Jet Boil vs Camp Chef - Camp Stove Battle

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you can have [Music] we're not really good at these intro things know so we're going to call this the intro I'm Kyle and I'm Ryan we're with them guided outdoors we're gonna oh yeah we're gonna do a comparison on the camp ship Stryker and this was gonna be the Jetboil minimo and this is going to be probably the most unbiased versus comparison video you've ever seen because we both never never been camping before on a backpack trip and we've never used a typical any time so we got three different points we want to cover we've got price of course everybody's that's probably the first thing that you want to think of we have pack ability which is size comparison which we've already measured and we'll show that in this video and then full time full time so we're going to go ahead and show you guys kind of how these things are set up first they're both pretty similar yeah but we're gonna go into it all right so this is the Jetboil mini-me or mínimo and this is kind of how I came straight out of the box or you look at you got a little lid here and a little stand to stand that's for for your gas container once we open it up that's this you know it's got a nice little bag that has a burn this is the this is going to be a burner not for this if you're going to send another object on here because this stand has already built into it this is like a little side piece then this right here is the burner the way this works we have our simmer control we have our striker so we'll take this sprit on here all right then also we take this stand to probably should donuts burst their dome out it's got a little slots on the side and just make sure that you're in the right slot they actually have different size cans so that'll keep everything nice and stable from there the jib will locks into place right here and twists then it's locked in from there you just get it started now she's on all right now it's my turn we've got the Camp Chef striker there's not a lot of difference on to the guys between the two first off you've got the lid here that's secured by this little cable so things are not falling out inside your pack so it's pretty simple you just press down that just slips out this is going to be your handle actually so you fold that out locks into place there's a little tab here it's pretty well designed press it close it back pretty simple so take that out this is your burner assembly it's very similar to the jet pool if I'm not mistaken same concept as far as turning the gas on and off here so I've already got my kickstand already put up on here so you want to make sure this is open before you screw it in take it again like I said pretty similar to the jet rule it's got little slots right here that are going to fit right in to these notches twist it ready to cook all right so now what we're going to move to is the bolt on the actual bolt time once we put the water in or just pick to start cooking and see how long it takes to get them Bullington all right so for the bull test we're just going to use a little cup measure a measuring cup where I kind of do three cups / boy see which one was the fastest all right we got that one mounted I want to do I'm gonna pull out a timer on my phone and we're not gonna make you sit here and watch the water and bull because I think if you watch it don't ever boys what they say twist the wrong way I would actually say that it would probably be plenty hot enough it was actually bubbling at about a minute 15 so I mean if you needed to get to her own Bowl that's fine maybe just sterilize water but in a minute 30 seconds they're gonna be a rolling good unless you just need the water to pull about three and a half seconds faster yeah I think you're probably gonna be absolutely one thing we haven't talked about either is price point how did you pay for years today I picked this up today at a retail store I filled in streaming I paid 69 for it I believe it was yeah it's rivaling $67 yeah and then and then this one I called it on a fourth of July sale and I got it right at a hundred but it only comes in about 145 to 150 at REI Moosejaw I think go huh everyone smile run it on sale same is up to me for us price point the only thing that I can see this one's mine the only thing that I can see that may would be better is packability but I mean the size of this one you really would be good enough for two people because it's almost double in the volume that holds of water this particular unit the strike including this yeah I'm not including the butane but basically what you're actually going to put in your pack weighed in at 18 ounces right and then mine come in at about 1400 mAh four ounces of weight which some people get into ultralight stuff and then you're talking about 2 to 3 seconds worth of bulletyme difference otherwise this one's holding more you could this would be good enough for two people I think all right you want to try the mountain house now sure all right so we're going to try now we're comparing the chili mac with beef 12 grams of protein and when you got chicken and dumplings it smells delicious another thing too you don't eat these I mean I really put it right yeah it's you're not gonna know the food it's not salt this is not a salt packet yeah take this out that's one of those dips [Music] [Music] nice suits all the time I assume that you can add yeah if you like the food a little more likley liquidy that's even a word I don't have one of the easier a little handy dandy spork Stern line up sip did I love ramen noodles my wife's behind me and this chili is probably better than her oh it was like baby food [Music] that all kind of freaked out I'm serious y'all come try it want to try it I would definitely like that baby don't drive I'm sure you're done not halfway for food out of a bag it's really good I hear people happy to you and I hear people compare these things like re odds all the time in more us visit to more ice hardy high stick nails ready to eat I'm re see more he's more eyes no I wouldn't know what to say right way worse like Taco Bell tastes way better than talked about food or Wendy's chili no no like hey we haven't had dinner remember cuz I right now just right here right now might as well eat it all mm-hmm but if you guys like these videos let us know so I'm just trying to help everybody I think we can put the subscribe button like right here since it's at the end of the video yeah so subscribe if you can fire yeah and put out some more videos and thanks for watching
Channel: UnGuided Outdoors
Views: 14,175
Rating: 4.8037734 out of 5
Keywords: camp stove, camping stove, camp cooking, base camp, jetboil genesis, camp chef, deer hunting, bow hunting, stove system, camp stove cooking, backpacking stove, jetboil stove, msr stove, camping stoves reviews best, camp kitchen, camp stoves backpacking, camp stove recipes, camping stove cooking, camping stove review, camping stoves for backpackers, jet boil, camp stove windscreen, camp stove meals
Id: IQpGCqyFmwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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