Wandavision Alternate Ending Deleted Scene - Evan Peters Quicksilver Doctor Strange Marvel Explained

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Welcome back everyone this is going to be my  Wandavision deleted scenes video from the finale   and there are a couple other big deleted scenes  from across the series that will break down so   if you're brand new to the channel be sure to  subscribe to get all the videos falcon and winter   soldier episode 1 is going to be dropping next  week i'll be doing videos for all those episodes   too careful for spoilers from all the Wandavision  episodes so far if you haven't seen the series yet   but since the finale the producers the creators  and elizabeth olsen some of the other actors have   come out and explained what was going on with  the episodes there were a lot of hanging plot   threads a lot of open-ended story lines and things  that seemingly went nowhere like clues for big   payoffs that never came so they answered a lot of  questions about what was going on with that stuff   some of it was on purpose some of it was not on  purpose so if you felt like there were some things   that were missing especially from the finale  there are some big answers about that so one of   the biggest things that they had to get rid of in  the storyline was a big subplot with evan peters   ralph character monica rambeau the darkhold  senior scratchy in the twins and darcy's   character remember we only saw darcy for that one  really brief moment taking down tyler heyward in   the fidelity and then she never came back again  like they had a line of dialogue about her in   the mid credit scene with monica rambeau and  jimmy woo like oh she said the debriefs are lame   but they did actually have a much bigger scene  addressing what was going on with that character   there were a lot of reshoots that also happened  because of the virus i'll explain and actors   that weren't able to come back so there were some  things that they were not able to fix before they   actually dropped the episode i know there were a  lot of people that were upset by the payoff with   evan peters character expecting something bigger  with him why are you going to do quicksilver if   you weren't actually going to do quicksilver then  you have all these hints and teasers about senior   scratchy throughout the episodes it seems like  there's going to be some big payoff with his   character turns out that was part of the deleted  scenes because they couldn't finish the special   effects in time so what was going to happen is  that evan peter's character ralph bonner was   going to catch monica rambeau snooping on their  house snoopers going to snoop but while they   were there once monica rambeau freed him of agatha  harkness's influence he was actually going to turn   good and try to help them stop agatha the hardness  and take the darkhold so while scarlet witch nag   of the hardness are having their battle their  back and forth during the finale you have all   this separate stuff happening with ralph monica  rambeau darcy in the twins character trying to   steal the darkhold from agatha harkness's basement  or technically it was ralph's basement what was   going to happen though is that senior scratchy  was going to be guarding it for agatha harkness   so in the last couple of episodes that we saw him  you just see agatha the hardness stroking him like   oh clearly there's going to be some sort of reveal  like we found out that she was out of the harkness   but they haven't fully revealed what was  going on with the bunny this whole time   so while monica rambeau is busy freeing ralph you  have the twins moving in to help because billy   and tommy want to do something too they wind  up going to agatha harkness's house and then   as they go down into the basement down into her  lair that she had enchanted with all those runes   senior scratchy was going to turn into a giant  demon and literally try to scratch them like   that was what the name was all about like a funny  reference about him having giant claws a lot of   people heard this and they're like does that mean  that he was going to turn into mephisto or some   larger more important marvel comic book demon now  he was just going to turn into a general demon   that was being controlled by agatha harkness so  you have this big fight scene with monica rambeau   ralph in the background cowering in fear and  then the twins using their powers as well trying   to stop senior scratchy while they try to get  their hands on the darkhold now obviously agatha   harkness still winds up getting the dark hole  during the finale so eventually they would have   been unsuccessful but it would have been a much  bigger marvel movie style action scene where you   see monica rambeau using her powers in a bigger  way the twins using their powers in a bigger way   and you would have had a bigger payoff for the  ralph character because obviously we all wonder   what happens to ralph after the end of the series  like evan peters character just goes back to his   normal life because she enchants agatha harkness  back into that identity of the nosey neighbor   and presumably she's just going to move back into  his house darcy would have also been helping them   do this the whole time before she shows up  to take down tyler hayward because that was   going to be one of the last big things that she  does before she shows up at the end of the episode   but it's a whole bunch of scenes it would have  made the episode way longer if you're wondering   why the episode felt shorter than it was supposed  to be even though they were hyping it up as being   super long compared to the other episodes the main  reason why they got rid of all that stuff is just   they didn't have the time to finish the special  effects before they needed to air the finale   normally when they do stuff like that though when  they delete whole story lines it creates some   continuity errors and they fix it with scenes  that they add in reshoots like little moments   of dialogue to just address stuff originally they  would have brought darcy's character back in this   mid-credit scene with jimmy woo's character and  she would have just been present for that debrief   scene i believe the reason why kat dennings did  not come back to do that though is just because of   travel restrictions during the virus she just  wasn't able to travel to actually come back and   film the scenes the next big thing that they  actually got rid of was a full episode so matt   shakman the director of the series he directed all  the episodes said that originally they had planned   to do a full 10 episode run just because that's  a standard number for limited series like this   the reason why he said they got rid of it was  mostly for budget and for pacing issues because   the way they wanted to tell the story with the  sitcoms at the beginning then sort of spiraling   into the crazier stuff as you start to find out  what's actually going on and it turns into more   of a traditional marvel avengers movie but for  those of you that saw all the reports about a   secret 10th episode that's probably what was  being referenced they said that when they got   rid of that 10th episode a lot of those moments  just got put into other episodes so it's not like   there's an entire episode of deleted scenes or  anything like that the producer played it pretty   coy when she was trying to explain why benedict  cumberbatch's doctor strange character didn't   have a cameo scene if so much of this was building  up to a big doctor strange 2 crossover there were   a lot of things that they planned to do and a lot  of things that they never planned to do on purpose   it sounds like they weren't able to include him  just because of travel restrictions during the   virus the same reason why darcy couldn't  come back to film a scene for the end   i believe benedict cumberbatch was trapped in new  zealand just under travel restrictions while they   were busy filming all the stuff that would have  been in the finale for that post-credits scene   and for whatever reason they just decided not to  try and bend over backwards to do some sort of   green screen skype session to try and include  him they just decided to just forget about it   and let them address it when they get to doctor  strange 2 but hopefully that sort of clears that   up because it did seem like they were building  up to a big cameo scene and logically you would   expect him to show up at some point to address the  darkhold there are a lot of people that actually   doubt whether or not they ever plan to include  his character here's the thing about that the   producers were asked a lot of questions about  why they didn't include characters like mephisto   or big marvel cosmic villains they said that  there was never any plan to include a big bad   like that like mephisto was never part of their  plan so i think if benedict cumberbatch was never   supposed to have a cameo they would have said  the same thing oh he never was supposed to have   this he was never part of our plan but instead  their comment was more like well you know things   went down the way they went down like it sounds  like it just didn't work out like they wanted   to do it but it just didn't work out because of  scheduling but that also obviously answers the   mephisto question people wondering was there ever  supposed to be a big bad like nightmare mephisto   or cathone because they kept referencing the  darkhold chaos magic and he's the god of chaos   the way they talk about it their grand plan  for the series was to just tell the story about   scarlet witch dealing with her grief in agatha  harkness trying to take advantage of that in   that they didn't actually view agatha harkness as  the villain of the series the main writer actually   said that she wrote things so that scarlet  witch would come off feeling like more of a grey   anti-hero type of character like a winter soldier  type character someone who you normally think of   as a hero like she's an avengers character but  who has also killed a lot of innocent people   so if you felt like the moment she went out on  with monica rambeau didn't really address any of   the consequences of what she did like they'll  never know what you gave up this is that they   wrote it that way specifically so that she would  come off feeling like a very dark character and   that theme would continue during doctor strange  2 kevin feige did say that her character scarlet   witch is going to be crucial to what's going on  during the story in marvel phase 4 building up   into multiverse of madness so it's still a little  early to start theory crafting about the plot of   doctor strange 2 but i do think that we'll see  more of her going off the rails causing as many   problems as she helped solve like the prophecy the  darkhold says she's destined to destroy the world   also answering some of the questions about the  multiverse and evan peters character so elizabeth   olsen actually just made a recent comment that  she didn't truly understand how the marvel   multiverse worked or the mcu multiverse worked  until she started working on doctor strange 2   in that when they were talking about evan peters  coming on the show they never really had any   big multiverse conversations or they never really  explained it to her mostly the idea with including   him instead of aaron taylor johnson's version of  quicksilver was to show just how crazy she had   gone how far she was willing to go to bend over  backwards to make it seem like everything inside   the hex was totally normal and nothing was wrong  they did get into a little bit of multiverse stuff   explaining her as a nexus character but they  didn't completely explain that kind of leaving   it open-ended for them to deal with during doctor  strange 2 as with white vision just sort of flying   off into the distance and then not answering  what happens with him next they said they did a   lot of that stuff on purpose just sort of viewing  Wandavision as a series is like the next episode   in a series of episodes of the story of the mcu  in the next big episode of that like episode 10 of   Wandavision really is doctor strange 2 multiverse  of madness normally when you have a limited series   that's only going to run for one season they  answer pretty much all the questions in the finale   but they never plan to do that with Wandavision  and kevin feige actually recently came out and   clarified some of his statements about Wandavision  season 2. he said that when they initially did the   series they didn't do it with the intention that  they would set up a season two so if they ever   do come back to season two it'll be a completely  fresh story just building on whatever they've just   done with her character in doctor strange 2 so  there is a chance that they could do season two   and they have a couple moments in the finale  where they address it like family is forever   and then vision tells her if we've said goodbye  so many times then i have to surmise that we'll   say hello again eventually but i think the whole  idea with vision's character is that white vision   will eventually become the regular version of  vision again once he is able to process all of his   original memories but paul bettany said that he  would play the vision character forever he'll keep   coming back as many times as marvel wants him back  so of course we will see white vision come back in   a future story somewhere more about quicksilver  though they said early on they did actually think   about doing aaron taylor johnson's quicksilver  but because they were doing this whole story with   scarlet witch going off the rails they felt like  the evan peters twist played into that much better   for those of you wondering about monica rambeau 's  engineer that had been hyped up during episode 5   tayonna paris the actress who plays monica rambeau  was saying it was going to be this big payoff then   it wound up being this character major goodner  that really didn't seem like anybody special   the director matt shakman said that was just  over hyped it was never meant to be a really   special character it was never meant to be a  fantastic four person it was never meant to   be the blue marvel although it does sound like  based on a casting notice for captain marvel 2   that they're planning on doing blue marvel during  that movie there was a big scene during episode   8 where you see the flashback where she goes to  visit vision's body at the sword headquarters and   tyler hayward is trying to gaslight her so that  she'll juice up his body with a bunch of her chaos   magic and activate him there was an alternate  version of this scene with a bunch of different   dialogue where she starts referencing avengers  end game in all the other avengers that died   she references black widow dying she references  iron man dying a bunch of the other big characters   like captain america but it was all in service of  saying why aren't we paying attention to what's   happening with vision like nobody cares about him  everyone just kind of left him on the battlefield   there i think they changed that to her simpler  dialogue about wanting to bury vision's body   mostly just so they could leave addressing  black widow the other dead characters in future   movies like we already saw iron man's funeral  during avengers end game but they're going to   address black widow's character during the black  widow movie the writers and the producers also   clarified that throughout the series throughout  all the episodes there were a lot of intentional   red herrings that were meant to go nowhere like a  really good example biggest red herring is dotty's   character like early in the episodes i think it  was episode two where agatha harkness says dottie   is the key to everything in town so there were all  these theories about her being one of these other   big comic book characters that was another witch  hiding out in town another magic user when really   none of that was going on at all and the writer  said that was on purpose they purposely wanted   to mislead you and make you think that she was a  big character when really she was not so i think   that also goes hand in hand with the ralph bohner  evan peters quicksilver twist like they wanted to   sort of head fake you in a way that would make  you think something really big was going on   when really that wasn't their intention which  i don't think was such a great idea but i think   the answer to that like if you were kind of upset  with the way it treated some of those story lines   falcon and winter soldier will be more of a  straight up mcu action series where they're not   trying to mislead you or take you down roads that  never wind up going anywhere so falcon and winter   soldier will be a really good palette cleanser  before we get to more marvel stuff later this year   like the black widow movie or the hawkeye series  not every single marvel series will work like   Wandavision did but what's gong to happen is my  falcon winter soldier episode 1 video we'll post   next friday it'll be on the same schedule as when  i posted all my Wandavision episodes if you have   any big questions or there any easter eggs that  you're not sure about that i didn't mention during   this video or big deleted scenes that i didn't  address just let me know in the comments but   really cool thing benedict cumberbatch has been  saying all kinds of really awesome stuff about   sam raimi elizabeth olsen as well so it sounds  like that movie is going to be crazy in the best   possible way benedict cumberbatch also refused to  answer questions about spider-man 3 no way home   so it sounds like that is also going to be super  crazy but while you wait for everything click here   for that brand new falcon winter soldier trailer  and click here for all my Wandavision episodes   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 2,167,711
Rating: 4.8410459 out of 5
Keywords: Wandavision, Wandavision Post Credit Scene, Emergency Awesome, Wandavision Episode 9, Wandavision Ending, Wandavision Finale, Spider-Man 3 Trailer, Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer, Marvel, 2021, Wandavision Trailer, Movies, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Trailer, Wandavision Doctor Strange 2, Doctor Strange 2 Teaser, Wandavision Quicksilver, Wandavision Evan Peters, Falcon and Winter Soldier Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier
Id: PzH-EK7j6Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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