Peace In The Storm - James Aladiran

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I want to start by highlighting a scripture in Ephesians 6 that we would all know he says this be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might there's two things on a highlight from that be strong in the Lord I see as a picture of being strong and intimacy with God so basically a lot of while Sharon last night the second part says be strong in the power of his might I see that has been strong in our identity and authority so two things intimacy with God and standing in authority now I want you understand that we will not be able to remain in intimacy with God if we don't learn how to exercise authority and we will not exercise authority if we're not rooted in intimacy so both very important dimensions and important parts of our prayer life and today I want to focus on the exercise in authority parts case as I've been involved in prayer ministry and been involved in prayer movement for many years now I find that especially the people I come across in the church many times don't understand who God's called them to be we don't understand who God's called us to be and the theme of this conference is unshakable standing firm in uncertain times and I believe to be able to stand firm in on certain you know certain times we have to have a revelation of our identity can I get an amen so if you go your Bibles I'd like you to turn to mark 4 I'm gonna be reading from verse 35 all the way to the end of that chapter okay so mark 4 he says on the same day when evening had come Jesus said to his disciples he said to them let us cross over to the other side now when they had left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him and a great Wayne storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was Stern asleep on a pillow and they woke him and said to him teacher do you not care that way perishing and he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind seized and there was a great calm and jesus said to them why are you fearful how is it that you have no faith and they feared exceedingly and said to know to one another who can this be there even the wind and the sea obey Him amen this passage has really impacted my life over the years and the Lord gave me some revelation from this that I have been forever changed by and I'll be sharing with you some of that it's really impacted the way I pray and the way I view circumstances and I've just grown so much and sometimes I find that God actually to get us to grow he puts us in situations that challenge us it's kind of like you know if you're gonna build muscle you have to go to the gym and lift some weights and to grow strong muscle you have to lift heavy weights right don't have any people here that go to the gym the bigger the muscle with the bigger the weights and see to do that you have to go through pain and I think I can see a reflection in spiritual matters where God wants us to go spiritual muscle but many times we just want to have life so easy we don't realize many times God allows circumstances to come into our life so actually trying us up to be stronger I don't know of great men and women of God who have been through nothing in fact it what seems to me like people who have been used greatly by God always have great stories of being able to go through difficult circumstances not stay there but come out on the other side and be a voice of encouragement to the church so you want God to use you if you want to be a voice in your generation in fact if you call yourself a Christian welcome to the training ground of difficult life circumstances I don't know why in our generation we just want things easy God you know just just make it easy you know Lord I I accept you as my savior just give me a nice house a nice car nice family a nice job and everything just go nice but when I read the Bible Apostle Paul and the Apostles in the New Testament church did not have it easy hello they did not have this easy at all in fact they went through very very difficult circumstances and as Pentecostals and charismatics the last thing I want to hear about is suffering it's going through a hardship we just want God to just we just want the preacher to lay hands on us lays legs on us and all of a sudden our problems disappear and one instant there's some problems God's not gonna take away just like that because he wants you to go through somebody say go through he says even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you're walking through the plan is not that you stay there you're walking through because you're gonna come out on the other side and when you come out on the other side you've been through a test so you have a testimony now you have authority to speak into someone else's life see I you know there are many preachers these days and I'm one of them and you know I often like to know the story behind people he's not just gonna just give me all this theoretical stuff I just don't want theology I want reality let me see how this is impacts of your life I just don't want head knowledge I want to know that's coming from the heart and oftentimes their battles that we go through that help us you know wrestled in the battles we wrestle the reality of God's Word and oftentimes we discover a whole new facet of God we never knew before and a crowd this size I can guarantee you many of you in here going through some battles right now some storms in your life and I believe God wants to encourage you to arise in the place of Prayer the first thing Jesus says to the disciples is let us go over to the other side let us go over to the other side now that is all word from God and if the Lord says to you let's go over to the other side you are convinced that that is its will when he says let's go over to the other side is a prophetic picture to ask the Church of in our relationship with God because when they crossed over from one side of the Red Sea to the other side of the Red Sea their dimension of relationship with God shifted by crossing over when they crossed over from one side of the Jordan to the other side of the Jordan that dimension of relationship with God shifted on one side of the Jordan manna fell from heaven on the other side of the Jordan manna stopped falling from heaven and the land starts to produce for them it's called the land you know the prophetic word says God is leading them to a land flowing with milk and honey the fact that the land is flowing milk and honey does not mean they walk on the streets and milk and honey is flowing down the streets the cows need to be milked the land flow will milk and honey means they actually have to work now but when they were in the wilderness they didn't have to do the work God allowed money to fall and this is a shift or dimensional relationship that played the terms where God releases supernatural provision and God always does that I don't know if you you've experienced God's supernatural provision anyone in this place known God release supernatural provision my hand is up by the way I can see about five hands I believe we've seen God moves supernaturally and releasing finance but then their terms what God says now I've given you giftings and I expect you to use those giftings to make some things happen that release finance are you with me and it gives you strategy for even fundraising you give just strategy when out to steal word finance so that shifting in that dimension of relationship when he says it's time to cross over to the other side because they've been on one side for too long many Christians are not maturing in their walk with God I believe for some of you God is saying to you today it's time to cross over to the other side because you've stayed on one side for too long spiritual maturity is not dependent on how many years you've been a Christian numerically I mean so in other words if you've been a Christian 20 years that means you're spiritually mature no you may be a Christian for 20 years and still be in spiritual diapers and the guy who's been a Christian for five years it's a lot more spiritually mature than the person who's been a Christian for 20 30 years because Numerical here do not equate to spiritual growth well actually equation spiritual growth it's face time and counter with God and how that changes you from the inside out so that your nature becomes more like Jesus and you cannot fake Matt's you either encountering God and changing or you're not for some people you just come into church you just listening to nice songs but you're really not changing you're the same way this year you were last year you're struggling with the same things this year you struggle 10 years ago my question to us church is is the blood of Jesus strong enough to break every chain or are we just going through Christian gymnastics singing songs but I really believe in the power of the Cross and the power of the blood of Jesus because the blood of Jesus and the cross is not about sin management is about sin eradication so if I've been a Christian 20 years I'm just struggling the same cycles of addictions something is wrong somewhere maybe we have kind of accepted that this is the way it's meant to be and I want to announce to you today I don't I don't care I look in the sense that I don't care about what you're struggling with I'm trying to say it doesn't really matter how long it's been going on it's not God's intention for you as a believer to be stuck in cycles of addictions for decades that's not what the cross and the blood is about the blood and the cross isn't a powerful enough to break my change and your change or we're just kidding ourselves and meeting in this room today it's time to move to the other side struggling with pornography struggling with all kinds of sexual perversions struggling with all kinds of demonic oppression I believe the Lord sends you it's time to move on to the other side it's time to say no more I'm not gonna tolerate this like I said in the video many of us are cohabiting with the enemy we're called to evict so right now you've accepted the addiction you're managing it right now you've accepted the condition you're managing it but you know that's against God's will for your life that's against the purpose of God for your life and I want to call to the warrior in you to rise up and be in a fight and say no I am NOT gonna accept this because this know what God says about me amen so God says it's time to move over to the other side the disciples hear the word of God and they snot obey the word of God there are bein God moving over to the other side I know what happens they face a storm which tells me the fact that you're going through a storm does not mean you're out of the will of God because they're different types of storms they're stones that come into our lives because of our own disobedience hello Jonah but this storm did not come as a result of their disobedience it came as a result of their obedience some people think because God has called you to start a ministry God has called you to study God has called you to start a church got a Skoda to go here that means it's all gonna be easy have you noticed when God speaks prophetic words over us oftentimes it tells us all the good stuff oh you're gonna go to the nation's you're gonna raise the dead oh you're gonna heal the sea you're gonna write so many book Joseph he doesn't really tell you that you're gonna be in the prison he just tells your the good stuff and oftentimes we don't realize there is so much process God wants to take us through to be able to walk in the fullness of a promised because God can bring the promise to pass just like that in a moment why doesn't he just do it because we're not ready for it so often has to prepare us to handle the weight of what he has promised and oftentimes it can look like storms in circumstances some of your complaining saying God why me why am I going through this in life now why me and maybe just that changing your prayers and saying Lord how can I grow through this how can I come out stronger through this different you this knowing in a deeper way through this as painful as this is in every way Lord I want to grow through this I want to come out better not bitter I want to come out encouraged not discouraged I want to come out on top not underneath the Bible says we're seated in heavenly places far above all principality and powers and we're seated with Christ and he says the enemy is under our feet because we're far above the powers of darkness if we're far above the powers of darkness and is under our feet listen anything under my feet has no business dominating my head so if something is dominating I may be I've shifted position somehow and I'm living from Earth as opposed to living from heaven I'm living from earthlies perspectives Earth's perspective as opposed to living from Heaven's perspective I believe today God is warning to encourage and release a fresh fire into some people here today because the disciples were obeying the Word of God and they faced a storm this storm they faced I believe was not an ordinary storm several reasons for that in my mind first of these are experienced disciples I mean these are experienced fishermen these are not people that don't know what it's like to read the weather these are people that know what is like to fish Dana if they had it as a business so to just go out like that and so face this storm it seems to me like this storm came out of nowhere if I think another translation says immediately there was a storm so I don't know where they faced this storm another reason why I think this storm was not ordinary storm is because of the person on the other side of the storm now we didn't read the whole story up until chapter 5 but if you read into chapter 5 there's a guy on the other side of the storm and he calls himself Legion Dino on Legion stands for three thousand foot soldiers and three thousand horsemen one guy is possessed by six thousand demons now don't ask me with your Western mind how that's possible I don't know however there's a scripture in Proverbs that compares the heart of a man to a city maybe that's a picture of how large our spirit can be this guy on the other side of the storm is possessed by six thousand demons I believe the demons controlling that guy had some sort of territorial influence because they influence the behavior of the people of that region even look at what happened when Jesus delivered the guy the people of the region as Jesus leaves something about the demons in this guy I believe picked up the fact that Jesus was on his way to that side by demonic intelligence now at this point I need to pause because many times in the church we get freaked out and scared when people talk about demons listen angels are real demons are real hell is real and heaven is real and if you don't believe me well I don't know what else to say to you because the Bible clearly says it okay and by the way if you're gonna believe this Bible you're not gonna be politically correct in this generation we live in so forget about trying to be politically right while you're believing this Bible okay because people out there in the world will persecute you and call you stupid and you know senseless or intolerant because you believe the Word of God I know and advocating being horrible to people and being bigots another but the reality is when we choose to stand on the root on the truth of Scripture I see a large he's gonna persecute us hello so demons are real I grew up in Africa and my like I said yesterday my dad is Nigerian my mom is from Ghana and I was born in Liberia now I came to I'm 34 now I came to the UK when I was 17 that was in 2001 when I came to the UK before I came to the UK my whole life I'd never met one person I'd never met one person my whole life that told me they were an atheist now that's not to say the part of the world I lived in everyone believed in Jesus I'm saying I never met one person that told me they did not believe God existed because where I lived there was a reality of the spiritual realm people didn't always believe in God Jesus but they believed in all sorts of things because you see the reality of spiritual activities all around you just about all the time so everyone is a world that spirit realm but when I came into the West and I went to college my best friend at college was an atheist and I'm thinking wow well so every time we talked about God pretty much and I come into the church and they're unbelieving believers hello we are believers but I'm believing because we don't really believe that there is more going on than what we can see physically there's no way you can tell me you believe this Bible and not believe the reality and the superiority of the spiritual world because there's some weird things in this book if you don't believe me read it the ground opens up and swallows people literal fire falls from heaven people are raised from the dead all kinds of crazy activities that defied the laws of natural that mattify the laws of physics because they're superior laws going on that can manipulate and change the laws that we understand the laws of gravity and all that jazz because there is another realm there's no way you can believe tell me you believe this book and not believe in the reality of the spirit world so when I come in when I come to the West I'm amazed at how many Christians are very dull hearted and are not switched on and aware of spiritual dynamics we already exist in right now listen witchcraft is real in Ireland witchcraft is real in England in Northern Ireland witchcraft is real in Scotland it's going on all of it if I make my mother-in-law when I were to do a pedicure thing you know those things women do and the person that was doing it for her was involved in the occult so she witnesses to her and she gets saved and this person gets saved ain't no one of the first thing she says back to her he says I know that the spirits in my house are very upset about what I've just done right now he says once a month we go up to the mountains you name the mountain somewhere and they go and do a lot of ritualistic kind of sacrifices now that's happening right here in the UK that's happening if I write where I live around the corner that's not happening in some African bush village hello witchcraft is real in the West as it is real in Africa the problem is in in Africa we see a lot of open witchcraft going on in the West witchcraft activities are going on they've just been disguised and repackaged for Western minds so many people don't even realize what's going on but this demonic activity is going on I want to actually balance one a same with this I am NOT here to talk about demon hunting I'm not one of those people that's trying to cast the devil out of the bottle and out of a cup of tea and out of my shoes and I'm not I'm not trying to find the devil and everything and I'm really to glorify the devil he's already defeated now we are in a real battle the Bible says but we have to be aware of the enemy we're up against I've heard Christians say this to me like you know what Jesus defeated Satan on the cross and Jesus said it is finished so right now we live in the New Testament and we don't need to do any kind of backs any kind of warfare we don't need to you know we're just interested in the victory of the Cross now I do believe that but I also disagree with that why because after Jesus rose again from the after Jesus died on the cross and said it's finished and rose again from the dead and said all authority on heaven and earth is beginning to us after he did that Paul came in Ephesians and says we wrestle that was after the cross it says we wrestle if it's all done and dusted and we don't have to do anything Paul will not be right into a church saying we wrestle James will not be saying resist the enemy so means go and resist in other words he didn't say submit yourself to God and pray to God to come and resist the devil on your behalf he says you submit and you resist so you have a responsibility and have a responsibility so Satan is defeated I'm not here to glorify Him we don't focus on the devil we focus on Jesus and we exalt Jesus I focusing on the enemy however in the same way we don't ignore the enemy in the same way I think it's stupid to just focus on the enemy all the time the same way I think is also equally ignorant and stupid to just ignore the enemy especially when his activities are very visible going on in our lives and we just ignore it and think it's just gonna go away because we ignore it now it doesn't work that way there has to come a point of confrontation and that's why I want to talk about today the disciples are in the boat and by demonic intelligence whatever is going on on that side on the other side picked up that Jesus is coming Jesus is deliverance he is in the boat but he's asleep and these spiritual forces stirred up a storm now in the storm is two things everyone say the wind and the waves two things in the storm is the wind and the waves and the wind is a picture of something invisible and the wave is a picture of something visible so the wind something invisible was causing a manifestation in the visible realm welcome to spiritual warfare because there is another realm called the realm of the spirits that actually has an impact on a lot of things we see in the natural and many Western Christians don't realize the significance of the spiritual realm I want you understand that when God created Adam Adam was a human being he had physical body but he was able to see God and commune with God before sin came into the world and Adam fell I didn't was able to walk with God in the cool of the day but Adam had body Adam had flesh and blood so how was Adam able to see God he tells me Adam was spiritually active was more aware of the spirit realm than most of us are right now Adam was able to engage spiritual realities when God created Adam God formed Adam from the dust of the earth and so you have Adam shell now when God formed Adam shell the shell and the case Adam was not in there until God released his life into that shell so that shell was Adams body just like your body right now newsflash your body is not you your body makes you legal on the earth the real you is spirit and you're living in a body listen every human being is gonna live forever because think about this where was Adam before he got into the shell because he says God from Adam from the dust of it and then he breathed life and then Adam became a living soul where was Adam before he go into that shell Adam was in God Jeremiah 1 God says to Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I knew you now that was go since in Jeremiah before you existed as a human being your mom's womb I knew you where was Jeremiah before I go in his mother's womb he was in the heart of God in the mind of God God knew him before I go before I became a human being in his mother's womb I with me the same way God knew Adam Adam was in God before he went into his body the body God created for me are you tracking with me are you tracking with me I'm going someone with this very important so God is spirit John tells us that and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and Hebrews 11 tells us that by faith we know that the world was framed for the things that are seen were made from things unseen okay but things that sing the things that we see around us were made from things spiritual things so God out of a spirit realm created this world you know what that tells me the spirit world is superior to the natural world the reason why we don't feel that right now is because of what happened at the fore of man when Adam was created it was very God conscious in fact I think Adam was more spirit conscious than body conscious because the Bible says they were naked and no shame so it was more conscious of spiritual realities than just the nakedness of his flesh and I know that also connects to the awareness that came from sin right however when Adam fell I think there was a reversal before the for Adam was spirit conscious and less and body conscious when the four happened Adam became body conscious and less spirit conscious which is where we are right now the fact that you can see me I can see you and we can just see these physical things around us does not mean this is all that there is going on in this room right now they're angels in this room the fact that you don't see them does not mean they don't exist I'm telling you spiritual things are a lot more real than what you think in your Western mind listen this pulpit is casting a shadow the shadow is a reflection of the pulpit because of our lights that's fallen on the pulpit I don't move the pulpit around by trying to move the shadow around if I want to move the shadow around I have to move the thing that's casting the shadow hello the same applies spiritually many of us are trying to see breakthroughs in natural things in some circumstances but I realize we're dealing with the shadow of something else in the spirit realm and we have to deal with things in the spirit if we're going to see them change in the natural but many people are just trying to some of you are getting angry at the wrong thing your boss is not the problem it could be like your spouse is not the problem could it be that that person is constantly causing your little heart ache it's been influenced by something else well jesus said to Peter get thee behind me Satan Peter Jesus disciples was talking to Jesus and Jesus discerned that that voice what those words had their source in the spirit realm and had their source in another spirit not Peter so in that moment Jesus discerned that Peter was not speaking but the devil was speaking through Peter if Jesus got angry at Peter and not the Spirit the Spirit would have known that Jesus was in ignorance of wars going on and that would have given that spirit of thority and influence in the situation Ephesians 6 says we wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers against principle principles against powers and against rulers of darkness rules of Darkness actually is a picture of ignorance darkness is a picture of ignorance many of us in the church as spiritually ignorant of what's going on around us one of the things we need to learn how to pray often is lord give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation Ephesians one that we would really see what we're dealing with so the disciples faced this demonic storm that has its source in the spirit realm as they're going through this storm you know what's going on Jesus is in the boat but he's asleep now I think that's incredible because Jesus is the deliverer Jesus is the word of God the Word of God is in their boats while they're going through a storm but the Word of God is asleep in their boats it's none unlike many Christians today the Word of God that you've been receiving is in you but it's asleep because you're not using it your mouth is shocked while you're being bombarded by demonic oppression your mouth is shot one of the enemy is just hitting you all around and you just keep quiet and do nothing and speak nothing and say nothing and confess nothing the Word of God is in your boat in the middle of the storm but the word is asleep can you do me a favor right now just touch your neighbor and tell them wake up the word come on come on Irish friends come on you need to wake up the word all the words that God has been putting in you he's actually not just put in you for you to feel good first Timothy 1:18 chima Paul says this to Timothy remember the prophetic words that been spoken over you that's by them you may wage to good warfare poorly st. Timothy the prophetic words that God's given you they are ammunition for war the prophetic words are not just there to make you feel good remember when Jesus was tempted okay the father said to Jesus you're my beloved son whom I'm well pleased a few verses later the enemy comes in temps that very worried he says if you are the son of God do this so if the words of the father to Jesus did not take roots it would not bear fruit the words of the father to Jesus took roots that's why Jesus could repeat the word back to Satan and said it is written and rebuked the devil and was able to be victorious in that situation because he knew how to activate the word do you know how you activate the Word of God because we talked about Ephesians 6 says you know we have the armor of God the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit all of that you know the shields and all that but the offensive weapon in the spiritual armory is the sword of the spirits which is one which is what do I have an army in this room which is what it's the Word of God well it's a sword instead spiritual context how do you willed the sword do you know how you will the sword with your mouth you will the sword with your mouth that's why Jesus said when you pray he didn't say when you pray think right he says when you pray once say everyone say when you pray one when you pray one because your words are powerful words do you don't have geographic limitation and they have prophetic implications you can be right here in Northern Ireland and speak words that impact on the situation in South Africa because in the sphere around distance is no barrier as it is in the natural realm your words as significant parents this was important you need to be careful what you're speaking over your children some of you are living under self-imposed curses on yourselves because God has anointed you and we've done oint in your speaking accursed for yourself I'm stupid I'm nothing I'm rubbish you're you're using your words to curse yourself tonight you need to break those curses you need to break those words in the name of Jesus because you're empowering the darkness by using the god-given authority to release evil over yourself some of your isn't evil of other people over your children you're gonna realize the power God has given you as a believer and you will the sword of the Spirit with your words the Word of God that's why you need to get the word in you because if it's not in you it's not gonna come out of you you need to get yourself into the word you need to get yourself into this book now how much time okay I'm just keeping an eye on the time here the disciples wake jigs is up and Jesus wakes up you know what he did he wakes up and if the Bible says he rebuilds the wind this is very intriguing to me if you look at verse 39 he says Jesus arose I'm reading from the New King James says Jesus arose and he rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still he just got angry at the invisible realm that was causing a manifestation in the visible realm and then to the visible realm he released peace to the invisible realm he released a rebuke some of us are getting angry at the visible realm as opposed to actually by revelation discerning what is going on in the invisible realm and by the wisdom of God learned how to rebuke whatever is going on in the invisible realm Christians should not be afraid of the dark Christians should not be afraid of the devil the devil should be running away from you you should not be running away from him you should not be running away from demons that wonder afraid the Bible say in Luke 10 now is given us authority to tread upon snakes and scope and all the powers of the enemy but we look across the Christian world even people friends even in my family I see activities that I identify as demonic activities now don't get me wrong I'm not saying every single problem in your life is a domani problem I'm not saying that but their activities that are going on that have their source in the demonic world even when jesus healed the sick many times he had to deal with the demons behind the sickness if Jesus did that back then that tells me even today there's some sicknesses that have demonic influence behind them I'm not saying every single sickness has a demon I'm just saying could it be have you tried to ask God to show you by revelation what's going on okay let me just sidetrack a bit remember when a wall of Jericho was brought down and Joshua released the curse after the wall of Jericho came down and he said something like whoever tries to rebuild Jericho would I think build the walls with their first stone and lay the foundation with the last CERN something like that I think I got to your ground if you know your Bible you know I'm talking about Joshua release the curse years later some guy shows up that doesn't know about Josh was cursed and tries to rebuild Jericho and the curse was activated his first son falls ill now just imagine you're a pastor you're even pastor in that generation and this guy brings his son to you that's God this illness and it says my son is ill it's unexplainable the doctors don't know what's going on and it's you're sick how many of you understand that to really be effectively the same breakthrough in a circumstance you have to understand what's behind the sickness what's behind the sickness was the curse hello somebody so to see the shift the curse had to be broken see I've seen is in my own life times where we have some young people with training up in prayer and leading prayer meetings and members were leading a prayer time with them and we're releasing confessions breaking of limitations and one of the young people in that room and had a problem their leg for like a whole year in pain and they were constantly having accidents with this leg and this has been in pain and we're in brain for healing where it is breaking off limitations and confessing breaking up every demonic opposition and limitation as we are doing that in that moment the leg straightens out and they're completely healed till this day now they've been having an ongoing problem of just accidents and accidents and all this craziness happening it's taught in that moment the reason why they healing manifested in the natural was because whatever was behind that healing was dealt with in the spirit are you hearing me today Jesus is asleep he wakes up he rebukes the wind speaks peace to the sea and then you know the next thing he did he rebuked his disciples he rebuked his disciples for doing war most of us would do now I think there's a lesson here and is this Jesus expected his disciples to deal with the storm why because he gave them the word let's get over to the other side because they were obeying the Word of God they had authority to deal with a storm why couldn't they deal with the storm because the storm had got into them why could Jesus deal with a storm because he came from a place of peace he was asleep the theme of this conference is on shakable standing firm in uncertain times the way we learn to stand firm when the waves and the wind I just all around is relearning how to fight for our peace sometimes it's a bad sort of it's like if I warfare to keep your heart at peace in God because everything is trying to get you worried I'm telling you effective spiritual advancement often times has its roots in that place of the peace of God leading us not the storm are leading us many of us have got the storm inside now think about all the disciples did the disciples are in trouble and they want to Jesus for help that's prayer we're in trouble oh god help me oh god help me that's prayer so in a sense Jesus rebuilt his disciples for praying I know that's a bit drastic but a trying to make a point I think he reboots disciples for coming to him for help because they had authority to deal with the storm James for some make yourself to the Lord and what resist the devil I said this earlier I say the game it didn't say submit yourselves to the Lord and then pray to God to come and resist the devil on your behalf who does the resisting you who does the resisting me it's kind of like I have a bunch of keys here and I'd give it to you and I said these are the keys open that door and you come back to me and go please James help me open the door I'm like hearing the keys you open the door like please help me open it up those are the keys openly though that's exactly what many of us didn't prayer God is like I've given you authority to deal with this one you're like oh god please up it goes like you'll rebuild the darkness you're like God help me because it I put the word in your mouth rebuild the darkness you've been a Christian for five years and you're still waiting for God to do something he's asked you to do and listen when you're a baby Christian there's some prayers good answers when your baby Christian that he stops answering when you're like five ten years in the Lord because he's not expecting you to wield your sword but you're keeping your mouth shut you're keeping silence see I'm not preaching a theory to you I've lived this reality and I'm still living it see I know what it is to be on the WHI called demonic depression now I understand that some depression can be chemical imbalances well that wasn't me and that's often not me I know what it is for there to be demonic depression over me such that I just want to lock myself in my room stay on my bed and not see any anyone I'm talking about okay this either everyone is either lying oh you're scared to be honest anyone know I'm talking about in this place wait you don't want to see anyone you don't want to see anything you just want to be locked away just in your bed in your room and just it's just this kind of self-pity depression dark cloud just everywhere you know hopelessness you don't feel like you want to live anymore anyone know I'm talking about this place listen I know what that is to be demonic and there were times where God had people come and pray for me and break things off and I saw breakthrough and in there were other times where there was no one to pray for me and God says now you need to wield the sword of the Spirit now James rise up every bit of this thing and I'm like okay everything inside of me my emotions my mind does no one to pray everything in the physical the last thing I want to do is even confess the Word of God but in that place I've learned your rise and begin to pray like this father in the name of Jesus I take authority over the atmosphere of this house I declare that every darkness in this place be expelled as the light of God is turned on every look home let's be replaced by the fire of God father as I submit my mind and my emotions to you I break the hold of darkness over this house and it's like Jesus reigns in this place I declare evil right now as I pray let my prayers take on the form of an intercontinental ballistic missile now as I pray my press begin I hit the targets every power of darkness every Association of wickedness that's been sent against me in the name of Jesus I notify you I declare the fire of God the releasing every walk of darkness in my life in the name of Jesus I rise I break up the spirit of depression I break up the spirit of heaviness I declare the ion I'll be bound I will not be addicted I don't know be distracted I arise in a fire of God I arise the name of Jesus and I advance I take new territories I pray over my family right now that the devil has no room in this house my children will serve the Lord I speak over their bedrooms then they're gonna have revelations in the night time over my wife all my family all my future all my finances I released break through of God even right now as I pray I declare Lord my words begin a breakthrough in the spirits that nothing is able to stand against what you're doing in my life I break through walls of opposition I break through barriers I break through resistance and it lets a daze my day of deliverance God is gonna use my voice to bring deliverance o generation because what the enemy has meant for evil in my life father I thank you that you're turning it around you're turning it around in the name of Jesus I will not be bound I will not be restricted today is my day of deliverance today is my day of breakthrough I begin a praise I begin a decree I begin to declare and by the end of the prayer I feel like there's no devil that's standing against me right now do you know how I learned to pray like that by fighting by fighting see prayer can be taught but actually the spirit of prayer it's more caught than taught and oftentimes you are you learn to pray by praying some of you are dealing with some opposition now don't get me wrong I'm not saying every single problem in your life is demonic but there's some of you in this place you know there are some demonic things going on because you can sense it you're sensitive you can sense the darkness you can sense the oppression you can sense the resistance you can see all the conflicts and the disunity going on in your team in your staff team in your volunteer and everyone is constantly fighting every time you want to have a prayer meeting that's when the fight breaks out every time you want to do this you and sometimes you can note demonic activities by patterns this happens your mom when they were 60 this happens your grandma when there were 60 you're now 60 you can see something's being happen like that this happens to your child when they're with that you you look you see when you see what kind of pattern something is going on and you have to be the one that says no this ends here this is no transfer to my children no more my bloodline is gonna be purified by the blood of Jesus and no curses that transfer to my children in the name of Jesus as a believer you have to take your authority if you don't do that the enemy is gonna keep messing your bouts bombad in your mind from bad in your emotions why you just sit in a corner and cry as opposed to arise and say no the enemy is not gonna have his way in my life this is my time for breakthrough and round up right now if the band can come up they'll be awesome Jesus rebuked his disciples do you know what happened next they got to the other side when they got to the other side Jesus delivered the guy that was bound by many demons and I just read this verse to round up after Jesus delivered this guy this is in chapter 5 verse 19 jesus said go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you what how he has had compassion on you and he departed and began to proclaim and Decapolis all that Jesus has done for him and they all marveled this is the guy that the fight was all about you know what it says this guy departed after he got delivered and it became a voice I became an evangelist pretty much he says in Decapolis you know what the capitalist means ten cities so this guy had revival in him for ten cities could it be that that's why the demons were binding him so much the devil does not go to fight where there are no spoils warfare often surrounds the birth of a miracle and the enemy wants to bind people who cold to bring deliverance to people so you might be in this place you feeling so bound by all kinds of darkness and addictions and you know there's some demonic activities going on I want to think about this could it be that the enemy senses that there's so much in you for generation and so he wants to bind you before you bind him he wants to hold you captive but God is like today is your day of deliverance today is your day to break through the disciples went through this storm and all along they thought the storm was about them but the storm wasn't about them the storm was about a guy on the other side some of you are going through difficulties right now and you think it's about you could it be that's not about you it's about who your culture impacts and look at you right now and there could be nations you're potent but there could be hundreds of thousands of salvations that's many come from your ministry and the enemy will try to show you down so that those salvations and I'll take place so the fight is not so much about you as it is about the souls that you're called to reach and oftentimes you can be so short-sighted and I realize the battle you're going through is actually bigger it's not just about you it's about generations it's a it's about the purpose of God and today I believe God wants to release hope into someone's dark situation and God wants the release of fight into someone that has lost their fight do you understand with me we're gonna pray [Music] oftentimes you can't exercise authority over an enemy that you're sleeping with if their areas of your life where there's darkness there's unforgiveness that's lost there's things that you know are sinful you can't begin to rebuke the enemy if you don't break agreement with those dark ways thoughts emotions so before we go into any declaration and pray right now I want to invite you to begin to submit yourself to the Lord by breaking agreement with darkness in your life out of your own mouth speaking remember what I said words are powerful don't just think it speaking out say father I confess this father I confess that father I confess this darkness I confess this thoughts I confess this negative emotion Lord I submit my emotions to you father I submit my by the way just repeat my words if you don't know what to pray say father I submit my mind to you father I submit my heart to you I declare that I am yours I am yours father have your way in me I break agreement with darkness every curse are spoken over myself I reverse them in the name of Jesus father I break agreements with the spirit of the age I break agreements with depression I break agreement with lost I bring a grim of perversion I break a grimille of any form of addiction in the name of Jesus father I confess every darkness and every sin right now I declare I am yours Jesus and your I refuse to be connected to that which belongs to the enemy I declare that my body is yours my mind is yours my heart is yours my emotions are yours fill me with the emotions of heaven fill mill the heart of heaven right now oh Jesus I surrender to you right now come on just pray your own words right now being a pray speak it out surrender yourself to the Lord right now now father we surrender we surrender to you Jesus we declare we're yours we're yours come on friends I want to begin a pray right now stick it out Lord I am yours Lord I am yours I have your my surrender my heart to you Jesus you're the Lord of my life yes yes Jesus reign in me Jesus reign in me Jesus reign in me Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now I want us to begin a release proclamations and declarations breaking chains breaking opposition breaking resistance whatever you identify as activities of Darkness I wanted you with your own words begin a stand against it even now in the name of Jesus as the music plays I want you to begin a speak right now in Jesus name that all chains be broken yes addictions be broken darkness be broken deception be broken in the name of Jesus we arise as the army of God and we declare and we decree that we will not be bound we will not be bound we live in freedom here on the Sun sets free is free indeed I declare freedom in the name of Jesus every emotional bondage every physical bondage every psychological bondage in the name of Jesus be broken right now I rise I arise in the name of Jesus and I speak freedom come on church come on come on release your words right now oh yeah [Music] there is power name of Jesus declare is sing it out [Music] oh Jesus to break every shape declarative break every chain break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PrayerStormTV
Views: 5,494
Rating: 4.9463086 out of 5
Keywords: James Aladiran, Prayer Storm, Spiritual Authority
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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