The Spirit Realm - James Aladiran

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I'd like you to give a massive River Church welcoming to our guest speaker today James the ladder on who is a leader of a ministry called prayer storm that is just seeing God raised up the church to be hungry for him in a new way and new levels so would you put a big big hand together and welcome James this morning bless you my friend let's father to you how many of you know Rob sharp so Rob is a good friend and he's based in Manchester which is where I'm based and the Rob has been running with me I don't know how long now maybe a couple years we've been a lot closer I've known him longer than that and he's actually he's been traveling the nation with us with a prayer stone we did a press Tonto last year in five cities and Rob was the part of that and Rob is just a great friend and courage' and just so much wisdom he carries and so it's just great to be here at his home Church and it's such an honor to be here and I want to say thank you to mark and the team for just welcoming me I've had such a great time out here yesterday men's meeting in the morning and the leaders meeting later on in the afternoon I think it was it's just been amazing I feel so welcome and I'm very excited about what the Lord is doing here this church just to hear the journey you've been on and all that God's been doing it's incredible and I know you we're all on a journey and I feel like I've come here today to just add some fire to the journey that God's been taking you on to just see some acceleration because that's one of the things that happens when you begin to seek God you step into a place of acceleration prayer accelerates things in the spirit realm and if you study the Bible very carefully you find out that a lot of angelic activities surround prayer there's a description Danielle where I said as Daniel was praying an angel was sent to him but it it makes it crisis and then being caused to swiftly he reached Daniel about certain time as Daniel was praying the angel was being caused to fly swiftly with a response and it just struck me in the fact that we don't really see a lot of what happens around us when we pray and a lot of what's going on the spirit I want to touch and some of that today but before I go on I just want to pray father I thank you for this church I thank you for what you're doing here and lord I thank you for the spirit of Revelation right now and father we just come against any kind of distractions and waits now seek to hinder what you're trying to do and I just speak to every heart just openness and freedom to receive the word and that the seed of the word that's planted in the hearts of your people today will not just remain a seed will grow and bear fruits much fruits of transformation of deliverance of change Lord let there be an impartation of a spirit of Prayer even in this place Lord this morning in Jesus name Amen my journey in prayer I started I don't know when but I do remember being in my you know my parents my parents and missionaries and brought me to church my dad led the church in Nigeria for a while okay by the way my dad is from Nigeria my mom's from Ghana I was born in my Barre I live in Manchester my son from Stockport okay so I was broken the church and you know we had devotional times at home and I remember times where my mum Wes you know will gather together oops well gather together to pray and we all had to pray one after the other and I absolutely hated those times like why why anyway just read you understand that me doing this is a bit of a miracle because I I've had a bit of a heart transformation now I want to encourage you parents in this place do not underestimate what your actions do to your children dinner instead understand make the impact of your life just the home because some people come to church and just do the church thing but not really living at home I don't want my kids to be more familiar with my preaching voice and my prayer voice if my Christian listen if your Christianity is not going to work at home don't bother exporting it so I remember walking into my mom's room maybe you know as a 10 year old nine year old and she's on her knees praying okay now I was not that in them like what's all this press stuff why'd you ask me to pray whatever but when I walked into room nice underneath and this happened many times okay she doesn't know what's happening with me because I'm seeing her knees but that's something that happens when you see someone doing something you know you should be doing you're not doing that brings conviction to you they should be doing it even though I don't really understand what's going on the fact that I'm always seeing my mom on the knees stirred something in me of a seed so I'm saying to parents in this wood do not underestimate your actions you don't know the impact you're having on your kids the fact that they say nothing does not mean they're taking nothing in so I want to be an example I've got two year old now I want to be an example to him I want I wanted to see also leave this thing out not just the church and by the way don't just expect the church to disciple your kids you know because they only spend a certain amount of time in church but you've got all the time with them at home as well as they spend most times in school so we need to be teaching in the Word of God and the things of the gospel otherwise the society would disciple them for us then we end up in a mess so I did always enjoy prayer and even right now as a speaker prayer can be very challenging now touching some of that later but um the Lord Jesus is still my heart to seek him and I had some encounters with God that really impacted me and as I've just been more aware of things in Scripture men and women of God I respect and admire through history it just becomes very clear to me there are no shortcuts to really get into know God I have to spend time with him in prayer so I remember when I was at university soft with University which is where Rob is at the moment doing some work with them I remember being there as a student and just making a lot of time to see God in prayer not because I wanted him to use me or because I want I wanted anything particularly from God because this is the this is the problem many of us seek God with an agenda in a way where the purpose of our fervency in prayer is a secondary consequence of a need we're having or crisis we're going through it God wants us to seek Him and we need okay but prayer is different when you don't just come with a grocery list but you actually come to encounter a person pray is a lot different when it's an encounter with a person than going through a list of things you want to ask that person to do for you because we come and say God do God now nothing wrong with that don't get me wrong my turn help you understand the foundation of why I am passionate by prayer it's not about the fact that I've got a list of things I'm about to ask God for it's about the fact that I want to encounter him and when I account to him I realized wow I need more of him the more of good you have the more of God realize you don't have so actually encountering him stirs up more hunger in the natural you eat and you're fool when when you're hungry you eating you from this spiritual realm the more you eat of God the hungry you get if you're really eaten because you can encounter God and just be satisfied yes you will be satisfied to an extent but they're still going to be a desire for more you're gonna want to go deeper so I'm thinking okay I read the scriptures I read by Moses I read by Evan Robertson what revival I read about Smith Wigglesworth I read about John Wesley Charles Finney I'm thinking all these men work walked in dimensions of God that is foreign to most of us today myself included something in okay well they were not super humans the Bible says of Elijah was a man just like me nothing extraordinary apart from the fact that he was a man with a passion he says he prayed fervently he prayed heartfelt prayers he didn't just pray casual praise listen a casual approach to prayer will produce casualties casualties out there because the church is not taking price seriously we just casually or whatever whatever Elijah prayed fervently prayers that don't move you will not be moving heaven if you're not moved by your prayer why is heaven gonna be move if you're not bothered you're just you're just going through it just saying oh yeah we are we're supposed to save you so I just say if it's not coming from your hearts why is happening gonna take it serious in prayer is more important to have a heart without words than words without heart some people just want to impress it one where how eloquently our God is the impressed by your eloquence God is not impressed of your prey in fact some prayers that Carrick that's sure and carry more weight because of the heart behind them a lot more effective now just long oratory prayers that just you know just just words just words just empty words I'm about depths and I'm about the the reality of the heart engaging and see that's what God's after we can't deceive God you see I can deceive you you can deceive me but we cannot deceive the spirit realm angels are watching demons are watching God is watching and the spirit realm is more real than this realm I'll touch another few moments so there's no point trying to deceive anyone let's just be real Lord my heart is not related okay Lord step my heart well if you don't feel hungry for God it's okay I don't the times I don't feel hungry for God I say Lord stir in me a hunger right now I want to be hungry making me hungry God you know wonder ways to get hungry too no eat one of the ways to get spiritually hungry is fasting I know that's not popular I think I may talk about fasting well just touching me briefly when you first it's not about trying to get God to do something for you actually it's more about quiet in your flesh so that your spirit is being fed I was talking some people yesterday and I was saying you know in the culture we live in right now we feed our flesh a lot more than we feed our spirit so you come to church a few hours maybe you might have your devotional time and most Christians don't some Christians don't out there and I think most Christians don't really have a consistent devotional life don't so if you take devotional a be Bible study here and there and all that pull all that together that's how much time you take in to feed your spirit your your flesh you're eating you're watching your entertainment you're having conversations that things going on and it's all geared towards your flesh the percentage of flesh and spirit it's clear that we feed our flesh a lot more than we feed our spirit so when they get into a battle guess who wins the one you've been feeding the most because what you feed grows and while you starve dies so if you want your spirit to be strong you feed your spirit and that's probably why fasting is powerful because you say no to your flesh Paul says I put my body under your body is not you your body is just your container the real you is spirit and I want to start this morning by just helping you understand some things because it's good to understand the foundation of why prayer is so important and why prayer is so powerful because there will be times when you will not feel like praying that many times I don't feel like praying but I understand enough revelation of the power of what goes on when I pray that my feelings did not get in the way of me spending time to pray because we are people who are called to live by faith not by feelings we live by faith not by feelings and you're called a believer not a feeler which means you don't live by your feelings you live by faith which tells me that times when you have to be in faith and your feelings are totally in opposition to what you are believing and standing on the ground for you might be declaring the word of God and truth over your body you're feeling sick and and everything then unnatural is contradicting everything you're saying well welcome to the life of faith eventually your feelings will catch up but it doesn't always catch up that's why you cannot be led by your feelings you have to be led by faith now I'm going to say in Genesis 1:26 because this gives us a picture of what happened in the beginning the Lord said let us make man in our own image that he will have our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing on the earth everything that creeps on the earth okay most of us will know that verse this became and this is right now a very significant statements versus evening words like God says says let us so the context is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit is saying let us make man okay let's make man and man it's mankind all of us let's make man in our own image okay so we are all made in the image of God God is a creator guess what you are creative because we carry the image of God okay so God then forms Adam Adam from the dust of the earth okay God forms Adams body Adams shell Adam was not in that shell that was his container the shell was nothing until God breathed into it so when God breathed into the shell what God released into the shell was spirit and soul because that was just body and because it came from God it's eternal the essence of spirit soul is eternal Italy you're not just a physical being listen you're not a physical being having a spiritual experience you're a spiritual being having a physical experience you don't have a spirit you are a spirit because your essence came from God see this war is that to understand why when you understand this it's just we be Clare why things are the way they are when Adam was created he walked with God in the cool of the day he talked to God he saw God God came down and they talked and it says Adam was naked and not shamed you know what that tells me Adam was most spirit conscious than physical conscious otherwise how could he walk with God top we've got see God and yet he was free it was naked in our shame because it was more spiritual conscious than physical conscious that's how God created us to be now without Adams body he will not be able to be on earth without your body you become an illegal spirit on the earth your body makes you legal so your body is useful we want yes I'm not trying to say the body is nothing and firstly our body makes us legal we're here because we have a body without body you're not I'm I reckon sense so God breathed life into Adam Adam becomes a living being Adam because most spiritual conscious the physical realm conscious God creates even all this stuff okay and then they're having a nice time in the garden and all that stuff okay now God did not create Adam to be an evangelist God did not create Adam to be a pastor God did not create Adam to be the man of God for the hour who is carrying the anointing for healing God created Adam for communion relationship that was the foundation God wanted to have relationship with something that look like him you created us and I it created us in His image so it's it's not about the external workings of ministry this becomes the foundation of our faith because this was God's original intention that we were being communion with him but then that obviously we know something happened after that Adam and Eve fell into sin now before sin came into the world it was spirit so body after same they became a reversal body soul spirits so right now we are more body conscious than spirit conscious but that's not to say the Spirit is not that most people have lost touch with their spirituality in the church and all we are doing is just religious activities we say it all the time Christianity is not about religion is about relationship well we need to ask ourselves are we really living in the reality of relationship while we're stuck and religious routines because relationship means there's a dialog relationship means I know him and he knows me I hear him he hears me relationship means I don't just come to you and I need him to do something for me I when I'm in trouble think about the relationships that mean the most to you right now they mean more to you right now because you've invested some time into them you've got history I cannot lay hands on you and give you my history with God you've got to build your own history of God he remembers Daniel Daniel prayed three times a day and we read the Book of Daniel and Daniel had some incredible spiritual encounters incredible now we read look at Daniel not realizing that was based on decades of walking with God decades not anything a bit radical for God is not going on a mission trip to some African country or whatever you know being ready for God isn't even going to some Christian conference and get excited or whatever being radical for good in my definition I think is remaining on fire and growing in your passion for God listen for decades anyone can get on fire for a moment it's easier to catch fire than it is to maintain fire you can catch fire and be on fire excited but you have to maintain that fire and mobile most people don't know how to maintain the fire we're excited for a moment but we need to raise up a generation our universities right now thinking 10 years from now I might be a lawyer I might be a doctor but our beam on fire for God then I am right now because I will stop this fire within me we have to build the principles in place Daniel was a guy who understood the principle of consistency in his diligence in seeking God and he saw got three times a day for decades and then he had every now and again and a major spiritual encounter I want us to understand that those spiritual encounters reading Daniel did not all happen one day after the other there were years of probably nothing happening and in feeling nothing so sometimes prayer is not going to feel like much is going on but if your spiritual eyes are open you see that there's a lot more going on then you can see and if your eyes were really opened you will never want to miss a prayer meeting you will never want to miss your own prayer meeting in your room if your eyes were really open to see what happens when you pray you will not want to miss that meeting we don't see what goes on Daniel is consistent and God gives them encounters that as significant we still talk about them today and you remember those as those there's a part of the story where Daniel was threatened not surprised because it was going to be thrown I think into the Lions Den and you know and he says he went into his room after the decree was released and he opened the curtain I think it was and he nailed down any prayed he says as was his custom he this is this is crazy Daniel has heard the decree that they're gonna pull and they're gonna keep it pretty much kill anyone who prays to another God Daniel here's the decree he didn't go home and pray more than he did in the previous years it is oh god I'm in crisis so he'd spend maybe another five hours in prayer god help me change the government hit him pray that you know why because he had decades of reserve prayer he had a history of God so the crisis was not going to get him to try to react anymore it's like well I've got my hatred I know God's for me I've got nothing to be afraid of most of us just ramped up the prayer when there's trouble how about you choose to build the history every day of your life with God and I said it yesterday I said show me the man that knows how to pray fervently without crisis and I'll show you the person that will solve the crisis when he arrives our fervency cannot be dependent on external things he has to be dependent on internal conditions of our heart in our communication with him when we look at Adam we begin to understand that God created Adam for communion and Adam is first and foremost a spirit been living in the earth body so when you die your body remains here but your spirit lives whatever ten billion years from now you're still going to exist because your essence in the essence of who you are your eternal your spirit it came from God it's it's God breathe it's the life of God that's why it never dies it's all a matter where you spend eternity but there is eternity for everyone it's crazy now I'm going to look at Hebrews 11:3 Hebrews 11:3 it says by faith we stand that the world were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were no made from things which are visible okay by faith we understand that the world the universe it says in this translation and breathing the universe were created by the Word of God so there are the things that we see was not made from things visible okay so just just just let's just meditate on the last few words they're the things that we see everything around us everything we see came out of things I like the new King James Version better if it's possible to gather up the things that we see came out of things and those things are tangible but not to the physical man those things as spiritual things the things that we see came out of Fame's on st. now he says in John God is spirit those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth now we know God created the universe so God from a spirit realm spoke physical world the nature everything we see into being you know that tells me his realm is superior to this realm because his realm creates it this realm so if you want to change things in this realm you don't change it in this realm by trying to change it in this realm you have to go to the root the spirit realm it's like this bottle cast a shadow you know the shadow is just a reflection of the real thing the shadow is not the real thing I don't try to move the shadow around by moving the shadow around I try to move the shadow by moving the real thing around you have to deal with the roots of the issue and the root of the issue it's in the spirit realm because the spirit realm is superior to the realm the fact that you don't see the angels does not mean they're not there many people don't believe in the spirit well I don't see angel I don't see well yeah just leave with the awareness that you don't believe isn't because you don't see them well then many things you believe you've no saint for example have you seen your brain someone told you you have a brain and you believe them but you haven't seen your own brain they're radio waves in this room right now but you can't see them if you had a radio receiver you'll be able to pick up already exists in the atmosphere that you couldn't pick up without the radio receiver so that's a picture of something spiritual there's a lot more going on than you can see before I came to the UK in 2001 my whole life I came here now 17 I never met an atheist my whole life never anyone who is Nigerian or African in this way probably tests firearms that translate I never met an atheist my whole life now there lots of people that don't believe in Jesus and don't follow God and you don't try to say but when you live in Nigeria and certain parts of the world like Africa and probably some other countries there is an awareness of the spiritual realm whether you're saved unsaved you know something exists now that people go into the witch doctors and that you know they know it it's evident everyone sees it they might believe in the wrong on the wrong side by the way prayer is powerful whether you're in the team of light in the kingdom of darkness because which is pray and they fast in fact remember song saying that when the plain ones and the person next to them was in each and in asking why you know it is over I'm a witch and we just fasting for listen which is fast then I'm a witch and we're fasting for marriages of Christian leaders to break apart they fast and they take this a lot more serious than we do because they understand the spirit realm where else we in the church just eating burgers and have a nice time listen prophets prophets prophets of the nature of John the Baptist are forged in the deserts of fasting on the deserts of feasting and they understand something about the spirit realm that we do not and I never meant a feast my whole life as I came to this country now in this country don't say the spiritual realm is not real it's just we are blinded you see it says in that Ephesians we don't wrestle against flesh and blood against principalities and rulers of darkness certain powers and rulers of darkness just know those words rulers of darkness when you're in the dark you do not see darkness is a picture of ignorance and what the enemy does is the rulers of darkness cover the minds of a whole generation and we're functioning in spiritual darkness and nowhere that we are spirit beings live in a physical body or not well the spiritual world and so we have bishops and leaders in the church that don't even believe this book you cannot tell me you're Christian and believe this book and not believe that spirit right that spirit realm it's impossible take everything that's connected to spirituality angels demons God speak inaudible voice take it out of this book and you have nothing left so to say your Christian is actually crazy to the person that does not believe in anything out there and you can't say you're really a Christian and not believe what I'm saying because this is real I'm not making it up the spirit realm is superior and influences this realm when God wants to do something on the earth he finds someone and this is why I'm trying to gauge understand why praise important Genesis 1:26 I read it - he says with less great man in our own image and this is the part that is significant let them have dominion God did not say let us have dominion he said let them mankind let them have dominion over the earth now obviously God created the earth now in saying that he delegated authority to us obviously we gave it away to the enemy and then Jesus came and got it back and we have the authority now but the point is he's given us the authority he says let them dominate the earth they're now responsible for the earth because they have been made in my they have been made in my likeness so have you ever considered why God did not interrupt the situation with the serpent deceived Eve because God was watching when the serpent was trying to deceive Eve why didn't God stop Eve from eating the fruit because that would have saved us a whole lot of mess God was watching Whiting gossip because if God interfered he would have violated his own word let them have dominion and that is why John Wesley said this God does nothing on earth except in response to believe in prayer for God to come and interfere in their affairs of man he finds a man that is an agreement with him the truth is the same on the negative side for the enemy to have his way on the earth it finds a man or woman that's also in agreement with him so they're agents on both sides urine agents or you're supposed to be like a spiritual agent of God everywhere you go releasing the kingdom of God by coming into agreement with God and that is why you cannot have authority over the enemy if you're in any form or way agreeing with him in sinful lifestyles whatever it is anything you do there is no disobedience to God you come into a grimmer of the enemy you cannot exercise God's full authority because your thank you I forget these things all the time thank you it's a hard job preaching you know well as ISO remind me now what was that yes we come into agreement with God through prayer on the other side the truth is the same now you got to understand the people on the negative side of this thing seem to understand a lot more about the powers they have than the Christians because they engage they engage in the spirit realm then gauge of all the craziness that they do and don't be deceived the enemy has power because jesus said that in Luke 10 I believe it says I give you authority to tread upon snakes and scorpions listen and all the powers of the enemy so that's saying he does have power but we've gotta thority that trumps that power because the Bible says we're seated in heavenly places for our principles and powers and guess what that means if we're seated in heavenly places with Christ the enemy is under our feet anything under your feet should not be dominating your head until we exercise that authority nothing happens actually the negative keeps going on it's kind of like Parliament you know the the those in Parliament the MPs and loads and all that they make laws that then becomes a law of the whole United Kingdom and everyone nowadays for example not smoke in certain places okay that became a law right the fact that the law was passed in Parliament does not mean the law is obeyed everywhere when we pray we do not pray from a place of defeat we are already victorious because he Jesus conquered Satan on the cross so we pray from a place of victory but the fact that Jesus won the victory on the cross does not mean the victory is manifested everywhere now the fact that the law has been passed in Parliament does not mean the law is manifested anywhere every and what does the government do the government puts in place or law and forces welcome to the Ministry of intercession the Minister of intercession is to take the victory of the cross and then forced our victory in every area of society because the enemy is rebellious until we rise up and enforce the victory nothing happens because he's gonna keep doing until you and I rise up and saying no more not a shift because we deal with things from the source the route and that is in the spirit realm not in the natural that is why we start to understand the power of prayer we start to understand why we are called to be people who influence spiritual atmosphere now I've known enough times I'm going to round up in a few moments now now a few things start to happen when you pray and when you really start to engage with God see when you make up your mind that you want to be a man or woman a prayer one of the first things you're going to commit against this yourself the flesh that is even more than a devil that's your biggest obstacle and that's my biggest obstacle when you get when you want to pray you know all these distractions on your mind or the and for most people they don't go past the distractions it just battle in the realm of the distractions and you don't break through into the realm way you're really communing with God and connecting with God sometimes it might take five minutes some time I take hours to break through the realm of it and that is your flesh that is why you find pray hard because you're battling with the flesh but when you learn to really break through in that battle and this is why if you pray in tongues tongues is a powerful weapon of prayer and if you don't do that if you don't pray in tongues I'm sure that people here that would like to pray for you for that because I believe God wants to baptized every one of us with the spirit to pray in tongues it actually does help your prayer life when you learn to break through that realm it it becomes a lot easier to pray is kind of like going up a hill you pushing this thing up the healing is kind of hard but when you get to top of the hill and you kind of get down it's just so easy and it's like that sometimes in the spirit so when you get your MA trying to praying loud this is how it it's not God it's your flesh it's not God that's making me hard it's you that it's your flesh that's in the way and you have to break through many people don't break through in prayer they just struggle and struggle you know you can't worry and worship at the same time when you really engage things just fall off I know what it is to engage I know what it is to hit the target so to speak and my heart is engaged because I go into prayer with these weights and I come out feeling like a giant well they times I've gone in feeling whimpers and come out feeling wimpish because I have not broken through you have to learn how you break through in prayer get some worship or whatever it is you have to stay that on to you briefly and sometimes we give up too easy so this is how this is how Lord where you where I'm telling you if you were to see what's going in the spirit realm you will not want to leave that spot because you're not feeling anything does not mean nothing's going on I want to share your story this happened to my wife and I in December we were traveling to America a Manchester Airport and we go into the airport and check there and all that stuff and you know as we came through I saw the sign for the prayer room I said to my wife we need to go in there and pray so we went in there and I just felt stirred to take authority there so this is how we pray father in the name of Jesus we arise to establish a legal right and dominion over this region because we live in this place Oh father will recalibrate the spiritual climate of this room and we're declaring that's people step into this place their eyes open up to the truth of the gospel father we declare the light rains in this room and all darkness is dispelled because it's always religious symbols everywhere and I'm saying Lord let this room be a place of encounter and salvation in all we're doing we're taking charge of the atmosphere because that's what we call to be we finish praying we came out of the prayer room there's a piano there I feel like a playpen I feel like playing so we found out the piano is connected to the coffee shop so I said okay Marvin ask them you know what's the pen for they said if you play the piano you get a free drink I was like that's it that's grass I'm okay I'll play us out with my wife sings this I welcome if your wife sings and you play you both get free drinks that's like great so my I'm sharing this for a reason we just come out of the prayer room okay okay anyway we just gonna have the prayer room my wife sings like loud you just sing a worship song and she just sang this song and I played and it was amazing people collapsed and died of that so at the end it and the coffee shop guys really liked it so they said well that was really good and amazing if you do another song for us we'll give you a free breakfast so we did another song another worship song I think cause one thing remains with you the second time and again people are stopping and watching and you know and because it's a grand piano and there's no microphone my wife is like singing loud it's not like just some wimpish kind of singing she's like just belting it out and singing loud and people are stopping by and watching and all that she finishes and everyone runs of applause everyone is clapping to know okay so it finishes we got a free breakfast we get on the plane and we fly into Florida seven hour flight or so okay before we flew fog on the plane I decided to upload the video to my Facebook page so I pointed it to my facebook page and we go on a seven hour flight I got to Florida turn on my Facebook on the Wi-Fi whatever and the video in seven hours it had 17,000 views that doesn't happen to me really hell that is happening that's not usual so we're both going what's the deal what's going on and we're looking at people's comments and so on saying oh I just heard about this video on you CB radio and you know I just have to check it out and you know people said wow this is so crazy and this is so bold and you know and we were just amazed about how that just exploded and people were just sharing it and a lot of the comments where based on the fact that they were saying these guys are so bold just worship a non ashamed and then my friend I were thinking well we didn't feel like we're them bold we just felt like we're just being us and then we realized the reason why we were able to do that with such boldness is because we took authority over the atmosphere and we were not coming under the spirit of intimidation we've taken authority in the atmosphere and we were there just plain and booming it was just like em I said why should I be ashamed of singing or worships and some Christians will go on that same opportunity and sing another song a secular say oh I don't want to sing worship know the presence of God is attractive why don't I hide it I'm gonna release it when America at the conference and my wife gets a message from someone saying I've just been weeping watching this video and I've given my heart to Jesus do you have more worship like this someone ends up being saved from something that we just thought was just a nice opportunity to just you know play it's crazy and this that's to make me think more what would happen if you start to take authority more in your workplace in your home yes your kids may be rebelling for you at the parent in their home by God's standard you don't encourage the authority you can decree words you may not see the instant manifestation but do not let the fact that you're not in an instant and infestation stop you from releasing the decree remember Daniel he prayed and when he prayed the answer did not come that day 21 days later an angel came and said there was battle in the heavens well you don't know what's going on around you so don't stop praying the reason why the angel came with the response of Daniel spirits because Daniel did not give up reign precedent decree in the word of the Lord whether you see it in the natural don't you stand on the truth of God's Word and you do not let go so I want to challenge you with this what would happen if you start to take the authority God's given you and begin to use it and force the victory of the Cross in your school in your workplace and everywhere in your family things going on you know people who would just see you can running though right now and we're going to pray you can face some situations and if you're not discerning you could be praying for God to help but you're dealing with the fruits and not the root that's why it's important to pray for the spirit of Revelation because when you pray from a place of inspiration and revelation you deal with the root of the matter not just that at workings of the things you're seeing in the surface so I want to challenge even when you're praying into situations ask the Lord father war is the route how can I be more focused because you can pray amiss we want prayers that have an impact and results that's why we need to pray intelligently passionately with faith in the spirit by revelation all these things very important around up with this statement having said all of that print of authority understanding why pray is important in all that has done for me the Ministry of actually not for me from wise in Scripture the ministry of prayer and intercession is not for some old ladies at the back of the church as much as intercession is a big part of prayer Communion and intimacy is the foundation what gets me going and praying for revival in the nation contending for God's movie is more than my desire for revival I am desiring him a moment done my desire for whatever else I'm desiring him so when the revival or the thing I'm desiring to see breaker and is delayed in a way where I am no expecting it to be because I want to see the breakthrough I am still sustained in intimacy and not burnt out because that is the foundation of my prayer not trying to get him to do what I want him to do are you with me this is very very important and when you think about the fact that Jesus intercedes the Holy Spirit intercedes two thirds of the Godhead intercede do you want to tell me prayers no big deal in the heart of God this is the highest calling of the believer the Ministry of worship and intercession is not just for some people oh yeah you're gifted you just do it at the back of the church you cannot outsource prayer oh yeah you just do all our prayer for us and we just kind of live however one hour we just do you pray for us and we not yes we can pray for each other but you've got to still have your own walk with God
Channel: PrayerStormTV
Views: 21,047
Rating: 4.8781724 out of 5
Id: KsTlx1Rm_S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2016
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