FBI Manhunt! I'll Get You 1952 | Film-Noir | George Raft, Sally Gray, Patricia Laffan | Full Movie

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Berlin, a city divided, where the frequent disappearance of prominent West Berliners and the recent abduction of a scientist from the American sector resulted in mass demonstrations. This is how it was done. Clues bearing out eyewitness accounts were his spectacles and along the route of the kidnappers' car, one of his shoes, lost or kicked out on the way to the Soviet zone border. However, this was only part of a pattern. A similar incident occurs in London. In New York City, Dr. Andre Halas, a prominent designer of jet planes, was picked off a sidewalk. This was followed by the disappearance of Steven Rossi, Dr. Halas' production expert, where our story begins. Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Welcome to England, we hope you have a very pleasant stay here. There are certain formalities to be completed. Will you follow me, please, this way? -Are you sure about that? -Yes, I remember distinctly. A gray hat and a dark blue coat, because when I hung them up, he… Hello, Alan speaking. Yes. All right. They've been through the hangars and buildings, there's no sign of him. Overseas passenger missing, sir. Got off, didn't reach immigration. -Did you cover the airport? -Yes, sir. He's nowhere on the field, he got away. Scotland Yard, please. Inspector Reid here. Oh, yes, Bryce. Why didn't they? Never mind, go on. What are they running down there? An immigration control or a game of hunt the missing alien? What? Of course, we'll have to find him. Well, give me particulars. No, wait a moment. -Yes, sir. -Tell Phillips to come in, please. Yes, sir. All right, go ahead. Name? Rossi, R-O-S-S-I. Yes. All right, Bryce, we'll take care of it. I'll be with you in a moment. Information room, please. Information room. Yes, sir, go ahead. Yes, sir, I've got it. Two, three, and four, F eight to ten. Yes, sir. M2GW, calling cars T for Tommy three and four. Cars F for Freddie eight to ten. Message eight-two begins, converge London Airport. Examine the airline… Apprehend and detain fugitive alien Steven Rossi, height five feet, 11 inches, wearing dark green. Thanks a lot, bye. -Afternoon, sir. -Hello, Scotch and soda. Yes, sir. -Is Bailey around? -I'm Bailey, sir. I think we have a mutual friend. Oh, who's that, sir? Michael Grand. When he was in the States, he told me I could contact him through you. -Mr. Grand? -Yes. Oh, yes, sir. Do you know how I can reach him? I'm afraid I don't, sir. He's not been in lately. Sorry I can't help you, sir. So am I, for I'm afraid I only have American money. Don't bother, your drink's on the house. -Thanks. -Your check, sir. Thanks again. Wait for me, will you? Pardon me, I didn't mean to disturb you. That's all right, come on up. What do you want? I'm looking for a Michael Grand. I've never heard of him. Why did you come here? I was given this address. Who gave it to you? A bartender. Well, I don't know a Mr. Grand. Anything else you want? -Money. -Go ring somebody else's bell. I mean, English money. -I'd like to get this changed. -Why don't you change it yourself? It just seems to be a little difficult for me. Are you an American? It just happens to be difficult. I could probably get it changed. -Swell. -It's not going to be easy. You've got to know the right people and even then… Yes, I understand. Do you want anything else? Yes, I'd like a hat and coat this size, but a different shape and color. -What's wrong with those? -Look, I'm in a hurry. You can get yourself a coat as a bonus. Now you're being much nicer and I like nice men. Talking about men, are you sure you don't know Michael Grand? I told you I didn't. You better turn around while I put my dress on. He must've had a lift from the airport in a private car. None of the bus drivers recognized the description. Well, it is pretty vague. The host is still our bet, sir. -Any news from the States? -They're checking, sir. They'll radio details and a photograph soon. Good, when the photo comes through, ask all the newspapers to run it with: "Have you seen this man?", the usual stuff. -Luckily, we'll make the morning editions. -Right, sir. -That's all, Bryce. -Yes, sir. You may have come down to help me. -Sorry, I didn't expect you back so soon. -You have a taxi outside, remember? That's yours. Do you know something? I don't know your name. -Steve. -Hi, Steve. -What is that, part of the bonus? -Just a little extra treat. I knew you wouldn't mind. -Can I have the rest of it? -It's nearly a full bottle. I mean, my money. Oh, I forgot. This doesn't fit badly at all. I said you could buy yourself a coat, but I didn't mean a mink. Are you suggesting? Yes. Well, it's expensive to change money that way. Not that expensive. Come on, give me the rest of it. Come on. That's better, thanks. What's your hurry, you haven't had your drink? I have to go and find my old friend Grand. You know the funny thing about drink, even a little tiny one, is what it does to memory. -Does it? -It does to mine. For instance, I can vaguely remember something I thought I forgot. Do you mean something like an address? Could be. What would make your mind less vague, more gin? No, darling, not gin. You're sweet. Now I remember, it was Kingston House, number 20, Kingston Road. What's the hurry? You can go there later. Sorry, I have a lot of other bells to ring today. Taxi! Where to, sir? Eighteen Kingston Road and take the short way. Okay, boss. Keep the change. Thanks, boss. The short way always pays best, I say. Is this Michael Grand's apartment? Yes. I was just leaving but do come in. Was Mr. Grand expecting you? Sort of, we didn't have a definite appointment. -Are you his? -I'm Joan Miller. Oh, his secretary? Yes, what did you want to see Mr. Grand about? It's a private matter. It's all right, you may tell me. Thanks, but I'll wait for Mr. Grand. I don't know when he'll be back. I'll wait. Cigarette? Thanks. -Have you been in England long? -No, I… It's very nice. -Do you know Mr. Grand well? -Well enough. Did you meet him abroad? You ask a lot of questions, Miss. Miller. That's a secretary's job, Mr.? What did you say your name was? I didn't mention it. How can I be sure you're Mr. Grand's friend? How can I be sure you're his secretary? Well, if you don't tell me your name, I can't give him a message. You don't have to. I'm staying here until Mr. Grand gets back. Suppose I told you he wasn't coming back. -What? -Look around for yourself. This is a furnished flat, and all there is here is the furniture and myself. Satisfied? -Where is he? -Don't you know? I'm asking you. Not very politely. All right, I'm sorry. Tell him Steve Rossi wants to talk to him. Steve Rossi. Now you're being sociable, Mr. Rossi. Hello, this is Joan Miller. Yes, everything's under control. I have a visitor, an American. His name's Rossi. Steve Rossi. Yes, he's with me now. Yes, I'll do that. No, I can manage perfectly, thank you, bye. -He's waiting for us. -Call him back and tell him to come here. I'm not leaving this apartment. -Why not? -Never mind why, do as I say. No, Mr. Rossi, you'll do as I say. What is that for? To stop any further argument. You better be careful. You might hurt somebody. I might easily. I knew of a couple of fellows one time that… -Hey! -Go on about your friends, Mr. Rossi. -What happened? -Never mind. -It doesn't matter. -Are you ready? The back door, if you don't mind. -Do you drive? -Only on the right side of the road. Just remember, in this country left is right. Get in, please. It's straight on. -Good afternoon, miss. -Good afternoon, Gregson. The gentleman's to go straight in. Right. Good afternoon, Mr. Rossi. My name is Wilkes. -It's nice of you to come. -Your secretary was insistent. Yes, she's charming, isn't she? Won't you sit down? Thanks. Now, Mr. Rossi, what were you doing in Mr. Grand's flat this afternoon? I think that's my business. Who are you, anyway? If you don't mind, for the moment, I'll ask the questions. It'll make things easier for both of us. What were you doing there? I wanted to talk to Michael Grand. What makes you think he would want to talk to you? -He made me a business proposition. -You've met him before then? Yes. What was the proposition? Why don't you ask him? I'm unable to reach him at the moment, unfortunately. However, I might be able to help you. What was the proposition? He offered me a job in Europe. -A job, doing what? -The same thing that I do in the States. That is? Production designer for Alliance Aircraft Corporation. Alliance Aircraft, that sounds familiar. Oh, yes. Isn't that where Dr. Halas was working when he disappeared? That's right. Were you going to accept Mr. Grand's offer? Yes, I was. How do the Alliance people feel about that? Well, I can't tell you where to contact Mr. Grand at the moment, but I might in a day or two. Where are you staying in London? I haven't found a place yet. Let me arrange it for you. -Yes, sir. -Send Miss. Miller in, please. Yes, sir. You might run into all kinds of trouble unless you let me handle it. Now, Joan, I'd like you to have Mr. Rossi as a guest for the night. Look after him carefully and bring him to the gallery early tomorrow morning. Can you manage that all right? -Yes, sir, if you want me to. -Thank you. Wait a minute, don't I have anything to say? I'm afraid not, Mr. Rossi. Unless you want to forget about meeting Mr. Grand and go back to the States. -I could arrange that instead. -Okay, what have I got to lose? At least she's prettier than a lot of landladies I've known. Goodbye, Mr. Rossi. After you. Roscoe, make copies of this picture for our information sheets in all the newspapers. Very good, sir. Straight on. This way. Well, why not use the elevator? It's out of order. You ought to move to a lower floor. The lift usually works. Come one step closer and I'll scream. I'm a small-town boy, a woman's never locked me in before. -Don't let me give you any wrong ideas. -No? I'm just making sure I can deliver you in the morning. No bars on the windows? It's a long way down. Yes, I remember walking up. Quite a nice place you have here. I should've known you played football, which one is you? Third from the left is my brother. He's in Malaya. I don't smoke his pipes either. What do you do for relaxation? Tear up telephone books. Are you hungry? -Yes. -Good. You surprise me, I think you're a very good cook. I have a lot of other good qualities too. You must tell me about them sometime. There's no time like the present. Come one step closer and I'll scream. Okay, you win. Oh, this couch feels good. Don't get too comfortable, you're sleeping in the bedroom. I'm sleeping on that. Over my dead body. That's what it will be if there's any sleepwalking. Remember, I'll be between you and the door. -I thought you were beginning to trust me. -I do, as long as my eyes are on you. Lovely eyes they are too. You remind me of a girl I once knew in Peoria. A lady wrestler. -You must tell me about her sometime. -Maybe I will. After you've done the dishes. Well, sir? It'll do. It'll be all over the country in the morning papers. It should get results. Perhaps, but we can't wait for the public to do our work. I want the search on tonight. He's got to eat and sleep, let's not make it easy for him. I understand, sir. Ian, I've seen him. -Seen who? -This bloke Scotland Yard's looking for. What will you do about it? For now, I'll have my tea and think about it. How's it going? Fine, bacon and egg coming up. Good, I'm very hungry. -Come and get it. -Forget it, you mean. -What's wrong? -Your press notices. I take a good picture, don't I? As you're admiring yourself, my pop-eyed neighbor is busily phoning Scotland Yard. We've got two minutes to get out of here. Of course, I'm sure, Inspector. I saw him go into her flat last night and he hasn't left since. No, I'm a very light sleeper. -It isn't working. -Naturally. Try and get rid of them. Oh, I'm so glad you're here. I'm the lady on the telephone, is he dangerous? One isn't safe anywhere these days, is one? -Which floor, miss? -The eighth. The lift isn't working, you'll have to use the stairs. -All right, miss. -Do be careful. Come on. Nice work. -You drive, I'll tell you where to go. -Okay. Where are we? The Tate Gallery. Do they serve good coffee here? Good morning, sir. Good morning, Joan. -Good morning, Mr. Rossi. -Hello. You're early. Police came in for coffee, so we left them to have it alone. You slept well, Mr. Rossi? I slept very well. Well, I had a rather busy night. Contacting Grand? No, contacting Alliance Aircraft Corporation. -Are you checking up on me? -Yes. -Satisfied? -Quite. I'm afraid we shan't be very helpful in finding Mr. Grand for you, but you might help us. Us, who's us? British intelligence, Mr. Rossi. Cloak and dagger boys. Nothing so romantic, I'm afraid. Just routine, but we are rather busy at the moment. Doing what? Looking for people. People like Dr. Halas, who disappeared from the States, and other scientists who disappeared from other countries. -What does that have to do with me? -Oh, quite a bit. You're looking for Grand and so are we. Sadly, some of these men are being moved through England by means of an underground route. Underground route? Our friend Grand is the man in charge. Don't you know where he is? We're also handicapped as we don't know what he looks like. Silly, isn't it? Fortunately, you've come along, and you do know. It is fortunate, isn't it, Joan? Yes, sir. So? Now that you know what Grand is, maybe you won't accept his offer. If I don't? Help us instead, then your trip won't have been entirely in vain. Yes, there's something in what you say. You will work with us then? I'm afraid that wouldn't be smart. I went through a lot to get my picture in the paper so Grand would notice. You've succeeded admirably. I think you're the most notorious man in England this morning. If I work alone, he'll contact me or let me contact him. It sounds sensible, but be careful. Our man who traced him to his flat at Kingston House was found floating in the river. Quite a man, Grand. Quite. -Good luck, Mr. Rossi. -Hey, wait a minute. -Won't you let her go with me? -I thought you said you wanted… That's what I said, but I don't know London and she does, and maybe I like someone to hide behind. Do you feel like being hidden behind, Joan? Not particularly, sir. I expect you'll get used to it. It looks like you're stuck with me, come on. Okay, you go and find out what the porter has to say. Won't you come with me? A woman can find out more from a man than another man can. All right, I won't be long. You better keep that classic profile away from the windows. All right, I'm coming. -Yes, miss. -Good morning. -Good morning. -I believe you have a flat vacant. We haven't had a vacant flat since the war. Oh, I understood that number 34, I think it was, is vacant. Thirty-four, that's Mr. Collinson's. I thought Mr. Grand had it. Oh, him, no, that was just a sublet. He left suddenly. Really, why? I don't know, I never saw him to find out. I never saw him at all, as a matter of fact. Do you happen to have his address? Let me see. Yes, I think so. -You might try Miss. Brookes. -Miss. Brookes? Yes, she rented the place for Mr. Grand in the first place and has the right to sublet. -Do you happen to have her address? -Yes, I think so, just a minute. Yes, here it is. Miss. Irma Brookes, the Elite Secretarial Bureau, 7 Red Lion Square. Thank you so much. Miss. Irma Brookes. This calls for a man to do the questioning. I know, a man can get more information from a woman than another woman could. You catch on fast. -Good luck. -Thanks. -Yes, sir. -I'd like to see Miss. Brookes. Yes, sir, and your name? Steve Ro… Steven Miller. One moment please, Mr. Miller. -Will you come in please, Mr. Miller? -Thank you. -Miss. Brookes. -Yes, oh, do sit down, Mr. Miller. Thanks. Now then, what can I do for you? I'm looking for a Michael Grand. Grand? Michael Grand? I think you did some secretarial work for him. Well, it's possible, but I don't recognize the name. You also rented a furnished apartment for him, 34 Kingston House. Oh, yes, I remember now. -Do you know where I can find him? -Yes, in America. -Are you sure? -Of course, I'm sure. He asked me to take care of his apartment while he was away. I came all the way from the States to see him. In that case, why not get in touch with his office? They might be able to help. -Do you know where that is? -Well, it was a number 10 Red Street. -Number 10 Red Street? -Yes. Thanks a lot. Not at all. Goodbye, Mr. Miller. Goodbye, Miss. Brookes. Hello? Oh, yes, I was expecting him. What? That wasn't very wise, you shouldn't have done that. I will now have to take care of Mr. Rossi. No, it will be all right. Goodbye. Are you sure that's the place? She said number 10 Red Street. He can't possibly have an office in there. The kind of work he does, he doesn't need an office. Steve. Be careful. Thanks. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I want to talk to you. Come to the room two floors up. Right. All right, Grand, I'm here. Go closer to the window and stand in the light, please. That's better. I'm sorry I can't offer you a chair. That's all right, I didn't come here to sit down. What did you come for? To accept your offer. What made you change your mind? I thought it over and I can use the money. What a pity you did not decide that at once. Why, isn't the job still open? Oh yes, the job is still open, but not, I am afraid, to you. Your story has a slightly artificial quality. I wouldn't say that, I came over here to contact you. You've attracted too much attention doing it. I'm not anxious to have people who are in the public eye. You know I can't go back to the States now. There, Mr. Rossi, I agree with you. How many people did you tell about coming here to see me? I haven't told anyone. You know I'm wanted by the police. Besides, I'm the only person who knows who you are. That, Mr. Rossi, is one person too many. Max! Steve. Steve, are you all right? I guess so. Oh, Steve. You are a woman after all. I thought you were hurt. Would it make any difference? Possibly, I'm beginning to like this job. Only the job? -I spotted the driver. -What was he wearing? -A green hat and light coat. -It's our friend, Grand. His number was RPG five, something rather, I couldn't get the rest. Come on. -How long to get back to Miss. Brookes? -Not long, depending on the traffic. -Why? -I can walk in on her before Grand calls. -She'll be mighty surprised. -So? Surprised people sometimes say the right thing at the wrong time. It's okay, she's expecting me. What? Why, you're back again, Mr. Miller. Did I surprise you, Miss. Brookes? I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. It's a nice office Mr. Grand has. I've never been there. If you do go, stay on the first floor. -Oh, excuse me, please. -Surely. Hello? No, I'm busy now, I can't now, I'll ring you back. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Miller? No, I don't think you can. You've been very helpful. I'm sorry to interrupt, Miss. Brookes, but Mr. Fowler has been waiting, and he's getting very impatient. That's all right, I was just leaving. How'd you get along? Not bad, at least I gave her something to think about. -What do we do while she's thinking? -Sit here and wait till she comes out. -Then? -She's worried and may want to see Grand. He was here when you rang, yes. I must talk to you. No, not on the phone. I'm coming right away. There she is. -Let's go. -Not yet. Let's give her a little bit of a head start. What do we do now? A woman at the hairdresser's could take a long time. I'll go in and have a look. You'll look a little conspicuous in there, I'd better go. Don't take your eyes off that door. With you away, I've got eyes for nothing else. -Mr. Louis is ready for you now, madam. -Thank you. This way. Yes, madam. I want a manicure. I'm sorry, madam. I'm afraid there's no one free and we'll be closing soon. -If you'd like to make an appointment. -Well, I must get them done today. I'm going out tonight and it's a special engagement. Look, be a dear, and find someone who'll stay behind for a few minutes. I'll make it worth their while. Well, if it's so important. Important? I'm having dinner with my boss. My dear Miss. Brookes, I put myself through considerable inconvenience to keep the appointment you made for me with our friend. You said on the phone it would be okay and you'll take care of everything. I will if we have another appointment. In the meantime, he'll be trouble, he knows I'm involved. I'm worried, and I'm not going on like this. Oh, there you are, madam, I was looking for you. -I didn't realize how late it was getting. -Your manicure? Sorry, I can't keep my boss waiting, some other time. -Did you see them? -Who? -Brookes and Grand. -No one came out. -I heard them talking in there. -Nobody came out since you went in. -They must have. -They didn't come out the front way. Look, RPG 514. That's the car that nearly hit us in Red Street. That's right, let's go. Excuse me, there's no parking here. We're just leaving. You have been parked. I'm very sorry, Constable, it won't happen again. All right, miss. Just a minute, miss. Step out, will you, please? You too, sir, please. Scotland Yard special branch. This is Inspector Hobson, K Division. Inspector Reid, please. When he comes back tell him that Steven Rossi, the fugitive alien has been brought in. Yes, I'm holding him here at Hammersmith. No trouble, but he was armed. All right, goodbye. Inspector, that gun belongs to me. -Well, have you a permit? -Yes. May I see it, please? I haven't got it with me. Well, I'm sorry, I'll have to hold you for harboring and assisting a fugitive. Is there anyone you want to be informed? -Can I have a pencil and paper, please? -Certainly. Do you have any proof? Just ring that number and ask for Colonel Wilkes. We won't be here much longer. I hope you're right. No reply, I'm afraid you'll have to wait till Inspector Reid gets here. -When will that be? -Sometime this evening. He's on his way back from Liverpool. Sergeant. -Sir. -Lock them in detention and be careful. -The man's a tricky customer. -Yes, sir. This way please. This wouldn't have to happen, I'm sure it was the car too. If we ever leave here we'll have to find the owner of those license plates. Irma Brookes. Sir. We found this in what was left of one of his pockets. MG, I wonder. Just a minute. Recognize them, sir? No, but I know someone who may. All orders on Steven Rossi, fugitive alien, are canceled. He is now being held at Hammersmith police station. Repeat, all orders on Steven Rossi, fugitive alien, are canceled. He is now being held at Hammersmith police station. I'd like to help you, Colonel Wilkes, but I can't release a wanted man to help you in a private game of your own. Not entirely my own. He might help to clear up a case in Scotland Yard. What case is that? One that happened a short time ago, two bodies found in a burning car. What's he got to do with it? You're going to be upset, Inspector, but, Rossi, besides being a wanted alien, is also an agent of the American FBI. -What? -Yes, I've checked it. They're also interested in Mr. Grand. Rossi was on his trail in the States, working undercover as an engineer at the Alliance Aircraft Corporation. -How do you know this? -The FBI has confirmed it. He's been after Grand over here. Does he realize he's had police across the country working excessively to find him? I think he does. Well, why couldn't he have let the Yard know, we'd have cooperated. Why enter the country illegally and give us all this trouble? The trouble meant publicity and publicity would tell Grand quickly that he was here. -The commissioner will raise the roof. -I think he'll understand. May I have Mr. Rossi, Inspector? -Very well. -Thank you. How about the girl? -She says she works for you too. -Does she? Then perhaps I'd better have her as well. Shall we wrap them for you now or deliver them later? I'll take them now, you can charge them to my account. May I ask where you're taking them? Certainly, why don't you join us? We're going to the morgue. That's Miss. Brookes, all right. -Well, is it Grand? -I don't know. What do you think? I think the burning car was very convenient. Do you mean Grand planted someone in the car to sidetrack us? Quite possibly. He did a good job. The body is too far gone to really make sure. The Brookes woman was working for him, why should he do that? Pity, Brookes might've given us a lead. She has, she lead us to the hairdresser's. That shop may tie in with his organization. -I'll get a warrant and we'll search it. -No, Grand may hear of it and leave again. Let him think his trick worked. Nothing stops Joan and I from going to have a quiet look. -Do you think Dr. Halas is there? -Maybe. You'd have to break in and that's highly irregular. Risky, too. Unless the constable on the beat happens to be looking the other way. A cup of tea, please. Will you oblige me with a light please? -Help yourself. -Thank you. -Well? -I waited outside the mortuary. They finally came, and Rossi was with them. -Rossi? -Yes, and the girl. All friendly as you please. Were they indeed? If he's been arrested, he certainly didn't look like it. Rossi knows me. Taking him in there, it's quite possible they might guess. Guess what? That I am not a corpse after all. I think I better leave the country for a while. How about me and the others? You'll drive your taxi and let the others continue their normal activities. You'll get further instructions. How about Albert? I'm just going over to the shop to arrange for our departure. Once again, we shall be traveling companions. This time in the final stage of his journey. -Good night, Max. -Good night. Having trouble? This key is no good. Loan me your gun. Where was Miss. Brookes talking to Grand from? This way. I was in there, they were in here. By the time I climbed to the top to take a photograph of him, they'd gone. They didn't come out the front. Let's take a look in this booth. That back wall might lead somewhere. Sounds like there's an opening here. There's usually a concealed button or spring. Wait, didn't you say they turned on the hairdryer before they disappeared? -Yes, she switched it on. -Hold it. I don't want anything to happen to you. That isn't the answer. It looks like we're not getting anywhere. Just a second. Something's burning. It seems to be coming from down there. Here, put that out. He got away, but at least he won't be able to use this part of the escape route anymore. This looks like a job for the experts. Weather and other details permitting, Albert should leave here on Tuesday. Albert, it's not a very original name. I refer to Dr. Halas. If Albert is Dr. Halas, he's still in this country. What else is there? Sunday, that's today, we better get on the move. -Anything else? -Well, the rest was too badly damaged. Some could be patched, but it'll take time. Lights, please. It's three o'clock now, we've got nine hours left. -Oh, we may have less time than that. -What did your radioman say about his set? He must have transmitted through a relay station. The range of his set was at most three miles. Only three miles. That's the area of its range. -Martin. -Yes, sir. Remember Operation Net during the war? I want the same for this area, but undercover. Every alien living or working there must be checked. -His habits, his friends. -Right, sir. -Bryce. -Sir. You have a description of Grand from Mr. Rossi? -Yes, sir. -Let's cover all rail, sea, and airports. Being extra careful of anyone traveling with a sick friend. Good, sir. Even Mr. Grand will find it difficult to escape by air. No difficulty getting in. Please don't upset Inspector Reid again. Well, I still say it was irregular. Well, that covers all the details. Check with the aliens' registration office and then take the area street by street. Don't miss a single house or room. Do your best with the description you've got. Don't forget the day poster, no passports are needed for them. Now, what do we have in this area? There are four embassies. One, two, three, four. Shipping here, the river, West India dock, Millwall dock. The embassies, indeed. Any one of them would be glad to gain the knowledge and services of Dr. Halas. Each with a powerful transmitter on the premises. You have a point there, Reid. Give me Major Andrews, the War Office. Let's see if any of those embassies have had unusual visitors lately. I'll be in the next room. I want to see what my assistant is doing. Asleep on the job? You'll never make a good detective. You forgot, you slept last night, but I didn't. I had to be a watchdog. It wasn't my idea. Next time, I'll do the cooking and get some rest. Will there be a next time? What's happening? Colonel Wilkes is on the phone, Reid is listening in. Wheels are starting to turn. Well, I might as well go back to sleep. I wouldn't do that. -Why not? -I like you with your eyes open. They're much prettier that way. I never knew the FBI taught its agents to speak like that. We also learn that actions speak louder than words. Feeling refreshed, Joan? Yes, sir, I mean, no sir. In asking about strange visitors to the four embassies we found that the air attache of one had been making strange visits himself. Where to? A cheap seamen's hotel down in the city, quite near the river. Perhaps you'd better go and take a look. However, there are certain precautions we should take. I think I know what you mean, Colonel. -Will you come with me please, Mr. Rossi? -Right. Well, how do I look? Fine, I can almost smell the sea air. Do you mean the mothballs? Now, Joan, you got a glimpse of Grand when he tried to run over you. Yes, sir. We're going to send you down in one of our radio-equipped taxis. I suggest taking Joan to work with the man in the cache. She might come in useful. Right. Finding Grand is important, but we must also know his way out. Try and keep us informed of your every move. Use this chalk to mark your way as you go. We'll do our best to keep track of you. Fine. Ground and anchors are halfway down on the other side of the street. -Thanks, I'll take a look. -Be careful, Steve. Notify Colonel Wilkes that contact has been made and give the direction he's taking. He's very close to Fenchurch Street Station. Quite possibly, he takes the train to the next point in his escape route. -There's another mark, miss. -Report our position to Colonel Wilkes. Right. -Stop a minute. -Okay, miss. He's never been as far as this before without leaving a mark. Should we go back? No, keep going ahead slowly. -Report to Colonel Wilkes, we've lost him. -Right. Looking for me, Mr. Rossi? You seem anxious to take a trip. Perhaps I'd better oblige. Turn around. Start walking. Report gunshots in the vicinity of London Bridge. Right, miss. Miss. Miller just reported gunshots in the vicinity of London Bridge. -We'd better get down there. -Bring a car around for us. Yes, sir. Come on! Are you all right? Yes, he supplied an elevator this time. -Where's Dr. Halas? -He's probably aboard that ship. I'll get customs to search it right away. Well, one escape route is closed, and it looks like we have Dr. Halas… -Steve. -Oh, Joan. You're just in time to hear me thank Mr. Rossi. We're very grateful for your help. Thanks. -Joan, I'll leave him in your care. -Yes, sir. Well, who does the cooking this time? I expect it's my turn. Steve? Yes. You missed one of your chalk marks. I thought I'd lost you. Not a chance, baby.
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 207,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, kit parker, subtitled, subtítulos en español, legendas em português, Deutsche Untertitel, legendas, sous-titres, film noir, full movie
Id: aiptRRITrK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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