Walter Veith & Francois du Plessis - A Warning To Nineveh - Nahum, A Book For Our Time - Part 1

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[Music] i am sitting here with my good friend francois duplessi and we're going to talk about the book naom and there's been a recent discovery in the middle east and we'll talk about that where a fragment of this book was just found on the 16th of march 2021 this very year so before we start can you open for us in prayer father in heaven thank you for the most reliable book in the world the bible thank you for the story of nineveh and the prophet nahum and as we discuss the latest discoveries enlighten our minds and give us a greater appreciation of your book the book from heaven in jesus name amen amen now francois the book name is a book of one of the minor prophets of course i don't believe there are minor prophets you're either a prophet or you're not a prophet right but that's what the world titles these books and it is a literary masterpiece now i think it is very important that this book should have been found at this point in history or that a fragment of it should have been found because it authenticates it way back in history and i am of the conviction that this book has something to do with our time because the bible says that these things were written for our admonition now francois you are one of the few people that have actually been to nineveh and seen the ruins of nineveh so tell us a little bit about that i first want to show you two books walter francois these are very very old books they are falling apart at the seams and like these books on the shelf behind me they smell moldy and when you open them then it has a date in here and it says 1850 and these two books deal with the discovery of nineveh and it's layouts famous works on nineveh these are very rare manuscripts and how long have they been on your shelf well it comes from my father he was a student so you weren't born around about 1850 a little later a little later so tell us about nineveh you went to the site you know i read a book by ollie burke a famous archaeologist and he was discussing the fact that in 1990 something happened at libya eunice this one this is one of the mounts of nineveh the other one is and archaeologists were convinced that this is the palace of israel as well as his armory but they couldn't go in there because it was on the holy site the tomb of naba yunus the prophet name but saddam was saying now i want to give him credit he overruled the islamic law and he gave the archaeologist the green light and they started to discover seven huge lambousas you know these bulls were the face of balls of the syrians the face of a man i said lord you know my love for archaeology please let me go there and wonder above wonder walter i managed to get into iraq but they wouldn't let me go up to none of it because the americans were doing bombings up there and the next time i said i'm here to go to nineveh and they were very reluctant but i went there and i saw with my own eyes the excavations and this was world news in 1990 he had to remove 400 families from that area [Music] and gave the archaeologists that go ahead to discover it but they didn't discover everything now the next great world news was in 1914 when isil the l stands for levant they wanted to occupy this entire middle east when they destroyed part of nineveh they smashed the beautiful artifacts and we were all in tears but you know god has got a way to change the the curse into a blessing according to nehemiah 13 verse 2 so in 1917 isil was pushed out and then the archaeologists went into the tunnels that they've excavated there were a number yes yeah when they got down there these are on my on my latest uh research on the book of nineveh it will be on youtube amazing discoveries within a month or so when i show the pictures what they discovered there as well as the name of essa esseralland is mentioned in the bible so an another one yes in this wonderful building of biblical archaeology now i know your passion because your big passion is to show that this book is the truth now before this discovery as written in these volumes of yours over here there was a lot of talk that uh never is a myth no where do you find it is the bible and you know the book of jonah and all of these things what's the story these are mythological stories in the bible but then this man layout they discovered the ruins of nineveh and that's where these two volumes came into existence and it was world news as you say now it's very important to me that at this time in history in which we are living with all of these lockdown issues and pandemics in the world that attention should again be directed to the book of nahum and i want to do a typological study on the book of nayam bringing it to the time in which we are living because i found it interesting in the article we'll look at it in a moment where they discussed the discovery of these scrolls with the particular verses of the book of name in them and one of the comments underneath was from one of the comments of the people out there was i'm wondering whether god in his providence allowed the discovery of this book at this time in history is he trying to tell us something and i believe that the stories of these events in history are typological and that we need to study them to understand where we are standing in the stream of time so francois the talk is titled the book of name a warning to nineveh and i cannot think of anyone better to talk about some of the archaeological issues and the historic issues than yourself so we will go through this together and then later we will look at some of the other aspects so i will continue with this now in this book you have this picture over here of nineveh and its remains and the book became a bestseller in the time when it was published in 1850 and if you open it up in this very fragile book that's falling apart then you will see that very picture that is on the screen at the moment so this is very historically significant and you know what walter the tomb of nayam it's about 60 k's north of nineveh the american i don't know from which fund it comes uh has donated 500 000 to restore this very important site so somehow the focus is on the book name is world news at the moment yeah you can you can check this on the internet you can see the he is he's very optimistic that's beautiful now here are the ruins of rook or the biblical iraq and ashobanipal discovered two important clade tablets there in the time of the sirians and he took them to his library and there they lay right today they are aware these clay tablets about this i should manipul wherever he conquered a city he collected all the clay tablets 22 000 of them once this was god sent and he built a library in another and the modern libraries are built on on his structure and two of the most important discoveries he made in uh this place uruk oh i've done a series on uruk as well were two famous clay tablets now this is the place where written words were started you know before the flood they they remembered everything they had brilliant minds they didn't need to write things down yeah seven generations lived contemporaneously so no only sons came with these brilliant minds and for quite a few centuries they didn't need to write and eventually they started to forget at urugu and that's where they started to develop the science of writing so this is a very important place and it's what's very interesting francois is the timing of the events if you look at the prophetic writings i mean the the science of archaeology is a very young science and the dates when these things happened are fascinating to me the one is 1798 and biblically that's a very important date because that is where the papal power went into captivity and in the book of daniel it tells us that that is the commencement of the time of the end when knowledge will be increased and that is when the science of archaeology actually started isn't that correct yeah metal anger in his book archaeology of the old testament of course napoleon took all the scientists into egypt so meryl anger actually mentions the date 1798 yes the birth of archaeology but this was limited only to the hieroglyphics and then the cuneiform where the cipher give me this yes this ghost now we go to iran to a place called the bay houston rock with the rise the first by the way is he he took his throne name from a previous derives the mean yes so the book of daniel is very authentic and then yeah yes and then you that's another study but he mentions the three cuneiform languages that were discovered there one of them the elamite discovered it 1844. all right so you have the the birth of the science of archaeology 1798 beginning of the time of the end the deciphering of the cuny form one of the human form writings 1844 and that sets the stage for the authentication of this book and it links it to the time of the end in which we are now living so very interesting this is part of nineveh where they did not do any digs as you can see but the prophet zephaniah also predicted that nineveh would land into this situation runes upon runes upon rules now why was never destroyed that is the question we need to answer and the reason of course it was the wicked city and it is a type of the situation as we find it at the end of the world just before the coming of christ and the destruction of wickedness so it's also interesting to me that one of those two clay tablets that we spoke about was the gilgamesh epic and that was lost for 2 500 years until it was discovered again in 1844 when a british adventurer discovered ancient neneve and the libraries of its kings and a mount near what is now mosul iraq now francois the gilgamesh epic is a fascinating clay tablet because it talks about a universal flood right and archaeology in other words confirms here that the ancients believed in the universal flood and seven of the statements from the gilgamesh epic are in harmony with seven statements on the flat story of genesis yeah it's not all the same but it it does put emphasis on the flood and of course 1844 is the year in which darwin conceived the origin of species it says so in the origin of species right in the beginning in the introduction and in revelation it tells us in the first angel's message that you must worship god and give him the glory for the hour of his judgment has come so a conflict is set up between god and his word and what the world is saying which is the opposite because geology denies a universal flood because it would destroy the evolution theory they will only admit to local floods and it's interesting that the year again is 1844 linking it to this important time period in which we are living and here is another fragment the enuma elish is a babylonian epic poem describing the beginning of the cosmos the birth of the gods the rise to dominance of the god marduk and the creation of humanity tell us about this great tablet you know we went to ebla in syria do you remember yes and they've discovered the enumeration there as well so it's more than one discovery and suddenly here they find a clay tablet where it says man was created there are so many interesting discoveries where where god came down he made the human from clay and he breathed into his nose like the book of genesis say so these are gems that i've discovered in my research just confirm the biblical author authority so your passion is to prove that the bible is authentic not to confirm it i don't have to prove it okay the bible has many other aspects besides archaeology it has the prophetic word and the prophetic word is an authentication by excellence there's nothing like it actually it is the prophetic word that convinced me that the bible was truth but you come from the archaeological angle because you were born believing that the bible is truth but francois what is interesting to me is that this god marduk was also very prominent in the region in the time of the assyrians there was sometimes conflict between who worshipped which deity etc but the god mad duke to me is very interesting because when you look at the occult sciences marduk is the one that has the authority from anu to rule the world and there's a book written by tapaso which is rulers of evil and he talks about marduk quite a lot and madhuk had a sign which he received from anu which was the sign of his authority to rule over the children of evil and that sign was basically two crosses one inside the other within a circle and we'll come to that later now here francois you're a little bit more juvenile here if i may say so i look like martin here yes when we look at the set people might think that uh martin has aged tell us about this slide you know it was a miracle for me to get there but they had no guides this man was a a steward on iraqi airways he could hardly speak english so with my little knowledge a few people came with me i had to try to explain everything that happened here and i had a battle but where is this this is one of the runes of nineveh and if you look to the right you can see some of the artwork over here yes yes and there there you go to your right you can see the part of a wheel sticking out there so this is telling us of its past glory you know when you come to places like this it's written in a bible and here you see it you can feel it then you you smell it that's it's a great i've been there three years in a row here and four years in babylon iraq and a few years ago two years ago i went back to iraq but i couldn't get here now francois when in 1990 saddam said you can go and dig despite islamic law this is what they dug up and here you see one of the syrian bulls and i see you standing there tell us about this picture the the bible speaks about ether but where do you get evidence of the existence yeah of an assyrian king like him i'm standing with pluretta my daughter at one of his lamasus one of the huge bulls that's been excavated right here to the back you have the tomb of lebe yunus the prophet nahum that's over there at the back yeah so this was world news and i said lord i want to get there it was a miracle to get there on the last minute we get a visa to from jordan to enter into uh iraq so this is it but but this is world news walter isil 2014 world news and they destroyed many of these sites yes they destroyed some of these la musus and it's a pity at the nergo gate there were some of them and they chopped chopped them up with a hammer but then in 2017 they were defeated or driven out and so the archaeologists could go and dig again yes and they went down and they discovered that tunnels that isil was looking for artifacts and gold because this was the wealthiest city in its days but they found more than wealth they found evidences of the book the bible so now francois we've we've established that nineveh was a real place that the bible is not a book of mythology and the book name warns the syrian nation and the city nineveh in particular that a time of retribution is coming but before that there was a time of grace jonah jonah two prophets brought messages welcome to that now here is the article from march 16 2021 where the new dead sea scroll fragments were found in israel and it says here archaeologists from the israel antiquities authority have discovered dozens of parchment fragments of a biblical scroll which is written in greek it was written in coin greek wasn't it it means the common common the common geek of the time and bears portions of the book of twelve minor prophets including the book of zechariah and nahum and you did research on zechariah yes is there a link how can people get to that interesting research you know i find it fascinating that these two books zachariah and name should now be world news again right now i did a series on zachariah and we can put a link in and people can look in it because as in the case of the book of naom i honestly believe that the book of zachariah is written more for our time than for that time i agree with you because there are many many portions in that book that pertain only to what is happening right now in the world so the same applies to the book of nahum and so i think it is a timely thing that we should discuss these books particularly in the light of current events i believe the warning of the book of name is a warning to the world right now so the fragments of the of a dead sea scroll were found in the cave of horror in the judean desert and the cave roughly 80 meters below the cliff top is flanked by gorges and there's a sheer cliff and this definitely is an exciting moment as we present and reveal to the public an important and significant piece of history and culture of the land of israel so said the archaeologists now they were able to identify 11 lines of zechariah from chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 and this is one of the sentences there these are the things you are to do speak the truth to one another render true perfect justice in your gates and do not contrive evil against one another and do not love perjury because all those are things that i hate declares the lord and this was the fragment in the book of name that they found the mountains quake because of him and the hills melt the earth heaves before him the world and all that dwell therein who can stand before his wrath who can resist his fury his anger pours out like fire and rocks are shattered because of him so here is an announcement of judgment and as you always point out there is a time of judgment but god is also a god of mercy so there are two sides to him so the very next verse which they didn't have there said the lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust him so noam was inviting nineveh to come to the god of jonah and be saved yes because once before they had a warning and they listened but this time they did not listen this is interesting francois now if you go to the history sources and i know that wikipedia is an open source but it does have some interesting things to say here he has an artist's impression of the in syrian palaces so they were they were sumptuous right they were impressive world-class i've been to the british museum together with you and alone and i looked at some of those uh huge displays that they have of the syrian empire they're absolutely incredible now let's read something interesting here because we need to understand some of the things the new has different pronunciations in the arabic and the syriac and the romanized and acadian languages and it was an ancient assyrian city of upper mesopotamia located on the outskirts of the modern mosul it is located on the eastern bank of the tigris river and it was the capital and the largest city of the neo-syrian empire and it also was the largest city in the world for several decades so it's a very important place it's amazing that it just disappeared and nobody believed that it existed nom prophesied that this is the only city this phenomena suddenly they were world rulers and suddenly they were gone so in other words could it happen again francois it is going to happen again and you're going to do the eschatology i think that is where we're heading so that is why this book is so important because what happened to nineveh is a foreshadowing of what is going to happen to the entire world there is a artist impression of a hall in an assyrian palace and you can see these massive winged bulls where you stood a moment ago and the english place name comes from the latin nineveh and the septuagint greek under the influence of the biblical hebrew nineveh the acadian ninja the old babylonian ninja the original meaning of the name is unclear but may have referred to a patron goddess now this gets interesting the cuny form for nina is a fish within a house and the aramaic nuna fish this may have simply been intended as a place of fish or may have indicated the goddess associated with fish or the tigris possibly originally of hururian origin and the city was later devoted to the goddess ishta of nineveh who's also often depicted as a fish and nina was one of the sumerian and assyrian names of that goddess so francois we must look at these clues for the time that we are living in so here was a goddess associated with the fish involved in nineveh is the fish a prominent symbol in the world we live in today yes what is the symbol of christianity you've done a lot of research on that yes it is the fish and is there a true christianity in the world and a false christianity in the world yeah the catholic comes you have the true fish you know but there's another one jesus said we must be fishes of men right yeah but the the symbol of the fish can also be used incorrectly so the ethereans worshiped many gods they were polytheists right and uh put together a list over here so they had the cult of inanna or ishta which may have been associated with a variety of sexual rights and was continued by the east semitic speaking people the acadians the syrians and the babylonians who succeeded and absorbed the sumerians in the region she was especially beloved by the assyrians who elevated her to become the highest deity in their pantheon ranking above their own national guard ashur so this female deity became very prominent she was a prostitute by excellence because it was such a rubbish it was so the default that constantine said it's gone he stopped the practice so this practice you are saying continued right up until the time of constantine yes and he stopped it yeah but it probably went underground right francois mannis you know when i do research it pops up i didn't ask for the lady to appear between the old stones over there she is and maybe there's a lesson watch out for the god goddess of sex and war so sexuality presumption god calls false religion whoredom yes and he associates it with this kind of religion right essential religion now in nana ishta is alluded to in the hebrew bible and she greatly influenced the phoenician goddess ashtoreth who later influenced the development of the greek goddess afrodite so in other words they they got different names but they were basically the same thing right yeah now you were telling me and this is very fascinating to me you were telling me some time ago and this is where you know it is so useful to have a friend like francois to develop your character walter not only that you're very good at that but besides that you were telling me that there was a historic period when a king sent a princess to a let's call it an ancient economism and there there was an attempt by this lady to bring all the religions together and in order to do that they just took the the attributes of the deities and applied them to the different times tell us about that story the first sargon there were more than one sargons but the very first one acadian he sent his daughter in he do anna anna always refers to heaven and she became the high priest of a temple in ur of the chaldeans where abram was born yes and her mission and vision from a father's point of view was to create an economical so she changed the names but it was still the same god uttu means sun in sumerian he was changed to shamash in akkadian and of course in hebrew shemesh bachchan and the same nana was the moon guard she changed his name to suen so what she did and you know if you go to the internet they are still studying her stuff from those days all the literature is is available but this was the birthplace of an ecumenical movement so what we see today happened during the time of abram so it is quite plausible to eventually have a one world religion with the deities with different names apparently being the same but you know i have a very important point of reference and that is that the deity that i serve had a son and that son died for my sins that's a very unique thing and the bible says that that son is the only means of salvation so any form of this kind of economism where you're saying that the deities have different names but they're all one and the same can be verified by the fact whether they have a son or not right so interesting that her cult this goddess continued to flourish until its gradual decline between the first and sixth centuries a.d in the wake of christianity though it survived in parts of upper mesopotamia among a syrian communities as late as the 18th century now francois i don't know whether i agree with that i believe that the cult of ishta survived and was incorporated into christianity the essential aspect of religion you know you it's sickening to read about the sexual orgies of this cult that is correct but the the fact that a female deity in some form was introduced into christianity cannot be denied because the bible tells us that the dead know nothing they sleep but in roman catholicism you have the cult of mary where she is alive and is your intercessor and pope john paul ii even said that he was not averse to the idea that she should actually be part of the godhead remember our visit in rome to cappuccini yes via veneto where she has marks of crucifixion in her hands correct so she becomes the mediator she becomes the mediatrix she becomes the advocate for the people of god and in a subtle way jesus christ is sidelined and substituted now mary was a very very important figure in the bible and mary had a very very important role but it did not include mediation and nor did she become the savior of the world through the marks of the crucifixion you've visited two of our tombs one in turkey only one the other one in israel so so how can there be a tomb if according to roman catholicism she ascended into heaven there should be no tomb right so francois here was an article in uh the encyclopedia britannica ninth edition the second article and they referred to dagon also spelled dargon in other places a creature pot man and pot fish that this fish guard dagon was an object of reverent worship in early babylonia and assyria is clear from the monuments now this fish deity he had the fish miter on his head and in the ancient reliefs he has the fish cape behind him and he also has a little pail over here with holy water now don't we find that in the world today well represented is there a religious system that wears a mitre a fish miter no longer with the fish cape behind it but with gorgeous robes of purple and red and they dispense holy water in the same way so this religion has just been incorporated in a subtle way and people don't even recognize it now one of the things about the ancient cultures which would include nineveh was that they practiced human sacrifice and they had a very interesting religious system which was the substitute king now francois you have done a lot of study on the substitute king and i find this fascinating now according to what you told me i'll let you tell the story but according to what you told me when certain curses were pronounced we'll look at the curses just now upon a nation the ancients had a way to try and circumvent these curses and so when they received the book of nahum as a warning to the ninevites there are very specific curses in the book of nayam and judgments that are going to fall onto nineveh and they might have it's just a possibility have used this substitute king to circumvent the story and the curses could you explain the substitute king theology to us the one that started this was uh man this was a very interesting king and i studied the psychology of these syrian kings their emotions but whenever there was an eclipse the sun they felt this is dangerous so they were very interested in the signs in the stars right yes so when they wanted to avert curses they got a person put him on the throne had free access to the harem clothed him like a king man this chap was so happy he didn't know what was going to happen at the end of that time for a hundred days then they would kill him this was cruel walter and they thought now the curse is gone we can carry on as usual and uh esradon did this four times and as a random i found only one instance where he also used the substitute king to avert curses well you know francois this is a gross perversion of a real substitute king that took a curse on my behalf and your behalf he was not a king but he was the king of the universe and it tells us something about the character of god that there is a substitute king who takes a curse that is for me and bears it on my behalf that's the beautiful story of the gospel so these ancients must have had some vague idea in a very distorted way and twisted it around i always say the devil is the master of reversal and used this to avert the calamity and to continue with business as usual but the true substitute king says we must repent and we must change our lives and we must not have business as usual not visit the harem so none of the minor prophets seem to equal naomi and boldness order and sublimity his prophecy forms a regular and perfect poem the exordium the introductory part of atresis is not nearly magnificent it is majestic the preparation for the destruction of nineveh and the description of its downfall and desolation are expressed in the most vivid colors and are bold and luminous in the highest degree you know in the hebrew where it speaks in the book nahum of the flood that would was part of the destruction elements it sounds like running water it is beautiful in the original hebrew you lose it in english but that's why they say it's a masterpiece it's a masterpiece and then his reverence for the almighty trust in divine justice and goodness condemnation of national iniquity positive conviction that god will keep his word these are qualities of true greatness add to that name's mighty intellect his patriotism courage rare almost unequaled gift of vivid presentations and he indeed looms as one of those outstanding figures in human history who have appeared only at rare intervals francois the world needs messages like this today definitely now you paint those words and uh i congratulate you let's have a look at the purpose of the book so the purpose is that they're going to punish nineveh god is going to punish nineveh and we read that in name 1 1-15 so there's a superscription the power of god to punish the wicked comes from verse 2 to 8 and then the certainty of the coming punishment so there's a warning and there is authority behind the warning there is an invitation i'm a good god if you want to serve me i'm better than ishtar or marduk and then in chapter 2 there's a description of nineveh's coming destruction the siege and the capture of the city and the plundering of the city so it's going to be destroyed and then chapter 3 gives the reasons then of his wickedness and why she's going to be punished chapter 3 1-7 the destruction of no amun is mentioned in in this book which is the modern look so we've been yes thebes ancient thieves yeah and that's described in 3 8 to 11. tell us who destroyed no amon this is the great ashur banipal the last great king and thieves whenever luxor had allies all all over the area there so he was quite strong because of his allies but the assyrians had no allies they only had enemies and if the syrians could destroy thebes looks all god is going to allow enemies to destroy another now it's interesting to me that luxor we were there ancient thebes is the place where the pharaohs are buried it's the place where you have these magnificent columns and you have the worship of those ancient deities and they didn't protect nor amon and so the gods of the assyrians won't protect them either if god says it's going to be destroyed it's going to be destroyed yeah i know he made this prophecy that's so interesting it is such an important book it gives us the chronology of his time and then there is the finality and the completeness of nineveh's destruction chapters 3 12 to 19. and then there are a number of literary styles in the book of name the chiasms now tell us about this chiasm francois well there's a sample just read it here's a very simple example as you state akayam chasm would be i eat a to live be i live be to eat that's a simple form of chiasm this is uh two different meanings two different meanings so this is what name made use of and so for example here's an example a syrian king is taunted and judah is urged to celebrate this is one two to fifteen there's a call to alarm and the next verses then there's a thought the announcement of judgment and then a woe that's the middle in the middle of the chiasm then again the other half of the chiasm announcement of judgment three five two seven a taunt a call to allah and the syrian kin taunted as others celebrate so you have a complete chiasm it is brilliant walter it is brilliant you know that's why we are astonished at such a literally masterpiece and as you said people should i hope just go to the book and read the three chapters and ask god to enlighten their minds now this chiastic structure is something that is very prevalent in the bible and the only other place where i have found it outside the bible is in the writings of desire of ages beautiful beautiful chiasms now we spoke about that in a in a previous discussion on the lesser and the greater light right yeah now we also have the story of a long-suffering god because this was not the first warning to nineveh so my question here is was nineveh warned and given a chance before and we read there in jonah chapter 3 from verse 3 so jonah arose and went unto nineveh according to the word of the lord now nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days journey and jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey and he cried and said yet forty days and nineveh shall be overthrown francois tell us the story was there a king that repented the king that ruled this is interesting chronology during the time of jonah was called adat nirari iii and i've done research on this man how i discovered something interesting good in his life the bible says he came to the place where he took out his little garments sat on the airship torn his clothes and had some sand on his head because there was repentance there was repentance and when you read the animals suddenly there was a religious uh reformation in the assyrians suddenly there's a break in the wars that they were fighting during this time the same thing that happened in in egypt akanathan and effertiti there was also a religious awakening yes and they went to monotheism from polytheism you gave me a slide you took it at the british museum where you can read the conversion of adat nirari iii right at the end he appeals to the reader there's only one god worship him so the story of jonah is not a myth is that what you're saying it's not a myth now what's interesting francois to me is the bible says that he was swallowed by a fish and there he climbed out of the mouth of the fish and these people must have been exceedingly impressed because they worshiped a fish deity so in their minds they received a message directly in the very nuance of their fish god turning it around and they accepted the message but not for very long they went back to their ways and by the time we get to name it's a different story right so here is jonah's tomb before it was destroyed by isil now that's a terrible thing they hated jonah why because it's biblical it's the christian religion and it shows that the bible is true yes and so they destroyed this ancient tomb it no longer exists they wanted to remove evidences but you cannot remove the evidences of god's word so unfortunately you got that picture before the destruction right yeah i've got quite a few of it excellent so that was the result of his preaching they were actually converted and then you have a parallel in our time the reformation yes and you did research on the reformation and luther can you see the parallel here now we're just giving an introduction to the book of naam we'll be going into some of the details later but it seems as if history repeats itself there was a warning even to the christian world and there was a reformation there was an iii let's just put it that way in other words part of christendom that accepted the message of salvation in christ and christ alone and to live by his word and no other and a lot of them rejected it and we're now living in a time when that reformation has been watered down and become null and void through the economical movement and isn't it time now for that second warning the name warning to come to the christian world today we're living in fascinating times i like what you say so it's not a book written in ancient times for ancient people it's a it's the word of god as you say it's warning us the three angels messages is another warning and you're a specialist on explaining the exegesis of those future verses so let's look at a few parallels here you have a relief of the assyrian military and you can see this pile of heads over here and this trampling under foot so they were a ruthless power any opposition was ruthlessly put down and here is an enlargement of all these decapitated people and people trampled underfoot you know we do have military powers today that can be ruthless even if the ruthlessness comes from the sky and not from hand to hand to combat so i want to ask a question was babylon ever warned and given a chance like jonah gave nineveh a chance jeremiah 51 9 says we would have healed babylon but she's not healed forsake her and let us go everyone into his own country for her judgment reaches unto heaven and is lifted up even to the skies then there's a very interesting verse in revelation chapter 2 where it talks about the middle church which historians all claim is the church of the middle ages referring to the roman catholic church and it says in that verse and i gave her space to repent of her fornication that is apostasy and the worship of false deities and she repented not so god is a very merciful god he gives you opportunities he brings about a reformation and people can accept it or reject it and when they reject it eventually they face the consequences another very important thing that you brought out francois is that the neo-assyrian treaty curses were a very prominent feature tell us about these treaty curses you know most of them come from esserhadon the vassal treaties of esseravalon so he he conquers say for instance ash dot if you don't obey me [Music] here are the curses this is what will happen yes and this prophet name took all these curses which they cursed their vassals with which they curses their vessels and turned them around yes here it is you did this serial number this is going to happen to you so basically this is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth yeah so we don't have to go into great detail here but let's just briefly go the great gods of heaven and earth they dwell throughout the world each one whose name is recorded on this tablet so these are the clay tablets where it was found clay tablet 472 to 493. then they will have curses slay may they strike you these gods may they frown upon you may they curse you furiously with a sickening curse snatch away your well-being may they make your ghost thirst for water may shadow and sunshine constantly overpower you may you find no refuge in the alcove shelter may food and water abandon you famine and all of these interesting things and your maidens and your youth and made dogs and pigs drag them through the streets of ashore this was written in the in the contract this is the religious capital sure so these were cruel gods that's why when christianity was introduced people just grabbed it here's another kind of a god and there are some of the parallels between what is written in the book nahim and then these vassal treaties of essarhadon so if you read in name one verse eight you have the curse of darkness and if you go to the parallel the darkness and the vassal treaties you'll find them on the clay tablets 422 and 424 the destruction of your name and posterity name 114 and you will find the similar introduced in these clay tablets and then the destruction of the chariots mentioned in name 213 and the punishment of the prostitutes you find these also in the vassal treaties so interesting parallels and then they go on and on and on you know he must have done tremendous research he studied this enemy now francois here's an interesting point there are people in the world that say you must just preach love nothing nothing else but here's the prophet name and he must have studied the writings of these enemies of god's people because he quotes them do you think it's right francois to know your enemy in the time that we live in you know when you look at the messages of the different prophets name is an exception he says what you sow you will reap and the language in which he describes it so they they knew exactly what was going to happen to them when uh nineveh was destroyed by seyachris the first and nabu pulasa the father of nebuchadnezzar it happened exactly as it was prophesied it is the greatest it's just a fantastic book and i wish our viewers would just read that book and ask the holy spirit to enlighten their minds because it's not only written for none of it's written for me so when you actually know what these people are doing then it is not judgmental to show them their mistakes it's love it's love thank you so drying up of the waters is mentioned in name 1 4 and i read some historical data on this there are people that say that this literally happened as in the case of babylon where the waters also dried up and the waters receded so that the armies could uh invade them so this seems to be one of the ways in which god works right and in the book of revelation where the waters become a symbol of the peoples the nations the multitudes they will also dry up in other words the source of power for modern day babylon will also dry up so these are just some of the parallels we do not have to go into all the details and here you can see some of the clay tablets with these particular curses now here are some of the statements that we find in the spirit of prophecy about nineveh and it's called in the bible the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly that said in our heart i am and there is none beside me became a desolation empty and void and waste the dwelling of lions and the feeding place of the young lions where the lion even the old lion walked and the lion whelps and none made them afraid referring to name 2 verses 10 and 11 and then looking forward to the time when the pride of the syria would be brought low zephaniah also prophesied about nineveh flocks shall lie down in the midst of her all the beasts of the nations both the cormorant and the bitten shall lodge in the upper lintel of it their voice shall sing in the windows desolation shall be in the threshold for she shall uncover the cedar work so she was totally destroyed great was the glory of the assyrian realm great was its downfall the prophet ezekiel carrying father the figure of the noble cedar tree plainly foretold the fall of assyria and then it says in prophets and kings page 366 that the pride of assyria and its fall are to serve as an object lesson to the end of time of nations of earth today who are in arrogance and pride array themselves against him god inquires to whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness amongst the trees of eden yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of eden unto the nether parts of the earth the lord is good a stronghold in day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him but with an overwhelming flood he will make an utter end of all who endeavor to exalt themselves above the most high and this is the warning for the time in which we are living i believe that this time of retribution is at hand so in any way was a center of crime and wickedness francois are the cities of the world today centers of crime and wickedness i think we're excelling it's called the bloody city full of lies have we heard lies lately we don't hear about truth lately you're right so the prophet name compares the ninevites to a cruel lion upon whom he inquired has not come your unceasing evil lamb three 1 and 19. so in his arrangement of the evil doers in nineveh he says woe to the bloody city it is all full of lies in and robbery the prey departeth not the noise of a weapon the noise of the rattling of the wheels and of prancing horses and of jumping chariots the horsemen lifted up both the bright sword and the glittering spear and there's a multitude of slain behold i'm against thee says the lord of hosts name three verse one to five so with unerring accuracy the infinite one still keeps account of the nations while his mercy is tendered with calls to repentance this account remains open but when the figures reach a certain amount which god has fixed the ministry of his wrath begins the account is closed the divine patience ceases mercy no longer pleads in their behalf and this is what i want to talk about in the book of name because francois in revelation 18 verse 1 we read standing a far off for the fear of a torment saying alas alas that great city babylon that mighty city for one hour is thy judgment come this is a prophesied judgment that is just ahead of us and the book of name is the parallel book so if we study the book of name we can find the reasons for the destruction of modern day babylon because as we saw it was totally destroyed it couldn't even be found until these people went and dug it up just in time for the people living in our time to know that the bible is true so what will they be saying alas alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls and verse 19 and they caused dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying alas alas that great city where in were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness for in one hour she is made desolate so this refers to the merchants of modern babylon now francois let's look at just one of the parallels before we go into the detail is there is a verse in second kings chapter 17 verse 31 where it talks about these nations and it says one of their sins was that they sacrificed their children they sacrificed their children and it seems unthinkable to us that that should have happened but this was an ancient ritual an ancient practice just tell us about it yeah in ukraine we've been to yukari you can read in their literature and you know they're made of fire and they let little boys run through it if you make it they'll spoil you for the rest of your life if you don't make it they kill you so this was custom it was denied previously but with a huge tablet they say well this this was common so there's indisputable evidence that child sacrifice was part and part of the ritual and religion of the ancient people and more and more skillets skeletons of babies are being discovered lately and it's a sad story that even the israelites slipped into that kind of worship yeah malaysia was one of them it's disgusting that these things happened now here's a scholarly article from the university of oxford and it says that the ancient carthaginians really did sacrifice their children after decades of scholarship denying that the carthaginians sacrificed their children new researchers found overwhelming evidence that this ancient civilization really did carry out the practice and this researcher from oxford university says that carthaginian child sacrifice is true this is something the romans and the greeks said that the carthaginians did and it was part of the popular history of carthage but in the 20th century people increasingly took the view that this was racist propaganda but then archaeology came along and they proved it so this is the value and i have to ask myself when we study the book of name you might be shocked at the expression of god's justice but francois there comes a time when god says enough now in the world that we are living in there is as verily child sacrifice being practiced as in the ancient world under a different form and a different religious connotation if i may say so but even in religious circles and we'll be talking about that as we continue i want to close with this statement henry ward beecher said he was a famous preacher a person who doesn't know how to be angry doesn't know how to be good thomas fuller wrote anger is one of the sinews of the soul he who lacks it has a maimed mind there is something called righteous indignation and jesus had that and jesus portrayed righteous indignation i wonder whether heaven is experiencing righteous indignation when it looks at the world today and sees some of the issues that are taking place what do you think god is love and his punishment is an exhibition of love you know my father used to say your book is almost full you know all the naughty things i did then i thought he was on page one and then my book was full i think this world's book is full and the king is coming and by the way walter according to the hebrew of psalms 48 he will weep when you destroy the wicked but the day of retribution is coming it's coming it's coming and as verily as there was a jonah and as verily as there was a name so this world has received a warning some accepted it some rejected it and we are now at the nahum stage no longer at the jonas stage because the world had a warning and they rejected it we would have healed babylon but she will not be healed well i just want to mention something you know at the last verse of the book of name can you just read it from that bible let's read it name chapter 3 verse 19 it says there is no healing of thy bruise it's basically the same thing that it says to babylon thy wound is grievous all that hear the brute of thee shall clap the hands over thee for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually and then verse 9 from chapter 1 what do you imagine against the lord he will make an utter end affliction shall not rise up the second time you know roswell this is the greatest promise in the bible this world is a world of suffering and affliction but when god puts an end to it when the anti-typical navy finds its retribution that will be the end of sin and suffering forever and ever and in the world made new it will never ever happen again so the bottom line is this we can look forward to a life of eternal conflict or we can wait for the retributive action of god and then if we have made the choice to serve the one true god like that first ninevite king did then affliction will not arise ever again let's pray for ourselves heavenly father it is not coincidental that this book is making world history and it's not incidental either that the spate of the archaeologist has confirmed or what the bible has to say about nineveh and if there is confirmation at that level then i believe lord that there will be confirmation of the level that will appear in the times in which we are living give us wisdom to deal with these things and to make the right choices as my prayer in jesus name amen thank you for watching this presentation to subscribe to our channel click here then click the bell to get notifications for the next presentation click here see you next time
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Length: 79min 26sec (4766 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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