion that granted him the powers he had pretended to already wield a young man with a dedication to do good and all the powers of captain america patriot is certainly a hero to keep our eyes on in the future of the mcu a friend of thomas shepherd aka speed after they met in juvie lisa molnari's powers do not come from any inherent abilities herself instead she managed to nab herself a wicked piece of tech the taboro code this code allows her to grow two additional sets of arms so six arms altogether yep math checks out she uses these arms to wield swords making her a blur of blades in battle she can also fly so an airborne blur of blades in battle say that five times fast good luck making out of a fight with her unscathed despite a silly and on-the-nose name she's not to be underestimated any strikes from her won't be merely a flesh wound coat of arms doesn't stick around with the young avengers eventually becoming a member of the young masters their evil counterparts another of the founding members of the young avengers nathaniel richards also known as iron lad has an interesting story behind him part of the reasoning for putting this team together is to help change the future this hero has come back in time to prevent himself from becoming the notorious villain kang the conqueror being from the future he has the iron man suit with all the tech advancements of the 40th century the suit is made from a rare alloy and has the ability to respond to nathaniel's subconscious the likelihood of asean nathaniel in the mcu currently doesn't seem high but there have been some fingers pointed towards harley keener taking up the mantle if tony helped forge spider-man in the mcu why not iron lad let's get the kids suited up after all these years we can finally see what potential little harley has been hiding from us all along despite the name miss america is not related to the captain in any way she's closer to marvel's version of wonder woman america chavez hails from the utopian parallel and she's making her way to earth for the upcoming doctor strange sequel miss america has incredible strength speed and durability but she also boasts the power of flight and the ability to kick star-shaped ribs in the fabric of reality hence her upcoming debut in the multiverse of madness what trouble is this teenage superhero going to get into and will she find her way to a future young adventure series fingers crossed we need more of this tough latino in live-action form kick a rift straight into our hearts miss america we salute you with our former falcon taking up the shield the spot is open for some fresh blood well come on in joaquin torres if his name sounds familiar it's because he already showed up in the falcon in the winter soldier though he hasn't strapped on the wings yet his comic equivalent has some extra bird genetics that throw him into the falcon roll right as sam becomes the new cap good timing here seems like a promising and high-flying future for this air force lieutenant some of his comic features likely won't make it into the live-action world the bird dna having also traces of vampirism for one may be a bit farfetched it gives him a pretty sweet healing factor and thanks to it being an avian strain no bloodlust so you know but again vampires may be bit much for the mcu currently but who knows we'll have to wait and see a unique specimen altogether sylvie lushton was actually created and given her powers by the god of mischief himself loki loffyson the reason behind her creation is unclear aside from loki just wanting to make a fake ass guardian but her power is undeniable just like the god himself enchantress has a plethora of sorcery at her disposal able to cast spells teleport fly and create energy projectiles that's just a taste of her skills having no training in magic everything she does is unpredictable and her upper limits are entirely unknown she can perform mind manipulation on mass as well as teleport groups of people that itself is a feat so what are her limits we really have no way to know interesting tidbit though sylvie is not the first to have the title of enchantress the earlier version having been a real asgardian by the name of amora who had had many encounters with the silver-tongued prince a man of many names theodore rufus altman is a half-skrull half-cree who was raised as a human despite his name teddy has no hulk form in the bruce branner sense he just happens to be green but he can also look like whatever he wants really being an incredible shapeshifter who is imprisoned many other heroes from time to time often to sneak into some exclusive events and before you bash this young hero just consider who wouldn't try that at least once if they could anyway back to the power side of things yes he has intense and pretty perfect shape-shifting a little bit of beast boy a little bit of mystique top that off with his kree enhanced strength and durability and you have a recipe for a hero this staple of the young avengers is likely to show up one day if we get more wiccan since the two have a long-standing relationship would be a shame to have one without the other but baby steps for now and maybe the alien prince will get his turn in the spotlight if we can't get iron lad what about iron heart riri williams is a recent addition to the legacy of marvel comics and a successor to tony stark with tony gone we are needing some heroes to take up the suit and re-refits the bill all the tech prowess and intelligence of stark plus her suit which she reverse engineered on her own and she's ready to take on the world and disney plus in an upcoming solo series too there's been some talk as to whether tony's daughter morgan might one day be the iron heart we see fighting evil and avenging the earth but with riri's popularity i can't see her being replaced so soon we can just give morgan stark her mom's rescue suit and call it a day cause what's better than one iron hero well two of course a future face of the mcu kamala khan aka miss marvel is a newer hero in the comics as well a teen from new jersey with the inhumans heritage komala had her powers manifest after being exposed to radiation from a bomb now her body can shapeshift and morph allowing her to change her size appearance and proportions not to mention her enhanced healing factor also she glows in the dark less of a power and more of a feature really but a mix of mystique ant-man and mr fantastic's powers make her a force of nature she's living up to the name of marvel and we can't wait to see more of her soon the vision that is a member of the young avengers is unfortunately not a jarvis-based android that we know and love this new vision nicknamed jonas is a combo of the original vision and iron lads armor jonas has all the powers and programming of the original vision along with some additions such as shape shifting and time travel vision as we know him is already one of the more powerful avengers but his young avengers counterpart seems to have him beat when it comes to abilities before we judge kate for her lack of superhuman abilities just remember how key clint barton was in the makeup of the avengers hawkeye did many great feats then and his successor is likely to carry on that tradition and be an incredible asset to her future companions kate bishop has expertise in many more weapons and combat styles than just archery and has the equipment to back her up plus a few trick arrows an underdog she may seem but the new hawkeye will likely remain a key component in saving the world just as her mentor before the hawkeye miniseries will be the perfect spotlight for the unpowered heroes to show what they bring to the table the god of mischief has died a few times in the mcu so far but at some point in the comics he really did kick the bucket but comics or comics it wasn't permanent and he was resurrected as a young boy who didn't remember being the god of mischief but he did retain some of his powers though he's weaker than his older self that doesn't make him weak in any regard having some psionic abilities and asgardian durability a little redemption is a favorite loki pastime making this a natural progression for the story in the mcu plus he's already on the route to time travel shenanigans in his own series and we've had hints at the possibility of lady loki as well having kid loki is just another fun new character to explore and an interesting progression for this ever evolving character based on what we've seen of scarlet witch we already know wicked's powers are no joke billy has all the powers of his mother and more even loki has been wowed by his power remarking that he will reach god-like abilities one day his list of magical talents is a mile long but sandwiched it all under reality warping and you can get a taste of his potential an early member of the young avengers under the name asgardian wiccan has been a staple of the team for a long time and with powers like yours you really want this guy on your side after watching wanda unleash your powers on people we can see the terror this type of magic brings in a whole new light knowing what we know now i'd really hate to be on this kid's bad side when you can bend reality to your will nothing really is out of your reach especially your enemies thanks to all the mcu content being dropped on disney plus there's a chance we may get to see some of these characters coming at us full force sooner than we think only the mouse truly knows for sure what's in store for us we hope he's generous you
Channel: CBR
Views: 513,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Billy Maximoff, CBR, Hawkeye Series, Joaquin Torres Falcon, Kate Bishop Hawkeye, Loki Series, MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Speed, Spider-Man MCU, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Tommy Maximoff, Wanda-Vision, Wiccan, Young Avengers
Id: UJisWKaT878
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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