Wagyu Beef Gyro

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i have to say i am a massive fan of greek food and when i think about it one of the first things that comes to mind is a soft chewy bread wrapped around some freshly sliced meat whether it's lamb pork chicken or beef some really really fresh vegetables some nice cubes a cucumber with that really nice crisp some softer juicy tomato and of course any sort of amazing yogurt sauce perhaps sometimes topped with some french fries i'm a firm believer that one of those sandwiches if you can even call it that is probably one of the best foods out there so today we're going to use some wagyu beef to make the most amazing gyro giro giro i've heard people pronounce in all sorts of ways nickname it's pronounced you know what are you doing what get out of my kitchen you're not even from here how did you even get in my apartment get out of the kitchen but in all seriousness today i'm here with my buddy the golden balance and we're gonna be making some lego euros for our euro bread we're gonna start with about one and a quarter cups of lukewarm water about 115 degrees fahrenheit then we're gonna add a tablespoon of active dry yeast and last but not least finish it with a small pinch of sugar as you whisk it up we're gonna let this rest for five to ten minutes and let the yeast wake up at this point we're gonna add in two and two thirds cups of bread flour knowing that we may actually end up needing a little bit more depending on how wet or dry our dough becomes and then we're gonna finish off with one to two tablespoons of olive oil and let's not forget one tiny little sprinkle of salt at this point we're gonna close down our machine and let this begin to come together until we have a nice smooth ball of dough so once the dough looks nice and smooth i'm gonna open this bad boy up it's time to give it a little spank what are you doing that's my thing now at this point we're gonna oil up a bowl now we're gonna drop in the dough give it a nice little turn just so nothing sticks and at this point we cover it up and let it rest between an hour and an hour and a half to make sure everything can rise at this point everyone it's time to bring out the wagyu and today we're really not holding back hey stay here for a second i need to work out let's get a little lifting number three you're looking at between 15 and 20 pounds of wagyu beef right here this bad boy is an american wagyu top sirloin which means that it's a mix between black angus and japanese wagyu cattle we're using top sirloin because it has enough fat to give it flavor but at the same time it's not gonna completely melt off the skewer as usual i got all this beef quite last minute actually from the wagyu shop and when i gave them a call and told them that the golden balance and i were gonna be making a massive wagyu gyro they laughed but they delivered because the golden balance is our guest today we're gonna let him go first with the cuts and we're gonna see who can get cleaner cuts between the two of us so it's your turn buddy so the goal is to get really nice thin strips so we're going to come over here and start shaving it off obviously the first couple layers are going to be a bunch of fat i mean honestly if i'm making this i would also put these fat layers in between the meat yeah because they add a lot of flavor totally agree that's a lot of fat awesome we should probably attach this fat to nick all right well taking a survey of what the golden balance here has done with all this meat i'm going to be honest i can't say i'm impressed everybody mainly oh you're so sad i mean this actually looks pretty good and there's some really nice cuts here we still have that line of fat here which is going to give us some extra flavor and then we have these nice layers of fat that we can put in between the beef that will melt as that gyro spins around but now it's my time to see how well i can cut so let's get started i do feel like i might have some slight home field advantage here at this point my stack is complete and with all of our incredible carved wagyu beef i think we're ready to layer let's do it i'm gonna start with a little bit of paprika and oregano sprinkle it evenly over the top of everything you can add a little bit more okay we're gonna we're gonna be like that yeah in just a little bit we're gonna be like that yep okay i guess i'm gonna add just a tad bit more just to make this seasoning expert happy and since we have a large amount of meat we're gonna go with an actual handful of salt salt brings out the flavor just nothing is boring over here and while he's doing the salt i'm going to come over with a little bit of chili powder and go over the top of everything chili powder spicy right a little bit just for you for me and just to give a little bit more greek vibes we're going to go in with some thyme that looks beautiful and following the time i'm going to go with the generous handful of cumin and i actually like to use celery salt a lot it adds a bunch of flavor and as he finishes up with the celery salt i'll go on with a little bit of minced onion and then to finish as i go on with a little bit of olive oil we're gonna go in with some fresh cracked black pepper it's nice to see some seasoning on nick's channel right and this right here ladies and gentlemen is how you season your meat time to get those gloves on and get our hands dirty we just want every single slab of meat to get seasoned equally no we're just mashing our meat a little bit here there's nothing to see everybody there's nothing to see smells absolutely incredible as you can see at this point every piece of meat has been lightly seasoned overall with that oil which helps to have all the seasoning stick across that beautiful piece of beef now let's layer everything on our beautiful spit since we're always keeping things legitimate in this kitchen you know we got one of these bad boys so what you're looking at right here is actually very familiar to me because we make shawarma from it so as the meat is laid out and spins it starts to cook from these beautiful beans and then and then you shave off the meat as all that fat drips on top of it and we use this scooper right here to shave the meat right into it which we then carry right over to our sandwiches and place that fresh hot sizzling meat right on we're simply going to go up the line with our meat eventually trying to make a really well compressed nicely packed together gyro you want to go in every single direction just to get a nice base [Music] now i know that took a little while but i have to say we are absolutely blown away by how well this turned out and i'm gonna be totally honest it hasn't even started cooking and it smells insane just absolutely beautiful wait wait can i say something about it no no no cut the camera while our you know rest for a minute we're gonna take a look at this dough now if you can't tell it's quite fluffy you see all those amazing air bubbles that's what we want that's exactly what we're looking for now let me teach you how to do a good spray of flour here all right far back hit the board like that it's okay if you make a mess so once our dough is lightly floured we're gonna divide it into about eight pieces so we're gonna split this in half at first and then we're gonna go into another half and now we're gonna take those quarters and half them again and that'll leave us with a bunch of nice small dough pillows which we're then gonna roll into balls and press out as thin as possible on our work surface once we've taken all these balls and turned them into these amazing flat pitas which quite honestly look a lot better to me when you press them out by hand we're just gonna agitate them with a fork so they don't puff up and once they look something like this we'll cover them up again with our damp towel until we're ready to cook once we've let our pitas rest for a little while we go in with a little olive oil and then we drop in that pita as your pita begins to puff up watch for the browning on the bottom it got nice and toasted it's time to flip at this point it's finished so we're gonna take it off and set it aside on a nice dry cloth while the golden balance over here finishes expertly making this bread i'm gonna go ahead and start making our tzatziki oh i'm sorry i don't know how it got like that we're gonna start by peeling our cucumber because we're gonna end up grating this and we don't want any of those tougher green parts in our soft and smooth tzatziki at this point we're gonna go ahead and grate our entire cucumber because keep in mind that cucumber has a very high water content and we don't want to really water it to tiki either so we're going to have to dry this out a little bit to start we're going to add all this cucumber to a bowl and then we're going to hit it with a little bit of salt which is going to start drawing out even more of that moisture then we'll let this sit for just a few minutes once the salt has drawn some of the moisture out of our cucumber let's press it down and get as much of the liquid as we possibly can out of it in the end we want to end up with somewhat dried out strands of cucumber that will still carry that flavor without all the water so to assemble our tzatziki we're going to start with the cucumber two cups plain greek yogurt a tiny sprinkle of cayenne pepper some fresh picked dill as much fresh minced garlic as you possibly want a fresh little squeeze of lemon and definitely don't forget the lemon zest and last but not least a little bit of salt and some fresh cracked black pepper and now we whisk her all up now that we're getting to the end here we want to turn this thing on and let it start to spin and cook of course so i'm going to crank our heat up to 300 degrees fahrenheit and let this get super hot and i'm going to turn on the switch to make it spin we're going to be topping the euros off with some white onion we're using this because it's more mild when it's raw everybody it's time to get a lesson in knife skills slice off the bottom top i like to cut it down the middle and just give it a nice little peel and we just want some beautiful thin slices without looking of course and now daddy's gonna step sorry about that i don't know why i said that and now i'm gonna step in and do the same thing you like this please please are they even are they pretty even they're not bad yeah they're not bad that's what i sort of thought and then of course we have to come over with our tomato and just chop those nice strips down we'll flip this around chop those same little squares let's look at that tomato that's that's really nice look at that tomato press we are gonna fry off a little batch of french fries and about 375 degree oil to get them nice and crispy and golden brown and i'm going to be honest with you these were not homemade but in that freezer aisle in the market there was something screaming to us about these fries they're so perfect they're so beautiful and they were just too convenient fry these until they're deep golden brown when the french fries are nice and golden like me we're gonna toss them onto a sheet tray and immediately while they're still sizzling with oil i'm gonna hit him with some salt how's that for seasoning that's a good job at this point once our gyro has been spinning for several minutes the outside layer is cooked enough that we can start to shave some off at this point i'm gonna carve some nice clean cuts of beef right into my holder here and as you can see the more we carve the more raw it begins to get in the middle at which point we simply turn this back on and let it spin again to cook this inner part once again at this point in time everybody you've watched through enough of our video that you deserve some sexy food carving shots right now after all that hard work layering the meat on it really is fun to carve through and what we're left with is this beautiful charred succulent meat and as always now bismillah now at this point i think our meat is nice and warm and it's ready to assemble our pizza no no no it's not warm enough baby let's go yeah you're fine you're fine to start we're going to add our tadziki and then we come in with this hot sizzling meat that we just finished off in a pan just to get that extra crispy factor some white onions the fresh tomatoes a generous pile of our french fries and to be extra fancy like nick we're just gonna finish off with some fresh dill and now we have final product the way i see it there aren't many rules when it comes to one of these bad boys pile as much as you want of whatever you want onto this amazing bread wrap it all up and take a big bite we work pretty hard for these at this point and when i say we i mean all of us you watching as well but i think at this point in time we deserve a bite so we do how would we do it cheers [Music] hmm oh that's quite nice the bread's crazy that is good so after taking a bite what are your final thoughts on this how do we do it delicious you got it all over your face so i can tell you like yeah no that's this is really good the bread is nice and fresh this is the first time i've made homemade bread with nick obviously i didn't do it the meat is nice and seasoned the crispy fries creamy tatsuki it's money i'll say that the bread has something about it that's seriously seriously interesting it has a unique flavor and i don't entirely know what it is but it's fantastic it's buttery it's soft it's chewy because we put it in those towels and let it sit there and steam with all the other pieces of warm bread it's got everything you want in that pita wrap in terms of what's inside you got those amazing fresh tomatoes that white onion which like we said is really kind of mild on the palate compared to other onion out there especially when raw like this and of course the seasoned beef which i mean you can't really go wrong using wagyu in this situation the very very crispy fries that are somehow still fluffy in the middle and of course last but not least that tzatziki and the dill that brings it all together this right here everybody is an a plus yoyo a plus plus a plus plus now to everybody that watched thank you so much for being here i really hope you'll take at least some of these elements home and try to make it yourself i don't expect you to go out and buy the entire euro machine but you can at least use some of those seasoning techniques or make this bread for something all of these are very very simple and i'm telling you right now that no matter your cooking skill or cooking ability that you think you might have you can do it please don't forget to like this video and if you're not subscribed already first of all what are you doing and second of all make sure you smack that subscribe button and the little notifications icon down there for now we got to finish these heroes but we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 6,301,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef, gyro, goldenbalance, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: trcjNLQK3qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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