waking up at 5AM everyday for a week... *online school*

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[Music] hey guys so in this video as you probably already saw from the title i'm going to be waking up at 5 00 a.m for an entire week and i um recently i've been waking up at like 6 00 to 6 30 and i've been pushing this news a lot and it's just been really hard for me to get out of bed so i'm hoping that by waking up at 5 a.m per week i'll kind of like get used to it in a way and then the next weeks when i only have to wake up at 6am it'll like seem a lot better like 6am come here to 5am just like doesn't seem as bad and hopefully i'll just be able to get up a lot easier so this week i'm gonna try my best to go to bed at nine and then i'll be waking up at five this is probably the most energetic you guys are gonna see me in this video because in the mornings i am so grumpy and i look disgusting i will see you guys tomorrow morning at 5am so yeah i'm just gonna brush my teeth and then we'll see [Music] i'm actually surprised that i feel this energized normally this time i would be [Music] my hair looks crazy i'm not sure what to do about it but usually by the time i get up and like make my coffee my parents have already like gotten up and made their coffee since i'm up at 5am this morning and nobody else is up and i want coffee i'm just gonna like have to make my own coffee i'm afraid i'm gonna wake someone up with the grinder though like i'm really scared because we have this like grinder thing here that like grinds the coffee beans it's really loud so i'm scared i'm gonna wake someone up okay so i've actually made up my mind i decided i'm not gonna make coffee this morning i'm just gonna have an energy drink instead we have these like healthy sugar-free energy why can't i talk energy drinks yeah i'm just gonna go make myself an energy drink and then i'm going to read my bible [Music] this year my family and i are reading through the entire bible in one year also if you're wondering why i have my earpods in i like to listen to like calming music in the background when i read my bible just because it helps me not to get distracted and also helps me feel a little bit more peaceful [Music] i honestly don't really think you guys care but this is my little like outfit of the day i have this little butterfly necklace set from princess polly this shirt is from princess polly and this skirt is also from princess polly i don't want you guys thinking that i wear like a cute outfit every single day but today i was kind of just like feeling the princess paulie vibes i was feeling this outfit because i think it's really cute [Music] okay guys so day one of waking up at 5 a.m is complete i would say like the first 30 minutes after waking up was really hard for me like i just wanted to crawl back into bed and i was like maybe i should just quit this video like right now i feel more energetic than i do on a normal day which is kind of insane because like i woke up earlier than i usually would normally this time i'd probably like still be getting ready or like eating my breakfast but i'm all ready to go all ready to get started with my online school so i'm feeling really productive really good [Music] okay i'm gonna try to explain really quickly how i accidentally woke up at 4am instead of 5am so basically i woke up randomly like in the middle of the night and i checked the like time on my phone it said four but i thought it said five sounds like i'm just gonna get up now so i just got up and i turned off my alarm i don't know why i did that but i turned off my alarm i don't know if that makes sense but yeah that's kind of how i accidentally woke up at 4am instead of 5am good morning guys um you can hear me i'm gonna brush my teeth real quick and then i'm going to do a face [Music] okay guys so i'm gonna try to talk a little bit more quiet because i don't want to wake people up but i'm downstairs in my kitchen with my face mask on right now i'm going to make some coffee last night i ended up making like a whole almost like i think it was a half gallon of hot it's actually not hot anymore just like plain cold coffee i'm gonna use stop stop stop stop stop stop our fridge has an alarm that goes off whenever the fridge is open too long and it just went off and i got so scared oh my goodness so i don't really have much of a coffee recipe i kind of just like make up stuff every time but the first step is to get some ice i'm really scared to get eyes out of the ice machine it tastes like artificial [Music] i'm very confused i think i accidentally woke up at the wrong time all of the clocks down here say that it's 4 34 4 34 4 34. i'm pretty sure my phone said that it was five o'clock when i woke up though stupid i'm very confused did i like go back in time or something i'm gonna go upstairs and check my phone time like what time it is on there because i feel like that's the time that i trust the most so 4 40. i'm talking okay so i just finished doing my skincare and i feel i like feel energetic but also tired it's really really weird i definitely could sleep but i also feel like kind of refreshed in a way it's really really really strange that i'm like feeling like this so i think what i'm going to do is work on some school lamp is broken no need to panic i'm black i'm built for action i seen you laughing your smile is really blind and i hoped you could tone it down some but now that i got close out really it's currently i think seven o'clock 7 0 1 my sister actually woke up an hour ago and now we're going to work out for the past hour i was just like responding to some youtube comments because i uploaded a video last night and you guys have been coming in strong with the comments getting closer but i should probably put it away that's all i want to say today on your sweet way hey guys so it is currently 9 33 a.m i ended up washing my hair this morning which takes me like a solid 20 to 30 minutes in the shower so i was in the shower for a decent amount of time i don't know what it is but today i'm just in like a really good mood i'm feeling energized this is like honestly the opposite of how i expected to feel this week ignore the socks and the baggy jacket but i have this really cute top from princess polly i have these necklaces the same necklace i wore yesterday also from princess paulie this skirt is from sheen and then if you guys are wondering this jacket is from brandy yeah that's the outfit i don't really know if you guys care but there it is [Music] [Applause] good morning guys this morning has definitely been the hardest morning to get up so far also yes i am wearing the exact same zip up hoodie that i've worn the past three days and i don't really have shape about it this morning i'm definitely feeling more obviously tired and i'm also feeling a little bit more like like looking around me like every creep i'm like what was that don't worry [Music] i'm still so tired right now but i'm gonna quickly show you guys the outfit of the day i'm wearing this crew neck from brandy melville but i got it from depop and then i'm just wearing this long black maxi skirt which is not really like the most stylish with this but it's very comfortable and warm and then for my necklaces i'm wearing this little cute butterfly necklace which is from a small business on etsy and then this little chain necklace is from amazon this morning has been really rough for me i'm not having like a breakdown or anything but i just like feel a little more drowsy and tired than i did the other mornings like i'm fine [Music] okay guys we are so cold right now but we're currently oh you i'm gonna restart that was awkward a little bit like cloudy i feel so tired this morning like okay so i decided i'm going to put some under eye gel pads on but before i do that i really want to go get my coffee so that while the pads are sitting on my face i'm like drinking my coffee [Music] okay so it is currently 6 16. so right now my sister and i are gonna work out she woke up like 15 minutes ago so i think honestly this is kind of bad but i think this morning we're just going to work out in my pjs because i don't feel like changing and to be completely honest a lot of mornings i just like work out in my pjs because i i don't know like i don't know why i just i just like working at my pjs [Music] i'm kind of having a bad hair day so i think i'm actually going to throw my hair back in a clip that honestly doesn't look much better but i think i'm just going to go with it the outfit it's honestly really boring but i'm gonna go make some breakfast [Music] [Applause] hey guys so it is officially day five aka the last day of this challenge today i um slept in like i accidentally pushed news this morning like i literally accidentally preached the news but halfway through my snooze i was like okay i'm filming a video i need to get up and so i like forced myself to get out of bed but honestly if i wasn't filming a video i feel like i would have probably just slept in because like yeah i actually decided that i'm not gonna make myself any like coffee or anything this morning because i think i'm actually gonna go get like starbucks or something later today right now i'm actually gonna go edit i feel like i have such a gross voice in the morning like it's like low and like hey guys so i look a little bit crazy right now because i just got out of the shower and washed my hair i feel like these days are honestly getting so repetitive but as usual i just got out of the shower it took me forever to get ready i don't know why and now i'm gonna go downstairs and eat my breakfast and then i'm gonna start with my online school this is the outfit that i'm wearing today i have this necklace set from amazon and then i have this super adorable embroidery and i can't even say that word embroider embroidery embroider one of my friends actually made this for me so she hand stitched this herself it's amazing and i love it so much and then i'm wearing the same sheen skirt that i wore earlier this week obviously it's my favorite skirt i'm obsessed with it i don't know why but i've literally been losing all my socks recently so i have resorted to wearing mix match socks today i'm not sure why like i feel like either they're not getting washed or they're just getting lost hey guys so i low-key hate to film this outro looking this bad but it's been about a week or so since i filmed this video and i'm just gonna quickly film a little outro it hasn't made waking up at 6am that much easier like i'm definitely a morning person but it's so hard for me to get out of bed in the morning because the bed is so cozy and comfortable and you just like want to sleep but then once i'm out but i honestly feel amazing so anyway i feel like i'm rambling on i definitely recommend you guys try waking up at 5am even if it's literally just for one day like it literally feels so good to wake up and not have to like rush and stuff you can just like kind of take your time and chill uh yeah i'm gonna go now i'm gonna go now and i'll get yeah i think i'm just gonna go now you guys are probably tired of seeing me like this i love you guys so much and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Erika Diane
Views: 6,033,946
Rating: 4.9345598 out of 5
Keywords: waking up at 5AM everyday for a week... (sleep deprived), waking up at 5am for a week, waking up at 5am, waking up at 5am everyday for a week, waking up at 5 am for a week, waking up early, waking up at 5 am, i tried waking up at 5am for a week, waking up at 5am to get ready for school, waking up at 5am everyday, waking up at 5am for a week..., waking up at 5 am everyday for a week, waking up early for a week, i woke up at 5am everyday, i woke up at 5am for a week, online school
Id: QMlx3b-1Jaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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