Queensryche "Silent Lucidity" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach/Opera Singer

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welcome back to the charismatic voice today we're going to be continuing with a little bit of metal history in the form of queens reich thank you to all of you that recommended this both on youtube and in patreon i'm really excited to get to check out one of the big three of progressive metal so this will be my first time hearing queens right and it'll be my first time hearing lead singer jeff tate i'm really excited for that we're going to be listening to silent lucidity this was a song uh it was released in the music video in 1991 and it was remastered in 2003 and also it was nominated for a grammy both for best rock song and for best rock vocal performance by a duo or group so definitely has a lot of weight behind it i'm so excited to get to hear it let's get to it [Music] bush now don't you cry wipe away the teardrop from your [Music] eyes [Music] so so far this doesn't sound like metal to me sounds like a full song actually i'm guessing that is the intention and it's going to evolve to something else since they are the uh considered progressive metals so i imagine it goes somewhere else i really like the guitar like it still feels like it's mostly in 4-4 but it's divided in some interesting ways um and jeff tate's voice is it's got depth to it lower for sure has a lot of clarity had a uh has character to it you know it sounds like it wants to tell you a story right away and i'm interested very interested i really like the way that they had a word at one point what word was it um let's see i think it was like silent or spinning it was spinning and uh spinning the imaging of it echoed and like bounced back and forth as if you maybe were spinning so it sounded like it was left and then right and then panned maybe back and it was a really cool effect to have this sort of delay bouncing back and forth let's keep going [Music] mine of life [Music] so here it is another chance right away you face the day your dream is over or has it just begun [Music] these lyrics are really intriguing to me um i'm gonna read some of them um it's funny i your mind tricked you to feel the pain of someone close to you leaving the game of life so here it is another chance wide awake you face the day your dream is over or has it just begun i feel it's fascinating to see these images of children as well and like little games of like things spinning above them that might be considered games in a crib uh and it really brings that question to mind are you more awake while you're asleep or are you more asleep while you're awake and man it definitely gets my mind swirling and all kinds of pensiveness so anyhow let's keep going there's a place [Music] when you were scared it's a place [Music] uh i it's hard to place my finger on exactly what it is but this song feels incredibly emotional to me i i think it's partly having some strings in the background i think strings often really tug at my heartstrings but i also it's his voice and the clarity he's relating a story that is emotional but he's not letting himself get too emotional in it he's allowing the person that is listening to it to it experience to experience it from where they're at there's there can be a fine line sometimes as a singer between telling a story that you're really emotional about and letting everything that you feel come out or having just a teensy bit of restraint and having it clearly felt but letting another person feel and interpret that how they need to i feel like he's writing that line perfectly because i feel like i'm experiencing and thinking about all kinds of life with it again there was some really fascinating words in here um to face your fears retrace the years and ride the whims of your mind oh wow it's just it's like talking about the dream world as if it really is a part of the real world this is beautiful wow this is super beautiful his voice also i like the way that it when it goes up high it doesn't lose the character sometimes you hear shifts in the registration it almost sounds like somebody else is singing at top his voice is really equal throughout and he has a nice vibrato it's very relaxed on top i want to go back a little bit um there's a lot to digest in there [Music] i love the way he adds a little bit of fry there um it's very intentional and scared he goes like uh he gives just a teensy bit of fry there um that often has a sense of wisdom or vulnerability or hurt in it when you have a little fry that's added so it's very perfect to add to the word scared [Music] okay i'm sorry i'm gonna get really deep into some vocal things with him now i love the little slides he's doing off of those as well um which feels like it's got a little bit of pain but it comes back home ah this is this is really good [Music] so effective [Music] [Applause] [Music] suddenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll protect [Applause] i'm you next to you in silent lucidity [Music] this is making me like teary-eyed and so smiley um it's interesting i feel like my original first interpretation of it is exactly how they wanted somebody to have that loose interpretation that is maybe however they're feeling at the moment this uh this chorus i think it we would call it a chorus when it's will be watching over you and they have the eye which sounds like many layerings of vocals that have been pushed into the background um this definitely sounds like it's about someone dear that you're watching over probably a child but who knows maybe it's your loved one um or it could be any loved one really i think that's so beautiful the sentiment is gorgeous and his voice is so sincere sometimes voices just have that thing that it's it's hard to put your finger on why exactly it touches you but it seems like that voice is somehow in line with the entire person um and truly charismatic i definitely think he has that it's impressive and delightful and touching and all of the right ways let's go back a little bit [Applause] [Music] lucidity it's partly so effective because of the way they drop out the other instruments it's just simple and sincere i love it oh it's like a kid flying in their dreams like bed knocks and broomsticks [Music] hey double try [Music] you can achieve [Music] that was really interesting and this is really getting very interesting here in this instrument section it sounds like a continuous um raising of the pitch here almost like it's wanting to shift keys higher and higher and higher that uh the voice that came in there it felt like it was distorted as if it were in a dream of some sort ah it's cool visual language oh that is such a strange experience the way that that voice goes in both ears and there's so many different sounds happening it sounds like they took a lot of other sounds beside a voice and and piped it and to give it some more texture and layers in that audio there it felt almost like being hypnotized was a fascinating fascinating experience while you have this raising pitch and anticipation of something happening i'm going to go back one more time to see if i can pick out what's in there a little bit more and let it keep going [Music] you can achieve [Music] [Music] oh so i heard like dream control in there um definitely talk talking about lucid dreaming and um i feel that once again they're definitely drawing uh uh lines between living and lucid dreaming and that maybe what we're in here and now is all just a lucid dream or a new dimension in reality very cool very very cool i also noticed it sounded like the visualization went from kind of forward to back so it wasn't just like 90 degrees here and 90 degrees here and said it would like sound like almost like 45 moving back further till i don't know it wasn't it wasn't all the way back to 180 but it sounded like maybe like 150 around there it was very interesting very very interesting spatialization of those sounds i really loved that [Music] beautiful addition in the background of the strings there again i love that i love having this combination of orchestra and band at the same time it's very very effective i wanted to stop primarily though to talk about some lines that just work great um if you open your mind for me you won't rely on open eyes to see i love that right see see with more than just your eyes uh the walls you built within come tumbling down and a new world will begin i feel like these lyrics speak for themselves and i don't want to just give my interpretation because i think that we need to let everybody feel as they as they want to feel this is really master lyrics here i love the emotions they stir up [Music] free to fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh i love you can tell he's actually singing in in this take it for reals it's the way he starts his his each phrase you can tell he's engaging his body underneath it um that's something when people are lip-syncing it you often can tell because you don't see as much body engagement it's not like he's going like with each one because that would be bad that would mean he was launching his error at it but he is supporting and connecting his sound to his body you can even see when he went up to an uval at one point you saw it like almost like a stretch up the back which tells me he's uh stretching his soft palate in a really good way there um and it's a nice place okay let's look at this section one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm smiling next to you um i i just think it is so sweet this course it's so comforting and i love the way his voice comes in without that time i think it was just string sustaining so we had lost the drum kit completely and i think we've lost the base as well so his voice i believe is the lowest note at this point [Music] it sounds like there's a cello in there too so they're a little bit lower than his voice but um it really helps the voice pop out and let it just be that sincere simplicity wow uh if you guys can't tell i think that this song is amazing amazing amazing and i expected something that was going to be much more uh rowdy in your face uh this is just soothing and comforting i really love it [Music] oh that's cool i think you have like a basin maybe just a base maybe also a cello doubling in the bottom there the guitar i've been listening to it and trying to figure out why i think it's so interesting within this the guitar is playing a series of three descending notes over and over and over um but the song feels like it has a steady tempo in 4 4 which usually 4 4 is subdivided into twos but when you have this one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three that the guitar is playing it gives an illusion that you might possibly be in a different time signature it's very interesting and sort of goes against the grain there but they do it in a way that is so soothing and lovely and like a lullaby okay let's go back and listen to that just a little bit more [Music] that last face and cello line is uh it's taken it's echoing the very beginning of a melody go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep little darling i think uh i will probably end up putting in comments what exactly that melody is it just rang the melody in my ear and i was like oh yeah that's that's actually a lullaby oh let's go back [Music] that's just a hint of it in there oh what a cool way to end it i need to hear so much more of them okay i will commit right now i will do another queen strike video it i'm not sure which one so make sure you recommend it down in the comments below but wow i i just loved that so much i really love jeff tate's voice i got to tell you it just it has so much charisma to it at the same time as just having this simple way of speaking to you that speaks of great vocal technique behind it because you don't hear any of this stuff that would be hard nothing that will take you out of his uh story or performance you you're just there with him going through the journey instead of thinking about how difficult it is to breathe or how difficult it is to sing a high note really i just i loved the way he sang that in a way that really touched my heart i would love to hear about your interpretations of this song i feel like there are many interpretations that could be have of it so please definitely tell me about that in the comments below as well and if you want to come and join me sometime here on youtube we are here every monday tuesday and friday mornings at 8 am arizona time and you can also find me on patreon or if you want to learn more about music or singing you can find me at thecharismaticvoice.com i hope to see you somewhere soon
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 257,704
Rating: 4.9471278 out of 5
Keywords: queensryche reaction, vocal coach reacts, The Charismatic Voice, Queensryche silent lucidity, Silent lucidity reaction, vocal coach silent lucidity, vocal coach reacts queensryche, elizabeth zharoff, reaction video, reaction to queensryche, reaction to silent lucidity, opera singer reacts, vocal coach reacts geoff tate, queensryche reaction video silent lucidity, vocal coach reacts, voice teacher reacts, music reactions, queensryche reaction silent lucidity
Id: 7tTIoXm3qz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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