Walking In The Light - James Aladiran

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[Music] [Applause] if you don't mind just grab a seat wherever you are I'm just gonna share a bit we're gonna go into the rest of the day some more worship some more time of Prayer this whole day is geared towards gathering to see God and when we gather to do that is good we are all on the same page is good we're all seeing the same things and heading in the same direction I really do believe God has an agenda for this meeting in fact the things already stirring our hearts for this meeting and there's no point I'll just come in us coming with our own agenda we need to receive heavens agenda for today and also I want you to realize is when we start to pray which that's a worship and we released had to push deep into the presence of God this room ceases to be just this room this room becomes the boardroom of heaven it is heaven on earth collide and then what happens is we start to hear the conversations of heaven and we start to release those on the earth you know effective prayer is actually being able to hear what God wants and what God the same and releasing it on earth like it says on earth as it is in heaven so as we push deeper God is going to begin to release words prophetic words directives even in prayer I want to encourage you to just journey with us to be effective today I believe the things that God wants to first do in all our hearts and the things that God wants to shift he wants to realign he wants to bring order to our hearts I want actually start with a famous scripture if you're part of the movement of Prayer you've been around church long enough you would have heard this verse quoted many many times and in fact some people are frustrated with this verse because it's almost quote said so much but we see so little of the promises in it so I'm gonna read first from second Chronicles 7:14 this is Solomon praying and then God speaking back to Solomon someone prays this long prayer and many people don't realize this when Solomon prayed the prayer dedicate him a temple do you realize God answered him by sending fire from heaven we think about Elijah he prayed and fire fell when Solomon also prayed fire fell from heaven that's pretty intense some of you think and then God speaks to to Solomon and speaks to the nation of Israel really but this this is the word someone and we quote this many times and there's so much truth in this and I believe we are yet to see the the fullness of the manifestation of God's promises in this verse because we got to realize if we're not saying the manifestation of what God is saying here then we need to ask God to examine us we can be pointing the finger of God and saying God we're not saying all these things happen well let's look back at the conditions let's look at what God is actually requiring of us and see if we are meeting God's requirements for national transformation so he goes the 2nd chronicles 7:14 actually from verse 13 he says when I shut up heaven and there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven I will forgive the sin and I will heal the land now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place for now I have chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and my eyes and my heart will be perpetually there everyone said amen how many of you heard that scripted before yes how many of you have quoted a scripture before I quote that many time what I am after is not just a large gathering of people to pray well I am after he's not just masses of people praying what I am after is quality prayer that actually leads to actual transformation and tangible change what I'm after is not going through the activity of same prayers there's lots of prayer meetings happening there's lots of spiritual activity quote-unquote going on in the church but really if we're to examine the impact of what we're doing we would be we we would be good it would be good for us to be honest with ourselves and see that a lot of the things we're doing I'm not really having the impact we want them to have or we're not really seem the type of results we want to see we're not really same type of results that actually it's clear that God is at work there is a difference between successful evangelism and a move of God where there's a Great Awakening or warp some Accord a revival and the fabric of society is shifted and changed there's a difference between me being able to speak and communicate the gospel and you're like wow that's a great speaker and the Spirit of God and conviction of sin coming on people such that they're hiding under the seats because they're so scared by the way the presence of God manifests sometimes in ways where we actually get scared you don't believe me ask some people in Scripture like John the Apostle who was so close to Jesus on earth he was leaning on Jesus I mean he was pretty intimately close to Jesus okay when he saw Jesus in his glory you know what happened he fell like a dead man what happened between the Jesus that he was able to lean on so easily and the Jesus he saw in this vision in Revelations well he saw Jesus in the fullness of his glory and we are experiencing the presence of God many times Bohr is like trickles and little bits if God were to begin a manifest as it really intends to it's sad to say some people are gonna die okay you think I'm making the up ask Ananias and Sapphira from Acts that's not Old Testament cuz sometimes that we have God as a banker in the Old Testament and God is happy in the New Testament well you might want to read the Book of Revelations and you might wanna ask Ananias what happened to them when they lied in the middle of revival you know what happened they drop dead and died now those are aspects of the presence of God we don't really talk about in the West those are aspects of the presence of God we're not very familiar with in fact we as we almost shy away from those dimensions but we cannot embrace aspects of God that only make us feel good and aspects of God that only sound politically correct and other aspects of God we think are kind of a bit controversial we just shy away from them I'm telling you there's a lot about God we in the Western Church have no idea about and God is wanting to unveil the fullness of who he is to the church there is something about falling in love with God and living in the fear of God okay when I say the I'm not mean the fear of God we were running away from God the fear of good is the kind of fear of God that causes us to live the lifestyle that's conscious of the fact that God sees our thoughts here's our thoughts sees what we're doing in our hearts that no one sees and every decision we make in thoughts or in action God sees it and it matters to him living in the fear of God is living the awareness that God sees everything and it matches to him so there is a level of a when as God is wanting to draws in - we want to see revival we want to see transformation we want to see God impact our society and many of us from that desire are coming to pray don't change our nation go change this but we don't realize it's not just the prayers we'll pray means God's just gonna answer and boom it's gonna happen just like that because we prayed it because there's some conditions for the type of prayers that God actually responds to it's not just every prayer we pray that God responds to if you read this verse carefully look at what it says if my people okay well I'm just back to write business this verse really many of us will look at this and as a as a for lack of a better word like a God's Way of asking us what to do if we really want to see revival so God is saying if you want to see national transformation if you wanna see transformation in the community don't look at the politicians don't look at the local government I'm not saying God does not use local government and go to this lady's boy before the Bible says pray for those in authority but God is not saying what God is saying is if you want to see me move in your community you are not actually gonna be looking at the government and the people out there I need you to be aware of your responsibilities for the land to be healed and for revival to come God's eye is not on the government now what the government does God is concerned about however God's eye is on the church because the verse now so it's even my people who are God's people we are God's people so we are the ones that hold we hold the keys we hold the answers that will actually bring shift and change so God is saying if my people again it's a conditional promise it starts with the word if if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves many times we think of the humbling themselves I just come in and bow in our knees before God and I believe that's true by the way you can do a lot of Acts in the natural in your body posture and still be proud in your heart you can lift your hands and say lord I myself before you or get on your knees a lot of homer and still be proud in your heart only you really knows if you're really being humble before God and when I see humility in this verse I linked it with fasting why because in the old testament' times when they wanted to humble themselves you know what they did they fasted they fasted to humble themselves before God and today with fasting it's a way of saying Lord we are desiring more of you than we are food Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word in other words our life is not just coming from bread our life is coming from your presence so we're gonna shut off the desires of the flesh to eat bread so that the desires to feed on your presence increases and we actually fix our gaze on you we humble ourselves in the flesh so when it says if my people cover my name will humble themselves replace that humble with fasting for now if my people who are called by my name will fast and pray okay and seek my face I don't have time to go into this so much right now but they're different dimensions of prayer and Jesus kind of alluded to this when it talks about asking seeking and knocking he says you know I love how they amplified or some amplified translations but he says keep on asking and you receive keep on seeking and you find keep on knocking and the door will open to you see the asking is reflection of the outer courts if you understand anything about the the temple you have the outer court you have the inner court and they are the Holy of Holies for many Christians our prayer life is all the time remaining in the outer Court of just asking the outer court is mostly focused on natural material earthly temporal things for many Christians our whole life is focused around God giving us a nice job a nice house a nice husband a nice wife and whatever else is nice out there and we just want God to make us comfortable in fact I think that's one of the problems in the West the reason why many times we're not seeking God because the we're so comfortable in the West I know many of you here would say you've got issues and things that pressures of life but in comparison to the rest of the world we're very comfortable now most of us our prayer lives is just around keeping that comfort going okay god I want to just give me this and give me this and a lot of our prayers are always earthly focused I want to challenge you to look at the prayers of the New Testament especially Paul's Perez most of Paul's Perez were not focused on earthly things post Perez were mostly focused on spiritual things why because you can gain earthly things and they fade away but the face you gain of God in the spirit like he says in Ephesians 1 the spirit of wisdom and revelation whatever you gain of God by revelation stays with you forever so you actually take that into eternity with you you're not gonna take your job your car your house to Eternity with you right so it's good to be rich towards God are you tracking with me today are you tracking with me today so for many Christians we remain in the asking realm the seeking realm takes the focus of you the seeking realm is now focusing on God what are you seeking you're seeking him what are you after you're after him now you're not after him for what he can do for you you're after God for God's sake now I want you to examine your own personal prayer life what percentage of your prayer life is actually dedicated to just going after God what percentage of your prayer life is dedicated to ministering to go like I said of some or some or minister to the Lord acts 13 they minister to the Lord that is that is a place of seeking so when God says to what's his name Solomon here and says my people call my name will humble themselves and pray okay I think of that prayer as in that outer coat and seek my face there is a difference between seeking the face of God and seeking the hands of God the hands of God released the blessings of God the face of God is about intimacy with God and there is no way we can seek his face and miss his mouth there's no way we can come close to his face and he has to shout for us to hear him if we seek his face then he can whisper and our hearts respond because we're in close proximity to him it could be many times the reason why when you're hearing God could be a picture of our proximity to him because we are hearing so many other things apart from God I believe the posture of seeking God and having as a default in our lives actually sensitizes our ears I mean our spiritual ears to discern the heart of God and the voice of God in situations but for many people in the church we are not really seeking God we are seeking what God can do for us now even I might go out to be here when I say this even in seeking for revival many times we can seek for the move of God and not the god of the move we can seek for God to use us on a platform and go to users to raise their heel the sink and all our seeking is just about what God can do through us is they don't wanna live here today sometimes your heart motivation is revealed when what you're seeking for God does not do through you but does through someone else do you rejoice in that moment or do you feel something going on in here and then you ignore it and then jealousy and envy stood up there how many of you know the story of the older brother the prodigal son the father the the prodigal son comes back home and there's party going on there's rejoicing going on and you know what happens the older brother comes back and starts to hear the noise of dancing and jumping around and all that and he's thinking what's going on and then he's told your brother's come back home and your father's just from the party so now he gets upset why did he get upset he didn't get upset because there was a party going on you know why go upset because the party did not revolve around him so when you're really seeking God you're seeking God for God's sake only he is the he's the end he's everything he's the means and the end you're going after him he's yourself focus but for many people that is not the way it's like God is a means to the end God is I'm gonna seek God because I won't go to use me I wanna see God because I want revival I'm gonna see God because I want this no I'm gonna seek God because I want to know God so when he says seek my face he's talking about an intimate relationship and I think this is why many times revivals and you know what revivals and moves of God fade away because people fall in love with the move and the fall in love with the activities and they try to replicate those activities in other places and then end up formulating all kinds of religious things the fact that when God moved last year people were on the floor laughing does not mean if God moves this year that's exactly what's gonna happen and then somebody was not to fake the move of God and start to do things no flesh to try to look like what that looked like back then because God is always on the move so what he did in 2000 in 1904 with the world survival is not necessarily how he's gonna move in 2019 or in 2018 now I'm not trying to say God is not wanting to do even any any bit of some of the qualities in that revival but many times they've been said that the the the move of God let's say God moves at the let's say God mr. day the move of God's a day ends up persecuting the move of God tomorrow because the people involved in the move of God today get used to how God is moving now and don't realize God does things in different ways and sometimes he catches us of God I mean the Pharisees missed him you know they they were looking for God in a certain way and they missed Jesus and even when Jesus came Jesus's move the healing of the sick the raisin of the dead you look at the miracles of Jesus they were all very unique and different he wasn't just doing the same thing all the time because God moves that's why we need to be people who walking in close proximity to seeking him because when he shifts we need to learn how to shift when he changes his you know emphases in summer we need to learn how to emphasize what the Spirit is emphasizing so my people cover my name will humble themselves will pray was sick my face and this partly where I'm going will turn from their own wicked ways that is actually shocking that God said that because it didn't say if the world will turn from their own wicked ways he says if we the church will turn from our own wicked ways and you may say to me well I don't feel like I have any saint in me well my question is it depends on how close you're walking with God because as the light gets brighter and you walk more in the light there things you never used to see you start to see and the things that God starts to deal with I don't know you've got to show you the wickedness of your on how well I hope he does because it's gonna lead you to a place of repentance and humility and that is where he wants us a broken and contrite heart the problem is we're trying to have prayer meetings here we're trying to pray that God will move out there in the world there is a lot of wickedness in the world and we're saying God move out there and goes like but there's a lot of wickedness in you and actually if you read carefully says only if we fulfill these conditions will humble ourselves we'll pray what sickest waster from our own wicked ways he he then said this he says then I will hear are you listening to me he says then I will hear he's put a condition on his hearing our prayers the effectiveness of our price is based on the fact that we know he's hearing could it be that sometimes we're praying and he's not hearing not that he doesn't have the ability to hear but our own wickedness and iniquities actually blocks us off from him responding so he chooses not to hear in fact he says that very clearly in Isaiah 59 look at this Isaiah 59 verse 1 and to behold the Lord's hand hand is not shortened that cannot save noise it noise ear heavy that he cannot hear but your iniquities have separated you from God and your sins have hidden his face from you so he will not hear is anyone got their Bibles here I'm not making this up Isaiah 59 verse 3 I'm gonna read that again your iniquities have separated you from God your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear so that he will not hear he's poor condition on his hearing and is the removal of iniquity it talks about God raising up someone to stand in the gap I saw for a man to stand in the gap and God says I found out and many people who are into prayer and all that would use that scripture where God talked about looking for a man to stand in the gap which is a picture of intercession being a voice of God to man and being a voice of yeah being a voice of God to man abena a voice of man to God you know standing in that place in between God is saying I looked for men to stand in the gap if you read that chapter clearly you find that what God is saying is he identifies all the crazy things going on in the nation and then he says boy I sought for someone to stand in the gap and the kind of person is searching for is the person that's totally different from all the junk going on in the nation I'm searching for somebody to stand on the gap that is like them in terms of their human but it's different to them in that his lifestyle is disconnected from the darkness so that qualifies that person to stand in the gap so when they leave their voices the crowd to me on behalf of the lost their voice pierces through because their voice is not contaminated but the iniquities of the people they represent them before me Amen somebody so God is like I want to raise up voices of intercession and prayer that are able to break through and peace through because when they lift their voice is nothing in them agrees with what's going on in the world it's amazing to me when I look through a scripture how there's a lot of emphasis even in the beginning of Jesus's ministry the beginning of John the Baptist ministry you know one message they both preached repent John started his ministry by preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand you know I'm just gonna turn there quickly Matthew Matthew 3 I believe it is Matthew 3:2 actually Matthew 3-1 in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness and saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and then he says this in verse 5 of Matthew 3:5 says then all Judea and the regions around Jordan out to me John and they were baptized by him in the Jordan look I says confessing sins so John starts preaching his message repent repent is not about changing direction it's more than changing direction because it's about changing the way you think if you change direction and don't change the way you think after a while you're gonna end up facing the same direction you shifted from initially so it's not just changing the way you think and changing direction and this is one of the components that believe is so necessary today for our effective prayer they came to him confessing sins confessing sins first John says this if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness there is a certain teaching going around some aspects some places in the body of Christ right now where they're like you don't need to confess your sins because Jesus forgiving your past present and future sin so you're in confessed well first John begs to differ and there's a condition on it he says if you confess he will forgive so for the forgiveness take place there has to be a confessing for many people so much is going on in here that's not been confessed so much is going on in here that there is a lot of physical sickness that's connected to lack of confession you don't believe me were asked James in James 5 he says confess your sins one to another that you may be healed so that's not just physical here and that's emotional healing too in other words there is a place for confession there's a place for releasing the things that are going on any hand it's just you I always like to put it this way many times we don't realize this but the power of sin is in its secrecy the fact that it's in the dark that is exactly where the enemy functions best he's known as the prince of this world the Prince of Darkness right he functions in the darkness what kind of darkness is going on in here that's given the enemy authority to influence your life because listen the enemy does not have authority but the enemy ends up having Authority and life of the believer because the believer comes into agreement with the enemy by their lifestyle as soon as your lifestyle starts agree with the lifestyle of Darkness the enemy now has inroads into your life and because he has enrolled now he has authority and influence over your life and for their influence to be broken there has to be confession you have to admit what is going on he will forgive and he will cleanse but you have to confess so once I confess you know the amazing thing about the script writers quoted in James that scripture is connected to fervent and effective praying in fact let's turn there we're gonna look at some scriptures today James 5 he says James 5:15 and the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins you'll be forgiven James 5:16 confess your trespasses or your sins once or another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective prayer of the righteous man avails much isn't amazing it's connected effective praying to confession of sins if we connect that to the verse we just read in second chronicles it says turn from our own wicked ways and then he says he war it will heal the land our turning from our own wickedness is connected to a healing coming out of us to the society in the same way in James says confession sins that you may be healed and then that helps you to pray effectively everyone's the effective praying yeah yeah he says John first John 1:7 if we walk in the light has as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all our sins now read that verse again first John 1:7 if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all our sins there are three continuing present tenses if we continually walk in the light one if we continually have fellowship to the blood continually cleanses three are you tracking with me there is a condition of this walking in the light if we walk in the light the end result is the blood continually cleanses you know that means the blood does not cleanse in the dark hiding things and holding things back struggling with addictions and not being open about it it amazes me that we come to church meetings in church events and many of us come to these meetings and the last place we are honest is actually in the church because we all want to act like life is just perfect but didn't Jesus talk about coming for those that sick as opposed to those that have it all together so even anywhere where we should be honest it should be in the presence of God because you can receive me and I can deceive you but you cannot deceive the spirit world so we might as well be real with one another the blood of Jesus does not cleanse in the dark it cleanses in the light you have to step into the light and that means you choose not to hold on to those things that you know is just you that knows what's going on oh another side of this is you are resolving conflict and relationships that out of order around you prayer an effective praying intercession it's not just one way where we're just talking to God is actually connected to our connection to one another Jesus says I'm not gonna forgive you or the father is not gonna forgive you if you don't forgive the person that sinned against you I didn't say that that's what he said so if you're gonna be forgiven you have to forgive and the amazing thing is he didn't pointed condition on the type of offense has been committed against you he just said if you are going to to be forgiven you have to forgive so now listen if I come into a prayer meeting like this and we hear we want to pray wanna see God and I'm passionate about God changing society but I've got one forgiveness in me and you come from over there and you struggle with addictions and the other person comes and they're struggling with depression and we all come together and we always shout and sing freedom and then we start to pray for the nation to be changed do you think those prayers have an impact why because we're not walking in the light because I'm holding on to my thing over here you're holding on to your thing over there and we are coming together trying to put on a show trying to dance around and lift our hands and do Christian gymnastics but not really impact anything in the spirit realm by the way you need to realize this because the way the world is heading many of us not gonna be able to discern when the Holy Spirit is moving and when he's not because with 21st century Christianity you can have a good meeting and God hasn't shown up but your soul has been stirred and you've heard nice music but Holy Spirit was level showing up and you thoughts what you fellas holy spirits no it was just the great voice of the singer because now we're we're very dependent on our strengths and ability to sing our ability to preach we have preachers that can preach you into a frenzy why are you remaining your bondage and still need deliverance so I'm not just after a nice communicator and so on I can get me all excited I want the real deal I hope you want the real deal because if you do then we're in the right place we cannot desire the real deal and not be real you can't be saying I wonder I want the real Holy Spirit I want the real manifestation of God boy you're living a fake Christian life you're raising your hands jumping around and there's all this stuff I've on forgiveness going on between your brother and your sister and your nay even talking about it you've had a fight and it's not been resolved for a whole week and you've not been speaking for a week you come into church and you say God I love you God do you know what this happened that when you come in here and there's unresolved issues with your husband your wife people that close to you unresolved and you come here and you are lifting your hands and worshiping do you know what you're doing you're releasing to God contaminated worship because that worship is filthy because it's not coming from a pure place didn't he say don't come and offer your gift at the altar without first going to reconcile God cares about how you treat people not just about how fervently you can pray that's a word for someone right now we cannot just come and shout and go yes God save the nation praise storm is not just about volume you remember Hannah in Scripture she was praying for a baby she wasn't even shouting but her prayer was fervent and he broke through because there was a fantasy in it it was from the depths of a ha some people like well Preston was all about shouting and you know I don't like the noise no prayer service know about shouting we may end up shouting but we know after volume we're after authenticity something that's real in here I want the prayers coming from this place today to really shift the condition of the United Kingdom it's not just that I want that God wants that but God is saying your prayers are not gonna have that kind of impact if you don't turn from your wicked ways from your lion from your cheatin for some people we might even be lying cheating and pornography jealousy and envy you are jealous of the fact that God is using that person they're not using you you're jealous of that person's ministry but this is this is I don't know how we always do this but we act as though God doesn't see the jealousy and we just we just sometimes because we ignore it so much it becomes a blind spots so we start to function out of jealousy and envy in our relationship to that person or other people talking about that person and we react but we don't realize our reaction it's coming out of something rooted in jealousy and envy and we can excuse it so you know they're always whatever they're always but actually the reason why you send it that way is because you're jealous how about you just coming for gonna say lord I am jealous lord I feel Envy lord I don't like the fact that feels like you using that person and not me I know what I'm saying may be wrong Lord right now but I'm just gonna confess before you I want my heart to be right so you go and confess it before God and then you go to that person and say you know what I'm jealous of you I have been jealous of you but right now I'm coming to you to honor the gift of God in you and break that power of jealousy and I want to say to you you're a great preacher you're a great leader you're great singer you're great businesswoman and I'm amazed at a gift of God in you so I honor that you know what's gonna happen that demon of jealousy is gonna flip from you 1 million miles because what you don't you have confessed it and you walk in the light how many bondage is going on in our meetings where we want to pray for revival but there's so much darkness going on in our hearts and we're kidding ourselves shouting and God is like your prayer is not breaking through your shouting but you're not breaking through and goes like if you want to break through 101 is repentance well if we wanna see revival in the church revival in the nation I'm telling you repentance is the way forward I'm gonna finish with this and we're gonna have a ministry time you see there's a lot I don't understand and there's a lot I don't know you know you know people talk about spiritual warfare and spiritual mapping and this principality and this power over this tree over this region in that region and all that now obviously I'm a prayer warrior and I do believe in a lot of you know these things and sometimes I think people go to the other extreme and you know start casting the devil out of cups of tea and start cussing the devil out of their clothes and stuff finding start demon hunting everywhere I'm going to demon hunting however I am I mean if you've listened to me long enough you know I do talk about demonic activities and those that reality I'm trying to gather is sometimes we can focus so much on those things we don't realize the enemy actually has no power or authority if we live in a place of repentance because the enemy is able to work through pornography darkness and immorality because it's tolerated here but once you start to repent you weaken that stronghold you don't even have to pass the devil out he goes out if I remember some weeks ago I was at church and a ram Church we're praying you know I think I just spoken and lady came for for prayer I don't know who I spoke on but as I was praying for the lady I just asked her have you been involved in witchcraft or anything involved in voting I'm involved in a Ouija board and some like you need to confess that so she starts to confess she confesses to be a man she looks at me she says oh you know what there's this thing I don't know she was struggling a lot of confusion and bondage on her mind okay so she confesses and then tells me that and then I was I was about to say to you well let's pray again just before I said let's pray game she said oh I need to confess this quickly I think she confessed something I can't know what was let's just say was he we do boards he says tarot cards thanks Becky he said she says oh by the way I just want to confess this I have been involved in the past in tarot card reading and all that and I don't know why just relax just gonna phases the moment she confessed it didn't happen the demon left her she shook she manifested a tiny bit and was like did you feel that my yeah I didn't pray she didn't pray you don't happen she just confessed it and its power was broken in that moment a lot of times when we're trying to see we were set free many times they have to first come to a place of learn how to confess sins because van is where the enemy hides that is that is his that is his playground as long as their same going on on confessed the enemy is able to access is able to come through in whatever way and influence what God wants to do so we have to be a people that gets good at confessing you have to get good some say get good at confessing yes get good at walking in the light I want to encourage you to leave this place today and find somebody or some a group your husband your spouse or close friend that you can always confess to that you can go to and say you know what this what's been going on and I just want to bring out on the light let's pray because I'm telling you if we would all do this when we come together to pray we will be having explosions because there hold of the enemy is so weakened that the enemy can really break free kind of influence what we're doing and I said I was gonna fish at that point but I'm gonna another point just came to me I need to say Daniel 9 21 Dano 1901 he says as I was praying this is Daniel speaking he says as I was praying and confessing my sins and the sins of my people angel Gabriel was caused to fly swiftly and reached him about the time of the evening sacrifice Daniel 9 21 Daniel is in captivity Daniel is in captivity not because of what he did Daniel is a righteous man but Daniel finds himself in captivity because of what his forefathers and his parents did hello so you can be a Christian and living in a form of captivity not because of what you did but because of wars done before you go here hello when Daniel started praying he didn't face his sins you know I did it confess the sins of his people and he says we have sinned he didn't say look they have sinned Lord the Prime Minister has sinned Lord that person has said not forgive I said we he identified with the sin of the people and this woman's had intercessors can get arrogant so I Lord they have seen and they horrible in there and real intercession actually the ultimate form of intercession is Jesus on the cross he identified with our sin and if we're gonna be effective in our press for the lost we have to almost say well we after must come into a play so we'll begin to feel how the impacts on God and we're saying lord have mercy on us no lord have mercy on them that is effective intercession lord have mercy on us and this is the amazing thing Daniel was confessing sin and this way I wanted to go with the whole spiritual warfare thing a lot of powers of darkness principalities they're all able to function effectively because they have ground troops the enemy has a kingdom that's highly organized high right you know there's hierarchy in the kingdom ephesians talks about that so if we want to disarm the enemy get people repenting okay let's look at manchester for example people start to encounter Jesus in Manchester and they start to confess their sins and imagine a great portion of the population encountering Jesus and confessing their sins I mean really and just calling out to God and God cleanse my house do you know what happens without you doing any deliverance meeting the power of Darkness influence in the region is broken because the people that the darkness will walk through have come into the light so the Spirit is not able to function effectively because people are coming in Allah and confessing their sins and many times we've not stepped into this level of prayer that much but at times where we can pray and we're not just confessing our sins but God allows us to step into a place of feeling the sins of the nation and we begin to confess the sin of the region even the Saints in the youth this whatever it is and we begin to feel the burden I'm telling you I've heard some people go really deep about the Holy Spirit in these areas where it's not just a confession of all Lord forgive us and move on I mean they're confessing for days and do you know what tends to happen after those kind of experiences revival breaks out people start to encounter God because as they were led by the Holy Spirit into deep confession and repentance they were weakened in the power of darkness in that region so the people that were under that power of darkness because now it's weakened their hearts are more open to the gospel and because their hearts are more open to the gospel they respond quicker when the gospel is preached and God is stirring out and that's what tent ends up happening God ends up releasing transformation on masses of people how many of you want to confess today okay do you understand with me can I have the band up please the blood of Jesus does not cleanse if we don't confess their conditions it says if we confess he's faithful I don't know what you come here with today we have been releasing this declaration that there's freedom in this house chains being broken I believe when we sang that song the Lord is using that song to prophesy to somebody here today or some people here today who have come in here we've changed specific chains you know have been a cycle of addiction going on in your life over and over again I want to invite you to come into the light today it may not even be chains of addictions it may be just a chain of darkness of depression it could be envy it could be jealousy could be whatever God knows I don't need to know but God knows and you know what we want to do is we've got we're gonna make this altar of this space in the front an altar again I'm gonna challenge you to come from where you're sat to this space and we're gonna get on our knees and we're gonna begin to confess everything we know to confess before God why is important I step forward in my mind when I see you stepping forward I believe you're stepping out of darkness into light saying god I admit this has been going on now I am stepping into the light and I'm coming before you forget about who you came with who's around you Lord I'm coming before you and I'm gonna confess this right now this this this is out of order I agree with you and I choose to break my agreement with darkness and the enemy and right now father as I sit here as I kneel here in the in the light I welcome your deliverance yes to come and break that influence over my mind and my heart so right now without any emotional hype I wanna invite you just come forward we're gonna use this space as a place of repentance [Music] we turn from our wicked ways we turn from perversion we turn from immorality we turn from lust we turn away from envy backbiting jealousy we turn away father from theft stealing we turn away father from convection sness we turn away Lord from witchcraft from cursing from entertaining things that offend your spirit we turn away father right now [Music] [Music] as the music plays I want you to simply humbly authentically begin to release any darkness anything that you know in fact you may be saying I've confessed this before I've Lord you know this I've already told you this before that doesn't matter I just warn you right now to engage with this movement I believe the Lord wants to release an anointing to cut off cycles of sin and things I've been holding people bound so I want to invite you into a place of denounce in its of renown sentence of rejecting it and confessing it now so beginning to speak I want to encourage you don't just think thoughts in your mind use your words okay because your words are powerful okay don't be silent I'm not asking you to shouts I'm definitely encouraging you to not be silenced speak out words and renounce it reject it confess it in the name of Jesus right now father we come humbly before you with a father today marks a turning point we are your people and we are called by a name father today we are humble ourselves and we pray today we humble ourselves and we seek your face today we humble ourselves and we turn from darkness we turn from that which is of the world and of the system of the world we turn from it now in the name of Jesus father we confessor before your throne and you said when we come into the lights your blood begins to cleanse us right now father as we step into the lights which they let the blood begin a cleanse right now and the blood is strong enough to cut off and break off ever retain so right now Jesus as we confess as we renounce as we reject we thank you for the blood of Jesus been released now now the blood of Jesus being released now in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PrayerStormTV
Views: 5,291
Rating: 4.8720002 out of 5
Keywords: James Aladiran, PrayerStorm, Prayer, Purity, Walking in the light, Manchester, England, Awakening, Repentance
Id: Hkhg7Pd1MK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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