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[Music] for so long under the stars god I'm terrible at intros hey guys what's up obviously you read the title and I am pulling an all-nighter on a school night it is currently 12:05 I have to get ready in seven hours for school so I'm not excited anywho you know normally when I pull an all-nighter I binge watch Netflix the entire night and I do nothing but I'm not going to do that because it's really boring it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fresh oh the first thing I need to do is make coffee coffee I need energy a lot of energy my parents are sleeping so I'm gonna have to be really really really quiet like really quiet if I wake them up anyways oh I also got a new camera mm I got it for Christmas I actually really [Music] back in my room I actually have a few things in mind that I planned out to do that's strong so here's my list of things that I wanted to do I'm probably not gonna end up doing half a ton because I'm lazy um so we're gonna get right into me so I think the first thing I'm gonna do is clean my room because likes you know I got done cleaning my room like ten minutes ago anyways so I have some things in mind that I wanted to which I've already said like 20 minutes ago I really need to oh my god I really need to fix my hair I can't remember the last time I did a face mask or like did some skincare stuff because I'm just not like that I don't have time for that so I'm gonna do some face masks since a nose mask system yeah you know what I mean so we're gonna do that alright guys I've got two masks here I've got rejuvenating a cucumber plus pink salt clay mask instantly detoxes plus clear spores for renewed skin that's the first one and I've got this charcoal wet a whipped wiped wait I can't read oh my god purifying detox mask and like I don't know what you mean I've used this before it works well ish I don't remember it's been a while and I've never used this before so I don't know so I'm gonna be a really low I also found some nose masks whatever you call them they're charcoal deep cleansing charcoal Isis a twice okay poor strips that goes like obviously so I don't know which one to use first the face mask or this can even use both can I do that can I use both which one goes first oh my god I don't want to do you know what I'm gonna use this first and then I'm gonna use this mask because I don't know I'll save this for another day this seems like it'd be messy you know what I mean semi since I'm so confused right now anyways let's go do this right now okay oh you why do I look like the okay so my parents room is like literally right on the other side of this mirror right on the other side so I can't be loud like at all like I really want to talk to you guys while I'm doing this but like I'm so confused any other girl world can make a messy bun and it looks really nice okay they look like this and then there's mine oh my god yikes you oh my god hey whatever around here anyone got a wet my face to open my pores I feel refreshed let's do this I'm literally down to one like this is my last one we're gonna use it wisely it's not okay guys I finally got it on my face it doesn't feel like it's sticking really well though I'm supposed to leave this on for 15 minutes so I'll get back to you in 15 minutes all right guys so it's been 15 minutes it is currently 125 I have to be extremely quiet no it's like a fifth time I've said it but I'm like 100% sure that I woke up my mom I just heard her coughing I feel so bad I didn't mean to wake her up like I need be loud I mean I don't need to wheel out but I like talking loud because I'm a loud person so like this is really hard for me anyways I'm gonna go to the bathroom or rip this baby off then put the face mask on and pray that I don't get some type of skin disease I doubt that's gonna happen but you never know anyways let's go okay it barely did anything oh my God my face should be what it took off it looks like just dead skin me why isn't it focus just like a big chunk of something like right there you know about that is time to clean up my face cuz it's got black all over it yeah that's right stop doing oh my god let's freakin do this my face is like kinda red I think I pretty much got off all the masks or the whatever it's going alright my mask time you not excited I haven't done this in ages you it's not Helen it's actually kind of satisfied looks like a little poop this is so sad I'm glad you can't do this I feel like a girl so why does every single other girl look normal with a face mask like anyways gonna leave this on for a seven to 10 minute no I did not just do that no I'm gonna leave it all for seven to ten minutes and then I'm gonna clean it off but for now while I'm waiting I'm gonna take pictures for myself okay pictures for my thumbnail so I'll see you in a little bit bye oh my god Oh pinched my finger with my tripod does not even happens oh my god I forgot to throw this out I forgot to put it in the garbage I just realized I forgot to do here are you supposed to do here I don't okay Oh some parts of my face or like a whirly ride like really red red and then I click wait here did I do something wrong leave 170 10 minutes until dry I had a warm water and massage gently I did not do that let's get out of here I've come in and out of my room like 50 times so my mom's probably like really annoyed right now such a bad daughter how did that happen my camera just fell off my tripod oh my god that gatos on my bed oh my god if it would have hit the ground I would have cried oh no all right oh my god I don't have a lot of things that I can do what time is it it's on 158 alright you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make some tic TOCs because the why not oh I'm so gonna get copyright straight oh well let's look at it [Music] oh my god terrible that's enough for tonight I kind of I drop my phone feel like this is boring for you guys hold on oh god those terrible enough tic TOCs for tonight in my viewfinder there's like lines I'm gonna stop my camera real quick hold up came back I fixed it that was very bizarre and not gonna lie Oh actually homework did you bully my school bags all the way downstairs I don't feel like walking down there I'm so lazy oh my oh I hit my mouth on my camera and his dog I'm like so we're kind of hungry not gonna lie all right guys my camera is about to die so I'm gonna let that charge and I'm gonna start editing my video for like a little bit and then I'll get back to you guys and we're gonna do some funds that why did I say like that we're gonna do some fun stuff I mean I'm gonna do some fun stuff because I'm alone and I have no friends and you're not here with me it's 206 so I'll see you guys in like 40 minutes an hour I don't know anyways bye update it is currently 259 for the past a little while now I've been trying to like edit my video but my computer is being stupid and it's not letting me transfer all my files for my camera onto my computer so that's gonna be a problem I don't know what I'm gonna do but anyways actually kind of getting hungry because it's like 3 o'clock all right so let's go get something eat cos I need food I'm hungry I don't want to eat I want to eat healthy too getting food buffers got a cookie can't take this one come on all right we are back in my room for the millionth time I tried to be making my bun cuz like it was terrifying I mean it still is but like I tried and that's what Matt Matt and that's what matters I made a mesh you know I was thinking and I realized that sometimes I forget that people for my school watch my videos and the things that I do and say and the way that I act is just as how it's exactly how I act in real life but I have to friends to your friends and they know that I act like this like nobody else knows like how I really am but then they watch my videos and they see how I am and they're like probably scared be up just to say that I don't know where I was going with it but yeah God look at my dog okay hello I love you okay anyways I don't necessarily know what to do now I think it's like past 3:00 a.m. oh my god that's what I forgot to do I always put on vaseline like all my lips like always like I'm obsessed with Vaseline it's the best thing that's ever happened to me I always use it like every day every minute every hour always okay but it's in my bag all the way downstairs and I have homework in there oh my god I have things to do my dog literally scared me oh my god jeez oh my god okay you see that that's my chair with my coat on it okay since I am very slow eventually Poppins don't drink that much coffee since I am NOT okay my believe I thought that that was a person literally thought that that was a human being all Bobo's oh this is my dog guys like hey look look up you mean the world to me I love you so much I don't know what I would do without he likes things crash my eyes I shouldn't really use this Apple I'm gonna eat this Apple I'm like very unhealthy you focus oh my god please don't worry Popeyes does anyone elses dog do that like one who just crosses his legs oh my god I don't even know like what I'm gonna wear today why am i opening this I need to do homework okay I think I'm gonna do homework let me just place you guys down history homework time baby let's go [Music] whoa my bun oh my god I can't find my history project anywhere I swear if I deleted it by accident oh my god please I don't want to restart okay no I'm not doing this I'm not dealing with this and that is how easily I give up on things because I have no motivation oh my god that was so cute anyways you know I kind of want to have a party by myself I can I just wanna dance and vibe so I'm gonna do that [Music] okay that's enough this is very loud I might all the way downstairs and not my bag because I really really really needed my Bosley so it's currently a 4:17 a freaking em I'm gonna take my shower at 5:00 because I really need one and I'm almost gonna do braids in my hair aha Vaseline real Cielo there's like orange lines what is this okay whatever seal the homework I had to do I mean like it's not too bad I know but like super loud I'm kind of really craving this Apple right now but I just put my zlin on my lips I feel like this video is gonna come out so like messy you know what I mean this area has become a mess let me show y'all like really really wanna I really really really want to edit my video well like my my laptop's not cooperating I actually have to I actually start getting ready now like it's only it's only mm-hmm what I can hear you all night you're talking to yourself what are you talking to my camera all right guys so my dad got mad at me like I don't know like around 30 minutes ago because he saw that I wasn't sleeping and he said that he could hear me talking like the entire night you Todd I know he told me to like go to sleep Oh like I need to finish filming this video I need to complete my all-nighter you know what I mean yeah anyways it's around like five o'clock right now and I need to take my shower so I need to pick out my outfit and stuff let's do this I really really really want to wear this outfit but like I wore this outfit on Monday already and I'm not gonna wear it twice in the same week you know what I mean you know these are PJs boy I really don't care you need a shirt to match it yourself it is like kind of bad I don't care I'm tired I'm just gonna wear that to school today okay this is the fit today oh that's kind of wack actually I really want to wear these PJ's I don't feel like wearing jeans because all my jogging pants are in the wash I want to wear this but it just looks a little you know what I mean mmm I think not no I was so bad at this oh my god who really don't know what to wear I actually really really don't know what to wear like why am I so stuck this morning okay guys I'm actually kind of living for this outfit but like I feel like that jogging pants doesn't like really go with it like from the back feel like it looks weird you know what I mean so like I think I'm gonna put on some long jeans and see what it looks like okay so get on some mom jeans honestly I don't know how I feel about it I feel like it looks good from afar like it looks better in the front but then like in the back kind of terrifying not gonna lie what is this but always what is this thing I'm just gonna go with the mom jeans I have chin today but yesterday is a game hungry we'll have the cross effects I'll go buy some bagels today mean to push my teeth oh yeah okay right my Brown it is currently 7/16 my bus is going to be here in t-minus 24 minutes so we gotta hurry - so snap I mean duh pass me some syrup who's sexy like Brianna Brianna what am I saying Brianna and what she's an energy I've known her since the way it's not a joke not a joke she's trying to place my eyebrows cuz they're a little all over the place not gonna thinking you know wash this I'm kind of scared oh uh that barely did anything I mean this is the I thought I did this is the I that I didn't view and yet no one will notice we're visibly I just want like goose look why'd it get so scared yeah I gotta put this stuff in my bag just in case I need it just in case I need to do a few touch-ups during the day because I have gym and that's not going to end well so I got hoops I love hoops Ivan wearing something wild oh I'm trying not to look at the viewfinder because I'm pretty sure throughout like half this video I've been looking here instead of here so how's it look [Music] my parents are talking about me feel so loved my mom just give me money for lunch today so excited we're gonna bring this Apple cuz I gotta eat healthy you know what I mean okay got to put on some socks and stuff so yeah I'm gonna do that yeah you school is sturdy I'm leaving now to go to school why am i smiling am i okay Kelly Kelly you're okay I'm not okay oh my god um I just packed my gym clothes into my bag put my socks on and um yeah so this is what I'm looking like right now uh yeah we're all set yeah that's all I gotta say I literally have to go like kind of right now because I'm gonna miss my bus it is oh my god oh my god it's 7:30 hey my bus comes in like two minutes and I didn't even put on my shoes nothing yeah hope you guys enjoy the video um what's my hair anomaly I hope you guys enjoyed the video I love you guys see you next time peace out sleep-deprived teen out [Music]
Channel: kellymichalita
Views: 3,127,387
Rating: 4.9220557 out of 5
Keywords: all nighter, allnighter, all-nighter, pulling an all nighter, pulling an all-nighter, pulling an all nighter on a school night, pulling an all-nighter on a school night, school, school night, morning routine, swag, you know the vibes, clairo, no sleep gang, not tired, no sleep, we vibin, sleep deprived, tiktok, coffee, comedy, funny, just kidding im not funny, canada, canadian, sorry mom, lol, pulling an all nighter on a school, routine, night routine, dogs
Id: P2dqKChPBjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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