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how's it going guys me and Theo are here in rainy England but we're about to get on a flight to Sunny Spain to play our first ever match play whoever wins our first ever match gets to take home this brand new Apple Vision Pro wait hello me and Baker are here at El chaparal golf course on the cadale soul one of the go golfers will be losing today o for the first time ever I know undefeated up until today one of us well best of luck my friend good luck let's go all right hole number one when I say this is the narrowest course in Spain I mean it look at that behind you Harry that's disgraceful it's 340 yd power four uphill narrow as an artery oh oh interesting saying do you want to go first hell no okay I'll go this is match play remember I haven't got my glasses man I can't see glasses you're you're going to need to watch my ball because I'm going to lose it all right here we go come on nice and easy go to a good start yeah this is an important t- shot this is that's perfect oh my God you Jammy Jammy that's not even Jammy that's skill wow yeah we'll take that what do you mean we'll take that yes that's like the perfect driver I've ever seen in my life all right come on Baker two in play Dinger down there oh we're cooking oh mate I needed that that's good you know what we're both in play off the first t i I'm a lot shorter than you it's all right but we're in play well I'm against you actually I shouldn't be cheering that come on you know I'm just happy with the fact We've Ended up here from back there is very impressive on for a birdie I think fast hope broke your Club I've just I've just scratched up my new wedge oh for God's sake oh no bounce off come back come back out come back out oh has it has oh my God it's got the green you absolute scumbag did you see that that is outrageous is that on the green yeah how am I supposed to compete what will Chris MD do oh he scal it play this slope play Oh my days oh my God where are no way no way I can't not mess this up I have to get aart oh dear right this has got to go close cuz Baker's putting for some reason oh it's good Harry sit no that's that's decent enough shot you know i' I've done no practice putts today oh yeah yeah good point I don't know how fast these greens are oh that's not bad keep rolling oh it's rolled oh you put it off the green boss they're a bit nippy Harry come on putting with the glove on you know there's no way you've done that oh they're so quick M mate it's just what this will be fine it's not going to roll down all we stink mate oh my god skap with a bogy if I if I lose this hole O Okay bogey bogey there's a tie on the first hole but you're not supposed to drive on the road lad you have to turn in quite harshly oh no can't oh God so y you're driving on the wrong side of the road oh Jesus mother of Nazareth that no way oh my God all right next up we've got an absolute outrageous looking hole it's 170 yd PA three over a valley um a crass pylons sand the sea all to avoid it's all in play is it yeah all right best of luck mate oh it's in the crass no get over over I get there actually get over you know what he's on it's on the green that's on the green is it yeah I swear I saw that bounce on it's on the green you son of a gun I saw I didn't see that bounce I hate that you're on the green already that's bad news that's a great shot it's over the pylons oh that's very left though I think it's still too it's off the back is that off the back it's off the back left all right well good you didn't hit a six man I got I got in the sea give me the bad news am I in the bush no no no no no oh tell oh wait hang on no that looks oh crumbs what do I do with this what do I do with this is this legal yeah of course it's legal why not I can't even see the okay here we go come on AR get this on the green made that's good effort get over the hill no that's a good effort it is a good effort uhoh uhoh oh for [ __ ] sake uhoh well I'm hitting for four mate so realistically just don't have a horror show and you'll be fine it's not damn it it's a long part this is for bogey Harry this is for this yeah and thank you Theo [Laughter] ah Baker goes one up ah but it's match play so actually all I did was lose the hole nothing and that's it's not a catastrophe that's you got catastrophe not at all I'm only one down to the mighty theob Baker next up we've got the hardest hole on the course oh God as you said the hardest hole on the course is a 440 sorry 540 yard par five downhill though which can only mean one thing this driver is going 300 yards I tell you what best luck no excuses but you don't need bro what excuses you're [ __ ] oh oh no come out again oh you're in the Fairway you Jammy son of a gun you're in the Fairway that's that won't pick it up I don't think any camera will pick that up it's hit a tree and bounced out again in middle of the Fairway okay realistically this has to be a great drive here that's a great Drive mate that has gone so F on that's over the trees that over the trees if it is I'm sorted it's somewhere down there mate that's gone so far the fact that you've come out the trees again do you know what it is it's skill I I'm competing against you and nature combin it's [ __ ] it's impossible it's because I'm 2% South Italian and Greek are you actually can tell me the the great T that you get all the time it really shows through look look where he is don't hit yet don't hit yet oh go on Baker oh it's a banana shot is it okay yeah you're fine oh are you yep I'm fine are you you don't know if the tree would put that one back uh can I move Twigs I I I will allow you to move Twigs yeah you're fine you sure but I can't touch them or can I you well you move I won't call it I won't call it I'm going to just out oh oh my God I I I went for the old you did not mean to hit it through that you literally you told me with a straight face that you were trying to hit it down here no that's the exact shot I meant to it the exact shot I meant to play am I in the hazard where are you mate I'm in here what you've hit a 340 yard Drive is down a hill I mean I this this this this isn't a hazard is it oh oh no heads up heads Heads it's in the hazard no it's in the it's in the water it's in the water 180 yard there is a world right where I take a 7 iron and like just go like that oh oh Harry what I got some bad news no it was so close from landing on the green but it's rolled into the water no I think it has I think it's rolled into the water no it was the best shot I've ever hit mine is not in the water but like where is it is it going to be against here right wait where is it oh my God yes yes come on this is for yeah yeah thanks for reminding me a bogey chip it's not bad get up no don't roll it's going to roll don't roll oh you lucky boy little Flopper floppy whoppy Duda that's what I'm trying oh that was so close to being great right a double [Music] bogey sit it's on the the green mate it's on the green let me put it close and I'll take a little uh I'll take a bogey get in get in oh what the we take a par we take a par this is not pretty at all what it's one all it's what we're all square we're all square we're all square all right this is a pesky looking par three this is It's 190 yards I tell you this mate it looks hard but if all of this Shrubbery and trees was just Fairway it' be fine yeah so hit it straight and you're great all right [ __ ] [ __ ] drop come on stick to the right and you'll be fine that's a really good shot hook the hook hook oh no you might you might find it all right Baker I may be I may be out of bounds here so just get it anywhere up there you're fine oh snap well that's coming round oh yes that the green it's very far right but I think it's on the green yeah I have hope for you do you wait the way the way mine have been hitting trees today yeah I no opens up it opens up I thought I was dead and buried I thought I was lost is that me yes apparently it hit that tree and bounced back here shut up oh that's quite oh mate it got caught up a little bit but if that kept going that's a great shot wow sit oh bit of a slope to contend with the baker as well you know oh it's hard slow down son slow down you dirty dirty dirty dog all right to go one up come on Harry oh we don't miss those he don't miss those all you can have that one as well Baker come on let's try and save these score cards here so we're our scores are awful right now right but it hadn't been for the tree we'd be genuinely about 15 over by now tell you what tiger is looking down upon us right now he is oh you can say Tiger's in the woods throw on our balls back in don't worry power four okay whole five yeah you're one up thank you a few tractors to contend with yes yes it's a drivable green though 270 yards and uh obviously you're known as Mr driver am I yeah so you're first okay he also want that hole in that dodgy tree all right come on arry a nice drive please mate oh Jesus four right four very right actually you know I I I think you're play I think that's playable I think that's fine I think you're absolutely fine yeah yeah wow oh my god I've just driven the green I don't I is actually I've driven the green I swear to God I've driven the Green Oh my days God you fair dudes mate good drive good drive good drive oh my God you're off the back of the green is that me off the back of the green oh my God oh my God Baker Harry where are you I'm here sorry what has happened to us right now are you is this is this hit another tree you have to birdy this by the way look where you are for one I like that a lot mate I like that a lot oh it's gone for you know what I'll bir on you I'll take that four yeah it's a part definitely a part four 100% there's a world where this goes in there's so much to contain with oh I don't mind it I really don't mind it go go go go oh he's got that for a birdie he's got that for a birdie I'm [ __ ] it I'm [ __ ] it I like it a lot mate I like it a lot oh oh you kidding me oh if you had got a bird oh you're kidding me that's so brutal can I have that yeah but put it in for the fun this is to go all square again come on Baker go when the sun comes down get away C to young lovers me to go straight out of town over the hills and undercover dud Fair dud Fair dud yeah Fair dud nice one I am gas yeah I'm not I'm not surprised oh I just got a freaking birdie hey you know what gone as bad as I've been in the last few videos that makes it all worth it bit magic man that all makes that I'm I'm ready to commit my life to this game o it's interesting now Bird's got a Baker's got a birdie I've got a par which means three Pars in a row three Pars in a row we take that which means it is all square this is the sick hole it's a 500 no it's a 400 what is it 450 yard par five 450 y par five that is reachable and two with me you've just drived it 270 yards what watch should we hook it into the trees now let's see let's see wait is that [ __ ] one sec I'll smell it you is that [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] don't worry oh my God stay stay I think you'll be all right safe yeah we're good are you I saw it come down you saw it down y all right fair enough all right here we go I'm going to absolutely well this with all I've got use that Red Bull driver the max for shaton come on oh oh oh she's not pretty I don't know you know no oh God I don't know I got faith to be fair the way the trees are going yeah you never know you are joking me if that's is that you bro look at there is that a ball is if that if your ball is end up there I cannot be bothered hang on a minute is that mine oh no was that how are you in the middle of the Fairway no it's me that's me no yes no it's me it's me it's me it's me why would he say that to me he went the in the middle of the the Fairway what is that come off mate wait so it must have hit the corner of the car par i i i gen I have no idea but it's literally perfectly in the middle of the Fairway how far have we got I don't actually know what's down there hit and hope man hit and hope it's not how you should play golf but go golf is play golf okay yeah that oh it's chunked but it's going to roll down there absolutely fine it's oh no oh oh god oh was that what's that red pole not good news I don't think right okay you know what it's actually not bad at all fine oh my God wait that was where the flag was you've actually got quite a nice line in yes exactly how I wanted it to happen that's actually fine that's honestly you know what it's it's going exactly where mine is it's actually so fine all right fine we're getting around there we're getting around there yeah it's not it's five five oh that could be really good Theo go on oh no no no no it's going on that was almost it you barely hit that though yeah yeah I like that bounc in I like that a lot oh it's got stuck in the no oh it's oh she's down there I feel like we're being too buddy buddy here we're all square I should really want you to scull this off the back oh oh it's not bad I take that that's going to have to sit it's going to have to really sit why go over the hill go over the hill go over the hill it's fast a see you idiot and I hate to say it Baker there's a bit of meat on that bone you're so irritating I hate oh he raced it past good po oh I think that's a big partt you know that is a big partt and this is to oh God so I have to put this to level the hole you have to make this I hate to say it mate been a me on that I've lost the hole already I've lost the hole already ah hole number seven 400 yd par five so it's a it's a shter par five but but it's up a mountain that's why it is up a mountain well you're you is your honors because I had a little uh I had a little uh a hisy fit tantrum from Harry little angry Centrum sorry who is that gone straight or right I don't know where that's gone that's hitting a property actually oh yeah you're fine you're fine you're fine all right so straight up the middle ignore the hill you ignore the hill it's right there just do a normal drive that's gone left that's fine though that's G really where has that ended up oh my God mate you're rolling into the middle of the Fairway I can see it rolling you're in the middle of the Fairway I genuinely can't see anything but we'll take that you know what I think I'm better off there cuz I got a you you might be blocked by this man oh you think you're better off in the middle of the fair the I on the side so the line over the tree I would really hate to see a shank this into that person's balcony now would be a terrible shame nothing yes as if as if as if you have on my back swin whispered to yourself FL it FL it I thought you couldn't hear me that's outrageous I thought you could hear me I'm sorry my backwing I was doing it for the folks at home I wasn't doing it terrible man sorry terrible they see me rolling they hating you know in that film when they curve the bullet you can curve the ball thank you mate that's really got me in the mood for this shot come around actually done the shot though it's it's a bit left though that was almost it I can see it I can literally see it it's by the tree well I'm going to go for it boys you're going to go for it you're going to hit the pine tree no I won't if I dunk this if you dunk this what you giving me if you dunk this I will I will play the rest of this round naked deal all right it's for an eagle oh oh you know what I think I I don't know where you are it's in there do you speak Spanish no I I know where it's there yeah I can see it H can you the ball gracias yeah up yeah see see ah gracias gracias that counts just a choc it you one more oh I'll tell I'll play as it Li yeah that's fine thank you got so I that's to be fair a Spectators interfered with that I didn't touch it you didn't you didn't well I I'll I'll give you you can hit that for a one shot penalty I think it's fair I didn't touch it BR you've gone from the bloody building side to there I didn't touch it you asked him to throw it over I yeah you know what cuz I spoke in your back I think that's fair yes yeah okay fair fair fair this is your third shot Harry you got potential bogey on the cards here it's a part five isn't it yeah I meant a birdie sorry I like it it's quite a lot I think yeah it's not great I mean you're there you are there it's so hard don't go in the bunker Theo oh god oh my god oh yes is there a bunker there no honestly the middle of this video I thought we were flying and we've now come crashing back down to reality do you know why I did that cuz that bunker scared the life I don't have a putter on me you know what it's really not bad that's not horrendous at all is it it's not bad at all mate you know what that's fine well that's good just just fell off at the end is it okay I really actually need to get I need to cuz I've I've messed up enough pots today I really need to get there oh you really downwards dog to line up the hole yeah thank goodness me so we are level with two holes to play we are all right we're here hole eight it is 320 yards with a fat old dog leg round so you can either lay up or you could do a very optimistic drive we we yet to decide what we're going to do here yeah uh it's all square yeah it's Par Four part four let's go he's he's like a proud father recording his son all right I'm going to go for the most optimistic slicey Drive the world has ever seen and hopefully get it around the corner you went for the slice I mean that's either on the bloody green or that's in no man's L you actually might be on the green I is there any sign let me ask on the old intercom is it good oh my God I just heard him go oh wait how good you're like a 40 yard chip from the hole oh oh that's still pretty good it's not bad it's not bad I thought I thought you said you're like 4 foot from the hole oh oh you know what it's actually going to be all right I think yeah it's good I can tell by the cameraman's movement we have AB absolutely desecrated this hole it should be a lovely layup around the corner we just Freddy Flintstone yam I done what I'm saying sorry I look horrendous as well yeah I can make some owls come to us go in oh you that Bloody that was a hard that was a hard shot man I was leaning over like oh look at it roll oh it's coming to me oh no all right 50 yards up there yeah come on Harry that's really good it's got to have to go nah it's not gone I think you're on the green you're not n uh up there up there it is up it is up there up there yeah it could be worse right you're here for two aren't you so are you no I'm here for three oh big problemo big problemo indeed I'm Gonna Bump the ball at you oh that's go on oh you know what Theo that's that's a really good shot yeah that's actually really that's a really good shot that's really good yeah wow oh it's good it is good mate yeah really good oh oh if things weren't so tight I'll give you the hole but I've seen your four pack today yeah a oh if only I nailed my part now well D mate so you're one up you're one up yeah one hole to play so I can't win unless I take it to a tiebreak take it to a tie breaker we are doing a tiebreaker we a Sun stays up the Sun is setting it is it all comes down to this last hole potentially you can win it on this hole I need a Blinder you do it's a PA four 350 y whole nine of the course and it's straight As the arrow can fly go ahead then my friend driller I know it's my is your sorry what I should do in this situation is just iron it off the tea the most boring bogey golf ever but I'm not going to I'm going to smack it four where'd that go sorry sorry where's that gone it hit it went the construction site it hit the house hit the house hit the house the house sorry sorry sorry oh what a drive oh stay in though no you'll be fine yeah you're up there you're fine fine okay so I am three off the tea don't make it five off the tea now that's miles oh my God you're going to kill Y no no I think that's over him yeah that's fine wait you've hit that Miles Fair Play should have done that the first time miles dang nabbit all right Baker cheers to a wonderful day bloody hell it's been a great game it's been a great game whatever happens here the first of many match plays come on come on come on oh there's a bunker oh no there's a big old bunker no way there's no way oh wait no wait that's a leaf that's unreal I think it's gone quite a lot left though might be all right do we need to check the hole all right apparently mine's going off the back of the green I'm going to go for a soft pitching wedge I'm going to need this to go horribly wrong here yes no that's fine oh it's got over absolutely fine I thought it was being held up on the hill yeah I think that's good by the way this record Le tastes like just pure Angelic sexual intercourse oh and he scal it he's going to have to sit that's fine that's so fine that's fine please tell me my balls in play oh Jesus Mary and Joseph where is it it's in the sand puddle well I think I'm the sand puddle I think I'm out of bounds anyway mate how is that stop there you've got so lucky that could have gone through the tunnel h i don't have high hopes for this I you should really just play a drop four right I think I might be out of the hole here no you're in the other hole am I actually it's gone back there you what cached you free I feel like tiger walking up the 18th the question is for the score card what you give me for that mate you're having a nine a nine I'll take you know what I'll take single figures for that who would have thought it Baker they couldn't separate the go golfers through nine you know what yeah we've actually don't say we've played well no we have played well we haven't played well we've played shy you've got like four pars yeah you got birdie got birdie but it's sprinkled in between the shite so this is Big Mate it's a playoff hole it's a path three hole 10 but it's not just any hole cuz we have an active road There's an actual road if you hit a car and then it PR to bounce on the green we're taking that right oh oh go on hit the tree it hit the tree I don't know where it went though I don't know where it went it is playable sir it's playable bottom right wait how's it ended up there wow oh my God don't tell me it's the first go golfing hole in one go on oh oh look where it is mate oh oh my God this is this has been what a great course has been by the way yeah it's been lovely mate such a good course oh God God yeah that's not bad at all for you yeah that's fine look at your pitch mark as well that's shut up do you know what separates the good from the great gone moments okay and as I to told is a young boy have the magic moments make Magic Memories is that your hot or impr my Spanish okay time to hold it baby oh oh that's fine oh all right it's all right hit it off to the right it rolls down the SL Bob's your uncle let's get it oh it's coming go on oh it's coming it's C oh it's not bad oh mate this is horrible this is horrible oh come on Foo to p on the pressure you can have that what you mean yes all right so I got par you got no you didn't get par you got three you got a bogey I got bogey didn't I yeah all right this is for the win oh no oh you are so that was going back to Malaga airport good game my friend oh I can't believe I've lost I can't hey that was a great game had so many twists and turns oh yes we had a what did we have there we had birdies we had uh three pars four pars four pars five quintuple Bogies we had Spanish Builders yes helping out we had cars we had hitting over the road you know what it had everything it did have everything come on down to chaperel golf club a beautiful course I may say and if I make this P yeah everyone will like And subscribe okay lovely see you soon [Music] boys
Channel: Harry & Theo Go Golfing
Views: 946,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KFirf97rXN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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