Excessive Force II Force on Force | English Full Movie | Action Drama

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of anything unless first cleared through me is that understood I know the routine agent Harris good is that all yeah that's all uhhuh and that's what it looked like [Applause] sure who was that je FBI agent nothing to do with us what was all that with Ernie he claims he saw a hit go down in the cemetery on third a hit that how he described it yeah he said something about arrows and a big hunting knife oh so now we got Indians out there killing people right yeah and I told him to go crawl back in his bottle what about a description body anything well he was crashed out on a grave so he couldn't see much what was that on your P oh that he uh claims that he saw the Killer's tattoo pregnant dog howling at the moon no no parking seals Naval Special Forces seals that's their signature so somebody pissed off a special forces retired look Okana don't give me any grief about this please query the military and have a black and white takery to check it [Music] out [Applause] Harley Cordell what the hell I've been all over the base looking for you your flight to New York won't wait what need the ride de not going what what does that mean what's it sound like I've got some business to take care of first did I miss something somewhere this came in last night from LAPD you have to have the surgery Harley if you don't you special forces are well I guess I know better than to try to talk you out of this but how you going to find him he's like trying to find a shadow in the dark I'm not stopping till I get him the operation will have to wait what can I do to help I might need someone here to cover me at the base in case anybody calls you got it anything else no that's it don't worry de I'm going to be fine [Music] w all right I want the expended ammo replaced by tomorrow got it hey Martinez Torres let's go come on hey C yo we're ready did a fine job yesterday gentlemen good teamwork except next time Bobby anticipate and act no what do I always say action is faster than reaction that's right action is faster than reaction that's the difference between success and failure I suggest you don't mess up again Bobby be here next Tuesday at 10 for a preliminary meeting on the demono mission what about the money as usual and I'll deliver it when I receive the rest dismissed hey Martinez man let's go get some beer right I'm a little worried about Bobby cap since he come to Lake he's been running real loose that's to be expected he's from the area keep an eye on him if he doesn't straighten up I'll talk to him you know who this is two things Mr Franco is very pleased he did a good job but you might have left a witness and there's been a change of venue on the other deal you have a meeting first thing in the morning call me what do you think happened we'll soon find out yeah this is light out just tell me who and where we can find him it's no problem oh man that's check it out white boy in a suit what the hell is he doing in all Cemetery can I help you oh should I kill a cop today do it I think so not today stupid [Music] cop what was that you know you shouldn't get so buried in your work it might kill you lieutenant Harley Cordell cidc where's your partner CC doesn't always work in teams you did that all by yourself they were very rude thanks for that extra set of cuffs no problem so what's the Army's criminal investigation command doing here in La Lieutenant Cordell didn't you fa us regarding a murder yeah so well I was down here in other business they sent me this check out too oh come on I'm not an idiot you you got on a $500 silk jacket you show up here from out of nowhere kick ass take names like a pro something's up with you miss Cordell the jacket I bought in Singapore it cost me $85 and a pair of fatigues here's a number to my Superior officer major Deacon you can contact him and as far as kicking ass and taking names like a pro I've had extensive training relax detective it wasn't me here last night and I suppose you have an alibi for that right I'd like to speak with the homeless man who reported the murder yeah well good luck Ernie moves around quite a bit that's why I thought I'd ask you you know the streets yep [Music] so you from around here Chicago originally married no why not could we stick to Les per personal questions please just trying to get to know you like your style o you got hey unless you want to lose that hand you won't try that again without permission I'm sorry I'm really sorry it's just an old scar I'm a little self-conscious about that's okay Ernie usually has breakfast over here behind this Bakery bye do you think this was connected to yesterday no why do you why would anybody kill him if he wasn't looks professional to me well no offense but the kids in this neighborhood learn how to handle a knife before they're three and if Ernie was flashing the cash I gave him last night I'll take you back to your hotel where you staying I'm at The Barley but I have a rental car back at the Su well I'll take you back to your car I'll call the cab I won't hear of it come on I'll buy you a drink I don't drink well then a cup of coffee I'm easy I bet you [Music] are how you doing Rick all right Harris is your breakfast tomorrow oh what have we today let see pancakes sausage crap fast food joints never use garlic this stuff could gag a maggot you should know what did you say you heard me let's get going right yeah sure why not feel like singing my ass off today good May 28th second day of tape testimony for Bartholomew b d deato good morning Franco how you doing I guess you're wondering what I'm doing sitting in this Hall leading this garbage instead of going home for the Memorial Day weekend cuz I got no family to go home to no more you took care of that but I got one message for you this is what happens when a like you rolls downhill cuz guess what I'm going to tell these nice Federal boys today everything all of it you piss an scumbag everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey babe thanks for letting me use your poll there's a party tonight at georgette's if you're free oh I wouldn't miss it you uh you come and get me [Music] damn my that dog hunts she does how the hell am I supposed to tell Bobby to keep a low profile you living like this got more trou we can handle cuz you're running around playing water games with a high class I work hard and I play hard right yeah now if I want to rent Canyon house and screw WABE starlets that's my business is that clear Corporal good dude something I want Franco to think anything's wrong what about Cell come on G you're positive it was her no doubt that was her cap I check how the hell did she survive that's Franco what are we going to do go sweat this small Yates we'll just kill her again please note that unlike the cerebral cortex each half of the cerebellum receives from and controls muscles on the same side of the body now tomorrow on rounds I'm going to want two to three possible treatment scenarios on every case we see understood yes oh and uh Miss McCarthy next time no matter how well owed he is try not to say oh my god when a male patient drops his shorts on the plus side I think he uh truly appreciated the compliment okay that's it for today kids we'll see you tomorrow and will I want to see those case studies first thing in the morning yes hi what are you doing here you've got trouble Mr liell such as don't be koi with me why is this military investigator suddenly looking for you let me assure you Mr Franco that is in no way connected to your situation and it's under control we have a more immediate problem Carmine they've moved theato here's new location we want this done yesterday we can't take the chance they'll move him again Jesus C this the the original plan won't actually change that much we can utilize the Memorial Day weekend coming up it will cost more vny let cover it most definitely yes a man we've owned for a long time and provide you with information building plans rosters whatever you need within reason you've hired the absolute best Mr Franco we'll handle it there a new condition and this is not negotiable things being the way they are we need absolute verification like his hand for fingerprints not a problem that better not be any call them tell them I'll meet him on the third let's go I missed you and I can't believe you haven't been seeing someone Harley not from a lack of offers more like a lack of Desire how long you here for I don't know sort of an open-ended assignment I don't know how much time we'll have what are you working on okay I don't want to know or even care for that matter just so long as we can spend a few nights together wait wait where do you think you're the bullet fragment shifted I was going to ask I need that refilled you know you shouldn't even be driving on this stuff let alone working as an active agent now what's going on hey it's easy enough for me to find out you poking around might cause me problems Oh you mean besides the one that you obviously already have I've got some things I have to take care of are you going to help me or not you know if you don't I'll find someone who will you knew I would do this when you came here didn't you yeah come on pick your head up we are dead men we are walking dead men we got the cops mob now this ghost chasing our ass are you thre whining ain't whining good we're going to make this thing work now listen to me I want you to go pick up Bobby and I want you to drop him at the unit he and I have to work on reshaping the charges for the new location and I want you to go get Martinez and I want you to go to the hotel where Cordell is stand and I want you to fix that problem I got a bad feeling about that whole thing listen Yates fear is natural it's how we respond to that fear that defines us as men now are you with me huh yeah yeah I'll fix it you just you leave it to me cut that angle off Marco yeah that's it baby good play DJ stay up on your toes man come on come man what you talking about all right everybody hit the showers let's go that's it that's enough for the day come on hustle it up now let's go hustle it up Jan don't take the soap Home Harley hi Grant what the hell you doing in this neighborhood your office buddy at the VA told me I could find you here could' you bribe to get this job amazing what you could do with the GI Bill and a little bit of whining so where's Bobby Chu these days you know Harley it couldn't have been him I made a mistake that report that you turned in said otherwise now cut the crap Grant I need to know this straight I was at this she she downtown underground type Club you know the kind of joint you can get whatever you want you know what I mean you this may come as a great shock to you Harley but I don't get much action anymore you know what I'm saying anyway I thought I saw somebody who looked just like Bobby he walked in the club went on upstairs he didn't see me and I didn't bother to stick around to find out this will get you in you know not once not once the Bobby ever come to visit me in the hospital after I stepped on that landmine I mean I can't say I blame him all that much to is what he is hey Grant if I get the shot before I go it's beers and steaks on me hey Cordell if it is him and you do happen to see him you tell him you tell him to to go suck on a wet door knob I did fine without it you sure did Grant absolutely Jan what the hell you doing leaning up against the fence like some rock star don't let me catch up with you what do you want Brutus huh damn Al Capone give me a break here get lost d shove something between your legs you can't get out ooh D ta let's go Bobby bsiness where am I smell I'll catch you later no you'll catch me now or you won't catch me later you oh yeah with what penil dick I don't think so there's nothing there Bobby what are you grabbing there's nothing there Bobby what the hell are you doing we got the sky phone around our ears and you're shoving that brain poison up your nose BBY come on you got to get straight get straight quick this is not the time to be running loose messing around with who ain't sure if they're boys or girls you understand what I'm saying okay all right it's my basic idea how long will your intake about an hour once the charges are shaped the rest is just a matter of making it go boom good we done yeah for today be here tomorrow morning for a full team meeting I uh I could use a little extra money how much couple hundred this mission is over you better act like a pro Bobby I will kick your teeth is that clear yep get out of here what happened well it ain't good cap just tell me she's dead where is she I lost her you lost Foster yeah what is wrong with you Yates get back out there and look for it you idiot where our usual friend Mr Franco told me to call if I needed anything I have to locate someone ASAP that's [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] yeah for [Music] [Music] helping [Music] bourbon [Music] straight hi I haven't seen you here before new in town really well hey q t too you should see the one I have here come on let's go thank you [Music] God this is going to be great you're really going to like this do you want a big wedding or maybe a little wedding a little wedding is okay if you want that I just maybe I'd open a tul and die shop in Wisconsin but I'm not quite sure what a tul and die shop is you know four kids would be good but three is better if you want three I was thinking dogs but if you want cat you know what what I've got to go to the lady's room okay will you wait for me yeah you know I think I could get tickets to the tract for Thursday night if can I help you I'm looking for a lady's room there one downstairs are you sure there's not one hey I said it was downstairs sorry I find it myself iob I want to hit you but you say nobody cheats me Bobby nobody cheats me Bobby sweetie nobody take it easy with him please F off ho M unless you want to go a few rounds with me no problem I'll start with one round at your knee and I'll work my way up don't even got to be like that wallet please thank you move aside stop there hey where you think you're going you think do damn Bobby Bobby you got to cut out the fried foods I'm not going to pay $ for this crazy come on get hey thought you were dead Cordell how you been fine Bobby you I've been better my head hurts it's been nice seeing you Grant's had a message for you Grant ah a hey private Goldman reporting for Duty ma'am better put that thing at ease soldier hey what about the tract p on Thursday night you still want to go ow that had hurry he he don't look real good hey what's going on down there nothing just go right over the raim hey wait you go back to the bar Jesus harl what the hell happened to here I want to know what it is you're working on they could possibly be more important than you're having this operation don't look at the light look at my finger I mean without it you're going to die it's that simple it's not that simple it's a dangerous procedure more dangerous than dying we both know dying isn't the worst thing that can happen look you faced this four years ago I took you through it then and I'm going to get you through it now job's worth losing your life Harley it's my decision I say no what is this damn it map grid coordinates really what does Nitro and C4 have to do with with map grids just forget about it okay breathe I told you I don't want you involved in this honey you specifically involved me in this when you came into my office and screwed me to get that medication what I don't like being used Harley I'm not using you look cut the innocent crap I know you I want some answers and I want them now it's simple this is about someone who took my life away four years ago someone who doesn't deserve to live one more second what you found the the the sniper yeah yes but trust me that's all you need to know fine ah excuse me that hurts well then take a deep breath is this your subtle way of telling me that you're angry what if something happens to you huh what am I supposed to do then forget you're fine wash yourself up I've always known who shot me I'm listening my team was on R&R and Riad that you knew liell was our field commander he and I were lovers [Music] oh man I swear to God Harley if you got any better I'd die we're on RNR Frank do you have to wear that damn thing everywhere yes I do so did you think about what we talked about oh hey all up about it sweetie just a crazy idea anyway you now gets in country whoose perspective you just forget I said anything okay better yet let me help you hey come on out man man come on down get a Bru man all day Lidell wanted to form a private assassination Squad with the other spec fors after the tour he obviously didn't take no for an answer graciously that's how you and I met over the operating table in Saudi Jesus Harley I mean didn't you ever tell anybody else about this of course but all of lal's team was reported dead or missing an action no one believed me that's why I became an investigator I followed every rumor I've ever heard all I want is to live one second longer than liel so now that you know everything can I borrow your car she had a tattoo where here no on the other arm and further up man what a hump she would have been you know we would have plowed the back 40 she would have wrapped the buns are still around all right all right that's enough we'll call you if we need any more information well how am I supposed to get home oh you step outside with those undies on somebody pick you right up funny why don't you think about growing some hair on your head well I guess you showed me get the hell out of here so I can Serve and Protect your sorry ass yeah this is ok Conor I'm going to need a bolo put out on a Cordell first Nam Harley she's wanted for questioning in a homicide if you knew the argument that I just had with myself I'll be careful with it I don't give a damn about the car Harley I just I don't know what to say to you anymore just say that you trust me enough to let me finish this my [Music] way damn it Bobby I know you got some money around here somewhere so touching and morning for him are you oh great Catwoman's back for more fun and games I have to talk to you please you know take this I'm doesn't anyone understand please anymore okay okay it's only a few questions that's all you hurt in my arm get on my Nerf this good evening Gentlemen We excuse us for a moment please just for 2 minutes I promise that's all I need thanks appreciate it all I need is a simple address well then call the telephone company cuz you don't know these guys like I do they will hurt me princess well if you give me what I want then I guess you have nothing to worry about do you yeah right whatever okay well I tried bye where you going Lethal Weapon Oh I thought I'd go and leave you here to play house with the homeboys tell them I say hi hey hey dirty Aran all right you just hooked into directory information it's a house on Tanga [Music] K hey hey hey hey hey what don't touch my hair hey I'm serious don't touch my hair jeez a little wi don't go any where would I go I get lost so [Music] easily that particular one should be served chill but you won't have that option where you going I heard a rumor you were alive I didn't believe it of course normally the people I kill stay Dead Oh Lial you still say the sweetest thing you may not believe this Harley but I've regretted that night all these years more than you can imagine that makes me feel so much better step into the light I want to see your face clearly when I blow your eyes out when Out of Time come on Harley you don't have it in you you're never dead this time you're going to be dead wrong hey babe where did you disappear to come on [Music] Mo your ass let's go [Music] they'll take me to jail you two for aiding in a bedding you need to go to the hospital Harley just s me up with what you go black bag yeah it's got my golf clubs in it I'm a neuro oncologist not dookie Hower then get me a needle and thread and I'll do it myself ooh tough girl she going to eat the bullets and spit them out they didn't hit anything final how do you know you got x-ray vision now look be still I can't think with you acting like a kid who has to what are we going to do about Cordell I first Martinez then Bobby I mean this ain't going to stop it too damn it Frank you can't believe you're being so so what about this whole I move past things quicking you moving on is a goddamn good idea I mean how would we move on out of this we cont Jesus fake you are going over the edge buddy you are drunk on money listen to me we have taken nearly a million dollars of front money from these people if we don't do it is contracted Cordell is going to be the least of our problems they will find us wherever we go do you understand that besides no is going to determine my destiny not then not now not ever now go gather up the team and bring them back here and Yates if you say anything other than we move the mission forward I will kill you yeah you know who this is I require some information on the duty roster listen to me you cop you do as I ask or I'm going to talk to the man that makes your lifestyle rather your death style possible do you understand me what's that for it's going to numb the area so I can stitch it up you always were the best field doctor right now I'm sorry about this David I didn't have anywhere else to go to you know I still can't believe you've kept all this from me I never thought I'd find LEL it was a ghost a rumor I chased from City to City you know ever since I've known you you've carried around an obsession to kill a man never not once did you ever mention that how you think that makes me feel and what else you got locked away in there feel that no too bad you know you're going to have to let this go Harley I will just as soon as slide tellas what dead I mean that is what you were going to say isn't it I don't want to talk about this anymore you know I always thought that maybe I loved you thing is I don't think I can love someone whose only goal in life is to kill or be killed after I finish this I want you to leave don't come back ever everything okay yeah how's you doing he hasn't moved all morning let's get his ass out you want something to eat before we start this again you know what you can do take your big light and your boyfriend and go catch a bus I'm tired of talking into a camera and I'm tired of smelling the two of you all day long and don't bother me no more I'm taking a nap at least he's in a better mood real sweetheart can I help you no thank you I was just coming to see you that's funny cuz my desk is that way and you're under arrest let's go hey give me a hand with this right away here we go all right who's got the trunk who's got the ammo we're load I got I got great got it just lock it down everybody here all right everybody got the gun you done you fine yeah let's [Music] go back here have a seat I told you I was coming to see you but you forgot to put a quarter in the meter and you're on your way to take care of it huh this isn't a joke OK Conor and I'm not laughing you're implicated in at least two homicides you have a gun here that can blow a hole through an elephant at a half a mile and you have the service records from two dead Special Forces one of whom excuse me two dead Special Forces one of whom was found dead in a bar after you were seen with him I'm not even sure you are who you say you are and you expect me to believe you yes who in the hell would attack a police station I don't know oconor I just discovered this myself well when does this attack happen I don't know you quit jerking me off why would I make up a story like that well to quote you lieutenant Cordell I don't know now when you start coming up with some answers that even remotely make sense we'll talk until then I'm going to figure out how many charges I'm going to slap you with you're making a huge mistake yeah well I've done that before I'll live what in the hell's buan and I got one mother of a problem steep outside live back in 10 minutes [Music] [Music] yes B is on his way to excellent make sure to terminate our contact of course he said he wanted to work the night sh what do you think should do going to cover him or not I don't know man I have to talk old don't see family hey I need to see officer OK Conor is he here do you hear me yeah I heard you's he's not in the squad room right now can you find him please lady he'll be back in a minute sit down and relax look she's in interrogation at the far end of the squad room and you tell Franco debt paid don't be calling me again I'll relay the message you should be able to handle Cordell I'll do the model myself you can't handle Cordell Hill like a dead bird in hate look at least wait till I can get out of here of course what are you what the hell are you let's go all right folks what that you see that that's only my work got I do good work huh let's go McMahon we just got a report of a bus blowing up downtown wonder what the hell's going on out there the hell is that let's go side right away keep back up guys come on straight through man over there put out that way help down that way down the corridor come on got it there let's go got come on down this way R go check it out over here watch it back you got that coming over here watch your back yeah you see anything over here I don't see Williams down here okay let's go back and get out left you got a man down right here man [Music] come [Applause] [Music] ready pleas you're lucky I'm not like liel Yates then maybe I am like him don't shoot don't shoot going on someone's attacking the station sh should have stayed at home Cel can never really cut it with the big boys why cuz I don't shoot unarmed women in bed liel oh [Music] I'm telling you it's Franco now let's get out of this coffin you don't know Franco hey Bar D message from Franco just like target practice how many holes do you think I can get through your head before you get off one shot well you've always been pretty good with a handgun I guess say [Music] oh [Music] we got the back cover we got the back cover reinforc the front let's go okay we got it you know Cordell things would have been a lot simpler if you just would join the team when I asked it wasn't really the asking it was the way you took my answer just one second [Music] longer you going to stay with us this [Music] time how you feel dead not quite but you gave it your best shot looks like the surgery was successful you don't um remember my last visit no you know you asked me to marry you yeah right oh it's okay I um I didn't say yes anyway you didn't nope didn't want a felon for a wife that's all right as soon as I'm Healed I'm going back to or yeah I kind of figured that to resign my commission I'm through playing soldier I thought maybe you and I could play doctor for a while well I mean I'm not going to argue with you you carry a big gun don't you ever forget it [Music]
Channel: DDF: Movie Collection
Views: 36,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, ActionMovie, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Excessive Force II Force on Force, Action, Drama, Jonathan Winfrey, Mandingo Warrior, Bradford Tatum, David Hugghins
Id: x1lEzGH0szk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 27sec (5007 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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