VOR Holding Procedures

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okay so Australian level here and we're gonna do holding here in a little bit vo are holding so we requested practice holds from a traffic control so now we're just waiting instructions from them at all 462 turn left direct the Ormond Beach for your total 462 direct or me - you are so a traffic until TRACON wants us to go direct to the vo first you have to do is put the vor frequency in which is on our chart here one 12.6 already had it in before we can use it we have to identify it now the g1000 actually listens to the morse code and displays the three-letter identifier up on your nav radio MN you've got to verify that those three letters are the same three letters on your low on route so we'll go direct will push the CDI button make nav one active and what you can do this course needle right here this course button if you push that in it'll actually Center your CDI and you will use generate turn and proceed direct to the vor if you push that in it automatically points directly towards the vor if we follow the arrow it'll take us towards it so first thing you do is tune the vor then you identify it by either reading the three-letter identifier or you can actually push an app one push the volume ID button and listen to the Morse code and verify verify the Morse code is the exact same Morse code on your laundry chart so we're looking for three dashes to dash is one dash and a dot and that's what we got so you can do either one but you have to verify it against some kind of chart I'm sorry Joe so right now I'm if you look at the CDI just line right here my little airplanes to the right of the line which means my radio that I was initially tracking is to the left so we'll turn about ten degrees to the left we intercept the radio and when we reinsert it we're going to turn back and the wind correction is going to be an interesting thing here because when changes constantly depending on where we go on altitudes we change so once you re intercept your radio you will want to come back to the radio and put in half the corrections so what I mean by that is that if I turn 20 degrees to the left to reinsert the radio when I get back on the radio I'm not going to take 20 degrees out because I'll get blown off again I will only take ten degrees out and if I if I keep going off the radio then you're going to keep on using trial and error from there taking in and taking out certain amounts of wind correction angles so you find the one that you want the g1000 does something cool it does have this wind vector diamond right here this ground track diamond is magenta diamond so if I align that chip magenta diamond with my CD Alex CD is centered and actually gives me the wind correction so I have to think too much about it but it is a skill that you want to get obviously you don't to be to focus on automation and all these things all these DAT all eye gadgets because that doesn't allow you to be a better pilot in the in the sense that you want to have some basic skills okay so now we're going to conduct holding so we're going to actually a vor still centered and the next thing we're going to do is wait on a chopper control to give us a hold so we'll notify then that we're ready for the hold our patrol 462 is ready to copy instruction to hold for 60 to hold west of the Ormond Beach vor on the juice Zera radio expect further clearance one two four five do it voices to you hold whisper woman vo are the two six zero radio and expect where the currents say that time again at all 462 expect further clearance one two four or five Zulu one two four five zero two four six is here okay so now we're gonna hold the first thing we have to do is figure out what entry we're going to use now if I'm going to direct the vor I got a kind of imagine the hold they said hold west of the vor so if I look at my moving map here here's almond here's west and they want me to hold west the vor on the two 6-0 radio and they didn't tell me any turn so I'm assuming that it's right turns because they did not tell me if there was any other turns I would have told me left and so standard turns are right to it so if I look at the via WA the vor I can see the 262 imagine the chooses Uriel coming out if you look at the MFD that I'm pointing out here and I can kind of a draw the vo they're holed out and it looks like I'm entering into the direction of the hole so just by that I can it makes me think that I'm doing a direct entry what I can also do is bug the two 6-0 radio am i hitting indicator bug the two 6-0 heading and use something called the pencil method and what I mean by that is that I bug the hitting I put my pen over the vor and since it's said right to and I'll lift it up about 20 degrees now if I imagine a line coming straight down from the top of the heading indicator to the middle of my pen it gives me three areas it gives me a small area a second middle area and a large area if it's in the small area there's a little triangle on the right side here that'll be a teardrop entry if it's the second largest area on the left side of my pen there'll be a parallel entry but since my hitting indicator bug is on the bigs largest side that confirms that we're doing a direct entry so we're gonna visually imagine what the hold is doing what hold what the hole looks like and we're also going to confirm it using the pencil method so now I'm going to reveal Wireless kinda doubt so direct entry direct entry means I'm going to go over the vor and we're gonna do our five T's time turn twist throttle talk we're gonna start our timer once we are outbound and to start the time on the outbound your other started when you have wings level or station passage crossing the vor whichever occurs last okay and that's we'll start our time and then we're going to use then we're gonna have to just winds and we're gonna have to adjust our winds twice one to make the inbound our leg one minute and also to make sure we don't understood or overshoot inbound light when we've run every interceptive so I'm going to reach the vor about three miles away now a direct entry what we gonna do is upon crossing the vor we're gonna turn right and we're gonna track the outbound course which the two six zero radio the outbound course will be two six zero on the heading indicator and we're gonna track that for one minute because we're not sure exactly what the winds are going to do now as you get more and more experience you'll know that if I have a wind coming from the east I know I have a tailwind so I can already assume that I have to turn inbound a little earlier than one minute so you you make and you make adjustments and you anticipate those winds so I'm just waiting for station passage now if you look at my omen my bearing point is just one point three miles we're gonna get close to the cone of confusion so once my vor CDI needle starts drifting out while I'm maintaining my hitting I'm actually going to stop turning and trying to reinterpret and just wait till the half station passage how do I know I have station passage my indication of the arrow here I have one arrow and another arrow this arrow in the middle will actually flip and go to the bottom indicating a from indication and that'll tell me that I have station passage still maintaining your scan okay CDI has gone all the way out now waiting for this arrow to flip to the bottom and there it is so dear five T's you're gonna pull up your timer but we're not gonna started yet time we're going to turn standard rate turn to our outbound of two six zero we're going to twist to make sure we get the inbound course so two six zero even though we holding on the two six zero radial we have to have an inbound to indication when we come in on the radio so then we can actually tune in the reciprocal which will be zero zero eight zero Santa Rita still scanning using a hub-and-spoke method we had trottle for 100 knots and since we have hinted the hold we will report that we have entered the whole HR pro chart of 462 is depth in the hold two thousand feet at one two two zero zero four sixty two Roger a training environment when on a radar environment you may not have to report this position because they can't see you but typically in non radar environments or if requested you will have to report it so I have station passes now because I have the two from flag flip so I'll start the timer so station passage all wins level Jericho is lost that's when you start the timer now I I do the winter one three zero I'm looking at my substrate level and I knew what the winds are Daytona I know when I have a slight tailwind going outbound here so what I'm actually going to do is only truck outbound bar for about 50 seconds and see if that allows me to get one minute on the inbound so I get to 50 seconds I'll start any inbounds now you notice my five T's that I did up on again time turn twist throttle and talk the talk was reporting that I was established in the whole here's 50 seconds so we'll turn right right here on right rudder but standard HN 15 user Bank and we'll reset the timer and when we restart the time we've trying at one minute on the inbound and we're only going to start the timer when we have intercepted the radial or wings level whichever occurs first on the inbound so you notice my CDI still hasn't come in yet but we should anticipate it coming in here soon there it is so starting to come in and I'll adjust my bank as necessary so that I understood it or overshoot it so it looks like I should reinsert it staying at a standard rate turn there it is see that i centered start the timer and I'll put wins level now I know I have a right crosswind summer put about five degrees of wind correction in now whatever wind correction I had on the inbound you want to triple it and use it on the outbound okay so I'm getting close to the kind of confusion I like 50 seconds here so we should be relatively close to that one minute mark on the inbound leg so I'm using about five degrees wind correction on my inbound egg so I'm going to triple that to fifteen degrees and use 15 degrees correction on the outbound leg so I'm gonna hold my hitting since we are getting in the conical fusion waiting for station passage so it looks like actually the wind correction on the Alpine wasn't enough because we are one minute and 30 seconds here the station passage roll in room already run right right a time turn twist throttle and talk but we don't need to talk anymore because where do you report our position so since we have a right wind correction on the inbound we put a left wing correction on the outbound and we're going to go to about a two four five heading on the outbound for the 50 degrees of wind correction our inbound did take too long so we're gonna ensure in our outbound time to about another 10 seconds so it becomes trial and error at this point I'll bug my wind correction hitting okay so there is station passage now you'll notice I did go wings level before I had station passage I only start the timer on wings level or station passage again whichever occurs was just a reminder so at this point we'll use 40 seconds because it took 50 seconds to too long last time on the inbound okay here's 40 seconds what's that our right turn I'll reset the timer I will see if I win correction that 15 degrees when crashing are bound allow us to re-enter cept the CDI appropriately on the n-bomb without having to adjust bank too much there's the CDI coming in now I will start the timer at wind level or CBI intercept or radial intercept whichever occurs first alright this cd-i intercept start the timer and will roll out on our 5 degrees one correction so that when creation actually did work we use 50 degrees or when Christians are burning your so they wouldn't have to adjust the bank too much to get up the radio well see if we get one minute inbound here and then make adjustments as necessary Unferth ER on further laps around the hold until ATC then remove us from the hold now codes are used to hold us over certain areas in case ATC is congested they need to maintain separation and typically you'll find this going into a lot of times uncontrolled airports that they're having Ives are departures into the uncontrolled airports and you trying to arrive they'll hold you or going into very heavy saturated heavily saturated airports alright there's 50 seconds on point 3 nautical miles away from the vor and looks like that worked last time so 40 seconds is what we're gonna use so that's holding you're gonna Creek the win twice when I say twice I mean wind correction so that we reinsert the radial inbound without overshooting either shooting it and also making sure the inbound leg is one minute we're gonna depart the hold here and what also we have to watch out for is the different type of entries make sure that you don't use something just as rote memory as the pencil method I actually try and visualize this approach if I'm entering crossing the the the holding fix in the direction of the hold then it's gonna be a direct entry if I cross it the holding fix in the opposite direction of the hold you have to ask yourself am i crossing into the holding side or the non holding side because I'm crossing the holding side then that'll tell me that it's gonna be a teardrop entry and if I cross into the non holding side it'll typically be a parallel entry and you can back it up with your pencil method anyway and that's holding
Channel: ERAU SpecialVFR
Views: 27,473
Rating: 4.4795537 out of 5
Keywords: Intercepting, Tracking
Id: lwu_lWn7Gnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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