Chris Stapleton "Tennessee Whiskey" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach / Opera Singer

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welcome back to the charismatic voice recently we've been receiving quite a few requests to dip our toes into country so i looked around at some of those song suggestions and decided to go with chris stapleton this is because i know quite a few country artists but i don't know him and he did receive male vocalist of the year in the country music awards in 2015 so i thought he's probably pretty good now we're specifically going to be looking at his song tennessee whiskey chris stapleton at doing a little bit of research about him i found out that he's got an amazing set of writing credits so he's written with people like kenny chesney brad paisley adele uh josh turner it's it's really impressive but this song is not one of his it's not an original by him this song is originally by linda hargrove bartholomew and dean dylan so it's going to be a cover and i did listen to the original it was super country like lots of when you think about home home on the range that kind of country and i have a feeling that's not going to be what he does with it because that's not particularly popular on the radio today but i don't know where it's going to go so let's get to it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm i used to spend my nights out [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you rescued me from reaching for the [Music] bottom uh we're gonna go back and listen to all of his vocal stuff again um this this is not the voice i was expecting there's a lot more um gravel in it and it sounds really bluesy to me that sounds very bluesy to me in fact it's like country blues instead of just pure country not like pop country or something he i love the way he's riffing it's really impressive it's super precise and it has a lot of dynamic variety in it too so he'll lean into it and then back off of it really quickly he has amazing control of that decrescendo let's go back bearish and it's really sorry [Music] wow okay i'm sorry oh man i hardly know his voice at all yet but the way he sings nights with the snarl in it it feels like it's so gutsy immediately it just grabbed me right away [Music] but you rescued me from reaching for [Music] you guys might think i'm nuts but right now the singer that he reminds me the most of is ronnie james dio the way that he would go into elaborations on the melody riffs and use like that whole body sound behind it and play with it this is like a blues country version of ronnie james duo it's fascinating [Music] that's great [Music] [Music] all the time [Music] oh my goodness uh this voice is uh it's kidding me i'm really excited about it but i love the way it sounds like he's using his whole body and his sound when he goes up for a note it doesn't sound like he's like plucking it from the top though he probably does think about having a nice position that doesn't take too much weight up maybe i don't know maybe he doesn't think about that maybe he just actually had that um when he went up towards the top it sounded so connected and it sounded like he had really good air movement all the way down like he was almost playing with the air movement okay let's go back oh these harmonies are great the way that they change between vowels and their timing is impeccable [Music] i think it was earlier i really don't know the song just seen it once before from the the first guy that did it uh david allen co [Music] i love the why the eye vowel is crazy on your love a long time oh my goodness uh the guts and the sass in that note have me rolling in laughter like the eye he has it so far forward in the mask to make this super snarly sound i can't really tell what's happening as much with his lips because the man has got a lot of facial hair but oh this slow slide down and then back up oh my god ah kill me [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] even put some really fun vibrato at the end there oh and he starts it with like a glottal attack so it goes right into the snarly sound has like a little bit of extra noise essentially that's in around the vocal folds um and sometimes glottal attacks can help you get into that sound right away this is so good okay listen to how crazy the crowd is going right here they're going out oh by the way this is at austin city limits i want to see in 2018 austin city austin city limits is a really really cool event so anyhow we're going back one more time no more [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] he's my hero right now he goes for things that so many singers would back off of and said he embraces them as a part of his style the way he goes up to the top and puts like a little more fry in there and like actually lets it trail off at the top like it floats away almost except for this is a super manly gritty song so it why would that kind of thing float it's just it's an awesome awesome stylization okay one more time he's having so much fun [Applause] [Music] that really reminds me of a blue stylization i think he's blended these two styles together really beautiful um beautifully i can't even talk it's really really impressive it yeah it sounds like soul music the way that he went up with an airier tone there at the top and started it in a quieter place there wow he has so many tricks in his vocal box [Music] oh goodness [Music] brandy [Music] i love the harmonies are very tasteful and just they're they add they add just the right amount but you wouldn't want it all the time because it's hard to do crazy runs with harmony in the background it's you have to really sync up tons of things if you have them just at a few spots that'll allow chris to go off on his own and make some cool riffs so i think that that's what's going on there i do want to talk a little bit about the words um let's see i love i'm hearing you're as sweet as tennis or smooth as tennessee whiskey sweet a strawberry wine you're as warm as a glass of brandy and honey i stay stoned on your love all the time what fantastic writing um i understand that this song is essentially about somebody who was perhaps an alcoholic before and then they find love and they find that love is actually the satisfaction they've been looking for not the alcohol i really appreciate that sentiment i think it's really beautiful that love can be such a satisfying thing when you find the right person so anyhow lovely words uh let's go just from here solo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think it's very interesting that he is playing lead guitar on this in addition to singing i imagine he's just a very talented musician especially with all of those writing credits i think it's really interesting to listen to the subtleties that he has going on here and in my mind i'm comparing that with a lot of the guitar that i've heard in metal recently because obviously we've been exploring a lot of metal on this channel and metal tends to be very very much in your face a lot more virtuosic playing as well and this is kind of like his voice he plays guitar he'll have more uh dynamic contrast and moments where it sounds like it's a little bit sweeter or a little bit more gritty it's like i think that that is just something he likes in music and so he probably tries to bring that to anything musical that he touches let's go back and catch that transition [Music] very wide [Music] we're gonna go back and listen to that run again um i'm really interested he's ma he's making a lot of movement while he's doing this i want to check it out [Music] so interesting he's able he doesn't snarl like right here some people would start right there to get that really forward sound i think he's just mostly directing it with his tongue um and it's interesting to see the head movement there uh it it's like i wonder if he's using it to help reassert the vowel somehow [Music] i bet that that is just how he naturally feels the run this kind of like uh it feels like it has more shelves in it sometimes a little disjointed at moments it's a very interesting run choice for sure and i think it's interesting to see how he physicalizes that very clearly attached you know uh very clearly attached from his center so it's something that sounds like it comes from a low breath and this feeling of like mmm the whole time so that kind of connection is just wonderful in a voice it's something that we look for in vocal fundamentals and he's got that in spades oh yeah this this extra head movement in there i'm not really sure why he's doing it but it seems to help him because i saw him do that both times [Music] it seems like maybe he does that with runs more regularly in general uh very very curious to me um i don't think it's he doesn't seem to be hurting anything for sure sometimes just physicalizing how you want the sound is a really helpful way to help you divide it in or to color it or paint it in a certain way so dimash is a good example of somebody who uses his hands to do sort of word painting and help visualize the sound that he wants and therefore he'll produce it better and so he seems to uh instead of maybe visualizing it with hands out here he seems to physicalize it in his body a little bit more and you can see him kind of going like moments and you'll hear his tone change because he looks like he's really feeling it it's cool [Music] is [Music] he's so deliberate if he's gonna stay on a note or toss a note off it's never something that's in between he will either land it and if it's the end of a phrase he's likely to land it very quietly but he can also choose to toss it off very quietly or more loudly there's he's very deliberate in what he's doing is what i'm trying to say [Music] great example of back to back stick [Music] um [Applause] uh he is so surprising and so amazing that was totally unexpected i was i was thinking oh country we'll probably have something that's more clean probably no instead we have this really gritty sound and much more blues than i'd imagined and man the riffs are are creative they're daring they're so specific i wow he's an amazing vocalist i'd love to hear him in all kinds of genres you know he would do so well in rock and metal or any any kind of metal there are tons of different sub genres in metal that i could hear his voice in wow i just i think that he's got an amazing set of tools and i love the way he sprinkled in all kinds of amazing moments that were different i i just love his guts too the way the moment that was the best for me is still that eye where he slides down and then back up with that snarl oh it got me it got me i'm probably gonna go back and listen to that a bunch of times thank you to everyone that suggested that we go down a country road uh keep making recommendations we really do listen to you we tally up most recommended we're also watching to see if there's any particular different directions on the channel that you're asking for ultimately we're here to serve your interests so recommend to us what you'd like to hear you can put that down in the comments below on this video that's where we look for that information the most and if you'd like to say hi to me you can find me on youtube mondays tuesdays and fridays at 8am arizona time for live premieres and also i'm on patreon so we play lots of games and have lots of live chats and q and a's with our patrons i adore them i also like listening to the music that they share with me so you should come and say hello to me on patreon too and if you want to learn more about music or singing i have courses online at i'll see you guys somewhere soon
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 280,245
Rating: 4.9448948 out of 5
Keywords: vocal coach reacts, chris stapleton, tennessee whiskey, chris stapleton tennessee whiskey, chris stapleton reaction, vocal coach reacts to chris stapleton, music reactions, Vocal coach reacts Tennessee whiskey, Elizabeth Zharoff, The Charismatic Voice, music reactions first time, music reactions 2021, the charismatic voice chris stapleton, opera singer reacts to country music, country music, vocal coach first time country, vocal coach first time, vocal coach first time hearing
Id: lzt12xpiMRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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