2021 Private Pilot Checkride FAA Oral Exam Checkride

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hey guys what is up john and steph here from fly8mcalpha.com today to do a private pilot oral exam for you guys to see exactly what you need to know for the private pilot oral all part of our private pilot prep course online at flatmakeup.com the check cried crash course so aptly named maybe we'll not call it the crash course but either way you guys can check out that course at flatmate alpha the link is in the description below lots of oral videos lots of other things to help you prepare for exactly what you need for your private pilot check right and to pass your prior pilot check ride steph may or may not already be a private pilot either way i'm very nervous right now so uh i guess just to be nice we'll uh we'll remove the buzzer from the table uh for today no judgment so to start off with of course on the day of your prior pilot check ride three possible outcomes you're either gonna pass fail or discontinue either person the examiner or the student can choose to discontinue because of whether outside your personal minimums because there's a problem with the aircraft or because you don't feel well or just because it's not going so well and it might be in your best interest to discontinue the check ride and resume at a later point when you have a little bit more time to study or just calm your nerves the other things you'll do is look through your log book make sure you have everything required for being a private pilot in there we talked about that in the crash course at flight mike alpha of all the little gotchas of endorsements and things that you need to make sure you have in your logbook so you don't show up for your check ride and then not be able to take your check ride because you're missing some piece of paperwork they'll check your knowledge test results also at flight mike alpha the written test boot camp for private pilots good thing to check out and guarantee that you'll pass that written exam on the first try when you complete that course like steph did uh several years ago when you became a private pilot and then other documents are a good idea to have any sort of navigational documents sectional charts any charts you might need things like a chart supplement of course a frame having that handy all good stuff for them to go through with you or for you to go through when you have some questions they come across that you're not quite sure of so without further ado let's begin the first question of the day is you become a private pilot today today is october 1st you don't fly for six months and then you want to take your parents flying because you're a new private pilot and you know life's been busy you haven't flown in six months but you want to go take them flying and uh it's about 7 p.m you want to go for a nice sunset flight so what do you have to do can you just go take them flying you're a private pilot now for six months um whether the rags say it or not it's a good idea to go up with a cfi to get refreshed on how to fly because even as a private or commercial pilot if you don't fly for even a couple months you might start forgetting to get a little rusty there yeah and if you want to go flying at night you need three takeoffs and landings to a full stop okay and that would be three takeoffs lanes to a full stop when would we have to do those takeoffs and landings at night at night okay is there more than one definition of night there are several definitions of night can you tell me what they are there is sunset to sunrise there's civil twilight and then there's one hour before and one hour after sunset and sunrise okay so when would we do those three takeoffs and landings like you said to a full stop civil twilight during civil twilight so uh let's say sunset 7pm when could you actually go out and do those three takeoffs landings to a full stop 7 30 7 30. okay if we looked in part 61 would it say something like maybe one hour before suns rise or one hour after sunset is when we have to do those three takeoffs and landings sure okay so so we could find that probably in part 61 and we don't have to look it up right now so if you're going to do those three takeoff slings to a full stop one hour after sunset one hour before sunrise how often do we have to do those like every week every couple weeks 90 days every 90 days okay so we hadn't flown in six months like you said it was probably a good idea for you to go out with an instructor and get kind of current again or what do we call it when we are rusty and we want to go efficient get proficient what's the difference between proficiency and currency currency is the legal definition by the book and proficient is a personal standard of where you want to be especially if you're going to take passengers out okay in the airplane so yeah that's a pretty good way to explain it and that might feed into your personal minimums or something like that that you have written down right do you have personal minimums written down or do you just memorize them um i lose papers all the time so i just haven't memorized you haven't memorized have you ever written them down with your cfi i have that's a good thing to have written down and try to keep somewhere relevant so you can reference it what we see is when people write down their personal minimums and they're actually in writing and they can look at that it's harder for them to break them or fudge them a little bit than if you just memorize oh my max cross from limits 10 knots and well it's 11 a day and that's kind of close right but if it's a hard number on paper and you're looking at paper you know with the actual current weather it's harder for you to break those personal minimums it might keep you safer right so anyways back to this play you're gonna take your parents up and it's been six months so you went up with your cfi during the daytime say you did a few takeoffs and landings and you told me that you have to do the three full stop takeoffs and landings one hour after sunset one hour before sunrise to legally take them and what kind of documents would you have on you for that flight documents that you always need when you go flying okay which is your pilot certificate your [Music] medical and your photo id government okay do you need your logbook no okay so what if that airplane say uh you're flying a cessna 206 and uh you're familiar with that type of airplane that's pretty good for a private pilot pretty good for a private pilot right that's a 300 horsepower airplane so would you need anything special written in your logbook to be able to fly that high performance endorsement high performance endorsement okay cool now let's say you're going to be taking them flying in a cessna 170 a tailwheel airplane would you need anything special in your log book for that tail wheel endorsement you would need a tail wheel endorsement okay cool now you're gonna go do that flight and your parents are so proud of you you became a pilot and they say hey you know here's some gas money and so you went flying for an hour and say like a cessna 172. how much gas money could they give you could they give you 500 bucks um no you're supposed to split equal parts the cost of operating the aircraft and that may include gas or rental fees sure say it cost you 150 bucks to rent the airplane to go flying with them how much could they give you 75 bucks or if it's three people i mean they could you know we split it three ways okay so that would be about 50 bucks each yeah i can't do that math in my head right now okay no worries and uh yeah it's okay and especially if you get stressed on a prior pilot check ride and you're just going man simple math you can always just take a deep breath take maybe take a break say hey i need to go to the bathroom i need to go grab a glass of water personally on check rides i never bring a glass of water i always want an excuse to get up and leave and go get one um but just little tips for you there so we go ahead and we take you know 100 bucks from them you know to cover that and so you did that flight and you took off at 7 00 p.m sunset was say 7 15 p.m okay and when can we start legally logging night time you love this question um civil twilight starting at civil twilight we could log in so say civil twilight was 7 45 we landed at eight how much night time would we log on that flight um 15 minutes 15 minutes would we log a night landing yeah why would we log a night landing would we log a night landing for the purpose of currency so for night landings it has to be an hour after sunset so no we couldn't log the night landing sure yeah i mean the the landing happened at night time but for currency purposes it's not really a night landing gotcha that sounds good would you turn on any lights flying on that flight or would you leave all the lights turned off or you turn on lights okay which ones this is a general rule at sunset you want to have your nav lights on landing lights and strobes which is all i have in the 170. okay cool so we would have our strobe lights anti-collision lights uh would we have those day and night or i usually have them all the time okay so we have anti-collision lights on and we have our landing lights when we turn those on uh when you are about to enter the runway okay and do we leave them when do we turn them off do we turn them off in flight or do we what do they say about landing lights when we should have them on kind of recommended that's a great question i would have to look in here to give you the exact answer to that and if you looked in the aim and dug through there they might recommend anytime you're below 10 000 feet msl right to have those landing lights turned on honestly because we have led landing lights in most of our aircraft now and they last for thousands of hours and they don't hurt the airplane really to have them turned on i like leaving them on just like you said when you enter the runway until you exit the runway leaving them on at all times for extra visibility for the airplane and i hardly go above 10 000 anyways yeah we never really get up there so we just leave them on the whole flight so that's good and he said the navigation lights we would turn on right at sunset so 7 15 we would turn all those uh navigation lights could always turn them on a little sooner but they need to be on starting at sunset sunrise cool so you do this flight at the venice airport and you take off of runway 5 and you're flying around and you happen to be a little bit uh to the south of the airport you know flying down the beach and you're coming back in and you say well it just makes a lot of sense for me to just kind of enter if i'm going to land runway 5 and i'm coming from the south i'm just going to go ahead and make a little bright basin and land runway 5. so can you do that at the venice airport no all right so we've got our airplane here to the south you guys had a nice flight down the beach sightseeing and you want to go ahead and land runway five so you're coming in from the south you're at 2000 feet in the cell field elevation is sea level basically 20 feet so how would you join the traffic pattern to land runway five it's probably the safest thing you can do is you're at 2000 you can start descending here so that you can cross over at 1500 and then from here you would join downwind and probably the best way to do it so that you can make sure there's no traffic in the pattern is do a tear drop like this and then join your downwind here and at that point you're gonna be at a thousand feet which is okay so you're at 1500 crossing the field 1 500 500 above traffic pattern altitude and then by here you're a thousand feet so when did you start your descent at the teardrop okay and how far out is your teardrop going to go a half mile two miles five miles probably just a half mile is fine okay and uh how far where's our normal traffic pattern so to speak around the runways at a half mile or a mile away or where people typically fly their downwind leg um i think a mile is too far okay so so would we want to maybe fly at 500 feet above traffic pattern altitude clear of the downwind leg before we start descending sure okay so we might fly maybe a mile and a half two miles from the airport start descending come down to traffic pattern altitude and then enter on a 45 degree entry to the left downwind cool that sounds good to me and then you'd come in and you make those left turns is there any reason why we can't just go ahead and make a right turn to land runway five here because it's left traffic on runway five and so you can't just come in and make a right base turn because that would be against the regulation okay yeah no that's awesome is there any other way we could approach this i mean if we're coming from say mexico could you legally just land straight into runway five yeah is there any problems with doing that well there could be obstructions on the runway the weather reporting might be wrong and so you want to double check make sure that the wind is favoring that runway and there might be other how would you double check the wind with the wind sock okay so when you fly over at 500 feet above traffic pattern now 2d look down you'd verify with the wind sox doing that's perfect cool so and then that would also give you a chance to see if there's any obstructions on the runway if there's any airplanes getting ready to taxi out and take off maybe guys without radios since it's not required to have a radio at that airport uh or somebody who's just not making any radio calls so you can observe what's going on in the general airport environment before attempting to land there that sounds like a good safe way to do it only takes an extra few minutes to do that rather than just make that right turn which wouldn't be legal for the regs to make great traffic at a left traffic runway so that sounds pretty good to me so when you do that flight to take your parents up flying what would you check on your regular pre-flight inspection what does that include the pre-flight inspection you do a walk around the airplane make sure that all the control surfaces are clear that there's nothing is bound up all the screws are where they're supposed to be in the rivets that there's not a giant oil leak somewhere you check your oil you check your fuel make sure there's no water in it or debris now if we're just doing a quick flight like that say 10 miles from the airport would you have to check weather or would you have to do anything else would you have to call a briefer okay yes so that's just for the airplane but okay yeah i mean even before you do the pre-flight on the airplane you want to make sure that the weather conditions are appropriate for flying that day okay so if we're gonna fly around the venice airport in florida and you're just gonna fly 10 miles down the beach and back would you check the weather how far out would you look at the weather in miami or would you look at the weather in new york or would you look at the weather just around venice or how far out do you look well really you only need to look as far as you're going but maybe if there's a big weather pattern coming you might want to check that and see if there's you know if there's a hurricane in miami and you might want to make sure that that's not going to affect your area but yeah pretty much that 10 mile radius that you're flying open is what you want to check so if there's not a taf for the venice airport how do we know what the forecast is going to be there uh you can check tafts for surrounding airports like you could check sarasota uh you could check now sarasota is like 20 miles away from venice isn't it yeah and how far is a taft good for what radius does that taft cover five miles about a five mile radius so would it really forecast the weather at all for the venice airport no unless like i said there's a pattern that's maybe headed south sure eventually might hit might give you a rough idea but it wouldn't give you a real accurate picture i mean if if 20 miles away it's saying it's blowing 45 i would assume that that might affect us in a way sure so it could give you some no-go options but it wouldn't necessarily be a great way to say yes this is a go decision to go fly so what could make you sure of what the weather's going to do in venice what kind of forecast products do we have for the venice airport well there's a lot of official you know products that you can find on the faa website and official weather reporting websites and then i also use just the civilian weather just for regular weather could you give me yeah civilian weather is good to double check things but again i mean we want to use official sources right fm resources aviationweather.gov type sources where could we find perhaps those official sources because you name one um the aviationweather.com aviation.gov is a good one that is a great one uh and what products could we look at on that website that would tell us what's going to happen for a forecast around the venice area the prague charts the prog charts would be good that's a pretty broad overview but that's a good place to start what other items could tell us things like ceiling and visibility or wind forecast well you have you can look up pyrups you can look up air meds are pine wraps a forecast no they're just telling you what's happening right now okay are airmeds uh or what is an airmen um they're issued by they're giving you warnings of things that might be significant okay like visibility low visibility or turbulence or okay anything like that gotcha um do you know the different types of air mats since you mentioned them sierra tango and zulu okay what do those three mean um so tango is t for turbulence sierra is for visibility and zulus for icing okay now you mentioned segments also so you would check the air mitts we've got those three and then segments what is a segment it's significant weather is how i remember it and the way that i remember it is segments are for all aircraft and air meds are for little aircraft so if we see a segment or an airmet would you cancel your flight or would still be okay or depending on what it was okay if you have a sigma i would most likely cancel because that's more severe than i would want to be in right and if we had an aramid for something like moderate turbulence over our route of flight from flight level one two zero to flight level one eight zero would that really affect us cruising down the beach segments also are for yeah if they're high altitude and i'm not gonna be up that high then it doesn't really apply to me may not apply to you yet and how could you if you had questions on air mits or segments who would you call or who could you talk to that could clarify some of that stuff for you flight service call flight service okay how do we call flight service 1-800 weather brief how do we call them that's not a telephone how would you call them from your airplane on the radio um you'd look up the chart for um flight service do we see one kenai flight service let's see here here's an rco for it so you could probably reach them on one of these frequencies here okay gotcha and if one of those frequencies said r next to it what would that mean it just means receive so you would you would tell them that you're transmitting on whatever frequency you're transmitting and then you're receiving on a different frequency and you just let them know okay so say like one two two point one r would we transmit on that one or would we receive on that one who's the r for them or us that's really good to clarify um the r is for 50 50 shot say it with confidence that's the key guys say it with confidence you'd rather be you can either slam dunk it or be totally wrong for them for them okay so if it says 122.1 r then maybe we would transmit on 22.1 they receive us on that and then we would hear them over a different frequency right gotcha okay that makes sense so that's how we could call them in the air now that could clarify for us an errand or a segment or anything like that now getting back to you know we were checking weather and you're looking at aviationweather.gov you checked the airmen and the segments and all that what could really tell us about the ceiling and visibility in the wind and all that stuff in the venice area we don't have a taff for that airport all we have is the current weather right you could look at aviationweather.gov at the gfa tool the gfa tool okay so the graphical forecast for aviation that replaced the area forecast a few years ago which is still in alaska but not in the lower 48 right yeah so the area forecast exists for alaska and for gulf waters and oceanic stuff but for the lower 48 we have the gfa tool for the lower 48 states so we could check that that would be a great thing to look at to get an idea of what's going on around the local environment and so we say weather is good now you do that pre-flight around the airplane and as you're walking around you notice there's a screw missing from the cowling what are you gonna do about that is that a big deal even i mean there's a lot of screws on the airplane could you just take one from the wing tip and put it in the cowling or could you borrow it from your neighbor's airplane you probably wouldn't take it from the wing tip um you take it from your neighbor's airplane no maybe i would borrow one from my neighbor's hanger oh okay but if uh if there's a screw missing i would go find one to replace it with or call a mechanic okay gotcha can you replace a screw as a private pilot yeah okay that seemed mostly sure i mean i have okay i'm sure with the help of your cfi as you're going through training what what document tells us what we can and cannot do maintenance wise as private pilots part 43 appendix a okay and if we looked in there what are some of the things that we can and cannot do on aircraft so preventative maintenance um there's a whole list over here and i can look really quick if it says something about screws can you change the oil on your airplane yes okay it says in there can you change the brakes yes oh where does it say that servicing landing gear shock struts okay that's not brakes okay oh wheel bearings okay so yeah i don't don't see the brakes brakes no now could you as a private pilot it's a good idea to work on your own airplane could you replace the brakes on your airplane somehow like how could that work how could you be allowed to do that with a with an amp oh so if you're working alongside an amp then you could do a lot more than it's just covered here so these are things you could sign off and do on your own right but you could do a lot more with an amp that's a great way to learn about your airplane is to work with the mechanic directly it also saves a little bit of money because you can work a little faster that way you can do some of the simple things while they do the more complex stuff cool so perhaps uh you know you call a mechanic we make sure that you know the screw is not too important why it fell out in the first place gets replaced all that good stuff now you say okay i'm ready to go fly you turn on the master switch you check your lights and you notice that the navigation light is burnt out on the left wing and luckily you notice this your pre-flight at 5 pm and your parents already there so you're going to go for a sunset flight but the navigation lights burned out and you're like hmm i need those navigation lights from sunset to sunrise so you could we just go fly earlier then without it it's burnt out okay so we can just go fly or do we have to do anything before we go fly with a birdhouse you have to placard it you have to placard it okay and is that it and then it has to get signed off by you an amp buy an ap so you have to have an amt come out and placard is there anything else they do besides just a sticker um remove it okay so they could remove it or deactivate it maybe it makes more sense just pull a circuit breaker and they might you know color the circuit breaker and right up in the maintenance log books you know left navigation light not working airplanes safe and airworthy and the anp does that is that correct um no i guess you can do it why do you say that i don't have the answer okay i don't i mean i can look it up sure you could look it up and who could you call to find out if you can use you could call your amp okay to find out if you could sign all that stuff off and call or the circuit breakthrough probably there's nothing in preventive maintenance about us popping circuit breakers and removing or deactivating equipment but there is stuff in there about changing light bulbs right i i mean i can read it i don't i don't have it memorized oh okay do you want me to read it right now and check uh no that's okay for uh for all the folks at home watching they don't have to watch you read it but a good thing to look at before the day of your check ride what can you do in preventive maintenance and you can find it in part 43 appendix a it's a short little list about 30 items or so that you can do as a private pilot and if you don't know what any of those things mean if they're a little obscure to you like changing you know shock cords on landing gear well because you don't fly a j3 cub it's okay talk to your cfi they can clarify some of those things for you or talk to a mechanic they can clarify it for you but ultimately here if you have a burnt out landing light or a burnt out navigation light then we can't go fly the airplane because it's not as it was built by cessna or by piper whoever so it needs to be placarded removed or deactivated and then they'll go ahead and sign it off in the logbook the a p will take care of that you can't do that under preventative maintenance but what you can do is just replace the light bulb so could you just replace the light bulb if it's burnt out and then sign that off that you replaced it then go fly yeah you could certainly do that under preventative maintenance you'd be allowed to do that now what if the landing light was burnt out are we required to have a landing light for daytime flight no are we required to have a landing light for nighttime flight yes when are we required to have it at night when you're on the runway okay where would it say that um 91. okay somewhere in part 91 any idea what part of 91 has all our required equipment oh 91 205. 91 205 exactly that's another another awesome section to kind of poke through before your check ride and get familiar with what's included in there a lot of people talk about tomato flames like you're supposed to memorize that acronym and know everything that it stands for better yet just remember the numbers 91 205 and you can quickly reference what is required to be onboard the aircraft you'll see that a landing light is required if the aircraft is going to be operated for higher of course just flying with your parents so now you actually don't need a landing light at night although it's quite sketchy to fly without one at night so probably a good idea to make sure that things working yeah i wouldn't go flying without a landing light at night no that's a little bit sketchy one thing's regs and one thing's what's uh your own safety standards sure yeah the difference between like currency and proficiency or personal minimums and what the actual regulations are the regulations are a bare minimum we like to have personal minimums that are a little bit more stringent than that so like we wouldn't go flying in one mile and clear of clouds that would be dangerous but it's legal it is legal but it's dangerous so we wouldn't do it so anyways back to this preflight you're walking around the airplane and you notice that the left tire looks a little bit low to you on your airplane so would you go get a tire pressure gauge or would you just go fly the airplane or would you just grab an air hose and shoot some air in there what would you do get a gauge okay and so the gauge reads 9 psi and is that low is that high seems low to me but you have to check your um poh okay so we would check the poh and that would tell us what the tire pressure should be now you have a cessna 170 it's a 1956 airplane it's a nice vintage airplane so 1956 they built it with these little tiny 6x6 tires do you still have those tires on there no you have stc tires you have different tires right that came with the airplane so would you use the tire pressure that was actually in the poh for those small tires that the airplane came with it doesn't apply new tires okay how do we know what the new tires are supposed to be filled to uh you have to check this the stc okay just check the sdc paperwork what is an stc the anything that is a mod that you add to your plane needs to come with an sdc and that gets added to your poh basically okay gets added to your afm your poh maybe a page gets added in there to tell you about the sdc like you also have an stc for your engine on this airplane it was built with 145 horsepower engine and what do you have now 180 horse you have 180 horse engine and is that a four cylinder tell me about that engine four cylinder okay um carbureted carbureted naturally aspirated horizontally opposed very good awesome and what's the o360 designation on there mean um that it's carbureted um it's just the model number i don't know okay 360 might be 360 cubic inch might be the displacement of the engine okay so uh an o 320 might be 320 cubic inch and this one's an o360 360 cubic inch and the o is horizontally opposed on i o so it's not injected so it's car rated then so we have some stc paperwork for that as well where do we find stc paperwork um in the supplemental [Music] uh the flight manual could be in the flight manual the stuff that's important for the pilot to know and then the actual stc itself the actual certificate in the maintenance log book sure whose responsibility is it to maintain those log books well the the owner of the aircraft but then also you have your ia that works on your aircraft and they're supposed to check all that and sign it off on every annual okay so the owner of the aircraft has to maintain those records and then do you check them ever as a pilot is it ever the pilot's responsibility check that you should check them yeah okay and what are you looking for when you look in those maintenance log books about everything's you know any modifications have been recorded and the everything's basically making sense okay cool that that sounds great i would i would love to make sure that everything makes sense in the maintenance logbooks what specifically are we looking for to show that this airplane is airworthy to go make sure all your inspections are up to date okay what are those inspections we're looking for the annual inspection okay what else the pedostatic system if you have one the elt the [Music] altimeter how often is an annual inspection done every year every 12 months okay so if it was done october 5th when would it be due october by october 30th of the next year okay october 31st maybe on halloween um so uh yeah so that was a trick question totally a trick question we really we like to confuse students with those months that have 31 days versus 30 days i wasn't required to know how many days in a month so in any case at least you didn't say october 32nd uh we've got our annual let's do 12 months he said 12 calendar months and then you mentioned the elt when is that due also every 12 months also every 12 months okay when would we be required to replace the battery within that elt um when it's when you've used up over half the battery life okay and how do we know if we used up half the battery life that's really hard to know it's really hard to know yeah um what would be some ways we could figure that out well if it's ever gone off you would probably just replace it okay so if it's been is there any limit to how long that it could have been in operation for before we have to replace the battery an hour yeah if it's been in operation for more than one cumulative hour uh okay and when could we check the elt to see if it's actually functioning in your annual on your annual and when could you what time of the day could you check it no um oh i think it's the first five minutes of every hour yeah that'd be a good time that way you just quickly turn it on and off within the first five minutes people know that people are testing them then so it's not a real emergency so i'm not going to say anybody to go look for you what frequency does our elt transmit on 121.5 how about the newer elts out there not sure have you ever heard of 406 nope doesn't ring a bell okay so some new elts transmitted 406s i have an old elt so i don't need to know this yet okay gotcha so is 121.5 monitored anymore for them to search for elts i thought it was oh it did are they actually looking for realts on 121.5 anymore i just heard somebody on the radio center being on 121 5. so coincidentally enough a lot of aircraft monitor 21.5 which is a great idea a lot of air traffic control towers monitor 121.5 do they actually monitor it for search and rescue purposes anymore no they don't they only look at 406 and that's satellite based so it's a little bit more precise now with 121.5 what is that frequency emergency frequency so besides just the elt what do we use that frequency for um emergencies okay would you just call a friend on it or give me a scenario when you might use that frequency uh well i hear center trying to get a hold of aircraft all the time on that frequency or using other aircraft to call a missing aircraft or an aircraft that's supposed to be on a different frequency okay so you're gonna fly from the venice airport on up to jacksonville that's our simulated cross country and you're talking to tampa approach on 118.95 and you have two radios in this airplane you can monitor another frequency what frequency might you monitor 21.5 you might monitor 21.5 okay and so if you're flying along and you haven't heard from tampa approach in a while and you try to call them and nobody responds what might you do oh you could call them on 21-5 and say hey am i maybe on the wrong frequency which one am i supposed to be in yeah maybe you flew outside their area so they couldn't even hear you on that frequency or 21.5 anymore but orlando now picks you up and they say oh you're supposed to be on my frequency or you're supposed to be on this other one and you get a whole atc or some sort of atc through 21.5 who can then get on the land line and then communicate and figure out what frequency you're supposed to be talking to for that area so that would be a good thing to use it for so anyways back to these inspections we got the annual we got the elt what else would be required for vfr flight transponder transponder okay and how often does that have to be checked 24 months every 24 calendar months okay and are you required to have a transponder on your aircraft if you're gonna fly in a class charlie okay where else might we need a transponder bravo or alpha okay in bravo and alpha airspace cool if we're going to fly from the venice airport to jacksonville and we're going to go at a cruising altitude of say 11 500 would we need a transponder for that flight above 10 000. above ten thousand we need a transponder okay now how about if you want to uh shoot on over to the bahamas for the day it's a cool little place to go you wanna fly on over to freeport would you need a transponder then yeah to cross the border to cross the border across the what do we call that it is okay cool what does ada stand for i can't remember okay but we need a transponder for it yeah anything else that's required to cross the adas that you would have to do as a pilot yeah you need a flight plan you need to call customs you need to file eapis and i believe that's it you need a passport okay and as far as required documents for you would there be anything additional that you would be required to have as a pilot the radio operators permit okay cool and jumping back into this preflight stuff so we're doing our preflight we check for documents we check the maintenance logs what other kind of documents are we looking for on the airplane that are required to be on board you can use arrow to help you remember that also airworthiness the registration the um poh and weight and balance paperwork okay and for registration how long is that good for as long as uh i think it says it right there on the registration yeah it's got an expiration date on it so if you're checking on your preflight you should be good to go as long as it is still valid and uh then yeah you're good to go there how long is the airworthiness certificate good for forever as long as your airplane's within annual and has all the required inspections up to date okay cool that sounds good now in these maintenance logs that we're checking so we looked for the annual the elt the transponder are there any other required inspections if you're going to be renting this airplane from the flight school do you think that you would go for a full year for a rental aircraft without having an inspection because those things fly hundreds and hundreds of hours oh oh if you're a rental okay a 100 hour 100 hour inspection we're going to look for as well is there any difference between 100 hour and an annual inspection yeah the 100 hour um can just be signed off by an anp okay and the annual uh is signed off by an ia you can't have a the annual inspection's supposed to be more thorough i guess you can't have 100 hour in lieu of an annual like even if you're within 100 hour inspection you still need an annual if that's okay now if we look here and we see in our maintenance logs that uh the annual was done 56 hours ago with 100 hour was done oh looks like 120 hours ago can we go fly today okay can you say that again so the annual was done 56 hours ago but the 100 hour was done 120 hours ago you can have an annual in lieu of 100 okay cool so that works awesome that sounds good to me very cool so we've almost gotten this thing off the ground we're still working on checking out all our documents pre-flighting making sure the weather is good to go all that fun stuff so we've looked through all these maintenance logs and there's one other thing that we probably want to check in these maintenance logs what could that be that you're going to check to make sure is all complied with one other thing you've seen the annual oh the ads the 80s what is an ad air worthiness directives okay and what is an air witness directive well it's something that that may be have to it's something specific in the airplane that may be checked or has to be checked every certain amount of hours so for example seat rails and cessna's are typically an a.d okay so they have these ads and are they just like spontaneously issued or how do you know if a new one comes out that you have to comply with um you have to check the [Music] um you can find it online where faa website on the fa website how often would you want to check that faa website like every six months or all right guys that's enough torturing stephanie for now we will resume this on flight mycel.com the link is right in the description below if you want to watch the rest of this oral exam the full complete two plus hours or if you just want to watch any of the other oral exams we have on flightmycalc.com for private instrument commercial cfi and so on hours and hours of footage there of good stuff to prepare you for your check ride part of the private pilot cried crash course online at flightmikegalph.com so aptly named uh so any questions on this no pun intended yeah any questions on this guys you know what to do leave it in the comments below be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel over there if you guys have not already and definitely check out fly eight mike alpha dot com for all the awesome courses on there we guarantee you will pass your check right when you take those courses online at flight mike alpha we guarantee you'll even have fun doing it so guys you know what to do if you cannot fly everyday fly eatmycalpha.com we'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: FLY8MA.com Flight Training
Views: 309,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: private pilot checkride, private pilot ground school, private pilot checkride questions, ppl, ppl checkride, fly8ma, checkride, faa checkride, faa, faa pilot test, pilot test, pilot checkride, faa oral, faa oral exam, oral exam
Id: gO7sw1X7iME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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