Kiss of Death | English Full Movie | Crime Drama Film-Noir

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[Music] Christmas Eve in New York a happy time for some people the lucky ones last minute shopping presents for the kids hurry home to light the tree and fill the stockings for the lucky ones others aren't so lucky Nick biano hadn't worked for a year he had a record a prison record they say it shouldn't count against you but when Nick tried to get a job the same thing always happened very sorry no Prejudice of course but no job either so this is how Nick went Christmas shopping for his kids [Music] [Music] head [Music] good afternoon don't move put your hands behind you come on well what about this safe we've got enough come on can you ring take it easy I rang oh sh [Music] anybody out of for yeah this isn't the lobby Mis every [Music] the same thing happened 20 years ago to Nick's father he died with the policeman's bullet in him Nick saw it it was one of his earliest memories yeah sh's here with Nick biano okay send them in both of them hello biano how's the leg old better huh yeah sit here know who I am what difference does it make never mind getting fresh ble you're the da assistant my name is Louis D'Angelo let's see what we got here biano Nick age 29 at the age of 17 burglary in the first plea guilty 60 days in the city Reformatory four years later Gran larsy and the first charged convicted of grand and the second at the trial two and one half to 5 years in Sing Sing Third charge robbery in the first while armed witness failed to appear case dropped by the way how much the witnesses cost on the open market now how should I know do you know why you're here I'm supposed to squeal I want the names of those three men that were with you on that job you know what you're going to get on this R 15 years maybe 20 maybe I can help you look you're wasting your time those records you got there in complete it should say I was offered a deal by another assistant DA if I squealed I took the full four years I'm the same guy now I was then nothing has changed nothing I wouldn't say that Nick something Happ has changed since then seems to me I saw where the parole officer reported here that you have two kids two little girls that ought to change things a little you know sometimes I think the doctors are right and that all crooks are crazy imagine a guy with two little girls shut up you don't like [Music] that how old are they you know I'm always interested in kids I I have four of my own can I take a look at your pictures what pictures pictures you got your inside coat pocket beautiful kids Nick yeah they're cute you know a man's lucky to have kids but having a father like you I wouldn't say it's very lucky for them now Nick your kids haven't had much luck I'll take care of my family my way you mean by keeping your mouth shut I'm going to jail you know why you're doing it because you've got that good old hoodlum complex no squealing desert your kids let them starve let your home go to pot but don't squeal on some no good hoodlums who wouldn't turn a finger for you I hate Crooks then why are you wasting your time on me because any guy that could have two kids like that isn't a crook crooked yes stupid yes on the wrong foot yes but he isn't one of those mugs that don't belong to Human Society those are two normal decent little human beings give me that and no crook could make them that sweet no play ball eh no you're coming up before judge holstead do you know him yes he'll throw the book at you if you don't cooperate no deal see you in court biano attorney for Nick by anle yeah wa how are you Nick how you do Mr house I'm fine son sit down sir sit down well we meet again Nick Fortune War eh I uh I hear you had a long talk with Mr D'Angelo you don't have to worry good good good your word's all I need did the boys pay you everything's been taken care of now I don't want you to expect very much in court we've got no defense at all so what I do nothing trust me even when hallad hits you with a book stand Pat and rely on me I begin to work then on the pro yes it may take a while but I'll have you out in no time did you see the mes I talked to her on the phone she'll be in court thanks are the kids all right do you happen to know they're fine good you can rely on me Nick same goes for me Mr Hower thanks for everything goodbye look at that cheap squirt passing up and down what for have to keep passing up and down here all the time for nickel at gr stick both thumbs right in his eyes hang on till he drops dead you're Nick biano ain't you yeah Hower was telling me you're big man I'm Tommy Udo I've heard of you you did huh huh imagine me in on this cheap rap big man like me picked up just for shoving a guy's ears off his head traffic ticket stuff hello biano you got a minute I wouldn't give you the skin of a grape going to be a stiff sentence Nick you better be set I'm set you know I wasn't fooling when I talked with you I like those pictures you showed me thanks I talked with the judge he'll play ball well no deal okay if you should change your mind later on though let me hear remember my name and get in touch with me you know I'm your insurance policy you don't give up do you I usually do but I tried a little extra hard this time [Music] well you know I just remembered something it's my birthday yeah today congratulations no kidding I tell you something big man I never spent a birthday with a better guy when I heard that you're spitting that J his face I says to myself a buddy a standup guy you talk too much in front of these squirts go on a couple of Dopey cops I don't even know they're sitting there come on cheer up big man it's my birthday party we get a free feed tonight Hing next St is [Music] Hing yes next stop arsoning plenty of jobs here even for the Unlucky ones and no Prejudice 359 358 354 from the old lady Nick no I got my own back again that's the second one ain't it yeah she hasn't written for 3 months it says party no longer at this address it just doesn't make sense and I'll take it easy Nick quit stor everything was all right 3 months ago she wrote and said everything was all right then all of a sudden I've got to find out about it well you can find out ask chips Cooney you know him don't you used to but how am I going to ask him he's coming up here on a new rep kids she knows how I worry about them she ought a right hey chips Cooney Harry get the chips Cooney see if he knows what's happened to my misses she Che dead dead what happened I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are some things you just don't want to talk about I kept away as long as I could and then finally one Sunday afternoon I got the courage and went up to see him take a seat please miss send in a1618 check hello Nick well don't you remember me sure NY used to take care of my kids uh-huh how are you I'm all right Nick I I moved away before it happened yeah Marie and I had a fight and then a few weeks later I moved away and just two weeks ago I found out about it I met a former neighbor she told you yes I felt so bad about the kids I I inquired of the police and I found out that well they sent me to a place and I found out they're all right you saw the kids yes and they're all right oh yes they look swell where are they in an orphanage outside of New York a big place I was going to write and tell you about it and then I thought maybe I better come see you I feel so sorry about everything Nick tell me about Maria she wasn't feeling very well when I saw her the last time what did you fight about oh I don't remember anymore okay I don't honestly what she unhappy well yes drinky anything else no no no no what happened you came here to tell me what happened why did you change your mind scared of hurting me look NY I'm the kind of guy you can't hurt it doesn't matter Nick you told me who is the guy Rizo I had to come see you I don't know why I'm sorry I don't want to cry nobody's cried over me for a long time Rizo when did it start no never mind is there is there anything I can do for you yeah would you see the kids again tell them you heard from me and I'm supposed to be working in South America do that will you yes yes that's what I used to tell him before I moved away are you alone yes I got a good job in a music store well thanks for coming to see me bye I'll write you soon thanks Nick biano urgent business did he write this himself yes sir good handwriting he's not a bad guy bring him in yes sir all right go well Nick you haven't been in here before but I've had good reports on you something's gone wrong I suppose all right Nick get it off your chest well I used up all my letters for this month but they came back saying the person no longer lived at the address I'd like to send another letter off and I was told that you had to give permission that's right your cons surgent yes sir it's very urgent who is the letter going to to the assistant DA Mr D'Angelo better let me send it you'll read it sooner yes sir you can send it tell him Nick bian wants to cash in on his insurance policy nothing else no sir he'll understand that I'll send it this afternoon thanks oh Nick you need a little more exercise how about putting biano on the ball team Joe we can use him you play ball I'm going to thanks hello Bano have a seat how are you all right you have a nice ride V ano Warden phoned me said he thought it might be important is it yeah yes sir yeah we'll do before we get to talking biano there are a few things I'd like to explain 3 years ago I offered to help you I'm in no position to offer the same help now I see my insurance policy has lapsed eh I would say so I see well that's that huh that's that what about my kids how do you mean could I get to see them as payment I'm not doing this for pay I'm asking you if I can get to see them as a favor I think we can take care of that then I can see the kids I'm pretty sure okay I want to settle one more thing before you talk biano we get a lot of offers from Men men in prison who feel that they'd like to do a little squealing prisoners go a little cracked or like a little ride into town you knew what you wanted once I'd like to know what changed you it will give me a chance to decide on whether your story is reliable enough to go to work on but when I went up I told you my family was being taken care of I was wrong my wife killed herself she stuck her head in a gas stove you want to talk about the peacock jewelry job yeah who else was on it Eddie Williams big it yeah who else Tony mangoni know him yeah who else Pete Rizzo Rizzo who else me anymore no who drove the car Pete rizle you mangoni and Williams went in is that it yes take it easy who slugged old man peacock mangoni if it's on the level peacock's Essen to identify mangoni and Williams who was the fence you used on this job I don't know I didn't handle us grab before that's right who would have handled it Rizzo would Rizzo have gone to the Fence Direct no you called somebody first and they told you where to go yeah who did you phone Hower Earl Hower another imminent Shyer with connections that ought to I think I'm going to keep you down here in the city jail for a while I want you to go on cooperating in with it you mean going on being a stoie that's what I mean okay if if what I could see my kids once in a while you can see them when your pals get pulled in they're going to make a pretty good guess that you did the singing I don't care I do no sense in getting you killed one or two things we can do to throw them off what's some job you did that you didn't get caught on what some you've got to trust me Thompson Fur Company four years ago last March were any of these three on that job with you Rizzo we'll book biano here on the Thompson fur job that'll cover why we brought him here and I take another wrap no no we'll drop the case later for insufficient evidence I'm just covering it why I told you I'm going to want to use you again you've got to be in the clear with Hower and everybody that knows you I'll go pick up Rizzo no leave him alone don't touch him Rizzo drove the car there's no one to identify him except Nick here that won't stand up you pick up the other two then it'll look to the Mob as if Rizo is a sto and we've made a deal with him you don't like Rizzo particularly do you no going to give you some instructions Nick get a hold of your lawyer Mr Earl Hower tell him about the Thompson rat tell them you think somebody is squealed yeah your side of the fence is almost as dirty as mine with one big difference we hurt bad people not good ones that's right watch your step with Howard he's a sharp operator and remember you're no good to me if he tumbles to anything he won't tumble when do I see my kids I'll take care of that tomorrow thanks well I I'm a squer now feel bad about it Nick no come on see you later so I'm nervous don't worry they used to jump up on me and grab my ears and I you sir good morning sister good morning we're from the District Attorney's office I phoned the Mother Superior yesterday about seeing the biano children yes I know will you come with me please thank you will you wait in here please thank you which one of you gentlemen is Mr Bianco that's me how do you do I'll get sister Veronica not a bad place for kids yeah sister Veronica yes this is your father I know I recognized him hello father hello Connie Rosie sister Veronica told us you were coming today you've been away a very long time you look different I thought you would have white hair no I ain't aren't you going to kiss your father Oh Daddy nobody else here has a daddy have a sister for nobody else daddy mama got hurt and we waited for you and said prayers for you every night and God sent you back they're having their music lesson Mr biano would you care to come in the Next Room and listen to them play the piano yeah take it [Music] easy sister Teresa would you let K to have her lesson first pleas why of course sister will you please wait over there eileene all right sister thank you dear come on I play the waterfall Rosaria is way back yet may I play it sister Veronica of course dear [Music] Bano somebody disa who your lawyer Earl Hower oh well well we mean again eh glad to see you Nick I received your rather surprising message this morning and I tell you I dropped everything and came right over thanks sit down son sit down how uh how long has they had you here since yesterday well we can say this much for it it's a change at least I don't like it of course not I was just making a bad joke uh you you've had quite a lot of trouble I hear besides is I mean about your wife yeah but maybe it wouldn't have happened if you'd done your job like you said Oh you mean uh about your parole yeah that's what I mean I've been pushing it Nick and I'm going to get it I gave you my word and I still give it to you I'm going to put that parole through just so you keep plugging now uh let's hear about this new trouble have they made any specific charge yeah the Thompson Fur Company Heist 4 years ago oh that's reaching back somebody must have it in for you that's one way of looking at it how do you look at it somebody's doing some squealing oh I see who's handling this in the DA's office D'Angelo oh how old own friend you think he's finally got a hold of a Squealer that's what I think Were You Under Suspicion for the Thompson job at the time no I see who were you running around with in those days Nick I used to hang around with Pete rizle he was your partner yeah Rizzo was my partner Pete Rizo the dam Ang mentioned his name when he talked to you nobody mentioned his name I don't think they've got much of a case Nick when D'Angelo finds out that he's not going to scare you out of anything I'll W you he drops it I hope so that's all I need is another rap hung on me and I'll never get my parole oh everything's going to be all right I'll see you in a week Nick if they start roughing you up let me know I can tell take care of myself hi goodbye Nick friend are you alone get hold of Tommy Udo on the phone no tell him I want to see him no not here you know where yes right [Music] away [Music] f it's open your friend P yeah where's a squir not home come home late tonight maybe after dinner sometime maybe where' he go to pet how I know where P go up to downtown where b game and they way back after dinner sometime double cross and Squealers B here what's the matter I don't know nothing the yellow squir be it huh took a poter huh that rat where is he where'd he go I'm asking you where's that squealing son of yours H you think a Squealer can get away from me huh you know what I do to sque I let them have it in the belly so they can roll around for a long time thinking it over [Music] you're wishing him telling me he's coming back you lion old he I'm SI let me go no on a train huh hey where you going no no this is no one to S not outside I can't move I'm [Applause] sick hello yes you ain't going to be bothered with that Squealer for a long time yeah he skip town before I get it cuz he's going to read something in the papers and it's going to make him take off of South America the squid never mind you read it too all right Tom just so you're sure there isn't going to be any more talking fine good work [Applause] is Miss netti home I'll see is that for me Mrs K yes there's a gentleman to see you Nick oh for goodness six hello there's a phone call for Nick Bianco that's me would you call me please sure come on in please oh Nick I can hardly believe it you're out when you didn't tell me last week I didn't know last week they just told me this morning oh oh Nick it's wonderful to see you like this like you used to be I mean not inside a jail or anything I know I came right here I was hoping you'd be home oh I almost went to the movies I was just thinking oh Nick what happened I got a parole no oh that's wonderful have you had dinner oh you must be hungry I'll get you something to eat oh I [Applause] waited thanks I'll be right down Mr biano your call hello yeah Nick I thought you might be interested to know that I just had a call from Mr Hower yeah he wanted to do a little crowing about your parole thinks he got it Over My Dead Body I let him go right on thinking so M Nick about tonight your man will be at St Nicholas Arena that ringside got it I got it okay I will yes sir goodbye I've got to go oh Nick where couldn't we go for dinner not tonight oh Nick don't go away like this I've got to Nick I don't want anything to happen look you've got to trust me well then tell me where you're going please I can't I don't want you to know I thought you wanted me I thought when you kiss you you right I want you and I want my kids too but you've got to trust me I'm on a job and I might not see you for a while hey stop looking at me like that look at me the way you did it upstairs I'll need that look come on oh Nick Adam girl I'll see you as soon as I [Applause] [Applause] can [Applause] come on rip the other eye come on come on rip the other eye come on come on come on tear it out of his head come on the shov hey Nick it's me TI you Tommy what do you know the big me come on let's get out of here so we can talk come on [Music] baby hello come on right [Music] inside your table Tommy okay okay [Music] wa champagne lots of bottle for your celebrate all right [Music] Tommy you'll be jumping in a couple hours always hard when fish get out take you why to get started this place will do it always come here when I'm Sprung what a big man that early housing remember what I told you take your rep leave it to early always gets you out the Mr you know Mr you yes sir how do you like that huh that's class H ain't been the bedro week can't stay in sleeping that's bqu haven't I met you somewhere before Mr Bianca I don't think so don't stick your nose in busted we're talking we're PS hey waiter bring another bottle keep them coming how do you like that music man right upstairs huh come on send it [Music] Jack what do you got to do Nick what's on the line I ain't figured it out yet got to have some fun first not behind 3 years it's talking it's talking he about me didn't you no in all the papers pick me up for a murder R was in all the papers yeah yeah sure ask good hey PST sure the papers WR all about Tommy with his picture the one I don't like what do you mean you don't like what's the matter with I don't like it when they show you with a number on go on who notices that let us squish I like the one we took together nobody asked you listen I'm going to be busy you go home wait a minute who you talking to get out with a pal see got things to do don't want no old ladies around you ain't calling me an old lady get out you want something no no waiting your joint for me don't go out you understand yeah a lot of good this Mug's going to do you James ain't no good if you want to have some fun come on P drink out drink out drink they let you go huh a there was a squirt says he seen me bending over Larry young right after he was plugged then he says he ain't sure it was me he seen Larry young he used to own a big Cafe joint didn't he a squid pushing the wrong guys around he get it good him in his college rings yeah he was with the college gang I didn't know that n n not a gang not a gang a ring ring in his finger with a couple of bucks this joint's dead it's sour you want to have fun don't you so we get out of here go someplace where they got some interest what do you say p I'm 3 years behind stick to me big man you kid you come on we shake this dop okay on hello Mr s hello Tommy he's a palale it's okay thanks come on Nick what's that funny smell that's perfume after we left the first joint he began to talk he said he'd done the Larry young job alone yeah he didn't know the guy's name hired me never even saw him before did he describe him no I couldn't push that so you got nothing go on well there's two things he CED a ring off Larry young a gold ring from some college his girl Buster's got it but she never wears it it's no good except as a souvenir then there's a guy that saw the shooting a fellow that youo knows called Sammy sort of a panhandler he was coming up to get a buck off of Larry Young when Udo came along Udo said that Sammy saw the shooting and beat it Sammy who I don't know his last name well that does it all we've got to do is find Sammy produce the ring we've got a case congratulations Nick thanks you had quite a Time didn't you yeah I wouldn't want to go through that again I don't think you'll have to that's all that's all you might find out about Sammy by asking some of Larry Young's friends we may do that so long hey everything all right yeah I'm going to be all right daddy stay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there hey watch this oops go come in the house until you get those K or I'll bup you one hi hey hey I ain't cleaned up yet oh who cares look old married ladies don't jump on their husbands in public I'm not old and I'm not a [Music] lady I'll get the girls they're taking off their skates how they been wonderful Nick you're not going to washing the sink we had a bathroom y the kids are using it this will be okay hey get those suds off more hey what do you want me to do drown that's right more yeah look look I 5 and 1/2 years old that's what you think here let me dry you it feels good but ain't very practical give me that to you bet there may be worse jobs than a brick yard but there ain't many dirtier it must be awful ah it ain't awful come here in the kitchen home Nick you know I ain't the kind of guy that's used to sitting around home I know worries me sometimes does huh mhm of course you're coming home every night to just nothing that's right no excitement or anything that's right every day the same as every other day Nick please don't make me worry too much that's what I need someone to worry about me all the time don't you let me get away for one minute or maybe I'll start busting into jewelry stores with a rod in my hand that's what you think huh oh no Nick you wouldn't maybe I wouldn't but you hang on oh I will I'm mad about you that's all I think of you I've wanted you ever since I was a girl long ago when I used to look at you feel just like now every time you kiss me I almost pass out honestly oh isn't that silly for an old married woman to talk like that no it ain't I got to make dinner who's stopping you I'm dizzy here you open this oh I forgot there was a phone call for you yeah who Mr D'Angelo what do you want he wants to see you Saturday afternoon did he say went far no couldn't have been anything wrong it was very nice for goodness sakes I don't know what I'm looking for you get me so upset you shouldn't come in the kitchen and kiss me when I've got dinner to cook oh yes a spaghetti now leave me alone don't bother me we go go to trial on Monday I've arranged for you to get Wednesday off from your work you say you got a sure case I wouldn't go to trial otherwise then what do you need me for I need your evidence first Nick I've built the whole case that way evidence from a stoie and and a squeeler that's not going to help we've got the ring we've got Samy and they'll verify everything you say when we introduce them I see I go on the stand huh yeah what if I don't you've got no choice you mean the de will kill my parole what would you expect Nick I've got kids I got a home people know me like that look I don't care about me why why take it out on them just because I was was a mug once will you listen to me well I go ahead I makes no difference I've got no other way out you're talking like a fool Nick you're known as Nick cavalo in your town your kids are going to school under that name who's going to connect you with Nick biano and how my pictures in the newspapers there won't be any pictures how do you know we won't let them take any we won't give any out satisfied well that'll help what's the matter now I nothing I was just thinking of you though when he finds out look Nick I know it isn't going to be fun but remember this when it's over you'll be through yeah that's something I'll try and remember that when I'm on the witness stand singing Rie hi come on Daddy play train with us come on Daddy please Oh Daddy come on please not now Daddy please come on play train with us hello yeah this is Nick well Nick I I got some bad news for you the jury came in a half hour ago with a verdict in the Udo case not guilty hello Nick yeah even the fact that Udo had Larry Young's ring didn't held Hower got over the point that there were 400 Rings just like it made for Young's graduating class J went for it Udo went free as soon as the verdict was read I got a tail on him but he's pretty fast might Shake him so keep your eyes open you better come in and see me tomorrow we're ready to do everything we can to help you Nick goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the back screen door the wind blew it shut Nick what you said it's the third time you've jumped up I can't fall asleep that's all forgetting ever since Mr dangelo called you Nick if something's happened I'll read about it in the papers maybe I can help you stop talking about it and forget it what do you honey you've been listening for something all night you've been lying there listening for something yeah you're right you'll read about it in the papers maybe you can help me they let Tommy youo off oh Nick he's loose after what you did yeah that was the wind again I can't help it I'm just jumping the police will call them please can't help me look honey I I I've got to go [Music] [Music] downstairs [Music] [Music] he won't come tonight Nick maybe he won't look I got to talk to you no use hiding it he's going to come sometime you can go away Rizzo went away remember what happened to Rizzo's mall was that Tommy Udo that did that yeah we can all go away together Nick no some other town no too many mugs know me they're all over all the guys I met in jail all the heisers I've known ever since I was a kid they don't stay in one place they're in every town that you can figure coming and going I'm the guy they don't like anymore the minute they saw me theyd go straight to Udo wherever we went would be would be just sitting like this waiting waiting for him that's no fun we've got to get the police to help us Nick they'd be glad to sure they'd be glad to where am I what about you and the kids while I'm at work do you think I could work while I remember how UD would plann to take care of you and the kids you got a tough break marrying a guy like me no you w the kids it won't happen we won't let it happen take it easy it won't happen if you'll help me anything anything start packing no it's all right it's Bill Johnson coming home start packing no no for will you right to me yeah wait a minute say buddy do you happen to know when number 12 gets in no I'm sorry I don't know thanks Daddy Dad careful now remember no letters until I call you your call by Friday take care of the kids yes and yourself well Nick nothing's going to happen now don't start worrying look youall are going on a vacation I want him to have a good time I know I I know you'll always give him a good time ready daddy do we go on now can we go right on yeah but first you got to say goodbye goodbye daddy goodbye Daddy I want you to be good do you here and have fun and always remember to mind NY she's your mom and do what she says we'll miss the train up you go goodbye all on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait for me in the car better give me that why didn't you come in today like I told you I had things to do sent your family to the country oh so that was one of your guys at the station well when you didn't show up I started worrying about you I'll do my own worrying Nick our man lost Udo about an hour ago I came as soon as I heard I'm sorry but I've got to take you in take me in for what for protection I'll protect myself it's him or me now Nick I can't connive with murder yours or his look if it's me that gets him it won't be murder it'll be self-defense you're wrong we haven't got a thing on Udo now he's acquitted if you kill him murder is what any jury will'll call it use your head Nick and you'll be safe yeah but my wife and kids won't be safe what makes you think he'd go after them Rizzo mother huh well we'll take care of your family too you mean you'll lock us up for the rest of our lives no only until Udo makes his next mistake till he knocks somebody else off till he does anything Nick he's a three-time loser now all we've got to do is catch him with a gun on him and we can send him up for life and suppose he don't make a mistake he didn't the last time you made the mistake you had a perfect case and he beat you on it you couldn't even keep a tail on him he's nuts and these smart than you are well sooner or later he'll trip himself up they all do you've got to trust me n I'm through trusting you the police or anybody but me there's only one way to get youo and that's my way even if you were right I couldn't take the responsibility I'm sorry Nick you're under arrest on what charge you've got to have a charge violation of parole is enough what well I guess that's that that's better it won't appear on your record you came to us for protection [Music] for I don't think we have any tables tonight Mr Vio I'm not looking for a table does Tommy youo here no thanks I'll see you again I wouldn't come back if I was [Music] you remember me yes I got a date here with Tomy Udo Udo isn't here that's okay I'll come in and wait for him youo isn't here [Music] [Music] how you doing you hello all right hello Mr D'Angelo Nick where are you we got a general alarm out for you never mind that I found Tommy Udo yeah where is he I told you we're going to play this my way now you listen to me udo's my job you keep out of this take it easy Mr D'Angelo the only reason I'm calling you is that I may need some help now get this I want you to come to the 37 Precinct Police Station bring some men with you from homicide if my plan doesn't work work I'll be calling you there how long will it take you to get up town about 20 minutes but Nick I'll give you a half hour when you get to the police station sit tight and wait for my call 37th Precinct [Music] [Music] hello hello you are too late to eat the mister we close at 12 I'm looking for Tommy Udo is it not here tell him next the uncle wants to see you wait I'll see if anyone knows where he is for for hello Tommy where the big man my P they tell me you've been looking for me I had to talk to you Tommy go ahead talk I'm listening I'd like to talk to you not these characters your crummy stoie where you anything my P wants to talk to me go on Beat It [Music] okay pal what's on your mind I got to square myself with you Tommy there's nothing to square You're My Pal you're smart too I didn't know how smart till I saw you in court you fooled me and that takes a big man yeah big man okay play it straight Tommy I squealed on you you got a right to be sore what are you going to do about it I ain't going to do nothing you did nothing to me they quitted me didn't they we're going right on being Pals you and me we're going to have some fun together lots of fun just like we used to you got a wife and kids ain't you P yeah they're going to have some fun too I'm going to enjoy meeting your family l off of them Tommy why huh kids like to have fun we'll all have some fun together you and me and your wife and your kids from now on lots of fun I'm telling you lay off of them is that all you got to say to me okay I thought you'd listen to reason but if if it's trouble you're looking for you're going to get it leave me and my family alone or maybe I ain't through saying whatever it pal I'm clean they can't try me twice on the same rep no not on the Larry young job maybe I know some other Tunes when we were together you told me a lot of things you got your eyes full full of smoke and you talk plenty just like the squirt that you are you talked your fool head off and I ain't forgetting any of it you gave me enough to burn you a hundred times over if I can get the other witnesses to back me up and you even gave me a pretty good idea where to look for those other Witnesses you ain't carrying anything in your pocket Tommy you're dumb but you're not that dumb you'd get life if they found a gun on you now remember this touch my family and you'll hear singing like you never heard before go on Beat It pedal your papers go on Blow Luigi yes sir yes sir Mr Udo this is my pal Mr vieno he's a big man biggest man in town I want to show him what I think of him I want you to give him your deluke short dinner but to Mr Udo the kitchen is closed then open it your squid yes sir yes Mr yo nothing too good for my pair that they look short dinner and a bottle of that good wine got it yes sir yes sir Mr UD right away enjoy yourself big man enjoy your dinner everything's on me okay e Mr D'Angelo from the DA's office please hello Nick I trace this call will you listen I just talked with Tommy Udo I tried to scare him off but it didn't work there's only one thing for me to do now I'm going to hand him to you on a silver platter I'm going to give him to you the way you want him with a gun in his hand Nick For the Love of heaven where are you we'll come and get you I'm setting him up for you Mr dangelo he's laying for me outside this place in a black sedan I've needled him to the point where he's got to get me he'll take you 2 minutes to get here in exactly two minutes I'm going through that door nick wait a minute you'll shoot to kill maybe he does maybe he doesn't come in from both ends of the street don't come with your Sirens or you'll throw his gun away now get it the name of the place is Luigi's on 125th Street just around the corner from where you are you know a place called Luigi's yes sir I know it Luigi's okay now come on you got exactly 2 minutes don't miss what's the matter aren you want your dinner eat it yourself here keep this is a souvenir and in case anybody asks you remember I gave it to you what's the matter big man you turned yellow you used to do your own shooting give be that you [Laughter] squir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get an ambulance [Music] [Music] Nick did you get him and Alive thanks [Music] Nick sometimes out of the worst comes the best Mr D'Angelo got what he wanted Nick got what he wanted and I got all I ever wanted I got Nick
Channel: GEM: Film Library
Views: 155,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, CrimeMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Kiss of Death, Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Henry Hathaway, Victor Mature, Brian Donlevy, Coleen Gray
Id: xRouzyjZFq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 33sec (5853 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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