Producer Reacts to BTS Full Performance 2019 MMA

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okay okay you guys asked for it so here it is today i am going to be reacting to bts live at the 2019 mmas now i have never heard of a performance at an award show that's 37 minutes long and that's how long youtube tells me this one is so i am so excited to give this a listen check it out see exactly what songs they perform how they do them i love live performances so much as i'm sure you've seen us on my other reaction videos that i've done some live performances if you have seen some of my videos before go ahead and give this video a big thumbs up it really helps out me and my channel a ton and if you want to stay up to date with more reaction videos just like this one feel free to subscribe so that you don't miss out but without further ado let's throw on the cans and let's give this a listen bts live full performance 2019 mmas there we go [Music] wow it's already so cinematic so theatrical this is great little clips this this reminds me of being a live concert you know how they have it on like the big screens before you go the crowd's going i'm sure that's exactly what's going on this is excellent i love it already oh yeah you just know the story behind it it's gonna have a cool storyboard it's gonna be so well pieced together i'm i'm so excited i've been thinking about this seriously for over a week just waiting to watch this oh the crowd just going crazy they just love them so much [Music] wow this is like a full-on concert intro this is wicked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the crowd just loves them so much what a way to start this this is wicked [Music] yes oh i got to turn this off [Music] i love this look i love the theme the classroom look this is cool [Music] oh this is so good [Music] oh and what a cool shot that is oh cool no way what a quick outfit change oh what oh also that electric guitar going in the background i love that in hip hop music that's so cool [Music] wow he had the outfit change in there that is amazing it starts with a certain mood certain look they've cleaned up that set already wow oh this is so impressive whoa look at all those people holy oh here we go [Applause] oh cool still following the classroom theme okay i dig this [Music] ah look at all those lights whoa whoa whoa can we just go back for a second there look at that setup look at all those lights going on how many people are there how massive that stage is i can't believe that this is an award show and this looks like a full-on arena or stadium tour holy this is so well built and just so big this is super cool unfortunately i wish there was a closed captions for this there's not so we're gonna have to do without them but it is what it is let's keep rolling oh this is massive and look at this overhead shots this is cool a little smurf oh [Music] oh their choreography always blows me away [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] right now this is so amazing [Music] everything in this is just so well pieced together so well thought out all the choreography the way they jump between vocals and make sure that whoever singing has the front of the stage is so impressive this is great [Music] i love the rock elements in this song too it sounds like it has a big electric guitar behind it holding the chord progression of the song both this wicked electric drum kit i like it [Applause] [Music] there's so much energy how do these guys not get tired [Music] [Music] that is one thing that they have going for them being a seven person group is they don't all have to sing all the time if you go to any pop artist at a concert ariana grande justin bieber katy perry i don't know whoever it is they have to sing the whole time and that is really really hard not only as a vocalist to sing all the way through all of your songs for an hour or whatever but also to do all the choreography running around on stage being energetic hyping up the crowd so i think one thing that so unique about them being a seven person group where they all switch over between vocals is that they have an opportunity to really step up their choreography and go above and beyond what everybody else can do because they're not going to be winded and out of breath by the time they have to come back and sing or rap or whatever their vocal part is so they can go so so hard with this and they've already shown in the first few minutes just how impressive they are at doing that also you gotta keep in mind it's hot up there they're wearing full suits in the lights in a warm building this is [Music] impressive also the video walls and the led screens behind them is so impressive that is such a massive setup and it looks like they move around too i'm excited to see how they shape this all out oh i just noticed they all have personalized microphones some of them have purple one of them was like black and gold that is really really cool that they all have their own mics unique to their own so see that again with solo artists but they all got their own i just like that i love all those small little details they really make a performance for me [Music] [Applause] of fireworks indoors are you kidding me are you kidding me oh these guys just go so hard with everything they got fire oh my goodness [Music] [Applause] after doing all those dance moves they still get that vocal run on point that is so so so impressive wow i'm florida and look at that bad new brand new backdrop for a new song this is this is unreal i'm floored right now this is so good [Music] [Music] ah they're just so smooth they're so fun i love how they show a bit of their personality and humor there too [Music] oh i love that tambourine going that's great [Music] wow this is so massive i'm this is an award show that's the thing that i can't get through my head if this was a concert this would be impressive and really really amazing but this isn't even their own concert they are performing at an award show what what an award show this every single award show performance should be like this there we go i said it they set the bar it's up here everybody else got to step up their game this is this is so impressive [Music] yeah ah the moves wow [Music] [Music] that stage is so big okay starting to look a little tired we're in song three not tired they've just been going so hard [Music] i also love how they all stick together they're moving out to a new part of the stage now a lot of the times when artists have this big of a stage they'll separate and it kind of draws the attention to different places and obviously bts has such well thought out choreography everything they do is so planned and so structured that they got to stick together and move around the stage together i love that it keeps your eye focused where it should be the whole time nothing get distracted by really really smart on their ends [Music] [Applause] ah the choreography is so intense and to come in and sing after moving like this these guys got to be warm right now this is impressive [Music] [Music] okay that is awesome ah everything they do is just so big oh look at that shot was amazing look into the crowd look at that look at how massive that stage that is imagine being up there performing in front of all those people what a cool cool feeling they must be experiencing right now i absolutely love that i can't get over how big this stage is this arena everything is so big for an award show performance this is great [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow that is amazing i love them they're so good they're so so good okay track four [Music] in the beginning i did not shine so bright i only knew it oh cool a little interlude this is straight up a full-on concert that these guys are putting on right now now let us shine on each other oh cool message [Music] we're no longer small just as the universe expects our universe okay we're gonna get an outfit change right here aren't we that's what's happening right now [Music] everything these guys do blows me away what's what's next what's next [Music] yeah okay yeah look at that outfit change that was like 30 seconds maybe not even how do they have time to change outfits oh that that always blows me away as an outfit change in between songs like i i don't understand i know they got people back there ready to do the whole thing but seriously and they come out their hair looks great they had to like change shirts and stuff i don't know i don't know how they do it super impressive oh this is cool what's behind them there [Music] oh what a tasty vocaloid [Music] oh wow what what how do they make it look like that [Music] okay a slower song here makes sense for them i always think about the way a setlist is structured together with a concert being a performer myself you get tired on stage you need an off song and by an off song i mean wonder you can just catch your breath especially they had three straight songs with hard choreography a lot of vocals a lot of energy so quick outfit change quick set change and then tone it down with the softer song catch their breath just focus on the singing and they sound beautiful [Music] i love his piercings the three earrings on the one here that's awaken [Music] oh what cool like how do they do that [Music] [Applause] oh this is such a cool set such a cool setup [Music] oh they're such good singers man they're they're really impressive [Music] leather jacket that's got to be hot too wow i love that they go for style in the outfits more than functionality they don't care as long as they look good they'll sweat it's fine it's impressive honestly [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh he's got such a high voice that falsetto is amazing wow how does he sing up there so well that's impressive [Music] uh [Applause] oh [Music] what why is the crowd not going crazy [Music] are you singing so high and so well wow [Music] oh cool oh wow did the stage just raised up there oh then spin it everything these guys do is just on another level wow jeez oh and i love how they're always smiling always so happy they just look so they look so grateful and so thankful of the position that they're in they're able to perform in front of thousands of people who absolutely love them love their music love seeing them live and just by the look on their face you can tell how grateful they are to be given this opportunity in life to do that and i i really appreciate that so much from them i think that's one thing that makes them great is just how much you can tell they give back to their fan base like that that's so so important from an artist and really makes me respect them so so much let's keep going with this one [Music] wow that was impressive okay oh wow a cut scene okay i was gonna say i'm ready for some more choreography [Music] cool [Music] [Music] everything they do seems to have a lot of meaning and a message behind that which is really really cool a lot of artists will just put out songs just for the sake of putting out songs but you can tell there's purpose and intent behind everything they do i like that that's really cool [Music] okay the space theme still rolling with that i like that oh what the heck what the heck is going on what is that horn what okay if anybody knows what that is drop a comment down below please let me know that is cool i like that okay okay what do we have here [Music] okay like i said telling a story everything has a meaning everything has a message let's go this is like some cool like greek or like roman empire type thing [Music] wow okay they got a whole team of dancers amazing ah yeah outfit change okay again can we just appreciate this stage for a second this is so well built massive massive stage these unreal dancers up top in the in the hula hoops and on i don't know what those long rope things are called but that's really really cool and then all these dancers on the ground almost like uh like an army yeah this is so well put together and everything's angled towards the focus which is them performing i love this such such a well-built stage this is really cool oh yeah oh we're gonna get a little dancing here aren't we that's what's going on love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the heck what's going on now uh everything they do is so wild oh yeah [Music] oh what oh yeah all white what a outfit that is sick [Music] oh my goodness i would be sketched out dancing on top of that thing i hope he's locked in somehow [Music] uh over to the next one this is so cool how they're doing this everything builds into itself and everything's connected this is wicked where do we go now [Music] oh wow we're gonna get a beautiful contemporary piece this is amazing [Applause] i love how they each get an opportunity to showcase their own specific type of dance that they're best at and that they might have been trained in when they were younger oh this is so cool they seriously take everything to the next level they're so extra it's so [Applause] [Music] amazing [Music] wow [Music] this is so crazy has anybody seen them live in concert in person before uh if you have let me know is this a regular thing that they do do they often break off into separate uh like dance arrangements like this if so amazing nobody else that i know of really does that this is cool uh there's so many elements to their music too like this is some like rock or like older metal feels right now this is wild [Applause] okay [Applause] wow game oh fire then to water they have all the elements this is so crazy oh the water put out the fire now it's smoke everything they do so well put together and so well thought out blows me away just blows me away [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh what the heck [Applause] oh cool that's an amazing element somebody better uh follow him around the mop though that stage is gonna get slippery [Applause] [Music] like what this performance is just another amazing reason it just shows like how talented they really are you know you know they're amazing singers you know they're amazing dancers when they're given a one-on-one opportunity to just really show you what they do it's so impressive [Music] oh and another one here we go they don't stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is a filthy song oh this ghost oh wow oh i love that wow oh this this has been my favorite dance segment of them all so far this one's awesome ah this song goes what what you know these guys do not mess around oh yeah again if you forgot how big the stage is there's another reminder it's massive what [Music] okay okay [Music] okay this is a different kind of fit from them got like the the puffy like scarf thing baggy pants i haven't seen this look from them yet this is cool everything they do so so massive oh it's absolutely unbelievable [Music] okay i still don't understand what that uh what the light thing is falling down one two three four five six seven oh is that supposed to be like each of them they're each like their own light [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay all right what i keep forgetting that this is an award show performance this is just an impressive concert an impressive piece of live music in general absolutely amazing oh filthy guitar solo [Music] wow wow god that stage i know i've said it like 20 times but it's so impressive oh back to the theme this theme okay cool yeah i think this is a roman theme i think i could be wrong let me know if it's not that [Music] what the horses they have horses what indoors on a stage at a concert with all these people are you kidding me okay this this this has to be the first performance with a horse in it right right i've never seen another live performance with a living animal at it this is absolutely insane what are these guys doing they are on another level wow oh my goodness [Music] oh okay okay [Music] the intro for this has been so big just setting the stage building it up seems like they're like the the emperors or something here this is really really cool [Music] just so straight i love that [Applause] [Music] okay guys let's do it here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh cool i love how they have the logo in the middle of the stage there that's [Music] cool [Music] [Music] is oh yeah here we go back at it with the choreography [Applause] [Music] ah he sings so high i love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay everything they do so good this song goes hard the moves are great this kind of has a different style of choreography i've seen from a lot of their other stuff now to be fair i haven't seen a ton of bts stuff but especially this performance and other stuff that i've seen this choreography is quite different for them in this particular song the song has a different vibe um from the other stuff that i've heard but i like this this is wicked they break up everybody's vocal parts so well when it's your turn now the spotlight you get the spotlight that's so cool you always know where the center of attention is and where to look wow oh i love all the rap sections they just changed the vibe of the song so much it's so good also where did all these guys come from did totally different outfits i don't even see them enter the stage oh they're hiding behind the boards wow wow this is so well put together what i wonder how long it took them and their team to put this whole show together like this is this is an award show performance and like we're talking weeks if not months of prep for this between picking up the musical arrangements the lighting the stage the backdrop the set the choreography and they just don't stop they keep going they keep changing up they keep doing so so much this is incredible absolutely incredible [Applause] [Music] what [Music] oh i don't even know what to say right now man [Music] holy and then they're just right back to it little dance break oh what what is this these guys are incredible this is um this is so wild i don't even know [Music] i've never seen anything like this in my life not even a concert i've been to a lot of really cool concerts i've watched a lot of really what like look at the lighting look at that led screens and everything there's so much going on ready for this we're not there yet what oh oh my god [Music] they go so hard they go so hard and their hair still looks so great how are they moving like this sweating like this doing all these moves and they still put tense [Applause] cheers [Music] it's over already what that was a 30 what how did that go by so fast oh my goodness okay that i i'm kind of at a loss for words that is one of the absolute best live performances i have ever seen and it's this is an award show performance too that's i can't even get that through my head i i was saying something a while ago and then they just they went off and started going crazy but i've i've i've been to a lot of really good concerts i've worked at a lot of really good concerts and i've spent hours on youtube watching some really really amazing live performances and i have never seen anything with the production value nearly as high as this they are so impressive live they work so hard they go so hard and they're all singing they're all dancing they're all equally involved in the whole process it's absolutely incredible what they come up with this is i like i said i i don't even know how long this must have taken them to to figure out plan together choreograph figure out the way the music's all gonna go there's so many interludes and so many breaks and so many intricate things that would have had to be thought out well in advance for this for this award show performance i am fully fully blown away with this but like i said this is hands down the best live performance i've ever seen from an artist ever ever this is so so good wow thank you guys so much for suggesting this i'm so glad i watched it you were not wrong this is a must-see live performance i'm gonna have to share this one with all my friends every musician i know there's there's so much to be taken away from this i think this is something that and myself as a musician that you can take away from and take little parts for your own live performance because they they are clearly on another level and the rest of the world should be paying attention to what they're doing because you got to step up your game myself include everybody's got to step up their game this is so so good wow i'm blown away um yeah i guess uh i guess i'll wrap that one up here drop me a comment down below let me know what your favorite song or what your favorite part of this performance was the ending foley had me blown away i mean it was great all the way through but the ending was so big and so impactful i absolutely loved it also thank you so much for being here signing up on my patreon for subscribing to my youtube channel and following me along there i just hit 10 000 subscribers on youtube so thank you guys so so much for helping me get there and for being a part of my patreon and supporting me here i really really it helps me out so much and i really appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time not only to watch my videos but go a step further and really help me out so thanks so much um give me some suggestions of what you want me to react to next on my patreon and i will make sure i'll do my best at least to try to get to the to all these to all the suggestions i've had so many suggestions and and so many great songs performances and just clips that i should check out so yeah go ahead drop a comment down below send me a message let me know what you want to see from me and i'll do my best to get that to you anyways thank you so much for watching this one i i gotta go just i don't know go sleep about this and dream about this concert because it fully blew me away anyways thanks so much for watching have a good one
Channel: Cody McManus
Views: 189,236
Rating: 4.9739795 out of 5
Keywords: cody mcmanus, cody mcmanus reacts, producer reacts, bts live reaction, bts mma reaction, bts mma 2019 reaction, reacting to bts, reacting to bts live performance, bts mma full performance 2019 reaction, blake mclain, blake mclain bts, cody mcmanus bts, cody mcmanus react to bts, producer reacts to bts, mma 2019 bts reaction, reacts to bts mma 2019, bts mma, bts mma full performance, reaction to bts, bts full performance, bts concert reaction, bts
Id: kdnXbQbppRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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