Righteous Brothers "Unchained Melody" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach / Opera Singer

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[Music] welcome back to the charismatic voice today we're going to be listening to a song that many of you are probably familiar with this is unchained melody performed by the righteous brothers so i'm familiar a little bit with the song but not the righteous brothers i think i've heard elvis sing this song but many of you might know it from ghost the film in which the song was placed i didn't see the movie so i didn't have that reference but i guess it's a pretty well known one because it boosted the song back up to number one in the charts at the time kind of cool the song was originally written in 1955 for a prison film little-known prison film the music was by alex north and the lyrics were by hi zerat so it's since been covered many many times i understand it's one of the most covered songs out there actually so let's hear the original version that made it huge [Music] lonely time let's talk right away about this beautiful beautiful voice it's super smooth uh great pitch it feels like it has a certain simplicity it doesn't have any push behind it uh he has a very even vibrato in various places as well often in older styles we were we did have more of that even kind of vibrato that was a little bit wider too and i hear that in him uh it sounds like just really great relaxation the vocal mechanism though and he's doing a great job of singing through his consonants really a beautiful continuation of the sound energy through the consonants it's easier to continue sound energy through vowels and then when consonants come up sometimes they get a little bit blocked but in hungered it was beautifully sung through that ng let's go back a little bit [Music] lonely time [Music] and time goes by so slowly and time can do so much [Music] okay i just got to stop and talk about how much i'm enjoying how some of these words are elongated and have different kinds of runs around them some are elongated and just held out on one long note and then some are cut really short it's so much fun it's it's playful it's using the music to express that emotion and it it's not just using words it's not um sometimes we use words and lyrics and music to really relate a longer story so it feels like you're being told a tale and this one you can just feel emotion in the way that he's going through these runs and holding notes out i'm gonna go back some oh man this is good much that was a great example so so much he cut that off really short still more loved i love them i i need your love he's playing with the the vowels and diphthongs a bunch when he's doing these runs too to accent um you know put in the eye for example i i need he'll go between the different vowels and diphthongs there um but i love the way that it got up to this top note uh i think it's on mine and it was loud and it was full and then he decrescended it so he got quieter that's really hard to do decrescendos on high notes after you've hit them loud it's one of the things that's technically just pretty difficult often people will lose pitch integrity as their decresion doing or the vibrato will get a little bit out of control there or they'll lose just some of the quality of the tone but none of those things happen to him here let's go back a little further [Music] and then he keeps going after it even better [Music] [Applause] i'm so curious in the original melody now if it had all of these runs and little excursions was that written in or was that partly his own ornamentation this feels like almost like an early form of r and b the way that it has these runs in it and it does feel like an enchant change melody that's just going somewhere else and then uh really travels you feel a journey that that melody goes on to goes on and then it comes back home at the end that's really really good [Music] writing [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah he goes back to the av when he's re-attacking the main pitch and that that's really fun also i love the way he is just using gentle ebbing and flowing of dynamics to enhance those runs even [Music] [Applause] further [Music] riverside [Music] also oh man i need to just let him sing a little bit more this is so good but i'm i'm loving so much of the details and the vocal technique here it sounds simple and just like really beautiful smooth easy singing but there's so many things that he's doing to give us the impression that it's easy or give us that smoothness one of the things that makes it sound a little bit smoother overall is the way he's using his r-colored vowels so on four he's not going er and singing through er he's saying for and he's giving a little just a teensy bit of our coloring but not really dwelling on that r the r tends to be a little bit of a harsher sometimes considered an uglier sound to sing into so in a really good what i'll call like more classically inspired vocal technique not necessarily good because you can choose to use ours for all kinds of reasons but if you wanted to have like a more classical sound you might essentially make that arm more british to open it up and give it a smoother feeling overall check that out [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh wow wow okay i'm so glad to right after this when he goes into hungary he actually comes in and out of that british coloring of an r and then a more american coloring of the r the same way that he's been using diphthongs as ways to sort of distinguish between two different notes in that run he's using different colorations of an r to distinguish between different notes here this is so cool i don't know if i've ever heard anyone do this within our total vocal nerd moment oh he also is flipping a little between registers here lonely time entire life goes by so slowly and tired can do so much [Music] but this was crazy i mean if you took just that section and you put it in switzerland he would be a professional yodeler i swear um i love the overall feel that he's giving to this he has little ebbs and flows of dynamics for sure and that helps kind of weave in and out of some other runs as well i that combination of dynamics and the vowel um switch ups essentially between different diphthongs in there is one of the things that's making the runs feel so clean but then there's an overall shaping where you can really hear he's planned when he's going to have huge moments and then come back softer so that he can again crescendo to another huge moment it's very good phrasing and and the orchestra behind as well you hear these uh it's fairly simple uh harmonies and the way that they grow as well or maybe the way that they shift just a little bit to give a little more emphasis is really cool has a nice overall emotional effect for sure [Music] god [Applause] [Music] whoa that was like that was like perfect opera technique here at the end wow it's like a counter at this moment [Music] oh that's really lovely it almost um it's in falsetto there and it almost sounds like a woman which is one of the ways that you can really look or define falsetto times as if it sounds a little bit female but beautiful control of that uh that upper falsetto register and it had some nice mellowness and warmth in it too i think that would carry very well in a larger auditorium without any amplification beautiful he could have made a career as a counter tenor for sure uh let's go back one more time to it and watch his face not only is this like the most romantic song this is so romantic i really like that um it's also uh when he's singing it he doesn't have any stress he's just like really happy and you can tell that there's no stress being put in the vocal mechanism by hearing it and by saying it it's kind of cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] breathe there's one last thing i'm going to say about this uh he he's got great technique and another way that he has amazing technique he's not seeing me he's opening his jaw a little bit more so he's modifying that top vowel to open it just a bit further which is very important for high notes especially so the correct way to modify an e vowel if you wanted to see knee on a high note is to just drop that jaw a little bit down so instead of me it goes me like that just drops a little bit more and that's exactly [Applause] [Music] i just looked it up this was bobby for some reason i thought we were going to be hearing both of the righteous brothers sing this was a solo by bobby and uh yeah i don't know you guys probably knew that already but i didn't so i was very surprised i was like oh it's just one guy okay okay which one so anyhow bobby is fantastic i love the way he uses his excellent vocal technique not to show off but to really give emotion and to make the whole song sound smooth and romantic right so he uses all of those uh vowels to make things sound clear and easy and he also uses his breath technique to make it sound effortless it's great great great on top of that this song just is really well composed really well composed i love the way that the lyrics are put with the music sometimes they're longer sometimes they're shorter sometimes it wanders sometimes it just stays on one note overall the melody infuses the lyrics with even more emotion and just from reading the lyrics you already know that the song is about love but by listening to it you really feel like the person is in love and that just makes me really happy and smiley which is awesome so thank you so much for this recommendation if you want to keep making recommendations you can do that down below in the comments of this youtube video or on any youtube video of course that's the best place to make those recommendations though because that's where we look for them and track them you can also find me here on mondays tuesdays and fridays at 8 am arizona time that's when we do premieres of videos and there's a live chat and there are zero ads during that time so come and say hello sometime and you can also find me on patreon or at thecharismaticvoice.com i hope to see you somewhere else soon thanks you
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 240,692
Rating: 4.9208417 out of 5
Keywords: righteous brothers, righteous brothers reaction, righteous brothers unchained melody, unchained melody reaction, unchained melody, righteous brothers unchained melody reaction, righteous brothers - unchained melody reaction, righteous brothers live, elizabeth zharoff, the charismatic voice, vocal coach reacts, vocal coach reacts righteous brothers, righteous bros, righteous bros unchained melody, righteous bros reaction, reaction to righteous brothers
Id: nyXfCq1ix3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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