Lindsey Stirling "Shatter Me" ft. Lzzy Hale REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach / Opera Singer

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[Music] welcome back to the charismatic voice due to your comments i recently found out that lindsey sterling and lizzie hale did a collaboration together this song is called shatter me and that's what we're gonna listen to today i know of lindsay sterling as that violinist who crosses genres you know violin is typically very classical in nature but she'll play any kind of music and that's really cool she also dances which is extra cool now of course lizzie hale we've seen on the channel before amazing powerhouse like rockstar female vocals which is exactly what lindsay sterling was looking for but she didn't actually write this song for lizzy she thought about a singer kind of a la amy lee evanescence and eventually got connected to lizzie i'm really excited to hear what the two sound like together so let's get to it in the dark i see the stars through me [Music] tired mechanical heart beat till the sun disappears somebody shine a light frozen by the [Music] a very very powerful beginning wow that that high shatter me was uh a goosebump inducing wow i have so many goosebumps right now uh it almost sounded like you had this like epiglottis involved in the the gurgle of that that was behind it that was cool very cool uh i love getting to see this kind of setup to analyze um a when you have so this is for sirius xim i believe and it's amazing because this is a live performance there's they're not going to be doing much fussing with it on the other end music videos i like seeing the creativity of an artist and maybe the direction they want to take the story this kind of setup is you get to see exactly what's happening on the mouth and throat and body breath level so it's really really fun to get to see i was noticing a lot of really great movements all movements already from lizzie's mouth now i'm gonna go back to the beginning of this i was trying to get get my head wrapped around some of the various influences i love the uh the bending of a note that lindsay did at one point it almost felt like something from crouching tiger hidden dragon was super super beautiful uh and a quick note the this song this was written about lindsay's struggle or i think the entire album was actually about lindsay's struggle with an eating disorder so shatter me is about trying to uh break free from yourself from various constraints that are put there uh we'll get more into those lyrics in a little bit up here away in the dark i see the stars through me tired mechanical heart beat till the song disappears songwriting-wise it seems like lizzie is able to deliver these raw lyrics of the things that are happening but the violin is echoing with this emotional response i like this back and forth and the story that they're telling together [Music] spinning and lastly somebody make me this is such a cool combo i love it i obviously have a deep rooted love in classical music but it's so cool to hear this raw vocal that is also technically well produced in combination with really beautiful violin playing um thank you thank you to everybody that told me about this i appreciate that recommendation so very much so thank you um i love the amount of grit that lizzie can put into her vocals and it sounds like she can add and take away different amounts i like that control a lot i also just love the power that she has behind it it looks like she's taking that power as it should be taken which is um from lower breathing she's not using like a ton of higher breathing that would mean that the air could very quickly escape and hit the larynx with too much pressure you want to have more lower supports to help you do need breath pressure often for more power but if you sustain it from a lower spot it's a lot easier on the larynx so uh ultimately you should have more endurance so that's something i like about her singing i love the wide mouth she's really she's using the space inside uh opening up a lot of times for really clear vowels and obviously shaping these sounds so that we've got that raw grit kind of feeling very nice uh let's go back just a little bit oh there was a really cool thing in this violin um a little there was a little violin break here i was noticing she had a lot of repeated notes and violin just by the nature of it when you repeat the notes they can't be legato it's the same thing on piano you have to hit the key again with the violin you have to do different bow strikes back and forth essentially to hit the same note and re-articulate it rather than just holding it um and i feel like that was i had a nice drawing jagged effect to it which would reflect then on shatter me [Music] somebody make [Music] notice uh let's go back just a little not too far back here let's even get that in between spot yeah right there okay notice the stance that lizzie has uh you see actually a lot of operatic tenors take a stance where they have one foot in front of the other i've seen it from some metal vocalist powerhouses as well that extra foot can often help you dig into the floor and look for like even more support essentially by channeling the energy down lower and it's another way of being able to continue that power without having it produce tons of vocal fatigue we burn every magnet in the spring and spiral into the unknown [Music] somebody [Music] somebody make [Music] [Applause] listen to the way that lizzie is ending her vocal lines and sometimes she'll do a break after so mia and she'll have what's called a shadow vowel a shadow vowel is like a schwa uh is the sound of a schwa and sometimes when we have when we end a consonant or uh we can do it in a vowel in this case me instead of shatter me shatter me and she'll have an uh right after than me uh she chooses some time to have that break in shadow vowel afterwards to add additional expression and sometimes she chooses to just leave it be and land straight on a me that is intentional that's uh really really cool to hear she did the same thing earlier off of i think it was a g where she did and had another shadow vowel but she's had ends where she ended just [Music] and so that was again intentional to end it clean without any shadow vowel at the end really interesting to hear that much specificity in the shadow vowel me feel alive i love that cry at the end [Music] i'm scared of changing the day [Music] i love that through this section you can hear how deliberately lizzie is using the air it's consistent it's happening all the time one of the one of the mistakes i see most often in vocalists is that they won't continue to use their air the whole time they'll kind of use it for important words and then they'll stop energizing through the air you can hear consistency like that lizzy's voice is continuing all the time it's low notes low notes actually need more air than high notes by the way that's just your vocal folds when they're moving at a slower speed that creates a low note they whack a whack a whack on a slower way and while they're doing that they have more time to open up and more air can come through them when it's higher notes tighter longer folds essentially they can let less air through so you need more energy usually for high notes because that means that there's more air pressure more need for a system of low support for those high notes low notes you need less air you tend to need like more warmth and sometimes you need to think about getting your bellows to just go a little bit more to keep that consistency and that's what lizzie is doing here so check this out [Music] i take a again i'm scared of changing the day stay the same the world is spinning but only if i break the glass then i'll have to fly there's no one to catch me if i [Music] nice and when she got quieter then she took a little bit less of that pressure away essentially which helps reduce the volume now i'm very very very great usage of hair there also look at the amazing um she's her mouth is so active a lot of singers think oh singing is just like speaking but singing is elongated speaking so when you make a word you need to use your whole mouth to make it even more clear look at uh just watch her mouth here it's really the glass active i'll have to fly there's no one to catch me if i take a dive i'm scared of changing the day stay the same oh nice pizzicato [Music] oh that pizzicato edition was really awesome pizzicato's when you pluck it a string essentially um it almost sounded like little uh pin pricks of glass if they were to be shattered i like that effect it's interesting um to hear a little bit of uh essentially like ah what's called shoot it's like a sort of visualization due to musicality uh word painting that's what i'm looking for there's a little bit of word painting going on um from an instrumentalist point of view in that in that vial in there with that pizzicato uh i just want to take a look at the lyrics in the bridge here this was cool if i break the glass then i'll have to fly there's no one to catch me if i take a dive i'm scared of changing the days stay the same the world is spinning but only in gray i think that these lyrics are awesome it's clearly talking about a person who wants to get out of the situation that they're in but they're scared to do it maybe there's a lot of pressure from the world and it feels like they just aren't able to break out so it's begging somebody else to help break them out of that very i feel like very very heart touching and relatable lyrics whatever the situation is if it's an eating disorder or if it's just a habit that a person is in that they're trying to break um i feel like this song is very very relatable on many different levels all right let's keep going [Music] it is interesting to actually look at the uh lizzie's jaw sometimes the jaw comes more forward i'm not sure what she's trying to do by achieving that i'm just noticing it so uh usually me and eval would have your jaw a little bit further well with most vowels your jaw should relax drop and it drops down and back a little bit and maybe i'm wondering if she's using that to help grit add grit i'm not quite sure why it's there uh it's not necessary for the vowel formation um but i think there's probably a reason that she's doing it [Music] me [Music] oh wow that's some good breath control there uh really good breath control loving uh the uh up and down our pages essentially they've been coming from lindsay this whole time um that again they feel jagged very agitated which i think reflects that emotional turmoil that's happening listen to this long note from lizzie too [Music] [Applause] shatter me [Music] whoa whoa whoa okay i just want to go back to that very last part because i wasn't ready for it to end uh i often i mean okay yeah i guess it's time for it to end but i feel like i've been spoiled by metal by like you know songs that are like at least eight minutes long okay [Music] oh they like each other that was a really fun collaboration to watch you could see that lindsay and lizzy were both very much hidden to each other and that the the two people accompanying them as well both percussionists and keyboardists they were also really keyed into the emotion of the piece they all understood that yes they were playing music but more importantly than that they were delivering a message i was very impressed by lizzy's repeated consistency with that top note on shatter there are times when she had a little more or less grit and that was cool i think it had a little bit of variety but at the same time as consistently on the right pitch consistently had a heart-wrenching feel to it a pleading to it the rawness of the vocals in here were great and the biggest treat for me honestly was getting to see lizzy's vocal production up close and with a little more specificity so once again thank you to all of you who recommended this this was such a fantastic video to get to take a look at and oh boy especially thank you for those of you that recommended this version where i could really get to see them up close super super fun and intriguing if you want to keep making recommendations please do that in the comments down below this video and you can also come and say hello to me i'd love to get to know you better i'm here every monday tuesday and friday at 8 a.m arizona time arizona's weird during time changes make a note of that and also you can find me on patreon or if you want to learn more about singing or just learn how to appreciate music more in general i have courses about that on i'll see you somewhere soon you
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 228,372
Rating: 4.9741817 out of 5
Keywords: lzzy hale, lindsey stirling reaction, lindsey stirling, reaction to lindsey stirling, reaction lindsey stirling, lzzy hale reaction, lzzy hale shatter me, lzzy hale live, lindsey stirling shatter me, lindsey stirling reaction videos, shatter me lindsey stirling, The charismatic voice, Elizabeth zharoff, lindsey stirling lzzy hale live, lindsey stirling lzzy hale reaction, lindsey stirling lzzy hale shatter me, shatter me featuring lzzy hale - lindsey stirling lyrics
Id: DHlTDK2jhvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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