Walter J. Veith Testimony

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as to how I changed from an evolutionist to a creationist it's a very difficult story for me to tell and I always tell it very reluctantly so if I stammer here in the beginning a little bit you must excuse me as I get over it I don't like digging it all up again but there are occasions when it is important to show people how God has left has led in in one's life and so I have to start the story with the very beginning and maybe then from the background we can see why things happened as they happen it is a strange story some of you might think that parts of it are incomprehensible or may even seem to too strange to be true but it did happen and it and it is a fact that it happened like that and I cannot take it away so I will tell it as it happened at least what I remember of it I was born in a in a family where my mother was a very staunch solid Lutheran she was very faithful in her religion and my father was a Roman Catholic and he was very faithful in his religion as well in those days it was before the days of vatican ii and protestants that were not catholics were considered to be lost according to roman catholic doctrine but in Marant marriages between protestants and catholics it was essential that the Catholic counterpart in that marriage was to promise that the children would be raised Catholic and my mother accepted that and she knew that I would be raised Catholic and I was raised Catholic and there was never any argument about religion our house my father and my mother respected each other my father had a couple of problems with the church at one stage because of this marriage but he ov they overcame them and then no problem concerning religion ever cropped up in our house and when I was still quite young I was about about 8 or 7 years old my mother became ill and she was diagnosed as having cancer and they actually gave her a relatively short time to live they said she would have about three to four months to live but she was a very tough lady and she managed to stretch that to about four years she died when I was 12 years old but those four years were very very miserable years she really suffered more than anybody else that I have personally been in contact with she lost one part of her body after the other they had to do mastectomy and then they did took out part of her intestines and she had to have colostomies and eventually she just lost more and more and more and she had one operation after the other there in those days they weren't as sophisticated as they are today they burnt her under the radium treatment they forgot her there they had to peel of black pieces so she really suffered tremendously and through all this she never ever ever gave up her faith and I was very attached to my mother but because of all the problems in the house and a mother that was on the verge of death for a long time of a four year period there was also quite a bit of tension in the house now while at school I received religious instruction of course I was in in a Protestant largely Protestant school it was the German school and I received religious instruction at least the Catholics went to the nun and she gave religious instructions now I've met some very nice nuns in my life and I've met nuns that are really gentle and soft people and very nice to everyone around them but this particular one where I received religious instruction was a very hard person according to my youthful experience that I had at that time and she would constantly tell me that it was such a sad thing that my mother who being Protestant who would not see the kingdom of heaven but that she would roast in hell forever and ever and I resented this very much because I was very fond of my mother particularly since she had such suffering in her life and this carried on for about three years four years while my mother was sick and the more he carried on the more rebellious I became about the teachings that I was confronted with I used to attend church very regularly I had to go to church every Sunday with my father I went through all the things like Communion and all the things that that Catholics do and I became so resentful in the end that I used to be incredibly cheeky in the religious instruction class and I was then thrown out of the class and told that I was to sit outside in the courtyard and then for a few years I had living hell in that school because the headmaster was somehow in cahoots with with all of this and whenever he spotted me he used to thrash me and I used to take this quite well I can be quite arrogant or I used to be very arrogant maybe not quite so much anymore but if you bonks me on the beam maybe the old man will surface I don't know I fight against him all the time and he used to thrash me and I remember distinctly I used to bend down and he used to hit me once two three times and I used to ask him and you finished yet was your arm lame what's the matter with you and he used to get so angry that he used to really whack me and when he got to six then I'd say one more please cuz then I can take it to court you're only allowed to hit me six times that's the law so I wasn't very popular but the point arose where I was sitting in the class one day in the religious instruction class again and this lady this nun told me again that you know people who were like we were and particularly my mother would go to hell forever and ever and I got so angry I took the Catechism book and I tore it and I threw it at her feet and I told her in not too kind a language even for that age what she could do with her God and I was thrown out from that day on a permanent basis and I had to sit outside in the courtyard whether it rained or whether the Sun shone and my life and that school was an absolute misery I never told my parents nobody ever knew what was happening there was another teacher as well who used to call me to the front before the class even started would you please come to the front and I'd go and stand in the front and it hit me left right and threw me out so I was being thrown out out of two sessions on a regular basis and I became an impossible child I used to sit up in the trees when they come and look for me the teachers and I'd have these pine cones and I used to throw them boy those were the days in any case my mother finally didn't make it when I was 12 years old and she died and then from that time onwards my home life totally disintegrated my father married another lady who was a typical stepmother sort of a fairy tale stepmother she wouldn't have me around at all and I was probably impossible I will admit that so I was caught it off to hostels and I wasn't allowed to then attend school either anymore I was supposed to leave school and go into a trade and that's when I woke up and I decided no ways and I don't want to do this I managed to persuade some relatives and I went to another school and I went through my school life and I did all right not too hot but not too not too bad either and then I went to the military and then finally to the University but from the age of 12 I never trusted or believed in God at all anymore as far as I was concerned if he did exist he was a dragon and I wanted nothing to do with him and when I came to university there I studied science and I studied zoology and I thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread and there I found out about the whole evolution theory and I was at the University that was the bastion of evolution evolution was dished up for all meals every class had an evolutionary basis and it's amazing because it was really it started off as a religious University and it has a big theology school and yet the science faculty was incredibly secular and in terms of its teachings very very evolutionary they had some very important names in things of their professors robert broom and people like that who had worked with the tongue scull the human so-called ancestor and our museums were full of these people and I really got into the evolution theory and I thought this was the answer to all the problems while at the university I had a roommate I was in the hostel there and my roommate was a very nice guy but he was very new age even for that time that's a long time ago so to the word new age wasn't even known at that time and he was into Scientology you know the science of Scientology where they put you on the e meter and you you go through your past lives and through all the problems that you had and you clear your karma by talking it through and talking it out and then eventually well then you become God and you've got it made in any case he became my best friend and I had nowhere to go on weekends I had nowhere to go during the holidays I always had to work put myself through university because my stepmother had convinced my father that he mustn't pay anything so I put myself through and a great relationship with my father years later so that'll come right as you wouldn't see even the worst situations can come right and on holidays I didn't know what to do so I used to go home with this chap to where he lived 2,000 kilometres away in another city called Durban and every holiday I used to go home with him because I had no home to go to and there I met my current roommate my wife who happened to be his sister far better roommate than he ever was I'll tell you and I have to tell you a little bit about her background now you know why I wasn't atheist I didn't believe anything I accept that the evolution theory it was the answer to all my problems now her background was entirely different her father worked when his younger days for a newspaper and he was sent to investigate all the strange occult occurrences in the country so he worked for this newspaper and he had his team and his infrared cameras and all the stuff that you need and he toured the country from one strange occurrence to the other he was very skeptical he believed nothing he thought it was a big joke and seances were a big joke and a big fake and as he attended one meeting after the other he realized that this was no joke when he started investigating some of the strange events and he put up a camera at one and one seance he was putting up cameras and he was always looking underneath for hidden mics and what-have-you and something grabbed him there was nobody that grabbed him but something grabbed him and beat him up to such an extent that he had an egg size boil on the top of his head and was lucky to get away with it with his life now when that happens to you you start thinking well there was some hidden microphone that did that and he came into situations which was so strange that he became involved in them later situations like a house where when the little child had been sent to bed the shoes would come walking through the room and another situation where a newborn baby used to scream hysterically and when the parents came in they'd always used to find the baby on top of the cupboard newborn baby out of the cot on top of a cupboard and they'd walk up and just managed to save the child as it fell down now he went to that house and he sealed every single window and he had his God's outside because he thought you know somebody was playing the fool and he kept the lock and he waited there and sure enough the child scream he went in and there the child was on top of the cupboard and he just caught it as it fell down there was other occasions when in a certain house human excrement was flying around and he sat in this house and it started howling and the human excrement started flying against all the walls strange strange occurrences witchcraft of the worst kind there was one house that was plagued by a baboon that used to come in and tear everything apart that's a big ape and it tore everything apart and it terrorized this family and they could never catch it and then one day they shot the spur Boone as it came in and it ran out and the blood trail ended up on the on the veranda outside and as they came up the blood trail ended and there lay one of the workers did so this was typical African witchcraft as you find it in Africa in some places even today store and this convinced him that there definitely was something going on and he got into seances more deeply and then he started learning that you know there were higher mediums and lower mediums the riffraff mediums for the for the lower people the higher mediums who communicated with the better spirits and this is how he became involved in this type of thing and then eventually he moved into the New Age sort of movement and became very high up in this sort of agenda he wrote books on it and he was very well received in those circles later on later in life my wife's parents got divorced and he married a person a lady who was also very very high up in the New Age movement in fact she is one of the instructors in the course of miracles she teaches people how to become Christ's and to perform miracles incredibly evil situations sometimes in that house and the currencies that happened in my my wife's house as a child as a child were very strange indeed they would have one chair where there was always someone sitting breathing heavily they had a cane that used to go walking and a rattling and sort of things like that she grew up with a situation to her it was nothing she was used to it now to me it was very strange and I was an atheist I didn't believe anything I you know I tried to rationalize it in a scientific sense and then when my wife and I got married we moved to the city where I was in the university and for years there was no real problem and then my wife we had first the first child the second child and then the youngest child my wife was expecting when my father-in-law came to visit and he moved in into an outside flat that we had an apartment and there he stayed with us now thinking back I know that this is where it all started because if you have an occult presence then you will have this influence on your home for a long time can perhaps tell you that when we were just married we moved to very close to them and they were very very strange occurrences in our house absolutely horrendous occurrences on some occasions dishes would fly through the rooms and smash against the walls and things like that or you'd park a car and the car would rock and fall over against the side of the garage we had very strange happenings in on a previous occasion but you forget about those things in you and later on you rationalize them as well and you say they didn't exist or they were strange when my wife was expecting this last child when my father-in-law moved in she became very ill indeed so ill that we didn't think that she would survive and she was in hospital in and out of hospital and on a respirator and she was very very sick and then we decided that there must be something wrong with this pregnancy and the doctors had to look at it and they said that the best thing to do would be to have an abortion because the child was probably dead they didn't have a scanner at that stage in those hospitals so they couldn't tell properly and they didn't know whether this child was perhaps dead so we decided that we'd have to transfer to her another place where they could do a scan which we then did and she was very ill she had a very high temperature and they did the scan and this little fetus was only about so big and he was perfectly well and he was sucking his thumb and we decided that we weren't going to do this we were going to sit through it and see what happened and eventually through nine months of hell and of sickness and coughing and more in hospital than out of hospital my wife was discharged the child was born and this child was the most miserable child that you can imagine he was impossible he used to scream from morning tonight if you wanted to feed him you had to wrap him round and round and a blanket so that he couldn't move his arms or else he'd claw and scratch at you while he was trying while you were feeding him and if you put him to bed he would scream and scream and scream and so we had a technique where you sort of sit there and rock and rock and rock the bed until he finally falls asleep then you sneak off the bed and you try and fall asleep and the minute you sleep he screams again and this carried on for four months it was absolutely chaotic and nothing you could do could console this child my wife was a wreck I was a wreck we were all totally destroyed and then one night at 2 o'clock I had a dream that I was being strangled and it was so vivid that I woke up with this perspiration falling down my face and my heart was pounding like some drum inside me and I sat upright and tried to recover from this terrible nightmare and the next moment the little one in the next room screamed as if he was being murdered and my wife and I got such a fright we stormed out of bed ran to this little baby picked him up and as we picked him up he started shaking violently and his temperature would rise and then he'd go into fever crowds and so we rushed him off to hospital and I had a look at him and they had to put him in a refrigeration tent they had a tent sort of that's cooled and put him on a drip and then it would be touch and go whether he would live or whether he would die and he'd recover from this and come back home as impossible as he was before and it would go fine for about 2 3 4 weeks I can't remember what the gap was in between and then precisely 2 o'clock at night exactly 2 o'clock it was uncanny we had a clock on our bed and it was a display clock so you could see exactly 1,400 hours and two o'clock whatever it was 2 o'clock in the morning that's when I woke up with this terrible feeling that I was being strangled shock my wife and said just had that terrible dream again and then the lower one would scream in the next room and we'd run and we'd pick him up and the same thing would happen it was so bad that we would think that we wouldn't make it to hospital the child would die there was nothing you could do as soon as he started the screaming his temperature would just rise and it would just go so high that he would fall unconscious eventually they got to know us so well that the hospital had this place prepared for him whenever it was necessary they didn't know what was the matter with him they could never find out on one occasion the doctor said they'd have to do a lumbar puncture because there must be something wrong with his cerebral spinal fluid maybe he has some brain infection that is causing this and I remember taking him to this hospital and he was just a baby and afterwards he screamed so that my wife became quite hysterical when the doctors came out they said this is incredible there were four adults that had to hold this child down it was less than a year old and therefore adults had to hold him down because he was plucking them around so this little chap was if anything definitely very much possessed and you can rationalize that if it happens once and you can rationalize it if it happens twice but if it keeps on happening for weeks and months on end that at precisely 2 o'clock you have a experience in one room and then immediately thereafter there's a scream in another room then the law of statistics tells you that no matter how a theistic you are and how matter how scientific you try and be about this issue the two incidences are connected and I was sitting in the hospital one day my wife and I took turns to be with the little one and he was in a very bad state and it had happened for the umpteenth time and there I was in the hospital that I was marking papers I remember it as if it were yesterday I was marking and all of a sudden in this refrigeration tent this child started shaking and he started getting one of these attacks and fits in his bed so I went and ran and called the nurse and we I picked him up and he shook so that he tore the trips out now this child had been on so many trips that they couldn't find the veins anymore on his arms or on his legs so they had to put it into the veins here on the head and he shook so that they tore out now I've got this child in his fit and I've got this child with his thing torn out and he tore the vein completely so the blood was running down his face and it was such a horrible sight that I went crazy I couldn't handle this and eventually he calmed down and they put him back in the tent and I got the trip back in and and he managed to survive the night but that night I sat there and I said to myself what can I do there is no medical help nothing can help us and the two incidences must be connected where do I find help for this situation and they tell me once a Catholic always a Catholic and as I was sitting there that night in that hospital mulling over these things you know the images of the Catholic Church and its power over over demons and the film The Exorcist was just in circuit and I thought to myself perhaps I can go back to my old church and ask them to help me so I made a resolution that I would do that because I had no other way out the next day I went to the Catholic Church and the Catholic priest was sitting in his room and I remember this as well - he had the glass there and there was a brandy bottle there and he didn't he wasn't too sober and I went up to him and I said to him you know I'm a Roman Catholic but I don't come to church and I have a problem and he said well what is your problem he was very nice and I sit in well you know I'm an atheist and I'm a scientist I don't talk about this thing like it and I sort of I'm Dennard and I said you know well I have a problem at home he says well what kind of problem I said well it's a problem concerning strange happenings in my home and he says oh no no no no no I want nothing to do with that and he said it's not my field give me your name give me your telephone number we'll come back to you so I gave him my name and my telephone number well I'd say it was I've strange happenings in my home that's it and I went home and I thought well there was a lot of help thank you very much and I wasn't home very long when I got a call from another priest and this one sounded very sophisticated and he told me whether I would like to meet him at a monastery nearby so I went to the monastery and there was this old man and he was so impressive he really made such a powerful impression upon him he told me to sit down and then he started to tell me what the problem in my home was and my mouth fell open if there was a fly it would have gone straight in he told me there was a problem in my house that Satan was trying to kill my son and that we were being terrorized and I said to him that that's it that that's impossible how do you know that I never said anything to anyone she's never mind how I know I also know he said that the problem in your home is so severe that it will take the highest levels of action in order to get rid of it and we will also have to say a mess in your house and then he said to me it is illegal for me just to say a mess in any house to say a mess in a private house I need to have permission from the bishop and I already have it here it is and there was the sienten from the bishop to say a mass in my house he knew beforehand what was going to happen he knew beforehand that he needed the permission and everything was arranged before I even told them what the problem was now that blew me out of the water then I said to him fair enough then you can come to my house and you can do whatever you have to do but I have a problem in that I was an or am an atheist and I haven't been to the church and now you're gonna say mess and all these things in my house and you know I've been a bad boy all these years and he said but surely you won't be an atheist anymore and I worry about my wife she's not even Catholic she's Dutch Reformed he's just no problem so he came and he spoke to my wife and my wife was as impressed as I was very impressed and he said take me through the house and we went through the house and when we cut into the little ones room all of a sudden he started falling around and he couldn't stand anymore this old man and I stood there behind him and I was sort of doing this behind him you know like they do it on the stage and some of these ministries where the guys fall out and they don't know which way they're gonna fall well it happened there as well and here he was shaking and perspiring and and really being battered and eventually it calmed down and we went to the other rooms and then we came into our bedroom and he was thrown around again but not as bad as in the little ones room and then he said to me the little ones room is the worst place in your house now we have to exercise your entire house bring me some water we brought him some water and then he took out special salt which said was very special exorcism holy salt and he made the sign of the Cross with a salt in the water and then he also told me that he had a special ring with him which had the relics of a particular scent that was potent in terms of exercising and he this priest had been an exorcist for the Roman Catholic Church in many countries he was Irish and then he took this bowl of holy water that he had made and he went to every single window and door in the house and he took it and he put a cross on the windows and of course as it evaporates you had this faint cross of salt on your windows and he went through the entire house with this holy water and then he put the holy water down and he said now we tell the mess here in this child's room and he prepared everything and as he was preparing we had lots of pits in our house with dog and two cats and you name at all the good stuff that one has when one has kids in the house and as he was preparing all of a sudden all the animals came running into this room made I said and I looked at this nice oven this is weird what's going on here and he told did the mess and then he before he left he said what you have to do now is above every child's bed you have to put the following and he took out of his pockets amulets from Lourdes where Mary had appeared and he gave her amulet from Lourdes he said there were many fake ones this was the real thing and we had to put it above each child's bed and then he did an amazing thing he took his ordination cross off and he gave it to me and he said this one you put over the little one I hate it when the devil destroys little children and we hung it up over there and my wife was giving pottery classes at the technicon at that time and she'd made a very beautiful pot and so she decided to give it to him as a gift because how do you pay for what he did I mean what do you do so she gave this to him as a gift and he said this gift is so precious I'm going to give it to the nuns that are in a certain monastery that where they never ever come out and see civilization and then he left and that night we're very expectant we take this little child and he's quite happy really not screaming as usual and we take him and we tell him it's time for bed now normally that was enough to have blue murder in the house and he was quite happy and we put him into this bed no he was only just just starting to toddle and we put him into the bed and this child had always when you put him into bed gone into a fetal position and started bashing away and screaming and going blood-red and going totally crazy that night we put it into the bed and he rolled on through his back and loft and he put his arms out like that and he did goo goo sounds like little kids do and he fell asleep and for the first time in his life he slept right through the night and the next night he slept right through the night and the next night and the next night and the next night and the next week and the next month and he was I the hard-nosed atheist scientist who knows it all and here was peace and quiet in my house and then I realized that I do not know it all at all and I said to myself now what am I going to do here is a major problem in my house and the church solves the problem now am I going to ignore it or am I going to say there is a God and I have a responsibility towards this and I wrestled with us for a number of months are really wrestled with it and my wife wrestled with it then I said well I have no choice I have to go back to the church fortunately my oldest son was at the point where he has to go to communion classes so that gave me an alibi to go to church so I went to church to miss one or two students it's a small university town so I'll say what are you doing here so what our son has to go to communion you see and I started going to church and I became quite involved in the church again every Sunday faithfully everybody went to church and my wife started saying that this is the way to go she also had wants to go to church but she didn't get herself quite that for you and because there was so such peace and harmony in the house we became more relaxed and one day I was sitting there and I thought to myself you know this house needs a change and typical German I thought said to my wife you know if we did this and that and the other then you know we could do something with this house and I climbed into the roof and looked what was a bearing wall and what was not a bearing wall and then I just took a sledgehammer and smashed out everything that irritated me and we decided to restructure the whole house which we did I manage to get accumulate some money and I wasn't in it in a great problems and then we reef did our entire house and during the process I had to go and see a man for the kitchen I wasn't really involved in the church it I'm sort of in the stage of I don't really know but and the man who did the kitchen came and said to me by the way I walk with the Lord and I still remember distinctly thinking oh brother another one who walks with the Lord and I said to him okay that's fair enough you walk with the Lord I was very cheeky you walk with the Lord but I just want the kitchen is that okay and he said yeah okay that's okay but can I give you this and he gave me a pamphlet and well he was a nice guy and you know I stood with the pamphlet and I put it in a drawer and I said well I'll read it later and then he put the kitchen in the house was finished and when this was all done I started going back to the church and just carried on for a period of one year and I faithfully went to church regularly and I always sat there on a Sunday morning and I marveled at all the things that I knew were happening in the Catholic Church I went through the Catechism again as my son went through the Catechism and I wondered at the same ritual happening every time you know the house going up the change from from bread to divinity the little box with the red light where God was and I started puzzling as to why God wanted the same things over and over again and why he was satisfied with the same ritual over and over again but I was convinced this was the truth I was convinced Catholicism was God's representative on this earth because it had solved the problem in my home but I wanted to get to know this God and I wanted to know what it's like to have a relationship with us God and I looked at the charismatic movement where they had the slaying in the spirit and I thought to myself isn't that perhaps the experience that one must have in order to know that this God really exists because I don't really feel him I don't know where he is but on the other hand I had always been so skeptical of this and had always said to myself these people with their religious crutch and then one day I was sitting in class and I was giving a lecture to a first-year group of students I've spoken to the to the priest by the way about evolution and the Catholic Church said to me of course is evolution there's no problem with that so I had no problems with that either I could carry on with my evolution and now believe in God it was quite a nice arrangement and I was in the first year class and I was giving a lecture with a very heavy evolutionary base and a young girl got up in a first year class now that takes courage 300 first-year students and a young girl gets up in my class and she says excuse me and I say yes what's your problem and she says what you were saying is against my beliefs what you are saying is a lie I believe that God created the heavens and the earth he is the creator of the universe well I nearly exploded I destroyed her I ridiculed I finished her off she sat down and she cried in my class and I thought well job well done and then the class was over and all the students were very impressed at all the eloquence I put on Buddha onto the board and proved to them what a ridiculous idea this was that this young girl had postulated and I went back and sat in my office and then there was a question earlier about conscience do you remember it well this little voice here wouldn't let me go and kept on telling me what a mean son of a gun I was and how could I in front of everyone attack and humiliate this young girl to such an extent and I felt really bad about myself my conscience wouldn't let me go and I didn't know how to handle this so typical Catholic way I thought well on the way home for lunch I wouldn't stay far from the University so I always went home for lunch I'll go by the Catholic Church and sit there for a while and hopefully the feeling will go away and so I drove past and I went into the church and I sat inside and it was locked the door was open you could come to a few pews but around the altar it was locked because thieves had been stealing and I sat there and I spoke to God and I look that the little red light which means that the host was present there so God was present and it struck me that he was locked up in that little box and then I sat there for a long while and I was tortured in my soul I really I was tortured and I said to myself you know God must be here because he did that's wonderful things in my home my family is totally different my wife was willing to be converted I called the Catholic priest to our home so that she could become a Catholic and for some reason he just never made it he never made it he always had something on but he was still going to come and I said in that church and I wrestled with God and I told him that I have all these feelings and I don't know where he is and I've never really met him and I know that in other churches all these exciting things happening and here you know we have the same thing every Sunday and where are you and I said they're in the pew and I said okay God if you really exist then now you must show me because I really cannot find you and with that feeling I went home feeling a bit better and typical me I was home quickly and then I started rummaging in the drawer I was looking for something and all of a sudden as I rummaged in this drawer I pick up this pamphlet this is not a year after this man who was walking with the Lord gave me this pamphlet and I pick up this pamphlet and I start reading it it was in German and it had three columns it had the law of God on the one column and it had the law according to the Catholic Church and it had the law according to the Lutheran Church and then it explained how the commandments had been changed by the church and it had the Bible texts of how it had been changed and I thought to myself now what rubbish is this this is absolute garbage and I said to my wife wife I didn't say that a caller by name I said have we got a Bible in the house and she said no I don't think so I don't think there's a Bible I said surely there must be a Bible in the house we've been going for church for almost a year now and there's no Bible in the house there were lots of catechism books in the house so grab the catechism book and opened it up and looked and sure the commandments as on the pamphlet were identical to those in the catechism book and then I remembered an old box that a old lady that had died had left me and I put it in the garage after having sorted out some of the things and I remembered there were a whole lot of books and I knew that little old lady's probably would have Bibles so I went outside in the garage rummaged in this box and sure enough here was an old Bible old German Bible so I went inside and opened it up and there it was the 10 commandments were totally different to what they were in the Catechism book and this puzzled me so after one year I found this cabinet maker and I said to him remember me a year ago you put a kitchen in for me says you know what I have been trying to phone you all day I had this feeling I must phone you but I don't know why what's the matter I said will you please come around you left me a pamphlet that I want to talk to you about it after one year and he came round and he was a nice guy and we started talking and then we started talking about the Scriptures and about the Bible and we started talking about the Book of Daniel and the prophecies pertaining to Daniel chapter 7 and I went through it with him and we wrote and we worked till about three o'clock in the morning and he came the next day and the next day and in three days we've gone through Daniel and revelation all the historic facts and all these things and I wouldn't believe a word of it and then I decided that the only way we're going to resolve this is if I check whether every one of those facts is really so whether those kingdoms and those kings and all these things are really so so I went back to the University to the history department that the ala to Department I got everything that I could lay my hands on and I checked them verified and it was really so and then I started finding out that the little Horn of Daniel chapter 7 if you take it as the Bible says can be none other than the Roman Catholic Church what a shock that was to my system then I got the Protestant view of the little horn being on dr cassabi Farnaz 4 and I went through all of that and found out about it can't be him because none of the criteria fit and I also how the scripture had been changed on some of these points but to be fair I invited the Roman Catholic priest to my home and I said would you please come to my home I have to talk to you on an issue and he came and my wife was there and I was there and I took the Bible and I took the chapters in Daniel and I went through with him with it in detail and I showed him the change of the commandments and all these things and then he said to me I can't talk to you on this issue because I'm not into scripture at all I was stunned he was a priest and he was not into Scripture he says we have some specialists who are into Scripture but it doesn't make any sense to me he says and then he left and then I had the ministers of other churches and we argued right sometimes too late hours of the night as to what the little horn was and every time they come back to Antiochus Epiphanes had shown them but it can't be because he comes after Rome etc can't be in Greek times and eventually they would all leave as well and say it can't be any other way so I was confronted with this tremendous dilemma and then the worst thing of all was we started talking about the Sabbath this other man and I and we went through the whole Sabbath thing and then I said to him but this is ridiculous how can you keep a commandment which you keep because the Lord created in six days heavens the earth the sea and all that in them is that's ludicrous everything came into existence through evolution and he said no it came into existence through creation God created it you know and the little girl pops up into my mind and I said Tim but that's rubbish he says I'll prove it to you I said you'd try and he tried the next day he was at my house with a pile of books like this all on creationism and he gave them to me and I remember going through those books I was sitting in my office I used to give my class and run back and I went through those books very quickly and I gave them back to him in a very short time period and said they're your books this is what do you think I said I've never read so much garbage in all my life so I said that's the worry and he brought me another pile like that and I went through that lot and it was so confusing and so full of garbage so I gave it back to him I said it's so unscientific I cannot accept this so we argued about God being a creator or not a creator and I would kill him with science I had all the terminology I was a lecturer I was an evolutionist I knew what to tell these people have been trained to wipe out people who opposed you know the scientists on any of these fields and he got so frustrated with me and in one day he was so frustrated he said you know what I said what he says I haven't got a problem with evolution creation you have a problem you solve it so there the ball was in my court in the meantime things were happening again in my house the little one would again become miserable every time it was time for bedtime he again became grouchy and screaming and what-have-you and we also noticed that whenever we had a moment of peace my wife and I we we studied the scriptures like I cannot tell you how we studied it I finished a Bible in two months I had to throw it away it was finished it fell apart and my wife was studying and she was had tremendous problems with the Sabbath idea it made no sense it was so stupid and nobody at work knew what was happening with me and one day I came to work and what must the secretary in the department came up to me and said I've got something for you to read and she handed me a pile but so thick of documents and when I looked at them in my in a spare moment I saw that it was a long piece of writing against the Sabbath and it was written against seventh-day Adventists and this stunned me because nobody at work knew what was happening with me I mean scientists would never admit you know that he's now talking about and thinking about religion that was ridiculous my my colleagues were all atheists and I took this and I thought to myself now what am I going to do with this I haven't got time with us I'm wrestling with evolution so I gave it to my wife and I said yeah here's father you go through this maybe there's a way out of all this and she meticulously went through every statement was really a sick sick thing written against it and while I was wrestling with evolution she was wrestling with that and then one day as she said to me you know I've been through every single statement they have and every single one I've put it next to the Bible and every time this is the word of man and the Bible or something to say so this document here has now convinced me that the Sabbath must be right there was something so a document written against the Sabbath proved to her that the Sabbath was actually very important and right when I still had a problem a major problem I couldn't accept it because I'm not going to keep a day for creation that took 6 billion years let alone six days and the ball was in my court and at that stage everything started going wrong again in my house and we when we picked up the Bible the little one would go hysterical whenever we had a spare moment he would go hysterical and eventually he took a bottle of wine we'd been drinking wine and he smashed it I wasn't in the room at the time but I just heard the glass breaking and then we came out and he was walking all over the glass and he's feet were cut to shreds his big toe was almost severed so back to hospital they sewed the toe back on and it was a nightmare from then onwards in our house and I was wrestling with the Sabbath issue of Sabbath issue and I stood in the library one day we had the biggest evolution-based library in the southern hemisphere at that university and I said to myself you know there must be a solution and I said in my mind God if there is something wrong with this theory of evolution then I haven't founded it then you must show me because nobody else can show me and I went into this library took out a book and as I walked out the door colleagues stopped me and he said hold it there's another book you must take which is the same book as that one but the new edition it's come it's on the back shelf very strange so I went to the back and I took that Edition as well I took them both and I went to my office and then I started reading but I started reading them both at the same time and then as I looked at the one the old edition would say that there is a major problem with the citations with the whales because they are pierced suddenly in the fossil record fully formed and there is no evidence that the one gave rise to the other the new addition would captured all in scientific not scientific terminology would say cetaceans have an ancient origin and evolved from such and such to such and such and such and such and such and such and I went through them one model after the other and the old one would admit to the problem the new one would never admit to the problem and that's when I started thinking wait there's something wrong here there's something fishy here and whenever I went into the library it was if some miracle would happen I would take out something and the very next thing I would take would be exactly the opposite on the same issue and very quickly I had a big pile and then I started I was giving classes at that time in genetics and I started thinking about this and then I started working out this genetic thing and much like we did over here and I started thinking about what are the problems maybe not objectively just for once sit down and think what are the problems and I came up with such a pile of problems that it stunned me and something must have been helping me because the problem list was so enormous it was unbelievable and then one night I was sitting at home and I was child was impossible he went to bed and we went to bed two o'clock at night I had a dream I was being strangled and a little one screamed in the next room and we ran and the same thing happened but he didn't get so sick that he had to go to hospitals just got a very high fever and we could handle at some hour time and then I contacted this other person and I said to him you know there's something very strange here I I know that from the Scriptures the system the Roman Catholic system cannot be God's system and yet we had this problem and I didn't want to tell him about it and then in the end I have told him about it but not completely and he said don't worry we'll pray and it stopped and then a week later it happened again at two o'clock and what had happened unbeknown to me he had gotten a number of people together and told him to pray at two o'clock every night get up and I sit there alarms judiciously and got up at two o'clock and prayed for a family they didn't even know and there was total quiet in which we could really study our Bibles in peace and quiet and then one night one of the ladies had decided that you know it was quiet why must she get up and she didn't get up and it happened now thinking back on it God doesn't need the prayer of that one little individual but there were lessons in it that would like to be important to to me that God wants unity amongst his people and everybody must stand together on an issue so it was a lesson for them as well as a lesson for us and then it came to the point where I knew that I cannot sit on the fence forever either this is the truth and I'd studied it and I'd verified it I'd had lecturers talk with me on the Greek meaning of this and the Hebrew meaning of that I've verified the historic facts I'd looked at the prophecies there was no other way in which it made any logical sense whatsoever it studied what the other churches had said it didn't make sense and I knew a decision would have to be made there was no way out and I decided I was going to do it I was going to make the decision no matter how ostracized and how weird this church was to me the first time my wife saw Adventist she burst into tears they ate so strange they they were so different to what we were like I remember the man said to me don't you want to come to one of our services and I said that's Sunday that's my day off I walk around in jeans and a t-shirt and slops and I'm not going to any church whatsoever if I can't go exactly like I am because if I went to the Catholic Church I went in jeans and t-shirt he said that's fine come so I went to the Catholic Church I'm into the Adventist Church and I sat there in the back and I looked at all these people with their suits and their ties and I sort of yeah and they all looked at me but they were all pleasant about it and strange things like it and I didn't like the setup I didn't like what they looked like they looked so different to everyone else you know my friends were rough and they were they would make cause jokes and all kinds of things and these were so different my wife burst into tears when she saw that she's I don't want that lifestyle I went my old lifestyle we used to sit around the swimming pool and drink beer and tell have friends over and you know have parties and stuff like that and they were so different it's so night and day difference that you think you could never be happy over there she cried and cried and cried but new summer she'd have to go back in any case and then one day I decided that I couldn't take it anymore at work with all this evolution teaching and another strange thing happened I was asked by the then head of the department to lead a evolution discussion group with the postgraduate students about two weeks later everybody gets a turn but mine wasn't four months something happened and mine was moved forward now i sat with a major problem do I go into that with my mouth full of teeth pretending to be what I am NOT or do I stand up and for what I now believed and I was really so chicken it's unbelievable I was so scared of this event to lose face amongst your colleagues when you've been such a bee's knees all these years is really a painful experience and I decided after much wrestling and soul-searching that I would do it my new friends who had become less weird in my eyes over time would pray for me while I did this and I went into that lecture hall and the whole staff was sitting there this was a post-grad affair so the whole staff is there and all the postgraduate students and I start the ball rolling with the lecture normally and then you start this evolutionary discussion group and I started the lecture and then I switched to the genes and I highlighted every single problem and I went through the whole gene system as far as I sorted it out at that stage and I said at the end therefore evolution is not possible well first you could hear a pin drop and then all hell broke loose one of my colleagues went blood-red and started screaming at me like you cannot believe and the phone literally started coming out of his mouth with a rage it was just unbelievable and then one of the students a girl it's interesting how these things happen a young student to go on a student she got up and she said I want to say something and she looked at all the lecturers and she said when I came to this university I believed in God I had a good life I had a good relationship with God and now I believe nothing anymore I've lost my faith my life is falling apart and you have robbed me of my faith and now dr. fight is giving this lecture and showed me now that you had been misleading me can you imagine what happened in that department that was the end my life was not worth one cent in terms of my scientific credibility I was finished when I walked down the passage my colleagues would turn around and walk the other way I decided there and then that it was impossible for me there we had a meeting a special meeting where they decided that the basis of all teaching must be evolution and of course I couldn't go along with that so I decided I would resign so resigned and the head of the department said you know you can't just do this I mean I had a lot of students and I was quite popular amongst the students and I had most of the postgraduate students were under my supervision and then the rector of the university called me in and the rector said I must come to him and I thought to myself wow no I must go to the rector what do I do I've got nothing a decent to wear I've never possessed the suit in my life I bought the suit to go and see the rector can you believe that and when I put on a stupid suit to look at to go and visit the rector something struck me between the eyes like like a hammer blow it's just a personal thing for me I thought to myself now look what you're doing you idiot you can't put on a suit to go and speak to a man but when you go to visit God you're going jeans and a t-shirt purely a personal thing I don't mind anybody coming to church and jeans and t-shirts that's fine it's just for me personal and that bugged me and then I went to the rector's office and I said the opposite director and we started talking and he talked with me for one hour and it was very difficult for the university to you know get rid of me because I had all these students and we started talking and talking and then eventually he said you know what if you decided that you do not rock the boat anymore then you know we could give you something better well that would be a professorship I was a pretty young guy I would just about be the youngest professor in the university and I looked at him and I said to him the price is too high and I will leave in any case and then it says that's very interesting by the way who do you think has the truth and there I said my mouth full of teeth do I admit that I believe that some little sick that everybody did tests has the truth and do I say this to a man who has this high position in this university and in the government at large and I said to well you know Christ judge whatever I can't even remember what I said and he said to me no no that's not what I want to know I want to know from you who do you say has the truth we went through the same ritual again and he stopped then he says no no no no no I don't want to know that I want to know from you who do you think as the truth and I started off with us again and in my back of my mind I heard this terrible crowing three times I thought and I said well I think it's the seventh-day Adventist Church that has that is preaching the truth and I thought now that's it I'm a dead man and he said nothing not a word he just said oh well thank you very much congratulations on your choice and I hope things go well with you and that's it and I've resigned from the University and I put my house on the market and the very first guy that walked into my house said wow what a house and he bought it the very first guy and there I had this money and I knew now my scientific credibility in the world was over University was a career that I'd given up for my faith and God would take care of me from now on and things are going to be just hunky-dory I'm gonna now take this money and we're going to do something great with it we're going to start a little farm somewhere and we're going to get people to come and we're going to witness and we're gonna do great things with all this money and I've got some guys together and we started this thing and then we planted wheat and the wheat grew like crazy and it stood so high that the farmers in the entire district came and said you guys you work University you know something special and I said well now we're doing exactly the same thing you're doing but I think to myself it's because we're walking with God now that's why our grain is so much higher than yours if you would do the same thing then your grain would also be better you see once a Christian boy everything will go just great and I was quite happy to be out of the University and we moved out to this place and we started this whole thing going and then the our money was all invested in the land and we have vested a lots more money on loans and things for whatever is necessary to put in the wheat crops and all this sort of thing and then a flock of birds arrived such as you have never seen in your entire life and they ignored all the farms were the little wheats on them but they set on mine and made it home and they were just stubbles and then you name it it went wrong sanctions came in against South Africa at that time the economy was totally destroyed interest rates that had been at three and four percent shot up to 28 30 36 percent in some cases and loans that were nothing to repay became a total nightmare and the only means of making money was taken away and we were totally destroyed everything I ever possessed was gone with the wave of a wand just where it ran through my fingers and all the crutches that I'd been leaning on who were gone and the birds ate my fields and I said to God how can you do this to me how can you destroy me how can you allow this to happen and I have no means of supporting myself I have nothing my scientific credibility is zero I can never go back to my previous job I'm finished and it got worse and it got worse and eventually we had nothing left no food no nothing and my wife and I and the children we sat down and we talked about it and we decided if this was the truth and I don't believe that all the things that had happened were from the other side you see when I made my decision that child of mine had changed he became a totally different child whereas before he wasn't sick but he had a dark sombre look in his face he changed to such an extent that he became the sweetest nicest child in our entire home he became a pleasure to live with and I knew that what had happened before was a ruse I know the Bible says by belzebub wouldn't drive out belzebub but what had happened in my house is that it wasn't driven out by Bowser poop when the Catholic Church had come and done its thing Satan had told his demons stand back and when you stand back and allow the child to lie back and relax that they will be ensnared twice as much as they were before and it happened but after we made our decision this child was completely cured he is the most spiritual of all my children and he is so different that I knew that had to be from God it was a totally different ballgame the other interesting thing that happened was that same Catholic priest after all this time more than a year out of the blue while I was wrestling with this decision found me and I picked up the phone and I said hi and he says I'm father so-and-so I said yes that's strange why are you calling me and he said to me you know your father was dead your father is having terrific problems up there in purgatory it's true he said that and I said to him but how do you know having done the study on the state of the dead and all these things and knowing what happened I said to him how do you know he says the nuns that never see the world they have been told by the other side that your father is in trouble and he is in trouble because of you and you had better get back to the church quickly and you had better start praying and having masses said so that this problem will go away and I said thank you very much for the information and to fun down and remember thinking you're too late devil you are too late that man was a nice man and he is deceived I know and the Lord will hopefully lead him to a better life and a better understanding one day but here I was on this form with no money no means no nothing destroyed career no chance of getting back ostracized laughingstock of in the academic world and no money and we're now done and we claimed every promise in the Bible and said Lord you have promised you will take care of all our needs you have promised that the children of a righteous man will never be seen begging in the street there is no way out of the dilemma that we have there is no money there's no food there's nothing but we believe your promises and we wrote a letter and we put it down in writing all the promises and said you cannot lie therefore these promises must be for us and if our life out here is destroyed and our farm is destroyed then so be it there must be something else that you have in mind and then we went to bed and the next morning at 8 o'clock the phone rang and a professor from another university phoned me and said one of his colleagues has got a major problem and has to go away and has to take extended leave for a year and they need someone to replace immediately and the subject being taught is exactly the same field that I was in and I said to him well what do you want me to do he says well you could come and give the classes and I said to him but you know what about what about he says never mind as long as you stick with science and who cares it doesn't matter you coming would you do that for us we're in a jam and we need someone and we know that you're available and I said well that would be great thank you very much when when do I start and he says well we'd have to get it through the committee's and probably in three months time and I said okay thank you very much put the phone down and said nice try God but in three months time I'm dead meat I've got nothing to eat and I was so depressed and then about 20 minutes to half an hour later the phone rings again and it's the same man and he says to me something strange just happened I said what happened is that I went to the rector's office to have him sign this things that we can start the ball rolling and the rector says I have no time I have no time for committees to call them together to get the process rolling what is it you want and I explained to him what I want that I have to replace it he said come here I'll sign it and he signed it he said point the man he can come tomorrow if he has to so I said Wow so when do I start it was it was Thursday and then he said Monday you start Monday I said I start Monday and I was in another little town and I had a farm and they were cows I was bankrupt and who was going to take care of these stupid cows on the farm and ten thousand problems to be solved in one weekend impossible and I put the phone down and I said to my wife I've got a university job only for a year probably but it's okay we've got something to go to I start Monday but who's going to take care of the race so we pray and we said Lord you have one solution surely you knowing everything must have the other solutions and we had hardly finished when there was a knock on the door and a young couple arrived and this young couple said that they were farmers in another country to the north of South Africa and they were seventh-day Adventists and they had been working for another farmer and he had told them if they are not prepared to work on the Sabbath they must go and it kicked them off the farm so lost his job because he kept the server and he said to me I've got nowhere to live I've got nowhere to stay I said you would you like to live on this fault and he said sure and I said I can't pay you anything he says that's okay you don't have to pay me anything I'll can I live here I said sure you can live here and whatever yourself from the look you can keep that for yourself and I thought I would play the interest of all the loans that I have with my salary and it was solved within 24 hours there was a man on the farm who wanted to live there for nothing and take care of the farm and live off the proceeds and I had a job at the University and I went to this University and I started teaching and for the first few weeks of course I had no salary no money also another miracle within the same period I got a house in the middle of a month and I didn't have to pay it till the end of the month my kids went to school and they got clothing school clothes they wear uniforms in my country all the clothes all the sides we put it on the ball at the end of the month but I had not one cent to even buy a little bit of food to carry on and then I got into the car and I don't tell people that I'm in financial trouble I got into the car and I was driving around and we've been driving the last bit of gas was just about going and my daughter says what's this year and she picks up 150 Rand that and then was the equivalent of about 150 dollars in the back she says it's lying on the floor and the next week they were another 150 I don't know how it got into the car but it kept us going until my first salary check arrived now I can tell you this is the real truth there were times when we had very hard times when we had virtually no money all my money went into interest payments interest payments and there were times when we really Ronna had no food whatsoever and I remember one day sitting around the table with no food praying to the Lord and thanking him for what we were about to receive and this is the truth when there was a ring on the door and we went outside and there was no one but there was a basket full of food on the floor this is a fact I want to tell you something that if you know the Living God your Road might not be a rose garden you might not have the best of everything you need but your water and your bread will be sure and he will take care of you while I was at that University I was only teaching for three months when riots broke out within the University there was such chaos in my country there were riots everywhere director ordered postponement of the exams and then it didn't fit the time tangle of tables somehow it didn't fit and one day had to write earlier and all my exams were on that day and this head of department called me in then and I said what must I do now I finished here I've done everything that I must do and for six weeks there's nothing going on just riots in this on this campus no exams I've got no exams coming what must I do he says go away go to the moon for all I care and come back in six weeks and in the meantime somebody had arranged for me to go away for six weeks to the United States and to other places to look at all the petrified forests and things in the world and I'd sit and forget it it's impossible I've just started a job I can't go and tell the man I want to go away for six weeks and there were the six weeks and I could go on the study tour you saw many of the slides here I could tell you one story after the other I could keep you busy all night I want to tell you that the Lord intervened with such power in our lives and as we went through life again back at the end of they started respecting me for the science that I was doing and eventually I was given a permanent position and eventually I started right at the bottom again I was senior lecturer here I was just a lecturer and eventually I became a lecturer and then a professor and head of department in spite of what I believe in spite of what I say so if you think that God cannot take care of you I want to tell you he can't do anything I am in a secular University I am a professor and head of a zoology department in a secular University I teach and preach creationism which is impossible in terms of human imagination and in spite of it I have that position never be afraid to stand up for the Lord and for his truth if you are genuine God will take care of all your needs I don't know whether it'll be forever sooner or later someone will close the tap but it doesn't matter and we'll have something else and he is offering the same to every single one of you take a step for what is right do what is right and the Lord will fulfill every one of his promises thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: alydhiends
Views: 116,896
Rating: 4.8023319 out of 5
Keywords: Professor, Walter, Veith, Atheist, Evolution, Possessed, Ghosts, Spirits, Evil, Satan, Flying, Bible, Creation, Seventh-day, Adventist, testimony
Id: A1Eb7nAyu5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 17sec (5237 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2007
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