Voice Coach/Opera Singer REACTION & ANALYSIS Disturbed "The Sound of Silence"

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I’d be proud as shit if I made someone’s face look like hers listening to this song.

In all seriousness, my appreciation for this song (already very high) is 500% higher after watching this.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/deniably-plausible 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great breakdown - she also looks like she could be Jennifer Morrison's sister.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Riptastic 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have always loved this version better than the original. To be honest, I didn’t think I would watch the entire 20 minute video, but her analysis was amazing and I’m a little bit thrilled that she enjoyed the song as much as she did. I see she has a YT thing- The Charismatic Voice, but what is her name? Nice submission, OP!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Enigmutt 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to the charismatic voice today i am once again trusting you and your recommendations and we're going to be listening to disturb to perform the sound of silence this song is originally by simon and garfunkel whom i love and i love this song as well but i'm a little bit anxious about what disturbed is going to sound like doing it uh their lead singer david i think he's not i haven't heard him see anything that i would necessarily consider pretty i always associate his voice as having more rasp in it and definitely uh more rapping and screaming so this song i think of as such a beautiful and soft song and i'm really curious what he's going to do with it and why you've been recommending it let's get to it [Music] hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again a vision softly creeping lifted scenes while i was sleeping and the visuals that was blended in my brain still remains within the sun [Music] this was not what i was expecting at all i i would have thought that they'd have a more um aggressive approach for sure and instead we're hearing this amazing stripped-down version with just david and the piano and it's really beautiful also you can tell that they haven't really fiddled with his vocal and post very much i know that because i've edited a lot of vocals for people and i can hear in the way um he has a lot of mouth noises in the sound it doesn't sound like they've edited that out very much um so there's like lots of like sounds of spit essentially around his mouth that you can hear also i can tell um in some of the way he's enunciating things he isn't enunciating them very much he's leaving a very very natural uh speech it is more tender uh and a lot more um intimate in the approach rather than moving his mouth a ton and he's able to do that because the microphone is really close to his mouth that also is catching a lot of those spit sounds um but it allows him to sing with this softness too maybe not just allows him but it's a great way to capture that softness in his voice which is much more suitable to the message of this song and speaking of the message the sound of silence i loved that at the beginning of this video we saw all of these musical instruments um just it with no sound behind them whatsoever looking like they've been trashed or um destroyed abandoned somehow and you can hear in the emotion in his voice that there is a sense of so much loss already um so this is this is just unexpected and very uh it's beautiful it's beautiful it actually gives even more depth to the simon and garfunkel version which is saying a lot for me i'm gonna catch the transition to the next part and let's keep going [Music] land [Music] neon light [Music] and touch the sound of silence [Music] uh we'll catch some more of this in just a bit but i just wanted to say the beginning with him down in the octave it sounded so much more haunted and and dark i love this dark feeling that they're bringing to this song the simon garfunkel version to me had uh had a certain uh lightness to it and this one feels it feels weighted down and i feel like the words of the simon garfunkel version are a little juxtaposed with the lightness of the sound and the music this actually feels more to me like what the message actually is so it's a fascinating cover and it feels very accurate uh let's catch that transition [Music] people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people riding [Music] [Applause] [Music] disturb the sound [Music] wow so so far i've heard just a really clean tone from him which is really impressive to me it's got a lot of control had a lot of um a lot of intimate sound at the beginning and then here i forgot uh his voice has something in it that i do remember um noticing when i was younger it has a lot of uh i think it's it's probably the first or the second i think it's the first overtone so the overtone it's like an octave right above i hear a lot of ring on that which is what gives it like more of sort of like a lasery sound that's happening not laser it's like more of a beam so it's not like directly pal right there but it's got a wider beam that hits it feels um it just sounds already reverberant in some ways to itself i really really enjoy that sound in his voice and i hope that we'll hear a lot more of it uh on top of that it's really great to hear he doesn't tell me he's actually straining at all and he's done this in two different octaves now so he jumped up the second half and it sounded like it was more powerful but not stressful which was really cool to hear let's cat the let's catch this transition and keep going [Music] silence like a cancer growth [Music] my [Music] so that sound on top if i'm totally honest that's not the sound that i usually go for um it's got a lot of extra growl in it but having heard him do all of this beautiful clean singing before i like it added here um when i've heard him before just singing in that sound i never thought that he'd have the ability to do this uh gorgeous and sensitive performance before but now hearing that added as a cherry on top it's much more enticing because it sounds like he had this darkness growing inside of him very fitting with the song but then it sounds like it got released in a little bit of anger on top which i i found that really thrilling and just another way to express emotion with the voice i'm gonna go back and hear it again [Music] silent [Music] and the [Music] [Applause] [Music] spawning [Music] the [Music] you whispered our silence [Music] okay catching it before it goes out there we'll go back and catch it again i i really wanted to feel what that entire climax going into the end would be like um so that's why i didn't pause and talk about some of the the vocal technique along the way uh i think it's really impressive how long he can sustain this uh this scream it and he's also pitching it very well i also i was really impressed i remember this before too that he's able to go really high with that um and so it doesn't sound like he's ah i don't know for sure that he's never done any damage to do his to his chords there i would have to hear him sing after he'd been using that gravel and see if it's still present um instead we heard the clean version first and then gravel at the end i would want to hear him uh continue to sing with like a little louder sound that still had a clean edge to it to know for sure if that's ever bothered his sports but he's had a very very long career and when somebody's had a long career like that you have to know that they're going to be supporting their vote their voice at least decently well otherwise they wouldn't be able to continue doing that and he has been doing this for a very very long time uh i really like the use of a little more aggression in the sound for the song i i didn't think i would but i do and i think it's because the depth of loss uh just struck me so much more in this version than in the simon and garfunkel version uh also i was really really touched by the visuals here as well this feeling of the loss of music but also the loss of ability to just communicate and uh for me the simon and garfield version is definitely about the ability to uh or rather the inability to communicate with people that people just aren't able to talk to each other because they can't listen in the right way and it seems like there's uh there's so many layers to that as well but it seems like they've really captured that message here in the way that people were it seemed like they were talking to nothing sometimes and then at the end they had the boat crossing that chasm which was uh i think very indicative maybe of returned communication uh but the i love love love the amount of emotion that he's packing behind his voice uh i want to go back and catch some of that ending part one more time and then we'll talk a little bit more at the end about some other things in his uh technique that i find fascinating i like the revision of the melody and the sign where want [Music] that is such a good use of delay the way his his voice bounces um it makes it sound like he's in an empty room i love that production and i love the blackout screen as well um now before we totally wrap it up i want to show you a couple other things in the video he does some things that i don't normally recommend to vocalists but he's so expressive and intentional about what he's doing he's made it into his own style and it's it feels like it's just him pouring out of his voice you can you couldn't think it's somebody else it feels real and honest and i like that so one of the things that he does is he really leans into certain colored vowel sounds so instead of singing silence and singing on the e vowel in silence um that would be the normal uh good approach to singing the vowel he actually sings silence and he goes to the in much sooner and he does the same thing for our colored vowels a lot so he'll sing er instead of uh and the first version is singing through um kind of like an r shaped tongue and the second version is considered the correct version where you sing a and then get a tiny bit of r at the end and that's because it's generally considered uh an ugly sound to seeing an r vowel but it doesn't it he doesn't sound like he's trying to sound pretty he's just trying to sound raw and real and it really works for him really really works for him so don't change it if it works right so check out this ending and you'll hear a few of these sounds [Music] you're gonna sing on that in for a long time okay but i'm gonna go back one more time so you can hear that again the thing he does do there that is considered really good which is how i know that he's intentional sound is a diphthong there's two vowels in it sound and he doesn't go to the end of that early the way he does in silence he sings sound so he sings the first vowel of the diphthong for a longer period of time before closing to the second vowel and then adding a little bit of in and a little bit of a d that is considered exactly appropriate classical approach to diction and he does that exactly by the book probably because it just sounds better for that long extended note and he wanted to let that ring longer so he's being very intentional about his diction and that's really cool to see let's catch that one last time [Music] is [Music] yeah you guys were totally correct this was absolutely a great recommendation i loved the overall arrangement of it especially it was great to hear this stripped down piano go to some added guitar eventually you had some strings come in and then like big drums it became a very epic orchestration by the end and i was really impressed with the ability of david to go from this smaller tinder sound to growing into something that felt like it was barely contained in anger and emotion and loss there was a such a huge array of emotions in between that was awesome awesome awesome to see so thank you so much for this recommendation please keep those recommendations coming you can tell i listen i tally them up i do the ones that you recommend the most so do post below with what you'd like to see next and please come and join me on mondays and fridays at 8 a.m pacific time i have live chats during the premiere so you can come and say hello and also if you want to learn more about what's going on in here i just released an online course that has lots of personal attention from me to help guide you to having amazing vocal foundation and technique so check that out on the link below as well and i hope to see you soon bye
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 2,929,929
Rating: 4.9223237 out of 5
Keywords: vocal coach reacts, disturbed reaction, sound of silence, reaction video, the sound of silence disturbed, vocal coach, the sound of silence, disturbed sound of silence, sound of silence reaction, vocal coach reaction, the sound of silence reaction, vocal coach reacts to disturbed, disturbed sound of silence reaction, disturbed the sound of silence, reaction videos to songs, disturbed sound of silence reaction vocal coach, disturbed reaction sound of silence
Id: uFmNaXAg0sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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