Voddie Baucham: This is how you're supposed to do church

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we're going to play a game called either or or what's your preference i'm going to give you two words and then you tell me which one you prefer are you ready regulated okay we should have had a meeting regulative principle of worship or normative principle of worship what do you prefer regulative principle what does that mean the simplest way to put it is that god has prescribed the ways that he is to be worshipped and that we must worship him in those ways and in those ways only i i agree with you because i think we need to have we need to have our worship regulated somehow otherwise well some of the craziness that we see out there is bound to happen having said that i have never seen the regulative principle perfectly applied in our 21st century context and it seems that we dip into the normative principle which basically is if the bible doesn't say you can't do it you can do it i i've because we've got modern technology we've got big screens we've got different instrumentation and sound systems and lights the bible doesn't speak directly to those things so we kind of dip so how do you say i'm regulative but we somehow use normative yeah so the regular principle is about the elements of our worship and so the regulated principle has to do with the fact that we read the scriptures not whether or not we use an electronic means of magnifying our voice when we read the scriptures it has to do with the fact that there's the lord's supper um it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not we use those little trays to to carry the elements around so that's sometimes what confuses people so the regular principle doesn't speak to what furniture we sit on uh or those sorts of things it's the elements of our worship what are the things that we do in the worship of god and how do we determine what those things are regulated principle says we determine what those things are from the scriptures is there one verse that i can go to that lists those elements succinctly no so how do i put it together uh wow so that's where we have to look at biblical theology here we have to see the new testament gives us a wealth of information especially in the epistles about what the church is to look like and what the things are that we're to do in the church but even beyond that there are things that god's people have always done right um so when you look at it from the standpoint of biblical theology the people of god have always been a worshipping people and there are elements of that that we see that carried through out from the old testament to the new testament some of those things pointed forward to the person and work of christ and so we don't do those anymore like sacrificing animals or things like that but we refer to that once for all sacrifice of christ so what we do is we look at those elements that god has given us throughout the scriptures those things that he has given us to define what it means for us to gather before him in worship and we continue to do those things all of those things that we find in the full counsel of god's word all right it's not the furniture it's not the means it's the contents that is guided by the bible and it's enough for us to know what that stuff absolutely including our long expository sermons um i think that the biblically it's uh 61 minutes [Laughter] you know we'll google that all right so second hesitations what's your preference either classic hymns or contemporary worship um yeah so because everything was was contemporary at one point right so the the question is who's contemporary um you know are are you are you choosing and there are some contemporary things that are classic right i mean i think i think there's stuff that for example the gettys are doing that would very much be classic right um in in their in their form and their humanity and um but if i'm if i'm forced on that i'm gonna say classic hymns why um because contemporary worship there's a word that we don't often use it's called contemporaneity contemporaneity is the idea that if it's new it's better that i reject right we don't do things just because they're new um nor do we do things just because they're old right but we do things because because of because they're faithful and there are things that have stood the test of time because of their content that have stood the test of time because of their their their relevance to the church because their historical meaning and context those things are important and they connect us to history and one of the big problems that i have with contemporaneity is that it tends to divorce us from history it makes us isolationists and when we isolate ourselves from history we tend to repeat errors that history has painstakingly corrected and there's there's something about singing a hymn that's 400 years old if you stop and think you mean people were singing the exact same beliefs that i have today so it's not that it's not the style of the music necessarily or the uh the age of the music it's the contents of the music that you're after sing to the lord a new song all right so that that leads me to another either of your preferences the church i'll always be writing churches however because of a desire for a particular genre i like that style i like that era they've divided services so that there's the traditional and then there's the contemporary and by the way now i saw a church sign that actually says traditional contemporary and the bridge yes because michael w smith isn't contemporary anymore but some people like that so he's the bridge yes and the contemporary is the hill song and then the old fuddy guys come first thing in the morning yeah do you like that idea or do you prefer that we are all together well i don't like i don't even like the idea of having multiple services you go that far yes because why well i would argue that a church is a gathering and once we start having multiple services we're no longer a church we're multiple churches that use the same building is that a bad thing though yes why because the bible's clear that we should be a church we should be but there's practicality to that i mean if you're going to do it just go ahead and be honest about it and say that there's a church that meets at this time in a church that meets at that time different name if you will just it's it's a different because worship is that important is that what you're exclusive ecclesiology is that important right the nature of the church is that important right and so you know we yeah see the thing that the thing that gets me too just watching it when you go to a service that's traditional if you've ever been to the early morning service it's filled with white hair usually suits and ties and dresses and yeah i look at that and i go there's a whole lot of wisdom in this room yeah and then yeah not that that's the only gift of the church then at 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock when the youth get together man there's a whole lot of energy and excitement that's going on and both parties are missing out on the blessing of one another yep so i get a church that does it would you say a church and then the church has to make a decision about something and you have different generations with different philosophies of ministry trying to make a decision about something as a group when they've never been a group other than coming together to make this particular decision right so it's hugely problematic okay so the option then for the church that's getting too big to do one service they've outgrown the building you would tell them to some people move start a different church build another building yep all of the above anything but splitting the church all of the above um houston i think we have a few problems here go ahead richard one besides the fact i'm wearing a cardboard helmet houston you have got one of the biggest false teachers in the universe [Music] are you kidding he is so rich how rich is he wretched one i can see his house from here
Channel: Wretched
Views: 187,926
Rating: 4.9174156 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: bqYhuT_n3-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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