Voldemort: Origins of the Heir - An unofficial fanfilm (HD + Subtitles)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] where is it [Music] when you keep it [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't just poke the bludgers through is the Quaffle of his curveball and scores the match point the match was terrific cool is such a tyrant it's just please stupid what is Quidditch people running around on brooms chasing flying balls it's ridiculous worse than a fantasy but it's real well I must admit though it's an interesting point of view I've never seen it like that but maybe it's just the muggle part in you that finds Quidditch stupid I am NOT a muggle I have none of their dirty blood I am the best student Hogwarts ever seen and one day I'll be the most powerful wizard in the history of time [Music] I can assure you [Music] I'm just a second-year student Tom and I hardly know anything about myself but there is one thing I do know you're exceptional I have no doubt you will surely become the greatest wizard ever [Music] which other students if you have with very disease you're going to sing like a science fair well [Music] what have you done to me [Music] [Music] what have you done [Music] so let's see Christian Matlock you graduated at Hogwarts in 1950 second class or a sort of Makana untraceable for two years the personal investigation I guess I might be offended considering how amazingly you broke all my men's bones I was expecting a much more interesting which and clearly northern alchemy experts such a peculiar displacement technique what kind of magic is it it surely does look like a comedy separation listen to me general Makarov you're making a mistake oh you know my name surprising but we'll agree miss that sneaking into a Nora's warehouse of the Soviet Department without any kind of authorization is a way more serious mistake than any I might have made and we are talking about a highly protected and concealed warehouse so I can only imagine how serious your purpose is so ask you once do you want miss McClatchey you have something that does not belong to you something essential to complete my investigation and yet we did not receive any requests of cooperation from the police departments so I deduce this is a private matter he's near to miss you have to help me you have no idea what is stinking why don't we test the wonderful effects of the potion that's entering your system right as we speak [Music] what we're trying to steal this little diary dirt which used to belong to Tom Marvolo riddle as I thought Tom Marvolo riddle after Gillick riddles for the Soviet lands were still brimming with dark magic artifacts that that bastard and his followers had been for to hide after the defeats but one of the recurrences teams had come across something unusual and objects damned will protect us [Music] most capable of all escape of his life to over consorts magic a theory apparently belonging to a Tom Marvolo riddle the mysterious disappearance of a boy ten years ago clean records no kind of connection to kill a critter not one of our dissolution has been able to obtain anything from those pages not a single damn word then you turn on the British or on the trail on the murder of Hepzibah Smith and of Tom Marvolo riddle our mr. nobody why that diary that's the only clue I have my only chance to stop Tom Tom oh you mean mr. evil [Music] I didn't know you were friends or intimate even we were friends the four of us we wanted to change the world the four of you slow down let's talk about riddle according to the investigation files found in your bag he seemed to have been implicated in various crimes along with the most scandalous in recent years is the homicide of Hepzibah Smith because that's what you believe is it's a long story the started way before the murder of hazardous Smith persuade me tell me every single detail I imagine you've already heard of the four founders of Hogwarts what many people don't know is they have descendants unusual choice you slip endo congratulations to both boys how's he help I had a feeling this time I thought like when you should move your legs more you're not ready with an expeller I miss Dodge I'm sure you'll remember it next time I train every single day for this one day I'll beat you my friend I know it you have a long way to go before you can defeat a senior haha go on have a laugh while you can now I make an oath one day I will be the strongest wizard ever stronger than Dumbledore stronger than you we're left and then I will marry you Grisha oh here we go check I will marry you we'll have some beautiful babies I find the last cup of my house I'll get back the ancient curse of Helga Hufflepuff and we look happily ever after what do you think enough with this nonsense come on it'll probably be my last reunion here in Hogwarts we have many things to discuss come on Grisha say something all right let's make a deal if you really become a great wizard as you say you will be strong enough to defeat Tom Tom yes exactly if you defeat Tom then maybe I will consider your proposal tom tell me me laughs Grisha all right all right all right having at school knows that you have a crush on Tom but so what he may be a buckram but but no he's not even remotely as strong as Wiglaf oh really so you think you can beat him now me no not now all right is a seventh year student so I think stop that's enough you look like kids fighting over chocolate frogs Wickliffe weep for just joking joking joking do you remember why we're here do you remember who we are why regardless of the different houses the sorting had sorted us in we are bounded forever by a destiny we cannot change we are the heirs exactly yes what does this mean are you really sure McLaggen descendant of Godric and heir of the bloodline of Gryffindor but the files don't say anything about this the descendants from the founders does not appear in official documents it is a secret guarded from one generation to the next the other yes Wickliffe sigurðsson heir a Ravenclaw and Lazarus Smith's air of Hufflepuff we trained we studied we did research is to find where our ancestors here the heirlooms of the four noble houses but in the end we were just a bunch of children dreaming of changing the world and some riddle before that the heir of Slytherin so he was a friend of yours fulfilled he was but tom was different he has always been that day something broke [Music] and remember we took an oath we yes we will fight so it's evil will will be eradicated we will bring peace and justice we will make the world a better place [Music] such a nice speech captain don't worry mr. riddle we are honored we are nothing but low rank Wizards right how could we expect a noble Slytherin like you to lower himself to the vile rule of punctuality you're right captain [Music] now you may be the only wizards except from slytherins I even dare talk to not like they're worthy mind you crush a deity realized in the Room of Requirement yes we were talking about the sacred islands of the houses perhaps you can Oh big news actually Grisha and I were discussing about who is the best wizard between you and Wickliffe well I was just stop this what's wrong afraid to lose your spot hmm as never been any cap oh come on wig laughs looks like you're afraid of Tom you could beat him in a heartbeat if only you wanted to you'll see bishop well this is new is that Soaker guys stop it I won't fight you weirdo but I think you want to this is the last time well actually all me yes now or never wait right there's no reason for us to fight you are not my enemy for now we're not talking about a deadly jewel okay just an amateur fight you know Tom maybe we all know how much you care to prove that the Raven is superior to the snake enough relax captain it was just a joke come on Captain where is your sense of humor well you actually never had a sense of humor all right Chris you rigged up just wanna fight Tom I'll try myself and then you'll have to marry me what you don't want to Lazarus you know well that you are not ready for this jewel yeah we'll see that's worse you've heard Tom listen to the elders once and for all of course Tom Tom Tom Tom you like anyone to always listen to Tom that's honest stop this you don't have any other ace in the hole lass Oh bye-bye Grisha Lazarus just wanted to get my attention but Tom something took over him let me shadow hungry for power willing to do anything to punish the weaker and claim its owed unquestioned superiority that was the end of everything more or less what happened then a few days later the school year ended and that meant the end of Hogwarts for a glass on top and yet I still don't understand how all of this can be linked with the death of Hepzibah Smith after his school years Thomas must have dip it to be able to stay on as a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts but dip it declined and recommended he waits a few years more so top model students and seen by many as the new promise at the Whistling world disappointed everyone by taking a job of borgin and Burkes a dealer of dark artifacts and memorabilia in the slums of Knockturn alley yeah he worked there for a few years then he mysteriously disappeared just a few days before the discovering of old Smith's body 1955 the year of the scandal House of murders her mistress - death by poison cold case the house they've confessed so miss mckagan I ask you one more time what does Tom Riddle have to do with hip Seba Smith hepzibah's Smith descendant of the Hapuku family aunt of a Lazarus Smith the one true heir of interesting what did Lazarus do after school Lazarus was the only one among us s to find his ancestors heirloom the Hufflepuff cup but someone was chasing him a powerful dark wizard determined to seize the cup in his message to us he wrote he would hide the carpet his aunt observers an old fanatic road so that it would be safe but when the owl delivered the letter to us it was too late Lazarus Smith died just a few days before his aunt Hepzibah [Music] and mr. wizard would allegedly be a riddle if you think riddle is involved what proves do you have how can you be sure because I saw it there are wizards capable of showing things that go beyond space and time mr. Makarov Albus Dumbledore he had always had a great respect fatale nonetheless he may be the only one that always knew how dangerous he could be [Music] it's about that just a few days after her mistress's death haki the house half died probably shocked and discovering she was the murderer of Miss Hepzibah but once more feet was on professor dumbledore side he managed to access the elf subconscious drawing out her most hidden memories which memories what have you seen they overwork you at that shot I have said it a hundred times well what is your excuse for visiting this old boring lady this time mr. Burke would like to make an improved offer for the Goblin maid armor five hundred gallons he feels it's more than fair now now not so fast or I will think you're only here for my trinkets I am ordered here because of them madam I'm only a poor assistant who must do as he's told mr. berg wishes need to enjoy Oh mr. Burke I have something to show you that I've never shown mr. Burke can you keep a secret talk will you promise you won't tell mr. Burke I've got it but you Tom you will appreciate it for its history not how many galleons you can get for it it would be more than glad to see anything miss her service shows me so wait for me here wait a minute what I still have to figure out is how did Chum read and know that miss meat had the cup if she had only received it from Lazarus days before his employment at borgin and Burkes was clearly part of a plan what better way to find out about the legal traffic of heirlooms and magic artifacts Miss Smith was a regular customer Tom knew she was a Hufflepuff and he knew her affection might prove useful and it did he figured Lazarus would give her the cup and he seized the opportunity I'm sure you'll like this Tom oh if my family knew I was showing you [Music] they can't wait to get their hands on this I wonder whether you know what it is dear pick it up Tom have a good look [Music] so Abacha so this form helga hufflepuff's cup as you very well know you clever one didn't I tell you I was distantly descended this has been handed down in the family for years and years lovely isn't it and all sorts of powers it's supposed to possess too but I haven't tested them thoroughly I just keep it nice and safe in here ha I think you'll like this even more leaning a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Burke sold it to me years ago haha and I dare say he'd love to get it back when I'm gone [Music] Slytherin smart that's right I had to pay an arm and a leg for it but I couldn't let it pass not a real treasure like that had to have it my collection black horses apparently from a ragged looking woman who seemed to have stolen it but had no idea of its true value Hepzibah didn't have any clue what a heavy impact those words would have had on her fate the woman who sold the locket to Berk merab gaunt heir of Salazar Slytherin mother of Tony riddle [Music] are you alright - oh yes yes I'm very well your eyes I thought but a trick of the height I suppose it's funny how sometimes chance intertwine so devilishly well with faint don't you agree Miss Smith dear boy I the seeker chases the snitch so Sidious Lee when he finally grabs it firmly holding it in his hands he simply realizes the game was already won what do you mean poor sweet Lazarus such an erratic and unpredictable boy disowned by the hufflepuffs but he was so proud of his roots to risk his life looking for helga hufflepuff's cup the Lost heirloom of your family how do you know about Lazarus how do you know the cup was lost and he trusted again the very same family that denied him his Hufflepuff descendants handing the cup to you hoping to keep it hidden from dangerous people people like me get what but my look seems to be endless because I bet your dear nephew ignored that you also owned the noble Slytherin heirloom very oh the one that I was so desperately looking for finally mine do you want my treasures take them you could keep them I find it almost disgusting your nephew has done so much to find this relic and restore your family's name and then I look at you so sickening so revolting and so old you're living proof of how low the four houses are fallen if hobble I've ever had over the air that was Lazarus Smith and now he's dead by my hand he did what he wanted to raise this world to higher ends he wanted a peaceful and just world like all four of us heirs but you don't have to worry his dream will live on with me [Music] but I have a secure votes wrinkles I'm rich I might do anything you want I'll give you everything you want Tom - yeah thank you Tom I'm glad you enemies of the heir beware good Tom impeccably staged the first-class scandal a false memory charm an undetectable poison and just the right touch of theatricality the house of pled guilty their lives beer that night I paid him a visit Tom unaware of the crime we had just committed Alohomora I was desperate after Hogwarts Tom cut off all ties with us as after Lazarus died I was terrified what atonement managed to find on the heirlooms he was looking for Lazarus's murderer would he have come for him too I got there late Tom had vanished I was the only one who still cared about Tom the only one who still believed in him the only disgusting little girl still blinded by our feelings but to what end [Music] why we treat the four founders heroines [Music] horcrux what's cool crooks do you know what this word means general a power so dark that only a few dare speak of it the only known form of immortality tearing a fragment of your soul to confine it into an object what kind of objects who knows might be anything or maybe something you really care about an object which represents something which is bound to a memory which is a part of your past like a diary so you think that the diary we obtained is Horcrux I can't see sure but I'm sure that both the cup and the locket are now more than simple heirlooms and I think he won't stop there for what we know he might have already have gotten to Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem we'd love what happened to Reno's air it's a nasty wound now stay here be quiet and wait while I finish this healing potion hoping this'll work after all these years why did you look for me because we have a common goal I guess and I even guessed that in this world there still is something I can call my friend that someone is you things are getting worse now they call themselves Death Eaters away there's nothing we can do not as long as the enigma remains unsolved we searched every single inch of those ruins but there is no sign of the sword you mean got three crystal sword probably the only heirloom Tom still couldn't find what are we close intentions we have to stop him with life females to take all of the sword well we have to save him he opens the Chamber of Secrets he killed Lazarus he's being betray us always he is truly you and I will eradicate him I will bring justice there's still some quitting Tom I knew it Tom who is Tom No Krisha there was never a top he is always being he's always been gone nothing the name just it doesn't matter it gets the Veritaserum starting to wear off we have tried to stop him mr. Makarov he tried but now he's dead dead he had no chance with him first the Badger than the Raven I'm the only one left the only one who can still stop the serpent the only one who can still save tongue save him from what from himself that diary it has a way to stop him it's in there it is a fragment of his soul I was like I was past [Music] and mine [Music] the train leaves in an hour you better pack your things is this how you say goodbye since as you know I am head boy it will be almost impossible to say goodbye on the train so what's the matter with you Tom sorry what's the matter with you what's the bloody matter why do you always make things go wrong it looks like you enjoy seeing the world good pieces [Music] Lazarus will be ok Wiglaf well you know we are alike in many ways it's normal for us to be in conflict but he will take his own path as I will follow mine and me what answer do you have for me [Music] you are a seeker right you know too well how the game works you have to catch the snitch you have to chase you have to grab it to end the game but it never rests it's unstoppable it whizzes a top speed and if you want to catch it you must not be distracted you cannot think [Music] no past no future [Music] what's about that diary [Music] memories are made of something peculiar tried to catch them to be dangerous the good ones they're hard to catch the bad ones on the other hand they're even harder to keep away you will run away won't you you will disappear they know it's in your nature you can't run away from who you truly are you cannot run away from your past [Music] farewell wish [Music] since that day have you seen each other again No [Music] not yet our tradition I surprised I see own you're accused of serious crimes young lady attempted robbery of materials helped by the Soviet Oris departments resisting arrest attempt but I suppose there might have been a big misunderstanding drew you told me everything miss McKagan and unless you are immune to build to zero you set the truth but it's still your own truth I cannot be sure what you said actually happened we need facts we need proof no one would believe such akanda dude it's an inconsistent story not even I can truly believe it yet I see something extremely sincere in you something different we cannot use this diary it doesn't belong here if the owner really is Tom Marvolo riddle then needs a problem of the Brits so I'm giving this diary to you [Music] I'm sure those you can work on convincing your departments to take your investigation seriously after kalak riddle I'm sure they wouldn't want another Dark Wizard on their hands am i right general Makarov please take back your walls and the rest of your personal belongings before you use the port key you'll be given I'm sure I will hear more of you yes be well thanks general [Music] Oh [Music] ms McLaggen the diary well I cannot figure out this how did you know we had this I didn't well maybe I did who are you my name is Voldemort but not possible Transfiguration there's nothing that powerful verbally Tercero darkness hide secrets far more powerful than just a simple potion general you violated my soul's tomb the tomb where my past lies rubber enemies of the heir beware remember these remains belong to is of little importance at this point probably a sacrifice for who knows what kind of dark ritual it was a woman come on with let's go before we get caught in the storm Grindelwald was defeated but it's not withstanding because of him good people will still die [Music] why it has no end there will always be darkness in this world legal but darkness is all that we have how else would we remember the light [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 19,048,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harrypotter, jkrowling, voldemort, voldemortoriginsoftheheir, voldemortorigins, magic, film, tryangle, tryanglefilms, TRYANGLE, TRYANGLEFILMS, movie, cinema, youtube, fanfilm, hd, subtitles, watch, watchingvoldemort, real, official
Id: C6SZa5U8sIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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