20210724 | The Tomorrow War | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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i get excited when i pause and think about god again because i don't know anyone who has a military record with no defeats i don't have any friends other than jesus that can face tomorrow without even a dribble of fear but i want you to know that as a church and as a people we are all on the border of a time that is hardly imagined that's why this title is significant to me and i'll tell you about it in a moment some of you are ahead of me on the curve i'd like you to slow down and wait for me to catch up others of you are probably wondering where do you get that title from well you know we live in an age where media has a lot to do with how we think and how we function and god has given us intense understanding and when you study god's word a preacher led of god's holy spirit find an object lesson in everything so but i want you today to be here's my favorite word i want you to be calibrated to hear what god has to say to you through his holy spirit so bow your heads with me as we approach this very challenging topic entitled the tomorrow war let us pray loving gracious father in heaven the privilege may be ours but the work is yours lord never allow us to stand here and take the glory that belongs only to you and even as you use my voice and the work that you have called me to do and putting this message together i pray that your people can hear how it applies to each of their lives they can glean from it the spiritual nourishment that each one of us is in need of to be ready for the tomorrow war send your holy angels to surround this place and minister to us and your holy spirit to keep us alert in jesus name i pray amen i want to begin with the scripture from deuteronomy this is our scripture reading for the day the deuteronomy chapter 20 verses one through four you can follow along in your bible but it's also on the screen deuteronomy 20 verses 1 to 4 and the lord through that faithful man named moses gives us these ancient words with contemporary application when you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you do not be afraid of them for the lord your god is with you who brought you up from the land of egypt so it shall be when you are on the verge of the battle that the priest shall approach and speak to the people and he shall say to them here oh israel this is significant today you are on the verge of the of battle with your enemies i'm going to say that again today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies do not let your heart faint do not be afraid and do not tremble or be terrified because of them praise god for the lord your god is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you can the church say amen what a powerful passage if you've ever had battles you need to read that passage every time a battle starts whatever the nature of the battle god is saying i will go with you to fight for you against your enemies and thus i say one plus god is the majority when you have god on your side you don't need anybody else when god is with you who can be against you when god shows up it doesn't matter who doesn't when god answers the call it doesn't matter who didn't pick up the phone when god is on the battlefield that's all you need he that is with us is more than he that is against us they that be with us are more than they that be against us now for the title through movies and media and music and any form of communication often times imaginary scenarios are drawn in the minds of the listening audience once a seed is planted that seed will germinate either sooner or later and media moguls have the amazing ability to plant a thought in the minds of society that somebody will grab onto and carry out an act either sooner or later that is perpendicular or that is parallel to what they saw in a movie you know like little boys when they see a movie about war they want to go home and fight when people watch inspiring movies about an athlete that beat the odds they want to go home and run they feel empowered they feel energetic when you see a successful story or a love story if you have a great marriage you cry together you laugh together when something funny occurs and it impresses you for a period that you cannot determine but whenever you see something that related to what you watched or what you heard somehow it has a way of getting into your character and causing you to act out what you have perceived well the writers and the directors of this recent movie entitled the tomorrow war it is a depiction that in the future as they said 30 years from now according to the writers of the movie people will come back from the future to the present and would say to us there is a war that is being fought for the survival of everyone on planet earth and the greater good of the world is dependent on the outcome of that war but we need every one of you able-bodied men and women to enlist in this war because if we lose in 30 years the world would cease to exist but strangely enough as you look at the unfolding scenario in this movie the war was not one nation against another the writers of this dramatization suggested that there are aliens that have inhabited our planets for a specific period of time of which we know not of and we've got to do whatever we can to rid our world of these invaders these aliens well so far it's not different from something you may have seen before but what caught my attention was the fact that the alien part wasn't startling but they described these aliens as sabbath keepers and if we can rid the world of these sabbath keepers then our world will survive they call them white spikes white spikes they suggest that on the si the best time to attack them is on the sixth to the seventh day because on the sixth day they record they they they go back into their reclusive hiding place to keep the sabbath and if we could if we could attack them then we have the greater chance to rid the world of them and i thought to myself how coincidental that we are on the verge as the bible describes of a war of indescribable proportions and satan is marshaling his forces together to fight against those who honor god's bible sabbath i don't believe for a moment that that scenario was incidental or coincidental i believe that satan who controls the minds of these movie makers instilled and inserted into it some suggestion that when the sabbath later on becomes an issue in the context of a world falling apart like a climate going mad uncontrollable weather you cannot reverse the impact of climate change whether you believe it or not is not the issue but when the suggestion is made that if we would all honor one day and god would be pleased and maybe he could save our planet there will be a push for the world to coalesce together unitedly honoring a specific day of the week in an attempt to appease an angry god who for whatever reason is punishing our planet because we refuse to honor the day he has us set up but when that suggestion is made i can guarantee you they're not going to make any kind of plans to honor the bible sabbath they're going to make plans to honor the day that has been set up through tradition through time and through darkness and era the day of the sun and for those of you that are not even aware of it it's already underway the climate accord that's being planned and i'll give you more details later on the sermon there's always there's already country leaders getting together trying to figure out ways to cause our world to survive whether it's green gases whether it's fossil fuels whether it's climate the climate heating up whatever you might say is happening or isn't happening the fact of the matter is our world is on the brink of falling apart and only people that want to close their eyes will say oh this is just incidental i guess it's just as incidental as animals going into the yard two by two and seven by seven they said it back then too well you know this happens every once in a while but but the child of god something else is taking place and so when i heard about this and i my mind was tweaked by a link that a number of church members sent me i don't normally look at these links but i decided well let me go ahead and look at it because the title the tomorrow war you know pastors like these flashy titles and when i when i followed through and began to understand what the movie was all about i said the devil is planting the thoughts in the minds of men and women that there are people keeping the sabbath they have refused for centuries to lay it down i've tried to stamp them out during the dark ages that did not work i raised the powers to try to drive them to extinction that did not work and i'm seeking one more way to rid the planet of those that refuse to honor the traditions that i've established to bring honor to me because i did say i will be like the most high but they refuse to disconnect themselves from the god of the sabbath so i've got to marshal the world together and as we sit here this morning three unclean spirits like frogs are coming out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophets and they are going forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them together to the battle of that great day of god almighty and if you think for whatever reason that we are not a part of the extinction clause then you cannot be awake because the devil has never been satisfied when truth is triumphant and when god's light has continued to grow brighter and brighter as was the case in the days of mordecai and every faithful person that stood through the wars and the battles that are now behind us in the annals of god's history book every one of them has to has been confronted by some force determined to wipe them out but i'm here to say today i'm here to say today that god has never lost a battle and when god stands with you let me reverse that when you stand with god you are on the winning side god doesn't stand with us unless we are on the side that god is on he says draw near to me and i'll draw near to you so when we draw near to god know that we are drawing away from the devil and as we sit here today we can play church if we want to but let me tell you something brethren there's an urgency that the people of god need to embrace we need to understand that somewhere along the line we will be living in the last days and i would suggest you today we are living in the last days everything around us is screaming even nature itself is saying we cannot wait to be rescued from what sin has done to our planet servant of the lord and the sons of the times of magazine this is a very insightful quotation that i want to share with you before i take your eyes to the screen signs of the times january 17th 1884 and paragraph 12. listen to these very ominous but stimulating words she writes men in responsible positions will not only ignore and despise the sabbath themselves but from the sacred desk will urge upon the people the observance of the first day of the week pleading tradition and custom in behalf of this man-made institution they will point listen carefully to calamities on land and sea to the storms of wind the floods the earthquakes the destruction by fire as judgments indicating god's displeasure because sunday is not sacredly observed these calamities will increase more and more one disaster will follow close upon the heels of another and those who make void the law of god will point to the few who are keeping the sabbath of the fourth commandment as the ones who are bringing wrath upon the world this falsehood is satan's device that he may ensnare the unwary what a quotation and there are people i'm gonna get a little bold here today there are some people that say ellen white is out of date and irrelevant that's your problem any my problem when god can inspire someone to give me some when god can give me eye drops through anybody that is willing to listen to the voice of the holy spirit i see to god be the glory this is to me a prognostication of the fact that as the text says we are on the verge of going to battle against our enemies and let me make it very clear our enemy is satan himself our enemy is not those that go to church on a different day of the week but if god brings to you light in place of darkness and truth in the place of error and a clear understanding in the place of confusion and then you decide to reject it before the mark of the beast even comes you have consented that when the mark of the beast comes you will be more than willing to receive it some people say well the mark of the beast hasn't come yet for some people it already has let me tell you what i mean by that because some people have heard the truth of god's word and have recalcitrantly determined to stand against it and they said i don't care about the sabbath i don't believe it i'm not going to embrace it i don't care what the bible says i'm happy where i am they have already spiritually received the mark of the beast in their lives because they're saying that when it comes i will embrace it with my whole heart so this idea that we have to wait till it comes in order for it to be a real issue when the issue does arrive then the world will be confronted by it but there are those today who are closing their probation on truth because light has come and as jesus said men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and brethren we on the verge some may suggest that these words are irrelevant to modern times but in light of the developing climate the words that i just read seem relevant to me today they are pregnant with relevance praise god for that whatever the reason the world is facing is dependence crisis whatever the reason the world is on the verge of a crumbling society like an oreo cookie and a cup of milk it's just falling apart and there's nothing we can do to reverse it you can't put back a crumbled cookie and you cannot put back a world that's falling apart the only answer for our world today is jesus that's why i say to these young men that are fired fired up and excited about the gospel preach it like there's no tomorrow proclaim it like it's going to happen in the next 10 seconds and don't let anybody turn you around don't anybody say to you well why are you so passionate god is not looking for limp people in these closing critical hours god is looking for men and women that are determined to call it like they see it like god's world reveals it because god's word is sure we can trust it brethren today i've had conversations this week from a number of people that have called me pastor john stanton called me and he and his wife rochelle shared with my wife and i that the world is falling apart and then another good friend of mine greg mace who we've known him for 40 years now in the heritage singers the max mace's son he called me last night and with his voice in in a in a pitch of urgency he says john john i believe that jesus can come back in two weeks no he didn't mean that prophecy means that everything is going to happen in two weeks but he was saying he says if you lived in california you would believe that the world could come to an end in two weeks so what do you mean greg he said let me tell you something and i'm going to show you today what he told me i'm going to show you what pastor john stanton told me pastor john stanton called me and he said oh we just came back from california you know we'd like to go to california we went to we drove down to california we went to san francisco and enjoyed right there by um the um golden gate park where everybody parks it's just everybody's out flying kites and roller skating and it's a very very stimulating environment it's great to be there i mean my wife and i have done that many times we just pier 39 and you just park your car and it's safe but he said there is a rash as though california is become the blueprint of what's rolling to the east he says brazen theft is on the rise i said what do you mean brazen theft he's a people in broad daylight in packs and in gangs with masks and guns or breaking into people's windows while the crowd watch and rummaging and taking whatever they can and nobody could stop them not even the police because they say we can't even prosecute these crimes and people are videotaping as cars are being broken until in broad daylight they broke i was getting there and they broke into john's car my wife is preaching the camera with me they broke into john's car he said i thought it was fine i mean i'm a californian he said they stole my backpack i lost my laptop and my ipad and everything else in my backpack he said i'm sure i lost about four or five thousand dollars worth of stuff and he said thank god i backed it all up before i left home techies know what i mean but he said it happened in broad daylight people saw it happen nobody would stop it the police can't even stop it because he said for whatever reason that crime is so rampant that they're downgrading the crimes that they would even prosecute and if and if they steal something below a certain dollar amount they're not even going to prosecute them so people are walking in stores like walgreen and clearing the shelves and walking out without any resistance and the security team and the store manager watches them and makes no attempt to stop them stores like macy's and neiman marcus in the san francisco area experienced people walking in and just grabbing handbags or whatever they want off the shelves and walking out without any fear of even being stopped brazen crimes and the streets of san francisco are becoming he says john if greg was saying to me if you go down to san francisco that's not the same city that he said don't if whatever you do don't ever go to san francisco without your guards up because anything could happen at any moment people are hiring independent security guards to watch their cars while it's in the car while it's in the um car garages they said they're parking garages they said they're those people that have those upper end cars they're hiring armed security to watch their cars while they go shopping did you ever believe that we would get to that point in society here we are sequestered in in in in in farmville and we think that the world is just like this so today i want to shock your sensibilities i'm going to walk you through some of these here's a picture of the walgreens store this is in san francisco you see on the right the security guard and on the left the store manager and in the background there's a guy pillaging he he brought they said this i read the article he brought in a black garbage bag and he's filling the garbage bag with what he wants and he gets on his bike and he rides right past the security guard without any fear of reprisal and nobody's stopping him and walgreens pharmacy they said the pharmacy is now being by being protected by armed guards with shotguns or whatever they they're protecting their pharmacy because they're fearful that these drug lords will come into the store and just start pillaging the pharmacy taking what they want so they're protecting the pharmacy but they said walgreen is closing their 12 stores in the san francisco city area because of this kind of happening not only that this is a picture of neiman marcus these guys they come in with hoods they cover their faces they go into the stores and grab whatever they want and they run out read the article they said macy's and neiman marcus are taking measures into their own hands these stores in the san francisco area so what they're doing is they're putting in security devices in these bags so that and they're putting in gates that if you steal something and you're trying to run toward the exit the gates come down and lock you in because he said they can't get help from the police themselves and if you think i'm making this up check it out yourself i don't like sensationalism i like to tell it like it is that's just that's just the tip of the iceberg with no fear of reprisal that's happening in the west on the other hand our natural resources are either going up in flames or being washed away in torrential floods forests are burning up the water supply is drying up let me take you this is a map of what's happening starting to the west and going to the east you'll notice the colors dry moderate severe extreme and exceptional you notice the color exceptional in the las vegas area the salt lake city area the albuquerque new mexico all these regions where it's dark red that means they are already on water rationing but you'll find out what i mean by that in just a moment let me go to the pictures and specifics this is a picture of folsom lake this is today we used to live we used to we went to folsom lake and jet skiing before you see those things to the bottom right those where the boats are normally docked but there's no water to dock a boat so they're all empty these pl they're all empty there's no place the water is receding at such a rate that as greg said to me he said this is not folsom lake it's becoming folsom desert because the water is receiving receding at such an alarming rate let's go on further this is the uh california reservoir the water is down to 17 percent what would happen if our water was down to 17 in this area do you know what that means he says right now they're giving people fines if you water their grass this is in california this is not in arizona where they don't normally have a lot of watering taking place but the challenge here is as the water begins to dry up the cities like southern california that this reservoir furnishes water rationing is going to be take is already taking place in this state and people are people are threatened by fines if they are caught watering their grass but on the other side of that they said that there is water crimes happening all around them thieves are tapping into the fire hydrants during the night and siphoning water out when people cannot watch and carting them off in truckloads to survive for their own cells so they're already in many cases fighting over something as simple as the resource of water in the west let's go further let's go further this this is lake orville this is by orville california you see the bridge you see the you see the river that used to be below it that's today that's what's happened in california but let me shock your sensibilities climatologists say that according to what they see that the west coast has two more years of drought ahead of them and this is what happened just between 2020 and 2021. let's go on this is the lake in utah utah water crisis that used to be if you look up that brown line right up here the water used to be up to that level we'll look at where it is now that's one of the park rangers looking at what is happening and just recently there was a torrential downpour of rain but they said the ground is so dry that every drop of that rain just got sucked right into the ground because the water levels are so far below the ground it has to fill up below the ground before it could even get to table level than to start going above and one of those cities in california they said if you were standing in this very same pot in 20 in this very same location in 2019 you will be a hundred feet below water level but the water has dropped a hundred feet and they said now these towns that people have not seen for decades are reappearing and you're able to walk across what used to be a lake thriving with water this is in utah let's go even further nine this is this is amazing this is not even this is not even i'm not even making this up 99.94 percent that is the drought in in in in utah it says 99.94 of their water supply that's that's the level up they call this exceptional drought that used to be water and in the distance it's received it's receding and disappearing this is happening in the west let's go even further that's one side you see the brown the white water lines that's lake mead the water is down 140 feet down where the brown line that's where it used to be but some people might say 140 feet that's not that much but let's look at the explanation they may not seem like much but six feet of water loss equals 300 billion gallons of water gone for human use and what else hydro power meaning the water levels have dropped so low that the water is not even reaching the turbines so they can't make electricity it's a risk it's a rollings one thing affecting the other the water is not even up to the turbines and the lower turbines are not powerful enough to substitute what the turbines in full force can accomplish together and the turbines here the powers is is powering colorado it's powering the states that are below that so what's happening no water no power let's go even further that's a picture of the colorado dam the hoover dam which is the water levels it's normally up to here it's down they can't even they can't even get the turbines to spin because there's not enough water to even go through the turbines brethren these are signs of how the indicators look at this this is lake mead 1984 on the left that was what lake mead looked like this is lake mead as of 2020 on the right it's worse today that was a year ago let's go further what about the fires california fires as one firefighter described it this week he said these fires are of biblical proportion we cannot control them we cannot stop them and they are continuing to proliferate some set fires and the embers fly and start a fire someplace else that's california here's canada canada is saying for the first time they have never had fires like this in their recorded history but look at the backlash what do you need to put out fires okay so if there's not enough water in the west and the fires in the west what do you have a vicious cycle that's canada let's go on this is washington state the same thing washington state is one of the states that may have a forest fire here and there but they're saying at the very same time they are seeing fires that they have never seen before the west is going up in flames as i was talking to greg mace last night i thought he called me to tell me about because he always calls me to tell me about sound equipment moses you know he and i we buy sound equipment and he's always telling me what's the latest thing he called me and from the time he picked up from the time i answered his voice was at fever pitch oh my goodness johnny you would not believe he said we are surrounded here in placerville our trees are brown and all it takes is we are one match away from extinction pray for us my mother is worried that's lucy mace who just recently lost our hearts with max he said he said pray for us we don't know what to do and we are praying that we will get rain to somehow and he said you know what the fires are not far away from us and we don't know what to do this is in washington state let's go on i want to i want to show you what's happening this is in oregon the oregon fires the oregon fire is once again like all the other and washington and california and canada are out of control and there are not enough firefighters on the fire lines that are coming in from all parts of the nation but that drought is starting in the west and it's moving slowly toward the east uncontrollable fires and it's so intense they said that the the the the fires in oregon are so great it's creating its own weather patterns did you hear about that on the news these clouds are billowing so high that's creating its own thunderstorms while the vicious cycle of that when it thunders it what and it starts more fires the lightning from these fires that are made that these fires produce clouds brethren the earth itself is telling us how near we are to the end this is new york city and chicago from the smoke from the west coast my sister talked about that the other day she said we can't even see here in new york city this is fires from the west coast the smoke is going to chicago and new york city brethren i want to tell you god picked this location for us to be living in because right now jason all of this impact see we complain about rain thank god for the rain amen church reign on bring me some more rain saturate my grass my trees are growing so fast i can't even keep bring the rain right jeff bring the rain we don't need what they have but it's moving from the rest west is moving east and it's moving east by going north places like montana in wisconsin and north dakota they're getting the backlash of these fires also god is saying to us it's time to be awake let's not stop there let's go to the floods in europe flash floods in europe not this is not even the one in germany this is just in europe generally they have flash floods wiping away people's life savings that is a train surrounded by water that's a european storm let's go to germany this is in germany and belgium flash floods so quickly these are cars piled one upon the other wiping away people's savings and they said they said the reason why when rain starts we are not concerned because we've never had this kind of rain before but they had one year of rain in 24 hours but this has nothing to do with climate change or fossil fuels it's coincidental let's go on further this is the germany floods towns are being devastated by the this is the aftermath of the floods this picture talks it shows how the people are this is one of the towns in germany they're they're collecting they're piling up all the things that the water lines have destroyed the water levels were washing away people's homes he said more than a thousand people possibly have been killed by these floods and it's and it happened before they can even know it this is in china where in 25 25 inches of rain fell in 24 hours now brethren i'm i'm not talking about five years ago this all happened in the last two weeks 25 inches in 24 hours the rain was so fast that people were trapped in the subways they couldn't get out and they kept the doors closed for fear that the water would come in and drown the passengers the subways in china and they said 71 rivers in this province in china have overflowed because of torrential rains not just the west coast but it's happening in other and i didn't have all i mean i decided to stop here because i don't want to overwhelm you i don't want this to be a complete slideshow but that's just giving you some indication of where we are in the times of the end all of creation is groaning and saying that we are living on the verge of a stupendous crisis what else do the people of god need to see to say god is giving us time to get out and let other people know that jesus is soon to come this is the hour of urgency the bible warned us of these things the lord says in matthew 24 verse 7 for nation will rise against nation we've seen that and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines when the water is washing away the crops and they cannot even grow that what happens famines what about pestilences what do you think covet 19 is for those that believe it actually exist what do you think the delta variant is for those that believe it actually exists millions of people have died in india they're estimating 3.5 to 4.1 million people have died from the impact of covet 19. still they're people that think it's a hoax that is some kind of government plan to control humanity it may move in that direction because greg was telling me that already in california they're suggesting that if you don't get your vaccine by october this year you may not have the privilege of having your driver's license renewed let me tell you brother what's on the horizon is greater than you can ever imagine something that is just a health crisis is becoming a political manipulative tool and people are losing their freedom to choose or not to choose you can choose to take it or not to take it that should be your right but you should never be impacted in such a way that you begin to lose your freedoms but it's happening here in america the land of the free and the home of the brave really that used to be the case the devil is tightening the noose around earth's neck and we are seeing a world this gives you an example i did include the picture honey this is a this is a this is an a crematory ground in one of the locations in india you see there's no place to bury the people so what happens when they die they take them out and they put them in a pile and they burn them this is happening all over the major parts of india and the government says that at least 3.1 to 4 million people have already died now they're saying it may not all be coveted related but the hospitals are so packed that when people die from whatever the disease is they have no choice but to cremate them in open air what's happening in our world today the bible says that these things are going to happen more rampant but i want to make a point today the climate of the world is no surprise to god the climate of the world is no surprise to god but it is in fact a wake up call to humanity that time is running out for the student of prophecy and those who understand the unfolding eschatological timetable god is saying we are on the borders of an eternal world do you believe that so when you said of your bible what is the apostle paul say notice what he says in first thessalonians 5 those of you that are studying he says but concerning the times and season 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 1-3 but concerning the times and seasons brethren what does he say you have no knee that i should write to you what else can god say to seventh adventist christians he said you ought to know i'm seeing people's eyes open and they're saying i didn't know this for 40 years and you knew this god is going to hold us responsible for what we know that we refuse to tell other people so that they can also know and escape like my my pastor friend said this week when i was saying you didn't know this he said one of the reasons why we don't hear this gospel in all the other churches and he said let me make it very simple for you we just don't know it we just don't know it and he walked out of here ryan with a stack of lessons so i'm gonna go home and digest this he said he said everything you give me i read and he said to me i want you to know that ever since my wife and i met you and your wife we've changed a lot of things including the way we eat and he said with a smile i'm blaming you for all the changes that have taken place in my life i want you to know that and i said to god be the glory what do you say when the changes are from darkness to light from error to truth we are to love people enough that we get to know them and get to show them that we care about them but don't hesitate to bring before them the truth of god's word that's what god has called us to do god has not called us to be comfortable church members sitting in a recliner waiting for jesus to come and take us to heaven in first class he's saying get on the street hit the streets with the gospel beat and tell people jesus is coming soon urgency because i can tell you there are people by the thousands that were washed away by these floods as ellen white says many are being taken to christless graves and that's what the devil desires but concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you why for you yourselves know how perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and what else safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and you saw it let's say it together and they shall not escape what can we see in these things happening in our world today what is god saying to us i go back to a documentary written for our admonition today and it's amazing when we look at the location of the salutation look at this testimonies for the church volume 9 page 11 one one look at this the condition of things in the world shows that troubleless times are right upon us why would somebody be angry when they read that the daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future bold robberies i just showed you that bold robberies are frequent occurrences strikes and are common theft and murders are committed on every hand men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men women and little children men have become infatuated with vice and every species of evil prevails that's our world we go outside and we smell the grass and we say we're fine but brethren you go to any major city right now st louis is cracking down again to instill mandatory mass squaring because for whatever reason they didn't take the vaccinations seriously or they didn't take the covet seriously and now it's it's it's it's climbing so exponentially that not too far away from us we got the freedom to choose the word or not here in the state of illinois but a lot of these major cities and already the places where people had the choice to take it or not now governors and leaders of other states are saying the reason for this surge they're beginning to blame those who chose not to take the vaccine can you see where this is headed can you see where this is headed you'll be hated of all nations if you choose not to coalesce or acquiesce with what the common society is suggesting you will be maligned we are living in amazing times but i say once again these times are not and should not be a surprise to the people of god you see the more instrumental scenario is what we found in the opening scripture as moses wrote today speaking to the christian to us today today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies and if you don't believe it if you don't believe that we on the verge of the tomorrow war all you've got to do is re-familiarize yourself with the words of satan in revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. this is his attitude this is his plan revelation 12 verse 17 the king james version and the dragon was wroth with the woman and when to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ let me tell you brethren i am not going to abandon the commandments of god by god's grace what do you say not just the sabbath all of the commandments of god because there are ten commandments not just one they're ten commandments see to it that your life is lived in harmony and by the grace of god i can do all things through christ who strengthens me don't be a proponent of just the sabbath like the pharisees were and broke all the other nine but pray for god's holy spirit to work in your life obedience that is actuated by a love for christ a love for god and a love for the truth and whether it happens you are a servant ready for the fire that's coming ready for the tomorrow war that's why today is gonna as i take you down to the latter part of the sermon i'm gonna highlight a particular character in the bible a man by the name of joshua go to joshua chapter 11 with me because joshua faced a similar scenario joshua is one of my bible heroes joshua is a young man that i cannot wait to meet got a lot of heroes in the bible i'm surely going to have a lot to talk to about peter because peter and i had so much in common i could talk 500 miles an hour with gusts up to 7 50. but god finally got my mind synchronized to the holy spirit but joshua was a young man who faced similar situations as we're going to face in the near future the forces that opposed god were coalescing together against the children of israel and god looked down to see if there's a man willing to stand with god to fight against these forces of darkness and he found a young man by the name of joshua look at joshua 11 beginning with verse 1. the bible says and it came to pass when jaben king of hazor heard these things that he sent to jobab king of madonna to the king of shimran to the king of ash shepherd and to the kings who were from the north in the mountains in the plains south of chinaroth in the lowland and in the heights of door on the west to the canaanites in the east and in the west the ammonites or the amorite the hittite the parasite the jebusite i'm going on further all of these in the mountain and the hivite below hemorrhon in the land of mispa so they went out they and harmony all their enemies with them their armies with them as many people as what the sand that is on the seashore in multitude with very many horses and chariots and god said to joshua there are a whole lot of them there's a whole lot of them they have all coalesced together as we sit here today satan is constructing the battle of armageddon he is looking at the issues he is seeking to take advantage of things that could be resolved pretty diplomatically but he's looking at the hearts he's listening to the chambers of congress and he's listening to men that have positions of leadership he's listening to the thought leaders to the economist to those people making decisions about what we can buy what we cannot buy he's so ordering things that as ellen white says that the people of god in the future will not have mercy and somebody might say well that sounds like an alarmists talking about things that are not going to occur but you can believe that all you want you bob i'll just say what bob said you are asleep and you need to be awakened but the first question i want to ask you is what did jabin hear you see in order for these armies to get together jabin who made the first move to start coalescing them all together he heard something why would you need so many armies so many kings to coalesce with you so many bands of military to go and fight against israel and joshua why would you need so many because the bible says and it came to pass when jabin king of hazel heard these things so the question is what did he hear what did the enemy hear that he knew he needed to pull all these forces together to fight against this small ban of those obedient to god's word what did he hear look at jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 40. this is what jabin heard oh this is what jabin heard so joshua conquered how much of the land all the land the mountain country and the south and the lowland and the wilderness slopes and all their kings he left none remaining but utterly destroyed all that breathed as the lord god of israel had commanded now let's let's put this together let's not run too fast what jabin heard was everybody that stood in the path of the people of god didn't have a chance because god was on their side come on say amen somebody he heard that wait a minute joshua is not a one-man army joshua has heaven on his side let me tell you something friends when you've got heaven on your side you better believe the devil's going to try to find a way to defeat you so in the near future he's going to coalesce all these forces together the kings of the earth and the whole world he's going to gather them together because he knows he faced jesus in heaven and lost praise god for that he faced him in the garden and lost again faced him at the cross and jesus came forth victoriously praise god for that and jesus left and all he had was just a wound on his heel he told the devil i'm bringing you down and the bible says he was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil and the devil himself and release those who are there all their lifetime were in bondage to fear so i don't fear anymore i've taken fear out of my vocabulary so i could walk into buildings where professional people are and say god they said don't walk in here unless you have an appointment you bigger than that amen i don't need a i'm hearing god i said i'm here to talk about an event that's happening on september 11th and i want to talk to somebody about advertising come on in god can bring down walls that man erects and let me tell you while we're talking about plans i can tell you the devil's going to try to find his way to mess it up if you don't think that i told you a few weeks ago whenever there are opportunity there'll always be opposition but whenever there's opposition there's omnipotence and it's called god so as we prepare for tomorrow war we must remember that god gave joshua victory and he will give us victory the world may be falling apart and its resources drying up but in the kingdom of heaven there is no crisis terry there's no crisis but get this god gave joshua victory but look at god's promise to us god's the bible says and joshua conquered but look what god's promised to us romans 8 and verse 37 romans 8 and verse 37 yet in all these things we are more than conquerors joshua conquered but with christ we are more than conquerors through him who loved us i don't want to just be a conqueror in jesus i want to be more than a conqueror what do you say you can conquer whatever you're faced with in christ you can be more than conquerors through him who loved us you see joshua did not fear his enemies his enemies feared him sometimes adventists think well you know i don't want to get people upset you can't be at seventh-day adventists if you don't want to get folk upset i'm not talking about offending people understand me but the bible says in revelation 22 the fearful and unbelieving will have their part in the lake of fire what does that mean fearful of telling the truth when you tell the truth lovingly when you wrap the truth in the love of christ you don't need to follow that up with an apology because the lord will take that seed of love and compassion and find a willing heart that just did not know brother we can't think of other people and other denominations being our enemies we've got to think of them as our brothers and sisters in christ they love the lord like you do and maybe some of them love the lord more than you do some of them are living up to what they have and they're dedicated with all their heart like my pastor friend says i've learned i've known the lord all my life but god has chosen to bring me to this point where he can bring me out of darkness into this marvelous light that's what god wants to do so don't look at people of other denominations as your enemies that's not your enemy we don't wrestle against flesh and blood we wrestle against the forces of darkness that's why hell was not created for anybody that jesus created with his own hands hell was prepared for the devil and his angels don't be determined to join him in that final bonfire but when you see people in walmart and wherever you go you may not be the kind of person to walk up to folks but if you have a facebook page you can post something to leave them to like if you got instagram put some links on there stop putting pictures of yourself who cares what you look like put something that will show them who jesus is link some lessons from amazing facts or from three abn's the bible questions put some videos on that when people watch it they'll learn something more than they have known before be an instrument of goodness that's why the lord said to joshua in joshua 10 and verse 25 notice what he said to joshua when joshua went out to battle you see you see the the kings that were about to come up against joshua had heard what did they hear look at joshua 10 and verse 25 and joshua said to them that it's to his army of israelites do not be afraid nor be dismayed what else should we be be strong enough what good courage for thus the lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight i'm telling you i'm not thirsty for casualties i want souls for the kingdom but if you stand in the way of a soul for the kingdom you'll be a casualty there is no third category either you are with god or you are against him either you're gathering with him or you're scattering abroad there is no third category that's why when we see the conditions of the world it should not create enough fear because the lord made it very clear what you see in the world is just a harbinger of the soon coming of jesus mark 13 29 so you also when you see these things happening know that it is near at the door some of these children wait for christmas and you know people say it's right around the corner i grew up hearing that phrase that always irritated me as a kid because i want to go around the corner anybody know what i'm talking about christmas is right around the corner and i say what corner let me make it clear the coming of jesus is right around the corner the world knows it nature understands it all creation is groaning waiting for the world to go through an extreme makeover you see god is going to put to an end all the systems and replace them with his system and distress indicates how near the coming of jesus is look at the apostle luke what he says luke 21 25 here's these words prophetic words certain words he says luke 21 25 and 26 and there will be signs in the sun in the moon and in the stars and on the earth what else friends distress of nations we're seeing that with perplexity the seas and the waves roaring and what else men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven will be what the powers of heaven will be shaken while the world is being shaken dark forces are consolidating together but what did joshua do when he knew that the forces of darkness were consolidating together look what he did joshua 11 and verse 5. the bible says when all these kings had met together they came and camped together at the waters of miram to fight against israel when they had this summit coming up in november i'm wondering what the end result of that summit is going to be because the summer the climate summit that's coming up in november that's going to take the place that's going to take place in scotland and also in the united states and in one other location this climate summit is going to suggest and as and i'll show you the quote in a moment here our political leaders are saying that pope francis has a moral obligation to persuade the world that we need to unite and put into measures those things that we believe will save our planet did somebody not tell him that god is about to carry out an extreme makeover of this planet they don't have to fix anything jay god is going to fix it what do you say behold i saw a new heaven and a what else a new earth so they don't have to fix anything but what you know what's driving this this belief that is prevalent in evangelicalism and christianity that they believe that jesus is going to come and reign on the earth so they got to get it ready for him to come and reign he already came down here let me make a statement not even aliens want to come down here why would an alien want to come to san francisco and risk getting robbed they don't exist that's my point but jesus is not coming to reign on this corrupt earth he's going to purify this earth and replace it with a kingdom where sin will never rise up his head again but pope francis is going to be there and reuters news brings out this statement about what's coming up to us look what it says reuters news may 15 2021 he says pope francis has the moral authority to sway public opinion over what global warming and might attend the united nations climate change conference in scotland he has the what moral authority to sway opinion look what it goes on further to say it says um u.s president joe biden who also was catholic and climate envoy john kerry said on saturday this was a recent interview may 15th but it goes on further to say because he that is the pope is above politics and outside of the hurly burly of day to day national conflict i think he can sort of shake people a little bit and bring them to the table with a better sense of our common obligation carry added in other words pope francis we need you to shake up the world a little bit get people to the table let them know what their obligation is you know my obligation is to preach jesus christ crucified buried risen again and soon coming that's our obligation not trying to fix planets clean up cities it is our obligation to be stories of what god has given to us but our obligation is above that when we know but what i'm seeing in this is the fulfillment of revelation chapter 17 god is in charge of the final movements nothing is happening outside of the commanding hand of god he said i declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying i will do all my pleasure brethren god is still in charge nothing is happening outside of god's ability to orchestrate the final movements look at revelation 17 and verse 17 this is what revelation tells us we might see declining conditions that may be the catalyst but god is still in charge revelation 17 17 why would they get together for god has put it into their hearts to fulfill what his purpose to be of one mind and get this and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of god are fulfilled what beast that beast described in revelation chapter 13 that beast upon which the woman sits in revelation chapter 17 the power of political and religious rome god is saying give that beast your power and authority because i'm about to fulfill my will to god be the glory god is in charge so when you consider the kings of the earth and the world gathering together it could be daunting until you read joshua's diary here it is jason joshua's diary joshua's diary refrying in joshua chapter 1 and verse 5 these words what should we be expected what the people of god what should the people of god expect look what the lord said to joshua joshua 1 and verse 5 no man say that with me again friend no man shall be able to stand before you in all the days of your life as i was with moses so i will be with you together i will not leave you nor forsake you that's where that comes from god's not going to leave us god's not going to forsake us don't be fearful because he goes on further in joshua 11 and verse 6. let's wind up the story here notice what the lord does so god's saying i am with you so when joshua hears about the consolidating armies look at joshua 11 verse 6 but the lord said to joshua do not be afraid because of them look at the next word for when tomorrow say it again when tomorrow ricky when friends tomorrow about this time in other words when the tomorrow war begins about this time what the lord said i will deliver all of them slain before israel and this is amazing to me and you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire not even the horses are gonna get away and sometimes we get sidetracked by you know military technology i'm one of those geeks i may not look like it but i like to read about all those highly technical things you know those those new jets and those those uh stealth battleships those 20 million dollar under radar planes that america's i you know anybody else like that am i the only one i'd like to read that kind of stuff you know techie guys how fast is it well you don't know it's you don't know it's coming until it left you don't believe me remember the gulf war saddam hussein didn't know what was going to hit him until the plane's already left i like to read that stuff and you know it does this and it moves at this speed of sound and it has this technology and it could find things and i'm thinking wow and it could see you one you don't even know and it could it could pick up a a posted stamp from sixty thousand feet in high definition i'm thinking so how are we gonna hide god's got a secret place for us what do you say you think that man can create an arsenal you stand on god's side when the armies of the enemies came up against israel god said how many angels do we need for this battle we just need one how many do they have 185 000 i just go ahead and send an angel put your sandwich down go ahead and deal with it and come back and finish it that angel went down and wiped out all the army and came back and finished his meal let me tell you something friends man may have technology but god can hide his people under the shadow of the almighty look what he did to joshua joshua 11 verse 7 and 8. and i just have a few more scriptures but it's the sabbath so relax so joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of maram and they attacked them why at the waters of maram because that's where they gathered together to attack joshua and israel but joshua became proactive and says we're not waiting for you to come at us we're coming at you in verse 8 and the lord delivered them into the hand of israel who defeated them and chased them to greatest sidon to the brook what miss ref and to the valley of mispa eastwood and they attacked them until they left none of them remaining when the great controversy is over there will be no more death no more sorrow no more suffering no more hospitals no more disease no more plagues no more coba 20 21 22 23 or 24. there'll be no violence no crime no drying up lakes no burning forests there'll be no funerals no cities that are on the verge of collapse there'll be no multiple grave sites there'll be peace forevermore because wherever you look from north to south east to west god is going to create a city that is filled with peace and you'll look for wicked and evil men and they will no longer be found can the church say amen you see the outcome of the tomorrow war is already written david the psalmist said it in psalm 37 verse 9 and 10. look what he says in psalm 37 verse 9 and 10. and i'm going to invite i'm going to invite pharaoh to come and just play softly for me in just a moment here the outcome of tomorrow's war is already written psalm 37 verse 9 and 10 for evildoers shall be cut off but those who do what friends weighed on the lord they shall inherit the earth for yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more indeed you will look carefully for his place but it shall be no more what do you say no more sin no more suffering when the tomorrow war is over all the opposing armies will expire with it god will clear the battlefield and the results will be final affliction will not rise up a second time but i want to give you this last quotation before i close for the church once again volume 9 page 11. the days in which we live are solemn and important the spirit of god is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth plagues and judgments are already filling falling upon the despises of the grace of god the calamities by land and see the unsettled state of society the alarm of war are portentious they forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude the agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating they are strengthening for the last great crisis great changes are soon to take place in our world and the final movements will be rapid ones what happened when joshua did what god called them to do the battle was swift and rapid but the outcome was to the glory of god what did joshua do you see the battle that joshua faced is the battle that god fought through joshua joshua 11 verse 9 to 11 so joshua did to them as the lord had told him he hamstring their horses and burned their chariots with fire meaning all the forces that come up against god's people will be of no impact at all god is going to hold them back in other words god is going to hamstring the tanks and the military forces every move made to try to prevent god's church from succeeding he said the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church verse 10 said joshua turned back at that time and took hazor and struck its kings with the sword for hazel was formally the head of all those kingdoms what does it say formally because hazel was no longer the head of those kingdoms hazel was formerly the head of all those kingdoms and it says they struck all the people who were in it with the edge of the sword that is with god's word the sword is god's word utterly destroying them how with truth there was none left breathing then he burned hazel with fire one day god is gonna purify this earth with fire and the only remnants of the wicked and sin will be ashes under the soles of our feet on the day that god does that that's why brethren we've got time now god has given us time as a church to get busy with getting the message out to lost souls all around us some of them love the lord but they don't know what god has revealed to us and god is saying this is the hour get that sword out and sharpen it and let the word of god be the battle tool in your arm to reach tender hearts minds that are willing people that are dissatisfied with the hype of religion and they want something more god is saying this is the time you see the first step in victory is creating a coalition with your ally and today we need to create a coalition with our ally and his name is jesus david the psalmist says in psalm 46 6-7 the nations raged the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted and the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge there will be a tomorrow war however we will not give the victory to god but god will give the victory to us but thanks be to god who giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ my brethren let me ask you the question where do you want to stand in the final movements of the last days if you want to stand on the side of those who want to be on the battlefield for the lord if you want to do your part in getting the world ready god will give you the directive what he tells me to do may not be what he tells you to do what he tells you to do may not be what he tells me to do but if in one capacity or the other [Music] you want to be involved in getting other people ready for the coming of jesus will you stand with me [Music] paul says thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ first corinthians 15 57 there is going to be a tomorrow war but there's going to be a tomorrow victory there's going to be a tomorrow war and there's going to be a tomorrow victory because jesus has already won the battle he's already won the victory over death in the grave he's already captured even death itself he's already broken free from the tomb that bound him for those three days and now he wants to hand the victory over to his church it's going to get tough before it gets easy but when you stand with god the tomorrow war is god's war it's not yours but if you stand with him the tomorrow victory will be yours it's not just god's our heavenly father we ask first of all we praise you we thank you [Music] we consider what you've done for us and we remember if god is for us who and what can be against us lord we have been given the sword not to cut people up but to inform them enlighten them to cut away error and insert truth and as you've used this sword in the garden of temptation it is written it is written it is written may we know what is written so that when we put on the whole armor of god we can stand firm with the weapon of our warfare with the word of god with the undeniable truth of your word with a sword that has never ever become dull may we study a word may we hide it in our hearts may we live by it and communicate it and when we sound that battle cry when we say that we are in it to win it may we understand we can only win it as we stand with jesus and so we thank you lord that yes there's going to be a war tomorrow but you've already wanted in your precious and holy righteousness and we thank you in the name of jesus and god's people said amen you
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 111,032
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Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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