Voron V0.1 Build - Lecktor PRO Kit - Part 1

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[Music] [Music] hello hello how is everyone doing today it's tuesday at like four in the afternoon how's everyone doing today magnificent day out it's it's snowing just dropped the little guy off at daycare i got the house to myself life is good life is good how's everyone doing today how's everyone doing today so today new build trident's not done the trident's not done it's right there that's i think that's where it's going to live um the fl sun is the super racer is kind of living on the ground right now but i i think trident will fit there um so we got we'll finish it up saturday we'll finish it up saturday but uh i was gonna finish up today but instead we're gonna start with a new build as the great poet dj khaled said another one that's right we're building a v0 um this one's a little bit different so for those that have been following the channel for a while this is now the third third v0 uh we're building um we have the v 0.0 which i modded with the the belted zed i might put another mod or two on that uh we have the the v v01 that's the ldo kit and now we have another v01 that's based on an ldo kit but it's got some extras so this is from lector um there should be a link in the description to go to it uh they sent me this kit to build uh to show off it's think of it like a v01 pro or premium kit so it's got a bunch of extra bells and whistles in it um but let's see here so it's got ldo motors and i believe frame and whatnot uh neobond panels uh black hardware set so like all the screws and whatnot uh the x rail is now mgn9 that's a mod some people have been doing so it's now an mgn 9x rail you have a graviflex magnetic foil bed i believe that's what it is which is gravaflex is like the really good magnets we got heliophlon uh wire harness umbilical pcb mod the led strips so if you look at it uh let me pull up a a video here so if you're curious like leds i i don't need leds in my voron why why do i need leds in my voron right like you know you might not want them but uh but you do want them so yeah so it comes with the uh the leds because we all know for those that you know partake in the occasional viewing of a uh of a linus tech tip videos leds make it go faster so we got some leds what else do we have um bond tech hardware for the tool head original bond tech uh printed parts it does come with printed parts this has printed parts in the box um i did not print my own parts they are abs glass filled which lector makes in-house they actually have a filament production line now um pre-flash clipper on the raspberry pi a kirigami bed mod uh we'll get to that because we'll unbox it and then a v01 led so it's yes it's pricey but it comes with all the bells and whistles it comes with a few mods that some people in the community always do so it's it's a more premium kit um now is it justifiable a thousand euro for such a small printer that's personal choice right you don't need to buy a lamborghini to drive to work but it's nice to have a lamborghini so yeah so i figure since lecter is a european company i do believe they do ship worldwide though um i should stream earlier in the day so that the euro bros can actually see it uh next tuesday stream the plan is we'll start this stream today see how far we get on the build so we'll unbox we'll start with the build continue next tuesday because next saturday will be tried it wrapping that up next tuesday stream i'm hoping earlier uh 10 a.m till whenever easter time zone so right now it is 4 p.m eastern i don't know utc so so anyways there is that so hopefully for a while we'll be doing two streams a week i'm hoping um and then thursday most likely this thursday or next thursday i'm hoping this thursday up patreon supporters and youtube member live streams uh probably around the same time four o'clock no kirigami bed mod in my kit we received him after the shipment no okay so if you buy this kit it comes with the kirigami bed mod mine doesn't have it i've actually had this sitting under my desk for like a month now so i guess i do have to build the bed dang it so for those that don't know what the kirigami bed mod is uh um let me find it here this is the kirigami bed mod so it's basically instead of having to build your bed carriage it's like a folded sheet steel assembly for it so the kit comes with that mine does not have that so let's open it up so to be fair i did open it um and that was just to make sure nothing got damaged during shipping or anything because it was raining when they dropped this off um so i did open it but i haven't actually like looked at anything so to the overhead cam with the washed out colors and let's start going through this what do we got we got some panels it looks like bubble wrap does fermio ship to the usa i believe so no work today uh no work for a bit actually um we'll get to that later so um i guess we'll just start going through these boxes move this over here make some room yep okay so i guess we'll just go through i'll unbox it then i'll put on the shelf and then we'll start building it so we got these panels here i think these are the panels try not to scratch anything oh and by the way um somebody's gonna get this printer i'm not keeping this printer um for those that are in the 3d printing community e3d is setting up a foundation i believe in honor of sanjay um he was one of the founders of e3d passed away in december so they will be setting up a foundation a few people have already done like fundraisers for it but i'm holding off until they actually get the foundation set up and as part of me doing a fundraiser stream um i will give away this fully built printer i will put it in a box and ship it to somebody fully built um your your own warranty if something gets damaged during shipping we'll try and figure something out but once it's yours it's yours so i'm not selling you a printer there's no support with it but i will build this printer we will build it on stream we'll get it all up and running get it all tuned get it all good and then somebody's gonna get it i'm gonna give it away so we'll do that uh oops whoops thou am me die is you thank you for becoming a member so yeah so i'm not going to keep this printer so there's a lot of cool stuff in here and i'm kind of jelly already because i'm looking through the wrap here and i'm already jelly so there's our bottom plate i believe and some other panels i'm not going to unwrap the panels so we got that amotz thank you for coming remember is that worldwide um canada us eu i believe um details to follow i am not looking forward to figuring out how much it is going to be the ship if this was a v2 we would not be doing it wrong if this was a v2 shipping a fully built v2 uh no a v0 you could kind of it's a little bit i think better for shipping so i got black panels and then what are these oh these are the clear panels so yeah they're they're blue because they got the protective film on it so yeah so these are the clear panels and whatnot uh can you print all the parts for four out of e0 you can print all the functional parts so you won't be able to print the skirts okay um like this is not gonna fit on here okay but you can print all the parts that are needed to get a functional printer so what you would do is you would print all the parts for your v2 or whatever on the v0 get it functional and then once it's up then you can print your skirts and whatnot your enclosure stuff okay and that was one of the design considerations uh power supply lrs 150 it is a mean well so that's good which a lot of this if you built an ldo kit will look familiar uh tool head so box label tool so we got ourselves a bontec cht nozzle a point four millimeter bontec cht nozzle hello we've got uh fans everything's all wrapped up yeah we got our fans there what kind of fans are they i don't know uh okay son on and judy stein uh ptfe bontec gears actual good jst hardware that's not like the crappy china jsd hardware uh tool headboard or bond tech stuff reindeer bearings all the connectors so it looks like we are going to be doing some crimping i believe though we do have a fetus high flow dragon i believe yep so you have a fetus high flow dragon need all that flow uh we got a sock set screws for some other stuff more bond tech stuff the drive gear so it's all legit bond tech uh blacked out pulleys for that uh pimp factor belts thermistor and a heater and that's a 60 watt heater that's hot okay so we got all that back in the box and try and keep stuff as organized as possible no this kit came with the dragon so small kit comes with dragon big kit no dragon editor's note they did send a dragon i do have one linear rails so uh for this kit it does come with the mgn 9 x-rail so we got a blacked out mgn 9x rail here and then the rest are uh two zed oh so i have an extra one so i got an extra mgn maybe i'll use it for something i don't know if production kits will come with an extra one probably not and for the brand it's it's shl um i got a pre-production kit so some stuff like branding might be a little bit different on the production one so ldl rails except for the the mjn9 hardware linus r remember for eight months congrats thank you for hanging out for eight months christopher muller ten dollars thank you appreciate it pee me after stream on discord and i will send you a spare kim origami bed from the european group bye um i'll i want to say pass simply because i'll be past the point of putting the bet on um if you want to send me one i'll i'll put it in after but i i'm hoping to knock this build out pretty quick um like we already have a bed on it but just be me on the disc or we'll figure something out uh vhp tape i've got a ton of vhp tape now uh if you've seen the ldo kit this is all ldo stuff so we got the uh the brass heat set tool which i needed another one so we got the pizzas we got those uh stainless steel backers for mounting your rail so you don't need to use that printed part something in here which is this what's this what's this magnets ooh these are powerful magnets okay back in there smart to put the magnets in something a whole bunch of hardware and drag trains gee funny money 14 months jesus that long i i still like we're coming up on was it april early april i think is two years since i started streaming regularly um time flies we're up over 100 streams we are up over 100 right now okay i'm saving um the printed parts in the frame for last so i got a big old box labeled electronics stickers boron design ldo i'll add them to my pile of stickers that i the thing is i have all these stickers and i don't know where to put them i was gonna put them on the wall here but now i've got the switch wire with the irk foot kind of blocking everything so i i might take the prints down from there and put like a board up and then i don't know we'll figure something out i got all these stickers i need to put somewhere uh tool head wiring because it's got a tool head board so like a breakout board so we got that uh pre-made wire harness so that is good i like any pre-made wire harnesses uh those are i guess chains awesome i really i've never seen this fall i guess chains let me take a look we have to go back oh they are very nice which ones the ldo kit comes with uh the brand is pund p-u-n-d or is it p-u-n-d oh pond is punned upside down what percentage of money um okay so here's the thing uh technically i get more from patreon but patreon is more of a pain in the butt to do community stuff with um on youtube i can make like members streams but that's only open to members but the member streams i have more control over like the back end of it versus an unlisted stream that people from patreon can join so um i i wanna say youtube if you're gonna pick one you know i make less like i get a smaller cut i still get 70 which is much better than like twitch for example but it's easier for me to interact with the community on youtube versus patreon because it's just i stream on youtube if i was on twitch it would be different i think hi dunkle uh we got the little wire channel thingy a raspberry pi 3 which i could probably sell for half the value of this kit right now a little heat sink so we're going to put that in the pie get in there i don't know with raspberry pi box i can never open raspberry pi boxes without destroying them so pi 3v oh it comes with an sd card yeah pi 3b plus put the heatsink in there so i don't lose it go uh what's the feel of kit so far awesome uh power supply i think it's that thompson one uh garrus thank you for coming remember yep so we got the day green tops and they're all different brands but they're all the same [Music] uh is that the screen nope this is the tool headboard so there's two parts of the tool head bar there's a part that attached to the tool head and then there's this part that kind of fills that back void um linus thank you for coming to member staphon so you're coming to remember and jpgray87 thank you for upgrading your membership so yeah so this part right here um goes right in here so let me turn the panels back on so see this panel right here this gets replaced with this and then you have one plug going to your tool head and then underneath you have all these plugs that connect to your controller board and this is by uh timid on the voron discord he designed it so we got that back in there so damage it what else uh wiring and led strip stuff uh ptfe a plug it's pre-wired it looks like the ldo v0 uh the screen so i don't need this one this is european so this one um we can uh proceed to eat it but north american plug whole whack load of zip ties thank you it's always good to have zip ties lots of ties and then for the controller we have a skr mini e3 v2 which does have oh [Music] yeah it does sort of squeak so skr mini e3 v2 all the electronics back in there oh no the the instructions for the raspberry pi what will i do without those so pre-made wiring i love me pre-made wiring i i can wire up a printer pretty quick because i've done it a million times but the us eu winner may need the plug a good point where'd you go yeah there we go back in the box you go this motors we have motors so we've got our extruder motor our xy motors which are these beefier than the normal ones i don't know chunky nema 14s so there we go and then our fleece screw for zed which oh it's coated and then it's got the nut there so it is ldo and we do have a uh i don't know what that coating is but it's black our motors the things that make the thing move uh swap it out for the pico ah no because i need the pico for my v minion um build plates teflon yeah it's teflon i think all kits should come with candy there should be candy up here i was told there would be candy unless it's in here oh there it is okay so the build plate so am i gonna i'm gonna have to put the build plate together that's fine not an issue do that after stream i have for those that don't know how to put together these uh these aluminum tooling plate beds when it comes to putting the magnet on and whatnot um i have a video on my channel on how to do that so there's bed the magnet heater oh a pre-made bed magnet and heater i forgot ldl puts them together now so there it is it's all pre-done by ldo uh 24 volt 60 watt this one 24 volt 60 watt there we go so there we go there extra magnet all the magnets so is it gravith or no i got to put the magnet on i got to put the magnet on so that's the grava flex magnet there okay yes there's candy we'll get to the candy we'll get the candy gotta save the candy for last uh t stands for what does t stand for oh there's the bed oh textured bed and the other one's probably untextured i'm assuming trying to break down all these extra wrappers as we go uh what do we got in here we got springs so i'll take them out of here so yeah so we got springs and nuts and a jst connector yeah and then a regular flatbed so we got a textured in an untextured bed that's good sometimes i like printing with textured sometimes i don't it depends on what i'm printing okay and then the candy oh and an extra thermal fuse put all this back in here uh there's the audio website where you can buy foreign so ldo does not sell direct okay ldo only sells through resellers okay so you have to find out who the ldo reseller in your country is and buy for them so this kit has a lot of ldo parts but you can it's not an ldo kit it's uses ldl parts along with extras to make the kit certified thank you remember oh my god how much candy did you send me what are these kalev what are these they are very good okay oh that's right you guys are all from the same [Music] yeah lecter no not luck check i want to say estonia let me check the website estonia yeah that's probably not hopefully it's not meth [Music] these aren't going to be good for my diet [Music] the winner get will get whatever candy's not eaten um you have to remember i am married and i have a wife i can't let her see these otherwise the winner will get none oh these are good those are good i'm going to have to hide these cut them with all the check candy okay rails or correction extrusions uh the this kit comes with everything you need to build the printer except for tools um extrusions are green another ldo sticker so i don't need the big box anymore magnus thank you for coming to member so they are the the shiny green extrusions and i believe the parts are green too like black and green oh man i forgot how light these are and i got my little slab of granite out i swear unwrapping all these is the more most annoying part in the bin good thing it's garbage night bruce a bearcat i part of me wants to build one not right now i i won't have time to but trying to build more non-voron printers so v minion actually that's the only one i got planned right now so excursions don't scratch up my frame potentially you gotta win it first which if you want a chance at winning make sure you are subscribed to the channel and uh i'm not saying it'll increase your odds but i have heard that if you if you like the smash button that does increase your chances so that is something you may want to look into i'm not saying it doesn't but it may like you could win if you if you like that smash button so uh ldo extrusions are always good uh depending on the light there might be a slight color variation but that happens with uh anodizing two different batches never are the same rolling all part of you wants to build printers like i think it's my job now so these off to the side okay where's doc doc are you in chat flying v godspeed thank you for coming member okay doc calling out i'm calling you out doc see let me let me bug him on discord link him the stream i i i'm not putting you under the gun lecter i i'm sure the parts are good but we do need to get the uh the one guy who's uh is the authority okay um i lie i've already looked at two because he sent me some parts after um so those parts looked really good so robert thank you for coming remember so parts robert you're blocking the screen get off this got the screen uh pvg 555 20 thank you appreciate it uh thanks for your dedication to the channel much free especially as first time building 2.4 soon hopefully my kit will come soon um i believe it's shipping out depending on chinese new year i might get screwed because i might have to wait uh but i got a 2.4 r2 350 or 300 millimeter uh v2.4 kit on the way in spaceship gray i think the frame is okay so let's look at parts usually the tool head parts are like the ones that you can judge quality on and this is glass filled abs so i'm not going to mix these up okay so oh that looks like a part to me good first layer textured finish i don't want to break anything but parts look good do they all fit together i don't know yet we'll find out seemed if it's okay i got an m3 screw yep screws go right in [Music] okay hey good they are printed parts they're of good quality they look okay i like the color i i like the the the matte colors i'm a fan of matte colors um shiny works at times especially sparkle but i'm a fan of like matte colors so this should be pretty good it's dock here oh there we go doc's here hey doc wow this car this blows the color out horribly i don't know i think they're fine everything fits together pretty okay screws go through i'll take some pictures and send them to you after not horrible no they're fine honestly these parts are fine which considering we're starting to build like right now um i'll find out quick but no these parts all look fine and it does have let's go through them all so we got the tool head uh zed uh the screen with the heat sets pre-installed nice we got your front eye layers your xy joint panel parts controllers xy stuff handles i can't remember oh these are for the leds skirts got the skirts no strings everything looks clean bed stuff when i need the bed stuff first panels that yeah everything looks good uh lector if you're still in chat what machine did you print all these on they look good yeah parts look good andrew grossly becoming a member greg four was that 449 appreciate it take it ev caught your first live stream live hopefully got the live stream live it's not a live stream if it's not live then it's just a delayed podcast digging the bed stuff out because i think the bed is the first thing we built okay the glasses gif yeah i had some fun i had to find a bunch of gifts and what i wanted to i'm running stream elements so i spent like literally a couple hours setting everything up one night and i wanted like custom emotes and whatnot when uh people subscribed and whatnot no we're not building the whole thing in one go we'll see how far we get today so um how do you build a voron well we have a manual so obviously i'm not going to have to i'm not going to be able to reference this 100 um i have a link here these are all the mods that the lector v01 has um so i may have to jump back and forth a little bit but we do have our manual here uh no giveaways today so hopefully maybe next stream so uh january february is usually a low point in company marketing so companies are less likely to uh sponsor and do giveaways during january february so i'm trying though i like giving away stuff okay i can't talk with this gummy in my mouth one second these are one speed run well i'm building it with a bunch of mods that i've never used before so it'd be kind of unfair to speedrun that okay before you begin your journey word of caution in the comfort of your own home you're about to assemble a robot this machine can maim burn electrocute you if you are not careful that is true yes it's got weak motors and it doesn't really you know do anything but print but it can hurt you if you goof so don't be careful uh please do not become the first war on fatality there is no special reddit flare for that please read the entire manual before you start the assembly as you begin wrenching please check out discord channel for any tips and questions that may halt your project or progress most of all good luck the boron team so yes before you start your build get everything together and go through the whole manual okay uh what i like to do is i go through the manual and as i go through it i put all my heat set inserts in right off the bat okay two reasons one you're gonna make sure you have all your printed parts and you're gonna kind of get to know what some of the stuff looks like so later on when you're building you're not like oh shoot where's that part at so just you know double check make sure you got everything go through the manual read it you might notice some stuff that might screw you up if you just go through it and just build as you go so donald thank you for english thanks for coming remember okay so part printing guidelines uh they come with the kit but if you need to print your parts yourself here's all the setup or the our recommended settings print it forward if you wish to purchase printed parts from the community at a very reasonable price there is a bit of a cue because a lot of people want to build borons but we have the printed forward program links to the discord github the docs go to the docs more not enough people go to the docks there's all kinds of information in here so go to the docs if you got questions okay hardware reference so this is like if you don't know what a button head cap screw or a flat head counter cap screw is yada yada this is your reference right here uh charles thank you for coming to member and pedro 10 euro thank you appreciate thank you for today's sponsorship so yep so these are all your terms self-tapping screw heat set inserts so just so you know everything um how a blind joint works um if you i have a video on my channel that goes into it but this is you know we use blind joints for joining the frame together um ball in allen key two millimeter hex driver let's just kind of so you know so if you've never built a printer before and you know you you think these are um these are ikea furniture assembly tools now you know it's an allen key which they were created by frank allen who was the co-founder of al of ikea so they do have some history with ikea but they are used for other things so if you did not know that now you know uh extrusion reference uh so these are what all your extrusions are because you're gonna have to bounce back and forth because you're gonna need to like okay go grab extrusion eight well extrusion a 200 millimeters long and it doesn't have any holes in it i'm gonna start a hex brand with that name so it's funny um i had an apprentice go in for at least half a day years ago at work where i i gave him a whole spiel that allen keys were invented by frank allen the co-founder of ikea and like i gave a whole backstory of how he came up with the idea because he was frustrated not everyone not having the same tools at home and he wanted a universal assembly tool and like this whole sh bang and the kid like bought it hook line and sinker hey this is what we're gonna build the frame so component prep heat set inserts remove the link so yeah we're starting with the bed so let me get my so evil oh it was fun now we have to tell people that you lied i didn't lie it's it's the truth i speak the true truth okay where is that fancy tool i should have kept it out because i broke my old one and now i have a new one hardware box there it is and actually this kit even does come with allen keys so good evening from germany um couldn't talk no good talks good day good morn i don't know hello in german so for those that don't know uh this kit and the ldo kit itself comes with a heat set tool for putting heat set inserts into things and it's got two heat set screws on here and this is for setting your depth so while it's cold look at that setup so i'm going to need all my hardware i think at this point so let me get this bed don't need that i'll add my vhp tape to the pile of vhp tape i've got like a million of them now don't need that magnets can stay in there that's garbage there you go my french is better than my german and my french isn't that good so take it as you will formbot kits good or meh formbot kits are basically the build material in a box um they're not on the same level as what you're seeing right now this is a kit this is like a kit where a lot of stuff comes pre-assembled wiring is pre-done and everything um the formbot kits are more of a bomb in a box which isn't necessarily bad but it's basically some guy went around and took everything you need to build the voron and put it in a box and yes i did that while it was on so let me see here how's this camera angle yes okay [Music] knife goes in pocket martin thank you for coming to member [Music] any sparks today hopefully not considering we're not doing any electronics so if we have sparks today something goofed which i'll admit it'll be good for ratings but hopefully we don't have any sparks okay so the first thing we're going to do is put some heat sets in grab the music on yeah what do you guys want right now we have hi-fi do you guys want lo-fi synth wave going to change it up are you guys happy with this music [Music] [Music] wave metal yeah we'll do some stuff do i have metal i do have metal technically there is metal um rock christmas juice i gotta do christmas we could do dubstep or house yeah i do synth wave everyone likes southwest stream beats rock you know i don't think i've ever listened to stream beats rock let's do stream beats raw this is all royalty-free music so i don't get dmc8 because dang you sony bmg you ain't taking my money eurobeat okay so this is like the very first step and do not do not skip this step okay if you skip this step you will kick yourself in the butt later down the line uh it's got lyrics i'm not a fan of that that's important not a fantastic of lyrics while i'm talking it kind of screws me up so yeah um where are we at yes so remove the bottom link remove three to four links oh yeah i'm gonna have to you're gonna have to shorten this later but basically you're taking the top link off and you are mounting it right away okay because you'll snap it on later but the thing is the way this mounts you will never be able to get screws in there because you're going to have an extrusion in your way okay so right off the bat you're going to mount that right like that bada bing bada boom okay and you're gonna use m3 eights which so i'm not mistaken there is a absolute insane amount of m38s in this kit there we go i really should have cleaned out my uh like god i gotta clean these out i've got a whole bunch of these magnetic dishes so i know i'm going to be using a million m38 so i'm just going to dump all these into here uh i don't have a kirigami bed um this kit comes with a kirigami bed but i have a pre-production uh version of this kit so they he got the stock after he sent me the kit um so i don't have it but if you buy this kit it will come with the kirigabi bed okay and then for those curious this is a wow stick it has absolutely horrible torque but i keep a small bit in it for uh m2s and m3 buttonheads and then my es126 which got more power oh hey no no i thought it died on me um i use that for m3s and bigger okay there are two different types of igus uh i mean there's two different types of hygienes there's two different types of i guess in the kit i thought there was only one there's this one that's the only i guess you'd need horrible torque no stripped out screws that is true cheers from siberia oh okay i think you're no well actually no you wouldn't be the farthest away the aussies are uh heck did i ever get that magnet and my es126 replaced no they just sent me another one okay so right now we need to put together our rails so we have our mind the access hole uh centered rail guide i'm gonna have to find that unplug this so don't is that myself burn myself uh thomas would like to see the kirigami bed installed i don't have it it comes with the production kit but i don't i got a pre-production kit so i don't have it uh i gotta find the bed spacers for the helpers helper tools where are you did you are they part of the kit hopefully they're part of the kit help for tools help for tools uh no they aren't well that ain't good no helper tools okay i guess i gotta print some one second here how long am i printing playing the print or stream today ah four hours ish okay so what extrusion so these are the e extrusions so our e extrusions are 200 millimeters and they got one hole and they're capped on the bottoms only in functional parts sorry okay let me find them unity github zero stls [Music] [Music] mod shaft spacer where is the rail rail guy there there we go download that up what printer do we got uh we're not gonna use the trident toasty minutes and we're gonna yolo it okay okay so we got our extrusions i guess uh new zealand just doesn't exist like on most maps what new zealand exists thank you for the two dollars uh tracy moon i missed the start everyone can begin now so what i'm just going to do i'm just going to throw them on and just kind of eyeball it and then i'll tweak them once those are done printing [Music] okay and where are my rails uh sendinbroder 4.99 is the form about trying kit okay or do you think you'll cause more headaches down the line um it's printing i printed um this guy last night on it i don't know it's a generic pla print i'm just trying to get hours on it before we do the final tuning um but hardware wise the kit was fine the the electronics are pretty basic it's a pretty basic kit for electronics um you're basically doing it all from scratch it it comes with you know enough wire to wire everything up but they're assuming like you're running wire directly from the tool head all the way down without like connectors which is kind of a no-no so yeah the hardware of the kit though was pretty okay motors are quiet so i'm going to show you something um that somebody mentioned to me for greasing these up where did i put it yeah i think i got rid of it dang it i gotta go buy a proper syringe i used like a an eye dropper in the video um but basically for greasing these up so these are really hard to get into um just line it up over a hole and just force a bunch of grease in through the hole using like a large needle and it'll just mush everywhere so since i don't have that i'm just going to use some spray grease if i can find where i put my spray grease yeah here it is got it let's see if this works somebody suggested that i should try this the next time i grease up rails and uh i'm willing to give it a try so my super simple um you should you can buy high gauge needles for this like blunt needles um i'm using a baby formula uh or baby like medicine dropper because i used to have one and uh yeah check if the rail is mgn9 or h it is mgm h yeah 9h is it supposed to be c okay so let's see if this works so what i'm trying is basically grease it up like this oh that works perfect you have a baby i got a four year well he's four in march oh that works perfect okay yeah to grease up your rails just kind of splooge it in through a hole and it just kind of mushes right into everything yeah that works perfectly oh sweet i'm totally doing that from now on should be 9c ooh okay i'll double check the dimensions after i don't think we'll get that far on stream and i think i have some 9c somewhere who's that behind me what nobody behind me oh yeah that works perfectly i'm doing this from now on for these uh daniel thanks for coming remember yeah that works perfectly yeah i'm doing that from now on to grease up rails now granted that only works if the rail's not on something right if your rails uh i already attached to the printer i don't think that's gonna work too well looks right um well let me see i gotta i should have a 9h somewhere oh yeah it's 9h it's supposed to be a c i'll see if i can swap it out i should i think i have one somewhere okay so we got it all greased up providing mishaps during these stoppers so where are the stoppers at there we go uh what electrical screwdriver it's an es120 this is a wow stick the wow stick sucks use an es126 but i use the wow stick for small stuff what the heck i got one fall out okay i got one slidestop the other ones okay i got one slide stop we'll fix that later bot's back uh remove goodbye okay so tuber mishaps during assembly rail ends won't be supported by stoppers up uh there's the rails somewhere else come with a little pilot you can leave those in place for assembly the rail does not have these screws as use the last screw as a stopper showing you some tape to fix there we go so slide that in and then m2 6 m2 6 m2 6 and 26 so we'll move these up [Music] they're not in different bags um i got one here i don't know where the other one is but i might have dropped it they're not really needed so let's leave the stoppers in and then i'll i'll dig for it later i want to spend the whole stream looking for like a little part oh i need a smaller screwdriver actually where is all right don't tell me i lost it where is my little bit i already got it on the thing there we go yes all borons can be printed on a v0 you can print all vorons on a v0 you just won't be able to print non-functional parts so like stuff like the skirts you won't be able to print you'll have to wait till the printer is built and then print the skirts all core pods yeah all all non or parts that you need for a functional printer [Music] [Music] okay so i should be able to move yep do and these are tiny [Music] m2s so small well technically you you could print the extrusions but uh i i personally wouldn't um you might have a bad time like it might not work out too well for you in terms of you know your actual print quality once the machine's done because i don't know about you like if i go through the trouble to build a printer i want to be able to at least print okay [Music] okay so we got all those on center rail guides so 33 millimeters from the top so let me see if i could find i got got one stop unless i'm i'm looking at something differently not that bad here with all these guys nope nope nope nope nope oh there they are i was looking in the wrong bag bound up [Music] and by the way in the manual if you see something attaches to the rail um the instructions won't call out nuts that are inserted previous steps so if if you don't see it in the rail in the instructions assume there's supposed to be a nut there yeah so 38 from the top tip if you got one of these fancy uh burn your calipers okay zero it okay then 38 millimeters okay i can live with 38.02 lock it okay so that's 38 millimeters but see how much this is sticking out of the bottom that's also 38 millimeters so you can use that as a depth mic to set the location so make sure this is loose so i can move it so you lock that in you go there and you just move your rail until it touches and you're good there's 38 millimeters uh it's 38 at the top here oh wait what am i what am i doing am i looking at some oh these are the y rails i'm looking at different whales i guess we're putting all the rails together so the y whales are 38. and your z rails are 33 so we're doing the y rails right now see what i mean about make a chair you read the instructions i forgot that you put together your rails all first in the manual so zed rails is 33 but they're doing wise yeah so that goes there and then we put some end stops on the ends uh philip thank you for coming remember three eight with the nut okay so these aren't centered okay so that is the y rails and now we need the c extrusions for our z rails and the c extrusions are they got a hole on each end and they're 200 millimeters long so a hole on each end just one hole on each end there's one all right check see extrusions 22 hole on each end bada bing bada boom zed rails and with these ones it's 33 from the top okay so we gotta dig out two more rails grease them up put them in stoppers back in so we don't lose them last thing you want is your rails going flying everywhere go how is that printed part coming along we are at 95 okay good there okay time to grease these guys up so syringe right in the middle and squeeze until grease comes out the sides that works that works there we go paper towel we're in the usa can i get an ldo kit um if you're on the voron discord go on the war on discord um i believe the ldo channel has a pinned list of all the vendors so reference that list i don't live in the u.s so i'm not even 100 sure uh still hope for the community stream where you look at other printers um yes i'm i'm i've got a bunch of builds for a while the thing is i got to figure out i got to download all the images but i still want to be able to credit people but that might be a random night stream if i have a free night which i have a lot of free nights now um yeah i'm just gonna keep hinting at the thing and not actually acknowledge the thing print it solid there you go printed solid david's not here so i i can't go david why do i have a lot of free nights i'm working how many free nights i'm working i took some time off work let's just say some went down last week and uh i took some time off i needed a little bit of a i needed a little bit of a little mental break so hanging out with you guys instead there we go [Music] uh what did i use i i just used uh white lithium i just use white lithium i don't go all fancy so for these ones it's 33. [Music] oh i'm doing fine i'm doing fantastic actually i didn't actually quit i'm just taking some time off just a little bit of unpaid leave we'll see see how it goes the only way it's even remotely feasible though is because of you guys like if it was just the channel by itself yeah no but between the support on stream the patreon memberships the youtube memberships especially all the that combined yeah it makes it technically possible maybe kind of close i don't know one of these days i actually have to sit down and do all the math about it there's that hymness 10 canadian thank you appreciate it here for you thanks as always i'm here for you guys you're the ones who are learning i'm just teaching you and occasionally we print little boats okay so we got our zed right here we got our y right here not a machinist a mold maker close but i don't actually run a machine i'm just the guy who i'm the guy who uh puts the molds together and takes them apart and fixes them and does all the manual work on them that's why it's 110. hey the door fell off got to reprint the doors on that they don't seal up right hey look spacers there you go good old papa joey peas proof cement coming into the rescue [Music] what would i recommend for pi sheet um depends where you live in the us like cs height is really good um fermio labs the black pi is pretty good um the stuff that comes with the ldo kits is pretty good um fabrico hooked me up with plates for all my machines and the stuff that he sent me is working really good so yeah see uh who is that check that so in my case i work it's a tool shop that actually builds the molds and uh bought out by a investment firm a few years back and basically nobody can name anything that has improved over the past two years and things just kind of keep going downhill you know do more with less make us more money while you lose you know profit sharing and all the other fun stuff that used to make it a little worthwhile and by the way all the management is now garbage and we've fired all the good people because we didn't like them and we've hired a bunch of crappy people yeah so pretty sure there were some guys playing that song from the titanic on violins the other night so i decided to take a little break sounds like the company who bought my job um they they have a habit of doing it i'm not gonna name the company but uh because most people probably won't even know who they are but they they buy up companies they get the value of the company as high as they can and then they sell it so anything they promise the employees really you know is worth nothing because they're just going to sell the company anyways and then the company they sell it to well they're going to want to make their money back so they're going to you know more cuts it's a vicious cycle dang foreign investment firms okay so actually i got to put some stoppers on this side so these little guys here so they went american yep i don't know what went down it always goes downhill i'll just remember some reason to drop it don't oh daniel 10 thank you appreciate it waiting for my last switchwire parts and the videos helped me a lot that's good to hear hope your situation works well i'm hoping to that's why i'm just taking a break i'm lucky i you know the trade is always hiring so not a big deal build your own empire here i if i'm trying to build an empire here i ain't got room for that i got no room as is i can't i got no room for an empire in here well that screw is gone ultra capitalist pretty much is what it is is what it is let's focus on printers okay so we've got that that that where's the nut no stoppers on this end yet okay so we got those extrusions made so we got our y extrusions our z extrusions put them over the yaw and now we are going to put our bed together so we need our f extrusions m312s and m38s okay so these are all the same i'm pretty sure yeah so instead of on the ldo kit the ldl kit simplifies things by having like all these extrusions like these ones don't need holes in the side but just to kind of make it you know less pieces than the bomb they have holes on the side actually m38s with buttonheads on the bottom so put those on first uh what do you recommend badly work bed on an ender three changes all the time um put something on the bed that's flatter than the bed itself so put a piece of glass on it or uh put something like a spring shield a spring steel flex plate and put an inductive probe or some sort of probe so either probe your bed so you can run them bed mesh or put something flatter on the bed itself so either fix it in software fix it in hardware that's the problem with a lot of the uh the cheaper printers is the actual um hardware like the the beds are thin the beds are thin they're thin aluminum they'll warp they are gonna warp uh don't clean and re-lube uh the ldl ones like i did it on the last kit i i didn't even need the like it was ldl rails are good like out of all the rails or rails i've dealt with ldl rails have had the absolute least amount of trouble with uh asa does you know what i think asa may string a little bit more than abs maybe not much more but uh not like petg is just gummy it's the devil's plastic hit m38s in the back uh so you say no ryan i i did put more i did lube them up and they only come with a rust preventative from the factory and the ldl rails they come sealed and there's really not much on them so i just pretty much go straight to lubin by the hate on ptp oh it's more of a joke at this point it's kind of a meme but petg isn't as awesome and pla and abs do more and better directions in my opinion it has its uses but in a lot of uses there are better materials outside of 3d printing it's water bottles okay wrench access so we got our g extrusion that goes across the back there use a two millimeter hex drive to tighten the screws behind the set screws go [Music] i don't know if this will fit no that does not fit allen key okay so we're gonna put it on the thing and for those curious this is um if you're looking for something to build your printer on that's nice and flat go get go to like a um a countertop manufacturer and hey do you guys have any off cuts in the back that i could buy i paid like 20 bucks and this is quartz and this is you know an eight layout table flat but it's flat enough to square up a 3d printer okay so preload nuts here we go we're on to this part so i think this is one of the parts that trips people up a lot so what do we need we need what extrusion is this to call out b extrusion so the b extrusion is uh it's got nothing on the end so it's it's blank with tapped holes on the end so holes on the end so there's one and two okay so we put those m310s on the outside uh any issues ordering from smarter 3d be in the us uh from what i understand no you should be able to order just fine from shipping is going to suck a little bit but is what it is now you know how it feels uh yeah shipping from canada the u.s isn't as bad as shipping from the us to canada that's the one that usually sucks okay so preloading m3 nuts insert two additional m3 nuts in the highlighted spot okay so we're gonna put two in the middle here and it's going to fly right through out to the other side so what we're going to do is what we need m36 with some nuts so m36 uh i tossed all my petg after it ate a pla sheet took a chunk out of the bed yeah that'll do that i will say that it is worth the order from sparta um simply their filament their abs their abs plus is amazing it's good stuff like most pretty much all my builds that i'm printing right now um are using it because it's it's good stuff okay put two nuts in there note to self take the screw out of the end so you can actually put these nuts in proper go another one okay so we got two screws here okay so our bottom one here is a b extrusion we got two nuts with uh screws in them and then two just floating in the middle and then on the top one here it's pretty much the same thing only just the two nuts and m6 screws or m36 uh any familiarity with abs from ba sf no fortunately no problem is like living in canada it's usually there's like a few brands that are good price and they're just good so most people stick with them because a lot of that other stuff gets kind of pricey quick okay orientation and assembly uh read the next four pages before continuing to keep the assembly image consistent and easy to follow as possible we are showing them in an upright orientation freeze of assembly recommended to assemble a z-axis laying them flat okay so we put those two on top with our zed which are these ones okay preload a bunch of nuts put the top on screw them in and then the h extrusions okay so here we go loosen these up okay now the thing is where do these live at does it give me sizes or any distances there we go okay so 58 and 54. so 58 and 54. uh best bang for the buck um sparta 3d and then you always have like the stuff on amazon you have your your hatchbox and you know that kind of stuff too 58 there go to voicemail and then 54 so now here's the thing with the these uh bed extrusions you can always basically i've always found you you have to kind of play with them a little bit sometimes um so just make sure you have one of them very squared up and then you can use the second one to adjust it like loosen the second one and once you have the bed on use like one as your bible and then just kind of make the other one work to it because you may have to finagle a few things right now okay then we put so we have that got the bottom on so we got to preload three m3 nuts and on each side three one two three okay dang it i always do that always do that okay i gotta take them all out i think i got one stuck in there yeah there we go okay [Music] one two one two and one two now i'm gonna put some screws in there so i don't lose them this time so what you can always do is whenever you have these like captive screws that are just kind of floating around and you're gonna use them for a later step just throw some screws in just to kind of hold them in place so they don't like fall down and get like stuck underneath another extrusion greetings from germany greetings don't lose your nuts yes sorry merv the uh the filter got your uh your comment apparently youtube doesn't like the word nuts so same thing so 58 millimeters on one and then 54. check 54 kill the bot what there's another bot ah geez see at least they're just spamming like one unwanted spam report okay i wish there was it was easier to do like a one-click report with youtube but it's not there we go merv thank you for coming a member and d foreign d foreign damn damn foreign top on screw that together h extrusions okay so where are we have what are the h extrusions h extrusions are uh and these are temporary i believe uh same thing so just tapped on the ends here we go [Music] okay so put those on build on a flat surface so and this is where that granite counter plate comes into uh use [Music] that one is uh that ain't tap deep enough that one yeah i gotta fix that one oops see doodles is there any reason to not use 26 for trident for end stops fans leds um i i would say try and stick with 24 just because that's spec so something to add to your kit make sure you have like an m3 tap on hand and an m5 because you never know when you act you know most of these are machine tapped like it's all done on a machine every now and then you might get one that you know you just got to clean it up a little bit there we go there we go sometimes a machine will tap it and there'll be a little bit of a chip or something stuck in there it happens it happens one hole that needs to be cleaned up i'm not gonna really judge on well i was giving re-tapping after three extrusions and use m8 m8 oh switch wire go [Music] who was that that called me earlier left a voicemail i'll figure it out later do so just you guys are aware these extrusions are only temporary these are just kind of hold everything together and allow you to square it up while you get your bed in position nope that's odd yeah so this one extrusion here was not tap deep enough what time is it anyway six o'clock started at four see how far we get i really wish i had an air gun in here like i have one actually oh no i don't have one anymore i had one it was loud not really something you want to use inside how are my cad skills um i can make brackets for stuff and i can i can import existing things into fusion and kind of mash them together go okay so we have this now so assemble a square on a square or correction assemble a square on a gra glass or granite surface to ensure because square is possible tighten the screws in the left extrusion first so um this might be too big but having a machinist square at this point is really handy because you can check to make sure that your frame is square which uh actually i'm pretty sure i am square enough so machine square is very nice to have and then at this point is where you would go and make sure everything is spaced off correctly all the pop-ups okay so what do we need we need 58 millimeters and 54 for a total of 127. so you can't get all fancy or you could just you know eyeball it with the the mark one eyeball which uh most people have so we're just gonna roll with that five six seven eight that's good and then 54 millimeters that's good well that's not good oh you know what i am so sorry guys i am so sorry i can't believe we've gone this far i can't believe we've gone this far hey buddy come on i i'm sorry entry there we go doggo break time i can open them up have you been good have you been good okay can you shake paw go boy can you shake the other paw good boy speak speak speak go woof speak speak i know you know to be quiet good boy no he he he knows to be quiet so every time we try to get him to speak he used to do it but he he knows to be quiet like over the last he used to be louder and then we had calvin and uh we got him to shut up because you know having a barking dog with a toddler is not fun so she's kind of like i'm not supposed to be not loud how old uh nine wanna say nine uh yeah okay so we got to put some stoppers on the bottom here let me just kind of lock these in to make sure we're good actually [Music] that is going to annoy me to oh and if i don't fix that it doesn't line up on the bottom here there we go how did that pop up there not in chat who is that oh took a minute bash coder 9.99 good boy he is a good boy he is a very good boy except when he's not a good boy because he's big and he's loud nothing like sneaking home with a little guy asleep getting him to bed it's all nice and quiet and then somebody knocks down the door and he freaks out somebody's here somebody's here uh i just want to thank you your stream inspired me build one little these are my own build was finished last week and so far 70 hours in print time 70 hours in a week nice yeah they are uh surprisingly good out of the box i will say am i gonna finish this build tonight no no we're gonna go until my headphones die and then we're gonna call it so that's usually about four hours need to uh get at least a few streams out of it um so this technically wasn't an ldo kit it has a lot of ldo parts um but it is a uh a kit from lector.com i have a link in the description it does have a bunch of extras um as i said it the kit if you buy it comes with the uh kirigami bed mod which is like a folded sheet steel bed instead of having to build the bed my kit does not have it it's a pre-production kit so they didn't arrive in time so i don't have it so i gotta gotta roll my own speaking of time to put the bed on okay so use thread locker carefully apply a small amount of thread lock to the screws oh i guess we use thread locker now um i did not know we were using thread locker on these i can't remember do i have thread locker i've got the next best thing hard nails extreme wear sally hansen it's good enough okay so what do we need for this m two eight m two eight and two six into eight m310 into six yeah i got two bags of m26 i'm assuming one of these is a missed mislabel m26 m26 here's m two eight oh there we go m28 yeah extreme is only extreme when it's spelled with an axe you need that you know extreme to make it extreme otherwise it's just it's just not extreme one two three four five six seven eight yeah i know there's different m26s yeah one one are button head and one or socket heads i can't remember which ones are which buttonhead yeah i use buttonheads yes okay i use the right ones we're good we're good we're good okay so if i remember these are a pain to get into their respective actually i'm gonna need the allen keys that come with the kit because i don't know where my little one is trident or 2.4 that is a very hard question to answer because neither is better than the other um they both are they're both fine um it depends what kind of zen motion you want do you want a three-point bed uh that moves up and down or do you want to go all fancy with a uh a flying gantry um because the gantry the actual gantry the xy motion on both is exactly the same now okay well we'll be soon once 2.4 goes live but uh or 2.4 r2 goes live but yeah they're they're pretty much hello can you hear me now what the heck happened there okay um so the mic died which it shouldn't have i had it plugged in for charging yeah it was charged okay uh let me fix this the uh the super awesome getaway we will make it work we have technology we have technology don't worry don't worry i will just now be shackled with my wireless mic to the computer with a six foot usb cable there we go remember it is not a neuro 3d patented stream if something is not completely scuff i can't remember what i was talking about before the stream uh before i lost mike so if i was midway answering a question re-ask the question uh when it's done basically a lot of the work on it right now is the manual because the v2 needed the most work on the manual it's the oldest manual and it's basically like being redone from scratch and manuals are a surprising amount of work but yes the gantry on the 2.4 r2 and the trident is exactly the same like literally exactly the same the only difference is there are belt mounts on it okay so a little a little bit of loctite and by loctite i mean extreme nail polish and you don't need to go crazy a little dab will do you just enough to wet the threads essentially and not much work when you have dnr do everything oh he that's the thing he does a lot of work on it i mean i would help but i don't think he needs my super awesome ms pain skills uh micron when whenever it shows up and i have time so the plan is basically um this will be uh tuesday streams uh it depends how many streams this takes to build because it's pretty much just building it and then that's pretty much it wiring electronics shouldn't take too long so we're gonna get this built trident is saturday so next tuesday will be um zero and then saturday might be zero again [Music] and then trident or onto micron which i gotta start printing parts for that soon uh thomas 14.99 appreciate it uh didn't have a square east yeah i have an es126 right here um i use this for the bigger screws though i don't like using that on button heads because it has a tendency to um strip them because it's got a little a little too many uh a little too much power [Music] is the enrage rabbit care feeder the enrage rabbit care feeder is compatible with any printer running clipper um and even uh duet now now technically you do need an end stop um or a filament sensor between your extruder and your hot end um so the afterburner supports that um so you would have to you know if you're using a non-voron printer you can make it work um you can either kind of bypass it and not use one but it's not as reliable if you just kind of because it doesn't know when it's loaded essentially you you need that filament sensor to know that it's loaded past the extruder in your tool head right it's not a bowden setup um you cannot use it and kind of hope for the best but honestly not worth it what is my job nobody i don't know i'm i'm just a dude [Music] i got on the team back when it was just you know oh hey you built a boron you're on the team i kind of got grandfathered i guess i guess you could say i'm the media guy i make the videos i break stuff in testing and i did the uh i did the standalone jetpack so if you look at the jetpack the standalone version i did that that is my contribution contribution of cad work to the voron team public relations yeah i'm the guy on twitter everyone yells at whenever somebody thinks warren did something dumb and then everyone asks me i'm like what's going on the hot end shroud uh that is for the revo for stealth burner so that that that shroud uh let me find do i have it here yeah so he's asking about the revo mount for the voron revo okay so for the voron revo this guy the stealth burner mount for it has the uh little caricature of sanjay on it kind of as a tribute that's only for uh the revo so only the revo mount will have that i'm always paranoid of stripping these small screws anyone use it a mosaic pallet um i think a few people have used the pallet 2 you can't use the palette 3. palette 3 doesn't work with clipper it's it's severely gimped it doesn't work properly because it's it can't communicate properly ok so we've got those on so now we gotta put our bed on so we gotta preload one m3 nut on each side this is the part of the build that is just annoying i will flat out say it right off the bat getting this bed on is annoying there's really no ifs ands or buts about it this is the part where you got to finagle with you know captive nuts and it's it's when people complain about the uh v0 build this is like the one of the more annoying parts so we got two m2s on the bottom and then six in the back one two and six in the back one two three four five six respect torques well if somebody you know you can easily do torques if you want thing is allen keys are much more universal not everyone has uh torx bits because there's some areas you gotta go like go down a long hole to tighten like especially on here like an actual bit might not fit through all this to tighten it so correct this kit will come with the kirigami bed my kit does not have it because it was not in when they sent it to me i have a pre-production kit okay so now we put the bed on and we screw it all together okay so m3 8. my [Music] uh there we go [Music] now i need to find where did this guy go by the way [Music] okay try it at 2.4 pick whichever one has the bed you like you want your bed to move or do you want your bed to stay still if you want your bed to move try it if you don't want your bed to move 2.4 otherwise they print exactly the same [Music] uh it's magnetized i hate when that happens allen key gets magnetized you use it to push the uh the nut over to where the screws got to go and then you go to move the screw out of the way or the allen key out of the way and it's like no there we go come back go right there [Music] and remember somebody's gonna win this printer so i'm trying to build it you know pretty good i guarantee less than five percent less than five percent strip screws and only three percent bulk weight in dog hair and remember i'm not saying it helps your chances but it doesn't hurt to like that smash button because you know it's not going to hurt your chances but it's it you know you never know okay and then on the back we got to use the ball and driver fasten the left screw so now we got to put m312s [Music] abraham gonzalez 4.99 appreciate it now comes the annoying part m312s m310s and tools exactly like that smash button it's not rocket appliances okay let's see can i get that in there what's that there i wish i knew where my tweezers were uh what are you saying so you're saying your chances are your chances exactly your chances are your chances liking the smash button will affect your chances there's a chance it might you know affect it in the good way or the bad way but it may affect your chances dang it where'd you go there's one screw one nut okay we've got the wine chances for what somebody's going to win this printer at some point there will be a charity stream in the future for the sanjay foundation or whatever e3d ends up calling it and during the charity stream for that i will be holding this will be one of the prizes people like winning things so i'm assuming somebody wants to win it and it's the fully built one like you're just gonna i'm just gonna throw this in a box and send it to somebody okay now the fun part because i gotta get this chain out of the well part where you can't see what you're doing flashlight okay so there's that come on get up in there that loyal moses 1999 awesome get to catch an afternoon stream how are you i'm doing fantastic my friend is that one part of the build where you wish you had three hands nope that could work it would be even easier if i could find my pliers they're my needle nose or my tweezers and i can't find them come on flip up of course everything's magnetized now so the m3 nut went and fell off the end of the extrusion there there we go okay so now i got to figure out how to get that in i swear this this one part right here is the most annoying part of the build is this one single m3 nut because you have to get through everything and line it up and you have like nothing to push it with but i got it and then of course get your ball allen key out without damaging anything there we go okay so yeah it's this one right here and one on the left is an absolute pain to get in the rest are okay [Music] oh great i forgot to take two nuts out or put two extra nuts in there hey guess what take it apart we are missing the two nuts in the middle for the uh vm the trap dang it it's okay easy fix take out the side that is easier to work on take that screw out oh no exactly it's not a v0 stream if you don't forget to put nuts in at some point there we go okay so now those in i really wish i knew where my pliers went let me take a look see if i can find my tweezer tweezers tweezers i always lose them i don't know what it is i always lose my tweezers i just need to buy a pack of like 10 of them and just leave them everywhere because i always end up losing them the bot dang bots goodbye be gone bot report spam goodbye okay what's the problem with the i youtube banning people is like a four-step process click the name click what they're doing report bot are you sure you want to report yes bot reported okay give me a one button to do it two and then three or four okay so we got four in there put one screw in slide that okay then slide the other one over go put the other screw in how do i like the rep box oh it's good i'm using it to feed the uh enrage rabbit carrot feeder the multi-filament guy so it's up there and uh it's worked pretty good my my buffer system yeah i wish it was working a bit better all the issues i have with the enraged rabbit are nothing to do with the enraged rabbit itself it's all feeding issues and like i wish i could do the carrot patch with the buffering um recoilless buffer or whatever the heck the system is called but uh i don't have the room for it so i kind of have to make do with what i got okay so we got the two nuts in the middle and trimming check for binding okay so now we make sure the bed uh goes up and down which i can take these guys out now and you basically want to make sure that the bed moves nice and smooth it's not binding anywhere and then if it is um i recommend if you're looking at from the front loosen this far rail okay because when you did all your measurements you went from here to here and then you measured from here to here so if anything out due to stacking tolerances is probably this extrusion so what you would do is you would go to the top you loosen that screw and that screw kind of find its home tighten that up then come to the bottom tighten that up but we got no binding so we should be good build my next forum without the manual i've done that like four times already [Music] uh v226 here has been every iteration of a v2 none of them were built with manual even my v00 was built without a manual originally okay so z-axis trimming we got that so now we're taking those extrusions out so these extrusions on the side here we're pretty much just there to uh give us a jig to light everything up and now we can get rid of them so make sure your z extrusions are nice and tight first before doing that they're they're gonna be holding everything together what size clone trooper helmet you can make on a voron um well it depends how much do you need on the xyz because you can go i don't know 250 350 well that's like 330. all boys and eyeball we don't recommend going beyond 350. um machine was not designed with that in mind and it's core xy which doesn't scale that well at large sizes you get diminishing returns 350 yeah um so this one that's a 250 so that's 250 millimeters cube but they get about 220 230 on this head this one's 350 by 350 by 250 on the zed and then the big one back here is 330 by 330 by 380 i think on the zed yeah 380 on the zed roughly i think i can push 390 but the the drake chains get pretty tight up top but that that one's an oddball size because i use an old frame if you go to vorondesign.com you can pick whatever printer and there's a configurator so you could tell it what size you want but we recommend sticking with like 250 350 or 3 or 250 300 or 350 depending on the machine this little guy is only 120 like this is a v0 so it's only this big i swear that v zero just exists now to be an example of how small v zero is i can't remember the last time i printed anything on it so now we gotta preload some nuts so it goes like that so we need six nuts up top one in the back so [Music] yeah people have gone bigger with these vorons um we just you know as a matter of principle we just don't recommend beyond that size just because the machine has all it's mostly printed parts and aluminum extrusions right it's not meant to be a large format machine you know let's be honest 350 most people don't need 350. six one in the back and then i gotta put six underneath so what we're gonna do is just kind of put some captive screws in here for now just so we don't lose these ones so i'm just throwing in some temporary screws right now so these nuts don't go flying out because they're just captive nuts and six on the bottom five six so i'm actually hoping the goal today is basically get the frame built wait what am i doing i don't need more of those i need two of these so that that's kind of like the the goal for today is at least get to the point where the frame is built and then you can move on to the xy gantry next stream doesn't it count as an amp printer well it is small okay so now we are going to put our frame together flip it over so we're going to need some e extrusions and the e extrusions are which ones are these so the extrusion has one hole on the extrusion two extrusions and then what was the other ones oh yeah i already got the other ones the other ones are right there okay so we're just going to kind of put them in not super tight right now just kind of eyeball it because we'll uh we'll make a proper tight and squared up later because right now this is not a square so there's no point trying to square it up when will the next stream be um i stream uh well now tuesdays uh but i normally stream every saturday night 8pm is my normal stream time uh that will be trident next stream so next saturday we're going to finish up the trident so actually this saturday we're going to finish up the trident and then uh next tuesday we'll carry on with this guy and then after that will be the next saturday and whatnot until we start the micron build and then a v2 and then i might switch between the two or depending on how much room i have it i'll probably do like once one machine at a time uh 3dpmish hello okay so we got that and then h extrusions on the back which i think are the two that we had earlier yeah because there's nothing crossbar in the back right yeah okay m3 tens yeah m310s well technically i should have been finishing up another stream but the only reason i'm streaming this build right now is because the store that provided this kit is a a european store and my normal saturday night streams at 8 pm is a little late for them so instead of wrapping up that guy right there which needs panels and input shaper tuning and pressure advance and a bunch of other tuning i'm going to do that on saturday and i'm starting this build today so that the europeans can see because they're sleeping usually uh there's a list in the description uh lewis that has um what's different with this kit so it's basically a bunch of add-ons um am i going to have to tap that one yeah i got to tap that one that's going on with ldo i gotta tap these normally never have to tap leo excursions much appreciate as a european i know i try to look out for you guys i try to do the european friendly streams when i can yeah i'm gonna tap through these just to clean them up just to clean up nice printer collection thank you i need more room uh the frame is from one of the first patches okay that makes sense that makes sense uh the very first batches of ldo frames had uh need to be chased a little bit so this is again this is a pre-production kit so if you buy a kit it'll be all new stuff uh midnight is already midnight over there what time is it now it's 6 40. i am starting to get a little hungry i'm thinking i got a leftover chicken parm i think 3d printers multiply that they do i got to start printing micron parts soon actually i should probably start that tonight 39 in oslo i got candy i do have candy but i don't they're hard candies i want to be sucking on a hard candy while i'm streaming and talking you guys don't need to hear that yeah right now it's only 640 here shelves out that's what i'm tempted to do well i've already got like i'm gonna have printers down there there down there there the problem is like the ceiling is literally right there it's a the ceiling in this room is lower so i like just out of frame is the ceiling i can't go up much higher and these are kind of tall printers for the most part like i can't put another shelf on top of them okay okay shop remodeling serious soon well it's i don't really need to remodel i'm actually happy with the layout i need to clean i've got like i put in a bench here in the middle and it's like hey i'm gonna have a little bench here so i can you know i have room to work and um as you can see i don't have room to work anymore on that bench it's become storage like everything else has a habit of coming around here dig the floor deeper why didn't i think of that wait are you in a house yes i'm in the house i'm in my basement i'm not joel i don't have a fancy studio to work in in the basement in canada is a real cheap option well not yet i have actually looked i i won't lie i'm not at the point where you know i could justify getting it in a studio but i have actually looked local to see you know if you know how much it would be to rent a little shop or something and i can't find squat and what i can find is like old commercial that is like yeah we want like thirty dollars a square foot and i'm like yeah new andrew rogers ten dollars for the floor lowering fund okay so we got the h extrusion so we need to space that 37 millimeters hey look it's kind of looking like a printer sort of okay so what is that well moses lower the floor 9.99 i wish only we're so simple if only you guys start tuning the stream next week i got a jackhammer out will this pla printed jackhammer work let's find out which filament is best at handling vibrations from a jackhammer don't forget to like comment and subscribe like that smash button mark r thank you for coming to member sanity 50 appreciate it for the shovel to dig the floor deeper only were so easy i need to redo my kitchen before i uh i start dropping this the floor so much of this build would be easier if you had three hands there we go what do you think of the rat ray jackhammer if that's a real thing i'm gonna laugh can't wait for the minion kit to show up that's gonna be fun that will be a fun build okay so we got that so now we need to flip it upwards like some sort of tie fighter thingy uh and preload some nuts so we got what four on the bottom oh man this is the i always this picture always screws me up okay so we got four on the bottom on that side so one two three four three four okay and then four on the bottom of the other side and it looks like three on the side one two three four and three on the side one two three okay chain visibility we won't be showing the chain in later pictures okay so we've got to mount the other end of our chain there because you're not going to be able to mount it later and what is that that's an m36 which i always misplace the m36 bag uh yeah i'm doing a v minion build i have a mechanical kit coming i'm gonna be providing my own electronics because i have enough of them i don't need to any more electronics and uh we will be building a view minion i gotta print all the parts for it too and we're it being a minion is gonna be lemon lemon something yellow [Music] lemon sparkle yellow i believe is what we're rolling with [Music] that's the one you forgot everyone forgets this everyone forgets to put the uh the end of the drag chain on because you can't skip it okay if you forgot to put it in you can't after you put the bottom plate in because right now we're gonna be putting a bottom plate in so let me uh put some more nuts in here before i forget so three on this side one two three and then up top i need three on top one two three and then three on the other side on top one a two a three okay now we need to put the deck panel in so let me find the deck panel oh yeah like a glove okay frame b extrusion and i think the b extrusion is just a regular extrusion uh-oh ah dang it i screwed up a b in a c i think shoot okay one second one second is oh no i no shoot seriously are all for the top hat oh shoot sophie extrusion oh wait no what am i doing what am i doing the extrusion's got no holes the extrusion no holds oh yeah okay so b extrusion and then d extrusions on the front okay so preload how many four m4 nuts then put a m10 on the ends okay uh do i still think it's worth it to source it really depends on what your local availability is with shipping the way it is it's kind of screwed over a lot of the advantage of sourcing your own because how much shipping cost once you factor in shipping for everything so it used to make a lot more sense to uh source your own but nowadays not so much unfortunately okay those ones let's go there okay and then d extrusions are i think tapped in the bottom or correction four holes in the bottom and then yeah yeah okay so we're good we're good night chris might have to tap these yeah i want to tap these i'm just going to tap these right off the bat i know i'm going to have to tap these i'm going to have to tap these well free shipping isn't really a guaranteeing thing on ali anymore because it used to be back in the day right you would source everything on ali and you would just slow boat everything and it would you know everything would show up in like three months but you'd be able to source everything pretty cheap but now with how much it costs to source everything or ship everything reason people order kits now don't break a tap like i remember it used to be used to be able to build a v2 if you were really good at it at like sourcing bargains and whatnot you used to be able to build like a v2 and we're talking back in like the v 2.1 days um i've seen people do it under a thousand but that was back when you used to be able to get extrusions really cheap because you would buy like a pack of three and then a pack of four and like it it used to be much better in the before four times before the rhona i tried using a ratchet i'm not a huge fan of ratcheting trap uh or tap handles they always break like the ratcheting mechanism always breaks on me i'm not a fan of them the biggest problem with kits is you have no control over them right so you know if formbot decides to switch vendors for their rails and all of a sudden you get crappy rails you have no control over that what is it i'm doing now i'm just chasing the holes this is these rails here are from an older batch of ldo and you just have to chase the holes and tap them a little bit deeper sometimes so i'm just cleaning them up running a tap through just so i don't you know strip the screws last thing you want is something to get seized like it's aluminum i could throw this i could chuck this in a drill if i really wanted to but rather not risk it roughly 1200 usd for my 2.4 around the start around yeah that sounds about right i'm starting to get hungry i got leftover chicken parm and rice i think for dinner okay what's the difference between the v0 and v01 the v01 uh direct feed tool head is an option now versus bowden only on the v0 0.0 and a bunch of quality life and assembly improvements so build a v01 so if there's a if you look at the name of the printer there's you know the v0 the v1 the v2 the trident if there's like a a point and then a number after it so it's like v 2.4 v 1.8 that the point whatever is the newest revision so the you know v 0.1 is the newer revision of v 0.0 but when you look at v1 and v2 they're different printers okay it's just the name that's why we stopped calling them v0 well we still call it v0 we wanted v2 but that's why trident is trident and not v1.9 because everyone got confused thinking well why is there a one why would there be a v 1.9 if v 2.4 is around it's like well v 2.4 is actually the oldest war on right now so now we're giving them names okay would a voron trainer 2.4 be better than an under three yes and enter three is a very basic printer there's really not much to them there v wheel which in my opinion v wheel is like the worst motion system that you have on a printer other than using like home depot drawer sliders because here's the thing relying on v wheels aluminum extrusions are not a precision thing they they aren't aluminum extrusions are just extruded aluminum there is no guarantee at all that they are straight that they don't curve that they don't twist they're they're just aluminum extrusions they're they're not a precision thing they're not meant to be a precision oh that did not tap deep enough huh where's gizmo hello oh a bunch of people are coming members why am i not seeing that on youtube wait for the youtube to buffer or is that just keep popping up uh main overlay properties refresh cache there we go [Music] which forum would i recommend it depends what you want how big do you want to print do you want to print in clothes do you want uh like you know this is a good if you just print small things and you just want a cool little secondary printer that's fully enclosed for like abs little things a v0 if you want something bigger you're going to get the trend you've got the v2 if you want a bedflinger that's corex ed because corkset is actually pretty cool um you got switch wire um if you got a bunch of old eight millimeter rods sitting around you could do a legacy one thing a lot of people don't seem to realize um borons aren't like we're not trying to sell them we just kind of design them because they're fun to design like the switch wires it's a core xz printer right it's it's a belted core xz printer um the reason it exists is because rcf was bored during covet and just kind of during the first lockdown and just kind of whipped it up in two months that's why it exists it's not meant to fill a niche or oh we the market needs a corexit printer is like now i'm bored i'm going to make a corkset printer and make it actually practical and that's what he did now we have one when you're when you're not selling something you're allowed to just kind of design stuff for fun and not have to worry about you know although there's not a big enough market for this printer i don't know if we can make it work the margins are too slim don't need to worry about margins if other people are paying for it i'm totally eyeballing these extrusions i swear play it with it later there we go at that starting to look like a printer so we got the d extrusions verify nuts okay so we got six nuts up top one two three four five six three nuts on each side one two three one two three two nuts in the middle there yep three nuts on that side yep three notes on that side yep and then four nuts underneath yep okay flip it over look on the back okay we got one nut three nuts three nuts four four four six yep okay i think we're okay and three yeah we're okay make sure make sure to count your nuts make sure you got your nuts okay a b drives you don't have enough nuts you're going to have a bad time next lockdown boron shower joke's on you that thing's been operational for months yes we got extrusion extrusion and cross excuse okay let's get there that and that so we'll get our av drives mounted so we got to do some heat set stuff put my crappy soldering iron in yeah that's a that's um is it a sticker or is it i don't if it's silk screened on but yeah remember somebody's winning this printer i'm not keeping it someone luckier than me is going to win it it is uv coloring cool i don't have a uv light well i do have a uv light but it's my resin curing machine which i goofed i have um my little vat of resin or correction iso that i use for cleaning uh resin prints i accidentally left it on the bench here and the window right here i have a giant piece of cardboard blocking it it's painted black but above it there's like a little gap where some sunlight can get in every now and then and like the sunlight hit it and then it's like now it's all it was all filled with like just little bits of floating cured resin semi-cured resin so i had to like strain the whole thing and clean it all out it was a pain in the butt okay so i'm doing both right now but we got to put the heat sets in and on these ones make sure these two are sitting below the surface so coming from cruz i want something bigger um tried it tried it although ldo has a v2 kit soon and uh ldo makes good stuff their ldo is really the only full kit i will recommend um this kit it's coming pretty close i won't say for sure until i'm done building it but ldo kits are pretty much the only kits that you will see anyone on the team say yeah those are pretty good unfortunately some of the aliexpress kits have been uh spotty so we won't recommend anything that you know hey the uh the wiring is completely unsafe andrew rogers five dollars thank you appreciate it when you were testing the revo did you find it prone to clogging considering i had one jam on a revo um i ran a beta unit from may may until i got a production unit so may until like a month ago um on v2 26 here go back and watch streams when there's a cardboard box in it covering like hiding stuff inside the printer that's when i got a revo um that printed all of the v0 all of like every abs print for six months was on a revo no issues production unit in there right now with zero issues um i have a revo six in switch wire i had one jam that i had to do a cold pull remember that has an enrage rabbit carrot feeder so that's doing thousands of filament changes and i had one jam that one cold pull fixed it that's it that's the only issues i've had with revo was one jam that i had a cold pull and that was filament related um i had no heat creep issues no uh zero issues with ooze like you know leaking or whatever it's been like 99.9 reliable and the only issue is not related to it itself i believe so now granted the beta units themselves had some issues that were related to them being beta units but any issues that i would be concerned about were corrected on the production units so yeah uh what retraction i i didn't change retraction i literally just took my mosquito out through the revo in and started printing stuff and i haven't changed anything because it's direct feed i think i'm running like 0.4 or 0.5 millimeters of retraction so not much i don't want to sand these because normally i'll i'll take like a file and just clean off if after i do heat sets but they got the next textured finish and i want to ruin them okay so we got the heat set insert so i need a so i've got a and we're gonna put uh the thingy a in i gotta put some heat sets in too on one heat set on that side okay so let me do that right now before i forget hello from germany what are you doing up so late how effective is the bed housing are you talking about the the kirigami bed i haven't used it um it makes assembly a lot easier and it it being like a you know folded steel monolithic bed it should be more rigid [Music] go uh trying to keep up with chat here uh but isn't the ldl kit also sold on that no ldo doesn't sell on aliexpress they do not so make it really simple a hey ah okay so we have that we have that set insert we put that in get our little trusty top part here one that matches up reference the other one because i'm just making sure [Music] there we go yeah there we go yeah all right let me double check i have the cad why am i doing why am i looking at another printer i have the cad hey look cad i fail yeah yeah okay i'm right just making sure okay so m335 and 340 and 335. 25. 25.35 there we go [Music] and i'm gonna have to go hunting for the um shims and bearings so i don't think the shims are in this bag so let me find shims and bearings it's on the build plate bag on that one this morning we're in [Music] now remember it uses shims not uh washers okay so if you go to the hardware store and buy just m3 washers those are just stamped out these are well these are stamped out too but these are approx like an approximate size okay so yep i found it lecture i don't get these bots like what is that even like supposed to mean just a random string like is it a website okay so we flip this over and how do we have it so we have underneath we got bearing stack so all voron bearing stacks are the same washer bearing bearing washer so when you got two of them like we have here you got washer bearing bearing washer washer bearing bearing washer and on the other one here you have a spacer washer bearing bearing washer so let's build this guy try not to lose all these washers get some printed spacers out okay so we have washer bearing bearing washer washer bearing the other one we have printed spacer washer bearing bearing washer look at that i dumped out the right amount of washers okay so freeze of assembly suddenly upside down all six spacers are identical we won't be calling them out going forward and then we take this and we put it on top okay and then m3 30s from the top kind of hold it all together let's get those m330s out yeah m330 trying to be no no i'm going to be ending the stream uh probably after we get these av motor mounts we are not doing a a sprint [Music] considering i spent like the first like what half hour 45 minutes of the stream just kind of unboxing the kit and going over everything [Music] not set up to go for some speed benchy numbers there oh no oh no it finally died and it's micro usb uh by the way i last charged this thing um during the original v0 build the the ldo v0 build that's when i charged it last [Music] so at least the battery lasts a while on those okay uh yes i will be doing a charity stream um i'm just waiting for the actual foundation to be set up i i don't want to collect money um and hang on to it i i don't want to hold on to money i'd rather the money go directly into a charity so i'm waiting until that gets set up and then i will do the charity stream [Music] i i don't want the money coming to me at all because i know some people have already done it a charity stream and i believe they just put it in a paypal account but i don't i don't want to touch the money [Music] because um one i you know if you're giving me money i'm gonna get taxed on it i'm not sure how that all works i'd rather not risk it and two um the internet being the internet of course somebody will try and probably accuse me of skimming the money or something like that or trying to take a cut or whatever so i'd rather just avoid that all the drama that's possible and just kind of do that i'm gonna need both motors so lecture are these beefier motors than the normal spec motors or am i just imagining things okay so 8.5 millimeters and that is like that bigger one so yeah so these are even beefier than your regular v0 motors i'm sorry to not look forward to giving this machine away like dang it this is a good machine bigger one's an es you're wondering uh there's a size there how about there and then we can adjust it if we need to i'm not putting a locked head on these yet because i'm probably gonna have to adjust these okay so aka the root of all issues scrub screws loose scrub screws account for the large percentage of the issues that use this report save yourself hours of troubleshooting apply threadlocker to all the grub screws during the build see the product application notes for instruction do not tighten just put them on so when you put this together you want the wires facing inward i believe is the uh the proper way yeah because if you you can't have them yeah well you could have them facing towards there but i believe most people have them facing inward i don't think it actually calls it out in the instructions yeah it doesn't call them out in the instructions okay so what holds it together m335s 335s oh the draw won't be for a while okay well there will be a charity stream in the future and this will be the prize so you're not tightening these screws you're just going you know loose finger tight because you need to be able to uh shift it and then you can look into and see if you need to adjust your uh your grub screws which i need to do [Music] uh loctite attacking abs i don't use loctite i use uh i use nail polish we'll have a revo i don't have any spare revo's i only have the beta unit and two production units and i'm using all of them well the beta unit is uh yeah it's a beta unit i wouldn't give that out it's a little sentimental okay so put that together check your work make sure everything lines up now is the time to adjust your uh your pulley if you need to okay so put that aside build the other one so b comment oh fun fact they are out of spec oh you did not know that let's get some shims out and some bearings [Music] what is spec everyone what is spec spec doesn't mean anything right it's just suggestions it's all just suggestions [Music] okay cells now this is building up the opposite so previously this one the corner had double bearing stacks and the one next to it had a bearing stack and then a spacer on this one or correction spacer than a bearing sack on this one it's the opposite this one we have on the corner a bearing stack and a spacer and here we have the double bearing stack so okay like that [Music] m330s in the front to hold it all together dangerous this ain't dangerous this is a perfectly reasonable method i believe i think i don't know if it works it works right [Music] make sure those are broken out okay and now we have to do our other pulley uh the bearing stacks he did for the training bill is there any mod for the needed idlers or whatever um i built the trailer the trident to spec i didn't do any uh mods to that now are you referring to the fact that i use uh smooth idlers on my v2s and the v1 instead of the the tooth idlers is that what you're referring to [Music] on this [Music] where's my nail polish hi john uh there is no mod you just swap them out it's just a hardware swap you don't need to worry about uh printing any different parts just a straight hardware swap [Music] big electric screwdriver yes 126. i need to start putting that in the description of my videos [Music] 335s yeah you just throw them in you don't need to uh you don't need to print anything different um personally i prefer the smooth idlers they got bigger bearings in them they last longer than the uh the two thighs because the two thighs only have like little pin bearings in them right and you might luck out and they might last forever or they might just explode on you um as somebody who built a v 1.55 um they explode and a v 2.0 now granted those were the three millimeter variant not the five millimeter but they still go boom eventually how do you recommend applying more grease to an assembled v0 um very carefully i'm hoping that i can actually show something on i'm going to try a few things i'm going to try and do a video on it because that is an actual common question i get a lot so i am going to try and do a video on it and hopefully show a way of doing it that is actually practical because here's the thing you can't put grease on the rails and just move the carriage over and hope for the best the problem is with that method is uh there's wipers that block most of the grease from getting onto the actual because you need the grease on the ball bearings that's where the grease needs to be the grease needs to be on the ball bearings so that's way too long um so if you just put it on the rails and then just move your carriage over you'll get some and with lighter grease or oil you'll get more but it's not ideal like you want to pack the bearings with grease right now i have seen somebody told me that what you can do is if you have your rail okay and it's mounted what you do is you take out one of the screws and you move your ex your carriage over so it's like almost all over the screw and then you go into the little gap there and you do the same thing with like a syringe filled with grease and you force it in so because you got a little t-nut under there it'll prevent the uh grease from just filling up the extrusion and hopefully some of it will get pushed back up into the carriage and kind of fill everything up but i haven't tried that yet put a hole in the extrusion well you can just do that yourself with the drill if you want like you could do that you know if you really need to grease it up you can just kind of find where a hole is okay so you got a hole there and just drill a hole through the extrusion so that you can get a syringe up into the carriage so you could do that i mean you don't need that as part of the cad you can kind of eyeball that if you want to um bot report unwanted message or spam reported okay so yeah you have options you have options okay so where are we at now and now i gotta mount all these guys so we put that together check your work and then we put it together with a whole bunch of screws so at this point let me put away all these washers and hopefully not lose them all i really don't want to lose them all and then we'll mount our av motor mounts and then uh i think at that point we'll call the build part of the stream done and we'll just go to q a until we call it but it's getting kind of late so again these screws right here these were just to keep these nuts from flying all over the place just to make things a little bit easier now over here you need uh two nuts so out of the three get rid of one and that's because you have um four across the front here and then these two so your one of them screws into the top extrusion and then two nuts and then three nuts so it's really handy if you have something non-magnetic to kind of place these into position okay m335s all right i'm pretty sure it's at 335's yeah m335s do ldl rails have a service hole uh no they're too small okay so one two three and four hopefully everything kind of lines up and hopefully everything goes together so let's find out here i think we're okay why does oh i might have lucked out what no no no of course there's always there's always one that doesn't want to start nope nope and yep dang it i got two that don't want to go in it's always two dang it so we got one that doesn't want to go nope this one okay now comes the part where i can't see anything down the hole so you kind of just throw that in hope it lines up oh okay so loosen everything up and try again with lining everything up well these are good these are okay the whole cordless screwdriver thing with uh tom there was he was using like a uh a screwdriver like an actual big chunky screwdriver or electric drill i think so i think that's where most people got their uh right up there and of course now that one doesn't line up headphones are dying okay let's try this part oh get back kind of hard to do this when you can't see anything down the hole by the way there is a mod that uh there we go so there is an actual mod um that basically hold like spaces these all out properly so you don't have to finagle with this i don't have that mod printed i never remember to print it so go with a trident or a v 2.4 uh depends how much honestly everyone's asking it's hard to say because they both are functionally pretty much the same they both print the same in terms of quality um how much z do you want because a v2 scales better in the z than a trident so it comes down to how much that do you want do you want 250 to 300 millimeters of zed try it if you want 300 or more 250 or v2 okay we got that one let's get this other one on now [Music] or the ldo nut bar plate that's only for the rails okay up [Music] [Music] okay so let's see what we got here okay that one starts that one starts missed now i missed those ones all missed how did you all miss so this is pretty much the last part of the annoying part of the build by the way tool head's not bad electronics will be easy peasy because this is a kit dang it dang it yeah i got one that's not in the right spot three four five perfect got them all okay there's that there's that get the corner one in there we go we're good we're good okay there we go okay so i think we're going to end the stream there um what time is it 7 48 so we'll give it we'll give it 12 minutes here of uh open floor if anyone has any questions i want me to go over anything during the stream that they may have missed yeah there we go we got our motors in it's beginning to look a lot like a printer there we go so yeah so after this uh we'll carry on next tuesday with uh idlers and a bunch of other stuff and it crashed good point that's a good way of it telling us it's time to end stream i got to do a windows update on here anyways okay so what do you guys wanna do want me to go over anything did you miss anything you got any questions do an open mic for the next 12 minutes uh quality so far quality is good um i had some issues with the extrusions obviously um but that was kind of to be expected since this is an older extrusion kit um those that buy the kit will get new extrusions you shouldn't have to chase any of the tapped holes so i won't chalk that up to the kit i won't hold that against the kit because it is it's a pre-production kit with i'm assuming he sent me stuff he had so i won't chalk that up there some of the printed parts i showed some of them off at the beginning of the stream um but usually a good a good indicator of like you know is tool head parts are usually kind of a good quick demo of hey everything kind of fits together everything works properly this is all their in-house glass-filled abs um so it should be a little bit more rigid than normal abs but let's see here so we got you know some parts three parts let's put a screw in there hey everything lines up nice and good i know i have another three somewhere did i not lose all my increase i have a bunch of them i don't want to use anything from the kit in case i lose it oh headphones died yep time to end stream but yeah so everything you know screws go through everything locks together well everything meets up really well print quality is good there's no like strings or you know warp parts or anything textured finish from textured print bed et cetera so yeah uh what is different on the 2.4 r2 um if you want uh steve builds he's another guy on the dev team he built one on his stream um he got a pre-production kit i'll be building mine out of a production kit um but it's basically quality of life improvements to make things a little bit simpler for the build and bringing over some stuff that we've learned like from the 2.4 gantry on to um or correction from the trident gantry on to the 2.4 so it's basically just you know it's why it's 2.4 r2 it's not too like there's already been an r run like there's already been one revision to the 2.4 it's updates that don't require a full numbered revision uh derek 10 thank you appreciate it what's the nut trap for uh these guys right here okay so for the rails um you used to have to do a printed part and then fill it with all these itty bitty m2 nuts that were there we go that were really annoying so ldo went and just made a part that's just a uh a solid metal part with the holes drilled and tapped at the right spots now there are also printed parts for you know how i had to fiddle to get all these nuts lined up here for the ab motor mounts they have uh printed parts that basically do the same thing for that too it's a mod i don't know where exactly is that you might be able to find on the board on github in the mods how long is the work break gonna be i don't know i don't know so yeah so right now um technically a full-time youtuber we'll see how that goes i'm kind of just trying it out for a bit we'll see yeah i know i hinted at that in the stream but yes i am technically doing the youtubes full-time so at this point um hopefully video week hopefully sometimes too i'll try and do like a one long one short by stuff comes up all the time and then uh two streams a week minimum maybe three thursday uh member stream hopefully around four o'clock for youtube members and patreon supporters so if you don't want to miss out make sure you subscribe to the channel we'll put the panels on the train or something and just kind of qa as the last one try to do one a month where i do a members only or supporters only stream i just kind of reward those that help the channel out because i would not be able to do this if it was not for you guys your direct support makes pretty much all of this possible nate williams ten dollars good luck thank you appreciate it i know the music died the music's tied to my headphones and the headphones died so i think we're gonna end it there i am starving i need to go figure out lunch i will see you guys uh saturday night where we'll wrap up the trident we'll do input shaper and all that fun stuff so yeah or a micron micron is on its way hopefully it's supposed to ship this week so i'll bug dfh to see where it's at okay enjoy the rest of your week be safe out there wash your hands peace [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 74,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printer, printing, 3d printer, 3d printing, 3dp, fdm, fff, filament, voron, nero, nero3d, nero3dp, diy, hack, custom, reprap, voron vzero, vzero, v0.1, v0.0, v0, vzero.1, ldo, lecktor, kit, build, livestream, guide, how to, kit build, nero 3d, voron design v0, v0 kit, vzero kit, vzero build, lecktor.com, ldo kit, lecktor kit, v0.1 pro, v0 pro, pro, pro kit, kirigami, mod, mgn8, mgn7, mgn9, rails, modded
Id: 0L41ZC-8nQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 5sec (14165 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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