Garmin G1000 IFR - Manual Holding

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so Peter a couple years ago my friend Mike was fine down on Bahamas gets assigned an unpublished hold breaks into a complete sweat as he says himself man I hope I remember how to do that yeah you know that's the problem we do that so infrequently that we forget how here's how we do it so let's look at automated versus manual holding here's some examples of automated holding so we look on the plan view and we find the a B intersection and that is a holding pattern in lieu of a procedure term as we look at the flight plan we find the word hold hol D in the flight plan sequence after the a B Waypoint we look back at the plan view and we find the Gorst intersection and that is the missed approach holding point and again in the fight plan after the Gorst waypoint we find the word hold the point being here is that the g1000 will fly the holding entry and the holding pattern for you as long as the autopilot is in GPS mode now there are times when you may need to hold but there is no hold in the flight plan for this we need to perform manual holding where we configure and manage the GPS and autopilot ourselves now manual holding will come in two flavors the first being unpublished holding so you get an ATC clearance of hold northwest of the bunny intersection on the arrival maintain 8,000 and expect further clearance at zero four four five Zulu or it comes in the published flavor hold it dumb as published maintain Niner thousand and expect further clearance at zero four to five Zulu a common point of confusion is that many instructors were referred to automated holds in the flight plan as publish hold but if you get instructions to fly a hold that is published on the chart but it's not in the flight plan you're going to have to fly that hold manually so let's look at the bunny to arrival in to Atlanta's Peachtree DeKalb Airport and as we zoom on in here you can see that the airplane is over the Rocket vor air traffic control keys up and it says I have holding instructions for you advised ready to copy and they say at dumb as published maintain Niner thousand and expect further clearance at zero four to five Zulu so we're going to fly the rocket transition inbound to dumb and upon reaching dumb we will have to fly the published holding pattern manually pro tip number one is perform a quick holding briefing prior to the hold now you probably remember early in your instrument days of learning the technique of the five tees well we actually call them the 60s and I know it sounds like an entry-level procedure but I've been on 747 flight decks where pilots are using the 60s to manage their hold the first tee being turned applies to heading time is clock or DME twist as frequency course in OBS and we'll get into that throttle is speed and altitude talk is air traffic control this is where you'll need to make your mandatory report and toggle may be the new one you haven't seen before this is going to refer to automation now let's apply the quick holding briefing and the t's to our current example so the first tee turn applies to the holding entry in this case it's going to be a direct entry we turn to the outbound leg so upon reaching done we'll turn right to a heading of three to eight the next tee is time it's either distance or time in this case it's noted it's a seven nautical mile hold so it'll be seven Annika my legs in the hold the next C is twist here we'll need to set the OBS to the holding course the inbound Legum hold in this case that's going to be one for eight throttle this is where when you get within three minutes of the fix ATC is expecting you to start slowing down - you're holding speed talk this is where we're going to practice the mandatory report now let me ask you a question when was the last time you gave one of these mandatory reports to ATC that you're entering the hold my guess is it's probably been a while so it's a good idea to practice it up so you sound really good on the radio and finally toggle toggle refers to automation in this case if dumb is now my active waypoint I'm going to go into OBS mode and we'll talk about more of that in a second pro tip number two use OBS to create the holding course in bound to the holding fix we're going to enter OBS mode which will allow us upon arriving at the fix to select the holding course on the HSI now OBS make some pilots uncomfortable and we find it's useful to remember that it provides two features we like to say OBS stands for other bearings and suspend now the other bearing feature means that the course knob comes alive and we're going to use that to select the holding course and the suspend feature basically means that once we get to our holding fix the GPS is not going to sequence on it's going to allow us to stay there so let's look at ob s using our example with the holding it dumb that's been assigned so if we go on over to the primary flight display you can see here at the bottom I'm going to use the soft key OBS note that the OBS annunciator illuminates at the bottom of the HSI in magenta and when we look at the top of the primary flight display above the fight mode annunciators it says OBS 1:05 course inbound to dumb pro tip number three use auto pilot heading and nav modes for holding the auto pilot can't follow GPS guidance through the entire manual hold so we have to use two different modes outbound we're going to fly the leg using heading mode and inbound we're going to fly that leg using nav mode so let's look at what some airlines referred to as the positions in the hold position one is going to be the fix position two is when we're abeam the fix position three is the end of the outbound leg where we turn inbound and position four is when we're established inbound on the holding leg so let's apply the positions to the current example with the hold it dumb position one being the fix so here the airplane is about a half a mile from arriving at dumb we're in OBS mode so my first T is going to be turn so I place the airplane into heading mode i watch the distance countdown and my primary focus is really on my HSI I want to see the two from flag flip and my RMI needle swing so I'm looking at the flag the flag flips there's the RMI needle swing and I now turn the airplane to the right remember it's a direct entry so I'm going to turn to the outbound leg the outbound leg being three to eight now I find many different airplanes with different autopilot so for me personally I use the same autopilot technique of turning my heading bug I'll never turn the heading bug beyond the tail of the HSI so I simply just wait for the heading of three to eight to pass the tail once it does I'll just fine-tune my heading bug to the desired heading of three to eight then I move on to the next tee time in this case there's nothing for me to time it's going to be nautical mile legs twist here's why I take the course knob and I set the course needle to one four eight so I start twisting it oops I overshot one four eight no problem I'll just turn it back and then I call out course one four eight set we'll zoom on out and my next tee is throttle here I make sure I'm at the holding speed of 120 a my altitude is Niner thousand feet talk I'll make my mandatory report to ATC Cirrus three Charlie Papa is entering the hold over dumb Niner thousand feet at fifteen minutes past the hour and the final T toggle that deals with my automation here I make sure that I'm in OBS mode and I'm happy with the autopilot mode annunciators heading altitude Niner thousand the next position position two is a beam the fix so here as the airplane is on the heading of three to eight I watch my RMI needle to look for the ninety degree point I see the flag flip and I start my t's turn in this case I don't need a wind correction angle time it's going to be seven nautical mile legs so I'll watch the distance count up to seven nautical miles twist is not applicable throttles not applicable talk is not applicable and now toggle so I'm waiting now to arrive at position three which is going to be the end of the outbound leg or I'll need to turn inbound so now the airplane arrives at position three the turn inbound so for here we start with T turn I'm going to turn the heading bug ninety degrees to the right it's right hand turns in the hold and then I'm going to dial up an additional 45 degrees to set up a 45 degree intercept so turn time twist throttle talk toggle four toggle I'm going to push the nav button on the autopilot I'm going to call out GPS armed and now the airplane continues around on to the desired heading and we await for the airplane to establish itself on the inbound course the holding leg the course is alive at this point I'm really carefully watching my fight mode annunciators and once the autopilot up the course I call up GPS green that's my call-out and the airplane establishes itself on the 148 desired track inbound to dumb at this point I've now reached position four and the airplane tracks towards the holding fix of dumb which is position one to stay in the hold we simply continue to use heading mode for the outbound leg and nav mode for the inbound leg we toggle back and forth between these two modes for as long as we stay in the hold here's the airplane approaching dumb I'm going to zoom in on the HSI just so you can see what's going to happen I'm gonna sync up my heading bug and I'm going to go into heading mode on the autopilot i watch the flag flip and I look for the arm I swing there's the flag flip the arm is swinging and I start my 60s turn I'm going to initially turn it 90 degrees remember it's right hand turns in the hold so I'm turning to the right once the airplane starts turning in the right direction I then continue my heading bug around to the tail of the course needle which in this case again is going to be three to eight turn time twist throttle talk toggle now a lot of pilots get disoriented when they're watching the moving map and they don't see the racetrack pattern that they're used to seeing when they're holding just remember when you're doing manual holding you're only visual reference is the magenta line inbound on the holding course so now that I've reached position three I start the 60s again this is where I turn in BAM so I take my heading bug I'm going to turn it 90 degrees to the right then I'm going to dial up an additional 45 degrees this is my intercept turn time twist throttle talk toggle I push the nav button on the autopilot I call out GPS armed the airplane comes around to my desired heading and establishes on the course and now the airplanes reach position four and it's inbound to the holding fix of dumb for exiting the hold it's as simple as exiting OBS mode the Garmin once it reaches dumb will seek what's on with the rest of the flight plan so you can see here I've turned off OBS mode notice at the top the annunciator no longer says OBS with the course just says direct dumb and I'll just jump it ahead a little bit here for the training purposes you can see we're 0.3 from dumb now watch what happens here as I reach dumb the Garmin creates a fix to fix from dumb to bunny it resumes the rest of the flight plan it's as easy as that pro tip number one perform a quick holding briefing prior to the whole and pro tip number two use OBS to create the inbound course and suspend sequencing pro tip number three use the autopilot heading and nav modes while holding as you can see holding on the g1000 is not that difficult know what typically bites people are those last-minute holding instructions use the 16th along with OBS and the next time you get one of those rare unpublished holds you too will be able to manage it
Channel: FlyingLikeThePros
Views: 185,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: g1000 holding, garmin g1000 holding, g1000 obs, g1000 ifr, garmin g1000
Id: fYi7NbSnbhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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