How Well Does BTS Know Each Other? | BTS Game Show | Vanity Fair
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Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 15,195,288
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Keywords: bangtan, bangtan boys, bangtan boys vanity fair, bts, bts 2021, bts band, bts game, bts game show, bts group, bts interview, bts interview 2021, bts kpop, bts kpop band, bts questions, bts quiz, bts quiz each other, bts vanity fair, game show, how well does bts know each other, j-hope, jimi, jimin, jin, jungkook, pilot, rm, suga, the bts game show, vanity fair, vanity fair bts, vanity fair game show, 방탄소년단
Id: 6jfIOa_zgRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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Yoongi: Why must there always be a winner?
Jin: We live in a cruel world where they remember winners only. If you didn’t win, take some time to reflect.
Namjoon may be the one quoting Nas, but Jin’s also out spitting the real truths 😂
Really didn't expect Hobi's fear answer to be so deep. Thought it was going to be something silly like the others were guessing lol.
These type of interviews make me always smile! The guys always give you comedy, a few life lessons and lots of fun! They are so endearing! They seem to be happy and relaxed here, also love their english! 💜
Hobi's answer about the fear of future was nice yet unexpected but also kind of funny because we know he fears snakes, bugs, heights, roller coasters etc so you'd think what else is there...? 🤣
And Jin dancing to the Jin-song, so charming!! 😂
This really made my day and put a smile on my face. It was so funny especially Jin’s section lol
My vote for most interesting answer: Yoongi saying (paraphrasing) he doesn’t want to re-record any songs cause regret is also part of the learning process.
Boys dropping life quotes and purpose in a small game show. 🥺💜 You just know you’re stanning the right people when their thoughts and living way are just so down to earth and simple. 💜
i’m going through a horrible breakup right now and this is the first thing that’s made me happy in a week ily bts :*
Joon: “what’s my best feature?”
ARMYs: dead 💀
Jin once again loving himself the mostest by recommending the “jinjinjinjinjiniyaaa~” song hahahaha
Edit: “Life is not a slot machine. There are no multiple chances.” - my new life motto. Thank you, our wise philosopher leader Kim Namjoon.
I loved this an aggressive amount.
Lol what JK initially wrote down was samgyupsal😂 (Korean fork belly which he also mentioned at his iconic vlive 2019)
edit: JK's flustered face at Jin's "You are saying it isn't army's love? Seriously??" Him almost driving JK into that answer got me🤣 Why are they so endearing