How to Fly a VOR Hold Procedure | FlightInsight | IFR

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hello everyone it's dan from flight insight we're gonna look at vor holds in this video it's one of the tougher things on your instrument check ride and it's probably because we don't get a chance to practice it that often anymore so we're gonna look at it on the whiteboard to understand what's going on and then we're gonna jump in the simulator and actually fly it we're gonna do a really basic vor hold this is the approach plate for the vor only 3/4 approach at Carroll County in Maryland and if we take a look here this is actually a hold in lieu of procedure turn but we're gonna treat it the same way as we would just a run-of-the-mill holding procedure and it's flown the same way anyway so this is what we're looking at and it's built around the Westminster vor let's reconstruct this vor hold step by step by step we'll start with the vor station itself that hexagon symbol and let's build off of that so let's get the chart just down there to the left out of the way for now and just focus on that vor station now every single vor station has a number of radials 360 radials that are radiating out from the station itself this vor hold is built off with a 1 7 8 radial so that's the line that's going 178 degrees magnetic from the vor station so we'll have that plotted out now the inbound course goes into the station along that radial so it looks just like this now when you fly it you're not going to be flying a 178 heading you're gonna be flying the reciprocal that the 358 degree heading doesn't mean you're on the 358 radio though right you're flying inbound 358 but you're on that 178 radio already radial radiate out from the station now once we over fly the station we're gonna be making an outbound turn 180 degree turn will be a beam the station and it's at that point that we're gonna start an outbound leg and it's an outbound leg is reciprocal to that inbound course so instead of 358 we're gonna be flying 178 degrees here now notice that we're not on the 178 radial this is an important point because it's easy to get confused here and think that now that you're on the outbound Legg you have to track the 178 radio but notice the 178 radial is over there to the right if we try to track that we're not going to be on this outbound course we'll be on something else so after flying that we'll start timing one minute out from being a bean and it's at that one minute that we'll start making another left-hand turn to reenter cept that inbound course so this is what the hold looks like now let's see how do you fly it with the vor the first step is going to be to use the vor to track directly to the station so let's say our aircraft is position somewhat southwest of the vor we'll need to turn the OBS until the needle centers and we get a two indication this will tell us the heading to fly inbound so it's zero five zero we'll start tracking inbound and as we start to approach the vor the needle will start to go off to the side and that to flag will disappear as soon as we over fly it's at that point that we can make a left turn and start that outbound turn while we're in that turn notice the flag flips to from and we're going to then dial in the inbound course at 3:58 we'll fly that until we're abeam the station at which point the flag will flip back to two this is the point that we know we're abeam the station we can start that one minute in on our timer flying out and again not tracking anything just flying a 178 when that one minute is over we'll start another left turn and this is the inbound turn and as we approach that 178 radial there's that needle coming Center will start flying in down on a 358 heading keeping the needle centered and once we get to the station again the needle goes off to the side the two flag disappears and we can start the process all over again here it is a couple more times starting with that outbound turn set in 358 timing a second outbound making it inbound turn until weary intercept flying in down until the flag flips and the process just continues itself so this is how we'll do this hold let's jump in the simulator now and we'll actually fly it so I'll see you in the virtual skies alright here we are in the skies over Central Maryland Carroll County more about southwest of the Westminster vor we want to know what heading is gonna take us into the station so first I got my one 17.9 frequency up there on the garment on the top right now I want to know what I need to fly to get me in down to Westminster so I'm gonna turn the OBS on the vo or receiver in the top right until the needle centers and I get that two indication so I'm turning here and there it is centered right there it's about a zero five zero heading so I'll tell the autopilot to set in a heading of roughly zero five zero and that'll start the turn they might be able to see them that Garmin - I've got the DME distance to give me an idea of how far out I am from the station you're not always gonna have that so it makes it a little bit more challenging you might need to see how sensitive the needle is getting obviously as you get closer to the station the needle gets more sensitive so it gives you a sense of when you're actually approaching but here we got the DME to help us out a little bit so really it's just a matter of chasing the needle here as I fly inbound to Westminster right needle is just a little slightly to the right so we'll not going crazy with trying to make a correction a little bit of a right correction being patient watching what the needle does and how it responds to it and just maintaining generally this course into the Westminster vor pretty basic at this point just tracking inbound staying on the needle thinking about the direct entry that we're going to make we're going on a zero five zero editing so just like we talked about anticipating that entry so now that we're starting able to get really close to over flying the vor itself you can see the the DME distance starting to drop and the needle might see getting more sensitive you might be able to tell here's a tip that I like to use now we're on a zero five zero heading but the inbound course is 358 I'd like to be as close to that heading as I can when I cross the station so what I'm gonna do is just before that to/from flag flips I'm gonna start this turn to 358 now while I'm in to turn see the needle goes haywire and there it is there's the flip from 2 to from we've got station passage but I'm not being so far off my inbound course heading it's gonna help me intercept the inbound course later but here it is we're now in this first outbound turn this was the direct entry into the hold and we're gonna keep the turn come and I've got the autopilot set and then eventually to a 178 degree heading now that we're in the turn we're also gonna twist the OBS needle I'm sorry the OBS dial to put in the inbound course this can slip you up so be careful here even though we're flying an outbound heading which is 178 I don't want 178 on the OBS I want the inbound 358 degree heading at all times in this hold remember when we're in the outbound leg we're not trying to track any kind of guidance right the needle isn't supposed to be in the center so it's okay that we don't have that outbound heading in the OBS we're just gonna fly 178 until we get further outbound it's time to turn inbound and then that's when we're gonna pick up the needle and actually have some guidance to get back to the station staying in the turn here rolling out on that roughly 178 degree heading and then what I'm looking for is that two front flag to flip right now it says from but as I roll out I'm keeping an eye on the arrow there on the vor indicator and when it goes from from two two I know that on a beam the station and I can start my one-minute outbound count so just holding the heading and watching that needle watching the flag there it is so over on the clock see that it was 16 seconds past the minute so that will be our indication of when we can start making our left turn to start coming back inbound again so really again there's no guidance there's no needle that we're tracking on the outbound this is just you know we're in line to go back down the water chute which is the inbound course so I'm just waiting getting myself tracked outbound as best I can hold this 178 degree heading and waiting for the minute to pass and 45 seconds we're looking for 16 seconds and that's when we'll start that left turn back to track inbound so about five more that turn and here it is I'll have the autopilot give me a nice left turn all the way around at 358 degrees now in a perfect world what's going to happen when I rollout on this 358 degree heading is that needle will have swung from full right deflection all the way into the center and then basically it'll just be a task of keeping the needle in the middle as I fly in down for the for the roughly two miles until I get over the station now it never really works out perfectly this is a no wind scenario here in the simulator but you can imagine how much harder it's gonna be when there's wind up there and even in the simulator you'll see in a sec that it's not gonna be a perfect tracking in doubt especially on this first time with the entry so here we are and you can already maybe see that I've got about another 60 degrees to turn and it looks like that needle is gonna overshoot right we're gonna shoot through the center what that means is that it's not going to help me to fly 358 degrees I'll never intercept so I'm gonna go a little bit past 358 I'll have the autopilot flying me something you know get nothing crazy maybe 340 345 remember how close we are to the station so the needle is going to be so so sensitive there's really not a need to make big big big Corrections so here we are a little bit to the left of that 358 heading just watching to see that needle should start coming back in the center and when I see it starting to move again it's moving really fast I want to anticipate it and start turning myself back to my 358 degree heading again not looking for perfection doesn't need to be dead right in the center I just need to be close enough and I need to be able to tell when i roughly am over flying the westminster vor so i'm looking again at that too from indicator then when it goes from - as we're flying to the station now and flips - from I know I can start my next outbound turn so the best way to be here is that when you really really get close to the station trying to fly as close to the inbound course at 3:58 as you can you'd like to be as close to that as you can be when the flag flips so just kind of track and here there goes the needle all the way off full deflection and there's the flag flip so we can start our next turn the outbound turn again in a perfect world this is going to take one minute because we're at a standard rate so each one of these legs the outbound turn the inbound Turner and the outbound leg and inbound light should all kind of total up to four minutes total and a standard hold does it work out that way in reality not not always but we're trying to get as close as we can so this is the first full hold right we already did the entry but this is the first time that we're actually doing the full racetrack so we should have a little bit of a better time tracking the needle when we do make that inbound turn finally so this is just our 180-degree turn around looking to come out on that outbound course of 178 degrees again the needle is not going to be in the center we're not trying to track any guidance we're not on a radial from the EMI vor station and we're on a line that's parallel to the 178 radio but it's not on any radial so we're not using any kind of vor guidance for the outbound that's why we don't twist the OBS at all so rolling out on the heading the flag flipped from from 2 to right there so we start the time about 40 seconds after the minute and just maintaining that 178 degree outbound heading comes the minute and we'll have the autopilot turn us back in down about of 358 heading now this time we would expect to have a little bit of a better job tracking that inbound course right because we started on the 358 degree inbound course when we made the turn before rather than when we did that direct entry we're on that like zero-five-zero heading it was a little bit more difficult to really nail the needle this time I'd expect in a perfect world to have that needle be a little bit easier to track here as we come in down but we'll have a look you know and again you can anticipate how quickly or slowly the needle is going to come in and adjust your rate of turn accordingly right so here it's starting to come in meaning that we're less than 10 degrees away from the radial we still get another you know 45 degrees a turn to go before we get to our 358 heading this actually looks like it's gonna be okay so we won't make any adjustments we won't under turn or overturn or anything roll out on our 358 heading and then see what kind of small little micro adjustments we maybe have to make so there it is needles right in the center we got a few miles to fly and we'll just make some small Corrections here just to keep tracking the needle again not going crazy remember how close we are to the station and how sensitive the needle is so really nothing more than like a 5 degree at the most correction and just being patient watching the needle if it does move one or two dots off to the left it to the right it's not the end of the world because we're just really interested in when we cross over the station it's time to start the next turn outbound so that's what we're looking for just the two from flag we're watching that and then we're watching the sensitivity of the needle right you get into that zone of confusion that's when you know it's coming and you can kind of see it's starting to fall off the table there the needle not chasing it because we know how close we are we're just gonna let it go full deflection to the right and then when that flag flips that's when we'll start the left turn out bone there's the needle all the way off to the right and the flag flips so it's time to turn back out down so that's it that's a it's a four-step process once you're actually in the race track pattern it's a flying inbound on the needle waiting for a flip flying outbound waiting for a flip start in the minute turning inbound tracking the needle and then etc cetera until your traffic control tells you to do something different or your examiner tells you to do something different
Channel: FlightInsight
Views: 12,162
Rating: 4.8497653 out of 5
Keywords: VOR Hold, vor holding pattern, vor holding procedures, vor holding, holding procedures ifr, Holding procedure, vor ifr, vor holding pattern entry, vor hold entry, holding ifr, FlightInsight, outbound leg, instrument flight rules, holding pattern, inbound leg, holding patterns made easy, holding pattern entry, holding patterns ifr, holding patterns, holding patterns explained, VOR training, vor tracking and interception, vor approach, ifr vor approach
Id: NY5clXA510A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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