Voice Teachers React to BTS NPR Tiny Desk

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hi welcome back to our channel we are chase emilia and today we are reacting to bts's tiny desk somebody just requested this on our last video and we couldn't say yes fast enough absolutely super excited we love npr tiny desks and we don't really know much about kpop but everything that we've heard we just are super huge fans so we are excited to hear this npr tiny desks are usually pretty stripped down and so i'm really excited to see what this you know full band um kind of sounds like and i think this is an at-home tiny desk so it's like a new so they get to choose a lot of the recording style recording sound stuff so it's a little bit probably more produced produced than it normally would be but it's still gonna seem i bet it's gonna be more stripped down yeah i still think the style the of the tiny desk because like billy eilish did one and you know since the pandemic everyone's been doing these home concerts so it's uh it's exciting yeah but we know nothing about k-pop we have a few friends that have listened and introduced us to k-pop but i think even maybe bts um but we really haven't listened too much of it ourselves so we're really excited if you guys are new to our channel and you have not seen one of our reaction videos before we would like you to know that we're gonna stop and pause and probably talk a lot more than maybe you would like to hear so if you are not into that feel free to just watch the original we will link it down below here on this channel we love singing and we love talking to other singers we hope that by watching this reaction you can learn something from us just like we are learning every time we watch somebody sing let's get started and it starts tonight so watch me bring the fight tonight i know this song shows up in the morning running like a rolling stone sing song when the [ __ ] knock jump up to the top left [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] ladies and gentlemen i got no medicine so you should keep your eyes on the ball wow this is getting hubby can't hate [Music] let's go first thoughts it's like bruno mars this is such james it's such a jam oh gosh love the music yeah there's a way more of them than i thought there were i thought it was like five but there are seven plus the bands plus the band but i think like they are just them it's like a boy band right so i think it's the seven of them sure but they're definitely using auto-tune like yeah that's what i was gonna say there's a lot there's a local effect what's going on and you know i get why you would do that we can you know nowadays you can have computers that are so fast that they can you know live process stuff for sure and if you're going to put on a good show you know it's it's kind of part of it you know part of what they do too i think it's part of their sound we've talked about about that before like a lot of people like the sound of auto-tune it's not necessarily because they don't sing in tune like that's like a common misconception yeah it's like it's an effect that people want to hear in popular music i think so i'm surprised by the vocal quality even though there's auto-tune and stuff going on or effects i'm surprised by some of the vocal qualities that i'm hearing like it's just not what i would expect i thought that there was like some like really like dark sounds yeah i um you know i noticed a lot of the vocal processing but like we listen to bonnie bear yeah oh it's awesome it's all you know vocal processing and he's not like an amazing singer but like this is actually a pretty tough oh it's super singing a lot of words a lot of it's fast moving i feel like they're normally dancing i think that's the thing too with like k-pop groups as it's like traditional boyfriends or like girl bands too yeah yeah but that you know i agree i feel like it is not an easy thing to sing even with both like because the vocal effects don't change anything other than that yeah exactly for sure yeah it's cool it's a total jam yeah let's keep listening [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] wow it's really right there also you have to be really in tune to like get i mean yeah but that like scale scale up yes was tricky and it's fast moving super fast you know that's why you got to be super on it [Music] [Music] listen to the different tampers of just their voices even with the effect like it's that's what i think i meant too is like every person's voice is really unique yeah in within their group but then i mean i guess they kind of sing at the same time sometimes too it's not like choir it's not like coral where they're like blending you know they all have their own they bring their own voice to the group absolutely that was interesting just to hear the difference between those two singing the same thing [Music] like if you listen really closely [Music] i was wondering because i was looking i was like who's singing and nobody else is singing right then so you know it's a vocoder it's a lot of and this is like i don't know there's a lot of different ways people are making music these days and all kinds of super cool stuff um and so you know some people might knock auto-tune or might do this it's it's part of music now and so you kind of have to embrace it it's like another instrument yeah like you have the voice but then the voice can have effects just like guitars can have effects and it doesn't take away from your ability as a vocalist honestly i mean if you're if you're singing and you're putting on a show that people enjoy it looks like you're a great singer like looks like you're you're a successful mission accomplished you're a successful singer yeah um you know people might prefer of course like the more um acoustic acapella unprocessed thing but i still don't think that that means you should knock it it's like just knocking other people's musical preferences i think that's a genre right like it's just a different genre so it's a different type of thing yeah digging this though me too [Music] okay okay this is interesting they are singing differently [Music] in a good way right you know if the guy before was it was a little bit further back yeah a little bit more hell this guy was like lighted up dynamite but that's also because he had to do that yeah so like you think about he knows where this phrase the melodic phrase is going and he has to prepare himself too i think sometimes well if you're gonna flip up like that if you're gonna have the the the agility there you gotta be nice and loose this is easier singing only is it like kind of louder fills the room easier but you can move quicker absolutely so yeah i think that's a yeah that was a quick um comparison [Music] [Music] uh [Music] wow so up next our next song is called save me yes his voice is surprising hope you enjoy it here we go let's go significantly darker and deeper than everyone else's are you ready hey amy hey can you hear me let's go [Music] the [Music] [Music] i'm going to stop it because i want to watch that again yeah i think that korean was meant for like this music like the language do you feel like it just is so melodic i don't know there's something that like about when they sing in korean i feel like there's more syllables and vowels like there's just more probably two a word than than in english like and maybe it's just the words they're choosing but it's just so i don't know it just really fits the music and they think the melodies obviously it's written in the language for that yeah but there's something that's just really like perfect that is like the perfect thing yeah what do you think i i am i'm always really interested so my sister actually taught english in korea for about two years two and a half years and you know she would tell me all the different things of of the mix between english and korean right it kind of blows my mind and yeah um it's just i think i think it's super i don't know it's super cool i think that like the world is kind of going that way absolutely like we like multilingual multilingual and like k-pop being the most popular musical genre in the world right you know um i really love that you know it's just really i just feel like there's a reason that it's so popular like it is its own genre yeah and it's because i think the language is a huge part of it like it's not like honestly the music isn't any different than pop music you hear here to me i don't hear a lot of difference especially nowadays because i feel like nowadays we're probably influenced by it yeah yeah i think i would agree we're kind of chasing chasing that but i think that like the thing that is the most unique and like specific that you can't like you can't really reproduce it in english you know what i mean there would be i don't know it would be it would lose a lot of the beauty i think that comes from it but i wanna i wanna rewind because i want to listen to just a singing channel or what we got to talk about their voices well that's what i want to talk about this guy's voice so this is another reason another reason though i think the language plays into it is because i think korean oh my gosh and i think it is a much more melodic language i don't know if it's easier as much as it's their negative language right so they're used to they they know those vowels really well they know the sounds really well you know if i was singing in a different language i'd be thinking about how to make that sound because it's not native to my yeah but yeah i think even more so though where the language is naturally placed in your voice is what i mean like there is a we've talked about this too with tagalog how there's a more nasality like there's it's more nasal in nature the language itself so when you sing in it you're kind of already setting yourself up for success well and i would agree i mean we've always we've also talked about how english is actually difficult to sing in right because we have a lot of horrible horrible vowels that are like are rock and owl and like diphthongs in the mix but like also these weird consonants like l and r which are not pretty and in order to make them sound pretty you have to kind of adjust them to make them sound good in a song and sometimes it stops your airflow which makes it harder so it's just like for a lot of reasons but there's one that i'm going to rewind to that i specifically loved how he he brings like his chest he does a really good mix and he navigates his range really well oh yeah [Music] okay exactly twice exactly back to [Music] is already back into his chest a little bit and he's so so into it and he's like he's like already floating that's gorgeous yeah start from the get-go and then he goes back into his chest voice and it's not like a jarring huge difference no it's not it's it almost is like it's very similar to a yodel which we've talked about before how it's like it's a flip and it's a beautiful sound i mean to me i think it's such a beautiful sound and he does it so so effortlessly [Music] foreign [Music] can we talk about the difference between their voices sure so i feel like so the guy the gentleman in the vest his voice has a lot of like clarity like almost a little bit of airiness kind of too and i feel like the guy in the orange shirt has a little bit more um like no like strain almost like not strained in a bad way but like he is where i think the melody sits for him is more of um he's like melting or it's like on his break where he has to kind of force the phonation a little bit let's hear it yeah [Music] [Music] i think he was mo like like the guy before was more in head voice and he was saying yeah yeah he's like trying to he's in it just in a different part of his work and he he kind of added that i need your love like yeah you know what i mean it was a little bit more of a glottal attack yeah versus the other guy who was very like yeah i need your love before i fall when we say that people are straining or working really hard it doesn't mean that it's not intentional okay we're just no we're saying what we hear and obviously making comments you can hear the difference like i think that you could hear the difference and that's that's what i think is happening and one is not better or worse than the other we're just we're talking about how they're doing it so that way maybe you can do it too exactly exactly yeah his voice is wild his voice is wild and i don't know if you guys saw the last one i'm probably going to get comments about it that i was making weird faces when he was right because i was trying to figure out what he has he's doing effect than everyone else and he could but i think it's his voice i think it's his voice i think he's singing like this yeah and and um you know preferences and all that stuff none of that stuff matters yeah you know that's like almost like indie girl like oh totally yeah right definitely this isn't that again [Music] sorry let's just talk about the vowels because the first guy goes save me save me and he said serve me and he almost had to save mom exactly and so i think that the vowels change they absolutely change what's coming out totally and just them choosing two different vowels makes it sound like completely different and that could be like an effect thing totally that could be you know any number of things those things absolutely you know but we talk a lot on the channel about how aaron val make up almost your entire sound so okay so that's our son and that's our family and uh we're gonna be right back wow that took a long time let's keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that was really neat i feel like this guy in the orange blazer with the purple microphone is really good yeah yeah he's like the yeah he's like the leader he seems to be one of the strongest voices i would say because like for sure i mean they also give him a lot of the melodies and that's what i mean you know he's singing almost the entire time right right and i just you know i don't know they're all good they're all really good but i keep i keep kind of coming back to this guy going man you're good i just thought that was really cool how they harmonized that part earlier that was pretty nice and lower harmony yeah that's great [Music] did you hear that that was a lot like more set to the he kind of squeaked hmm this guy on the [Music] end he definitely like audibly breathed in and it's interesting so like from a like technique perspective i know that we teach and like kind of work on work on like silent breaths because when you have a silent breath when you breathe with the vowel like prepared and you have a silent breath then your like your vocal folds are ready to phonate in a good like it's a good starting point yeah right but i think that kind of already starts with them closed well and i think we're we're hearing that more and more in popular music and and more pop styles of singing is you're hearing those cracks those breaks those right you know the flips the variables that we're talking about the squeaks that we're you know that we're hearing more and more yeah um yeah yeah it's interesting [Music] i'm working with a student right now and she constantly wants to go fall fall all right she's not singing this song but that's just an example right and faw fall you don't have to have a lot of l you really don't there's barely any there's barely any and you still know what he's saying fall right um so that's just a good habit to get into is sing on the vowel and just barely touch on those consonants that way you're constantly singing on the vowel you're not singing right those are not great for you know projecting or really right having that resonance having that resonance unless you know that's what you want to do and that's like an intentional thing but a lot of people it's generally yeah you should get into the habit of just clipping those those consonants so it's just barely there [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so this is like my technique too where if he didn't have a mic and he was just kind of in a room yeah he probably wouldn't be able to hear him but like in order to get that effect he has to sing right here and he sings right into the mic and um you know i it's it's just a different style of singing like we practice things like projection and trying to fill a room with our sound but is that really necessary in today's day and age where you have microphones and amplification through everything it's it's you know it's probably not um i just think it's a really interesting way to sing it's unique [Music] thank you do you think he talks like that right he doesn't talk like he doesn't talk like that right now okay all right the next one is spring day and i believe as such difficult time like now we all are wishing for the spring day to come let's go [Music] it's been the roughest summer ever but we know that spring will come so let's go together his accent is pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] can we just talk about like even comparing those voices like we've done that before even just in this own in this video but it's such a different sound and i feel like it's funny because as far as preference goes i actually really love the guy's voice on the end i think it's a really unique sound but i definitely hear what you're talking about where it sounds like it sounds smaller you can hear how open and resonant the guy in the vest's voice sounds and they're singing the same kind of a melody yeah um but it's also like the quality of our voices are all different right like that's the point of the band that's the point of everyone like we all have different voices that's a good thing but it's just really interesting to hear how like right next to each other they sing so differently almost the same thing you know [Music] foreign [Music] foreign it's just you know i mean we've said this before lots of people think that you got to have these big huge you know right and you really don't it's easier if you just do it like you're talking it looks like you're speaking like yeah that's what i always watch with people singing like what does their mouth look like is it natural looking or does it look weird or why do they sometimes we overcompensate sometimes with our like mouth position and whatever but yeah this guy looks like he's talking because he is he's just and it's tough because sometimes you can end up like chewing on the vowels and stuff like that right but it's this is it seems easy it looks effortless totally awesome [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] something that i'm noticing and we talked about this a little bit earlier was the whole glottal attack right yeah i'm not hearing uh nearly as many as i do with you know american pop singers oh for sure like american pop singers every time they start to sing it's ah i miss you you know stuff like that where it's it's just really hard and these guys yeah they have a lot of videos so good air flow right right um really good phrasing and like phrasing starts right when you start singing right as soon as you start making noise you should have good air you should have all that stuff and that's really hard to do if you start with that ah i start with a glottal attack yeah i would be really curious to hear what um their voices sound like without the effect just because i wonder also some people even sing in a way that sounds like there's an effect does that make sense like sure they sing in a way that sounds like there's auto-tune and there's not but that's just like part of how they sing and so especially that guy on the end that has the higher voice i said something i love shakira i'd love to hear what his voice is i'd love to hear what his voice sounds like without him he is adding a little bit of like effect even just in like his own voice in his own voice and how he's using it yeah totally it's interesting [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign yeah that's really interesting really interesting one thing i think that like i'm noticing they're all switching so freely from their chest voice to their head voice or whatever you want to call it where they go you know they start it's really nice and so you know that's a sign that you know how to use your instrument right right and um you know so if you're trying to especially if you're a male trying to sing um practice that going ah you know going back and forth and it doesn't matter if your voice flips or not right just navigate that that breakthrough and um and practice that practice flipping up going back flipping up going back and making that more seamless well because a lot of pop songs do exactly that like i think a lot of pop songs like kind of go back and forth and navigate between those two places and that's what's really cool about like listening to people doing it well yeah is it just you almost don't notice it right like you don't notice it you don't notice that that might be a difficult thing oh yeah and you know i think that everyone thinks that there's just some quick trick and what works for some people is not gonna work for everybody else yeah what is gonna work though is you just practicing it trying to do it you know you figure out how to use your own instrument [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right all right that whole phrase he took like three breaths and he didn't hear a single one so let's watch that again [Music] he's right up on the bike [Music] thank you thank you thank you awesome wow wow that was awesome that was the first time i i don't know if it was the first time i've ever heard them i think i might have heard them like on the radio because i definitely heard dynamite but that was the first time i've ever watched them um and heard them like live and that was really cool oh my gosh that was so good i love boy band i i love like live band oh for sure it's so good the guitar player was awesome yeah you know everything that they had a lot going for them yeah um i just mean the style though like the style because like we've talked about this it's not coral necessarily like they're not usually singing all at the same time at least in the songs we just listened to maybe two or three at the same time or they all sing the same melody at some point but i just think it's cool because it like i don't know it's it's a unique style of music because they it's like there's obviously not one leader really um like we said we think well yeah somebody's gonna come in the comments and be like a leader you should already know that no but i just i really love the style um there's so many things i love about k-pop at least from this for sure i love i think yeah i'm i'm adding k-pop to my uh various playlists i know my playlist definitely going to be rocking some games some k-pop that's awesome specifically bts this is great it was so good this is so good yeah well if you guys enjoyed this video please leave us a like and if you have something you want to say about this performance please leave us a comment we'd love to hear your guys's opinions about this if you guys are new to our channel please consider subscribing we make videos like this every single week thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Chase and Melia
Views: 401,107
Rating: 4.9181395 out of 5
Keywords: bts, tiny desk, tiny desk concert, npr music, bts tiny desk, voice teachers react to bts, bts reaction, bts first time reaction, voice teacher react to bts tiny desk, singers react to bts, chase and melia react, chase and melia react to bts, reacting to bts
Id: TMfGbl5Dfx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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