"The Four "Not's" For These Troubled Times

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the four knots for these trouble times the four knots for these troubles i know that where in the world what is he finna preached about i'm talking about the four knots for these troubled times and i gave him the scriptures in the text or whatever because i'm still on great verses in the bible but certainly i didn't intend to preach this and and grabbing some old thoughts of what i've used before so looking at the not the four knots for these troubled times you all writing it down let's go to the bible now let's go and talk about the first knot that i want to discuss today is fred knight now you know where i'm going the first knot we're going to talk about for these trouble time is fret not now go to psalms 37 psalm 37 now this is for these troubled times there's a lot of things happening a lot of things going on seen and unseen that this message is going to be a deliverance to you it blessed me that i hadn't had time to even just study this but i know god spoke it fret not thyself because of evildoers fretting is worrying that's right fretting is worry and right now we're in a pandemic and a lot of people are just worried and they're fretting and a lot of you are worried about stuff that haven't happened and that's the worst word of all already don't know what's not don't know what's going to happen and worrying about it before it happened at least wait until it happens but some of you all are worried about things that never happen and let me say this sometimes you are worried about stuff that will never happen nine times out of ten most things we worry about doesn't ever happen we worry ourselves we fret and i always told you worry is like a rocking chair it won't take you nowhere but it'll give you something to do oh you'll be doing something rocking but not going nowhere and a lot of times we worry about things not necessary stress is the number one killer in this world and you know stress come from a lot of things but nothing kills us as quick as stress and a lot of people don't realize stress cause heart attacks cause strokes it it takes away your sleep you can't rest at night and want to know thinking somebody working something on you no that ain't nobody brought you working it on you you worry too much about stuff that's supposed to be in god's hand and it had to deliver me this morning praying by the deacons lord why am i work i can't give and take life and this is going to help some people who lost some loved one i've got some people that you're worried about you're not in control you don't handle life god gives life and god takes life you can't worry about the loved ones we have lost to pandemic i know a lot of you say is this god wrath no no no no there's not guard wrath on the world because if it was god wrath on the world you would have been gone a long time ago god's not mad at you you're mad at you it's just the things that happened in life i keep telling you pandemics has happened all the time rome nearly was wiped out with a pandemic the black plague came nearly wiped out all of you and i told you that last week they were burning people calling them witches that they brought the plague they didn't have no ass they born they born a lot of beautiful women at the stake that people call a witch and they were saying they brought this plague on the world no we don't know what brought it on and all of a sudden the black plague disappeared something happened now always these old false preachers coming up talking about this the wrath of god if the wrath of god really moved all of us will be gone it's just life one time a baby diaper brought on a pandemic let's study all that a diaper from a baby exposed and rest could bring on a pandemic mosquitoes brought the west nile virus i told you when i asked him to go to cairo egypt and preach with mandela uh he requested me to bring the sermon and he was going to bring speaker that morning called the 10th commandment i was going to get on that plane and the lord protected me the bird flew hit same time and i didn't give me a visa to go that's normal we've had them here before you just don't know about different plagues i just mentioned small papa that were others where's my rock you can get ebola i mean just eating chicken it's a lot of stuff you can eat you can get a disease it can cause a pandemic so while you're worrying you just need to obey follow the guidelines and leave the rest in the hands of god who work through experts stop walking around the spirit of worry you all wake up worry and go to bed worry you know what i found out some people love to worry they like nurturing a womb because some people like to know they want you to know they worry and there's a bad thing about it folks who will worry you don't get sick they make you sick it's amazing that folks who uh need to lose weight from worrying don't they gain and you want to lose weight and king because you worry so much and the folks who really need to lose weight worry and don't lose we operate in france and let me tell you something when we fret it's of the devil let me tell you to cure the freddie you have to know your god is greater and bigger than anything you are afraid of i always said when a boy was i was afraid of old big boy used to mess with me after school when i was a little boy he always wanted to fight me that was a big old joke and you know he always wanted to pick a fight on me well i was scared of that old boy and uh and though he always wanted to hit you and bam you upside the head and claire and i go home and ain't nobody i don't know what this boy he's a bigger boy older than i so one day my brother and my brother were mean he did not play one day i asked my brother to go to school with me after class my brother walked with me and on my way home that that little big boy came out and saw my brother and knew him knew about him i came don't play he didn't play and you know what when he saw my brother with me i was just as happy and when i walked by him i caught him huh you know i saw my brother walking in my eyes and you want you want a piece of me now you know he stood up he's here oh you thank you so much you got your brother with me with you yeah i wolfed all the way back home come on at me you know you know why i was carried on like that i had my big brother now one day my brother didn't show up and guess what fleming did you took a short cut and all the way around in fact i got out of class early but the same thing when you have your big brother that's right you know you can tell the devil what you want you can do come on i damn give me all you got bluff because you got a god bigger than the devil and when you got god you can tell the devil off but if you don't have god you better hush if you don't know god you better be quiet because the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he shall devour but when you got god you got the lion of the tribe of judah two lions when this lion is greater than the devil don't worry about don't fret about evildoers why the psalms said and david of course david was going through a lot what do you mean don't fret because of evil duels it's it's it explains in any text it explains it said fret not yourself because of evil duels why they were one they will soon be cut down like what grass now what grass is known for choking stuff when you're trying to grow flowers you gotta always weed out grass and there's some grassy folk there are some grassy kingfolk they have some grassy members they all do nothing but get in there and chill choke out stuff that's right to keep it where you can't grow and the only way you're going to get growth is the whole your role and the one who can hold your role is god god will hold your rope you know i guess some of you young folks don't know what horde in the road is when you got a hole and you got grass you hold a rope you hoe it out and pull the grass out and the flowers and everything can grow and now some people in your life are meant to just choke you out they they always put you down they're always telling you the why do people put you down a lot of people put you down because they just envy you they're jealous of you they can't stand you because you have something they wish they had and the only reason why they're envious and jealous they don't know what they have you can be so busy to worry about what somebody else have you haven't looked at what you have and it'll make you hate and fret and want to choke somebody out you know what the only time i feel when some people real happy is when they think they have more than you they can buy our car and as long as you don't have that car they're happy but do many of you get that now they're still running but the minute you get one as good as theirs then they start getting mad they don't like seeing you being where they are but you have to remember it's god's gift to you so if god gave it to you enjoy and let them get hot and have a heart attack and you keep on moving don't fret because of evildoers because god can hold a road and if he doesn't have a a road that he's gonna hold god got a lawn mower and that lawnmower got a name by the way and the name cause soon will be they will soon be cut down if you don't let them get the best of you and you go down and wonder what's that in the world have ken folk come on now i uh i you know i was building a sermon on kinfolk uh-huh kinfolk all right god do you know anything about cannibal i i won't tell y'all because i want to talk about joseph kenfo and jesus can vote but there's some things you need to know about kenvo kid do you what you want to know about kinfolk you ready they just kidnapped careful so the point is don't fret over evildoers they'll soon be cut down now why that um the psalmist talk about evildoers people working against you people working to bring you down doing evil things saying evil thing plotting evil things it could be on your job it could be somebody in the church it could be somebody grinning in your face working evil things you can do evil things with your mouth you can speak against people you can spread stuff you hear you know that hurt a friend doesn't want to talk about you and don't want you talking about their friend but see evil is out to bring you down because evil is evil it's some folk sit around and chuck evil you think all these people in church they can work more evil than him they can speak evil and saints don't supposed to talk about saints because that's your brother when you hurt them you hurt in you but this the devil the devil worked you can be reading the bible thinking evil you can be speaking in tongues and thinking evil but always is speaking in tongue and lying in english some of the folks speaking and talking and do you end they can speak in tongues and won't speak to you you know what evil can use good people now why is it called the devil called evil why do prophet evil folk prosper you ready for this evil people prosper because the devil wants you to believe that christianity and doing right is not the best way this is going to soak in later when you doing right and all these folks pushing drugs doing all things got all these nice cars satan blessed his crowds to embarrass you to make you think this church stuff doesn't work so if he blessed his crowd it embarrasses you to say then i need to be over here with the devil that's right because this church stuff then i'm just poor don't have nothing and look at what they have that's why prosper evil people prosper the devil want to embarrass you that doing right is not good so you need to drop this church stuff and stop listening to your preachers and giving these preachers your money that's the other talk you're not giving me your money you're giving it to god they're giving all the preachers baby if i own this church the rs will tear me a piece you can't own this church all by the people that's right well that preacher oh no no no i would have to pay taxes if i owned it amen and i don't want this church no i'm preaching all now no no no nobody by the people america is owned by the people that's right you can't get it preach all the money then how the life's going to get paid do you think i'm going to pay i'm not paying any light for you we had a water pipe the bus over there we got a water bill for eleven thousand dollars now i got to fight amen and fight and fight he said don't cut this water off because we got to find out who hit that water pipe now i'm not worried about that that's going to be yours being you're going to be but i know that a building owned by anything when they went that day to grace daddy great so i don't have nothing people on it so we didn't have to pay no taxes but the narrow mindful thing when you train your tire you're giving it a preacher i get a sound like everybody else and what i do my money is mine and what you do with yours is yours but that's to narrow my but evil folk can make all the money in the world you all don't say nothing dope deal doesn't come riding down the street in a nice car and you're saying wow that brother got it going the governor can come riding down in the long limousine you're saying that's my governor president come down here with 10 or 12 limousines walk in you see him right that's my president there pastor come down in a nice car now he ain't this ashamed and if i came riding down an old piece of car and i broke down on the street and i'm down on the corner broke down and fought riding by and people said is that your passing you said no you denied if i came up here in a piece of car you know what you all said well if god called the preacher look like god ought to give mom you wouldn't want me coming here looking like a thug you were saying no no i don't want no man looking like that coming in with a regular suit on um the devil wants you to always believe that when god's people get blessed they're doing something crooked because he doesn't want you to prosper he wants you to think evil is the way to prosper yes give us a word fret not yourself because that's just the way evil people are they attack the body of christ and why are you getting worried about what they say on facebook and all that mess you don't pay any attention to that these are unsane people you don't let them upset you about about what they say they are not saved you expect them to damn the house of god and the preacher that's right threaten out yourself because of evildoers now that's fret not the next knot i want you to turn to is in isaiah 41. it says isaiah anybody got it now book of isaiah chapter 41. this is my second now isaiah 41 and verse i'm making sure i'm getting this verse right here 10 verse 10 fear or not fear thou not for what i am with thee be not dismayed for i am thy god i will strengthen thee i will help thee yea i will uphold thee with my right hand of my righteousness the first one is fret not now fear not during this trouble time the worst enemy we got is fear some people are afraid of being afraid some of you are afraid of certain things and spread the snakes afraid of spiders always have trouble with spiders i don't like those things because they don't say nothing that's one way i don't like cats they don't say nothing they sneak out i know brother hey man i ain't talking about your kid well the amen got a cat that big [Laughter] i don't know everybody that can't rob me uh cat are just stature either won't smile or nothing at least the dog will bark a cat just look at you when they don't know but all the time i want a cat and when i want to come over there and get rid of my squirrels amen they don't want a kid but you can't operate in the spirit of fear some of you are afraid to tithe a lot of people don't tired out of fear they don't believe god's word and i teach this morning they don't like to preach if you want to empty a church keep talking about giving money and members would leave he had one for you one preacher had a lot of members in church and we kept preaching about tithe and a lot of them left so they didn't know he had a whole lot of roaches in the church he said well at least the roaches are here you told the roaches that mom said all right you all stay here long as you're tired then the next sunday the roaches left brother amen got to grow out under the pew the roaches said we'll leave and we got the tide the roaches wouldn't even stay when they had to tie but as long as they could come there and not tired they would stay why are the people are afraid of tithing for number one is too much they don't give that much they want a great church and i found out one time when so many professions was here there was one tidy lawyers and doctors here i look on the road wait a minute 20 dollars the more we make the less retired that's right we think that's too much money to give to church a tenth of my own but here's the point if god gave you a hundred dollars what do you owe him out of that ten dollars okay now is it fair for me to ask every member to give fifty dollars next sunday and you only made a hundred and other people made three or four hundred is that fair that i get mad with you because you didn't give 50 when other people gave maybe 100. they made more and god has failed by the time because if you didn't make it you don't owe it so you're supposed to not get upset when the patch said i want everybody to give a hundred dollars you didn't make put a hundred so all your oh god is 10. that's right and if you got a bill to pay i don't want your bills money i don't want your rent money you know why i don't want it i don't want you over here begging me for no rent i want you because i don't have it i want you to see how fair god is here if you didn't make but a hundred you don't owe but 10. now it's not right for me to ask you for 50. you can't afford it god is fair didn't make it do it if you made it then you owe it the hour is gonna go after you because you made it right now some people not gonna get no stimulus money right i called my man the text man last night i said can i will i qualify he said no [Laughter] i looked at my wife and said we don't fit trillions of dollars about to come out to people in a certain tax bracket when i mentioned another person the tank man said we have them filed oh could he get someone you haven't found there's no record on you you all right new taxes you didn't file nothing you don't you're not on record you're not gonna get nothing but just showing you all this is coming to your favor and that's a blessing but i don't stay too long on this but i want to you don't operate in the spirit of fear roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself right but slept every night with a pistol on this pillar president roosevelt he never went to bed without a pistol on this pillar but told us we don't have nothing to fear but fear itself a lot of people go around and tell you don't be afraid and they themselves are free afraid to go out and afraid to stand you shouldn't operate in the spirit of fear that's right because god has not given us spirit of filth scared of everything where's your faith the devil wants to frighten you to cause you to lose confidence i am i didn't come to preach a whole lot of powerful sermon today i come to bring a little deliverance and to make you think during these troubles time you can't go around operating in the spirit of fear and worrying and stress because you want to live and if god wants you here you're going to stay here and if god doesn't want you here you're going to leave and i was just explaining as well look don't operate in fear the devil tried to make all of us afraid because when you're frightened you lose your power if you come in here afraid of everything you can't pray right if you're afraid you're like a man having a cadillac and won't drive it with all that power why don't you drive it wow scared i might have a wreck some people scared to drive the car because they don't want nobody to hit it well how do you expect to drive you can't afford a hit that's what you have insurance for and somebody was uh talking about somebody that they're breaking in the car pastor what should i do i say you need to stay in that house and wait till they finish what they doing should i run i said no you listen are you ready for me to preach your funeral don't go running out there and somebody bam shoot you you that's just a cow let them take it and go somewhere stay in the house and call the police don't go running out there behind them there's a digging over their cell called you better call me and say deaconess got another call you sell hundreds he can help you hey man that's right so the point is that's just a car your house is on fire get out and don't go running back in there getting old satan ready yo so my my grandmama left me that will you better forget that radio and every other yo you know what yo yo hey yo i remember years ago when i had a little apartment just moved to atlanta with lucille in the driveway all i had my jimmy wasn't born too baby i just moved here to call me the pastor church we moved to utah spring road final apartment and we stayed there several years my wife and i were the two babies because i wanted to raise money and help the church first my job was to help the church get parking i renovated the whole church insomnia and stayed there seven years until i could raise the church to another level to move me in the house and when we finally moved but in that apartment i won't even forget every morning somebody break it in lucille and i'm running out there with a little 22. and my wife says timmy go somewhere and sit down with that thing they break it in my gut going to belong just going boom boom boom and she when you go back over there sit down without 22. well i thought that was something then that won't even stop a dog and i had to wake up that's called not worth them thank god i moved and got a place to stay and got out of those apartment but i'm just letting you know how the enemy work when you run operating these things you're afraid of losing are just what things clothes job afraid of being fired and give them a check every week things sometimes i think god will let us lose things to keep from losing us because sometimes god has to let us lose these things to tell you to show you he gave it to you most times lose us when he give us things all the time when god answers our prayers and get a nice call meet some man you coming to church every sunday when you were single and then have no boyfriend then when god give you man that you're talking about your dream and later on you talking about your nightmare dreams can turn the nightmares [Laughter] you know what happened you have made them your god you used to praise god shout all over when you sing and now you're holding on to them you turn that woman loose turn that man loose take your hat i don't understand somebody sitting in church hugging this ain't no love making time this church time turn him loose and turn his hand loose and lift your hand to god it's not time to brag and praise your blessings and forget the blessing don't get no cars stay home and wash it on sunday don't get no house and sit around getting up cooking on the lord's day it's time for you to come to church and praise god he gave you these things but he's not intending for these things to have you oh let me go on i i'm i i gotta quit running out of time you got the team yeah i'm teaching cut holy ghost talk on over here i got it lord have mercy brother going somewhere here today but i got cut holy ghost i know reverend i know reverend all i know reverend laughed back there i know that last time i know that laughs anyway and i know where that fed is talking all right so all right not we don't fret we don't fear and uh let's go to psalm 103 verse 2. forget now fear not fret not and forget not just using my own thoughts and wisdom today to teach you a lot of times we operate and fretting and we operate in fear because we forget we forget who god is we forget who gave it to us we forget how powerful he is and if you wake up and realize what i'm talking to you about today you're going to be able to face this pandemic you're going to be able to face the stuff you're going through out there when you don't forget what god has done take an inventory if you worry and see how many people god has allowed you to get through to get where you are you need to be thinking about you know lord i'm so glad i didn't catch it you could have been walking around somebody and had a virus and god shielded you you could have had it when we didn't even know it was there that's why i believe some members come to church because they're so happy to be blessed and still be alive and i know a lot of you want to come but the one you know the church is the greatest relief because you see we we draw on each other now you see i believe sometimes god will allow the pandemic to let you know the importance of a church we took it for granted when we were coming and wouldn't come now we see how important it is the fellowship with the believers that you got relief this is the greatest stress relief i know is in the house of god where are the people of god [Music] because church reminds you of god's blessings and all that stuff on the cnn and all that on the fox news don't remind you or nothing but trouble but when you come to church you start thinking about the goodness of the lord god doesn't want you to forget what he's done i always say it by memory you can have roses in december it can be ice no and you can still have roses now remember where how good god been to me oh my god look i'm 70 years old you know what made me run around here on my birthday and i ran two left but i could have ran for i was about to run two more but i didn't want to scare you all so i just i've run around here many times you don't know five six laps but let me tell you something i was thinking about all my classmates when i went back home that didn't make it past 50. you'll be surprised enough when you're 50 years old go home looking for your classmates some didn't make it past 30. and my god and you want to get mad with grandma because she shouts and says i wish she would sit down you need to live as long as she's lived that she can look so far back and see how good god is and she has not forgotten what god has done that's why she had to let out old people don't shout to be shouted all folks shout over how they got over now you just sit there and look at grandma and call her crazy and just hope you live old enough that you can look back you think she crazy she has good sense she realized it was nothing but the grace of god that brought her through all the stuff she's seen she has not forgotten and the problem i'm afraid is happening in america we've forgotten god they gave us thanksgiving so we would remember look back at what god has brought you through now if somebody around you want you to shut up tell them well baby i got good memory the only reason i'm shot and i got good memory i i remember some things that don't nobody knew about i remember bringing up my children and what i went through nobody knew about i remember when some folk deceived me and turned their back on me and they thought i was finished and i came through there's a lot of folks thought you would never make it the way you are and were hoping you wouldn't and said you were finished and when you look back and know how you raised your children how you made it over you tell them that everyone needs to shut up not me shut up you shut up people don't know hey before you get mad at my glory know my story don't let the devil make you forget he wants you to forget no you need to remember forget not his benefits forget not what god has done god is constantly telling us you know the only thing we finally have communion the only thing jesus asked us to do for him is to have communion amen it's nowhere nearby where jesus asks us to remember him but other than this do this in remembrance of me now why does jesus want us to have communion he wants you to know just how far god went to save you he wants you to remember jeff how he suffered so you can sit up here and shout hallelujah somebody paid the price so you could have salvation free salvation is free but it cost guard something and the only thing i can tell a lot of you all to do if you're so ungrateful and can't say amen and church is boring and you don't want to be here go watch the passion of the christ just go watch it when they first mail gifts and release that movie he called me crippled dollar and i think about 10 of us preachers personally i know he knew me then he said i want you all to come out we went out there to highway 85 and see this movie we're about to release there's about 10 pastors only we're invited there's a little player i can't call the name of it but i went out there and i took a deacon with me i saw things in the movie you all never saw and when he asked me and all that i said um why are you taking this out it might offend some people it might offend the jews it might offend some things they thought would cause a war i said well they need to see it that's right they said well we want you all's opinion what i saw was offensive to some people and the public couldn't take it and they edited some of it out so it was a big controversy did the jews kill jesus did the soldiers kill jesus and a lot of folk were going around mad at jews it wasn't jews it was the devil it was god's plans and you all didn't know it but i preached a sermon right behind that who killed jesus you all forgot it jews didn't kill jesus the romans didn't kill jesus people didn't kill jesus god did oh my god that's too much some of you all can't say nothing now [Music] i almost about to say god committed suicide you know why he killed himself he said no man take my life away i lay down god took god god took him so much that when god took his son he couldn't watch it he had to turn his back on jesus so he wouldn't turn it back on you that's why he's calling my god my god has you have you left me too if god had left god god would have never died oh that's too much god my god i like to preach a sermon when god left god you know i preached that you don't know what happened on calvary why the father couldn't stay there and had to turn and leaving because if god had stayed there he couldn't die god had to give up god just to save dirt now god got walls in his hand all the planets in here he didn't die for them he died for who heard it oh see i didn't want to get deep god died over who heard it man hurt god and he came and died over who heard it oh that's brother a man i heard oh going somewhere that's right he gonna go one way going so well that's deep i'm going somewhere and when you look at it what god went through to let some man put him on a tree he made nailed him with nails that got the copper from him hang him on a hill that he made dropped him low stretched him wide hung him high and while he was hanging there he start drawing oh man [Music] how would you like to see your song hanging there being crucified and you have to stand there and watch it by somebody that you made no one he said remember me what i went through so you could have salvation and you're gonna tell me don't preach hard and you're gonna have revenue preach too hard jesus died hard you're going to tell the saints they need to be just quiet the angels in heaven was disturbed watching that they didn't understand that's why they said when we get to heaven we'll sing a song that angels can't sing the angel won't be able to sing i've been redeemed because they ain't never had no sin to be redeemed but i can say i've been redeemed and i'm not going to forget god my final word is i think john chapter 14. that's the last knot let not let not i ain't like that talker i was uh joking about tarva and crawford and osb and the ignorance norris came clean brass from the last week he ain't hosting so i had to give me a good joke i said you know norah's going to take shots he don't like all that and he won't take flu shots he's already talking about me tomorrow yes i am that's my favorite deacon and i had a joke for nora and i said norrish uh i know you don't take flu shots did you take a shot he wouldn't say nothing i said i got a joke for you in thomas just said you can't go on a cruise no more noise oh over hit the floor back here i said that again i bet he got that shot no god when you say you can't go no more cruz that means you can't be with crawford you can't be with thomas you can't be without daddy no i won't die [Laughter] oh he's probably rolling now he got that shot i guarantee you let not your heart be troubled because your heart is the centrality of your emotion don't let nothing get in your heart if it i don't care if you're mad with somebody don't get hate in your heart that's the devil there you know you can be you can love folks you don't like a lot of folk love you don't like your ways god love us and don't like our way see i'm getting deep tonight i ain't want to go to walking don't have to like folk ways to love them amen god doesn't like a lot of stuff you do that's right but he didn't kill you that he's not different in love in life you may be living with somebody you love don't like it you don't like the way they dress you don't like how they mess up your house you don't like how they may not like how they cook like is in the gland love is in the wheel [Music] that's too deep for me to get into wow there's just some things folks do you don't like but you love them and that's when you hang in there love the only glue that holds some stuff together or you would've been gone you can't always like people ways but you got to love them and you need to know the difference in life some people like you because you like them but if i don't like you you don't like me you can't get in all this like stuff you got to love everybody regardless love is regardless some of you all like focus in the glands you like the way they walk you like the way they look like where they talk what happened when they can't talk can't look what happened to six packs turned into one pack [Music] low baby let nacho don't let nothing get in your heart let not your heart be troubled because if people get evil in their heart that's trouble you don't stop a man from lying cutting his tongue out if lying is in him he'll bow his head and tell the lie you don't stop a man from going the wrong places cutting off his legs if he want to get in there baby he'll get on a wheelchair and roll in there you don't stop a man from stealing cutting his hands off if he want to get it baby he'll pay somebody still if you want it right that is hard right you got to love the lord your god with all your heart god wants to get in your don't let the devil trouble your heart let not your heart be troubled why is that so important you know the q the next word clears it up believe in god and jesus threw that in also in me i'm here this morning because of also with me i woke up and ate breakfast because of the also with me i'm saved because of the also in me you can't love god and leave jesus out let me quit you take these knots for this present time and go read them let not i believe in [Music] god and i don't want to get into all of that stuff about the philosophical teaching about god the tilly logical argument the argument of necessity the argument of design the mover and the unmoved mover i've studied philosophy and i know all about all those philosophical giants i can't prove god and i can't disprove it i can't bring god down here in figment of somebody's imagination emmanuel kant and descartes i can't prove god you can't disprove him that's right that's philosophy no i can't bring god down here and put him in front of me and i'm so glad that god doesn't show up one man told me he would believe as a god if he would come down here i said no you won he said why i said he was here and you killed him you put him on the cross and who said you would believe him if he show up now if he did show up you start talking i don't like his hair how come he got to be that color god said no no no i'm a spirit you the only way you're going to not worry is to trust me in faith not looking at me say believe in god let not your heart be troubled believe is the key word in god and you know what you believe don't you you walked in here and sat on that pew this morning you didn't go look up on it and see if it'll let him put you to sleep on the table seeing everything that's not your husband and got out the hospital tomorrow i got a good doctor you believed it right you went to a restaurant and or some food don't know the cook you don't know if he dropped it on the floor and picked it up and put it back on your plate and you sat there and edited that man sure i always worry about what they doing back there they sit there and edit and book at the end was that belief you put your money in the bag don't know the tailor she gave you a receipt and you walked out talking about i got money back how you know you believe she wouldn't take my money you didn't even count it put that to god believe in god and you can make it on these knots everybody stand okay i'm out of time it's communion great singer is here kathy a great accompanist for communion and we want to open doors to church and this on certain times we got to hold on to these four knots and if you read them and don't forget god and don't worry in your heart about nothing and don't fret and always rejoice i believe you can take it you can take whatever happened this year because we are not in we're in god's hand and god put it i'm going to part of my great verses of the bible some members are sending them in yes i'm going to talk about in the beginning god and i'm going to wear that out if somebody said no weapon formed against me should prosper i'll probably preach it i'm getting ready for some other great verses of the bible if my people i've never preached it but when i do you will know it and the bother coming up to easter i just might preach and there they crucified him and that's all i'm going to talk about great verses of the bible so be listening i do want to preach i can't get around for god so loved the world i've preached it once but i can't get around it in these great verses because it is the verse of verse and i can't get around the lord is my shepherd preaching years ago by preaching again y'all the young preacher was preaching one time a lady asked me why you preached sermons over again he said because you ain't living by none of my preachers so you keep forgetting them all so i repeat them but sometimes god give different revelations and people asking me will i preach the 23rd psalm verse and if i did do i won't talk about nothing but the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want because these great verses but i am god is making me go back to the verse or verse reverend for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son while i'm in these great verses of the bible and if it's one deacon gave me amen gave me one what was yours amen some of your father staff said well i'm going to send one in to the pastor i want him to explain or preach okay while i'm on great verses of the bible she come now because you may be seated anybody want to join the church you can always join call us here at the church and say i want to be a member of your church i'm from such a such a town such a state somebody draw from overseas if you want to be a member of mount carm about in my ministry my singing and my preaching and teaching i i do all of it i don't just preach i teach and i don't just teach i preach i sing and i pray i use every gift god gave me i want to give him the glory and whatever i said lord whatever you use that you gave me gonna touch somebody i'm gonna allow you to use me okay so you want to be a part of us call us and call pastor's assistant or write us a letter and say i've joined the church this morning i'm from carolina i'm from new york i'm a part of my comment we want you to get saved because this is stuff happening for a reason jesus is coming back and you ought to see it by now he is giving you signs with all this stuff happening that the end is very close i can't wait till the lord returned you ought to say i'm glad i'm saved and i don't want to be left behind because the voice is coming you think this pandemic is something the bible says the devil wants a key and long the holy ghost here the devil can't do what he wants to do but when the church gets raptured the holy ghost going with it then in revelation 9 the devil will get the key he wants that god won't let him have and he wants to get it that said demons are so filthy god won't alive on us yet they got teeth like a lion hell like a woman describes them but god said i can't let them lose while the church here but when the church is wrapped it up you think you've seen some pandemic you haven't seen the red horse the black horse and the pale horse and the white horse that white horse is not jesus that's the antichrist jesus coming back on a white horse but during the great tribulation period revelation 6 that is white horse is the antichrist and he'll be able to hypnotize folk and the bible says god gonna send a delusion and they'll believe a lie i want to be here when all that happened so you better get saved praise god today jesus said i just told you the only thing he that's why i have committed some of you all leave come in when you're here and won't take it and when i come through here and i see communion around so i pray for you you might say well i got some faults i'm not doing the right thing and i'm not taking communion what jesus died for he didn't die for saints he died for sinners you the man want all to take it that's funny man why don't i take it because you got so much to pray over oh no you need forgiveness don't let these folk fool you well you know you shouldn't take communication in your life ain't right nothing right in all our lives jesus died for sinners why don't you take communion every week i know my wife does and uh order your own come to the bookstore and say i want me to order my own communion and take communion once a month the bible says often you don't have to wait once a month right come in the books though i don't take all mine this morning i don't want you to get but one that's right make it plain maybe i'll be in here come to the bookstore and said i want to order my own communion because we can't give these away to everybody the church had to pay for this and just continue jesus said only thing i want you to he asked us to remember is this they do this and remembers of me and he blessed it father blessed his bread and blessed his wife as we become partakers of your suffering and this remind us of what you went through blessed in jesus name amen we were listening now to one of the greatest opera singers you ever walked this side of heaven and we're just so grateful that she come and bless us for the last 20 years i believe and kathy has seen around the world in several different languages and opera spirituals she comes to me every first sunday to sing doing communion and if you're watching her for the first time i like for members to sit back and listen during communion and meditate so we will hear miss kathy adams and accompanied by a trained pianist who reads music as well listen to this go ahead and receive it and eat it and drink it as you get it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] faith where there is [Music] is [Music] that i may not seek [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay he's [Music] he's got a [Music] he's got the woods and the water [Music] is [Music] he's got the [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] all night and all day the angels keep watching over me he's gonna watch over you all the deacons are here so she distant jesus this is my body preachers and deacons [Music] my wife represent the remission of your sins angels one of my most faithful ushers [Music] and all day [Music] if you don't believe me [Music] follow me down [Music] all night [Music] angels [Music] i want to say before we leave i am so grateful the members that i'm seeing now impress me have had their shots and if you had both your shots and i know i can trust you coming in that's a good thing amen get your shots now you can still catch it with one shot but when you get the second shot that free you so when members get both shots i will open up a little more when i see you still keep your mass on easter i'm going to have church in the parking lot for everybody but the more you get your shot pastor won't worry so much amen i want to say that to those who have gotten both shots praise god from whom all blessings flow thank you musician thank you praise team bless your heart singing out of your soul today everybody we go out with praise the lord tuning in at 3 p.m this afternoon them pack [Music] oh [Music] praise crazy every day all of us [Music] may god bless you and keep you and we will see you sunday morning read philippians 4 13 sunday morning i can do all things through christ has strengthened me that's what i'm going to preach you
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 2,143
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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