Voron V0.1 Build - Lecktor PRO Kit - Part 2

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[Music] hello [Music] good morning everyone good morning good morning it is tuesday and it's early it's this is the earth no no i've streamed this earlier when i did the original v0 when we did the uh the one day build i started at 10am i think so a little bit of a blizzard here today i think we're getting it wednesday tomorrow morning i think is when the uh we're supposed to get that blizzard that's kind of moving across right now so yeah so how y'all doing today we're gonna carry on with part two of the lector.com build if you want any information about this build if you want to get one of these kits yourself link in the description uh this kit was provided by lecter it's basically a v0 kit it's got a bunch of ldo components along with a bunch of extras making a little uh a little bit of a pro kit it comes with some extras um with kit just for reference does come with a kirigami bed mod uh mine did not because the pre-production one but if you purchase the kit it comes with one of those so yeah uh like the serial video world printing rat rig yes so that's still printing rat rig parts um how much time we got left 74 percent done i'm not running it at balls to the wall speed because uh i normally actually don't run my printers that fast when i'm printing like printer parts on it because like you're gonna see the parts i want them to look good so i slow it down a little bit plus this is print number four or five on the printer and it's a uh a 24 hour parts print so not gonna not gonna send it all out there's a stream element bot there you go and hopefully that'll help me with some of the spam so yeah so we're going to carry on with the build today um where we left off was we got our a b motor mounts installed the frame together uh probably gonna stream maybe about four hours today until i get hungry uh but yeah no scotch no scotch i just got up woke up drove the little guy to daycare and now i'm here too bad it's on stock um it's not in stock they're waiting on uh i think it's one they're waiting on a component to come in before they can they're not gonna put it up until everything's in but they uh global shipping is a complete mess right now and they're waiting on one component to come in i believe i'm not mistaken watching it work it should be working so uh no housekeeping today we're just gonna get right into the build a little thing of note there should be a stream friday uh we're gonna put together the comm grow cnc early afternoon um follow me on the twitter is that 3dp nero uh to do that for notifications so where were we at where were we at uh we put in our a b motor mounts and now we're on to a b idlers so let's get those out so again for those uh unfamiliar this kit if you missed last week this kit comes with all the printed parts um they're available from to purchase from lector and they're made using their in-house filament so it's a glass-filled abs hola from toronto hello hola from about three and a half hours celtia looking forward to another great stream every stream is a great stream until i have technical issues and everything goes to but you know how it be you know how it be washers there we go shims we got the bearings okay so yeah so those are like that so we've got those two pieces m335s good morning in the morning well despite the time i i'm since i'm doing two streams a week now the saturday stream the normal saturday stream is 8 p.m on a saturday which i know is late for a lot of the europeans so i plan going forward is basically to do a tuesday stream as well earlier in the day i don't know if i'll stick with the 10 a.m time if we'll like bump it to noon just so it's a little bit more uh north american friendly um plus i think a lot of guys in the eu are still at work technically but we're just gonna play around with times for now basically i'm going to stream for four hours today and see when it picks up and whatever time the most people are online is probably what i'll use as the start time for streams going forward around this on tuesdays 5 pm there that's good so bearing stack you know washer bearing bearing washer you know how it'd be you know how it'd be barely got the kids out there yeah little guy starts school in uh september that's like time flies turns four next month like holy hell getting old okay so the big one gets the little one and then the little one gets the big one [Music] where are my allen keys uh it's it's preschool so in in like every country does it differently but in canada you have jk sk well even in different provinces it's different but in ontario you have jk and sk so junior kindergarten senior kindergarten then you have grade one to eight is grade school and then nine to twelve is high school that's how it's done up here there's no middle school okay so time to put these on so preload four m3 nuts down that side that's a lot of nuts mike fan did van noonan want to build a war on so bad then build a boron not that hard to build actually just you're building it completely from scratch okay so this front one take note of which way the diagonal is to make sure you put the right one on pillar in the front ralph it's so tiny that's what she said gets the job done though and then pre-loaded nuts the nuts are fastened and pre-loaded so there we go that's going to suck 3 35. ten dollars thank you appreciate it thanks for all the videos good luck on the full-time youtube are you running a heart cate tool head on any of my builds i am running one on the switch wire uh with the irkfa all my other builds are pretty much running just your like the stock setup no tool headboard [Music] [Music] okay so the front screw here screws into the extrusion and then the rear screw here screws into a captive t-nut we installed uh previously in the build [Music] and then also whenever you tighten down something with a bearing in it when you're done tightening it down make sure the bearing moves freely you want to make sure nothing is accidentally binding it up or anything [Music] no cam in the manual scene oh oh i turned it off one second i forgot there we go i was uh whenever i'm recording the screen for like a video like so i recorded uh some stuff for the whale 2 review which is doing horribly but i expected that um [Music] whenever i record anything on the screen i have to turn off the cam and you know monitor and everything and i always forget to turn it back on yeah that review is not doing good but that's to be expected it's a uh like i fully expected that review not to do good it is what it is it's not my normal content it's a niche resin printer resin is already pretty niche [Music] but it is what it is [Music] wayne i watched it thank you wayne [Music] uh what's the printer it is printing a uh up here tried it it's printing a full it's printing a rat rig v minion so all the parts for a rat rig v minion it's printing [Music] so when you put these on just to double check make sure that your idler is on the side with uh is lined up like the level on the z height is lined up with the uh a your ab idler should have two gears on the same level or two idlers so up up up one yeah so we're good there otherwise you're gonna have bad time so we put the other one on yeah and there it is check your work compare the assembled parts of the graphics shown here pay attention to the pulley orientation and alignment with the bearing stack so it looks like we're putting together some zed stuff now i rotated myself oh there's a github pr thing i just downloaded the um parts directly off their site so if that if how they came off their site is how i put them on and then i had to rotate them all and i'm realizing there's one part i didn't rotate correctly so i'm gonna have to reprint it but i'm gonna reprint a bunch of stuff anyways because i'm gonna reprint some stuff for accent parts in fluorescent blue [Music] sparkle blue and then i need to print also some parts because i think the tool head the eva tool head in these files assumes you're using a dragonfly bms and a lgx light i'm gonna be using a dragon probably a high flow one and an orbit or two so i'm gonna have to change some stuff around [Music] okay so now we are at the nut holder so that out get my bleed screw out i'm probably gonna need it i'm assuming get my palm nuts schlopnet 20 euro thank you appreciate it you're killing my work productivity time to call it a day that works and risotto thank you for becoming a member you guys allow me to do the things i do so you guys are all awesome is there an orbiter mod for v01 um i i don't i believe so i don't know for the orbiter two i believe there is one for the orbiter one don't quote me on that though so m312 uh this kit did not come with a picot this kit came with an skr mini i'm using a picot that i have that i got separately from victory tech i'm using that for the v minion okay so so we're putting the uh the nut on to the if i can get it to start working my areas [Music] i have an opinion on fibrology filament um i don't i've never used it so i can't really say anything need to remember i live in canada and some things are just i either too expensive to use practically or we just don't have [Music] someone was saying uh what is it i have an idler backwards what sorry to burst your bubble looks when you're unlearned in the wrong spot nope define wrong spot okay so you're putting your uh the nut holder goes inside like that uh through hole if your lead screw nut does not have m3 threads use longer screws and a nut mine has threads so that just screws in and that mounts to that that mounts to that so it's an m312 up top and that's our end stop so i'm gonna put that m312 up top in right now [Music] so this right here this m312 this is for your uh end stop so this is how you adjust your your zn stop position okay this mounts on using m312s more m312s i have a great selection of maple syrup but not filament that's that is true okay for starting a 3d printer business i'd like a voron um no so what do you plan on doing with your 3d prison business are you planning to just print like random knickknacks and sell it or do you have a contract to produce parts already for something um not really optimized for business okay um it's a great printer don't get me wrong but it's also a diy printer so you're going to be responsible for all the maintenance for it upkeep everything it's it's also several thousand you know a thousand plus um if you're just printing little random knickknacks for people low volume you might be better off with a cheaper off-the-shelf machine like a viper for example um which one though both of these same gantry xy motion is the same the difference is that bed don't move that bed moves other than that they're pretty much exactly the same machine if you plan on printing taller stuff go with a v2 if you plan on printing shorter stuff go with the trident because the trident um only is spec to 250 millimeters of zed you can go higher but the trident as your bed goes up the whole machine gets more wobbly because center of gravity goes up okay so it goes like that i'm assuming the yeah that goes like that so we're going to want the it doesn't really matter which way it goes but put that there so m3 8 and m36 uh what's your thoughts on the blue rolls kit i've never used the blue rules kit um it's probably like every other kit from like formbot or it's probably like the formback kit where they just took the bill of materials and threw it in a box so where'd i put my screwdriver i had the screwdriver where did i put the screwdriver somebody go back and watch the stream and tell me where i put my screwdriver oh there's um i haven't heard good things i've had i've heard a lot of people have had like little finicky issues with them but the problem is a lot of these kits just some guy it's like walking down the store and on aliexpress and throwing whatever they can get cheap for the bomb into a box so one kit might be great the next kit might have a ton of issues with my bag of m36s or m38s oh no i don't have a bag of m38s i got a whole bloody bin of them there we go that's right thank you appreciate it uh finally catching on live stream love your videos and streams got my flare share of tips help and entertainment from them keep the good work thank you i'm glad they're helping out swiss francs there we okay swiss is s-w-i-s-s franks f-r-a-n-c-s i'm assuming um that's chf how do you get chf from that although i'm assuming it's probably in france but no that doesn't even make sense in french i don't know uh what's the big benefit of clipper clipper you're basically leveraging the entire powerhouse of a raspberry pi which is you know on the modern ones a quad core uh 1.5 gigahertz equivalent processor to control the printer and do all the motion planning and everything so you have much more power to work with your mcu your controller board is pretty much regulated to following instructions from the raspberry pi so you have more brains to work with and that can open up more um you can you can flex that muscle in other ways for example input shaper and whatnot you can run like input shaper tuning and whatnot okay let me just double check so we've mounted that apply grease i don't need to apply grease because this is uh the teflon coated okay we're not putting it on yet though put that aside flip the printer upside down preload more nuts okay it takes a sick day i'm not taking a sick day i'm working right now oh yeah and with clipper for example if you want to change something in your config you just go to machine printer config and then you just change whatever you want you know and then you just hit save so if i want to make it like instead of 16 microseps i want to make it 32 micro steps i would just literally type 32 and hit save and close and then printer reboots and it's done so it's kind of like reprap where you can edit the configuration that way would it still benefit from clipper in my opinion yes i ran a clipper on this guy with a duet too for quite a while the only reason i swapped it out was i got a uh a spider isaac sent me a spider for a review so i had to put it in so i needed to swap it out on one machine so now my duet is collecting dust i'll put it in a cnc or something down the line okay putting some preloading more nuts so three over here one two three one the two three and then three in the back and three on the other side okay it's a lot of nuts any specific board depends on the printer um and how many drivers you need to control skrs are very popular um that's what most people end up using some form of skr board for the most part that's what i've noticed go how's the spider um so that has a spider 2.2 it's running fine this has a spider original one like a 1.0 and it's running fine i know a lot of people had issues with the 1.0 but i got mine early uh the 1.0 which was sent out for review so i don't know if i got like a you know a vetted one but i know a lot of people have had issues with their spiders the first generation ones they like to go pop feetsies where are the feetsies they're the feedsies good source for clipper um i have a video on my channel there is a video on my channel i believe of installing clipper on a duet 2. or i did it on a stream i can't remember i might have done it on a live stream but i did i did record it some way okay where are the feet at where are the feet at tool head so i'm assuming they're not in the tool head box are they in here oh no they're in there and m340s uh on sunday i killed an skr2 board by incorrectly inputting 24 volts through the heater that'll kill it yes that will that sucks that's okay i've killed an lrs uh i got a spare one i blew up an lrs um five by accidentally putting in voltage in like the mains voltage into the output so instead of five volts out i put 120 volts in it went pop so at least it wasn't 48 volts well i'm assuming inputting any voltage to an output is not good yeah that's the thing with the spider 1.0 it's a qc issue so either they work and you have no problems or they fail there it's like that's just the thing then that's that's kind of shitty but it is what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] i recently showed my 24 volt power supply with a screwdriver well if you watch my intro video um you can see what happens when you try to uh when you try to be fancy and uh meter out a uh the heck oh i have that backwards when you try to get fancy and meter out a uh power supply and try to meter out the mains voltage of it when your power when you're when your meter ain't uh met before it don't work with wires when they're plugged in yeah but how are you supposed to check voltages if they're not plugged in found the duet clipper video there you go yeah i know i did it on video like i do like duet hardware it's just it used to be a lot easier to justify duet hardware because you got reprap firmware and compared to clipper or compared to marlin at the time you're looking at like a major leap in performance whereas now you could take a ramps put clipper on it and it'll outperform a duet too in terms of how fast it could run a printer so duet pretty much you have to be able to sell it on the hardware and the hardware is good but the hardware is pricey so the price to performance isn't as uh as advantageous as it used to be okay so we put the feet sees on and now we're going to put in our lead screw robert thanks for coming to member so for the lead screw um the kit comes with a compressible like anti-backlash unit okay so for those that have never put these together there's like little tabs on the unit itself on the the part that doesn't screw in so there's two plastic parts to your your nut and then there's a spring so there's a two tab so it'll like index together okay so when you put it together you put your spring in you can press them together so that the tabs line up and then you take your lead screw and you screw it through both okay so the amount of preload in here should be very minimal it literally should only move as much as there is uh like play in one thread like there should not be a lot of preload there what you have a video on it too timid okay everyone go watch tim it's video apparently it's better just make sure you do it after the stream okay so preloaded move two of the preloaded nuts to the left of the stepper the zipper mounts in the center okay so we've got six nuts underneath here holding screws out so i need to move two over to the other side so we'll move three over and then use the middle two so do the overhead cam but you're not gonna be able to see it with my head in the way [Music] [Music] and then try and center it between the extrusions so before we had six nuts just floating in this extrusion now we have two free nuts uh screwed in two to the uh zed motor and then two nuts on this side okay so we got that and then we got to put two m38s from the front these are going to be fun to line up so these ones are going to be a pain because they're captive in there we got this plate in the way okay i got one i think yep i got one uh what are you doing against the tilting bed on the v01 what do you mean the tilting bed can i build an enrage rabbit carrot feeder um so the enraged rabbit carrot feeder works on any printer um that is running clipper okay um some guy got it working on reprap now too i don't know how easy it is to port that over to other printers but basically you can run the enrage rabbit on any printer running clipper and i guess wrap in reprap firmware now however there are some caveats to it for it to run the most optimally you need to have a tool head sensor you need an end stop in the tool head between the direct feed extruder and the hot end okay and that's because of the way it works where it needs to know after it's loaded the filament that it has loaded properly now you can not use that but you have to edit the macros so that it doesn't look for that and you're pretty much hoping that you never have a jam with it feeding into the tool head because right now if i were to feed the filament in and it gets stuck like it gets stuck on the lip of the extruder or something it doesn't feed into the tool head um or pass the extruder into the hot end it knows that and it'll pause and wait for me to fix it so you can run it without that but if it decides to jam up on you you don't have any warning so you can run it in a dumber mode on pretty much any printer that doesn't have there but you're kind of on your own you there i don't know if there's no official configs for that but i have seen people running irkfas on um on a v core i have seen that on the the rat rig uh facebook group which i had to join because that's where the rat rate community is and i'm building a rat rig and i hate facebook but yeah when using the printer in high ambient temps the bed is tilted down in the front over time um i haven't noticed any issues in mine what filament did you use to print it and then you could honestly get around that by using the kirigami bed which is metal okay so we've got that so that is mounted so what i'm gonna do now is put that in the middle and tighten up because all the screws that i had here for my uh the the t-nut mount were loose so i'm loosing them up right now just to make sure they're loose to make sure they're uh centered on the bed so in the middle and then one trick you can do um if you find that your your lead screw is wobbling you've tried everything you can do and your lead screw is still wobbling the the screws that hold the nut to your carriage okay back them off a little bit okay like don't have them tight literally have them loose so that they can kind of float a little bit so these like two screws here right there and right there that hold the nut to the bed if you find no matter what you can do you can't get rid of binding issues right or lead screw wobble loosen those up just enough that they can float on the x-axis or the y-axis or whatever the weight of the bed should keep it always pre-loaded for your zed right because the bed this is more true on like the bigger printers where you got a slab of aluminum um weighing it down but if they float a little bit as your lead screw wobbles the nut will just wobble with it but it won't push your bed around so let's see how it feels so right now everything's snugged up nice and tight what i find is if you do have binding issues you'll notice the binding issues at the bottom essentially that's where you'll notice it and i think we're good it all feels good yay so we're good there okay so we've got our zed lead screw mounted and now we're on to the carriage yay put you over here for now some carriage parts and i keep forgetting i have this power bar i've got a mount on my wall here so i can plug stuff into the wall and i keep forgetting too so uh sorry switch wire i'm stealing your power that took a moment to turn off have you done a mainsail video i've done videos on like installing installing mainsail and installing fluid is exactly the same process so if you watch the fluid video it's the same but both of those videos like my how to install fluid or is outdated um they're just outdated it's been like a year and both float and mainsail have gone through a lot of development so so we've got to put some heat sets in now [Music] it's early steve you must have just gotten up because you're uh west coast what are we at right now 288 viewers cool that is one habit i am so glad i don't have i don't stare at my viewer numbers like that's actually the first time i've checked but i wanted to get a stream in for the euro folks tuesday streams going forward will be earlier in the day i don't think i'll dennis thank you for coming remember um i don't think i'll do 10 a.m going forward that is probably a little too early i might do noon um but we'll see i'm just looking at the numbers because normally like my viewer count during a stream is pretty consistent in terms of like the chart of when people join like usually i hit my max amount of viewers like within the first half hour of the stream and that number's still going up so people are still joining in so i'm assuming more and more people are waking up to join in or getting off work [Music] or finishing dinner or whatever so depending on the time zone so we might end up doing a little bit later in the day tuesday noon or one in friday i'm thinking 2 p.m new i'm thinking 1 or 2 p.m for the friday stream my time and i'm east eastern time zone for those that don't know somebody messaged me when i because a while ago like i put whenever i post like on twitter or whatever like oh hey i'm going live at uh 8 p.m est somebody's like you should use utc that's so that's the standard i'm like okay worldwide yeah i i live in north america nobody uses utc nobody uses utc in north america i have no idea what you i know what utc is but i have no idea what my utc timecode is i think it's negative five uh it would be tuesdays the plan right now is uh tuesdays and saturdays are streams the saturday stream will remain the 8 p.m stream it'll still be the late stream um but tuesdays we're still figuring out a time earlier in the day stream tuesday saturdays will be the regular stream fridays i'm thinking of doing streams on fridays for random stuff like if i get to interview anyone or the cnc like one-off streams will be fridays i think so tuesdays and saturdays will be long build streams or like serieses uh fridays will just be random streams and then videos when i get them done hopefully one a week so well here's what i do i put the stream up a couple hours early so if you want to know when the stream starts if you click on it youtube tells you how many hours till the stream goes live uh setting up input shaping on a duo it's the same i have an input shaper video already it's the exact same because you're hooking the input shaper you're hooking the edxl up to the raspberry pi you're not there's no controller specific things you need to worry about with input shaper you can use any any clipper controller the instructions are the exact same okay so we put our heat sets in uh which one is it is this one okay m325 and 316 and 325 negative five utc negative four and that's another thing you got time zones and you got daylight savings i put the streams live early just click on the stream it'll tell you how many hours till it starts okay so we got bearing stacks here so that goes there so this side right here we've got a bearing stack with two washers and a spacer on this side washer bearing stack with two washers on each side where is doggo uh so my wife's at work right now and doggo is being what he does and being a mopey little bastard and sitting at the front door and he won't move so that's where doggo is he's being mopey uh i'm tuning my v minion and config tmc lgx light have like stealth drop threshold zero is that okay for pa uh i believe so so we're building that one bearing stack there building it upside down because it makes it easier where is the kiddo he's at daycare all by myself right now [Music] on this side we got spacer washers bearing stack and two washers one washer or two washer that's one washer and then that goes on top [Music] with an m210 self-tapper so now comes the part where you try to flip this over without screwing it all up so there we go okay m2 self tapper so what do we got for m2 they are ah crappy phillips head ones yeah just me and the dog and the dogs ignoring me because mom's not home although he might start freaking out at some point i'm waiting on delivery dhl's like hey there's stuff out for delivery i'm like cool although knowing my luck it won't show up till like 6 p.m like normal [Music] small phillips [Music] i called my 3d printer a cnc glue gun and they kicked you out it's pretty much true of what it is though like these are glorified cheap cnc's with a hot glue gun that spews out molten plastic there's really nothing fancy about these machines dang it i don't know where my good one is i had a really good bit for these and i don't know where it went [Music] oh is that it that's it reckle eleven eleven thank you appreciate it building a lecter v01 along with you the lead screw nut holder install tip really helped me out just now thanks for the great streams glad they helped out [Music] so this screw that goes into here is a self tapper as always with all self tappers don't over tighten it in the 70s they would have been miracle machines oh yeah like back in the day yeah so one's done [Music] and now we do the other side [Music] uh expecting this to be on later this evening for me in the uk oh i either do it early so that y'all can watch when you're not you know oh dark stupid out or do it early we went with early today although i think i am gonna this might be too early i'm thinking so next tuesday stream might be uh at like noon or something what am i doing yeah all these are lecture yeah these are all in-house i guess they lector has their own filament line now like they make their own filament so uh these are their glass-filled abs but i like the time i'm just going off the numbers i want to try and find a time that works for the most amount of people that's the [Music] goal like honestly um i'm free till six so i have like an eight hour window where there's no it's just me basically actually no that's not true the wife gets off work at two but she doesn't have to pick up the little guy till six so she's got errands or whatever shopping she'll go out and do that although i'm supposed to be snowed in for like the next two days so we'll see maybe we all maybe i'll finally do the irkfa video i know you guys are bugging me for that [Music] [Music] i don't know if lector's in here i do want to purchase this i don't know if they're selling plan on selling this filament i do want to get some of this filament it'll probably be stupid for me to get it because shipping from you know europe to north america for filament something that's heavy is kind of [Music] not the greatest but just you know using this filament for the build and just kind of don't screw up don't screw up um i'm liking like the texture of it the way it's feeling so i do want to maybe get a spool or two of this stuff just uh just to play around with oh we'll send okay that works [Music] i need i need more food for toasty [Music] [Music] i gotta start printing uh i got v minion parts print i gotta start printing micron parts i think today or this week at least [Music] okay so on this one it's the opposite [Music] so that is correct there put the top on there we go yep so that matches okay so we're putting the rail on so i kind of goofed and i forgot to print off a jig so i'm gonna have to manually line this up which is going to suck but for this rail i'm going to go one two three four five six seven okay don't lose the stoppers um this is modded so this uses an mgn and it's a 9h or it's a 9h carriage it does work don't worry so i'm running an mgn 9h carriage on this so i'm gonna need some m m3 eights i think i don't know m3s might be too long nope that'll work so let's see here let me let me find it don't switch uh i have got way too many messages there's lector so yeah so we are using uh nope where is it so this does have different parts but that's okay because they're included with the kit i believe so we're good yeah so that's what we're using do i ground my printers i ground the bed did i find my uh microfit kit on ally no my microfit kit um i use it's not a kit i built the kit i bought the individual components off aliexpress ages ago and i just bought like 30 of each connector and just a whole whack load of pins and i use that so it's not a kit per se it's i made my own kit okay so it uses m3 six nuts trying to get these started and i did clean up and pre-grease and everything in this rail so it's good to go abs plus isn't supposed to be stronger maybe the plus in abs plus means it's mixed with something so technically abs plus for the most part is actually a percentage weaker than normal abs um but what you get though is easier to print that's usually what the plus means it's easier to print abs [Music] um so in terms of like which is more better it's a 3d printer for 99.9 percent of use cases you're not going to notice any difference really which one you go with but basically the difference between good abs and good asa isn't much in in real world use case in a 3d printer a printer built out of good quality abs and a printer built out of good quality asa 90 of people won't be able to tell the difference like it you're it's it's so close it's not really even worth trying to figure out which is which um when it comes to abs plus abs plus is a little bit more flexible than abs and aesa asa is the stiffest i've noticed the downside of it being the stiffest if you have a nozzle crash you're more likely to crack something so can you be in the piff program um with just the v01 i'm gonna say you can but please don't you'd be insane like please don't that's just nuts please don't [Music] like yes you can print every part of a voron on a v0 but you're like printing like one part at a time versus the pif guys that are like running maximized plates of like everything at once okay so 25 mil okay so there [Music] hello [Music] okay [Music] i think we're okay there [Music] i think we're okay there [Music] i don't have a uh a jig for this because it's mod so i'm kind of making sure we're squared up within [Music] is 0.05 millimeters straight enough over yeah 0.05 millimeters i can live with i can live with 0.05 millimeters of uh if you're within an eighth of a nozzle width you're good [Music] okay so we got that on preload two m3 nuts yeah uh pif print is printed forward so it's um it's grown way larger than anyone thought it ever would because so many people want to build foreigns right now but basically it's people who have warren's printing parts for those who want to build borons at a very reasonable cost um way lower than you can get from like any dedicated print service and all the parts are printed on boron so it's kind of like a an indicator of war on quality kind of thing you know to print pif you need to own a voron and print them out of aura okay preload to m3 nuts on the bottom [Music] [Music] okay don't tighten leave the screws okay so m312s here and now we put the ends on [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so that's good loosen those up [Music] okay [Music] put that in grab our other side same thing [Music] so i know this screw has to come out but i'm gonna put one in just so it is in position for later uh currently sourcing a 2.4 go with the single mgn 12. go with the single mg on 12. that is what 2.4 r2 will be which is the next uh update to the 2.4 so you might as well get it now if you happen to start building before um your parts come if you happen to start building before 2.4 r2 comes out and you get to the gantry just use the x gantry so the x y joints and the tool head parts from the trident because it's the same it's the same parts as 2.4 r2 how often do you tighten your belts usually once all my machines use gates belts so what i'll do is i'll install them i'll run a few prints for a bit i'll do a heat soak of the chamber for a couple hours run another print and then i'll tighten the belts because usually there's like a break-in period that's what i had to do with the trident here and uh so flip over m36 on the loosen bottoms up three six so i'm printing the vor q the diamond printer i'm getting bulged corner seems like reducing external printing speed and process slicer is supposed to fix that does that sound right have you run pressure advance yet or input shaper because that will affect affect that number in the bulged corners but yes usually if you go slower you get cleaner corners but what is slope like i don't know what numbers you're running also one single cube is a horrible way to tune a printer by the way don't don't tune a printer based off a single print especially if you're like printing abs if you're printing abs you want to print like multiple prints at the exact same time because abs gets funky when you print one thing really hot and fast [Music] too much heat getting dumped in one area by the nozzle so it's not indicative of normal printing okay [Music] [Music] okay so we got that check your work make sure your idlers are in the same spots and we're good there side view boom boom we're good now we put it in and we mount them with m two sixes itty bitty m26s any good designs for shifting a v2 to a v0 style backpack wiring setup um i don't believe so you could put an external box on it um why is my camera looking foggy or is that just the oh that's just the monitor i got it on i got to get a better monitor for that um i've seen there there is some i think the railcore box is compatible like you can use like basically you just design a box make it out of extrusion it's pretty part and just slap it on the back call it an egg uh the v1 has an internal backpack but that's the v1 and that it bumps in which you can't do on a v2 so i have zero idea how the gantry moves okay um [Music] so it's quite simple actually let me get my uh old v0 here which we're gonna be doing some upgrades to this in the future okay so this is core xy motion okay you got you've got your av motors and it's core xy so these motors moving together okay is how you get front to back movement and side to side movement and then when one more motor moves and one doesn't you get diagonal movement okay and then it's the opposite the other motor okay so motors working together and apart that's how you get your xy movement how the switch wire does it is it takes this motion system and does this it makes it vertical okay so now you have your zed movement and your x movement okay and then your bed moves back and forth underneath that's how the switchbar works it's corex set it's corks y but vertical so you can't do this on a prusa where you just kind of lift it up and pull it down easy piece [Music] okay m2 sixes where are they and two sixes right here uh so i use two electric screwdrivers for different sizes i have an es126 um which i like more it's got more torque and then i have a wow stick i use the wow stick for the smaller stuff because it's got less torque if you're gonna buy one get the es126 i'm just using the wow stick because that's got the little bit in it and it's it's narrower so i can get in smaller spots but for overall use es126 the wow stick is not powerful enough to tighten m3s properly put it that way so this is why you don't tighten your um screws yet because you got to kind of find where they got to go so get some m2s out what are the benefits that korg said faster zed motion so if you zed hop a lot which most of us do um it's faster lighter gantry you have no motor on your gantry now um you don't have to worry about lead screw wobble ever so lead screw wobble is just not a thing it's cheaper uh versus a dual lead screw driven setup and uh whenever you're doing like a bed mesh you don't have any extra noise generation by having your zed motors constantly tick because both your motors are always running m2 16-79 i don't know are they button heads oh no they're the those little ones okay let me find those ones are they button heads or flat heads flat head cap screw okay oh there they are flat head cap screw why do we have flat heads there well it has to do with the geometry um somebody is sending me a kirigami bed um but it hasn't arrived yet if you buy this kit it comes with the kiragami bed um the kit i have here is a pre-production one so he didn't have the beds in stock when he shipped me this so i don't have a kirigami but if you buy this printer kit from lecter it comes with the kirigami bed okay so i have the kirigami bed coming in um i don't think it'll come in time to put on this because we might end up putting the bet on this today so if it doesn't show up in time um i might put it on this guy because this guy needs some updates oh there's an extra bed in it this guy needs some updates badly so we might put the kirigami bed in there and the lgx light instead of putting the lgx light in there because that's already direct feed that v0 is bowden so we'll see why is it called a switch wire um because originally it was wire drive it was originally a capstan printer i don't know if i have an allen key small enough for these um so the original um build of it was capstone it was wire drive and rcf actually had it up and printing it's just getting it consistent is an absolute nightmare so we switch the belt i don't know if i have any lap fit in there that will fit in there okay i don't know if i have a bit small enough for these no no i don't think i have a bit small enough for these there's a 1.3 millimeter key in the kit 1.45 did i take it out last stream and forget to put it back oh no there we go do i still have some electric i have a lot of the candy i'm hiding it i'm on a diet there we go so now we got to put in all these little itty-bitty screws while i drop them everywhere chris paul make your other gantry of make your other zero flying gantry i have a micron on the way i already have a voron micron that i'm going to be building when drunk build i don't know if if you guys get me maybe when i get a youtube play button we'll play it we'll we'll that'll be the uh the the the carrot on a stick [Music] only 73 000 or not 72 000 subscribers to go still x still ate steve 299 thank you appreciate it whiskey induced prusa x um that i might have to be sober for oh yeah and for the prusa xl um i don't know if they're going to sell it as kits or like fully built but we are going to be building the kit bearing i hope oh man i hate these little screws like destroying this allen key kit build his content exactly it's all content like part of me was actually tempted to build this as like a build series like a like an instructional build series but instead of live streaming but the thing is when i live stream it it's everything and it's just easy to follow along with like i i'd probably go crazy trying to build one of these without having people to talk to yes this is an mgn 9h mod where am i going to put the xl i have till q3 of 2022 to figure that out and apparently not all pre-orders will ship this year according to the prusa's blog um so i've got time [Music] because i didn't pre-order mine right away i pre-ordered mine a few days after the pre-orders went live so i'll probably be on the uh i don't know if i'll get one this year because i don't think i'm on perusa's radar to get a uh a review kit i don't think i qualify for that [Music] gotta buy my own yes you can use a clockwork one with stealth burner any of the existing um extruders work with stealth burner that's an lgx that's an lgx and tallboy is running a clockwork one it had a galileo before why did i switch it out why not one of these is too tight okay so now center the extrusion or center the rail so it's equal on both sides come to the front lock it all down [Music] okay so we put those in put that block in that block square the gantry and put those on top okay so make sure we're all squared up tighten everything up [Music] where are you screw there we go no there it the r2 is not out yet there won't be a public beta i think it'll just be a release it's basically we're working on the manual right now what electric screwdriver es126 wow stick wow stick i use for small stuff it's got balls for torque it's got no it's got no balls for torque so if you're going to get one get any s126 the only thing i like about the wow stick is it's thinner okay so we're good there those can come out across [Music] okay so now i got to put the m3 on with an m3 in okay [Music] three sixteens 316. well yeah it would make sense for joel to get one like that's kind of what he does what am i printing on the trident i am printing uh v minion parts a whole plate of them oh all of them basically it's funny a voron it's like five or six plates over a couple days for all the parts for a voron for a v minion it's one plate one day done so if you're looking down from the top there's a uh this right here is your end stop adjustment for your x end stop and then your y and stop mounts there okay so that's mounted screw is used to trigger the x stop okay squaring the gantry move the gantry all the way back until it hits both sides boom boom tighten the screws i did it off the front but it's the same there we go look at that that works then we got to put some tops on so we've got some m3 eights i got a free load or a correction m3 nuts i got a preload looks like on the outside and the top and then i also have to pre-load two more nuts on the top for the um the leds i believe so it's what is it yeah so pre-load two on the inside what are the inside ones for oh the extrusion yeah so two on the top three on the side two on the inside yeah these are for the top hat so two two and three on the outside yeah it's the top hat yeah it doesn't mount to the top that just goes in there two two three [Music] so the one difference with this over the regular instructions is you need to mount on the top here normally you only put three and two for m3 nuts on the top here you got to put two in and that's for the leds when you want to get your on okay put those in m310s all around when will super slicer get tree support probably after prusa slicer gets it because super slicer is based on prusa slicer [Music] perusa oh aliexpress have sold the are selling the uh the heat plates for warrants well here's the thing are they selling the heat plates are they selling the prusa ones or they just make some knockoff that they're selling that's the question dollar thank you for becoming a member [Music] because with aliexpress you you don't know what you're getting really half the time or what they're selling will i make a dummy's guide for resin printing resin printing is already pretty dummy proof as long as your slicer settings are good you print and you're done like there really isn't much more to it there we go so one thing i want to try another greasing thing i want to try so let me get that and some gloves so this is another thing i want to try with greasing because we all know trying to re-grease these is an absolute pain um let me get a glove so apparently here's another trick we're gonna try another trick for greasing up carriages we've already done the grease through the back of a hole are the rails black just the mgn9 i don't know if the kit comes with one because i think this is the one thing they're waiting on for the kit before they ship is the mgn 9s okay so apparently the trick is um you take your carriage and you put it over one of the holes with a screw in it and then you kind of like force the grease up into it so [Music] yeah that's just gonna make a mess [Music] yeah this is gonna make a mess now that actually kind of works maybe it just makes a mess there we go but as you can see like the wipers if you if you try to put grease on i did come out the other side it came out the other side but you can see like the wipers just prevent most of the grease from getting in like you're not getting grease on the ball bearings that's the problem that was worth a shot [Music] slide the grease on everything and then wipe it off this way these rails won't ever rust on you you know they're covered in stuff so they don't rust uh maybe if i had a finer needle that would work but i only have the uh the dropper john i think we're going to remember [Music] [Music] it's only grease yeah that would probably work if i had a uh uh a finer needle for that david's here hi david everyone say good morning david [Music] also shouldn't she be at work right now oh wait okay so we put those in we put those in and now it looks like that so now we're going to put on i guess we're running belts already printers use the belt path based on the popular core x y pattern belt paths stacked top of each other to learn the principle behind core x y visit here what's this video go oh here we go neat okay uh equal belt tension is important for the proper function of a corexy motion system oop uh girthy girthedin erston ten dollars thank you appreciate it um not how much time lately but i've been interested in your kit build ups are you gonna spend time to condense the information done and review of the kits and overview build videos um the trident i've already i do an ar like um when i've done the builds i do do like a review of the kit now so i do have one for the ldo kit that i previously built i will be doing one on the trident once i get some hours on it printing um but in terms of like condensing the whole stream down into one video that's a lot of editing like these the trident is seven parts of three to four hour streams that's a lot of editing if i want to like make it down to one video type thing but it is something that i'd like to do with some of my streams is kind of condense them down to like a video but i'd have to download the whole stream and then edit it and that's all a lot of editing and the problem i have is i'm one of those people that hates cutting stuff out i'm like i like all this why do i want i don't want to get rid of any of it so just nine hour stream condensed down to eight hours and 30 minutes am i on the ignore list or something greg nope you are not on the ignore list [Music] we've got 320 people talking well 320 people in chat a lot of people talking so if i miss something i try to see every comment but i do miss stuff occasionally it happens okay so we got to put some heat sets in here put this back in don't grab the hot iron that would be dumb the donation was myth greg when did you let me scroll oh sorry about that greg hope you get an excel review i hope i do too i've already pre-ordered one so i'm getting one regardless sometimes i don't hear the notification for some reason so again this uses a modded carriage this is an mgn 9h carriage versus the mgn7 that is stock with soldering iron whatever the cheapest soldering iron off amazon was when i bought it like four years ago and then i used the ldo um heat set tool in it [Music] go silent step thank you for coming remember is that boring printing abs in the background are you not worried about vocs nope i am not i am not worried in the slightest about vocs spent seven years working in a plastic injection tool shop building plastic injection molds next to a 3000 pound injection molding press that would go through thousands of pounds of abs a day i'm not concerned about that printing one kilogram over two days remember cooking bacon gives off vocs it's all about limits exposure and amounts is what really matters okay so now we got to run the belts and we attach them so i gotta find those two little doodads which are an absolute pain if i get an excel review unit will i cancel my order um if i get an excel review unit that i have to send back no if i get one that i get to keep probably because i i don't have one room for one xl we gotta figure out where we're putting one xl two [Music] we'll see [Music] okay time to run some belts but we'll see i i doubt i'll get a review unit i highly doubt i'm on prusa's radar for that mmm bacon bacon is always good so it's really easy to do or it's easier to do this um when you have something small and pointy like tweezers or whatever to kind of force the belts along the path you want to go around radiuses and whatnot [Music] you okay so that's the top one i think they gave me enough belt here pretty sure i got enough belt i might have enough belt [Music] do how long it takes to get your parts from piff um right now depends where you live in the world and it could be a while um i know the usq is quite large so oh i goofed up i goofed up oh no i goofed i did goof somebody called it earlier in the stream and i didn't see it that is supposed to be there okay let's fix this let's fix this no biggie we could fix it just like bob said just like bob said we could fix it we can fix it we will make this work yeah somebody called it out early in the stream and i thought they were talking about the front idlers i'm like no they're good nope which is funny because i checked it but i must have been looking the wrong way yeah yeah okay so now i've gotta turn those around oh this is gonna be fun and rebuild these [Music] so i'm gonna do this the lazy way okay i'm gonna do this lazy way instead of trying to rebuild both of these correctly i'm just gonna go get some spare bearings that i have and just fix and put two here so instead of rebuilding both stacks i'm just gonna rebuild the one stack and uh whoever ends up getting this kit because this kit will go somebody will have some extra bearings included in case they need some i think that's i think that's fair i think that's a fair swap do i accept fan mail i don't have a po box at the moment i don't know if i it's worth getting one people have asked me so i might but at the moment i do not have a po box and [Music] [Music] loosen some of these up so i have a little bit of room to work with okay okay so and of course i drop it right into a hole get that out okay so we put ourselves a bearing stack there [Music] let's build this up let's build this up properly [Music] and m3 washers i'm gonna need some extra washers two extra washers no not m5 washers okay so what we are doing is because i goofed instead of rebuilding two bearing stacks without taking apart an av uh motor we're gonna rebuild one and just leave the extra one with some extra bearings um so whoever ends up getting this printer will have some extra bearings in it in case they need them in the future they won't have to go buy some so think of it as a little gift because don't forget somebody is getting this printer um i'm giving away this printer at some point whenever um once the sanjay foundation is set up we will be doing a giveaway a donation stream where we're going to raise some funds for a good cause and somebody gets this printer as part of it so [Music] i wish i had my tweezers for this [Music] one washer [Music] [Music] okay so i need a little bit of grease to hold this on um [Music] where is my grease should have some grease around here that'll work [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh use my blade to put that into position so [Music] my [Music] there we go got it got him we're good we're good we are good we are good scroll this back together what about my allen key allen key where'd you go there it is so what we did was because i done goofed and i had a bearing and an idler stacked backwards there's supposed to be a spacer here and then two bearing stacks here i just built another bearing stack so now we have this extra bearing stack that's doing nothing but it's quicker and easier than rebuilding the whole thing and uh whoever gets this printer gets some free bearings along with it so um yeah that's what we did so it's like when you buy a shirt you know when you buy a button shirt and there's an extra button sewn on the inside in case you need it well now this has extra bearings in case you need it so john clark 13 months over a year and you put up with me how do i do it um i don't hit the ban button that helps [Laughter] i can't believe it's in that long honestly time flies when you're having fun i just had a quick look at the duet 2 clipper it seems easier to get a different board and start from scratch if you want like all you have to do really is uh the main thing is you have to uh okay that's the top is you have to put it in uh developer mode to flash it which if you want to that's what you got to do if you don't want to do it grab another board also the 2206 is the 22 uh while they are nice drivers and i really like them they do lack a lot of the the creature comforts of tmc2209s for example like stealth drop two or spread cycle two or whatever it's called okay so oh i forgot that goes [Music] there [Music] there we go [Music] so [Music] [Music] so that's that one okay so now we can continue on where we left off [Music] the belts are kind of on this little guy because it's so small and there's really not much you can do in terms of like tensioning them up until they're all in um you're probably just going to have belts everywhere until you get it all put together and then you can kind of make sure they're all sitting on the bearings nice and pretty and whatnot so at first just kind of kind of jam them in there for now make him look right after [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's stuck in there that's why there you go oh i wish i had my tweezers right now where are you at where are you at though there you are get out of there come on i'm just going to go on amazon and buy like a 20 pack of tweezers and just put them everywhere so i keep don't keep losing them okay there that goes there go around to the front around that back there rotate pivot there we go there we go uh anton bgn five dollar i have no idea what that is but thank you appreciate it uh check the orientation on the top extrusion as far as i remember there are no nuts at the top there are because this uh build part of the kit is leds that mount up top so that you do need two nuts up there so we have two on the inside uh for the top hat two on the top for the leds and then three on the outside for the uh for the uh panels so it is correct don't worry but i have so much extra belt like i'm not complaining about extra belt extra belt is always good but and they are tensioned the same too that's good okay so those are all the way in that's good so now the fun part this is like the most finagly annoying part of the build is getting your m3 xl uh nuts tightened like they're just a pain unfortunately there's really no getting around that uh merv 10 thank you appreciate it big pack of tweezers big pack of tweezers bulgarian lev okay that's cool yeah tmc 22 or 2 2 6's or whatever are pretty much the same as 2209's there's really not much functional difference between them okay so this is an absolute nightmare i hate doing this part of the build and that is getting these stupid little m3s tensioned against the nuts so every time i do it i end up stripping one of these and it never comes out good now luckily i have spares i've got oh like a 20 pack of these m3 nuts so if i do screw them up but i got backups we might be okay oh we're good we got him got him got one at least yeah never cut your belts flush well i think on this on a v0 i think you have to after everything's tensioned but uh yeah don't cut your belts flush until you need to cut them flush unless you absolutely have to because once you cut them flush that's it they're you can't reinstall them on a v0 there's just no way to do it there's no way it's well there is a way you take off your front idlers so that you can have tension then you tension by putting your front idlers back on that's how you do the belts on a v0 if you cut them flush and you have to redo it oh yeah we're good okay now i gotta tighten these up so get them the same so so the top one so if these are the bottom lines hopefully they cut them the same length i think they did so if the bottom one is one tab all right longer let me see the bottom ones one tap shorter so on this one the bottom tab should be one tab longer yeah so we're good there so we tighten these up [Music] and i think that should be it that's there we go nice and tight and taut and we still have adjustment back there but basically like always all vorons have adjustment for the belts built into the machine so you can tweak the adjustment of your belts so what you want to do though you still always want to tension them as much as you can before going to the adjustment so don't don't do them loose and fasten them loose and then just so i'll just get the tension out with the adjustment knobs always try attaching them as much as you can manually and then the adjustment knobs are for tweaking uh oliver five euro thank you appreciate it uh continuing live good luck on the full time i'm hoping it works out uh is it worth the extra money and go for resonance optimized stepper motors um i think those are snake oil i've seen that one video that a few people shared around and they're like you have to buy the special motors from like one company i i think they're snake oil i i i don't believe those are a thing we forgot to put a heat set in by the way so i'm gonna do that now we forgot to put i did the two in the back here i forgot to do the one in the front so i got to do the one in the front right now so while that's heating up how do i hold this on yeah so we've already done the belt path m36 so let's put this on let's mount this how long is this one it's m38 that's m36 m36 yeah you don't need yeah you don't need to cut yeah let's go with the manual says print yourself printing yeah what super chat is it's basically donating so on uh twitch you can gift subs on youtube you can't give subs yet apparently that is coming though or gift memberships i guess since it's youtube but on uh youtube for donating it's called a super chat so you you don't need a fixed amount i think you could talk more on to you know say more you got to pay more pretty sure but then it pops up like how oliver's comment there is highlighted and a little thing pops up on my screen here because i have it all set up for that that dopamine response it's what plants crave okay i need a heat set where my heat sets other than pulley and probe length which i checked for probe accuracy um it could always be the probe itself unfortunately there's so much variance now with the quality of the probes um but also make sure all your grub screws are nice and tight on your z-axis so anything on the zed make sure all your your grub screws are tight or your set screws or whatever you want to call them that was hot okay so we got that on run the belts first sell the belts prior to fixing the xy cat yeah there's no way you could tighten this with uh the belts on them like there's no way you could tighten the belt before or after screwing the carriage on so we've got that on um all our belts are good that's our motion seems to be good oh hey don't put your thumb on a hot heat set uh how's that that's good that's good i may have to adjust those pulleys up and down a little bit but we'll see i think we're okay if i gotta adjust him i could adjust him okay what next so belt tension um how are we on belt tension for me on the v0 when i do belt tension um two things i go at the back i move the carriage to the front and i go off the back and you basically want to make sure these are pretty much the same amount of tension and you want to make sure you got no racking and i got a bit of racking so they're not yeah they're not perfectly tensioned i've got a bit so um i think it's yeah it's the opposite there we go those feel the same tighten down the motors you might have to adjust later as always once you kind of break them in but for now we should be okay on the v0 there's less of a break-in period because it's uh belt runs are so short actually might be a little too tight on the belt we'll see yeah it's a little too tight on the belt so we'll back off one you don't want your belts too tight if your belts are too tight you're gonna run into issues so so yeah that'll work ton henry todd henry tune henry thank you for coming to member hi all kb3d good morning yeah everyone keeps asking are you using a wow stick but don't buy a wow stick buy an es126 or quilt the wow stick doesn't have enough the wow stick can't tighten m3s put that away like the wow stick this cannot tighten m3s this can't so you know what because people keep asking i'm going to swap i normally just keep a bit in the in the s126 for full size m3s and a bit for buttonhead m3s and m2s in the wow stick but uh yeah we'll just keep using the es126 because that's the better one there we go okay [Music] so adjust tension blah blah blah do the small size of the belt path require attention may feel higher compared to larger printer but this mainly due to the short belt runs and belt stiffness hey the bed okay so i've got to cut down these belts so we're gonna we're gonna chop some off the belts for now so i'm just going to chop them a bit long for now and then we'll save this i don't know why i saved these little pieces of belt but maybe i'll weave a basket one day move that to the back [Music] do i run a help a filter nope none of my printers have filters normally what i do all my printers are sealed up okay i don't have exhausts or fans or anything but all my printers the panels all around them at least the printers that i print abs with um they all have foam gasket around them okay so all the panels have gasket around them so pretty much all the icky stuff for the most part stays in the printer abs the bad stuff in abs fumes it's like an oily residue it clings to walls and whatnot so what you do is you just enclose your printer up and you just keep everything inside because the hot stuff hot air rises all the gunk will stay in the printer if the panels are all sealed up um so yeah you'll smell it but what you'll see is after a couple months of printing the inside of your panels get all kind of greasy and oily and they've got like this brownish tinge to them and if you wipe them off you'll see it but that's all the gunk so print inside an enclosed printer that's sealed up and don't open the printer until the chamber cools back to room temperature all the yucky stuff will kind of settle inside the printer won't be floating around your room at least that's what i subscribe to um i've got one two three four five printers that are enclosed for abs and other plastics i'm not gonna have exhaust systems on all of them normally i'm not in this room as well when the printers are printing for long periods of time but i'm streaming right now so was that a bot yeah that's a bot so one second here let me add that to my bot list so what is it vore dot ngo copy okay uh chat bot spam filters [Music] [Music] save there we go okay see if that works see if that works f what do you mean f f what do you mean f f what are the f's for refresh the stream what do you mean refresh the stream what what's going on oh i don't know it's youtube showing me excellent connection all good all good yeah okay just refresh i know it's showing me i got an excellent connection no drop frames we're good my fault it's not my fault not my fault okay um so this came with little itty bitty adjustment knobs for the bed i believe so we don't need to do the heat sets for the bed let me find them in here let me find the bed yeah so we've got adjustment knobs and springs and whatnot so got the bed right here spam filter shenanigans made loading wheel of dead that's weird ah alright i don't know don't worry it's all content it's all content okay so i forgot i got to put the uh the magnet on this so we'll go ahead and put the magnet on this right now um so let's just follow the instructions the instructions say put that on put the magnet on so i gotta how do you put the magnet on well some guy has this awesome video right here on how to put a magnet on if youtube decides to load i've got a one gigabit fiber connection and i can't get youtube to load [Music] damn it i got a one gigabit fiber connection and i can't get youtube to load okay anyways [Music] oh yeah where were we at yeah did i get a pre-assembled bit i do have a pre-assembled bed it just doesn't come with a magnet pre-attached you gotta put the magnet on yourself because this bed comes uh they send a graviflex magnet with this kit which is like a really good magnet so we gotta peel off this stuff and put the magnet on and how do magnets work i don't know voodoo it's always voodoo okay i bought like a pack of like a box of gloves from costco and like the most recent ones these are like the thinnest gloves ever and they just fall apart like these gloves are absolutely horrible and normally the costco gloves are good would a bed with a recessed magnet be better like are you talking about like individual magnets um yes and no so the advantage of using these kind of magnets you can get high temp magnets that work just fine for like abs temperatures that's what we've been using for years on borons no problem um the advantage of using these style of magnets is twofold one you could do this at home you don't need a cnc machine or a mill to pocket out pockets or you don't need to buy a custom made bed you can do this with any slab of aluminum and a drill drill your holes and just stick stuff to it two when you're using a probe like an inductive probe when it's probing the bed the magnets can throw off the probe there's two ways around that you either have to have your probe set up so that it never probes areas that are near magnets because it'll throw your reading off or when you use a flex magnet like this it's consistent across the bed so it doesn't matter so there's that so we got to put this on so this is how i put magnets on i've always done it this way it works um nice shiny surface i'm gonna scuff the hell out of it okay because when you scuff it up i find the magnet sticks better so i just use like a light sandpaper block don't go crazy high grit you're basically discovering i've done this with an sos pad i just don't have an sos pad down here so just scuff it up a bit get your iso get some paper towels and you're gonna want this clean see you want to clean matt r 299 appreciate it man yeah if you're using something like a clicky probe or whatever then yeah you don't need to worry about where your magnets are okay and then what i always do is wipe off the bottom of your magnet because usually as you're peeling back the film that protects the the glue you don't want like stuff on here to fall onto your freshly cleaned bed and then another thing that i do and this is one of those things that you don't really have to do but i always do this because i think it helps um get a fan okay i've got this stupid little battery-powered fan i picked up for like five dollars it's like rechargeable have a fan going next to where you're doing this because you know i have a dog dog shed like mental there's dog hair all over my house i don't want anything settling on the bed while i'm putting this down so by having a fan going it blows all the crud that may land like any dust bunnies or whatever on the bed blows them away okay what is the square footage of my shop space well this is my basement this is a room in my basement i have approximately i remember correctly i have 10 feet by 11 feet or 11 feet by 10 feet and then i've got a little closet and a little cut out so maybe about a hundred square feet in here if that hobbyist notes five dollars thank you appreciate it for doggy treats uh after i put the magnet down i'll go see if the dog's out there but i don't think so i think he's still hiding by the uh by the front door which that's his mopey spot when uh the wife's at work so where is my spatula i had a spatula for this that i normally use [Music] i normally use a spatula and i don't know where it is where is it i use it over here i know i used it with the resin oh that fell over i don't know where it went oh well i don't know where it went i used to have like a little putty knife that i would use for these but i can't find it oh well small enough magnet i'll just do it by hand van gogh burr yes well yeah the the doggo is the wife's dog the dog was here before me somebody's gonna freak out that i'm doing this with my thumb but i've done a million beds and i've never had an issue with it breaks out the points card yeah i've you honestly i used to use an old credit card for this um but these small beds i've done with my hands no problem for a while like as long as you're consistent with laying it down the beds the magnets are so thick they just kind of work like it's hard to get a if as long as you lay it down properly it's very rarely you'll get a bubble in here because they're so thick that it's it's almost impossible for like a bubble to work itself under if you're laying it down right there we go and the bald patch ain't coming in yet that's good bit of heat so normally what i do um and i do this on all my printers when i do the bed i'll put a bunch of weight on it for like a day um and let everything settle and then once the printer up and running i'll actually heat the bed up to like 60 degrees and stack some weight on the bed itself so that's what i'll end up doing with this after we get the printer built up and everything wired up and functional we'll do a test print or whatever but i'll put some weight on the bed and heat it up and just let it sit for like uh like six hours or so just to make sure everything's kind of cured next spots are keats hey man if you know it's my job now so if somebody wants to uh reach out from keeps sure why not so this isn't mains so what that means is i probably won't ground it um there is a hole here or for grounding it but this is only a 24 volt bed so i'm probably not going to ground it but if you do have a mains bed make sure you do ground it so what is zip tie to this our twist tied what do we got here what do we have here i've got a jst connector oh because you got to put the jsc connector okay when you go to put it through the drag chain the jsd connector won't fit so they come with the the jse connector separate so we got bed thermistor bed heater we've got our thermal fuse pre-attached so if this goes run away it'll turn off at 125. you could put a ground on it this isn't mains so i'm not too concerned welcome to the jobby job this is the jobby job i'm giving the whole the whole full-time youtuber thing a try see how it goes because you guys are so awesome and you're like we want to watch more streams but you work too much i'm like fine i'll be a full-time youtuber so uh make sure you uh you smash that like button yes i said it properly because it's important i think that's how it works for live for live because youtube i i hate youtube's live because you have to pretty much be it only you only go live to like people who follow you really um that are five dollars thank you appreciate it and jason morning jason happy lunar new year happy lunar new year happy year of the tiger not mistaken but yeah like this is youtube so we go we go to youtube right okay so let's let's see this go incognito on youtube so we are incognito on youtube no account okay so it's got no anything here hey toby mcguire so explore so we've got how many people got 325 people here live so live okay let's see what's live so live now we've got news where is like we've got gaming sports that's it like i don't fall under gaming okay upcoming live streams recent live streams live now okay so where would i be like how would you find me if you weren't already subscribed to me like that's the one thing that sucks with youtube like you have youtube gaming but where's youtube because i go live under science and technology so there's live sports live gaming live news upcoming live streams but where where would you find me if you just want to hey i want to watch live 3d printer guys on youtube where the heck would you find me like where would i be like i have no idea how youtube live like works for that explore there's no science in tech so yeah yeah i have no idea how you would find me like if you're already subscribed to me obviously but i'm pretty sure like nobody here [Music] there is a youtube category on the start page if you are logged in so explore can you name this printer frankenstein nah that's not how it works i just subbed and you come up because i watch printing content well that comes up on your home page i bet okay but like if you want to like find live streams so this is i'm signed in now so where do you see maker it's like let's go back to incognito youtube okay so if we search 3d printing do i show up there there's tom 3d printing live and these are all just videos joel yeah so i i don't know i don't know how youtube like they're trying to go against twitch and i'll i won't stream on twitch because all my audience is here right so there's no point for me going to twitch but like how are you supposed to find me if you're you can't just go hey you know what i want to watch live tech guys nope yeah these categories at the top here though when you're signed in these are generated based on your views so like hit live on canada so here's all uh the the freaking truckers all chilling in ottawa blocking traffic like still i don't know i don't know it's the algorithm baby the algorithm aaron thank you for coming to member okay so we got the bed trimmed up and then what i do is we got to put some holes in this bed we've got to make this a holy bed because we got to be able to put some screws through it so the easiest way i found to do this that works nice and clean put your bed on get a drill okay i'm going to need a smaller drill but you're going to drill some pilot holes okay that'll work i don't actually i've never played league of legends i've never watched the league of legends stream i don't know why it would show me that like even on twitch there's you know i i you know i follow a few twitch streamers i'm subscribed to a bunch of people on twitch i don't watch any of them for the gaming like i'll watch some people because of the person i don't care what game they're playing or variety streamers like so what you do is you drill through your your magnet with the drill so you drill through your hole drill through the magnet don't push a lot you don't want to accidentally pop the magnet off the bed so just light force drill through okay let me trim that quick live tech guys in your area show me that linus show me that wan show okay there we go so that's trimmed oop missed the spot okay so we've got our three holes obviously a screw isn't going to fit through that deburring tool and use your deburring tool to clean that hole up and put a nice chamfer on there you go now the advantage i found with the deburring tool versus cutting it out every time i try cutting it out i either take off way more than i need to and you still have like that janky edge a lot of time where the plastic like or the magnet kind of like bends up this you get a nice chamfer and it's pretty flat it's still flat so thoughts on mandela meg bad versus normal i haven't used a mandela bed but i know a few people who do and they like them so if you're okay with spending the little bit of extra coin go ahead for it and there we go so now you have all your screw holes nice and clear magnets out of the way nice and flat good to go wipe it down countersink it works wonder yeah if you have a countersink tool like a countersink bit that works too um the problem is mine are all kind of worn out because i've tried it before mine are kind of worn out um i don't have any new ones on hand and i find it kind of chews it up a bit especially on these corner ones where they're so close to the edge i found like i just take the whole corner out plus i want to make it look kind of nice because this is going to somebody so i'm not keeping this printer so make sure you're subscribed if you want a chance to win it okay so here's pre-attached it's an ldo kit thermal fuse here's your heater your wires so we got to put some m3 40s through it the ghost thank you for becoming a member 335 m340 and then we use some m or and some m3 lock nuts why don't i want to build an annex printer um reasons simple as that founder of annex used to be on the foreign design team he is no longer on the team there are things that aren't public and i'm just not going to build one simple as that so where is yay annoying lock nuts see if this works i need a little i have a wrench that will fit these what size are these m6 or m7 6 mil so that means i can use this guy nope that won't work dang it create a twitch account so you can give me twitch prime where's my where's all my twitch primers at twitch prime and chat guys twitch prime and chat yeah this kit has an mgn9 for x-axis do you have a favorite model um i'm partial to the v2 i like i like my v2 what i think about the vz bot gantry design um it's cool it's but in my case though it's like it's another core xy like it's corks y i've got a ton of core xy's i'm trying to build stuff that's not quartz why right now like the the v minion yep that cup although i also have a v2 on the way so i ain't getting away from corks by that easy and he plans on building a legacy i would love to build a legacy at some point because that's the only war on i do not have um but nobody makes kits for it so i would have to self-source everything and uh so it's kind of like on the back burner right now it'll be a one day i'll build one um but not this day screwing on m40s with lock nuts is tedious let's build a polar sure find me a nice kit for one you're likely have mouse um i would need some actually no i i don't well i would need the frame the bed the frame the bed the [Music] uh all the rods i don't have any of the rods i used a lot of the rods i chopped up all the spare rods that i had from my v1 build my v 1.5 to build bonsai so all those rods that i had sitting were chopped up so i no longer have them and then uh what else electronics i have and screws i have so yeah only the expensive stuff i would need to buy okay so there's one done did i say charlie welcome thank you for becoming a member i don't know i'll say it again charlie thank you for coming to member hangman hang printer i don't have room to work in this room let alone print in this room or turn the room into a printer an epson printer aren't those those super expensive multi-color prints printers i wish i had a smaller uh i need to get a smaller wrench bed frame rods at least it isn't um yeah true what about a 2d printer i have one upstairs it's a brother it's brother laser uh know if somebody's working on documentation for the legacy since nope i don't believe so and that's kind of the thing with the legacy okay the joke with the legacy is it's a throwback to like the old borons um so it it's meant for those that have kind of it's a it's a it's a resto mod okay so it's not meant to be your first printer it's kind of hey i like the look of the old printers but you know like the old like go back and look at like a v1.0 or v 1.5 so it's meant for those that like that old-school aesthetic or they want to upgrade like a v 1.5 to a new one without dropping the rods but uh it's a resto mod so it's an old printer with new stuff kind of to make it a little bit nicer to use but it's not meant to be a like fully documented fully feature driven printer it was just kind of like a fun little project rcf had that was like his christmas surprise a couple years back so at the moment nobody is working on documentation for it you got the cad uh what do i think about the g5e bearing mod um i haven't used it but i think my uh if steve's in chat does 2.4 r2 use it i don't know i'm using g5es in uh in the trident but that's stock i believe steve is at work oh steve's at work okay look at steve being responsible what are the rest of you guys doing okay 2.4 does not use it okay so it doesn't use it um here's the thing like i don't have any issues with my zed on any of my current v2s with the stock setup so i'm very much a person where if it ain't broke i don't i don't mess with it usually so i just finished my am8 build almost does it count as retro i lost my right leg to retire oh that's not good five dollars thank you appreciate it i get paid to watch your stream my employer doesn't know that though oh well that works i just quit my microsoft journey so you're going full time on your store there lecture they had microsoft in estonia well i guess every country would have a microsoft division i'm going i'm working from home sick with the rona ooh that sucks i'm lucky i haven't got it yet nobody in my direct family has gone it yet i've had a few like i think so my wife's aunt got it but uh a ton of people at work got it but double shotted got the booster so i'm not too worried anymore regarding if it ain't broke don't fix it what's your opinion on backers for 2.4 does your 2.4 have the issue where backers would benefit if not then that ain't broke if you do have you know issues with uh unable to get a good first layer because your gantry bows and yeah you might be worth getting those backers but i don't run them on any of my machines i don't i don't i haven't noticed the issue that causes or that would getting backers would resolve so yes now only shop skype is part of microsoft okay that makes sense well congrats that's the thing eventually you get to that point with the side project where you either have to abandon the side project not let it grow anymore or go all in that's like pretty much what happened with my youtube um the channel is going very good mostly because of the live content i believe and you guys supported me that much because i would not be able to do this if it wasn't for you guys and i got to that point where it's like i i felt i couldn't do anything more to the channel without spending like going all in like i can't stream two three days a week with my work schedule and family schedule and work a full-time job plus make videos plus all the other stuff so it's like you know what we'll see how going full-time youtube works out and i'm hoping it's the right decision we'll see okay so we got those on which was super annoying lock nuts are down so we put the springs in the bed and they got little cutouts for them and then we put the thingies in the bottom self-isolating due to a cough that's like the crappy thing like my kid is at daycare and if he has any symptom he has to isolate for like five days because he's under five so he can't get any shots so it's like if he suddenly has a cold one morning no daycare for five days joseph five or ten dollars thank you appreciate it just getting to work in honolulu good morning good morning hope the youtube works out for you keep up the good work thank you i hope it does good morning it's early there for you i know that so how does this work got to go underneath so yeah so this goes underneath over and out which brand rails uh these are ldo rails and then the mgn 9 is i don't know what brand because the carriage had the brand on it and it's covered now but these are ldl rails for the most part bmg on nine rail i'm not sure of but it it feels good but pre-production kit and there i believe there are waiting on the rails so that's what they're waiting on to finalize the kits to ship so i believe i don't know what the production kit will be i'm assuming good rails i don't see why they wouldn't be robot dig okay the robot dig the mg09 is a robot dig rail there you go oh shoot dang it there you go don't wrap your belt or your wires around the lead screw you're not gonna have a good time oh come on okay that goes down there let's put our nuts on what's a non-3d printing hobby i have um i have a house and i have a almost four-year-old toddler i don't have hobbies i watch youtube videos in my free time um i used to be into um i used to shoot uspsa and ipsec in idpa before i got into 3d printing that was my uh that was my hobby back in the day so lector i've got different nuts here i've got like some flat knurl nuts and i got some bigger knurled nuts is there a preference for either i'm going with the big ones for now matter of taste okay so we'll put the big ones in for now and then play around with them if we if we feel like changing them i can change them or whoever gets the kit can change them out okay so zip ties where are my zip ties i've got so many empty baggies now where are the zip ties where are the zip ties are they in this bag they're in this bag or they were in the were they in the other bag and did i put them somewhere oh here they are big old bag of zip ties since the stream about the trident can't decide if i want to go self-source or buy the kit um modern preference honestly depends on where you are a lot of the time the kits are cheaper than self-sourcing hardware wise the physic kit and you know self or shameless shill i do have affiliate links for it in the description of those videos um other than them screwing up the panels sending the wrong size panels and forgetting to send a hot end which they did correct um the hardware in the kit is fine like yeah we had to do some stuff to the electrical and change a few things around but the actual hardware of the kit is you know it's quiet the fans are a little loud the 60 millimeter fans are a little loud but belts are good bearings are good the motors are good seems to be okay it's been printing for 24 hours straight right now no issues so is it better than like an ldo kit or no it's not better than an ldo kit but it's cheaper than an ldo kit it's is it better than a formbot kit uh maybe is it better than a blue rolls kit from what i understand yes i've not heard a lot of good things about blue rolls kids i've heard some people really like them and then some people absolutely hate them and they screw up parts so but it's like when i do you know when i'm talking about ssrs right here's the thing i i know how people are okay because you know a lot of people are like that and i'm like that a lot but it's like when i'm talking about ssrs and i'm like buy an omron ssr buy a crydom ssr buy a really good legit brand ssr but if you're gonna buy a cheap shitty chinese aliexpress ssr this is the one you buy because people are cheap people want to save money it's you can talk about buying good quality components all day but you should acknowledge that people will be cheap and buy cheap stuff and at least give them some advice in that regard so they don't you know burn their house down the last thing the team wants to see is somebody post a picture on the 3d printing subreddit or discord of their house burnt down with the burnt remains of a voron in there malcolm thank you for becoming a member buy a panasonic i've never used a panasonic one just just buy a good one that's that's the uh that's the thing just just buy a good one uh that's what i like to see this physics stuff is pretty good visex hit and miss with quality on their hardware i will say they're uh they have issues with their um how many links am i taking off this again i can't remember so that goes there um their their electronics their electronics their boards have had qc issues over the years that's what i've heard take off that many one two three four i think it's four why don't i use the yellow ground cable uh it's me it's the bed isn't high voltage like i could ground it i think there is a ground cable in here yeah i could ground it i just normally don't ground yeah which one is it yeah it's this one i think [Music] i think it's this one oh shoot something went flying what went flying hopefully that wasn't a wire that i'm gonna need hopefully that was just a zip tie but yeah it's already tight in there with these wires i'm not going to ground the bed it's a it's not mains it's only 24 volt nobody grounds their hot end so roof six that works okay yeah maine's bed ground your mains beds always ground your mains beds but non-mains bed you don't really have to take a look another i guess well i've got like all these i think i've already shortened one oh oh fancy you got the fancy one that opens in the back okay let me take the links off these because i already got links installed so take off six you said one four five six get that off oh that's not long enough that is not long enough [Music] and these fancy i guess that open in the back fancy [Music] i guess they just open in the back and you just kind of oh it's gonna be a pain get in your hole [Music] [Music] ah i'm all greasy now hoping to see a zodiac revo nozzle well i don't think e3d is gonna be too kind to them with the patent right now considering they already uh i think zodiac was the one that already showed pictures of it without even contacting e3d and e3 is like um nice to see you guys are just making stuff without the patent because that is patented but you know is what it is there we go okay snap in there okay we're good we're in [Music] because i know e3d from what i understand is very opening open to licensing the design [Music] but having you know their own version out before it's even public this might not go over well there we go okay see that's the problem it's stupid i gotta get that underneath there we go okay so we've got our drag chain in there come down we're good come up good now when it comes down i am going to have to pull these tight and like zip time underneath here because they keep wanting to pop out there's supposed to be a special way to keep these from popping out or is it just gonna be i'm gonna have to zip time at some point [Music] okay whatever i'll make it work i'll zip time underneath once we're at that point yeah as long as they go like they do it the legit way the the issue like and i know people are going to be like oh what about the slice stuff the thing is the slice pattern is about four standoffs that have prior existing art [Music] that now nobody can use standoffs in a hot end design like that that part is what everyone has the issue with not that they patented something it's they patented something that a lot of people think they shouldn't have gotten the patent for in the first place i can find designs on thingiverse from like 2014 that use standoffs to prevent the hot end from rotating okay so where are we at now we got the bed on we got our wire channels we got that on cable chain a lot of bing bada boom end stops and rear panel uh do you know of any mp cnc i haven't even built an mpcnc so in terms of derivatives i'm not sure um i am building a little cnc on friday but it's like a little desktop cnc it's uh yeah i'm building this guy so friday we're putting this guy together so it's the comro robo cnc router so we're gonna build that on friday do some machining and by machining we're gonna scratch some materials okay rear panel and end stop so i need to get my end stop where are we at right now anyways one o'clock so we'll go to two that's usually around the point my headphones die and that's kind of like my streams over time so i think it's already wired up so i gotta find it in here why end stop i think this is a said end stop there we go so end stop is pre-assembled with this kit and they're all the uh fep wire or hyphen fluoride the dip wire whatever kind that is i have three mpc and sees dang will it do aluminum that thing probably here's the thing a lot of times when it's like can that desktop cnc do aluminum a a dripping faucet can carve the grand canyon if you give it enough time okay so prepare the switch and stops wired is normally closed on micro switches these are two normal soldering 250 millimeters of wire done that prepare the end stop for z so prepare the switch for zeb by soldering the wires on if the switch has a lever remove the lever okay so to remove the lever on these is a super complicated process where you take um your pliers and you grab the wire or the lever and you bend it back and forth and eventually just kind of comes out there you go you might break the little plastic housing but that's okay now it you just want the switch it's more accurate with the switch and by more accurate i mean like fraction of a fraction of a percent more accurate but it's your z so you want it as accurate as possible still clicks okay so we're putting on a bunch of end stops so we're putting the xy in right now let me get the other ones so the x end stop goes in like that with the lever towards the front and it's one m2 self tapping where'd the music go oh there we go just took its time get into the next track heliflon it's heliflom wire there you go uh suggestions for a switch wire pi sheet fabrico uh muller uh formula labs has some if they do the ldl ones are pretty good um yeah doing aluminum doing aluminum well are different outcomes yes the milk crate looks pretty cool um i can't remember the guy's name on twitter but i've been kind of following that along for a bit and that looks pretty cool okay so for your x end stop you only need one screw there's like a little dimple here that the end stop sits on so you only need one screw for it so don't try and put two in and then again it's screwing in the plastic so don't over tighten it and then at this point i guess you could adjust your z end stop position or your x end stop position so you want to click before you hit your uh your joint your xy joint and by the way for the screws um i think these are m3 is it m 3.5 i think it's m 3.5 so if you want to know how much you need to adjust your screws if the screw is m 3.5 every full rotation of the screw is 0.5 millimeters so if you want to bring your you know your x end stop over one millimeter it's two full rotations of the screw spinning so y and stop that mounts on the side there lever up what's a good place to get a magnetic sheet um it depends on where you are in the world go on the voron discord check the channels uh check the shop channels in the vendor section that are in your country that's probably your best bet to start [Music] energetic is okay there are better brands though and energetic is very hit and miss i found lately [Music] like i've had energetic plates that have lasted a year and i've had some that are like doa basically does fermio have you would have to check their site i don't know let's just get in there and tighten that [Music] okay right now all my flex plates are fabrico except for the ldo ones that came with the ldo kits and the uh the fissic one which the only reason i'm using the fisek one in here is because that's what came with the kit and i'm reviewing the kit so i kind of need the uh i need to use it to review it but at some point it will go bye-bye because why would i use a fizek one when i got you know one of these fancy ones from fabrico got my logo on it oh i bumped the ethernet wire hopefully i didn't lose you guys there okay so i'm gonna put this one in so the z end stop uh it's gonna go like that switch down and make sure you make note of where the actual clicky part is do mass production of that i didn't make them fabrico did that's one thing if i'm doing the full-time youtube thing i need a merch store i'm slacking on that i gotta get a merch store up i've gotta get talked to a business person i am not looking forward to doing my taxes this year that's all i can say well the problem is i would have to find a merch store that i could sell stuff because i could set up like technically i have a merch store if you go on my youtube page there is there is a store i do have some stuff um but it's through youtube and it's just the logo it's just like straight up there let me pull it up here if you if you go to my youtube page oh my god light mode i don't know why it's light mode on this computer um store i i have a store but it's literally like auto generated stuff from youtube and like the prices are not the greatest like six dollars canadian for a sticker but i technically do have a store but i need to get a proper merge store with some like custom merch which i think i could do through stream elements has merch store support so i might i'm going to look into that but i've got to get some proper art made up and whatnot the fabric ones are awesome all right that's what i'm using on like this is fabrico i've been using and i've been using fabrico textured side on the v2 here and then down on uh toasty i've been using the flat side the sticker side and they're working great um yeah i like them okay and m310s with two nuts and that goes down there and stop mounting the m3 are dropped in from the top use m2 ball driver to fasten the screws position about two millimeters below the end of the extrusion okey-dokey i can do that [Music] where are my nuts at there's two right here hello from belgium hello hello there i had two nuts oh there's either the api that wasn't working well um usually when i have issues with pi it's textured stuff and when it comes to like the um [Music] like the non-tech like the stickers that don't work if the sticker doesn't work odds are it's like knock-off pi at that point [Music] drop the bed down a bit nope [Music] like a lot of the times they'll sell like um not pei they'll sell what is it peck or p not peck um what it's called but it's it's not pei it's um pex i think it is and sometimes it's just polycarbonate i've seen people just polycarbonate sheets trying to pass them as uh pi c yes lector is lecter actually before i forget i'm going to put the uh little pex or captain yeah i from what i understand like i think wham bam does it they do pecs instead of pei for a lot of their sheets and i apparently it's better for pla but i don't print like most of my machines print abs if it's enclosed it's an abs machine for me or other enclosed plastic really in terms of pla my pla machine is the switch wire and then tall boy if i need to print something tall on pla but switch wire that's what i've been using the uh er for like yeah i've done a bunch of test prints in multi-color with the enraged rabbit carrot feeder but lately i just keep six spools of filament up there of the common stuff and then if i want to just print something in green i just i just do it on the switch wire that way i can do it all remote from upstairs i know which colors are loaded so i can just i want to start a green print and i just go and print a green print without having to uh change around you know come down here and change the spool out so i just use it for laziness right now that's what i'm using the enraged rabbit for and it's great for that so amazon affiliate there's an issue with amazon like i know linus doesn't do it for a reason i guess i think it's hard to get amazon affiliate and get it to stick around or something like that uh flip printer line the preloaded nuts into position it's easier so you don't have to fight gravity okay so we're putting the back panel on now so let me find that yeah the tim what bla bla user what where do i live from oh canada you can get timmy's in the states and let's be honest your true canadians hate tim hortons tim hortons sucks the only reason i have tim hortons is because it's the only i was on the way back from dropping a little guy off at daycare and it's like i want a coffee i prefer mcdonald's coffee uh th 3d i don't know who makes his sheets that's a thing like any store here's the thing nobody really there's only a few places that make pi sheets right so most of them are contracting them out from other places right like energetic make their own but they're energetic uh fabrico is using i don't know who fabrico does so th 3d might carry good ones but some other people might carry him too because i doubt he's making his own type thing so the trick is to find who carries good ones or who sells ones from good manufacturers in your area that's the trick but if it works it works like just make sure you're actually getting pi sheets or not random off-brand ones cause those are the worst buy a sheet you go and put it on your bed you have to put it on your spring shield or even like directly on the bed because i've done that back in the v2 days before we had spring steel sheets common i'd buy a i bought one off amazon because my uh which one was it what's a good one in the states not moeller um what's the good one in the states what's a good pi from the states i can't remember somebody's gonna remind me here the one we used to buy from back in the day csi yeah so i i i bought a gucci cs hyde one and uh csi makes really good pei and it died on me and it's like shoot i need i need a new one and i was doing pif at the time so it's like i need it now so i just bought one off amazon just to try it and it claimed it was pi it was not pi but that was back in the day when you just took your pi and stuck it to your bed so i had to remove the old pei from the bed remove the old glue not screw up the magnet so you couldn't soak it like you do now um put a new sticker down put a new pi down and then it wouldn't print i had a glue stick it because it was that bad okay so you can have amazon affiliates you just can't advertise it i guess i remember i remember linus saying they lost it because of some reason i didn't know what the reason was but i guess if you're advertising it that that's reason to lose it i guess i guess that makes sense [Music] lining up sheets lining up magnets lining up screws these always suck don't pinch the screws hey nothing lines up great get back here okay and then you know where'd you go where'd you go stupid screw ulta stick um i've heard his hit and miss uh did you realize mickey d's coffee yeah everyone's heard that story the same factor as wave well then there you go if it's good it's good have i tried fr4 um i have currently in tall boy not fr4 but i actually have uh carbon fiber i'm playing around with i need to print some more i've only done like two prints on it in like the month i've had it but that's a carbon fiber spring steel sheet in there okay okay that makes sense yeah i'll do that main channel 2.5 million subs damn what do you do dj natty what is your main channel m36 [Music] yeah 2.5 million subs i'm at 20 am i have 28 now how many subs am i at i don't know i i make it a point not to check my numbers often 28.2 k okay that's pretty good you can give me info if you want sure i'm just curious you don't want to advertise it that's fine free to give a shout out i i really like i have no problem giving people shout outs like even during the fi sex stream i'm i'm back isaac probably wouldn't like it but during the fight extreme i'm like yeah lbo makes good these guys make good i have no problem if you make good giving shout outs like especially like startup stores i i like trying you know poor dfh got slammed when i did the irkfa build but i have no problem especially startups and like small stores and whatnot mom and pop shops giving them shout outs to try and help them out i have no problem doing that am i planning anything for 30k um i haven't really done anything for any of my anniversary i do a tweet i put a tweet out and go hey i'm at a number um i need to do a room tour people keep asking for a room tour um here's my room i need to clean it all up for that though um i need to do a room tour i do a live qa every month with members so if you are a member of the channel or a youtube or correctional patreon uh supporter every month at the end of the month last week i do do a members only live stream uh just live qa and just you know chat so i do do that and then a month later it goes public but i think 50 000 is like the number so i should hit 50 000 this year i'm hoping uh what do i think of the prusa xl well they use a strain gauge um here's the thing i i won't talk about things that you know the team is may or may not be working on because stuff changes all the time right like the development uh this is that's like one of the reasons the war on team uses discord is because there's always chat going on and stuff changes so quick so stuff like the clicky probes right the clicky probes pretty much accomplish the same thing as what the prusa does where your your probe in the bed uh the prusa just does it with the nozzle marvin thank you for becoming a member and hendrick thank you for coming a member what would a nero spec warren look like completely stock a complete stock boron that's neurospec but go funky with the colors yeah strain gauges had issues we did play around with strain gauges um we even put the bet on strain gauges at one point we had four string we literally like i still have them let me see yeah where are they at yeah so if you want to talk about like the graveyard of war on development um we had strain gauges under the bed at one point or no those are fuses i think i don't know where my strain gauges are we had strain gauges under the beds we had fr fsrs under the bed at some point um we had these little wonderful little five volt servos we were going to try and make a deployable like bl touch that worked fine in the heat um you name it we've tried it over the years uh worm drive for the zed we've tried all kinds of stuff over the years there's a reason why we do closed development because people would like freak if they bought all the stuff that we buy and never use zaran five euro thank you appreciate it thanks for all the advice keep up being awesome thank you you keep on being awesome too um the thing with zed offset here's the thing you get around it you just do what we do where we have a micro switch that you ping the nozzle off to set your zero every time so you can have two independent systems and that way you don't have to rely on the system that you use to level your bed to also be your nozzle offset because you could do anything to level your bed and then you just have a micro switch that doesn't drift to be your z offset set so you just ping your nozzle off that and you're good to go so yeah warm drive we did one drive on the zed um it was enough that if you crashed your uh nozzle into the bed you would bend your gantry and i'm talking like bend the extrusion it had that much torque but also had a lot of other issues binding is a major issue oh yeah we've played with all kinds of stuff over the years that never went public for good reason so every now and then somebody comes up with an idea and it's like oh we've tried that it does not work and they're like oh but it's so good it's like no no trust me hey the print head okay we're building the printhead now what time is it should we should i carry on with the printhead or should we uh should we kind of call it there um lector what is this little part this is part of the what is this part for what is this for i think it's part of the it's part of the mod and i don't know what it's for it's this part why bumper where does the y bumper go i need a list of things that didn't work you wanna well okay since you know what i i don't wanna get started on the tool head and not finish it on the stream we'll carry on with it friday but uh here oh wait what am i doing i have the v0 manual open i think it's a v01 manual though documentation i don't think the v0 has it yeah the v01 manual doesn't have it um picture's an explanation oh that's a lot of work now so let's see here so v zero go back to v zero zero zero manuals assembly manual okay so just to give you an idea so this is v0 so this is the original v0 okay not the v01 we're building right now but uh it basically got hair yeah you get a hair in your mouth you can't get out there we go so v00 is this guy okay this is a v zero one this is v zero zero okay so it's the original revision uh the zed's different a few tweaks to the x y motion and it's bode and only but this is v zero zero okay so if you're curious how like it ended up like that here we go so the v0 development graveyard so like this is me by the way that's my print there so this is the original bed was all printed um original design was like a u-shape and then we did a t-shape and then we tried a printed shape uh original xy joints or like this was press fit bearings original front idlers or like that that was the original tool head for it um we tried a duct in the back and again this was all bowden right so there's the original tool head for it originally it had printed tops here instead of extrusions there was the original jetpack back there uh also it was rods at some point instead of lead screws and a lot more printed parts original front idlers for testing for your tensioning a b originals like you could see some of the heritage there the zed had a lot of work to it this was before so the reason for the zed is this setup here with this pancake motor and the lead screw did not exist before v0 we had to get companies to make it for the side for this size like you couldn't buy this you so originally we did a belted setup that was like the only way to get to fit and then i think we got contacted a few companies to make these so now that it's an integrated thing um yeah originally it was all printed originally it only like the original spec for this thing was four extrusions like you only had the vertical extrusions everything else was printed because i remember because the original design was for extrusion so everyone bought four extrusions and then it changed to eight extrusions or 12 extrusions so everyone bought you know eight more extrusions and then it changed to like the 16 extrusions now or whatever it has so we have that tool head original originally it had this whole tackle box belted design yeah more bed design stuff xy joints direct feed stuff original top hat so this was the like the original test print of the v0 back when it had a 100 by 100 bed and there's the original tool head for it which or that's the uh that's a v2 tool head v2.2 tool head but that's the original i think that is i don't know which tool head that one is but yeah you can see this is like the original back one it had four extrusions yep the 60 watt heaters there's the original x-axis and then yeah kw10s you can make a little robots with them this is back when it was all printed originally this was a lot of printed parts also it used like four millimeter belt for a while y axis bumper to reach the clicker but i i don't need it to reach the oh y-axis three oh to reach the click oh i see oh i see okay i gotta put it on the extrusion then okay let me put that on the extrusion now before i forget so i'm gonna throw them in m36 how long ago was this this was about before murph so the original plan um the v0 we're originally gonna show it off at midwest reprap fest 2020 okay you all know what happened in 2020 okay i don't need to remind you guys what happened in 2020 so obviously we did not show it off at murph but v0 was in development for roughly a year almost over a year before that so this would have been like december 2018 january 2019 that um you would see those original designs thoughts on the kinematic mount mandela rose uh if you want to go that cool go ahead like i'm using a stock i'm using stock mounts on all my printers for the beds and i'm not having any issues hey tim thank you for coming remember what happened in 2020 i slept through it not just the world ending you know how it'd be you're you're average you know once in a lifetime for the third time global issues okay so y-axis bumper [Music] [Music] there we go so that goes there [Music] dang it spun on me there we go that comes back it's that we're good there okay world ending again the world's always ending thoughts on ender three to switch wire conversion if you want to go ahead i'm personally a fan of buildings from scratch a lot of the time but if you want to rebuild your ender personally if you have only one printer try and keep one printer at all times [Music] because one is done two is one when it comes to 3d printers because if something breaks and you don't have another printer you're screwed if you have two printers and you break one you have another printer to fix it with can i put a hermit crab on a tray i don't know what a hermit crab is so yeah we're just gonna we're gonna hang out for the rest of 20 minutes of the stream i'll clean up here so uh again friday we'll do the calm grow build the uh robo cnc because again nobody's home and i can make loud noises with a cnc in my basement and then uh saturday night we'll carry on with this guy we'll build the tool head can bus solution from big oh those things are bulky i'm not a huge fan of those removable tool head adapter plates like the wham bam mutant and the hermit crab cause that that how often are you removing your tool head like it just adds you're losing you know x y well depending on how you set it up x or y um build volume for i don't know not a huge fan panroon thank you for coming remember [Music] i don't think i have yeah that's not on my oh geez i only have 10 gigs free on this computer i'm running out of room this thing only has like a 120 gig hard drive like how do i how am i filling up this computer that quick i have nothing on this computer like i just use this computer for streaming okay my downloads folder is 30 gigs that would explain it videos [Music] two gigs okay i got 30 gigs of downloads on this computer and fusion and a bunch yeah i guess you're i guess you're right okay let's put heat sets and stuff at least get that out of the way do the heat sets so i don't forget to do them next week thomas 10 euro thank you appreciate it hello from the still working class we're all working everyone's working everybody's working for the weekend windows update backups maybe oh headphones are dying yeah that's how i know the stream ends uh these airpod pros die at four hours as soon as it hits four hours they die i need a heat set for that heats up for that but i only just got here well on youtube you can watch from the beginning so watch from the beginning at like 20 x speed and you might catch up by the end okay so i'm gonna heat set so that's a heat set that's a heat set these need heat sets so three what else needs heat sets okay so we're good there so it's just the heat six on that okay i had three out so i guess i dropped one and one for that and two three four i guess we will provide parts with the heat sets installed oh okay if you want to go through all that trouble that's honestly i i like the heat sets as a um what i tell people is when they're building for the first time go through the manual and read the entire manual and prep your parts at the same time so go through the manual put all your heat set in as you go this familiarizes you with the manual itself so you don't accidentally forget anything and you put all your heat sets in so you don't have to do it during the build that way you don't have a hot iron sitting around or conversely you're not always plugging in an iron and then removing it [Music] so you get familiar with the parts you get your heat sets out of the way and you read through the manual once before building now these little standoffs here um these are like spacers make sure when you put the heat sets in don't squish them in too much because you'll deform everything so just put them in under light heat and light pressure it's very easy to deform them because they're very thin walled my and then be careful when you put the other one in that you don't burn yourself on the first one you put in there we go printer tuning might be a great video to make i hear you talk about it often on stream um there's a lot of good guides elliot is it or not elliot um ah who is it on the voron discord has a really good one ellis ellis has a pretty good tuning guide problem is tuning is like very printer dependent right some printers print really good out of the box some you got to spend like could be days tuning it really depends um what's a good temp for the inserts whatever the melting point of your plastic is a little bit above that i usually go mine's broken so i don't know what temperature it's at right now it's whatever temperature it's at um but basically you want to melt the plastic you don't want to cook the plastic so if it's like oh there's that other one um if it's abs like 260 would do it how about finally getting docker on stream well maybe in the future now that i'm i've got time matthew thank you for becoming a member i have the expensive heat set inserts from ruthex but they are not the adjustable height not from where jason gets them from adjustable height heat set what i don't remember wrong using super size yeah i use super slicer matthews thank you for becoming a member is doc the dodge no doc is not dodge let me see if the dog's outside he's probably still hiding upstairs though yep he didn't come downstairs once normally i hear him at the door nope coffee's gone oh the tool yeah the tool is adjustable so for those that don't know the the ld01 the one that comes with the ldo kits and this kit it's got two little uh it's basically the end is threaded for a bit and you've got two heat sets on it and what you do is you basically adjust them so they lock together so when you screw them both together they like lock up so they don't move and you set it so that the depth is as deep as the heat set itself is long so that way when you're putting the heat set in you don't melt beyond the length of the heat set because a lot of tools they just have like one length so they're either too short and you can't put them in it's harder to put them in straight or they're too long and you're melting below the heat set so if you're putting into a blind hole you get all kinds of melted plastic up in the heat set it's not good shake the snacks i'll try he normally doesn't get treats so he's not he doesn't know what the bag sound is go to want a treat let's see here doggy doggy doggy doggy coda i don't hear go to want a treat yeah we'll see he might show up he might show up doggo denied doggo denied that's what's coming along 86 done look at all them rat rig parts full plate of yellow rat rick parts for a minion because it's a minion so we got to do it in yellow i guess people wanted yellow although i do got to print some blue parts so like minion oh and there you go the headphones and there goes your music so i'm going to end the stream there guys um for all those who hung out hope you enjoyed the stream i hope you learned something we got this to the point we'll do the tool head next and then on to electronics pretty much so friday night uh we'll carry on with the build um saturday and then or correction sorry saturday we'll carry on with this build friday uh early afternoon we're gonna do the cnc build it's just a little desktop cnc we'll get that built up do a few test cuts and play around and just just an afternoon hangout on a friday um we'll carry this on saturday if we need to finish it up we'll finish it up tuesday um my v minion kit has shipped that will be whatever shows up first the micron or v minion i think both are in the mail and both are on the way something was supposed to be delivered today let me go check okay something was delivered but i don't know what it is but it's from i think it's from ldo i don't know what it is i don't know what it is panels are they panels did ldl just any random panels okay they're panels so i'm assuming this is part of uh a kit because lbo is sending me yeah these are panels why did i get panels why did ldo send me panels why did you send me panels ldo jason are you here why did you send me panels yeah these are panels okay well i have panels here um jason it's for the i'm assuming it's for the v2 because they're square and they're all the same size yeah they're too small for this they're too small for the trident so these are probably for the v2 yeah these are for the v2 i don't know where the rest of the printer is but that's also on the way so we've got a v minion a micron and a v2 on the way um one of the box okay i got one of the boxes so the v2 i'm gonna save whatever shows up first the minion or the micron will be the first build and then whatever one shows up second will be the second build and then we'll do the v2 so that's the current plan two packages okay so i guess they just sent one um i got a voicemail who called me who called me got a voicemail who is that from recents oh dhl called okay i probably owe them money for some reason but anyways we're going to call the stream there um four hours that's usually what it is we'll carry on with this build saturday night friday we are doing the little cnc more streams in the future because my job and you guys are awesome for those that donated you're awesome for anyone who watched the stream you're awesome can you remember you're awesome you're all awesome enjoy the rest of your week be safe out there wash your hands cheers [Music] [Music] you missed the stream [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 87,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printer, printing, 3d printer, 3d printing, 3dp, fdm, fff, filament, voron, nero, nero3d, nero3dp, diy, hack, custom, reprap, voron vzero, vzero, v0.1, v0.0, v0, vzero.1, ldo, lecktor, kit, build, livestream, guide, how to, kit build, nero 3d, voron design v0, v0 kit, vzero kit, vzero build, lecktor.com, ldo kit, lecktor kit, v0.1 pro, v0 pro, pro, pro kit, kirigami, mod, mgn8, mgn7, mgn9, rails, modded
Id: rplFDxKDdLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 39sec (14319 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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