walkthrough of my 100 days village builds

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guys welcome in a while in a while [Music] it feels good to be streaming again come on Smith I'm doing some stuff here everything is good all right so so let's see we [Music] let's give me a sec guys I'm just trying to iron out some of that stuff in the background here [Music] [Music] all right great so ah all right so I think I'm ready all right so guys we're gonna do like a nice little walkthrough of the village what we have so far uh let me just catch up uh what's going on with chat let's see uh you guys uh to shiznit she's knits hello welcome to welcome this stream playing on the public test version input cool version yeah I'm looking forward to that full version hope you hope you're enjoying it hope you enjoying it deforestation the black horse boo smooshy's skull a Jello worm hello welcome welcome cool trailer thanks thank you all right sorry hey Scott hey welcome welcome man hey welcome welcome I think it's the first time you're popping this stream right Kayla I was uh I think it's the first time I'm noticing your name but welcome welcome all this Onyx hello hello hello uh let me switch on over to my game here that means you guys see what's what's going on here um should come up in a few seconds let's give it some time it's gonna be this is this is my uh my admin character so I'm going to use this to kind of do some stuff kind of show you guys um what's clearly going on around I didn't want to mess up my original character ran into the truck getting messed up already so uh let me just set it today really big time the system of 8.5 all right so you guys can see everything on full well yeah I'm going on um good that's out of the way Captain Chrome's gaming hello welcome welcome hey the car the car man welcome man uh if you guys haven't seen Dakar latest video that uh the the Top Gun yes that car is a I would say it's a sorcery a sorcery uh you can do he can do some crazy stuff in my in my life definitely check out his channel uh I don't think any months are around to drop a link but definitely check out this channel yeah really awesome awesome guy very creative put on some real real good content uh egg good skill Hermie hello [Laughter] yeah we need more gardens with raised beds Ki oh first time here hi welcome welcome there hello from Sweden hello Chris R from Sweden how you doing how you doing I always miss you but catch up after work oh okay well glad to have you Kayla glad to have you uh museum is anyone uh man I finally caught you live awesome foreign hello from Norway welcome man nice nice yes definitely the cardi amazing video all right um loving the village challenge keep going I'll definitely try my best too it does take a lot of me all right so first so actually so the this world right now we have it paced have it uh based on my community service so um for if if some of you guys want to pop in to walk through with me um sure um some of you guys are in Discord already so if you check the announcement the last announcement I've made there should be the IP there and the password would be V3 so see some of you guys can pop in while I um do talk about a bit about the village but give me a sec guys uh all right yeah sorry about that all right so ah where am I where am I all right so oh I missed one Roxy rocks Roxy Roxy I've pronounced it right kazak Kazakhstan kha'zix because Ben Kazakhstan Kazakhstan welcome welcome nice nice I can tick that country up well this all right so uh maybe we'll wait for a few if you guys are popping in let me know I just said that the my Discord my last announcement IP is there I think it is it's concealed if you hover over it should show uh the it's capital V and everything else is a stream and then you should be able to get into it get into the server so yeah all right so this is the is it on my Discord it's it's in my in the description don't if that one's not working it's attached to the channel I feel like you go to the channel to the top right we have some little icon zero there's a link right there as well while I'm streaming on kind of feeding my face because I I didn't get to eat breakfast yet so all right so um so this is the start of Village and I'm gonna start from way over here I might have to stop right it's you know right here so this is the dock area that pretty much one thing I I like I liked about this stock um is that the idea where I was able to put these little beams or for the roof create an umbrella roof these beams to make it more pronounced do you need I really like that a lot of the bills I do is like I get a new idea from like doing one build and then I reuse it on others and then create like multiple um design so if persons who are always wondering how I come up with design it's just one idea turn into many and then getting another idea 32 not a different style design so that's the one thing I love with valheim is that it's um you have endless possibilities you just need to discover what works and what kind of style you can get out of that mixing the pieces so yeah yeah that's really cool let's try to say because I said this first thing all right cool cool thanks hello from Poland too maybe a first time as well hey Jen okay okay welcome yeah I think your first time too as well because uh I've I've noticed here you know first time I've noticing your name I try my best to remember everyone's name Splash open hey welcome welcome see a lot of um your faces I would watch some videos sometime uh let me see what was it gonna do again all right so yeah yeah yeah yeah so the dark here and uh this is uh the tavern uh there was one thing that is interesting with this Tower uh the idea for this design this tavern design oh Steve inside there ah Steve my my loyal employee so what really start off the design for this um Tavern was like this design here this window design I'm not sure if you can see it clearly but let me go to this side here I think yeah this is a lot clearer yeah I made this window design uh was ravenheim season one and I did this for what was it again it was the portal home portal Rune the roon temple portal Hub yeah I did it I said I want to reuse this design and I did this and then this other pieces follow afterwards and yeah voila The Tavern you know you the usual columns as well I don't find that um when building like the wooden houses or Shacks just showing these columns at the edge of the edge of it like this here uh really brings it out a lot more and then when you throw these little X down here oh it looks really nice because at times the the wooden houses can get a bit flat not like with with stone you can get away um with it by maybe throwing some wood to this this side of the stone kind of give it a little bit of depth but like for wooden I remember like initially I never liked building wood because it seems so kind of boring to like mixing up with stone was just spark spark it and then when the columns started doing these columns now I started to have a liking to do like these little wooden structures take some time of creativity and whatnot but yeah hello from Canada hey Christy Christian welcome can I stay and watch but I will uh I will love to do that have some work for college even if I don't watch you for long I only saw one of today's Build Challenge I want to see more keep it up all right Alex all right appreciate you popping in oh the vines oh yeah that plant everything mod so uh do I I think I have it I think where's where's the hole uh code but not a whole cultivator I got difficult man let me just show you a bit uh deep bug that's what I need to do I'm B and let me just get a whole a whole cultivator cold cold Vehicles cultivator where where uh cultivator cultivator where is it ah there it is all right so yeah so cultivator yeah you can use some stuff popping so the cultivator yeah uh with the plant everything model gives your cultivator some additional um stuff to build with so and it uses anything that you can use it in survival because you can use the resources some of the resources so like for the ancient uh saplings so you you saw that in my um uh in my mountains you can use the the ancient seeds and this kind of give the ancency a lot of purpose especially for like the um the greater form I have over at the the Dolphins Village so I'm able to throw it on these I mean this is a honestly my opinion but this is like a must-have because the devs haven't added anything that's kind of expand on like doing more Landscaping stuff but yeah and the fact that it's to use the resources that you you know Gather in the game like like regular shrubs this is wood zero benefit but if you like blueberries you use blueberries or whatnot but yeah it's cool it's real cool uh all right so yeah you should definitely try that out and um yeah so it definitely spikes up the the um the look of your bills overall with the landscape goes with your your bill you know it just looks complete love your bartender hey Amber hey welcome welcome I think it's the first time we're chatting here Amber uh awesome welcome uh your modem base looks incredible yeah I'm gonna get to get there get there yeah I love the um honestly Mountain after building the mountain it has become my second favorite second favorite biome so this is uh what was this again this was like a yeah it was a starter house I think uh what was it again I think it was like I originally built this here and then build it or what's the other way around I did a tutorial for this though first thought I was but it's I think it does have like a wood cutter house yeah and I decorated here and I like the deal right here your vegetation and the big oak tree and then you have this little um the flowers right here I love I love seeing this every time when I walk by right here I just love looking at it hey Artisan welcome welcome did I miss anybody hold on all right Mars hey oh I missed a couple by then hey welcome uh who else I've been doing a Wednesday challenge with a friend of mine but we keep getting sidetracked so it could be a 200 day excited for it uh I know I know what you mean there it's like um for me to even focus on Bill I I can't I just have to focus full fully on this building getting resources um I can't even in the last one I usually kind of get a little um Windows of maybe playing around uh maybe take on a boss or or um do a lot of stuff all of us from building but that one was just like I had to cram that I had to say Bill Bill of course I'm building the time is going because it's so massive it's it's too big it's too big but yeah lock this I don't remember why I blocked this is it Steve I think I think I was trying to capture Steve at the time all right so yeah going up uh oh yeah that was a blacksmith oh wait wait let me just introduce you guys to the brand Brenda Brenda princess around but uh yeah princess is not Brenda look this is Brenda my first Piggy uh Brenda I'm so attached to Brenda because yeah you guys know what happened George what's yeah and we got princess over there you know yeah princess yeah this Jesus she's just for there for food provide me sustenance uh where's Gregory is Gregory still around I don't think I'd get rid of Gregory Gregory where's Greg ah Greg Wait no that's Prince did I I did not kill Gregory Gregory is somewhere over here ah no wait a second what's going on here where's Gregory did Gregory I did not kill I'm definitely sure I didn't kill Gregory see oh my God how long on average do those projects take you I know it's uh it's 100 days in game asking how long is the the project period of time for making one of the uh those projects including everything concerning it oh yeah so like planning reaction like planning um editing um finding assets and all of that stuff um if that's that's the case it would take me a month but the last video took me about um almost two months I was almost two months because I I I changed up how I did with the the editing um I tried to polish my editing a bit more and um yeah add in time lapse to kind of make it more enjoyable where you can kind of see the bills come to life so yeah it took me took me a month months almost two months almost two months and and is that I'm also trying to come up with new designs so it was a bit challenging for like Mountain because I wanted to try get some um something that was um that kind of flows or work with the the biome you know I should actually do oh I don't need to do Grossman because I'm not on my original words I was kind of worried about uh raids oh yeah I forgot I'm in there uh admin mode um yeah is that is that Gregory hello or oh my God I don't know what happened to Gregory I wonder if I accidentally kill him oh my God even got the level level for the well uh that works is cool any tips for making a stone and wooden um house I'm new um tips tips tips what kind of tips I can say um if you're new then um in regards to like integrity Integrity is going to be like your main issue with wooden houses uh so let's let me give you a tip right here so let me just eat something you gotta run faster oh yeah so like a tip right here I'm trying to remember if I I can break this because I mean I'll swear it's not permanent um let me see if I record ah yes all right so let go for like a house like this um where it is like to it's pretty small but you kind of get it can get two floors out of it as you can see you have a top and bottom so and this is like one two three all right so what I normally do when I'm building like wooden houses especially for this one I would put like um maximum I think I would go high with it would be like about four of these wooden walls high this is just the size and I would add core wood to the corners here so that it can get support up top um the the width of it I would suggest that you keep it above like maybe four uh let me see this is three four would be like the maximum I think would go one two three four would be that maximum really because once you once you start to work on the roof here you it's it's going to diminish in regards to Integrity support so so like having that kind of um measurement to work with to kind of get some little ideas of where you can piece little houses together if you make it too wide you're gonna have problems with the roof on the roof can be a pretty pretty much of a headache all right and then especially when I do like the the overhang um roof for the front and side I put a one meter wood we should not like to decide right here and then putting out another one right here and then I would put the angle beams so 45 or the the 45 or 20 6 degree yeah 26 degree um and then meet in the middle so yeah see let's try try that out so that you kind of get a adhesive whole work and uh that should maybe start you out so that you can make a like a simple home and then move from there hey Michael Smith welcome welcome Show us Winnie oh yeah definitely I never actually winning football for George she have two star boys but the first Spirit got killed in natural rate oh snaps uh Escape what's the the carrot form um this is a form that you he was and I was feeding him this is a car well this is the village I have the carrot form it wasn't in the farm itself but he was right here I don't know I don't know what happened to him I'm wondering if I accidentally slaughtered him and not realizing and I think that might have been the case and I said to myself I would have videoed it if I was gonna get rid of him give him like a proper sender but I'm gonna have to check my original word just to see if that if that's really the case but yeah that's uh wait did I intro did I show up top here all right let me just go free for free fire all right so and uh yeah and this is a starter house here in get to live in this place that long to make it all cozy but yeah this is the this is the village it's not that big any Village yeah cool you have a hard time keeping your boards ah no I don't normally have a hard time keeping my boards I'm gonna head over to the next Village so this this is uh this Village is Georgetown in memory of George who I lost on day 37 Georgetown I need to make like a board or something oh yeah and oh there is we have my little farm carrots I don't disturb over here this look pretty like only places the only place I farm my car is I read business right here everywhere else I just love seeing the flowers so just leave it oh yeah uh I need to so here's the thing here how is like um Steve is you know um calm and not smashing like the chess and stuff right here once you have a fire Source like this sconce or any others nearby he becomes civilized so I can just pop over here and yeah he doesn't do anything really and if I pop out he's not going to smash anything but if I should take this out he's going to go ballistic and just start breaking stuff so if you wanna if you want Steve to be to be a part of your village or your community yeah you can do something like this uh versus are you from the Caribbean yes yes I am from the Caribbean I'm actually from Jamaica we should build a small train to see me at the Mountain Village you know I've thought about that like her I've thought about that but I was like I'm thinking what what would I design I didn't want to like take up all the time trying to figure out a design and where to put it tell I am alive July I think I pronounce it right hey welcome welcome how are you doing how are you doing all right so welcome to dwarf hinge Village this was my this was my favorite Village until the mountains came into came into play and um it's it's kind of still kind of battling I love the mountain visually it the whole setup of it it looks really nice uh the only thing that I wish if the if the still kind of battle first but I think I would say dwarf engine the mountains tied first place for me just because it has a the greater Farm they can get all the nice the unlimited wood and Stone so oh let's see a lot of cleanup to be done right here I'm just releasing in the chest why am I doing this anyways I'm not gonna be here oh yeah um for those guys who was popping in if you want to want to um visit the world you can and just kind of look around for yourself as well because I'm gonna leave it up for this it's gonna be well these are my community server so I'll just place it right there this kind of bros through and maybe you guys can pop in so if you pop into my Discord or if you're already in my Discord you can check my last uh in the announcement section there I post the the um the IP for the server the password is V capital V stream and you should be able to get in so yeah so Golem trophy on a pedestal yeah that would be good that would be that would have been good if he had dropped one I have a backpack guy my driver Village I'm renovating that hangs out behind my black porch calling my DJ yeah that's good that's cool ugh yeah Golems are cheap with trophies oh they really dropped the trophies I guess I'm guessing huh I don't well mountain is that mountain um playthrough is a pretty much my first solo and the first time I spent a lot uh in the mountains I've been there like other places like rivernheim but just to pass through and grab stuff but yeah this is so yeah this is the greater form and this is the nice cozy Lobby here I love this this this here I I love this the vines just just add to it this really makes it makes it nice and uh uh warm hey Cherry welcome welcome Siri all right so yeah so this is um so that's that section here and this is the storage house you know I need to do a tutorial for this this is a really decent looking storage house especially much majority of it is in Wood the the only thing that is Stone was like I was trying to to like how about a different color or something or mix right here so just added some Stone here I don't remember if it was a purpose for no it wasn't for the purpose for the roof really I think it was just the front here I wanted the stone to show and the columns to be like rest right underneath it was a really decent um storage hose uh right now have all of these crap these have a lot of these uh agency that can use for the uh the ancient trees yeah I've cleared out a good amount of these these resins I've used carry them over to other villages to to light them light them up but yeah storage account is that I tried to um they may see like a limited amount of decorations inside because decoration can take a ton load of time and they they all challenges to make the village as in and just have those just basic functional uh stuff inside so I would love um what I'm actually gonna do though what am I actually gonna do like this build this world here I I plan to it's not concrete but I plan to have like I think once it's done I would have it to be but have it done clear the bosses and reset date the day did they counter and have it for the community community servers and uh the the the the the update for the Hilda's requests where it's gonna have the hardcore mood and where you have no map I want to do um this server in that way they don't have any Maps it's just um you making use of the certain landmarks and whatever to kind of get around and these would be like certain landmarks these Villages here which I will I'll try to like make it um like a safe haven so I would like make it indestructible because there's like a model you can do that increase the health of it and with a nice little Community Adventure Adventure World it would be cool everyone streams when I'm sleeping outside sorry I mean um I just started so I I knew that you probably uh maybe maybe get up around this time so yeah I've gotten three Golem trophies into uh in total since I started playing this game and that was all in the same playthrough when what really oh we got three Golem trophy yeah five percent drop it's pretty it's pretty rare I'm supposed to be doing the Elder soon I hope you're doing fine are you feeling all right so we go on with the tour oh yeah yeah let me show you over to the tavern in the top van welcome to the tavern very nice cozy small Tavern so yeah so this is a Tavern um what was the trying to remember what kind of inspired the tavern I think it was like a basic look it wasn't minty guys it was just like a basic Tavern shape that I wanted to do oh yeah now remember these these stairs is what really kind of inspired this uh this uh Frontier because when I when I did um I think I did the the stairs smaller one on the the blacksmith and I said I wanted to do like a wider version for or uh like the tavern it's nice and welcoming I I'm trying to remember which which if it was like a movie or a game that I saw uh like the entrance was like this and it just kind of curved into you know go into the tavern like enter it like that I thought it was like it would be pretty cool no I don't think says I just use one meter wood and just go across and stack sector all the way up yeah custom steers can't go back to regular stairs now can't go back to regular stairs only ones only certain certain yeah maybe small spots like this yeah so when I did it right here it's like oh I oh I like it I'm gonna use it again and then I started to to uh visualize the design for it over there but yeah so this is the blacksmith um I don't even do much with it not sure if I was 100 happy with this one I needed something I didn't even do the interior for this because I said time time was time is really short I just needed a blacksmith to really just use use the work area hot out here and as you can see you notice that this was an inspiration coming from the the uh the starter house the The Woodcutter house in the starter Village so as I said I will use reuse ideas for other bills and create something new oh same same stuff oh okay well you know continue hanging in there cherry I'm doing fine I'm doing fine Sherry I can't complain yeah um pretty good bit tired mentally but yeah ah and um next is was it cover this that yeah The Host this is is uh I was trying something though I just wanted to I was trying to drift from the whole regular box shaped structure so and then attach these little half half circle structures to the side which I thought was nice was nice and this I think this um this design inspired the design that was done in this swamp so I think doing this yeah Inspire the design for the swamp and the roof was I used the the roof um for the the the the the dock in the starter house oh yeah this is not much in here but yeah this this is basically the shape of it it's a weird shape let me just go up wait you're a little bad and there was like some of the work here for storage and uh what was what was up here this yeah that was a southern area here and there's a little balcony here so that was it oops so this oh yeah Winnie Winnie and here are my wolves uh this is wait what Wilfred is doing outside put Wilfred in seven all right no matter yeah so you got Wilfred and we got uh where is Wanda and Wanda Yeah my two two family two family two new families they're gonna be drawing me join me on my journey when I had it when I head out into the the planes I'm gonna need them we'll fed and wonder all right so uh oh yeah the dock here you know whatever you know what I always remember that around this I think was it the same time I think the timing made me similar um when I completed this Village was around when it's uh somehow almost ending because I remember when I could build this maple and that's when it when it comes in and the new banners I think was uh around that time came around I was like oh nice sweet new banners I can make use of the the little the yellow flowers that you get from the great um but was it the brute The Brute dropped the yellow flowers and this is the dock I was like this I was like this at the front here it's really kind of give like uh like a little what is this instance structure kind of vibe some reason uh yeah this is uh This Is It or go off hands now that this I can see it uh what was anything else there's anything else I have two options I could run a run to the the swamp Village because swamp Village is pretty pretty much nearby here originally what I had him I had in mind was that I would like make a a straight road going to the swamp Village and connect these two well originally I was going to try to connect the the remaining four Villages but I at the time I didn't I didn't know how big the mountain was and I had to like maybe um and then swamp kinda kind of stress stressed me out a bit so I kind of boycott the the the road thing rooting right here I was supposed to make one uh straight I think I'll maybe do it when like the whole world is done and just kind of connect the road uh connect these eye rows um for the planes I don't know I think I may planes I've discovered that I don't think that's gonna be here I'm not sure if it's really that big I think maybe I want to find somewhere else put like the planes Plains Village all right we're gonna head over to the to the uh swamp yeah maybe I have to clear I have to clear environment clear that one it's gonna be so dark you can't see not gonna be able to see that much uh we'll watch it again this is a swamp portal oh Cherry just to let you know that the this world is on the communities Community um I'm into server uh if you want to pop in as a if it was anyone trying to access the server and having difficulty I just want to make sure that I've like put the info correctly let me just uh let me see should be announcement did I put it and all right let me just add let me just added I think yeah that's it all right um and Sophie the announcement one so that one's maybe not showing I got the correct one yeah that should be correct yeah the IP zero and the password is yeah B stream so you can check it out all right um this is yeah the swamp swamp uh Jerry Wood welcome to Jerry Wood I should I should actually light the space up a bit I mean ah supposedly in Congress you you just woke up two person talking to you all right no problem Jerry um where is it um too much drunk on me banished and I should be able to see the where did I put the thing to see up ah there we go Jerry Wood uh Jerry Jerry was Jerry was pretty annoying to kind of do this one here this Village so yeah it was really oh yeah I should actually oh this one was like how this started it started by by um I kind of placed this column here and what was it I think was no no I didn't place this column actually I did like this the the octagonal layout of this structure first and it was supposed to I was supposed to have these little beams here going into the tree but uh yeah I did I did it wrong and I was like I'm not gonna do this again and I was like looking at it for a while I was like yeah why not the stroke column rights in the middle of it let's see how it looks I think it wasn't G but sure but yeah let me just do that and then it was like oh wow this looks really really neat a new little idea kind of thing and then I raise the ground um especially when if it's like a bit Square the top here yeah and then you can do this here just kind of make it this is a clean and whatnot and this was like I don't remember if it was originally to be like the The Hub of the village but um it's like I did it and then all right I think yeah I'll just make it a centerpiece seeing that it's you know pretty tall so could put like a steer a steer um staircase inside and yeah use it as a way to connect certain parts of the The Village we'll just add the spiral stairs I just love this sparse this is this is neat so if you can't get the the the others the disparities as in game which is kind of way into mislands you can always build your own spouse spiral stairs almost bite myself very disappears but yeah and so do they search up let me just do the home District this is pretty small so I did like uh it's a home District here should actually be embarrassing if I just just died right there um yeah so this is like the the house was like like so I think after I did the The Hub uh hey hey gal call block welcome welcome so after I I did this that the Hub um I was trying to figure out that I could design for this the idea was for like this to be like um stop events getting bad bad events um foreign why doesn't stop it's weird all right I'm just have to kill him or they repair everything without breaking um they don't break they don't it will get withered the things that it will get withered sir um Circle so the stuff uh they will get um with it but it will not break it's just that it's just that the health of the the the wood would just go to half go to half and it just stays at half so this was like uh oh yeah the idea was that phone to make this nine bats um either was to make this appear like it's floating and have these little uh mushrooms uh for like little decoration this was like more common from like um I was thinking about like Elven stuff like this like like mythical Forest so it's all those little elves whatever the mystical Forest so it's like maybe have something looking like this kind of thing kind of give that little effect here and yeah I'm gonna make the boss of my like a bubble kind of thing which I thought was like a really neat idea to kind of make it look like it's like exploding let's see what I can do make it look like it's floating um that way but yeah the these are adding These Eyes was like I really love how it looked really love how it look the stairs underneath Oh you mean right here yeah yeah this this was really nice it was fun really building the the fill in the swamp it's just that it's just dark and depressing but yeah I'll just put two houses here this is the one I sleep slept in nothing much in here I mean most of my stuff is like scattered all across and that's uh well we'll get that get to there let's get upstairs fetish and this is the uh the Rope Bridge let's say you can say that the the idea using these chords originally come from Smitty Smitty did like a rope um did the Rope bridge but he did it without these to the side so I was like hmm can you do create like a rope that using a one meat one meter wood how does it look how would it look try this uh I want to say that this looks perfect but I know that the the others like for like this one really really felt nice um overall and then it was and that's where that's where they they um inspiration for like where even I'm doing the Rope Bridge because I wanted to just make more rope bridge I just love rope Bridge this one didn't do properly it needs more belly this needs more belly kind of get lower but yeah real nice this is like uh this is my what is the workshop I think this was a workshop yeah this was a workshop really nice this is where um I got I got assaulted by Jerry uh cornered me right here uh fun times uh this one was like I was trying to figure at first when I created the design for this I thought I was gonna look weird before some of these details here I think honestly a couple of these bills at first building them they look they look terrible but it's just adding details detail here and there really pops it which I I always you know kind of um gets surprised when I like create like the layout or the basic structure and sometimes in my head is like I would look at it I was like nah this is not going to look good kind of this maybe play around and and just kind of do like maybe this half and let's do heck a half that's a kind of see how it would look or if this new if I place a piece in this way if it would create something new um I don't think and I think this one was one of those weird looking ones and I think it turned out pretty okay after adding a bit of detail here and there I add the it was all these roofs are the top is the the stairs but I add the the roof piece underneath here so you get the the the the the the the the shelter buff from these but you just get this as the look outside so I did it for all of them you can see regular roof underneath and uh so this gives a a different different roof Style so I didn't I didn't I did I already don't like using touchproof that much only some like mountain is it kind of gives um multi kind of converter with the snow so it doesn't really affect me that much but like in the the swamp or like um I mean start the village I would I would say I'll excuse it but like for the black Force One the yeah I kinda I didn't I don't think I used much of it I use the same um steers and then it was and it was uh I did the tavern this one was let me see we go down to the base here so the tavern so this was inspiration was coming from the The Hub The Hub over here so when I did the the base right here where the column came down I was like you know um it would be cool if like um have the tavern remote a column like this and Float uh you know standing up that's that's where they they they they the inspiration for the uh the uh the tavern I did on ravenheim that's uh when I did this it's like I want to do one in Riven him on like a small island in the the ocean and the person start calling it The Bird birdhouse when you reach the Black Forest uh one would think roof shingles would be I think yeah yeah I I I it feels like it would it would be it should be mine's never look like that are you excited about the planes one of these days yes I'm sorry Circle yeah I'm definitely looking forward to it because um I can get the idea of what I plan to do um I I wanted to because of how planes look it kind of reminds me of like the the like the color how like how it being the color overall the biome reminds me of the Grand Canyon for some reason uh the Grand Canyon have those little um you know stones and highs and lows so I was thinking of maybe doing something like that but require me to kind of terraform the area to the lowest points um the to the lowest points and then right raise a few lands um a few points here that um kind of create a plateau of some sort of in some spots um spaces and kind of what what the design is more of to be more defensive where most of the village is on these uh these little plateaus and or maybe you have a few structures below but uh put like more like the main structures up top uh but yeah def it's gonna be like a lot of terraforming and to kind of clear out the earring to kind of see how to work it in a way so I'm trying to do some like to incorporate the the the the terrain with the bills as I go on go on in the series so the mountain I I def I I try my best to make use of the the rocks that that were there and uh for the planes because there's not much rocks but I will try to find like a good spot where I could Deuce make use of one of the rocks and the and the terrain the mix with the bill because it I mean you can do a lot with the terrain I mean build the bills and the terrain while I'm can really look good it's just that the the limitation that it comes with it where you can you can't really you can't make a tunnel uh you can't um dig for further than eight meters from the original spot of the the ground and it can only raise eight so you kind of have like a little um wiggle room to make you know kind of unique stuff but um I just want to try to push to see the yes we are the best designer or whatever to kind of make use of the the terrain or the land and this is a little um blacksmith Irish here it's just it's cool it's cool I like the flow of the village right here you kind of flow going down this this film going up to the The Hub deliver coming down you kind of get yourself to go around to the blacksmith around here and go down to the the spot here this big rope Bridge you know um this fire thing I was gonna I was supposed to maybe use it for something I don't know because it gives you the fire buff I didn't know what to to create surround it and I was like you know what that may be the slave it like that on the screen approached the surrender by the side but uh I need to find uh Yoon something unique are interesting we use it for like a black it could maybe do like a throw like a blacksmith or something over it blacksmith Workshop we have this this unique fire going on right here I thought it was cool it hurts fire but first I have to go now so all right Sherry take care might maybe find a spot where mountain meets planes um I don't know I don't know because our remote to miss planes uh I'll have to see I'll just see what really what really oh what's really out there so sometimes uh I have a plan in mind but then when you see like the the the the the land to like the terrain or the setup of the land it could change your plans or maybe do something new because you want to you know do the lens of Justice here because it's a pretty uh I think for the mountain which I'm gonna head over to now there's something that I planned had planned for it and then it changed so I'm gonna head up to the mountain now yeah they are chilly can you teach us how to plant a Vine for decorate um hey kooky oh is it kooky art uh yeah so um to do the vines thing so you need to get the the plant everything mod um if you first let me use in mud I would recommend you using R2 mod man it's really really easy to use that mod to mod your game and unmod it so basically um it would give you uh it's that's pretty easy it would give you the option where you can mod the game where button you can press mod and yeah well I'm not a button with this vanilla or if you open if you run the game from vanilla uh well through Steam it will just run vanilla so it doesn't so if you add mods through it it doesn't affect it if you run the game through Steam if you want to run it without mods uh also the other thing too you're easy you're able to find the mods through the store um pretty easily just click import it does all the work for you in the back end and it just um you just have it for like a particular profile so so that's what I did so I have the plant everything mod and what it does is that it gives your cultivator which I currently have in my hand the the ability to plan some additional stuff as you can see right here so one for example the the ancient tree which is like those little those little three that one right there the if you if you like the ancient seed you can use the ancient seed and plant those trees and then it would grow up to that which really really cool I like seeing a little bit a mix of the alive and dead trees so it's really cool um you can do like the the the iag saplings so you get the sap you can do that um you bury Bush or whatever I don't I try to still stare away from these because don't want to make it too too like that's just my for me and my um what I do in my playthrough make it too easy although they're nice for decorating honestly like especially throughout the thought maybe through one and two but uh I know what I personally do like have like a big farm with it oh yeah I guess it's depends on what's just that your type of build you're doing what's uh yeah I I tend to just use maybe let's use it I haven't used the only time I've used it was in the startup Village just for a little decoration I haven't used it again but yeah you can do other other ones these ones are pretty yeah I think using these ones is like if you're more like admin and you just Create Your Design Your World just for other processes to enjoy we put some of these things in particular areas uh yeah and then you can use like regular wood to plant shrubs these little shrubs and bushes strap I've used a lot they use up a lot of my wood would a Wood resource a good thing I have the greater form yeah uh I would suggest that still stay uh steer away from this this glow mushroom it's gonna spawn this big blue mushroom you can't get rid of unless you have another mud that can delete it so yeah it's good to have that in mind so don't don't plant this you don't want it to be permanently be there yet cook food on the fire thing yeah you can because it's it's it's um it's raised as as a fire so if you put like um one of those what's it called was what's up being here cooking station on a rack you can see it yeah one of those cooking stations you should be able to have any raw meat on me uh no but should definitely work all right I'm gonna head over to the the mountain the Europeans are bridges are so cute thanks thanks Amber can we can you place a blast furnace right on top of the the fire spots so the fire is shooting out of the top can I do that wait let me test that let me see let me test it should be able to I don't think it's like um entity or something that can block you place in it see Blast Furnace passwords last friends this place it right wait do I have to flatten the area yeah I think I have to oh it's water ah I can't place it in water uh let me see maybe put something else a like a iron beam put another iron beam right here finish B that's not directly over it all right then I should be able to place a blast furnace let's try it out oh it's too close all right um bring it out oh the way out here all right let's try that again turn it around Drive close enough yeah you can you can uh you just have to position it so yeah you definitely can do could use it for do other stuff I know I know Dakar is gonna do something it's right it's he's a strange to think of something something crazy to do with it that car was to Pro uh do one of these uh his experiments sorcer experiments all right let me just get back to uh the mountains no problem no problem I was kind of curious too so all right so uh mountain mountain we are off to the mountain is the tavern my The Tavern The Tavern The Tavern The Tavern for the mountain I love that Tavern was not planned out originally that way that was more of um oh should I say it it just turned into that it just transform into that it just took me took me by surprise and it was like really really cool oh Jayla wearing popped on yeah yeah snow pattern this is what I was saying I was spider roof spider up proof um design I think it really looks nice um in the snow let me let me get my whole this at this um I even didn't I I didn't even get to finish this portal hub it's supposed to get a bit more uh decorations here to kind of make it more you know yeah the starsity is done I was like I you know this is the portal Hub I didn't have time to flesh it out but then we come back in the village I'm not gonna let Timmy back into the village sorry if he wants to be nearby like oh oh the back outside the boundaries yeah yeah all right so this this is uh the portal Hub and um for this Village it was there was a there was an idea I wanted to try I don't remember what was it I don't remember what was it it kind of mixed up with the idea for the planes something with the terrain something with the terrain I think it was um I think yeah I think the planes the idea for the planes is what I was gonna do for the mountain that was it and I need to finish for eating my breakfast but it's not breakfast anymore it's more like we'll call it brunch the spawn point is in the village yeah um let me show you all right so dang I love this I love this Village and I love I love that these uh these uh the ancient trees it just kind of fit nicely because it's you know it's kind of winter you know when some trees they kind of shed their leaves and this this looks like this I thought it was like would be really cool to have have it in the village yeah so um Timmy Timmy spawn pot spot was uh I'm trying to remember it was somewhere right in this area here this was the area I think Timmy spawn it was spawn like next next to this um the the egg the egg here and let me see let me kind of start from the beginning how this even came up came together uh so yeah I didn't even destroy the little little Shack here I I try to um try to survive in I think I started and then like I need to focus on finishing the build I didn't I didn't even get to get to do this Frost cave that was one of the things I was supposed to do I was supposed to go into the frost game because I needed crystals and like the time was getting away from me it was like uh do I really want to sign myself up to go in there because I'm wearing uh root armor I know I'm gonna get roasted inside there there's a possibility that I'm gonna get roasted I don't want the back and forth or that kind of demoralize me like you know kind of give up because it was a bit of a challenge trying to to um get into the mountains really starting from over over with dwarf engine golfing Village is that I felt dear more demoralizing at the time especially with the with the Wolves trying to tame the wolves uh they were pretty annoying and brutal and Drake's and wolves are not a good mix I can say Drakes and wolves are not a good mix yeah well if if a drake hits you dang you know you're sitting right there for the wolf to eat you up but yeah um this was like um a sucking Discovery for me finding this cave was like oh sweet I came right to the side of the hill and this mountain is massive massive as you can see right here it's really really tall really really tall I was at somewhere down here Red Dot and made the journey appear I was I was actually hoping if I could find maybe one of these Frost kids because I was like I I was like um worrying if if I'm gonna have to make a like one of those um shed in like one of these um one of these areas here that would be maybe if uh flat that has a potential of having a lot of wolves coming uh for me uh so it was like really really excited when I found this and honestly just like how I mentioned in the video um when I saw this area here where Timmy Timmy was at I never really consider it as like a spot to build a village I think it was um it was um somewhere else I wanted to check to see I found that place but it wasn't like resonating with me as to how the the the layout of it was too flat and I didn't want it to be similar to like um like dwarf hinge um I wanted it to be pretty different unique in its own way so it's like I came over this spot and saw Timmy I saw Tim I think I think at the time when um oh another thing I should point out in the video too as well you think that the the fight with Timmy maybe maybe um was that quick based on how the video kind of plays it it took me like a day and uh was it a day was it that day I think it may be a full day and it was a half day on one and then the morning of the other to kill him because I started to Pelt him with arrows I tried to like I tried to fight him uh Hands-On Hands-On battle uh with the with the uh with the knife and um I think initially I didn't want to because I thought that I couldn't block his is is is um his hit but I realized I could I was like really surprised and maybe I'll try it I'll try it let me just try this and then I think I think I was I was I was getting too confident with the fight and then he smacked me I was like all right you know what hell no I'm gonna get out of here and start and I just stand right on top of this Stone here and tilt it belted him with arrows non-stop he's just walking around Rock and rolls so yeah that's his own see me really died he he got shot uh yeah but I I kind of felt bad originally I didn't want to get rid of Timmy because I I was thinking about keeping keeping him as a pet uh I wanted to like maybe put him on the outside um out here out here and just kind of leaving roaming and maybe uh if and kind of break these little campfires so if there there are any wolves he maybe just smacked them around and I would just uh pick up the free wolf meat which I think would be a cool idea you know you know have two meters out there just doing the work for you and you just come and collect all that nice wolf meat uh got to go all right uh Scott and take you in live in this Shack oh any breakfast it's uh when you break fast it caught me by surprise because I forgot for a sec that time zone exists oh yeah let's say breakfast yeah but it actually it's afternoon now for me but yeah I have a breakfast right in front of me too yeah so um all right let me see where should I start so this so what was it what was this design this design here that's just said a rib cage this design is coming from all right this is really coming from um two well it's it's start from one bill and then it goes to another bill and so the first bill that really Sparks all of this and I'm gonna kind of expand on this more because I like that um there was this there was this this um this bill this building in in God of War the new God of War that they released uh there was this structure where it have it had like um it was a massive I don't know if anyone played God of War maybe recognize it or remember it but it had like the structure of the front here or something that had an angle like this or I think maybe steeper maybe like a 45 degree and this was the the roof line that's going all the way up like this and it comes down to the side and to the side right here and I was wondering how can I how could I possibly recreate something like that in Violin because it really looked cool the only problem is that the roof pieces can't really you know work with with it because you know um you wanted like the roof to go up this way and then the roof come down to the side right here uh you didn't really have um the pieces to to to give it to give it like a clean look overall I love the Mountain Village thanks um so it started from there when I saw it in in God of War I was like can I recreate it then um I did the the time lapse the first time-offs video with the bridge where I tried to see if I can um do a little step down um roof kind of thing because I think I was trying to do something like this here and then I maybe and then I just decided to do it the the way where I have it now where this little step down for each of them because I was thinking of trying to get this angle like angle going like this and then we have a peak like that and kind of kind of thing or switched around where you have maybe the 26 degree and then the 45 degrees something like that so I did that and then it didn't work out then I changed to I did the long host the new long hose which I incorporate the design of of the roof on the side but I did something on the front where it had like the triangle right here and then I had this little beam right to the back here going up into the roof and put these little these little um beams here to the side to create like a a different design of some sort and then it's from that from that design brings this one which uh I'm not even done yet but I actually have a um it's like maybe like I think it was like a mead Hall I'm trying to create using this same design I was trying to do like a I think originally I was gonna do like a middle of some sort uh maybe shirt on the mountain side right here but it was too it was a bit too big and the space was not some it feels like it wouldn't work with the space here it would be a bit too loud and um and it was pretty interesting to the side structure when I have this here and I was like you know what all right I scrapped it because I was playing around with it and then is when discovering Timmy and Timmy smash when Timmy smashed this part of the stone right here I that's when the idea came about this is this whole tunnel thing this that I the whole half the The Village took was I would say Timmy was really the one that really that inspired the village so I love your bills Versa you're so great thanks uh I think it's the first time you've been in uh pop industry uh welcome welcome welcome that's epic I didn't didn't read all of it so unfortunately but that's uh great news oh sorry that's not for me the new setting we have transported into a true Port oh yeah yeah wow you guys that the guys that's uh had a portal thing uh their prayers have been heard are people gonna love that that feature but overall the the the game modifier feature I think president's gonna love it I'm looking forward to the hardcore hardcore one you know if you can get on top of him you can kill him fast with a pickaxe oh really I I know I didn't want to try it I didn't want to risk it I don't want to risk it then oh slip and then get slapped off the hill yeah just joined the stream first time I think oh yeah yeah yeah more more Leon is it is it they're pronounced correctly more Leon they miss Morley on the Mystic yeah welcome to the stream welcome to history and looking forward to to no raids the artist said you just want to build the bill right so yeah Timmy Timmy matched this rock and it was like I would I looked at it after like kind of looking at the area and kind of looking at that rock and looking at the area again uh I thought it was small but it was actually just the right size it was actually just the right size so when he smashed that rock I was like and you know what maybe I could make a tunnel through this thing and uh put something here on this side on this on this side here because originally I was going to just make a path right here just to access this area a lot easier because I wanted to uh I think it was exploring a bit because it was pretty much connected to my little shock right here and then the Old Timmy idea what he did right there kind of bring forth this meeting with the path that I created here and uh I was like you know what uh let me just continue with this idea and judging by how these how big these rocks are I realize that you as long as you can mine like below like the lower part here you can make little tunnels like this which is nice so I I said to myself I that was like that um at that I had it started with that uh that's what she told me that's good yeah aquamood is one of the things I I'm most interested in trying to outs with the new updates I love getting the opposed uh perfect yeah I'm looking forward to that I look forward to that oh I I'm looking forward to challenge of it and really really be more creative of trying to survive in valaim because I mean because of the state of it but persons were complaining that it's too hard and some persons are saying it's too easy this kind of squash it for all sides where if you want it want it very hard you can set it if you want it very easy you go I wasn't expecting them to release it this this early too I honestly thought it would maybe maybe come out when they release like the the full version of the game but yeah so yeah for the structure um after that that one and then this I said I saw this Stone what was it can I see it yeah I saw this Stone I said I should definitely make use of it um but this is a problem that I had with the with the mountain and that's why I said that the the terraforming um it has its limitation and challenges so some of the times when you visualize something and when you try it doesn't necessarily work out because what happens that the original idea is that I was supposed to do the structure here and it attached to the stone right but um based on how high the the the land was when I started mining it I was supposed to go all the way back a bit more further back here to to have like make use of the holes um Stone because you can see that barely you can see a this is the sphere is a pinch of it so I tried to mine the area here and I couldn't go any lower get any lower so I was like all right all right it is what it is so let me just make use of this little spot here and I have a good bed that big high hopes for for right here but um yeah can't dig further than it's than eight um eight meters so that kind of sucked but uh it kind of this kind of dumped my spirit so I was like uh maybe it's not possible to make these little bat caves using the stone because you can't dig any further it's just trying to find the rights the rights the um the right um find the right stone that is not too far into the ground and this the ground is um you can dig a decent amount underneath it to make a nice little cover but it still turn out better than I thought um I thought it was going to be small and cramped looking but um bed right here and some storage and could add a bit more decoration right here to to flesh it out some more and the design um the design I was really trying to I I was thinking about like Dwarven hoses how they have like a flat flat roof like they have like a low roof like 26 degree was like just right and then this flat right here so it was like that's that was where I was trying to I was heading because I can't really do that much with with the the the stone pieces that I we we have um access to to make it look new oven so that was like the best I could best I could and like Dwarven structures tend to kind of feel like it could work more with the with the um the mountain um I think that that was the the the overall image of the The Village it was kind of like a dormant team that I wanted to go for uh so I just tried something like this um but I like it because it's new it's not like the the steers roof the wooden stairs roof I use Stone steers roofs downstairs as Roofing station and floor or uh for this as you can you can see a trend right here that I like to use steers as roof so after this doing this it was what was it portal Hub was oh I didn't even visualize a portal hub these people really didn't visualize that photo when do you think we think we will get ashlands I think we're gonna get ashlands by the um the end of this year based on how things are progressing and just like how um they did with um Miss lens uh this year definitely end of the year at the same time Miss lands November December um because they're working on they're working on the uh The Cauldron again can I go ghost I'm just gonna go ghosts yeah uh yeah so I definitely feel like like the end of year end of this year they could possibly I don't know we could be lucky and they maybe release it earlier like close to [Music] um September depending on how much was what's done because they've really gotten far uh working on the the uh working on Armor and stuff they were they worked on The Siege weapons the stuff are we win are we now we're in June so July is pretty much around the corner of July August September no not September yeah end of the year end of the year definitely end of the year if not then maybe spill over to next year but I think more than likely they would try to drop it down that time more than like uh you've gone through Arts nowhere else to article no I don't think I've gone through something like that I think I've gone through something like that uh what did I do with this fish uh what was the next thing I did was just I oh yeah yeah so I tried to use this other stone that was over here and this is where the bridge can either kind of came into play because I was thinking that uh this area raised up so kind of uh different the one that the village have different um heavily abbreviation to it so this spot raised up I saw that stone and I said I wanted to make use of that story I want to make use of um all the stones that were in this area and thought about maybe doing a tower I think originally this Tower was supposed to it was like supposed to be like an opening right up here when I visualize it and it cut through the stone right here and there was supposed to be like uh what's supposed to be right here was like an opening and right here wasn't 100 percent um but I was thinking about having either a rope Bridge of some sort and we have like this little um ditch of some sort right here just kind of dig it out and and kind of this would be like opened up and have the Rope this wrist come coming over to connect to the the the land right here and put like one a grand structure of some sort right here that was the original idea they have a grand structure right here because uh when I was like looking at looking at the um at the hill or the mountain from right here I was like you know what that means like something Grand right here but I had to scrap the idea because that would have taken me a lot of time to to do and I didn't want to to sign myself up or something like that and not complete the village so I scrapped that idea still did the tower uh but what I did was I put the it is power steers again I I cut through the stone rights at the base here this is this is pretty cool cutting through the stones and just have these little areas here this and this connect to this ear this structure was uh oh yeah um this is something new that you may see see me doing um going forward but let me just get a little detail about this structure this structure is supposed to be my Alchemy um Alchemy house I put these Brewing stations here and just have the potions and stuff um stored here originally um I didn't have a clue what to do with this era at first uh my brain my brain was drawing basically nothing I think I think I got I was pretty drained drained out trying to come up with some new um design because I did that and then that kind of inspired this structure and also inspired the blacksmith which I'm gonna head back down to I didn't know I didn't want to do another one like this right here I don't want it something different and new so what happens that the Tavern that middle structure right here is uh pretty much inspired this this part right here so uh uh so the new thing that I've discovered I've never done it before until doing the tavern I realized oh it could work like that um usually it would have like one of those um cone roof up top but not like one of these regular roof we usually do this with like the box one so to note to note when you're doing this is um so I put like the overhang right here so this is one of the the sides only the sides here so it's gonna be right where the new right in between uh this side and right here and this would like overhang to the side and have a two meter would overhang pushing forward and the reason why I had to do this so that he you can properly covered cover it right here because if I put like a one meter it would not have covered this this Stone right here properly you would have um exposed it and it would have looked weird and wouldn't get this overhang for the front so doing that something new and kind of create this regular roof with an octagonal structure which I think was really cool and I think I could build on the idea some more of like future structures and uh you can see this I throw down the windows let's say both sides here and yeah I think this this was a pretty simple but yet new um design this wasn't even completed because I had like a little back room here but this the land uh I couldn't dig out the land that much because it's couldn't go any lower so it was like this guy stopped right here but uh yeah this turned out pretty pretty okay oh another new thing um of that's of discovered is that I don't know why I didn't Discover it um a long time I've been doing something similar to it but it was oh should I put it I wasn't realizing so the chimney right here as you can see you can actually do a regular chimney design and protect the fire from rain without putting any covering over here so what will have what happened is that what's this this is this is making a box uh something like this so this is like the wall of the structure and put like another Stone right or everyone right here so you want to have like a a box like this so this guy's two two meter meter mounts two meter by two meter box so I created that box and what you can do is that you know what is the best thing to do I think the best thing you'd see the best thing I should do or maybe should show you guys in like maybe one of those regular biomes or rainfall so that you can see it so what happened is that if you want to State these up so if you have a fire right here so you don't necessarily have to create like a big um fire fire um chimney it's Jimmy so if you have a fire right here in the chimney inside here what you can do uh if it is open up like this what you can do is that you can put like one of these angle beams right here at an angle I think it's just like maybe a boat right here it's like leave a little space here and what will what will happen is that when you place a fire slightly it's like like underneath it when it go when it comes it will once it's over it it will protect it from Green it doesn't have to cover it one as a percent or does it cover up or a part of it it will particularly from the rain and you will let us have like a nice regular working uh small compact um fireplace thanks to this stream I will have to go get some food now all right take your Splash open and then you just have this I'm gonna show you guys I think after I head over to when I once I finish with these areas I'm going to show you that is really neat really neat simple something usually what I what I do is that that same concept behaves the same way with wood when you push the the wood halfway into a stone or halfway into the ground it seems like halfway into something that is not affected by the the the the the rain it will not take any rain damage so like halfway into the ground it won't take any rain damage halfway into a stone the wood won't get any rain damage so this is the the black Smith which I think is really cool that I could throw these killings up top and just fill them up and they pouring out um I don't know if I could I want to play around with this idea some more to see if I could like fit like the the smelters maybe if I could place them up top or something it kind of it have it in one area one location it's just in the blacksmith you can just do everything in the blacksmith and not like you go all the way out here wait for the smells but everything just kind of pour into one spot right here I thought that would be like a cool idea love your bills man so crazy starting thing says Jeremy and welcome to the stream hey go I go stinky welcome welcome so yeah the this is it this is it for the blacksmith I was uh pretty cool very cool I have that idea here this I think this this idea was inspired by the guys that were on my or on my community service they created like this so compact structure where they had like the I think they had the the smelter at the base and this the The Killing up top so I was like can I do something that is like uh it looks good and have that similar function you know I think maybe if I should maybe create a a taller structure it could possibly work that way and that would be cool having everything in one place and they kind of everything just kind of funnel funnel down to the center here you know where you have the um the the the the call the charcoal and the the the bars the metal the the oars smelt it down and just come down right here one spot so yeah so that's the blacksmith and then this was like this is a storage nothing nothing much in here I thought that I I'm I thought to myself I'm not going to build like a a big storage house let me just they go make use of the land and just dig out the area that's basically like the theme this making news of some of of the the land or the stone make it be a part of the bill and make these little little um structures that you know go with it uh it was a simple storage and now the tavern The Tavern Tavern everyone I love somewhere I love the the path here the path in here uh versus I discovered the the whole trick where you can hold down and shift key and it's basically adjusted the adjust this the marker here position the marker lower was it it's a position where you were aiming it at and not position it's to flatten the Land Based on where you are standing uh just saying that for persons that who may not be aware it would be hard to fill up the the smelters up there uh I don't know John Doe not yet because I haven't uh played around with it to kind of create like a design that works it you know in that way it could be a case where I could do its could I do like hold on let me see I am I can break these oh yeah that's that's that was the other thing too because I was gonna try to do that with the forge right because the problem is that you have to fill the forge on two sides I wish it was like uh like the blast blast furnace because the blast furnace does it on one all fills up on one side or is it yeah I wonder if I could do a do a concept for like the blast furnace and maybe maybe I could do something for like the planes yeah the two side is difficult I think that was a I I think that was the original idea I had in mind for for it and it was like oh dang I can't do it because they the thing is uh thing is on both sides so it was that was problematic to kind of get one side and get to other uh but I'm gonna kind of play around with the idea idea and see if I could create something that kind of gives enough space to kind of get through on one side here because it's a bit smaller um and the the kill in here could kind of squeeze in to get one side and the other I'm gonna play around with that that idea see hey Rhonda welcome welcome how are you doing so the tavern The Tavern was like ah the tavern was uh this wasn't like the original plan Tavern to go right here wasn't really the original but I think the tavern was supposed to be like over there where yeah on that hill where I mentioned that I was gonna put like one of these the bridge or whatnot to connect to that side and maybe connect to the tavern um fine that's good to hear Rhonda good to hear so this spot was it had because of this Stone right here this tall pieces rock yeah it was like I didn't know what to put right here uh Castle no it was gonna be like too big I didn't want to I can't build a castle or a small castle that gonna take too much Stone I'm gonna need a lot of sun this this bill took the most Stone and I was looking at this needs something Grand definitely and to work with the the stone um in the back right here so it started off with this design started off with this structure the front of it uh I wanted to do had to have the columns with these little things here because I saw because I did it on the portal Hub I wanted to reuse that idea for here and I thought about like maybe put like um have like the triangle like in between these columns uh the roof of it and then it was this was the idea was that by itself and then it was like I wanted to create a new structure so the octagonal structure for this and it's yeah October structure was like this was done kind of play around with trying to see if there's something new I can create or which was this this is what inspired Leia Alchemy house over there so I did this this was separate the the funny thing is that these things are like they come in pieces and then I just put them together and then you just create this whole whole thing put a cage around it so uh this came in this came in first this came in this was like oh wait where is it took some steak so this gave me first uh no this came in first this game in second and it was like it was just this and this and it was like all right what do I do with the sides here it looked weird no way it didn't look weird it just looked like it needed something and then these just come right this I think was one that came in and I was like and if you notice that what one is slightly higher than the other and I saw how this looks with the the big roof was like all right it's good to have different roof elevation to it to kind of bring the make the bill pop out some more so throw in another one over here make it a little bit higher and this end up with um over overall look of this here all right cherry so that's it and then it was this no the how the the how the how it transformed no when I got the overall image of this um put together and I was like the The Rock right here this was supposed to be it was supposed to be like the tavern end right here it was supposed to end here this is where I was supposed to have like a simple cooking area and this was gonna be like the tavern the small and nothing more to it I started I started Mining and I ran into the same issue where I couldn't um this couldn't go down any any further so it was smaller than I thought it would thought it would I thought it was a dormant back officers [Laughter] so it was smaller and I think it was like I kind of got like oh snap it can't work I was like oh no oh no oh no I was like all right you know what maybe I should just let me just dig all the way through to the other side and see what is pretty much deer and maybe do another spill another structure where I have the eating ear so dog the the the the tunnel right here and I think tunnel was a bit lower so I've kind of raised the build some floors and kind of raise it up because I thought that all right the the opening here was a bit huge so let's just throw down a couple of these columns raise the the stairs up a bit so it's give this feel here it's going up and this goes to the store here to the side and this reach to the zero five bits here right here and then it was like all right what should I do with this area here I didn't have anything at first and then I saw this Stone I was like all right you know that's going to be the kitchen and then it would be this like one little path here to the kitchen and then it was uh I started mining here had the same issue trying this spot couldn't go any lower I thought I could make this you know a lot bigger couldn't go any lower and uh yeah it is mine though the piece right here because I was wondering if um I could go further if it's gonna break here it didn't which I'm glad it bad that didn't happen then it was gonna go right here to maybe I could maybe if right here was a bit lower I could go further into the the mountain because there were there was there let's see there is there is another stone or is it ah this Stone so there this Stone was right here and I I was wondering if maybe I could get under under it but uh no that sadly That Couldn't that didn't work out so I I improvised by because in here was like pretty cramped I was like where I'm gonna put like the the little fireplace right here uh so right here gonna go down a bit lower it was was starting to slow I was like all right you know what I'm gonna put the fireplace right here so I dug out the area a bit more and there was a little Channel where the smoke could kind of move into and not smoke up inside here as I put the fire here that's it and this was in the kitchen because the kitchen was small I was like you know I need an eating period so all right you know I'm gonna make this and create like a nice little that's Irish here which I I turned out really really nice really nice it kind of gives reminds me of um reminds me of when I went to to a hotel and it had this this view where um it was we were on the High floor and we can see the sea and it was some little seating like this where we could eat breakfast and stuff which yeah I wish it turned out really really nice and cool it needed a few more decorations here to kind of you know make it pop some more and um yeah this was um this was it this was a Tavern um I I it's it's interesting how you know maybe have something planned out and doesn't really go that way but it gave birth to something new and uh it's becomes uh turns into something way better than uh I had in mind so this is this this was really the slowly transformed as I as I as I go along to get this overall image Story of My Life uh yeah it's just that the I I wish that maybe if if the land didn't have that much um maybe if if it was like 16 meters if you could dig down 60 meters and then you can raise the lens up 16 meters that would be cool it kind of gives you um more room to work with and you could create unique um structures where uh have the land mixed with it it would be cool we could but uh yeah working with that kind of it's it's really got tight margin to work with [Music] I make things too challenging for you no I don't the game just make it challenging for me I just try to find a way to make it work I don't know I'll never try to recreate anything regardless not worth my stress uh uh I I wouldn't I wouldn't do I wouldn't do so the same um cherry it looks cooler it looks cool it was like yeah yeah um dang sucker and these bills something sometimes he uh makes me reflect reflect on myself I was like hey there's God bills what am I doing with myself disconnect don't you dare disconnect me they end up doing a Christian to the fire all right so I think I said I was gonna do like that that that thing with the chimney let's kind of show you I just don't want to want this server to this family I see something flashing up I don't know why all right when do we all right so um I can do it right here someone else did that did a chimney design where they did that the the um the big version of it which is also cool but I love that it could do like a small chimney because you can you can have small houses you can have these little chimneys here it wouldn't be a problem so it's like uh uh let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see let me just get the one right here I'm just gonna make it small let me just put let me put one more level one more roll all right now let's officer said all right so this is just a simple idea so one six covering halfway some sorts it should be protected by protected from the on the rain so and the thing is that smoke should be able to pass through the the beam as well pretty easy so yeah there it is it's doing that oh you laid hand oh oh well at least at least you'll be able to to pop in though welcome back so this is the chimney that's the beam right into the the chimney there and let me just switch on the rain I should maybe not capsip yes bring the rain smoke oh yeah and maybe should make this a little bit taller so that it doesn't go up um all right so there you have it you can see once it is halfway covered smoke would pass through and you can have a nice little small little chimney so you can go make those small little houses and you can create these nice small chimney without putting any uh any other little roof pieces up top I know some persons meant I wanted to know the roof trim that I did in the time lapse video so to Africa begins played hey that that's one of my favorite songs I remember list where is it I think it was work I'm listening to that song for like a whole day the sound re on repeat [Music] from you yeah of that side so yeah I call witchcraft it's just it's just like uh it's just like this where you have um let me use the this this I think this is how I even discovered the whole rain can't this can't damage stuff that uh covered the halfway either by Stone or stuff because this as well won't get affected by the rain it's cool idea I should maybe do a video something like that I don't know you have a lot of stuff this could be beneficial oh yeah yeah that is it I think that's uh that is that is it forget about logics where does that even work it's just the overall those overall hole I I don't know I don't know I can't even explain it the cause of I'm gonna call off of the v's is strong just hello I'm trying to spread myself around all right so I think so that is it guys that's uh all four videos and um videos all four villages it was fun doing these uh very tiring uh plans I should mention some plans that I have in the future I don't want to I want to see what you guys um thoughts about it and um if you'd be interested in these plans I have in mind so what the new update that is coming out so the Hilda's requests once that is from once that once that is out I wanted to do something with the community and it would be I would be doing something um edit editing in a way like similar to to 100 days the style of edit it's more um yeah so yeah yeah that's it ah this is a Style style of edit um are you dreading The misslands Village built don't even talk about that one uh why is it coming to people bring me wood and Stone um I'm not even I don't want to even process Miss lens one uh one because I know that's gonna be a hell I know that one's gonna be hell I'm not looking forward to miss Lance I'm once not I I don't I seen those cockroaches flying around is certainly gonna throw me off and and they are pretty sensitive very sensitive to sounds so that's another thing too promise there's gonna be quite a fun one hey Flo hey Florin welcome welcome how are you doing you have any uh any of your bills available as world downloads or file downloads um yeah I do have all my my most of my bills and worlds um downloads on my patreon page so I have that also have some older ones on Discord so you can download those as well those were like my very first set the early season I would say building so you can download those as well I'm sorry pretty open public but I do have like um like the like this world and my other world and bills the blueprints on my patreon page are you excited about uh Ashley's I'm definitely excited about Ashland's and what it brings because it seems that he's gonna bring something um a lot of new stuff and concept and uh I want to hold terrain the overall Terrain uh would be an how would you know build Villages or do some structures here be cool to see what would um what happened there looking forward to the new build pieces see what they have to offer it'll be cool it'll be cool airplanes be a hustle bite so uh I don't think I'm not really worrying about planes that much because of that like the mobs from my discovered like root armor and it being um pretty much against um well that's ketos not like a big problem with them uh uh it's like yeah the only the only thing maybe I find that we I was wondering if it's going to be a problem is when I'm started terraforming but you calling all of those um those green boys over uh let me get rid of this ring yeah uh as I was saying about the plan um yeah something more com in the community community side of things um was thinking that uh I'm not sure how or the title or the design there is one thing I have um I said a baby traits I don't know how it would be but the the are you guys familiar with Maze Runner the the show or the move not the show the movie hmm Canyon of craziness so I was thinking of making news of the concept because I've discovered something I don't want to even I don't want to even mention it because of how um oh bad oh I don't want to be like the person that really influence this kind of I would say oh let's see Frank that is real all right let's just say there is a certain prank that can be done that you will never suspect until it hits you if you thought that the whole rug thing is bad once not usually when person sees a rug they maybe suspect depending if you you're on a server or so where persons with prank persons like in that way maybe um doubt a rug maybe you fall into a hole there's something new I've done that's you can you will not suspect it and trust me once I put that out I'm sure a person is going to use it I don't want to even give a clear idea of what it is yet but I know that once it is out and the person's gonna choose it I don't have anyone discovered it yet but yeah the rug trap you never heard him about the Rook trap oh man you should maybe um check out my um or evening videos like maybe season season one I did some uh rug traps where you can you dig up um a couple of us were pranking each other wait you dig a hole a person's base and right at the doorway you put down the rug and if you position your way where to the edge it will cover the hole and you do one on the other side to cover it so you when you walk in unsuspectingly you just fall into the hole into the pit the other one I that I have in mind can be very mean so unless you have full health then you're good uh well hey what's up hey km welcome welcome uh neighbor fullins will just go come in for a visit mid bill a good man and you yeah I'm I'm good I'm flooring I'm good so Maze Runner so the the thing is that the thing that I have I can do I'm going to create a maze a mask it's gonna be big it's gonna be big and try to create a story behind it because what's gonna happen is that with the heart with the hardcore mood comes in and put in permanents that will make it challenging and interesting to see how persons um go through it so I wanted to know if you guys would be interested to try that experiments the only thing that I just need to do is sick um the it's like I'm thinking about trying to find a server where it would hold more than 10 person maybe about 15 and um try to have little different shots into kind of tell the story of who can really go through the maze uh but I'm still thinking about it and let's see they kind of get persons to kind of help out kind of official the idea and maybe do like a a testing phase of it because I wanted to I wanted to be not just a dry maze but it's more um it has a lot of the different elements to it so it's built house vegetation wise and so on different sections where yeah yeah I I just I think I just need to build it so that you kind of get the idea of it we're I think it would be interesting see it goes but uh yeah of that in mind also for like when when I when I complete this when I complete this um 100 day series at the world itself is um I'm originally going to use it to for a community or community server um maybe do do yeah Community server and have these World these Villages as little landmarks that are projected and we that you run into because eliminating put having a hardcore mood and having no map with the school but uh yeah I think I think that's that's that's it that's I think that's it oh yeah another thing too as well that um in the future I because I currently have a second Channel uh which is Versa to uh what I'm gonna do is that in the future I'm going to slowly uh move some of my streams over there like um River name stream is gonna mostly gonna be on this channel but like other streams like whatever I'm just casually dismissing around building or maybe I'm just playing on the community server or another game because I there is a game that is out there that have an eyeballing it's another building building game as well um I don't want to mix the the big games on set it doesn't work out um for me well overall I think persons have noticed it with oh YouTube words um so you may see me posting the stream link for a second Channel instead of the main Channel so if you do normally look out for my streams so going forward you may find some of those um build streams beyond that Channel or any future games as well wink Wing there's something in the back end can't really talk much about it but yeah you may see it on on the second Channel oh hey Khan view welcome welcome are you doing are you doing so thank you guys for popping me for the stream I appreciate it and also appreciate the support that's you uh I've been giving me over over the years and thank you for um yeah I've reached 20K subscribers and I must uh thank you all for the support and getting me um this far uh it wasn't it's not something I really thought that would achieve at the time when I started to do this and uh really surprised that's yeah well but I I just um yeah so so thank you guys and uh definitely what I'm gonna do onwards uh I don't know start the next one is it is I need breaks between but if he if you don't see any videos because I'm I'm pretty drained but yeah thank you for watching all right uh you're welcome captain uh doing good just finished stream we're we're for 25 Elders on my community service hey no problem no problem 25 Elders wow I'm sure Cherry died a lot right that would be as I always say thanks John Doe all right see you see you guys and uh do take care of yourself
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 2,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ravenheim, versaugh, valheim, valheim guide
Id: HcbXrIhmwZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 29sec (9269 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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