VSDC Video Editor Tutorial 2021 - FREE Video Editor

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you how to use the free vsdc video editor so by free what i mean this is no watermark on it when you create your videos and you export them at the end what i really like about this editor is it's not a big download and if you have an older computer or maybe one that's not so powerful it will work well on that so this is a beginner's tutorial of vsdc i'll go through the different parts i'm going to timestamp everything down below so you can skip to different sections if there's something specific you're looking with the vsdc video editor let's get started today with this tutorial on teachers tech i'm just at the product page here for the vsdc free video editor i'll put the link down below in the description so you can just click on it it will bring you here just to point out this is only for windows if you're on a mac this isn't going to work for you it's only about a 90 meg files so i will download pretty quickly and install quite easily uh the other thing i just wanted to point out was that uh there is a pro version of this that you can upgrade that has even more features to it and it's only about 20 bucks for the upgrade so something to think about if you like the free version and you're looking for a little bit more anyways let's get started with opening up and creating a new project from scratch with vsdc free video editor so i've opened up my vsdc free video editor and you're always going to get this pop pop up when it opens and you can just give you some easy steps to get started you can click these or if you wanted to upgrade to the pro it just shows what those features are but you can go ahead hit the x here and now you're in the editor getting ready to start a project just a little bit of a walk around i'm focusing on making a video showing you how from scratch just from the blank project but it can do other things for you very simply too from creating a slideshow you can import your content you can video capture and screen capture i can make different videos on these let me know in the comments down below if you're looking at using some of these features and we have some quick uh links to tutorials just click on these and it'll take you to there now i'm starting as i said a blank project i can also go to new project up here i'm just going to click on it and this is where you're going to choose your project settings so you could give it a name so if i'm i'm just going to call this one edit and we can go through and fill out some information here i'm not going to put anything this is where you're going to make if you have if it is for youtube you can see where you can or maybe you want instagram you could go through and pick your settings here so i wanted want to be full hd uh 1920 by 1080 but you can go through and change these if you want your frame rate and you have some customizations to this i'm going to leave it like this i'm going to go ahead and hit finish and it snaps open and just some things before i start bringing media in i just wanted to point out in here notice that we have some property windows open on the right hand side over here you if you go up to view right now it's on editor of the tab but if you go over to view this is where you turn them on or off so if you're looking if i mention a certain property window i if i click on it you can see how it changes and i can click on it and opens up so if you don't see a property window that you're looking for look under view and just select it the other thing you can do when these are open let's say properties we use all the time but i don't want it eating up all the space i want to just kind of keep it easy access you can hit this little pin here and then it pushes it to the side so you can see i can click on it like this and it just makes a little bit easier uh gives me a little bit more real estate i can still close these down here pin more of these and i have a couple just quick ones like this i can open up from so that's what i like to do is pin them and then be able to just access them when i want and close them to give me more real estate all right so that said let's get ready to import some media into vsdc if you're a beginner to video editing what i mean by importing media would be bringing in your video your image or audio into your video editor in this case vsdc if if you don't have any media to bring in what you what you can do i grab my media today from pixels uh for sorry pixels which is free and you can just search for videos or images and you can uh download them so after i downloaded them i'll put the link to pixels down below in the description too i've just placed them in a folder on my computer uh and you can see these are some audio i have some pictures like this one here and i have uh video so now what i'm gonna do is first way you could bring in media into vsdc is just by dragging it in from your window to the layers so for instance if this man this man surfing right here drag it right in and it goes to right where i had uh my marker right here so i can still move this around once you drag things into uh into here you can move it you can drag it around into different spots as you bring more in if i hover over it it gives me information about the clip i brought in now another way you can bring things in but let's first delete this i'll just hit delete there's a few different ways you can do this i could hit delete on my keyboard i could hit delete i could right click on and hit delete we have delete in a few different places now anytime you make a mistake or something under the edit tab you just go back and hit undo and it will put it back so you can undo a few different steps to get back to if you made a mistake a few steps or you can redo to get what you had previously to all right so now let's bring in some more uh video some media and it's under objects so if i go to the editor under this tab i'm going to add objects so video images audio those are going to be objects so if i click on this you can see i'll go to video and at this time i can go back it opens up a very similar window and i can pick another video just like so and it will go in and at this point it's going to ask where do i want to position it so i could pick different uh if you pick different ones to just have different positions when you bring it in i'm just going to go from cursor position which means wherever this is down here so if i hit ok and it brings in this one so at this point i could hover over again and get the information about the clip i just brought in i could preview it in a couple different ways i could hit play right here and it's going to give me a preview of the video and i could hit preview here will open up another window to show what it looks like and i can preview it in different quality too so if you uh if your computer was a little slowing down you could uh preview it in a different quality lower and it will won't be as good but you'll still be able to see the things that you're doing to it i'm just going to leave it at 7 20. now i'm just going to uh go back to at optic again you can add multiple videos at once if i go video and this time i'm gonna pick i'll pick this one and i'm gonna pick this one so i'm i selected two and it's gonna ask me do i want it add to a layer or open in the wizard uh when i open in the wizard it creates a sprite i will put them together in a spot but i'll show you that after i do the layer one to explain what a sprite is if you're working with it that way but i'm going to hit add to layer and you can see what happens here is it just added those two video clips into the layer so i have this beginning one here i can still drag them around and i can move them i can move them down into different layer i could bring this one if i wanted this surfer one first i could bring this and then go over here and if i hit play it's going to show me if i just hit this it's going to show me what i have so far if you follow the playhead as it goes and it will move over to the next one so i'm putting things in order now i just wanted to say as this moves over you're going to see two different videos all you're seeing is the top one so if you place uh whatever's on the top layer is the layer that you're going to see you're not going to see the bottom layer even though there's two videos over there so if you're not seeing something maybe you have it on something covering it on above layer so just so you see here it's fine and i can move these layers around too a few different ways you can do this there's these arrows up here if i click you notice now this is on top and if i hit play again notice that all i'm not seeing the bottom one here so whatever one's on top so that's an important thing to note about that so i'm starting i have a little video i haven't done any trimming or splitting or anything haven't added any audio and to add the audio just go back to add object up top and you can see we have our audio and i'm just going to pick an audio example that i have from that folder that i showed you click it it's gonna go where the cursor is hit okay and it's brought it in you can see it's just changed how the view the zoom view to show more because the audio is longer i could drag this to below it i could actually drag this above it it doesn't really matter with uh with this i could move these all around into different tracks the audio doesn't have to be in one exact layer on it but now if i wanted to preview it with the audio i'll just bring back my cursor i could hit play from here or i could preview it from the eye so i've now i've brought in a little video i've brought in three different video clips and uh an audio clip too so the other thing i could bring in is if i go back add object and i'm just going to move my cursor up here so that it's going to go in where the cursor is add object and this time i'm going to go to image and i'll pick this image and just hit ok and it put it right after this one so now i have a image in here too so it can go from video that we have right here we have audio playing and then it will switch over and go to an image and i can pick the images to go to a certain length but i'll talk about that more with editing now before we talk move on to our trimming and slicing i just want to show you what a sprite is and how to create a sprite so a sprite is like a grouping of media together and let me show you how it will look i'm going to go up to add object again i could add sprite from here but i'm going to do it in a different way i'm going to go to video and i'm going to add in a couple different videos so i'm just going to pick just a couple different videos here i'm going to hit open now the first time i showed you add layer and we just added to a specific layer but if we open in wizard what happens is that it brings it into this and here's the two different video clips that i have uh in here and in between this is where i would add my effects or transition so they're just up here i can uh preview what they would look like and if i liked it i could drag it in between and it shows me what the transition is now i could even select different ones and do a little bit of a cropping uh right in here if i wanted to do a little editing right in here well i'm not going to do that in here but i'll later on i'll show you how to do some more editing i'll just hit okay but when i hit apply let's say if everything i could add more if i want to add more media in here but hit apply it created a sprite so see this green right here so this green is actually both those videos together so i'm going to uh double click on this right here and i opened up the sprite here is the two videos that i was working on you can see it had the transition in between it too and if you notice it says sprite one it's open right here if i close it click the x and it goes back to the view that i had before so inside this sprite right here are the two videos so if i hit play the sprite is playing on on top of this so this is what you're going to see but inside of this double click you see the two videos so inside of sprite you could have a bunch of different videos and adding the effects and you could drag it all around in different places and so it's a grouping of different videos or audio that you have in there uh together so you can create a sprite from scratch i i tend to do it just from grabbing multiple media clips but that's kind of explaining a sprite and how it works in vsdc so i'm going to show you a few different ways that you can trim or slice your videos in order to get them just the way you want i'm going to add a couple here so i'm going to go add object video and i'm just going to grab i'm going to grab two of these right here hit open and just add them to the layer so i got two different videos here you can see i have this one i'm just going to bring it over and here so i'm going to stretch this open a little bit more i'm going to drag it here as just so you can see a little bit more and now what i can do is so if i wanted this a bit shorter from the very beginning what i can do is just grab the front so if you can see how when i get that how it changes when i hover over the front of the clip and i click and hold on my mouse and drag so i just trimmed i made that shorter and i can actually drag it back so just because i i've deleted or trimmed it doesn't mean i've deleted it i can still uh drag it back if i went too far and then the other thing i can do is i can go from the other end and trim it that way too now if you have a video clip and you drag it longer than what the clip is actually so this in this case right here what happens is and i'm just gonna hit the space bar because it's a quick way to hit play notice it turns into an image so there's a video here you can see the video is moving and then it just turns into a still shot at the end it takes the last frame and you stretch it out and it's just filling in that last frame so if it had audio in it you wouldn't have any audio in it anymore so that's how you can trim uh trim the length or add to it but remember you're not adding any extra video now the other thing you might want to do is split in a different place so the quick way to split if i take my playhead and move it to somewhere i can go up and this tool right here so split into parts if i click it what it did is if i click it make sure i have this selected here first and then click it and then you can see now if i move the playhead it made it into two pieces so i have oops i have both selected so if i click off of it and click on it again i have a piece right there and he wanted to stretch it out to see i'll stretch it so i could delete this piece i could change the order i could decide to move this one down take this piece and bring it to the front so you can start to change your video around into any order that you want just by trimming the ends or splitting it another way you could and i'm going to stretch this out here so you can see that you could do some splitting if you right click on the clip and you go into it and you can see that there's cutting and splitting if i go ahead and click on it and at this point i can add a marker so i could be watching it from here and i get to a certain point that uh well i'm going to bring it back to here let's say and you can control it in here you can see i can add a marker and i could actually add double markers so then i could play it again and add another marker and then go cut region and then i'm going to hit apply changes hit okay and so what it's going to do now it took this clip and it's broken it here you can see it deleted some out but i have a chunk here too so i've added some chunks so that's on the right click where you can do some more things in the cutting and splitting and you can do these same things the audio but i'll show you later how you can trim and split different ways too but that's your basics for trimming and editing with with vsdc so you're just putting things in the right order and then i'll show you the images too so i'm going to go ahead now and add an image i have this video that's already there but i'm going to add an image to this and if i go ahead and just pick this one here hit okay and i have this image and you can see right through here i'm actually going to move it up to the top layer and i can now if i wanted it short or long all i have to do is grab the ends of this one i'm going to make this a little wider down here so you can see a little bit more and then either way so images just drag them and make them as long as short as you want so if i was using audio again though so if i go to object and then we go to audio and i'll just add in a audio and i'll hit okay i'm going to just drag this down here and i'll make this little wider drag it down and so at this point what you can do is the same thing with video you could drag from the end to shorten off the very beginning remember you can drag them back and i can go from either side of it by just clicking and dragging and i can do the exact same thing with videos if i use the split tool so go ahead split it and remember you can take chunks so i could could make two points in it if i wanted to take a chunk out i selected everything if i pick this one and see how i can take the chunk out of it and i can do the right click and cutting and splitting the same thing that i can do with video to get the exact parts you want out of the audio so that's how you do some trimming with audio in some images when you're placing them all together so i want to show you how to add transitions in between different videos or between images and video too so what you have to do i have two videos and an image here what i need to do is drag one put one up so i'm gonna move this one up here and i'm just gonna make this a little wider so we can see more and i need to overlap so i'm gonna overlap here and i'm going to overlap this one so i'll just do like this now on the top layer what i'm going to do is add transitions to this so i have this one selected and video effects right up here if i go ahead and click on it and add transitions i have a few different ones so if i pick let's say chess here uh and hit chess it opens up i'm going to hit okay and so it just added this chess one to the end so i can move this to either way if i wanted to the beginning or the front so if i'm just gonna go and close out of this right here hit the x and now if i preview it you'll see it will go and transition from one to the other if i wanted to add a transition here if i open this one i could go back and open it up too so if i double click on any of these now i could go ahead and i'll move my cursor over here and add oops sorry add my video effects and i'm going to go transition and this time i'll go mosaic and i'm going to hit okay and so i'm going to have one it went over here i'm going to move my mosaic one to the front now i'm going to go to scene 0 and now if i move my cursor back here and go ahead and preview it you'll see one transition there and then as it moves along to the other one i'll have another transition that will go through this one too now you can go ahead and use the properties you can go in these again if i double click on this you can stretch these transitions out longer if you want if i open my properties window i'm going to go over to the right hand side open up you can see that we have different uh different things we can change right in here how do we want to go in we can change any of these to just customize what we want a little bit more and then we can go back and we can uh preview these again and see what the changes are like between the two different ones so you can add different transitions just like that remember it's going to be inside each clip when you double click on it you're going to see the transitions and this is where you'd add your effects and everything to okay so now i'm going to show you how you can transform your clip so this would work the same for images and videos i'm going to use this as an example right here so this surfer and i first want to show you cropping now cropping allows you to zoom up on an area of the video so let's say i have this right here this uh and i'll just move this down so you can see a little bit more maybe i just want to zoom more up on uh the surfer standing there with maybe cut them off of the legs and a little bit less sky so what i can do and you got to make sure that you have the right one selected go up to tools right up here and you can see the cropped tools you can also right click on your clips too so i could go and get to the crop tools right here if i wanted to do that but i'm going to just click on this so what it allows me to do is uh i can just move the handles here so if i want to zoom up on a certain part i can move it around and i'm going to hit ok and now it's zoomed up so if i preview this again you can see it's zoomed up on from the knee up so you can just simply do that now with the other things you could rotate it if you want so i could hit rotate and i'm just going to move this clip underneath so you can see that when i do that you can start to see the layer below it so i could rotate around and that one i was i just was selected the wrong one so i'm just going to control the undo one and make sure i have the right layer selected and so i could go around and put it back the other thing i could do is change if i have this the right one selected i could grab the handles here and i could bring it in and move it around so it's almost like picture in picture so if i have this one on top of this one and go ahead and hit play now or preview you'll be able to see two videos playing at once you just can transform it the other thing you can do is to change the transparency transparency and it's right here so if i click on this you can see i have a few different uh things that i can do where you can flip horizontal and vertical but you can also change the transparency so how see-through something is and now if i just hit i'll hit preview one more time so you can see it this is transparent it's smaller it's overlapping another one so just some things to think about how you want to tell your story with video is maybe those multiple layers with changing transparency and using the crop tools or just changing the scale of it on top of others let's say you want to speed clip up or slow it down so you need to change the duration of a clip what you do is you need to go to the properties and remember i had it pinned to the side here so if you don't have it there if you didn't pin it you can go look at view and open up the properties window but when you have the clip selected make sure it's uh has you have it selected correctly and go over to here and you can see where it says speed at 100 so if i go ahead and preview this real quickly you can see it's moving kind of slow already but if i wanted to go faster what i'm going to do is increase this number so if i wanted to go slower i would decrease it but if i wanted to go faster and i'll go to 200 and i'll go back and hit preview again and i'll hit play and now it's sped it up so really quickly to change those uh change the duration just go above 100 for faster or below 100 for slower in the properties so next i just want to show you some of the effects that you can add in vsdc so i just want to talk about the video effects and the different colors that you can add to it so in any of these cases make sure you have the clip selected that you're adding the effects to and once you have that look up to video effects and you're just going to click and select which one you want you can see there's different ones that you can i change through here some of these are kind of what i've shown before you know within transforming and everything but if i go to just special effects and i'll pick uh let's turn this into aging tv and i'm just gonna hit okay and now i'm just gonna hit preview and what you see is that it's turned a little grainy and has lines coming down on it like an old tv that you would have so very easy to add those effects you can see if i go to scene 0 back to it and then the video production one i add it right here i'm just going to control z and get rid of that and you can do the same thing with all these colors here so if you want to drop down you can see all the different ones that you can add so if i was going to say again we'll go to old film and i'll just select that one whoops i'll make sure i click that one again here actually we'll go with there it is okay so old film so i just selected it and it's added to it so we have we just turned it very quickly to that clip so make sure though that you have the clip selected that you're going to add the effects to so one of the last things i want to show you before we export our finished product so we can get ready to upload it or share it how you want uh would be to add text and let's say i'm going to add text i can click the t right here if it's not here look under add object and you'll see it's also there so we can go ahead and add text uh just to note you can add other things like shapes and everything from here too but i'm just going to add text i'm going to hit ok now it gives me this so i can draw a text box i'm going to go ahead draw the text box and let's say i'm going to just start typing so if i i just say surfs up and so my text box isn't large enough there so i need to make sure and i can move the handles here so i'm going to click off of it and click on it again and you can see i just needed to draw it a little bit bigger i'm just going to click in there again get rid of that and put it there and i can go through and change the text color if i want if i wanted it to be a different color you can see if i wanted it we'll go from there and we can adjust the brush color the background of it just like that so you can go through every time you select on it you get more options that you can adjust you can see from the font size to it if you want to keep it whatever way you want and adjust it just like normal typing programs you can just go through and put it the way you want you can adjust it around you can see there's a new layer where it's on top i can actually move this to say where i want it to come up so i'm gonna hit my spacebar it'll start playing and it comes up there but i could move it to another place so you could create multiple texts to write in different parts of it but remember just click on the t draw your text box and then you can type away so now that we've added all these different features from effects we've edited our video put together a storyline you want to be able to export it so we'll go over that step now so let's say you're all done your video and you're ready to export it what you need to do is go over to the export tab right here and you have some choices to make i would like for me if i'm making my youtube videos i would have web selected here and for youtube and then you can make sure that all the uh different uh the uh setup is the way you want uh and you could change this if you wanted it to be on your pc you can go through and pick pc do you want it to be an avi dot move all these you have an option to export it as all these file types i'm just going to leave it to the web here and i'm going to leave it as youtube if you wanted to make some alterations to the name of the project here you can see i called it edit that's what it's going to save as right there i could go and edit the profile with any of these here i could go back through and make any adjustments that i needed so when you get everything you can see i have 18 seconds here if i go back to the uh editor i have 18 seconds over here and i all i would need to do is make sure go to export project to giving the option if i want to upgrade but you don't have to do anything there you would just hit continue so now it's going through and producing the file and since i have it set for youtube that would be the file that i could upload to my youtube channel uh that i did all the editing uh to this so that's kind of a beginner's level to vs dc free video editor it can do more let me know what you're looking at using it for do you want to know green screen or what different effects you can add just put it down in the comments thanks for watching this week on teachers tech i'll see you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 126,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vsdc video editor tutorial, video editor, vsdc video editor, vsdc free video editor, free video editor, best free video editor, vsdc tutorials, free video editing software no watermark, vsdc video editor beginners guide, vsdc beginner editing guide, vsdc video editor basics, teachers tech, vsdc 2021 video, vsdc 2021 video editor, video editing tutorial, best free video editing software, how to use vsdc, vsdc 2021 tutorial, vsdc tutorial, best video editing software free
Id: SoAtc4gF47M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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