🎂 Cake Storytime ✨ Tiktok Compilations #2

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some of you play roblox right i used to be really into it i would play every moment i could even between classes after getting home from school i'd quickly do my homework and then play for hours whenever my parents would see me playing they'd say that's enough go do something else for a while i'd stop playing and watch roblox videos on youtube instead as you might have guessed i was spending a large part of my allowance on roblox the roblox currency is called robux i was so hooked on it that even when i was buying something in real life i would convert the price into robux for example when the ice cream guy would say it's two dollars and fifty cents for a scoop i'd go that's 200 robux i wasn't the only roblox addict in our house my little sister ellie was really into it too but her parents never said anything to her sometimes my mom would even sit next to her and watch her play once when my mom asked me to get off roblox i said ellie is playing the whole time too how come you don't say anything to her and my mom replied she's too young and when i said ellie is only three years younger than me my mom got angry and said tammy stop comparing yourself to your sister or i won't let you play at all it might seem weird to you that our parents treat us differently but i'm used to it ellie is their favorite for example last year for her birthday they gave her 10 000 robux i couldn't believe my years when i heard it my mom's a housewife and my dad works at an amazon warehouse they always complain about money but when it comes to my sister they act as if they're loaded i remember blurting out that's not fair you got me a t-shirt for my birthday ellie being the brat that she is couldn't stop herself from laughing at me saying what's the one thing in roblox you really want but can't afford i'm gonna buy it before i continue let me just remind you to hit the like button so you're enjoying this video and please subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet thanks so much one night as i was watching roblox videos on youtube when the power went out i lit a candle there's a huge tree in front of our house the branches were making shadows on the wall which looked scary as if that weren't enough an owl began hooting and it felt really eerie in there as i was sitting there shaking with fear i had a fantastic idea i used to think it would be so great to have my own roblox youtube channel but youtube has thousands of them most of them have similar content there would be no point in having a channel like that that night i had a brilliant idea i could make my channel stand out by making scary roblox videos later that night i found a halloween makeup tutorial on youtube and drew a scary skull on my face then i turned off the lights and lit a candle finally i am playing the scariest roblox game mimic i actually felt scared and so the video came out really realistic i created a new youtube channel and uploaded the video that moment i became a youtuber naturally i did not get a lot of views at first only my friends were watching but i kept dropping videos on a regular basis i was putting on different scary makeup every night and playing a scary roblox game since it was always late and i didn't want to wake up my family i couldn't scream so i invented something called a silent scream whenever i was scared in the game i would pretend to scream by opening my mouth really wide people loved this in the comments they would count my silent screams since my family didn't like my playing roblox i couldn't tell them about my channel i had to keep it a secret in fact i wanted to tell them because i was starting to make money from it i was gradually making more and more after i hit 200 000 subscribers i started making as much in one day as my dad made in a month but i didn't have a bank account because i wasn't old enough so youtube was holding on to the money i made i was going to get it all when i had a bank account everything was going great and then i got caught the silent scream had become really popular at ellie's school since all her friends were talking about it ellie got curious and checked out the channel herself even though i was wearing a lot of makeup she recognized my voice she got super jealous when she saw how many subscribers i had she ran home from school and told my mom about it my parents and i had a big fight that night my mom said how can you do something like this without telling us you will shut down that channel immediately which i replied mom i love doing videos please let me do this i'm making money too my dad said tammy i already have a job we don't need the five bucks you're making on youtube which made me laugh because i was making thousands of dollars every month my dad got really upset that i was laughing at him you are going to your room and deleting that channel now i don't want to hear another word from you about this he yelled i went to my room without saying a word i couldn't fall asleep for a long time it wasn't fair for them to make me delete my channel and it was ridiculous i realized what the real reason was my parents were actually jealous of my success specifically they didn't want me to be more successful than ally this thought made me really angry there was no way i was deleting my channel now suddenly i had an idea my parents had always wanted to own a house but couldn't afford to buy one if i could buy them a house with the money i'd made they'd realize this was serious i went ahead with my plan the next day i knew my grandma had a bank account so i went to visit her and i told her everything she hugged me and said you're such a smart girl i'm proud of you and agreed to help me the next day i got youtube to release the money into my grandma's bank account a week later i found the perfect house with help from a real estate agent i signed the papers and got the keys i still had some money left i wanted to decorate our new home so we'd be able to move into it with all new furniture i worked hard on that over the next few days i turned it into a dream house finally everything was ready i was so looking forward to showing it to my parents i had no new videos up on the channel for some time now after everyone was asleep i put on some scary makeup and did another video i uploaded the video and got into bed i was so excited i was also curious about my family's reaction the next day i went over to the new house my mom called me three times but i didn't pick up i was waiting for my dad to get off work after i made sure that he was home i sent the location of the house to him and wrote dad will all of you please come to this address i got a surprise for you my dad texted me tammy where are you come home now you have to talk about this youtube business of yours i wrote back dad come to this address i just sent you let's talk here my dad didn't respond when she saw the new video ellie must have figured out that i didn't delete my channel and ratted me out to my parents i didn't think too much of it because i was sure they changed their minds once they found out i bought them a magnificent house i waited outside were they going to come thankfully in half an hour my mom my dad and ellie arrived my sister had a smoke on her face both my parents looked really furious my mom asked tammy why did you bring us to this place i said mom i have a surprise for you she wasn't listening why didn't you delete your youtube channel did you think we wouldn't find out she yelled without saying a word i held up the gift box i was holding my dad said tammy you have disappointed us are you going to bribe us with a gift and i said to him yes that's exactly what i'm doing mom would you please open it my mom opened the box she was surprised to see the key inside what's this key for she asked that's for the door to our new house i said then i pointed to the house right behind me it said on the door welcome to your new home all three of them stared at the house my dad asked tammy how did you buy this house and i said to him i bought it with the money i made on youtube dad i love my channel so much you can make so much more money on youtube than you think from now on i will give you all the money i make please don't ask me to shut down my channel my parents kept staring at me blankly my mom said oh my god tammy is it possible to make this much money on youtube and turn to ellie's screening this is all because of you you made us do it ellie began to cry now i was surprised what's going on what did ellie make you do i asked my dad said tammy we did something horrible when ellie told us you still had your channel up we got mad we actually had no idea but ellie said we could delete the channel if we wanted to your laptop was turned on and tammy honey we deleted your youtube channel my ears were ringing this can't be real it must be a nightmare i mumbled but when ellie came and hugged me i realized it wasn't she was sobbing hysterically i'm so sorry i showed my parents how to delete the channel i was the one who made them do it i'm so sorry i'm so sorry my parents were looking at me with sadness in their eyes one night i had a dream in which i was in the basement of our house while looking for something i don't know what i discovered a secret room at first i was afraid but then curiosity got the best of me and i went in it was such a realistic dream i was looking around the room when suddenly the door shut behind me it was completely dark and i started screaming i woke up right away i was drenched in sweat i looked around scared i was in my room thankfully it was just a dream i thought suddenly i realized something the secret room was real what i saw in my dream had actually happened to me when i was five or six years old i had been looking for our neighbor's cat in the basement i heard the neighbor tell my mom that her cat went missing the day before i thought it might be in our basement so i went down there somehow a door happened to open in one of the walls i remember going into the hidden room but i don't remember what happened there at all all of a sudden the light went off it was pitch black and i was scared to death i guess my brain simply erased this memory because it was so traumatic but when i dreamed of it it came right back it was a clear memory as if it happened yesterday i couldn't remember who it was that got me out of the room i thought i could ask my mom about it my mom is a designer and my dad is a software developer they both work from home i rushed into my mom's home office i said mom i have something important i need to ask you she looked at me smiling but when i began to tell her about my dream her smile froze the secret room in the basement is real right how did i ever get out of it i asked mom didn't know what to say janine it was just a dream there's no secret room in the basement she said she got mad when i wouldn't drop it i'm really busy right now she said and chewed me away i figured my mom was lying but i didn't say anything i decided to find a secret room myself both my parents and i go to bed really early we're usually asleep by 10 pm that night after my parents went to bed i quietly went down to the basement i scanned the walls with the flashlight there had to be a secret door somewhere i kept looking and looking but i couldn't find it i was feeling really sleepy when i got back to my room i heard people outside talking i looked out the window there was a car parked across the street and my dad was talking to the people inside i was really surprised what was my dad doing outside so late who was he talking to the next evening i was in the basement again after everyone went to bed i had an idea if the secret door had opened while i was looking for the cat maybe i should try looking along the bottom part of the wall when i pointed my flashlight down i saw a brick that was sticking out when i pushed it back into place i heard a mechanism then a tiny door opened inside the wall i got really excited the light in the secret room switched on by itself i walked in inside there was a table a few chairs a couch and a bunch of cabinets there were no cobwebs it seemed the room had been cleaned recently there was a walkie-talkie on the table when i opened the first cabinet i screamed no way there were two huge rifles and two handguns in there i opened another cabinet it was full of canned food it was clear that this room was designed to hide in during an emergency or even live in for a while when i opened the small cabinet next to the couch i saw that it was full of documents envelopes and maps i picked up an envelope there were a few photos in there i took it back to my room i was excited to look through the photos there was a wedding photo of a couple i didn't recognize a baby photo and another one of the three of them together i was confused why do we have someone's family photos why was there a secret room in our basement what was the deal with the walkie-talkie and the guns why did my mom lie to me and say there was no room who were the men that my dad was talking to just as i was about to go to sleep i had an idea i took out all the photos one by one i took separate pictures of the man and the woman with my phone then i went on to google images i clicked the search by image icon i uploaded the woman's photo i got no results then i uploaded the man's photo this time i got a bunch of results my heart was pounding i clicked on the top link it was a news site i started reading this guy had been a famous mafia boss in the past he'd been the head of all the gangs in new york yet thousands of men working for him the police worked for a long time to collect enough evidence to put him away finally he got arrested and was convicted and was sentenced to life in prison nobody knew which prison he was sent to because the police were scared that his men would try to break him out now i was even more confused than earlier why did we have photos of a mafia boss and his family in our basement was my dad working for him this was a ridiculous idea but i couldn't think of any other explanation the next night i went down to the secret room again i had to find more information i opened the cabinet where i found the photos as i was looking to see if there was anything else i found an id card from the photo i could tell it was the id of the mafia boss's wife that's how i learned her name the secret room had no phone signal so i came back to my room i googled the woman's name there were only two results both were news stories about a traffic accident she had lost control of her car while speeding and flew from a bridge into the river she had her baby with her they both died instead of solving the mystery every new bit of information was making things even more complicated i was so curious to find out what all this meant i looked out the window to check up the car i saw the night before was still there and it was the light in the car was on and i could make out the faces of the people inside there were two men inside a driver and a passenger the passenger was my dad they were chatting and laughing a few minutes later another car came and parked behind them a woman came out my dad got out of the car i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw my dad and this woman embrace each other was this woman my dad's lover then he got into her car and they left together i had to tell my mom what i'd just seen she would definitely be upset but she had to know that my dad was having an affair i walked into my parents bedroom crying my mom woke up and screamed janine what's wrong mom dad is cheating on you i saw that with my own eyes he just drove away with some woman i said my mom helped me close she calmly said why are you not in bed so late you shouldn't have seen that i asked her what do you mean who was that woman my mom smiled and said janine that's your dad's wife or rather she's the wife of the man who you think is your dad i said what do you mean the man you think is your dad does this have anything to do with the secret room in the basement it was my mom's turn to be surprised you found that too that's a shelter come on let's go down there i have a lot to tell you she said we went down to the basement i think you'll need these i said as i gave her the envelope with the photos my mom said now you'll know everything you've been wondering about and picked up the wedding photo she pointed to the man and said this is your real father what my dad was a mafia boss i screamed yes he was the most ruthless mafia boss of the century mom replied so who is this woman with him i asked that's me she said i said mom that can't be you she doesn't look like you at all mom said janine i used to look like that what you see now is the result of seven plastic surgeries the things i was learning were so outrageous nothing surprised me anymore when i said to my mom the internet says you died in a car accident along with your baby she said that's fake news the police put that up that's when it hit me i grabbed the photo of the baby is that me i asked my mom shed a tear yes it's you honey your face was completely transformed after three plastic surgeries i'm really sad about that but there was nothing else we could do she said and went on to explain when i married your father he was working as a driver for a businessman it turns out that person was involved in organized crime your father learned everything from it and got involved as well i thought he was still working as a driver and meanwhile he had become a mafia boss by the time i found out it was too late he had completely transformed into a criminal you were born around that time your father was out of control he was horrible towards both his men and me i hated him and i was also terrified of him finally i couldn't take it anymore so i took you and went to police they've been trying to arrest your father for years but could never collect enough evidence i knew all about your father's dirty laundry he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison thanks to my testimony since a lot of his men were so loyal to him you and i were in serious danger that's why they got us into witness protection program first they completely changed our appearance with a series of surgeries next they gave us new names then we moved into this little town it was a wild story straight out of a movie and i was one of the characters in it so who is the man i called dad i asked he's our bodyguard his real name is george the woman you saw is his real wife every night after you go to bed george goes home and comes back before you're up when he's not around there are other people protecting us when i said i know they're sitting in the car across the street my mom laughed and said you found out so much i asked mom is this secret room for us to hide in she said your father had thousands of men because of me their lives were offended they've been looking for us for years to get revenge if they ever find out who we are and where we live they will kill us but don't you worry if that happens we'll be hiding right here the guns are for our protection george is of course going to stay with us my name has become very popular thanks to the tv show game of thrones but there's an interesting story behind how i got this name arya means air in italian so why was i named air because i was born on an airplane and that was the name chosen by the italian pilot you heard that right i was born 16 years ago onboard an airplane in the middle of a transatlantic flight according to official records the odds of being born on an airplane are 1 in million there have been nearly 50 babies born in the air so far of course these were all unexpected births my mom was on her way to visit my grandmother who had broken her hip but for whatever reason i decided to enter this world during her trip and became one of those 50 babies even though there were a lot of mishaps during my birth i'm so happy that i was born on a plane because i have an interesting birth story and also the airline gifted me a golden ticket thanks to this i can fly anywhere in the world for free now let me tell you my story from the beginning my parents are both mining engineers at the time they were working at a gold mine in india my mom was planning to give birth to me there but when my grandmother who lived in new york fell down the stairs and broke her hip my mom wanted to go right away because there was nobody else that could look after her airlines have different policies when it comes to pregnant passengers the airline my mom was flying allowed women to fly until they were 38 weeks pregnant because my mom was 36 weeks or eight months pregnant at the time she had no trouble buying a ticket my mom says i was already very active earlier that day five hours after takeoff she suddenly started getting labor pains at first she thought it was due to stress but after a while when the contractions began she called one of the flight attendants she said i have bad news for you i think i'm going to have a baby they immediately moved my mom up to first class the captain came over to her shortly after he said we're currently flying close to the polar circle we can't possibly do an emergency landing will you be okay for the next four hours my mom was getting worried and told him my contractions are getting closer together that means labor is going to start in 15 to 20 minutes the chief flight attendant made an announcement saying we have a passenger who's about to go into labor is there a doctor on board when no one answered she tried again this time saying a passenger is having a baby in 15 minutes is there a doctor a nurse a midwife or even a pharmacist anyone who's in health care one of the passengers said my daughter is in medical school she's very scared but i think there's a chance she may be able to help you the girl was so nervous she snapped at her mother saying mom i'm just in my third year i've never even seen anyone give birth you probably know more about it than i do you've at least done it yourself but when the chief flight attendant said i understand but you're the only person on this plane who knows anything about healthcare please help us she had no choice but to say yes they cleared the first class section to prepare for labor as you know first class seats can turn into comfortable beds flight attendants converted that space into a small hospital room and laid my mom down then they brought hot water and towels just like in the movies but just when they thought everything was okay they realized that the medical student had disappeared after searching for a while they found her hiding in the bathroom she'd locked herself in there because she was so scared her mom went to the bathroom door and started begging her they finally convinced her to come out when she was finally brought to first class she was crying and saying i can't do it i can't do it my mom had been pretty calm until then when she saw the girl she started crying too the chief flight attendant saw that things were getting out of hand and decided to take control of the situation first of all she sent the girl back to her seat then she turned to my mom and said the magic word push once my mom heard that she stopped crying and started pushing and sure enough shortly after she gave birth to me all the passengers on the plane were waiting anxiously the pilot's announcement broke the silence ladies and gentlemen we realized there's a stowaway on board because her name is not on the passenger list in fact this little passenger doesn't even have a name with her mother's permission i've named her arya it means air in my mother tongue i want to extend a warm welcome to arya who was born in the air relieved by the pilot's announcement the passengers broke into applause the captain called my dad on his cell phone to give him the news and then put my mom on because there were no video calls back then dad was only able to listen to my crying after landing they took my mom and me straight to the hospital the doctor examined us and said there was nothing wrong with either of us my dad came to new york the following week when he went to deal with the paperwork the official asked him about my place of birth when dad said arya was born on a plane she was surprised she told him unfortunately in the air is not one of the options the closest one is at sea we can put that if you like my dad had to say yes to that so my passport says i was born at sea i love showing it to people and saying actually i wasn't born at sea but in the air and telling them how it happened that is my birth story now let me tell you about my golden ticket as i said earlier i can fly anywhere in the world for free about a month after i was born the airline called my parents and invited them to their headquarters the general manager explained that there are some superstitions in aviation just like in seafaring apparently it's a very good sign when a baby is born on a plane he said they were going to rename the plane i was born on after my mother then he added and we will give arya a golden ticket so she can travel on our planes for free for the rest of her life which of course made my parents really happy you might have heard before that babies born in the air fly everywhere for free but that's not exactly true for every baby yes there are lucky babies like me who get the golden ticket but there is no set rule about it if the airline wants to give them a golden ticket they do if they choose not to no one asks them why they didn't one more thing some airlines that give out golden tickets announce it publicly and others don't for example our airline chose not to make an announcement i know some of you might be jealous of me you might be thinking i wish my mom gave birth to me in the air just think about it if i decided to go to japan today i could get on a plane tonight and be in tokyo tomorrow this really is an incredible opportunity but of course it's not as simple as that yes the flight might be free but if i don't have enough money for other expenses like hotels and food there's no point for me going to tokyo also because i can't travel alone either my mom or my dad needs to come with me and of course they need to pay for their own plane tickets this is why i haven't been able to use my golden ticket much so far now i'm looking forward to turning 18. after finishing high school i won't start college right away first i will go on a trip around the world for a year i want to visit at least 50 countries i'll be waitressing wherever i go to make money so i'll be working and traveling at the same time besides some days i'll be sleeping on the plane instead of paying for a hotel room let's say i'm in paris from there i'll get a ticket to cuba that's a 10-hour flight i'll eat a good meal once i'm on the plane then i'm going to sleep there as if i'm in a hotel room after a good night's sleep i'll wake up in havana it sounds wild to treat the plane like a hotel but i'll be able to do that thanks to my golden ticket i'd love it if you could give me some recommendations for my trip which countries or cities should i visit and please tell me why you recommend those places i hope that by the time i start my trip the pandemic will finally be over and i can travel safely
Channel: Spirit Cake Story
Views: 3,514,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UDr9vFL7klc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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