3D Printer Nozzle Camera - 3do Kit install #livestream #3dprinting

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how's everyone doing today it's Tuesday it's Return of the Rat rig Tuesday kind of sorta not really but yes but no but we're like we're only doing stuff with this and some stuff here and and three walls of insulation sucks but we're here now so how's everyone doing today how's everyone doing today hope you're all doing good let me put you on the right monitor so I can actually see you guys there we go ah handles the toasty chamber we'll find out um so yes so welcome to uh the uh I don't know what am I calling this the uh the drought the the drought of builds where it's like shoot I'm still waiting on stuff to show up for builds and what what can we do for Content So speaking of content um a couple months ago now actually uh 3DO sent me over um a nozzle Cam Kit and the plan was it was gonna go in the rat rig uh but the original plan was we want to build its stock so we could take a look at the kit itself as it is and then we'll go into modding it so uh considering we're waiting on stuff to show up for other things um say hello to the 3DO nozzle kit there's like I got links in the description for it um so if you want one of these um you can go buy one Link's in the description I put a few vendors down there um but yeah um so we're gonna do that on the Stream um I did more stuff on the Nerf gun the uh the T4 we now have a muzzle device because it's got bearings in it that means it costly like 20 bucks in Hardware but um it now spins stabilizes the darts and it's actually kind of accurate to the Red Dot now I do need to re-zero it but uh yeah I think the the Talon Claw is now done um I can hit my kid with this uh two houses over that's always good you threw a water balloon at me he was asking for it um but yeah um we got a Bushnell trs25 Red Dot uh Magpul Mo grip uh because real men don't need collapsible butt stocks um that doesn't mean anything um and then we got the b car on it so now it actually spin stabilizes the dart so uh yeah with a Nerf dart I hit my kid with a Nerf dart uh Shadow laser no laser laser if you're putting a laser you're putting like a peck on it okay nobody uses visible lasers if you're doing an IR laser because that way the other guys don't see you unless they have you know night vision which most of the time they don't so it makes sense you don't put visible lasers on stuff visible lasers are too are useless they get you they get you points with the uh the Boomers and fuzz at gun Rangers A1 length of pull um the problem with David was it assumes you're not wearing body armor which most people at home aren't um so that actually I need like an extra inch on it's too short anyway um what else usually for those if you're new here today hi make sure you hit the smash button and all the other YouTube stuff that I'm supposed to say um usually the first little bit of the stream we just kind of shoot the got everyone get in here before we move on to the build especially a series like this so I will show you what I did yesterday um I I was working so hard I was working so hard I broke my broom I actually snapped my broom in half I that's how aggressive I am when it comes to sweeping the floor um I broke my broom um also I found a paintball gun um in the garage there's you can see one of them up here we have these shelves and I didn't think there was anything on them um until I took him down and this fell on my head so um this is a tipman 98 Custom um apparently it's a decent paintball maker um so I have that now um it's been in my garage I don't know how long I'm assuming those came out in 98 and the house is from 99 so I don't know um yeah um got that wall done electrical is almost done I just gotta put it I gotta wait for the drywall I had to buy a whole bag of bad insulation for this one corner because of course broke that so yeah the garage is now insulated at least all the walls are um the thing is my garage is my garage so I actually use it for stuff like storage so it's constantly moving stuff around to uh there we'll do this it's constantly moving stuff around to work on it but yeah so if you're wondering how the Shop's gonna be laid out basically right about here is as far as I can go and the reason for that is I want to put a wall up and this is where the garage door opens to okay you can see it right here and all its composited Glory so tldr I'm gonna put shelving here you know those heavy duty shelves so I'm going to put a set here that's going to go from roughly about here to about here and I'll leave like a foot or two for the electrical panel so you can get at that and then I'm going to cover the back of it with like plywood or something and basically make it like a a partial wall um just so if the garage door opens and you don't get like a breeze or whatever coming in um and a little bit better insulation um so yeah so it'll be from there and so basically all of this area back here is will be the workspace so there's gonna be shelving on like benches on this wall a bench here there'll be a bench right about here in the middle that I can move around and then you'll be looking at it into the corner so yeah that's uh kinda where we're at right now I need to figure out something with the ceiling because I really don't want to paint and sand it so I'm trying to think of something I could stick on the ceiling to kind of like acoustically dead in it because it's not a drop ceiling um but yeah that's uh that's that's this is where we're at right now the kind of it's only roughly as much room as this room it's actually about as much room as this room so glue carpet to the ceiling cars still fit we've never parked our car in the driveway um the reason for that is my driveway is a two-car driveway and it's a one and a half car garage and it's centered obviously the problem is we have a sidewalk in our driveway that comes across you can't block the sidewalk and it's at inward from the road because it's safer so that means we can't use like a third of our driveway so that means if you park in the garage you can't just pull straight out you have to like pull out and then go around the car that's in the driveway and then get onto the road but because the car the other car in the driveway has to be so far up it kind of makes it a pain in the ass to do that turned because you're doing it one way or the other backwards so nobody's ever really bothered parking in the garage so so yeah that's kind of that [Music] unload this Park is on the street no I park in my driveway [Music] like we can fit two cars we get you can fit two cars comfortably in my driveway side by side um and if they're small cars you can fit four if they're Bumper to Bumper and you're still not because the problem is the sidewalk you're not allowed to block the sidewalk so yeah so we just you just can't park in the in the garage so which one car takes up the whole garage basically like if you park a car in here you can like you have to park all the way over on this side and you could just barely open up the garage or the fridge so never afraid of having your catalytic converter stolen my brother in Christ I live in The Burbs in Canada no why did I move the rat rig offline um because I wanted to make sure I had everything because I actually printed everything for this this morning because I had no idea what I was going to do today and then I'm like wait a minute I saw that on the Shelf so literally I I printed the parts that I need for this this morning so hopefully I printed the right things because um yeah the birds in DFW and happen across the street DFW well that's it that's Detroit you can't have in Detroit if no that's DTW what's DFW no the only the only type of crime that happens in my area is occasionally if you leave your car unlocked once a year you might have somebody rummage through your car but if you leave your car locked like Nobody Breaks Windows around here there's the most you see is crimes of opportunity Dallas Fort Worth oh well there you go yeah I live in The Burbs in Canada hey so yeah so um so we're putting in the nozzle cams so um nozzle cams have kind of been a thing for a bit and they've always been kind of like janky setups where people use like endoscopes and they kind of hack them in whereas this is actually like a purpose-built kit from uh 3DO uh specifically for nuzzle camps or 3D printers and there's a few different mounts um I know a lot of people have put these on vorons I've I'll be honest I've never been a huge or how do I how do I wear this I've never really rushed to the idea of a nozzle Camp because they do have some downsides namely you only see what the nozzle sees so if you're printing six inches up and your print starts warping off the bed you're not going to see that with a nozzle cam um luckily Clipper supports multiple cameras um so yeah but uh it's still something I want to play with and now that I have one we're gonna play with it so uh do you know how to print over USB and produce a slicer without prompt your face uh I've never looked into it so off top my head no I've never used pronterface to actually operate a printer I've used project face to like do sanity checks on a printer or PID tune but I've never actually used prawn or face to actually here's a tip don't print from a computer don't don't run don't connect your printer to a computer and print from it now it's different when you're uploading files so prusa slicer you can I'm pretty sure you can upload with the mark IV you can connect to your Wi-Fi and you can upload directly to the printer but you should not be printing from your computer you should be transferring files to the printer and then printing on especially Marlin because the last thing you need is a Windows update or your computer to go to sleep and your your print dies what about OCT print operates a bit different because that is actually like dedicated for running the printer plus I run Clippers so you have to have that MCU or that controller no matter what uh do you have any smog from this forest fires um it has been I'm down in Southern Ontario and it's been hazy the past couple days I don't know if that's from the forest fires or what um but it's been hazy I've got an ant who lives in uh in the Halifax area luckily her house is not affected by the fires they've had out there yet she's on the other side but uh she's having to deal with that and then I've got some family on my wife's side who are up in Northern Quebec who also have wildfires they got to deal with um so at times like that it is kind of nice that I live in boring Southern Ontario that's flat farmland so uh ever gonna have another one of those flash coupon sales code I don't control those at all um you have to talk to uh to slice herb slice uh polymaker there we go so hopefully there's instructions for this I'm hoping there's instructions for this so this replaces a few parts so we're gonna take this off we're gonna take that off I love these panels by the way yeah you can go there for now and I'm going to take one of the side panels off so this replaces a few things if I'm not mistaken because the control board attaches to the back here this replaces the duct I have cover plates and I have to move the end stop I believe or something uh Darren thank you for coming to member speaking of polymaker if you want to win some polymaker filament we give away a spool every stream Link in the video description um I don't have any marks on my leg from those Nerf darts so it did leave a red mark but it didn't bruise so we're lucky there so now I'm going to take off this panel um which I can't remember are these screws or these oh my God are these t-nuts are these t-nuts am I gonna have a nightmare trying to get these all back on later what I have a feeling when I have a nightmare getting these all back on later yeah these are t-nuts damn it yes and yes I still got to print the little covers that cover these Corner areas like there's little gaps here that I can cover with uh some prints Okay so yeah I'm not gonna luck out and be able to slide these off you go that way you're that way you go that way and I didn't lose any t-nuts heck yeah okay so um again use that LTT screwdriver I am I kind of disappointed I never heard back from LTT about the whole LTX thing but is what it is um so a 3D oh nozzle camera so this is the whole kit so FYI I have an older version of this kit so my camera is only a 1080p camera the current kits now I believe they're all 4K cameras um so I only have a 1080p camera um it's an older kit it is what it is so okay so after seeing a lot of cool novel camera so we got a camera uh we have some LEDs so where are the instructions it's working in closed printer it's rated to 60c while running for 48 hours 70 scene without any issues why is it just along okay can I bend full to make it shorter okay here's a project okay where to buy are there instructions read me printers Hardware images okay so we're doing the the Eva okay there's the bomb uh uh I won't comment on any other creators that are going and and whatever I did reach out to them late apparently they said something on the WAN show about sponsoring creators to go and then I mess emailed them like three weeks after that I just you know I never even heard a response back it is what it is um so I'm assuming they're Pro they're probably just are full up or whatever um so are there no instructions for this am I am I freeballing this folders printers mounts Hardware CAD files okay um I guess we're freeballing this okay so I have to remove a few things here so we got to take off fans so what is this now I'm trying to remember how this goes are they from the back okay I take oh I gotta put some oh first things first I gotta put some heat sets in here uh opinion of physics stuff um not a huge fan of Isaac right now no come here wait no I don't use that soldering iron for heat sets I use this one uh it's 4K because it gives you 1080p 60. yeah so I'm only gonna have 1080p 30. but it'll be fine like the process is the same um if if it if it don't work too good I'll just reach out and see if we can get a get a better camera okay antsy about your Tweet maybe contact that person I could I just that guy like I dance like I I don't know it's just me I don't like reaching out to people to give me money or sponsor stuff I I'm horrible with that like ask anyone who sponsored any of my recent events it's pretty I do stuff last minute um because I hate the haggling part too so so how many heat sets do I gotta put I'm gonna put one in there there okay and that goes through okay uh uh so there we go there so I guess we're figuring out so I gotta figure out how to solder these LEDs I wish I'm kind of surprised there is no instructions for this like art like there's a ribbon cable there's these I'm assuming do these guys have to be on their own thing or do they solder to the board I I don't know there are images of how it goes together on printables okay um why is nothing on the GitHub [Music] because this is like the the main Repository is the GitHub that's what's here take place with the SBE nozzles yeah I got to figure out how to solder them up then because it's been a hot minute since I've started up neopixels um yeah the best he got is a GitHub now there's there's no instructions okay so we're we're freeballing this okay um cool is what it is also unfortunately I don't have my mobile cam because it's in the garage um so [Music] uh kb3d free Ballin Yoho loho as the kitties would say foreign [Music] I love how many people are complaining about a simple skill testing question it's like oh no all the Bots you guys use to fill out need to be modified slightly oh no oh no oh no [Music] you can switch back to this or it could just be I put it there just for fun because remember do not take formalis what could be attributed to a YouTuber doing stuff just for extra interaction with chat why do you think there's so many spelling mistakes in YouTube videos kb3d gifted five community memberships cheers they are one of the vendors of this kit Link in the description uh the fantasy yep so and this one um on the vorons it mounts um in a um a phallic Banner to the front of the stealth burner on this one it mounts to the duct because if you look at this um the nozzle's here and having a big long extension to help compensate for the camera down to here will look kind of wrong so is there a reason the on-stream chat is missing uh yeah I I turned it off and I forgot to turn it back on um poop there we go am I coming to Murph I am coming to Murph um no thanks to uh Choice Hotels being complete naughty words I'm trying to figure out why there's a hole in the back of this I really wish there were freaking instructions for this um so that goes like that so this comes through and it just kind of Clips in there I guess I'm assuming the hole in the back is for cooling um people actually watch um those on mobile people on mobile and people on TVs because they'll just full screen the stream um the only downside is the chat on screen will have a slight delay to it there are instructions on printables okay printables [Music] why is it on the GitHub 3D oh nozzle yeah this looks like what we got okay oh no I didn't print these in the accent color oh no okay well at least I got a picture okay so I got a picture of how things go cool uh I still don't see instructions uh uh okay uh well I got a picture at least I got we got that going for us which is which is nice then this step well the step just shows me where everything goes and I kind of already know where everything goes it's the wiring that I would like to know how it goes so because I I haven't I've only wired up like neopixels once and it's been a hot minute since I've done them so it's a start like I know modbot did it I could just go watch modbot's video but all right same as neopixes I know I don't really do neopixel wiring that much um stealth burner manual okay so there we are okay so we need to make some of these so I have no idea how long these need to be um we'll we'll figure it as we go so let me get my soldering iron yeah you get over here over here you do that omnifixo I need some really thin wire now um that is 14 gauge that is not thin where is all my thin wire that will work potentially this will work potentially I think these are both the same now it's a little thinner I could have sworn it had some really thin wires somewhere check the fpv stuff uh no I'm gonna bother digging through all that F that that's good enough this will do and general chat so he's posting something in general chat huh one in general chat oh yeah I got the I got the wiring here okay yeah I need to find some thinner wire I have thin thin wire but I don't know where so we'll just use 24K shots I think that's all I got like I don't know where my thin thin wire went I don't I had a little amount of it and I can't remember what I used it for I think I use it on a quadcopter and it's gone I think so either way this shouldn't be too hard it's only two neopixels anyways so so we're going to use a red green and black because those are the colors in the picture and I'm very creative and I'm just going to use what I have famous last words most famous last words 40 gauge best wire just a single strand what you do is you get your uh what you do is you get your uh your 28 gauge wire and you de-strand it and then you use one individual strand for everything so how does this fit that's going to go from there to there that's going to be a nightmare and they slot into there okay okay foreign gauge a demo true true like there's use cases for it like I think that's what like you use for PCB repairs too isn't it General Chad is Kitty solution for Baron sliding on the Z oh cool I okay we're I don't we're talking about Chidi was somebody talking about cheating the bearings are sliding in the Z I have no idea what's going on with cheaty I haven't touched that machine in weeks what model is your third handmade it's an omnifixo um they are super awesome um they are pricey no qualms about it they are pricey but they are very nice um when it comes to like a third hand and as somebody who suffers from uh essential tremors which you know my hands just constantly always shake these are really nice to have so so the only downside is they are pricey and I should probably get a little flux here do it right [Music] we could do that let me let me get this going first [Music] Okay so the fun thing with silicone you can usually just peel it by hand it's actually quite easy to do it it's kind of nice foreign volt signal is green so not normal for hands to shake hands do Shake but I suffer from something called the center Tremors where like it's almost impossible for me to actually have steady hands it just it's it's one of those things so you kind of learn to live with it and after a while you just kind of are fine with it but it still sucks watching use expensive omnifixo ordered they are worth it honestly especially if you do anything like PCB work or like even like fpv quadcopter stuff they are very nice to have there's one so this goes well hopefully I did this the right way yeah that'll go in like that you know shorts actually why am I why am I doing this the hard way let me slide this through okay foreign that's one neopixel okay figure out okay so there is a trend I'm just trying to see how much wire I need that's kind of what I'm trying to figure out right now carefully about there and then the second one so red to Red okay so they all just are Daisy chained okay good so that makes it easy data end data out um they uh ground goes the ground red to red yeah they they're all the same so as long as all like the five volts are connected although all the dins are connected and all the grounds are connected we're good oh but I see what you mean about data in debt out yeah hopefully I saw her I should have soldered this one up right yeah yeah din in so this has to go to din out right so this [Music] yeah so this goes to din out yeah yep I see what you mean so this is din out here so this will solder onto this there and then this will go to the tool head or the board and that one is burden in foreign [Music] foreign there we go that one I don't like more solder that joint is looking a little there we go [Music] there we go yeah always use leaded solder I know in the U I know you could still get let it solder in the U but it's apparently it's not as easy to get as it used to be [Music] but it works so much better ceramic tweezers ah that might be something worth looking into at one point I don't do a ton of soldering this stuff happens in waves like I'll do a bunch and then I won't do anything for a while and then I'll do a bunch and then I won't do anything for a while so it kind of like [Music] okay foreign foreign there we go okay so that is that so this will get a what you might call it a micro fit three down the line so that does that got this extra wire that can just kind of smoosh in there so now I got to figure out how does this go where does this wire go does it right underneath the bottom like does it come out the bottom and come up the top here or where does this wire go how do we get this these wires from there to here unless it comes out because it's got to go through well let's take this off and take a look so first things first this guy comes up here trying to get it to actually one second ah pliers pliers actually are they over here I don't know where did I put them tweezers I got tweezers did I put them in the garage goes up just below the screw hole okay trying to slot this into its spot and it's there we go there we go okay cool so I'm going to leave the little cover on but there we go so we got the the LEDs and the nozzle cam okay so now let's take this apart those bits in uh these are the last of the uh prusament Galaxy ASA black that I had it's the only black filament I have foreign I don't have a little thing to put these in uh you can go all right here hopefully I don't drop you okay take the blowing Metron off what are the benefits of Eva versus stealth burner um they're completely different tool heads for different machines so if you're building a rat rig you're using an Eva if you're building a voron you're using a stealth burner that that's the big difference remember when I used to have room I miss room I can't wait till I get the shop done Eva is more modular there's more options for how you build an Eva um you can go way crazy with the the part cooling on it right here there okay I'm trying to avoid undoing all my wiring Ariel of course that's a uh a socket uh you won't notice this for What DJ decides wrote even three matter side notice for the amount you will lose 15 and why a B3 this time will be yep I've got the uh I've got the thing here so I'll be able to adjust that yeah let's put the uh let's put the the nozzle Cam that you lose some travel on the smallest printer I got that I regularly use big brain foreign don't need you no more um finish an Xbox to 180 if you don't you risk damaging stuff we'll do okay so now how does this come off I thought this group from the back um how do I take the duct off that was a ducktaled on oh there it is back here okay and that's out okay so now we got the new one uh Christian DKK Donkey Kong coins 89.90 cheers or 89 cheers 185 okay Okay so how do I run these cables again I think they they just go underneath I'm trying not to damage anything oh okay the bed does not screwed down I forgot about that [Laughter] every time I do that every time [Music] okay so you go there okay you go there easy peasy [Music] um I don't think I'd get a good view with those cameras yeah whatever so what is what is DKK anyways what is DKK anyways for currency like no offense I hope I'm not offending you I just I don't know what DKK is I mean I call it Japanese money Pokemon money so how did I lose my oh it's underneath the printer that's where it went Danish kroner okay yeah Donkey Kong coin sounds cooler I'm I'm sorry you're it's now Donkey Kong coins okay so we have our duct here [Music] oh it's got It's got a little so I'm gonna have to take the PCB off the thing because it's got this fancy little sleeve through the back Fort to go in is this a flip up one or a pull out one I hate I hate freaking okay it's a flip up one and Brass the brass okay I have so much extra cable what am I supposed to do with all this extra cable okay foreign okay cool [Music] why aren't you going in okay whatever I'll figure out later ah uses heat incense okay oh that's that's why that's not working okay stupid green cable who said you could get trapped in there there we go okay oh these use heat sets I gotta put heat sets in that I didn't realize that use it trying to put a screw through it it uses heat sets one second we call her dollar loony because you have to be crazy to live here it's because it has a loon on it with two heat sets on this [Music] okay the the Apple device the problem is okay the Apple freaking VR thing I have VR it's called a rift s and it's been collecting dust for over a year the problem is it's like oh wow you can watch a TV yeah I can watch TV already for I have a 4K TV it cost me 400. and that's one person watching it on a 3500 device and then like cat and everything you're not doing CAD with your hand gestures most people have fancy mice and whatnot for cat like serious cat work try not to burn myself yeah foreign [Music] I've already put the four on top [Music] there we go so what size screws do these use now eights and Eights tens and three eighths no M3 tens and three eighths are too short foreign also remember it's 3 500 and only one person can use it at a time that kind of kills it for a lot of people they're terrible worth of apps so does everything else my you know my Rift s has an entire steam store worth of games but who's making VR games anymore the last VR game that I even cared about was Half-Life Alex like has there been any major good VR games that have come out since then thank you like a man can only beat beat safe play Beat saber for so long which don't get me wrong Pete saver is awesome but still okay so now I got two this in there without there we go okay so now that is that so now I put a cover on this foreign yeah I'm just waiting on you know Half-Life three that would be you know nice [Music] [Music] you know m310s anymore m310s or two of my favorites yeah those were launch games like those are like those games that came out right when VR came out and they were like demo games that you can get for like a buck now but nobody actually plays them for like they're not games you can sit there and play for hours they're demo games and the problem is a lot of VR is still like that where it's just like demos also a lot of what I find annoying about VR you can make 2s giveaway and also camera kit on us Thomas at 3DO dkk100 yeah we'll do uh you want to do a giveaway of two of these kits we can do that um DME info like shipping restrictions or anything and I'll get a giveaway page set up for it [Music] why aren't you going in there why aren't you swimming screw uh heat inserts already got the heat inserts in put them in earlier just this one doesn't want to go in just check prints and VR you could do that already I've done it most VR systems like my Oculus um allow you to just pull up your desktop I've done it playing Half-Life Alex where I can you push a button and Discord pops up you can pull up your freaking computer desktop and just look at Clipper and Mainsail and look at Discord and all that you don't need a 3500 current VR Tech can already do that and has been able to do that oh okay so we got the bottom cover on this looks really nice I will say what do you use for the 2.4 front doors um though the split ones are stock this is the 2.1 front door okay so now put the little PCB back on Try Not To Break It I hate FPC cable okay so I'm assuming I could just kind of like fold it back up and shove it back down the hole can I do that like the extra amount how does this cover even work so that just covers that so does this just okay you just go there I guess do I stick it on with tape or does it is it a friction oh I think I'm supposed to tape it because I got screws here but I don't have screw holes so do I just put a little piece of tape to hold this in here I'm assuming I put a little piece of tape super okay I'm just gonna use some vhp where's my oh my scissors are in the garage this is the worst part about doing home projects half my stuff is in other places you know what you know what the uh the the Apple no need for tape it doesn't really stay so I'm just putting a piece of tape just to kind of hold it in place while I fiddle there we go okay so I've got all this extra cable what do I do with all this extra cable what do I do with all this extra cable good foreign just have it flap up there around the fan yeah that'll do and just tape it yeah I'll just do that okay in the oh it's folded in the bottom cover okay let me pull this down then so I'll do that later foreign there we go okay that that looks much better that looks much better okay cool one resin printer is that because you haven't found any use for another minis pretty much I don't do a ton of resin printing um I actually have three resin printers it's just I only have one out because I only really need one at most don't buy first send stuff yep I was actually really happy with my Rift ass um I bought it literally I bought it as a birthday gift to myself and I bought it the week before all the lockdowns started at that remember that that last week of March when everything started shutting down I bought it the week before that so I bought it at a great time I had a great time with it just unfortunately I don't use it as much anymore because well one I got to clean the room up so I have room to use it again but two it's just kind of a nothing really to play okay so you see this folds up underneath in the bottom okay freaking hell the bed is super annoying Mr floppy bed here all right foreign help to lower the bed a bit yeah but then I have to turn the printer on or spin these a bunch and I'm kind of considering we're almost done here just gonna live with it although I am actually about to turn the printer on because before we go to finalizing all this what I do want to do is power up the printer and make sure the camera um actually works because uh Flex these little flat fpv FPC whatever the heck they're called cables um I don't have the greatest track record with um not breaking them so I'm just going to turn on and make sure that the camera uh does in fact do camera things and then we'll go about working out the neopixels after all right can use this with Beacon probably not this probably takes up too much room we'll see this does feel like a nice high quality USB cable thank you [Music] I put it in the right way yes I did [Music] okay [Music] now luckily I've got a pie here that I could just plug a bunch of stuff into so plug you in plug it in plug it in okay [Music] then give it the juice did mine come with extra connectors it did no it actually didn't it didn't I've got some screws and I've got extra neopixels that's it I shouldn't need extra connectors right like there's only the one connector here oh yeah blowing the Tron [Music] [Music] okay let's see here bye [Music] cams at webcam oh okay we got it right there so MPX streamer say welcome foreign [Music] [Music] now it is blurry as so let me let me peel off the wrapper let me get a pair of tweezers that aren't bent to there we go that is a nozzle doing nozzly things uh did you run the latest process I don't know I think everything here is uh where's webcams edit Crow's Nest config 1920 by 1080. and Max FPS 30. save and restart thank you nothing's showing up there you want to check the oh there's a bit of a leg so okay wait what okay you want to check the notifications instructions for how to update Crow's Nest and you want cross sv4 okay um we got it working let's apparently you guys want to do it some some people who make these kind of nozzle cams want to do a giveaway um if you want to deme DM me uh is it Manny right if you want to DM me on Discord um the Deets like locational restrictions and all that let me know and um we'll do I'll get a giveaway page setup so let's turn this off let's get the wires let's get everything managed and then we'll we'll dive into making it look pretty um so let's shut this down yeah apparently there's some issues with Crow's Nest V4 so no oh he said no shipping restrictions okay so um let me make this up right now and I think I missed the donation did I miss a donation uh ballot uh 2 000 Hungarian Union Franks Franks Funny Money something um cheers okay so let's do a giveaway giveaways so we are going to make a copy 3DO nozzle Cam Kit [Music] what printer foreign Cam Kit times two okay responses open accepting responses okay send [Music] that short URL okay Hungarian for it there we go enter to win one of two three d o nozzle cam kits there you go we'll do the draw at the end of The Stream So pinned in chat um okay boom there we go there you go enter to win okay so now I gotta ruin all my okay one I gotta unplug you before I make more of a mess here unplug you yeah come on okay so now I gotta undo all my fancy nice clean wire management no I don't wanna I don't want to wanna I like my wire management is it possible ah there's check the GitHub they have a link uh or a page dedicated to mount um so just check what printer you have and see if there's available amounts for it the Ender 3 is pretty common let's be honest so there's probably a mount for it or at least one that's pretty uh close to being compatible I would assume okay so I need to put micro fits on here this is just going to go through the whole thing because it's a bloody USB cable so that that's nice and easy it's just a nice flexi USB cable so you're easy but we're gonna have to make some connections here so snippy snip Boop link doesn't seem to it's pinned in chat oh wait no I didn't pin it one second uh replace pin message there we go there we go am I running that low on connectors jeez how am I that low on am I out of JS or microfit where's microfit where do I put my micro fit kit we're gonna put my micro fit kit the microfit kit oh here we are like I'm looking for jsc's I'm like I ain't doing jsts on this okay get rid of this I don't need this uh value add so I I mentioned it at the beginning of the stream um when it comes to nozzle cams it's a really cool camera angle it's really cool to see the flow rate and see how your Extrusion is going and whatnot is it the most practical e because the thing is you can only see really the nozzle so the problem you run into is if your print starts warping you can't see that now luckily Clipper you can run multiple cameras so you could have a nozzle cam in a normal cam um but you know people think it's cool to put an LED with a kawaii AF face on their stealth burners now so we're past the point of things making 100 practical sense um let's be honest 3D printing has really devolved into diminishing returns at this point so we're just having fun YOLO swag dab probably makers in chat polymer everyone's here hey Nicholas where is where is Nicholas I really wish we had VIPs because like I can't see when people pop in chat I have to like see other people oh so-and-so's here now the polymaker link is in the video description so that that one's always there oh probably Maker's not a chat oh never mind then never mind do it I can't wait to do I can't wait to drywall I am so excited to get you know because it's a garage and the the it's not eight feet it's ten feet or correction not eight feet it's eight foot like three to eight foot six so I can't just go buy eight by four sheets of drywall no I have to pay more and get eight by um or four by ten feet and then I have to I have to cut them down every single sheet and install them vertically I can't wait to do all that I'm so excited and then I gotta mud everything and then I gotta tape everything and then I gotta paint everything or first I gotta sand everything so yeah um I have enough footage I'm I'm tempted to do a build Vlog or a build Vlog um a garage Reno Vlog um just because I like yesterday I was outside all day like I was in the garage from I dropped a little guy off at school I ran to the uh the home despot bought some stuff and then I was in the garage till like five o'clock in the afternoon and and then I got went inside made food and that was pretty much my day and then I went back out after and cleaned up so in terms of like regular video content um it's gonna be a little you know not that we do a ton of videos around here let's be honest um it's just I don't know if I'll have the time to sit down and edit you know for six hours to put a video out I still have videos from Rapid I gotta put out um so I might just do some like quick throw together some edits of like the b-roll I'm recording of the garage because I got the little camcorder out there and I'm just recording random stuff as I'm doing it so I might just throw together a few videos from that as it goes just so there is something and then that way you can also all about you know how I didn't do everything exactly to code in your uh and like according to code in upstate Utica in the 1970s when uh you were doing it so yeah does this work on every printer any printer that has a camera or that you can plug a camera into so if you're technically you could do this with any printer you would just need like octoprint or something so uh Pat in it what the heck is patent is what does Patton is yeah it kind of sucks I have to get the drywall delivered because it's eight by four sheets I I am not getting that um this one uses this one I think which way does this go oh it goes that way [Music] I'm gonna wear the tweezers where are the tweezers mess around with clicky probe um I did I don't know if I have a video on it but I've done a live stream on it there we go so ground signal Vin okay now I need some long wire to connect it um do I want to use that or do I want to use some like just extra motor wire I might just use some extra Motors if I have some I don't know if I have some I've done a bunch of cleaning of my extra wire running a bit low yeah I'll just get my I'll make more I'll make more of a harness cool how will things work with school ends um yes so for those that don't know um my kid is in school and he's almost done school um end of June so basically how the stream schedule is going to work it's pretty much gonna be the same um so the streams that I started at 11 A.M so like this week they'll just end at around um just after one like 115 will be about the latest I can run um just because my wife leaves for work then so I gotta watch the little guy so um that will be that and then the streams that start at two will start at 2 30. so basically the streams will be a half hour shorter and the start times will shift about half an hour roughly um Saturday stream will remain unchanged for the most part so it's not going to be too bad um everything of course is subject to change if like you know if he has a week off work or something like that we'll we'll play it from there like the smash button yeah everyone like the smash button I'm not gonna say it's going to increase your odds of winning uh one of the two draws that we're doing today but I mean where do things have happened and now that I've mentioned it are you really going to risk it was a new car I love it although Android auto is kind of a pain in the butt because like it doesn't like to work over Bluetooth it does sometimes like if if I delete the phone out of the car is like memory and I delete like basically if I if I blank everything start from scratch and I pair the phone fresh to the car um Android auto will work over Bluetooth but the moment I turn the car off and turn it back on it like completely forgets what Android auto is I could still I still receive text messages I can still voice call from the phone um it's just Android auto is like oh no I can't I can't work over I can't do this anymore plug me in for me to work and I'm like really so I have to like plug it in and then it works just fine just really weird but I think Android auto is kind of like all those are kind of buggy so it's over Wi-Fi oh yeah that's right maybe I gotta set up the Wi-Fi in the car maybe that's it that might be it okay so now there we go so now we've got these cables oh no I've already twisted up the USB cable and I gotta undo it okay but yeah um it drives nice I only have the two liter I don't have the the 2.5 liter and honestly I really it's fine um I've seen people like oh you need you need more power it's it's a mid-sized crossover let's be honest here I live in the flattest part of Canada other than the prairies I live in the flattest part of Canada east of the Prairies um so yeah I'm I'm not too concerned about you know how does it handle Hills I don't know I'll let you know next time I go on the highway on ramp because that's the closest thing to a hill we have around here turbocharged no it's just a 1.5 liter EcoBoost it's a Subaru it's got a boxer engine so I kind of goofed this I should have made this shorter oh well so now I gotta add this to the stupid thing here I hate wire looms I hate wire looms I hate I hate braided cables why is this USB cable 50 feet long uh draw will be at the end of the Stream draws are always at the end of the stream unless otherwise listed yeah what time is it right now what time are we at right now 12 44 okay we should have time we should have time should be okay okay so now I gotta get this in here where's some zip ties might add a zip ties ah I might be out of zip ties I have some red here born a rat rig either or you'll like them both [Music] can't go wrong with either they'll both serve you well they most make up mighty they both make a mighty fine plastic boat foreign I've got a 50 foot USB cable here this is the longest USB cable I've ever owned and of course I don't think it'll fit through that so I'm gonna have to take that off I just want to design it simply oh you believe me you run out of zip ties I've done it many times all right foreign [Music] get in your hole [Music] good enough good enough [Music] go there [Music] Jeff H ten dollars zip tie resupply I need to hit up Costco I saw Costco has like the big bucket of them for like nine bucks so turned into French we won't see a bienvenue uh stream the printer throughout day uh [Music] treble foreign French which is really weird because it's French but it's spoken like English it's it's it's really weird I think there's a few videos on YouTube that kind of explain it it's it's something it is it is of all the languages it is it is one of them insane Overkill of a frame what are you talking about this is a perfectly reasonable printer frame for a uh 120 or 200 millimeter build volume perfectly reasonable in fact I Hazard to say it is actually slightly undersized the kid use a bit more beef okay so that is that that is that I got one more zip tie to put on here uh supercaro 2.20 cents Canadian we yeah my French isn't the best it's been a hot minute since I've actually spoken proper French and for any reasonable length of time but I know enough to basically explain that I know how to not properly speak French okay so apparently I need to are you sure I lose space I I oh yeah I hit the lead screw that's what it is you hit the lead screw that's not good so it's the lead screw that hits so let's see if I can just bump this up or if I gotta put the extension one in because I got an extended one here um of course let me guess it's a one Allen key I'm missing out of this stupid thing yep baby new streams 3D what day uh whoa you're pretty cheers for the five can I bump that up and up do I gotta swap it right over no I gotta let's pop it out swap it go so the uh stock end stop um you have to swap it because otherwise you're gonna have a bad day and by bad day I mean stuff's gonna crash and that ain't good that ain't good so yeah that's what happens to the stream at uh European yeah the weekday streams of the European streams okay sorry for the inconvenience all the inconvenience so much inconvenience hey the end of the day just remember content don't forget to like that smash button if you're not a member of the channel consider subscribing if you want to help support the things I do content create links in the description instead of becoming a channel member or patreon supporter It's a Long Way in supporting the channel hi Darren they're important to have Europeans join how much percentage-wise of your viewer base um a bit chunk about your pace viewer base is European um the most prolific group is obviously the Americans and then afterwards it's the Germans um let me pull it up here to the Analytics audience okay see more across there we go okay so if you're if you're curious where my viewers come from I don't think this shows any money so we're okay there um you have Americans at 33 percent of my audience the Germans at 8.2 the UK 4.9 Canada 4.1 and then all the other Europeans all the way down so yeah Europeans do make up a pretty sizable chunk of the audience um although the United States has dropped off a cliff here okay so I'm Gonna Leave This one loose and then I'll when I turn the printer on we'll uh we'll set the end stop position so we lose the least amount of travel okay that didn't work okay so now spin this right round baby right round plug you in we're gonna make sure we have all the bandwidth and plug it into the USB 3.0 thank you you're so tired there we go when in doubt zip ties okay so where is the neopixel header on this so this is an octopus BTT octopus pinout is it an octopus yeah it's an octopus which version of the octopus it's I don't know there's a fan in the way um where is me pin out where is me pin out show me the pinup show me the pin oak Where is the neopixels no that's raspberry oh wait is that it okay so we are looking for j37 which is right here which is right there easy peasy sweet sentiment Discord okay so I see okay I got the nickel I got your DM uh require d that button ah there Bright Light okay so there you go ground PBO five volt okay so I need some I need to buy duponts that's what I need I I'm out of like I am way out of pins here holy okay this will work we're using jsts on a Dupont connector YOLO also we got an hour left here to get this done so right about there that works cool snip what should I print my printerest board um have you built a printer yet if you haven't built a printer yet print parts to build a printer that's always my go-to hey you want you have a printer and you want a project build a printer okay I need a fitting go but I also don't have much money ah then acquire money or just print a benchy I don't know when in doubt print a benchy do I have a drawer full of variously no it's more of a pile and it's more of everywhere every time I mean to clean this room I end up working on something instead and then I go well I'm building the shop out in the garage and I'll just wait till I you know move stuff out there and clean as I move stuff and then I'll have less stuff in this room so it'll be easier to clean and then of course that's a that's a Fool's hope but it's always going to be a mess in here it is what is foreign okay so let's see so we got ground news unbiased news or something I don't know I just hear a lot okay ground signal which is pb0 and then voltages one of these days I will put a Nevermore in a printer but not this day okay now I gotta kinda shove you on there I really wish I knew where my tweezers went or my my pliers I use for this kind of thing that ain't gonna fit there we go okay so ground oh wait wait whoa whoa I put it on backwards big brain that would have been bad there we go okay five voltage goes upwards right yeah 5 volt is away from the power there we go okay cool foreign that would have been bad well actually that would have been good content but that will also been bad okay so now spin it right round baby right round give it some juice [Music] [Music] what okay so now uh we need to go to our printer CFG and add some neopixels so how do you add neopixels um what printers do I have that have neopixels in it uh LG ob2 machine here we go that's case light ah here we go meal pixel okay no that's not what I want what's the easiest way to add neopixels I just want light uh I'm trying to remember what printer so I have neopixels on that I have online that I could just steal the code out of that doesn't have neopixels that doesn't have neopixels that doesn't have neopixes the v0 does uh you wouldn't think that the rat OS would have a built-in because does rat OS have anything built in for neopixels that I need to that I should be using foreign docks actually yeah I could Point manual the Excel Mount Next Step okay so there's the neopixels we got that in there is there anything in config I don't think there's anything to fix no default and okie dokie clipper neopixel there we go no I don't want I just want the regular one you know pixels how do we have it set up in the one second here trying to remember what we used oh yeah it was a v0 b0 okay so we got uh where is the screen adapter talk around umbilical display micro display PC now that's on it daylight oh shoot I'm blind I'm blind I'm blind Taco Raven where is the stupid like check your score oh there it is okay neopixel by neopixel cool copy that boom go down to this section okay cool boom boom okay pin okay so it's what it was PC uh we're gonna do that octopus pb0 pb0 so p zero okay chain count two color grb okay save restart there we go let there be light there we go okay so now we got that so now I need to go through some steps here to update Crow's nests um man there we go cool open that cool okay cool okay process work contains Breaking Chains required manual steps to upgrade okay update curls and Supply make sure it's 3.0 open a terminal okay ss8 hi at bat we're in okay okay so I install CD Crow's Nest get check out Legacy V3 make uninstall the only do you really want to move because if yes no delete the n and hit yes okay and stop adjustment yep I know uh yes yes when asked you want to remove process comp hit no okay okay and now it's same reboot do I have to reboot should I reboot it's not same reboot here okay uh ignore the instruction control okay we're gonna just remove that okay cool reinstall chronus get checkout master make install reboot after install Okay so after the installed okay didn't ask me about this but yes okay not hearing the fans of death [Music] manual restart Maybe turn this off Boop one two three loud noises Boop hi David we're just enjoying these soothing soothing Melody of uh Louis matrons doing blowing Metron things you can fix the fan of death by putting the ground and heater I know I could do that but I leave the printer on all the time usually so we're in okay so [Music] we did all that okay so we reinstalled and we rebooted okay go to the machine Tab and Main cell and edit cross okay so so we want 1920x1080 30 FPS okay [Music] skip if not increment okay O2 camera streamer okay so that's good there [Music] okay I don't know why it's capped at 15 FPS [Music] change URLs to webrtc foreign [Music] make sure Mo to camera streamer here we go you are saying step well I skipped step one what do you mean I skip step one hey SSH team and then I ran this oh update oh I never updated the machine tap yeah I'm still on three okay una momento let me push a button here I started with the terminal stuff literally Step One update finish close there we go okay so now we're on four there we go so now we're good right right probably all broke so I probably got to go through all of this again eh yeah I gotta do it all again she cool let's do this again foreign okay cool reinstall so git checkout master make install how's everyone doing have you guys entered for your chance to win some filament and also for a chance of winning some novel nozzle cams there's links in the video description and also pinned in chat so make sure you do that also hey like the smash button if you're not a member of the channel consider because in the smash button subscribing ring the bell ding ding I don't know we're waiting on this let's shoot Nerf darts up foreign so we did put um the beaker on it so now it actually spins the Nerf darts and stabilizes them which means um it's actually crazy accurate now so yeah I like it I like it a lot I think I'm gonna bring it to Murph I don't know if Murph has any rules against Nerf darts uh it's a Talon T4 ideal for home defense well I'm in Canada a so this is probably the biggest thing I can use I do have a Bushnell TRS 25 on it so I do have you know a red dot because you need a red dot on it although I knew actually I can do that right now I gotta re-zero it what day whiskey um this is uh gamer sups brand risk is good so I need to go to the left quite a bit that looks better it's still installing by the way so so let me see how good we are with that accuracy now yeah it's still off actually we're pretty good it's still hitting to the right [Music] yeah we're hitting about a foot to the left oh misfire foreign to the left about a foot at 25 feet we're empty now I gotta find all the darts that are all over my house I've got blinds down there I'm shooting them in too so they get trapped it's uh it's still doing its thing is the mag printed no the mag is not it's a off-the-shelf Talon make I think it is and the darts are just regular Nerf darts that are the stubby ones so I like oh yeah these are all over my house now foreign oh here we go here we go Okay so when asked you want to add update manager entry answer n for no reboot now yes reboot in five seconds okay these properties the funny thing is that's just normal because like I for those that hide new I did spend several years doing pew pew stuff with the Canadian Forces um weekend warrior stuff no nothing fancy and then I did do USPSA and ipsec for like five six years as well so it's just normal to hold it like that I hold a drill like that so now we wait for this to do its thing what what at least we know when it's done like that's the cool thing it's like hey the printer is done okay cool so now that's done okay that okay after rebooting to have him go to crowsness.com Sheen okay cool so we want 1920. by 1080. I want 30 FPS okay skip if not using Raspberry Pi I am using a Raspberry Pi so change mode to camera streamer foreign save and restart okay let's skip back in Mainsail edit your camera web settings make sure the camera streamer option is selected so webcam web RTC so that is that that is that oh okay that's a lot better frame rate okay there we go all right hello there we go okay um it's a little stuttery bit of a stutter at times but it is doing better okay so now let's down rest yeah let's let's prop it down let me sell 19 let's do 720P 1280 by 720. save and restart connecting how long does it take to connect oh there we go okay so 720P it's still doing it three let's do yeah we'll do 24 FPS cinematic 24 lbs foreign get that that cinematic feel doing that little buffer every now and then yeah whatever it's good enough okay look at the Wi-Fi cool okay let's put some filament in it um where'd the blue stuff at because I already had it loaded actually no we need some pla let's do some pla uh uh curve oh yeah there we go all right do you need some settings that make it look nicer okay uh add this to the camera section in crowsnest.com okay so machine crowsness.com to the to the wood section camera section okay just add that at the bottom save that is really dark oh wow look how ugly my nails look okay cool more filament for the machine okay foreign okay cool let's uh Orca slicer we'll just slice up a cube no that's not it three CNC stuff no words pretty models there we go and this is the rat rig so what we have to do now is we have to go to the machine settings and printable height machine g code where is the X Y employer there we go okay so we are down to 185 on the Y okay save okay so slice plate cool Okay cool so now move this back here until it that's good there hit that end stop up so we're good there that don't contact good and then we go into machine dot CFG uh shoot oh shoot where where is ah where where is it in all these fat rat OS what what file is the freaking movement under steppers you know where where is it in this mess of a config where is it at again don't bother what do you mean don't bother I thought she said I had a headset or is there just enough extra room that it doesn't matter stepper why suckers okay but oh okay I see what you mean uh uh so printer.cfg oh my God venture.cft printer.cft okay go down here we go [Music] okay there we go okay acts 185 question min zero I guess oh position and stop all right I guess but you don't need position min there we go position Max 185 positioning and Subway there we go cool save restart [Music] okay so that's oh no this is pla generic pla cool that that that slice plate export G-Code file save upload print there we go cool neat uh Orca slicer uh orcas laser is good I like it um I haven't fully moved over it it's just this machine I only have a profile for on Orca slicer like I'm basically as I'm bringing new things online I'm I'm switching over to the new stuff um so yeah simple as that we go there we go there we go there we go I got a million okay cool using Deltas it uses a blowing Metron it's a 40 28 blowing Metron basically as part Cooling able to save and hold filament use their presets in orca maybe I I don't normally I just usually just have generic filament profiles I don't like have like different brands of ABS I normally just have like one ABS profile that's it a z offset yeah oh the neopixel's different colors now they're the same color um I can't see my screen now because I just stared at some really bright neopixel so now I got a big burn mark in my eyes um I think you're just seeing different colors because the nozzle is kind of in the way there you go I have a bright I hate when I can't see you but I'm trying to read stuff and like the letter I'm looking at is fuzzy now big brain big brain streamer seen the development of the 100 yeah I'm printing one out cool I am building a rook the 100 um I know I think I like the look of the Rook building a rook no offense but is there like a 100 Mafia because I have a ton of people lately I've been asking my opinion about that printer like kind of weird work when whatever the kit shows up whenever the kit shows up which hopefully is soonish seems but hundreds bigger the thing is I don't if I'm gonna build a bigger high speed dedicated printer I'm going to use an aluminum Extrusion frame The Rook is fine for what it is which is a low-cost budget simple printer which makes sense the moment you start trying to make it do more it becomes kind of like well if you're going for high speed why are you doing printed other than just to do printed because at that point just build a 247 modified v0. but we have some uh Galaxy purple pla in here so my cost 165. there's bigger Rooks I like little printers though I have 165 printers already also the 100 I don't like the name I'm not a fan of the name I've got all the fuzzies on this Fresh Off The Printer extend it so I can read some stuff I already well there you go 100 TV show yeah wasn't the 100 a TV show wasn't it like never search for stuff while live on stream but 100 when nuclear Armageddon destroys civilization on Earth the only survivors are those of the 12 international space stations in orbit at the time we have one uh three generations later four thousand survivors living on a space Arc link stations okay [Music] we're on camera oh wait wait a minute we're using a Clipper machine here that means we can do stuff that you know you should be able to do on normal machines um because we don't have stupid limited things actually we're having a little bit of issue because that's ABS yeah I didn't Purge out all the old ABS so we might have some uh some issues with stickage yeah we're having some issues with stickers I'm gonna have to restart the print one second here yeah you're not sticking too well note to self um ABS doesn't stick to P Pi at uh pla Temps one second here one second uh stop cancel print okay okay let's Purge extreme let's get some pla there there we go that's some pla [Music] there we go there we go let's try this again so anyways as I was saying before I got brutally interrupted um this is a modern printer running you know not dumb purposely limited firmware so that means um I could do kinds of cool things and buy kinds of cool things foreign I could do this I could do here browser okay that okay very cool cool look at that hey look oh hey look it is it is freezing for a little bit here and there and I'm not sure why [Music] yeah it is being a bit laggy drop the FPS more can I drop it mid print save and close I don't know if I could drop a big print that'll work what are we doing right now I think we're waiting for yeah we're waiting for the bed to heat up oh I gotta refresh that is it not streaming it's still not sticking too good yeah whatever it is what it is trying to figure out I'm playing with settings on the Fly here yeah it's being stuttery higher than the Wi-Fi um I could here okay we're now over ethernet I don't know if it'll wow my okay let's drop the fan down to 40 percent it's failed okay let's let's try this again world's quickest blob okay let's let's resize this for a little bit um not crazy okay not crazy loud pla there we go that's I use the wrong profile that's why Cooling filament to 2230 there we go there we go okay so let's slice plate okay put a little glue stick down just to just to help it a bit yeah I'm just gonna throw the main Sail on her face [Music] save print oh Sig fig yeah cause this yeah that ain't working we'll just leave this this seems to be working okay okay there we go fix one set of pliers and it's still working more light um I changed some of the settings so that the the background is less blown out it actually is a decent amount of light there um I don't know I was told to put some settings in the camera to add this temperature white balance stuff so try to dim the camera LEDs uh yeah let me let me do that because right now they're pretty they're pretty bright um okay let's see here megapixel my neopixel there we go uh we won't be able to see anything until it's Clipper until it heats up and it does stuff so right now we're waiting on stuff to heat up and for 100 of the ladies it's for 100 okay I'll bump it up to 100 then we'll see I think it had it at like 90 or like 80 percent thing is you got to wait for it to like it's it's Clippers you gotta wait for a batch of Advance look it's not slamming into the bed it it's it's about a millimeter and a half above the bag it sounds like it's it's thunking because it it uh it moves with authority moves with a purpose and we only have like five minutes left in the Stream unfortunately Too Close um maybe I don't know for sure actually I think it is a little too close let me bump that up uh plus five there we go I did print some stuff and it was a little smushed to the bed also this is purple it's looking more blue on the camera foreign [Music] yeah let's let's bump this up and a little bit more there we go so that is LEDs at 100 so if I drop them down to 50 yeah we want LEDs at 100. what time is it in Canada it's almost 2 p.m Eastern foreign [Laughter] also this is only at 720p 20 FPS or something or 24 FPS I think the 4K version at 1080p yeah it makes sense again this this was an old like this is he sent this to me um way back when these first started coming out so I have like an old first rev kit um so this is only the 1080p camera so that rolling shutter it is a with that rolling shutter you know it's a Sony camera also I am um plugged in over ethernet right now so that's how we're getting this nice smooth which means I could probably bump it up to 1080p 30. no I'm on ethernet hi Steve so yeah so the as you can see like one of the downsides to something like this like while this looks really cool imagine you had a whole plate of Parts going like this and you're trying to like verify like it wasn't morphing or anything like you can't see anything on the other side of this print like I can't see how like that right it's moving way too fast even monitor this is really cool though so imagine the fan noise if I had a mic this is nauseating it's fun add another camera that's the thing with Clipper you got multiple cameras so and like it is really good for like dialing in that first layer like you could really check that first layer as it's coming how much TP you need uh I don't know how much TP you were hitting here let's uh so this is a Raspberry Pi four I believe yeah it's a raspberry 4B um and there's our CPU usage so yeah you're fine you're you're nowhere near maxing out a Raspberry Pi 4. or or what 26 31 CPU load so um who wants to do a giveaway who wants to do some giveaways because we got to do some giveaways so if you haven't entered for your chance to win the uh spool of polymaker filament um you have like now to enter oh too late I've already closed it um so have another chance on Friday so we'll do that one first we'll do the polymaker filament spool right now and then afterwards we'll do the uh the giveaway for two kits of the 3DO uh nozzle cam kits so if you haven't entered yet you have uh a minute or two to do that link is pinned in chat for you to enter okay also a lot of people don't know how to do a skill testing question so uh Thomas at 3DO DKK fifty dollars cheers uh no new version runs 1080p 60fps on our Raspberry Pi and better picture yeah so again this is the older version which is a 1080p camera the new the kits now come with a 4k camera and the 4k camera yeah it's 4K you're not actually going to be using 4K you're going to be using 1080p 60 because it's a lot smoother because uh yeah this is kind of blah okay um so um give me a number between one and three I don't want to count high today so I'm gonna give you a number between one and three one and three two one two you're on the ranch goes the winner will get an email from me after the stream ends with information how to collect your filament abercam pull up your information on here there we go and you got the skill testing question right yay so congratulations you'll get an email from me after the stream ends on how to win some filament or how to collect your filament so pull up a notepad here so I can just write these down okay now let's do some 3DO filament close or film it sorry uh nozzle Cam Kit so if you haven't entered um better luck next time if we do this again up there also I did ask you what printer you wanted to put it on just so we could see uh what's gonna happen I'm just gonna forward your email information to Thomas at 3DO and they will contact you I don't want to know where you live it was open worldwide and OBS having no I haven't had to set up because I run printers where I could just pull the webcam feed like here rat OS because you know this isn't doesn't require some stupid workaround because of some asinine programming thing that a company decided was the right thing to do so what I can do is I can literally just drop in a browser source with you know um the the nozzle cam hey look there's a nozzle cam I could just drop it in because this is a a not stupid way of doing uh firmware and the webcam feed where you could just you know it's just a browser string yeah it's directed at you a bamboo why can't I stream my camera over my home network why does the camera have to go to the cloud anyways let's do a giveaway so um I don't know somebody just like give me a number so I'm gonna get four okay one two three four round and round she goes okay renikai P renik IP let me pull up your info here you are a first winner and you are going to put it on either a v 2.4 or an Annex K3 so let's remove you and uh I don't know somebody put a five there the last person put a number was five so one two three four five there we go again analyze my phone going off okay we're good and the second winner Bruno C Bruno C Bruno C and you are going to put on a switch wire so congratulations to both of you you will get uh emails from 3DO um I'm assuming they'll collect your information to ship the filament so yay or the filament the uh the camera kit so yeah so that was fun it's working now seems to be doing pretty good um I now have a camera on this printer which I've been meaning to put on so now we have one um and now we got a cool nozzle cam so yeah so yeah so I think we're gonna call it there I gotta go pick up guy from school so uh shout out to polymaker for this pool filament that we give away this stream and every stream linked for them in the video description uh shout out to 3DO for actually sending me this kit they sent it to me a while ago but we've been waiting to I've been waiting to put it on this build once the build was done so um it's now on the build and I really like this package it's a it's a nice package um install was pretty easy would be nice if there was some proper instructions but it's not too hard if you kind of know what you're doing which something like this is more of a not newbie type upgrade people are doing um but up instructions for all the individual printers would kind of be annoying so just a wiring diagram just to make sure people wired up right especially the neopixels um but other than that went on pretty good and it just kind of works it's it's a camera and a light so yeah um and for those that donate to the channel gifted memberships to others or became members of the channel yourself I thank you would not be able to do the things they do create the content I create without your continued support you make it all possible um so yeah that's about it uh we're gonna call it there I gotta go pick up the little guy from school and then I gotta go buy drywall everyone wait bye bye money wait bye bye money bye bye I put 600 in the walls already and that's just insulation that that I'm already in like a grand so far and we're not even near done I haven't even furnished it yet bye bye money everyone wave bye bye money bye bye bye bye okay uh I'll see you on Friday print to chill Friday bye FedEx Puma 199 have a good one I will [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 34,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printer, printing, 3d printer, 3d printing, 3dp, fdm, fff, filament, voron, nero, nero3d, nero3dp, diy, hack, custom, reprap, nozzle, camera, 3do, kit, klipper, ratrig, vcore, eva, eva3, v-core, 3.1
Id: Y6-ll-BIHwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 0sec (11340 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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