Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Science: Surely Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies - What's Up Prof? 75

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of what's up prof hello walter martin this is getting very boring [Laughter] but i see the the news anchors they have the same tune the whole time so i'm just sticking with it i'm i'm neither an anchor nor news [Laughter] well after our last episode finally we get some time to speak about the science and and some health yeah we we've been threatening for a long time but we never get there yeah seems like this is a trend that's going on we every time we want to get to something but something happens and you can't get there yeah but now we're there so let's open with a word of prayer our heavenly father thank you again for bringing us together lord as always we ask that you please bless this discussion enlighten our minds and help us to discern the right from wrong in jesus name amen amen martin you've put a strange title here comes of course from a bible verse surely our fathers have inherited lives you know the devil is the father of lies right yes he was a liar from the beginning and the truth is not in him and so much of what we experience in life is based on lies unfortunately that's true yes unfortunately it is jeremiah 16 19 o lord my strength and my fortress and my refuge in the day of affliction the gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth and shall say surely our fathers have inherited lies vanity and things wherein there is no prophet that's an amazing verse so unbelievers will in the end come to believers and say we've been running on lies correct yeah it's amazing i mean if you just think about the issues now i love science and i was a science fanatic you know when when kids read comics and stuff like this i would read science books i used to take them out of the library i think i've said that before is to drive my poor mother up the wall my room was a total disaster with attempts at building telescopes to look at the stars can i it wasn't a disaster it was just a science experiment it was a science experiment i would have insect colonies in my house i would have cans full of different critters and worms and optics and chemicals and bomb constructions and it was a disaster and my mother died when i was 12 so i don't even know how old i was then maybe 7 or 8 just being able to read so i've always been interested in science and when i went to the university and i studied science this was my fascination now people always like when i talk about issues always say oh he's a zoologist yeah yeah when i talk about theology he's a theology he's a geologist what does a zoologist know about that yes i studied zoology but i was actually studying comparative physiology which is a branch of zoology and comparative physiology means that you are comparing the physiology of every creature on the planet including humans including humans so in many a medical faculty uh comparative animal physiologists fit in perfectly because number one they have studied animal physiology they have studied human physiology their experimentation takes place in the animal realm because the general trend is that you don't use humans as guinea pigs unless of course you're living in our time when it seems to be the norm now to use humans as guinea pigs in the past you know humans could volunteer for certain experiments but then they had to sign certain forms that they were willing to do this now you become a guinea pig door-to-door i know it's very interesting how the world has changed yeah but in any case my research was done on animals and when you study human physiology then the animal model is the one that is customary used in science so you either use a rat you use a rabbit and people will say they're not exactly the same so then you work with vervet monkeys and you try and get as close to the human model as possible and this is the research that i was involved in all of my life and for the last years of my university career i was in a medical faculty so a professor of medical bioscience so these people who would like to use the label zoologist in a derogatory fashion or a degrading fashion yeah and most of the times the people that use it derogatory don't even know what it means no i haven't got the foggiest idea of what it means because you know if you say someone is a zoologist if you are somehow in the know then you would ask well what is your field of speciality are you an ecologist are you an environmentalist are you an anatomist are you a whatever a physiologist are you a taxonomist it depends what your specialization is so there there are so many aspects to science and so many labels and it becomes so specialized that sometimes you concentrate your entire career on one tiny minuscule aspect and it somehow has to fit into the big picture so if you want to be a comparative physiologist you have to study the insect if you go too deeply into that well then you are no longer in that particular field but you go into the field of entomology and that again has a lot of sub categories so science is a is a very broad broad name and a scientist is an interesting phenomena because when it comes to the field of science they use the regal we the regal we in other words we discovered it's never i discovered science we know who's the we we is plural right correct so we know that whatever it is so whatever let's say we know that aids is derived from a virus the hiv virus we know who's the we all scientists all scientists so there's somewhere is somewhere something that fits into this category of we and we such a big word that immediately it lends support to whatever you are saying if you say i say then it's an individual yes but when you come up against that big word we then it becomes very very important right now what if the we is wrong yes then is it you that's wrong or is it the whole we that's wrong no we the whole we all right so you come to the university and you study evolutionary biology it's part of the subject of zoology now dr fauci is constantly referring to his evolutionary biologists and the anti-conspiracy theorists won't call them zoologists but in fact that's exactly what they should be because zoology is the mother of the evolutionary theory right correct not botany because you can't prove it from botany so you have to use zoology so you have another category evolutionary scientists and these are very prominent in the medical sphere in the world today they're part of the we now when you study this theory of evolution and then later you come to study this book there's a conflict of interests right a serious conflict of interest and so science that wants to marry religion and science will say we can compromise on this issue we can have theistic evolution you cannot have that you cannot have theistic evolution because you cannot have a system of death providing the impetus for the next generation in the survival of the fittest scenario to come up with the final product which is humanity when the scripture clearly says that death is the consequence of sin exactly and not a means of progression to something greater so never ever would you be able to have the plan of salvation of a god becoming man and dying to give you eternal life which is nonsensical because death was there from the beginning whereas according to the scripture death is an interposition yeah something that came in afterwards so the two philosophies don't mix and if you want to mix them well then you're a very confused scientist correct and there are many of those many theistic evolutionists they have the plant world living without the sun for billions of years yeah it's totally ludicrous and unfortunately it's entered religion correct and they have a world where you have a reducing atmosphere no oxygen but you have to have water in order to develop the molecules of life now if you don't have oxygen in the atmosphere then you don't have an ozone layer if you don't have an ozone layer you have radiation if you have radiation then you produce oxygen by splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen so you cannot have an atmosphere without oxygen if you have water these people are very confused right and when you start realizing that then you come to the point where science clashes with itself and when you switch your philosophy of science does that mean you have eradicated science no no of course not but you have come into a position of clash of minds [Music] when it comes to the philosophy of science all right yes now this is something we need to talk about because the philosophy of science is not necessarily the science correct and we talk about the theory of evolution or we talk about whatever the molecular theories we talk about theory theory theory theory or cellular theory relativity theory what the cell looks like okay and every few years it changes yeah because knowledge increases right and theories have to be modified the theory is not a fact when you listen to some scientists especially the evolutionary scientists and evolution is a fact so they start off with an axiom that evolution is a fact yeah but what if it's a fable then your whole theory is incorrect all right now when you talk about viruses in the time that we are living in then does evolution play a part yes absolutely because all the variants are as a result of evolution right when you unpack that at the genetic level you will find that a lot of what we know is based on pure conjecture correct and not based on truth but it has to be hidden in the package of the we know greek and is sold to humanity as a fact is affect yeah right has anybody ever really produced the virus of any kind and said here it is if there's such a publication no much of it is based on computer modeling right and it is still in the realm of theory no matter how plausible and future knowledge could change things right so in the past many many infectious diseases were treated in the most drastic fashions [Music] and people were deprived of their children because they had infectious diseases when in fact they had a nutritional melody yeah scurvy if you arrived here with bleeding gums and teeth falling out i would think you have a terrible disease i certainly if i was a lady would not like to give you a kiss i might catch it whatever you had right but it's just a vitamin c deficiency and then you had rickets and all of these diseases they were nutritional diseases but they were all classified as infectious diseases at one stage yeah so knowledge is an amazing thing science is an amazing thing we can carry on forever talking in this line without getting to one single slide and we don't want to do that but the point is this science is a passion but science isn't necessarily based on truth you could have inherited lies yeah and i want to go so far as to say that every first grader who goes to school inherits lies from the very first day that he sits on a school desk yes he's fed evolution he's fed science of whatever nature cosmology for example do we really know whether we derived from a big bang or not just because some jesuit says that we'd are from a big bang is that necessarily true and that's the only one that they get these days they don't get the alternative correct now what about all the other sciences now martin i was involved in the science of nutrition that was my field to to our critics who would say zoologist i was studying uh nutritional physiology and i was reasonably successful in what i was doing but it was contrary to everything that the world stands for yes you were it was diametrically opposed and it was almost impossible to get funding for my research correct no matter what my academic status was until i plotted and plotted and plotted until i finally got it recognized as a legitimate field of research it was a war literally a war with even sabotage attempts against the research that was being done it was amazing but it was eventually recognized and i was a recipient of a grant from the royal society of london which is very very prestigious which again brought with it of course many other pitfalls and enemies because why should someone with such strange research be even granted such a privilege and it comes with a couple of perks you meet some very high people you meet the lords for example and to have luncheons with them so it has the upside but it has the downside too because of the funding that is channeled into your research projects uh you have to work like a dog so the only reward that you have is your scientific recognition there is not a monetary award reward associated with it it comes with a lot of hard work yeah and if you're controversial in your science such as i was you have problems because the world sees nutrition human nutrition from an evolutionary standpoint correct correct so in other words we evolved our intelligence yes does that sound academic we evolved our intelligence because we became predators and we're not very fast on our legs and so we have to develop means in order to outwit the animals out there in order to put them on our plate and consume them yes all right so a carnivore tends to be more intelligent than a herbivore so they say so they say have you ever studied the intelligence of birds incredible what they're capable of and they eat plants seeds right some of them of course eat insects and other things and and the birds of prey but it is a notion that you're going to be more intelligent because you have to outwit somebody all right and that is how the human species evolved to whatever status it has arrived this super intelligent being and on that basis they work nutrition correct if you take the bible it tells you the exact opposite so which one is right right definitely the bible science says you must base your lifestyle on animal products so you have the basic four diet which consists of your dairy your meat your plant-based things your fruits your nuts and seeds and what have you and now today we know that that is totally incorrect right well it's still a war it's still a war but there have been other scientists like dr campbell in the china study and uh studies on vegetarianism etc which prove the point so that even the world health organization has to acknowledge it whether they like it or not right so it was a wall and we'll talk about that war a little bit later why was there a wall because the mindset of the science the we the we did not fit with the eye yeah all right and uh if you want to be a recognized scientist you better be part of the we that's it otherwise you're going to be on your own you're going to be on your own you're going to be so this statement is very true i think many uh a gentile unbeliever will come at the end and say i think we've inherited lies yes can you please enlighten us those that have studied god's word and tell us how must i survive the diseases that i am confronted with every single day of my life and the medical world cannot help me anymore i'm in big big trouble help me definitely i think we're on that precipice right now you think so yeah okay do you think about the philosophy i i didn't come from from the lower creatures i didn't crawl out of the slime you mean i was created in the image of god unless god is slime right correct i had a royal origin a royal origin can you please correct the lies on this issue so what's on my plate can you correct that so i can get rid of these ailments and diseases that i'm suffering from is that going to happen martin yes what about the philosophies that are out there concerning the billions of years and all of these issues so we have inherited lies so martin tell us about a very prominent scientist for the times that we are living in a nobel prize winner and uh we have a couple of things we want to talk about and we will see what this man had to say yeah it was interesting to when i've we always get some information from our viewers also and they sent me one of kerry mullis he was the inventor of the pcr test i'm sure that almost everybody on the planet knows what that is today because that's what being used to test if you are positive or negative for coronavirus correct so he's the inventor of that and that's what he received the nobel prize for yes but he's deceased now yes this is died in 2019 of a respiratory disease yes and there was an interview that he had with gary nell that also has a phd yes and i took some interesting snips out of that that we can discuss so we will discuss what what he found now here's an interesting fellow because he also was a square peg in a round hole right he didn't quite fit in and so the establishment didn't like him in the end and so he didn't receive the best of press and they tried to trash his science yeah now i can sympathize with that because uh having been in that same boat i can conquer with many things that he says so let's look at a couple of things and then we'll talk about it yeah i just want to put it there it's the same that you said earlier when you're not forming part of the we you then you're like you said a square in a round now it's interesting that most of the great inventors of truth not philosophy mostly didn't fit into the we correct do you believe that we have made science our final arbiter and what is right and as a result we continue to look at science and scientists hold themselves up to make the decision that this is right behavior that's wrong behavior you can do this you can't do that it's a good question and and i think the answer is definitely that science in a way having led to this sort of decline of the of the of let's say the protestant church i mean the protestants got a little bit too involved in history and left themselves open there for scientists to come in and say to debunk christianity because it became a mythological kind of thing rather than a then only by faith kind of thing and you know it became a it's not a real religion in the sense of like buddhism or something science having been involved in that people said well we're not going to go to church anymore it left a big hole in a lot of people's psychological makeup that has i think been filled to some degree by the ecological madness that people have got jumped into and there the scientists are like you say they're they are considered the final arbiters of what's good for the planet or what's bad for the planet and and they hadn't got the slightest idea instead of wearing white robes they wear white lab coats you know instead of like bringing you the word of god they bring in the word of the the epa or whatever and and and they don't have to understand what it is that they are making you do in fact and people you know just i think they fall naturally into it because there is a need in in humanity for something like a religion or just like in the 17th century they decided to stop talking about god in science it was too complicated it started a war you know i mean we start to get catholicism gets confused with science you have trouble and i think here we've got similar kind of problem we've got a religious phenomena almost a a large segment of the population that has a very strong opinions about something and beliefs right i mean that's a religious kind of a thing and it's tangled up with science it needs to be untangled the way to untangle it is to use the analytic kind of method that we used before pick them apart don't talk about this overall disease called age well martin there's a very interesting opening discussion there so we're pitting two entities against each other the one is religion and the other one is science according to him science seems to have won that battle yeah and pushed protestantism and religion into the realms of mythology and people are without an anchor drifting on a sea now we have a statement in the spirit of prophecy that says that science rightly understood will not be in disharmony with the word of god definitely all right and this was my great problem when i started realizing that the word of god was based on truth i didn't start with genesis i would have ridiculed it into the middle of next week prophecy took the carpet out from underneath me prophecy yeah prophecy convinced me that god was speaking and if god was speaking then why was he lying about the beginning correct right you first had to get trust correct so i started with prophecy and ended up with genesis now genesis was a major catastrophe to me i can imagine because it totally destroyed my credibility at the university with most do you know that i had some secret discussions with many a scientist in my office many a scientist in my office secret so that nobody should know i had one dean a dean of science come to me and say what you are saying is the truth and i know that you are right but i will never support you publicly and he didn't he sat in one of my lectures and he was one of the adjudicators almost like a debate and they asked him what he thought about what i said and he lamppasted it and said you know nonsense total nonsense but secretly in my office secretly he would admit to something else and now this this really stunned me to see how deep rooted the religion of science goes it is so deep that it will uproot the word of god even in the christian it's a sad state of affairs it is and as he says we have switched the robe of the priest for the white coat of the laboratory and very often that white coat is hiding behind a we that he doesn't know about now we have two wees here we have the we of the bible yeah let us make we will right that's god speaking and we have science that says we know when you know nothing exactly because the more you know the more you learn the more you know that you know nothing because science is so deep that whenever you open one page there's another page if you dig down to that level there's another level and it's like the microscopic world it has to be because who's the who's the main scientist correct no matter what you look at if you look at the micro world and you go down down down down down and eventually you come to the electron microscope they still haven't seen the virus it's still a computer model right correct and so you go to the macro world and you go up and it goes bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and endless there's no limit no there is no limit and you will never reach it no because no matter how big your telescope there's always something beyond its reach correct because the creator of it is bigger than that and so he's absolutely right we've changed one religion for another and that religion is going to rule the world especially in the days that we are living in the scientists are saying so the politicians are saying so and the churches are saying so correct listen to the science that is the phrase that you hear the whole time we have to listen to the science correct in our previous what's up we even showed that even in the movies they say that science will be the savior all right now again i want to reiterate i too i'm a scientist irrespective of what the critics want to say and i am a lover of science but there is an aspect of science which is based on nothing less than lies or at the best conjecture shall we continue yes state agencies have taken kids away from parents when the parent based upon informed knowledge chose not to give their child either azt or other chemotherapy agents either for aids or cancer and these were parents who knew more than the average parent and based upon their knowledge made it an informed choice and those parents were deemed unfit and abusive parents and their kids were taken put into a foster home i you know what in the night in the 19th early 20th century actually or late 19th century in the south pelegra was thought to be a an infectious disease it was a lack of niacin because southerners were eating corn instead of wheat the poor farmers were and they were taking kids out of houses homes there thinking it was an infectious disease because everybody in the family was getting it put the kids in an orphanage and the orphanage the kid would get a little bit of niacin because they'd have some wheat and he wouldn't get pellegra so it made real sense took some guy you know i took him a government research station in south carolina finally got a somebody some gold goldberg goldberg some jewish guy came down there with little brains and said wait a minute this is not an infectious disease you know it's somebody had to they had to throw out all the idiots that were running that but that was a long there's a long time and they did the same thing they took kids out of homes all he needed to do was bring in a little bread a little little whole wheat bread and then does it bother you at all every time we need a decision made we're always looking for some scientists to tell us what to do whether it's on cancer or almost any issue has become a state religion i i it does bother me when when i see like uh people you know my mother's a good example of doing that sort of just you know her doctors are never questioned at all even though her son is sort of a medical person himself and sometimes disagrees with him because i'm her son of course i don't have any brains there are people dying just because of azt i mean that's that's proven in big studies big studies like the concord study the conclusion of the concrete study was this stuff is not good for you you know the little skeleton on the little cross bars the crossbones the you know the skeleton across the bones on on the bottle says probably wouldn't be a good idea to take this stuff unless you've got a good reason to now there i would say that probably if you you know they've been i don't know how many of the people who have died so-called aids have actually died of azt because it certainly would wreck your immune system to take that stuff for a few years it's like if you started taking any other chemotherapeutic agent for the rest of your life it would be that agent probably that killed you you know when you give chemotherapy to somebody with cancer you give them a round of it for maybe 14 days or a few days hopefully you're not going to kill the patient you're going to kill the cancer patient's going to survive but you don't keep giving it to him until he dies because he certainly will and azt is just like those things it's a little more lethal have we photographed aids do we have aids in a test tube because if we haven't proven hiv causes aids then can we show that what we're calling hiv is an actual organism nobody has actually purified hiv there's no little bottle of hiv anywhere on the planet that's just got hiv in it they have cell lines that they think that it's growing in there are a lot of people who think it's not even there at all but i mean i i wouldn't doubt that it's there i i think anything you can imagine is there somewhere you know but whether it's there or not is not the question the question is does it do anything with regard to these set of diseases that we've now called aids all right there's another little snippet martin so some infectious diseases were actually just shortages of a vitamin right yes we spoke earlier of scurvy vitamin c now he spoke about niacin deficiency in bread and children were removed out of houses and very soon there will be legislation that if you do not receive a certain injection then you are not fit to be amongst society now that is part of history they've done it all along and there have been many many tears and eventually they came to the conclusion that they were wrong so what makes it so certain martin that the present generation is the one that's right correct or will a future generation find out that they were possibly wrong well if you take history the record is not very good no the record is not very good but you see there are many successes and if you see science portrayed you always see these white coats and these fancy labs and these dispensers and they're very accurate some of them you know they work in microliters and even less than that and you have very fancy machines and they're beautiful machines chromatography machines amino acid analysis i had all of these machines they cost millions in my laboratories my students were very acquainted with them i worked with electron microscopes all the time a university normally has one it's normally located in one department like the physics department and all the other departments use it and so there are many things that you can say all right this is what it looks like but when it comes to the level that he's talking about like aids for example there's no bottle which says here it is correct doesn't exist so it's purely based on conjecture there's a lot of logic behind it something is causing the disease something is causing the disease and the prescribed treatment for the disease can certainly kill you yeah as he said so uh if we don't have it in a bottle and we don't know that it exists other than it is probable that it exists because something is making you sick whereas in the previous cases that we discussed it wasn't something that was making you sick it was the absence of something that was making you sick yes correct so he's on the same page here and the cure that is prescribed is deadly it's got a little skull and crossbones on it it's something that you don't want to put in your body and it might prevent the immediate impact of whatever is happening but sooner or later it gets you yeah because it's treating the symptoms and not the cause correct so what if the cause is something else and we don't really know we have a theory is it a fact no no this is the point but everyone you talk to talks as if it is a fact we know we don't know here's the nobel prize winner saying we don't know do the scientists like him no no do we see the same thing happening in our day today well let me put it to you this way time will tell time will tell time discovered scurvy's problem yeah allegro's problem you name it polio's problem if you look at the polio issue and the surge of polio in the world it's i find it fascinating martin that the polio increases in africa for example are very closely correlated with the increases of the use of ddt yes and when ddt was banned it came down and the decline is is associated with vaccine but is it possible that the decline might be associated with something else it's possible if you take many of the diseases in the world and you compare vaccinated countries with unvaccinated countries for example the vaccine was introduced at a time when the problem was no longer there correct because the decline not only took place before the vaccines were introduced in countries that were vaccinated but also in areas that were not vaccinated so what had changed why did why did the numbers come down before the vaccination and the vaccination gets the credit when in actual fact it was better nutrition that should get the credit in many cases now what increased the nutritional value the development of the transport system correct martin the first train to roll along the rail lines in the united states of america came in 1844 yeah so if you wanted to get produce from mexico to the north of canada you'd have to get onto your horse and buggy and go and fetch it correct it will never get there in time so when the transport systems opened up the markets opened up that meant variety of food was available that was never available before that meant disease declined in areas dramatically then someone discovered the vaccine introduced it when the problem was already solved now people don't like that information and some of the graphs are literally changed but the fact of the matter is that most vaccines were introduced after the problem had already been eradicated yeah shall we continue with this discussion yes what what is it about humanity that that wants to go to all the details and stuff and listen you know these guys like faulty get up there and start talking you know he doesn't know anything really about anything and i'd say that to his face nothing the man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it's got a virus in there you'll know it he doesn't understand electron microscopy and he doesn't understand medicine he should not be in a position like he's in most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don't know anything about what's going on at the bottom but you're talking about a hundred thousand scientists who are making six billion dollars this year more than on cancer and heart disease combined you'll have probably five to fifteen thousand studies written and published over the next year and a half to two years on this phenomena everyone wants to be a part of that action why is it there's only a small handful of scientists like yourself and and uh gilbert and dusberg who are willing to challenge this one thing that makes me different is i don't have to answer to anybody for money see i don't work for some organization like that tony fauci happens to be the head of a lot of people like berg had the intellectual integrity knowing that he was going to catch it knowing that they were going to just have a heyday pulling his grounds he went ahead and said it and he got he's basically he's been martyred i think that money is the main the only you know it's just like in political scandals follow the money trail figure out who's getting paid for this who's getting the money for those western blinds they've got a personal kind of agenda they make up their own rules as they go they change them when they want to and they smuggly like tony fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people to pay a salary and lie directly into the camera martin that is a very controversial statement that the man has made and he no longer is with us so we can't ask him to give us more reasons as to why he says something like that but basically what he's saying just because you have a position in the cdc or in the world health organization or wherever does that make you the be-all and the authority of everything no no and also like he said that one guy that was basically martyred it brings back to mind what you mentioned earlier of that deen yes he was not prepared to be martyred for no he wasn't some truth some are willing to stick their neck out and stand for the truth even if you're going to be ridiculed right and i remember my first day when i sat in my office and i thought of peter who had denied his lord three times and i had to go and do the evolution discussion group with all the postgrad students and the entire staff present and i was this former atheist fanatical evolutionist and was i going to deny him and keep my career and my status or was i going to ask some piercing questions well i heard that crow and i thought am i going to be a hypocrite all my life for the sake of my career and i decided i won't and the rest is history i've been spat on in my face in front of hundreds of students lecturer gets up comes to the front spits in my face in front of them all i've been sworn at i've been ridiculed i've been shouted at i've had it all i remember the one case where the lecturer went into such a fit of rage it was indescribable he had a pile of books in his hand he threw them on the ground swore like a trooper and ran out of the hall because the alternative was he had to come and beat me up right yeah there was deathly silence and the students looked at me and i said if you pick up a stone and you throw it in a dark alley and a dog yelps it means you've hit him [Laughter] that was pandemonium but i can see what the man is saying you have these high placed individuals who will who will follow the money trail and if you look at some of them i'm not saying that he's definitely wrong on everything because he's involved in the money trail and he's involved in the patents and the research and all of that but that what he says is it necessarily true well there were quite a few things that in a short period of time had to be reversed okay so he's he's the master of reversal also right [Laughter] and are there scientists that vehemently disagree with him yes but his position is such that he has the clout behind him the we he has the we we have decided and who are the we and why is it that the we write articles in the journal launch set which they have to later retract because they're basically lies crazy isn't that correct isn't that what happened doesn't that make you think shouldn't you start wondering what's going on in the world is science really the new religion on the planet and what one man says in a position of authority when he shoves his little hand into his pocket and says that he loves the jesuits yeah is that going to make him right maybe people must open their eyes a little bit maybe they must open their eyes let's have a look at another one let's see what he has to say he's a very interesting man yeah when i sent him pcr no thanks they rejected it nature rejected the pcr paper that i wrote and 30 science go through those austere magazines but they took nature to the cosmological significance of time reversal which was the uh sort of lunacy of a of a sophomore i mean a second year graduate student in biochemistry that that when that happened it really that was my first real shock about science i said there's nobody minding the store you know there aren't any wise old men up there how could this happen how could they let me publish this theory in nature it's not like in some backwater journal nature you know a lot of the professors in the department said what in the hell is this one of our graduate students just put his own paper in nature and it's not even about biochemistry the thing that i learned like back in 1968 when i first published a paper by myself in nature in the field that i had no expertise in it all there are no old wise men up there at the top of science where which i would have i really did until 68 i would have thought you know if you try to publish a dumb paper in a journal like nature it won't get published if you try to publish a good paper in there like i later tried to publish pcr the invention of pcr in the same journal and they didn't take it it's up there there isn't up there there there's no place up on the there's the academy of science is just a bunch of idiots just like everybody else you know the editors of journals austere journals even they're just busy with their little lives and stuff there are no old wise men up on the top making sure that we don't do something really dumb an apple is an apple you know you can get something that's kind of like if you've got enough things that look kind of like an apple and you stick them all together you might think of it as an apple but an hiv is like that those tests are all based on things that are invisible and they are the results are inferred in a sense pcr is separate from that it's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something that's why so it's not it doesn't tell you that you're sick and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that that's what it's not so even if you believe in hiv it can't tell the difference between virus particles or active live virus i mean there's a lot of questions involved well martin that gives you a little bit more insight now the very prestigious journals out there are the journal science in the united states of america maybe scientific americans a little bit more popular it's not quite on that level and in the uk it would be the journal nature and every scientist's dream is to get a paper published in the journal nature and here this man who later won the nobel prize because of his invention couldn't get his paper published in the journal nature but he wrote a silly little thing when he was a student on cosmology which was total nonsense according to him yeah they published it so you know where are the criteria he says there it's just like everything else it depends on your on your situation and on the status and on whatever is being said that is what is the norm being told now when we did our research at my university one of my students a very very bright student he became a postdoc fellow at harvard university you don't achieve that easily and he was involved in this this very controversial research that we were doing on dairy for example you don't get to be a postdoc out of a foreign country like south africa at harvard for nothing right yeah and he got there now he was my student and this was my research and he was the one that was taking it to a phd level right and some of the results were so stunning that i said to him we got to publish this in nature let's see let's write it up and send it to nature well they didn't take it no no so and i don't feel so bad now that the nobel prize winner tells me that they refused this paper as well yeah but we got it published in the journal of primatology so it got published but it didn't get published in nature but i can understand exactly where he's coming from and how he thinks if you don't have a particular mindset how are you going to get an article into the journal of paleontology for example now i had a very interesting situation i was lecturing at one of our top universities in the country i actually worked at that university as a as a lecturer for a year before i went to the university where i was the professor university of the western cape and i gave a lecture against the theory of evolution in fact in one of those lectures i got spat on so i've been there i've really been there and i was speaking about the petrified forests now i was explaining that they that these forests weren't a model of evolution at all because the evolutionary theory says you know they grew in sito in those places so these are definitely proof of evolution because those trees were petrified in their position of growth [Music] and this publication proved that they were not that they were all washed in that they were evidence of a flood catastrophe and that of course freaked the theologists out so this guy was thumping his desk and shouting at me and screaming and then eventually he said this rubbish would never be published in any prestigious journal in the world now there are 400 students sitting there right listening to this and it's interesting in that in that lecture one of the geologists from another university got up and he looked at these guys and he said to him you know what this this evidence is overwhelming really guys if we want to be true scientists we have to take note and rethink our position do you think they said sure no definitely it was a nuclear explosion they nearly got into a fist fight and the students were doing this in the end i was standing in the front there and watching this altercation taking place this is science right yeah and then he shouted at me and he said this stuff would never get published in a prestigious journal and i said to him well excuse me what journal would you say is prestigious when it comes to this geological feature this paleontological information he said the journal of paleontology that would be a journal and i looked at him and i said it's in there and he looked at me and he shouted he said you liar and i said it'll be on your desk by the morning so i went home and i looked up where it was i took the publication i made a copy i went to his desk he wasn't there i put it on his desk and that evening i had another lecture because these these lectures were arranged after hours of course because you know doesn't fit into the university curriculum and uh he looked at me that when i came in and i said well did you find it on your desk and he says yes but it says nothing about the universal flood so i said you're absolutely right it says nothing about the universal flood because if it would say that they would never publish it in that journal so it's written in scientific language just giving the facts and the conclusion without adding any biblical criteria to it and then it's he said but that's not valid he says that's cheating that's lying you should have said what your philosophy is aha so if you say the philosophy then the journal won't take it correct if you just give the facts the journal might the the white coats up there might be confused and taken right he's absolutely right i have experienced it in my own life so to ostracize him for what he says is to deny the truth correct would you mind you you mentioned that you when you decided okay you heard the cockroach you're gonna walk in there and if i remember correctly you put down 10 questions yes would you mind sharing with us maybe one two or three questions that you put down there for those students well that's quite a tall order yeah let's i can talk about one or two of them we're talking about evolution right and the theory of evolution and how it works and at that stage i was lecturing to the medical students and i was teaching them genetics so you were actually training medical students amongst others yes i was in the zoology department i was a comparative physiologist that was my speciality that was my research so i was working on animals i was working on the endocrine system the hormonal system okay so i compared the hormonal system of viviparity live bearing pregnancy if you like with of fishes how they work reptiles how they work mammals how they work and i didn't use humans as guinea pigs but i was testing the endocrine system i'm off the topic now but just for interest for our our critics who like to say zoologists you know i could say i was an endocrinologist my phd was largely on endocrinology and electron microscopy and autoradiography which is biochemistry so you know it it gets very confusing out there and you know the layman will think he knows how many scales there are on the back of a of a lizard but that's not what this is all about so my research was on all of these animals and i was testing the hormonal cascades one of the hormones that maintains pregnancy is the hormone progesterone so progesterone is a hormone that is produced by the corpus luteum which is after the the ovary has a follicle on the follicular stage where estrogen is in the ascendancy and then it is transformed after pregnancy after that ovum is ejected it is transformed into a corpus luteum which produces another cascade of endocrine products the most prominent being the progestins and so i wanted to know okay so mammalian systems uh maintain their pregnancy using progesterone what what does the fish do you see some fish lay eggs but some fish are live bearing yeah uh some fish are over viva proof some are vivabras so over vivabrus means that they basically have eggs but they're just retained in the body and by viviparous means that they have to be nurtured in the body not in the form of an egg but directly by some form of integration like a placenta or something similar so i was working on that which is a very tricky thing to do because if you're working with a mammal depending on what kind of mammal you're working with will determine how much blood you can extract without killing the animal right yeah yeah so if you're working on a mouse or a rat if you can get a millimeter milliliter of blood then you're taking quite a lot compared to the size of the animal if you're working on illicit then you're you're working in microliters right yeah if you're working with a human you can take a half a liter yeah and uh you know if you're working with hormones that's a very uh that's a molecule in very small quantities so i had to actually adapt the techniques at the stage where where we were working many of these techniques were were new and they all work with radiometrics so they're with radioactive materials so that you can trace how much of a particular hormone there is and so i had to change the mechanisms and the research abilities to accommodate micro levels of blood in order to determine whether there was anything like it and you could show then that the cascade in a fish is very similar to that of the mouse [Music] so that's very interesting right and there are little differences little nuance differences but if you know what the fish works how he works and you know how the reptile works i worked on chameleons and the endocrine system of chameleons that was my master's degree and then i then i transitioned to autoradiography electron microscopy and vaparity in fishes and later i did research on on rats and hamsters on rabbits on vervet monkeys on you name it on domestic animals on pigs on sheep you name it the whole lot so it gives you a very broad spectrum but i'm off the topic what was your question no my question was what your question was what did i say all right so i was teaching genetics that's how we got into it right i was teaching genetics to the medical students and i was sitting and thinking about the theory of evolution and genetics and in genetics we know that the gene system your genome determines your characteristics it's your blueprint right yes and the genetic system is extremely complicated because you have structural genes which determine the structure of particular proteins which drive particular reactions in your body and some proteins actually form part of the structure like muscle proteins etc and this complexity in the genetic system is absolutely astounding how it works and the integrity thereof and if you look at the process of replication during the meiotic process when cells divide then you have to divide the dna right it has to be a very precise process where you have to make a blueprint so basically it's like taking this book martin and saying okay the words in this book are written in a particular sequence and only when they're written in the sequence does it make sense right so when this is your blueprint in your cell and you're making a copy of the cell then you have to copy this blueprint but now if you take the letter here i'm opening it at random and it says and king david said call me zadok the priest and nathan the prophet [Music] now if that were a code a dna code and it worked in triplets in three determining an amino acid and i read aunt king david said call me zadok the priest then i would have to read it as a triplet code and kin [Music] vids etc you get it because i'm reading and reading it now in three please now what if i miss a letter instead of reading and king david call me i would read hindit good it would become gibberish yeah all right so it has to be exact so you have to make a copy of this an exact regular replica you you miss one letter yeah it's a total disaster and the mechanisms that ensure that it is precise are so complicated you have a enzyme that runs along the genetic system and reads what i've just read yeah genetically speaking now and then has to make an exact replica a copy sure are you with me yeah yeah so that's what happens in in your dna when you're replicating it and you have this this replicase enzyme going at tremendous speed because you have thousands of genes and let's say escariquia coli which is a bacterium in your stomach now in your intestine has to replicate within 20 minutes that means he has to read his book and rewrite it and copy it within 20 minutes without a mistake otherwise the next generation is not going to be e coli it's going to be something else right yeah complicated yeah so when you have that one enzyme running along you have at least five of them going afterwards behind it which are called editors yeah checking that the editing is correct and if there is a mistake they retract all the way back and rewrite it so that the mistake is corrected okay so once you start going into the nitty-gritty of how it works and now we're only talking structural genes when you're talking about controlling genes which make up the bulk of your genetic system that's why it's so ridiculous to give an example like oh the chimpanzee has 98 percent correlation between their dna and ours and there's the most ridiculous statement under the sun because how the genes are controlled is more important about than actually what they say yeah and to put that in in simple language let's say the keys on the piano are the genes yeah right that's one thing and i can go on the piano that's not music no that's pinkity plink right how do you make music out of that afternoon you have to use various combinations yeah right and you have to use them with pathos and you have to use them with intelligence and you have to use them you know in the most amazing fashion and you sit at those same keys that go all the way up and you make the most amazing music that's the controlling genes deciding what the music's going to be right so using the same keys you can get tchaikovsky and you can get rock and roll depending on what you want to play right exactly so the genetic system is so complicated that these white coats haven't got the foggiest idea of what they're playing talking about it's like really i'm being a little bit facetious now but if you have discovered martin by looking at the piano that the key is on a particular order have you got the foggiest idea about music at that stage no no this is what we're at correct right so now we've discovered what the sequence of the dna is that's like someone saying i know in which order the keys on the piano are and you haven't got the foggiest idea how to play the thing correct right that's science now we're talking science and i'm talking like that guy now probably been written off and thrown to the throne to the dogs okay so complicated the next question which begs to be answered is how did it come into existence right correct this complex system that has to work like clockwork that has so many complicated mechanisms to ensure perfect replication and the evolutionary paradigm says that natural selection doesn't work at the level of the genotype it only works at the level of the phenotype are you with me now the phenotype is what you look like all right so if i had to describe you let's not do that because i will be naughty but let's just say you're shorter than me correct yes that doesn't necessarily mean that i run faster but the probability that i with longer legs could have run faster if i were your age pretty high right yeah okay so natural selection works what is there natural selection doesn't know what's written in this book you only know what's written in this book once you see it there you are so that we call your phenotype natural selection works on the level of the phenotype it doesn't work on the level of the actual information so how did the information come into existence by chance yeah by chance so you mean to tell me martin that this book with all its information fell out of the sky one day and it was complete and made sense it couldn't be modified by the evolutionary process because natural selection doesn't work at the level of the genotype it only works at the level of the phenotype let me explain that differently if i want to know which airplane flies best of two different models what do i have to do compare the two and go and fly them yeah fly them and see which one works right normally you use something called a test pilot and it gets paid an exorbitant amount of money because he doesn't know it he's going to get out of that box alive right okay so if i want to know which plane flies best i have to go and test them does it answer the question where did the planes come from no okay where did the planes come from from the factory from the factory okay who built the airplane some bozo right some bowser okay the fact that you built it still means nothing who designed it yeah the design it takes a designer an engineer right so there's a heck of a process now when that engineer went and designed it did he make the drawings did he work out the aerodynamics did he use the mathematics associated with it did he use lift and force and this and that and all that information yes okay and then he wrote it in the book and he said here's the procedure of how to build this airplane okay yeah now if i give you the book with the procedure how to build the airplane you and i have the book fly the airplane and i have to get into it and play it can you fly the book no no what must you do with the book build the airplane okay use this to build the airplane so you what do you need you need an interpreter of what it says yes you need an interpreter and you need the mechanism to build the airplane correct okay so the book had to come about by chance in evolution because there's no designer right came about by chance with a blueprint yeah plus the mechanism to transfer the blueprint into the product and until you get the product natural selection doesn't work so given the complexity of the situation what is the probability martin that this book without a designer fell from the sky one day with its blueprint what's the probability zero okay it's zero all right now even if it fell from the sky and dead lies what's the probability that the mechanism to read what it says and to transfer the information into an actual product meaning that you must get the raw materials that you must get the sequence and to produce the raw materials plus you must bend the raw materials into the shape that they have to be so that they have eyes on the nose and teeth and everything that is in you which is incredibly complicated even you take a simple cell yeah where did that come from also by chance by chance so i asked my students and my audience what is the probability of that happening and how much faith do you need how much faith do you need to believe it and that caused mayhem i can imagine that was one of the questions that was one of the questions it caused mayhem to the extent that one of the students got up a young lady she was doing her honours degree bsc bachelor of science honours and she looked around the hall and she said when i came to this university i was a believing christian and now that i'm an honors student and i've been through the bachelor of science degree and i'm now studying bachelor of science honours degree i've become an atheist and now i am told that you lied to me do you think that went down well no no it didn't go down well didn't go down well for my career either i'm sure yes but that's how it is and that's i'm sure it's not only in the evolutionary science department when after leaving the university after this debacle you know what the debacle was martin a conflict between truth and error yes that's what the debacle was and when i left the university because of the debacle of truth and error i believe that god in his mercy reinstated me back in the university and i became the professor and head of a department of zoology [Music] as a comparative physiologist within that department and i became the head of that department which is a miracle being a creationist right yeah and i received in the end that grant from the royal society for reconstruction and development and a massive research program that as i said resulted in postdoc harvard students right yes so god had a plan god had a plan correct and when i started the research on nutrition correct do you think that it was plain sailing or do you think that the same opposition that i received on the level of evolution that i received the same opposition on the basis of nutrition definitely so martin my question to you is this is the world being fed a bunch of lies when it comes to nutrition if they were fit a bunch of lies on the evolutionary track i'm sure because probably in nutrition they also use evolutionary theories okay now our illustrious scientists scientists basically alluded to the fact that you can follow the money trail right yes and the pcr tests right [Music] so it's a polymer raised test that enhances whatever is there so it takes something small and it makes it big and many of these tests cannot be used what they are being used for that's why they give false positives or false negatives he actually said at one stage that you can test for aids and it will give you a positive test and you can test again tomorrow and it might give you a negative test because they're using some of the tests that are developed for the various diseases in in a way that it shouldn't be used but for every test there's a money trail yes and for every positive test there's a super money trail because thousands of dollars get funneled into these organizations for the governments that run on positive tests that's it so if you can make a test mandatory and force seven billion people to take a test and you put that into dollar terms there are the people that have the patents that get a cut there are people that the people that prescribe the test that get a cut they are the people that produce the tests that get a cut they are the people that oversee like the the cdc etc they get a cut and the scientists that are involved they get the huge salaries as a consequence of that cut can you see that this can be a very useful thing correct and the more positives you have the better for the money trial i can definitely see it did he say that some of the medication can certainly kill you yes all right now i'm a scientist martin and i can understand that sometimes a medication that can kill you might be useful if it also kills the disease before it kills you and he said something similar right like chemotherapy for example it's definitely bad for you and if you take it for a long time it'll kill you yes but the hope is as you said that it'll kill the bad guy in you before it kills the good guy in you so the bad cell the cancer cell dies before you and then you you get over it right now we know today that a large proportion of cancer is based on lifestyle diseases yes the statistics tell you that that's it so a correction of lifestyle would be a better alternative than the other right but there are also genetic implications and the young child can get and life is is not fair and some people have a weak constitution some have a stronger constitution some are more predisposed genetically than others there are many many factors i'm not against using a medication that will kill a disease even though it's bad for you if the natural alternative will take longer than the disease takes to kill you in other words if the disease is going to kill you in seven days and the natural cure will help you in ten days that's too late but if a product will kill the disease in two days even though it's bad for you it can save your life so i'm not anti-science but many many drugs no matter what they are will do something to you which is detrimental yes it might save your life for a while but it'll come out in another way so here is a quote that i would like to read comes from the spirit of prophecy how to live drugs never cure disease they only change its form and location when drugs are introduced into the system for time they seem to have a beneficial effect a change might take place but the disease is not cured it will manifest itself in some other form the disease which the drug was given to cure may disappear but only to reappear in a new form such as a skin disease ulcers painful disease joints and sometimes in a more dangerous and deadly form nature keeps struggling and the patient suffers with different ailments until there is a sudden breaking down of her efforts and death follows many kind times martin well all the time if you take the little pamphlet out from the little drug that you have just received from the pharmacy the list of side effects is so long and so daunting that you dare not read it because you will not swallow that stuff if you read it right it's happened to me quite often or quite a few times okay so once you start understanding this principle avoidance and treatment of the cause by correcting whatever it is that your body requires it manifests itself in the form of a disease is a better option to go correct sometimes sometimes as i said it can happen that the nature of the disease requires another intervention i'm not against that but the logical thing to do is to try and do the best you can to give yourself the best environment to be healthy in the best medicine is good food correct and that is the best meds and it's important we will in a future discussion talk about that because there's a big war going on on what is good food exactly so we need to talk about that issue so for our viewers we're not against science but we are against science falsely so-called correct i have a serious problem with many of the philosophies of science and i have a very serious problem with the we of science so may god give us the wisdom and this was basically an introduction into our discussion on health it seems to work out this way that our introductions turn out to be lectures we must stop this nonsense but it is just the fact that this is how it works if we start understanding the issue yeah then maybe we can make informed choices definitely and then maybe the position that we stand for will not look so ridiculous i hope so let's pray thanks heavenly father thank you that you have penned in a book where we come from and that you have penned in a book where we are going and that you have given us a roadmap of how to get there but we have a stubborn nature and tend to want to find our own path and it takes pain and suffering sometimes to bring us to our senses i believe that that which can happen on the individual level is happening on a universal scale and the whole of humanity will have to decide between the veracity of two religious systems wearing white coats help us to make good decisions in jesus name amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Amazing Discoveries Africa
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Id: 5CjO-Yxnifk
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Length: 95min 28sec (5728 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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