Vocal Coach/Opera Singer REACTION & ANALYSIS "Sinful Passion" by Dimash Kudaibergen (Sochi, 2018)

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welcome back to the charismatic boys you know that I adore you and I love your comments and your suggestions and the way you know this most is because I'm going to react today to your most requested a song which is a sinful passion performed by dommage coup de bergen now there are a lot of versions of the song online and I decided to go ahead with his debut version that's gonna be from 2018 performed in Sochi although the song was actually written in 1998 by Kazakhstan band called a studio I've been told that for this performance demo actually has that band up onstage with them pretty awesome bringing it home but it has apparently been reinvented so I don't think that this is going to be the original version by a studio but rather one that is written for damash now so without further ado let's get to it love their spines [Applause] [Music] cookies fond of us now oh yes sips now that they possibly quickly this is such a beautiful intro I love that he only has this very bare-bones piano with him I think that was a brilliant decision because one thing I know about damash now is that he's gonna start it out small so that he can grow really big this is sort of a staple that I've seen in all of his performances that he wants to take the audience on a huge journey and he also wants to be able to use all of those facets of his voice so he started it really soft and in a very low register as well I think I even heard a little bit of vocal fry happen in there so let's keep going [Music] oh geez love stories yes there are certainly that was very sensitive very tender [Music] [Music] I just loved the way he sang the diamond yet part the first time so softly definitely showing vulnerability and the second time with so much strength it's again just indicative I really feel like this song is gonna go on a huge journey I'm really excited to see what he's done with this song that wasn't in the original version so let's keep going [Music] well that fire [Music] sup with the smoke you don't kiss [Music] Oh get super those of you that don't know course if you probably know because you're huge damash fans but the little giggle that I had was because he's singing this second verse I think essentially an octave higher than before so the first one he started super low and he was like oh but I'm damash so we're gonna go over lots of octaves so we might as well bump it up right now that's awesome and also it still it looks like the videos not even halfway there so what I'll see gonna do [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] oh oh oh okay he's about to do something really beautiful but that was so cool he just did like a little pop run in there and he also did a cry off of a note he's already mixing these styles almost like operatic rock style and again you could hear him playing between this much lighter tone quality and much much fuller tone quality he has so much flexibility with what choices he wants to make regarding expression a lot of people when they're seeing a high note it's just gonna come out loud or it's just gonna come out soft kind of depends on the voice but that's not the case with him he has expanded his vocal abilities so much that he can literally do anything that he wants to let's see what he wants to do next [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow this is cool this is really cool I love the way he was doing all of this first part I think has been in his full voice so far right there is where he switched over to a little bit of falsetto but again that reinforced falsetto which makes it sound like a really strong countertenor in Opera he right away when he's saying that first operatic note I was like ooh yeah no no no you could be winning all of the competitions with opera singers which is saying a lot because opera singers train very very hard as well he's so good he's just gonna beat everybody out in every genre it's amazing let's keep going [Music] that section in there that he tuned is so well and most people wouldn't even recognize that that would actually be very hard to tune the chromatic Tsar moving around it's like modulating and it's it's just not normal easy notes to sing he did such a perfect job of that and then at the end of this offered note this high note it actually sounds easy for him what is that huh you know just a high e no biggie Wow Wow whoa that's crazy he just I thought it was lower honestly I really thought that that was lower because he made it sound so easy let's keep going [Music] [Music] that's something I've never heard from damash before where did this come from this this does not sound like your pop your rock your opera this is something entirely different this is ethnic and he's he's using like little little glottal stops to make that that thing it's I think it's called bleeding is that bleating like a goat bleat I think that's one of the technical terms for it but it's usually done in like middle eastern folk songs I'm hoping that this is some sort of maybe some Kazakhstan folk singing that's come into play here it's so cool to hear something completely different never heard him do that before and at first I thought it was maybe another person thinking or something this is really cool I hope he does more [Music] Oh [Music] whoa whoa okay I'm gonna have to go back when he started going there I couldn't stop it he just every single second he was taking it somewhere new somewhere different there was no spot to stop it I kind of love that he just took me and was like no we're gonna just keep going taking it a step further it was like there was there was just no break we're gonna go back and listen to that again okay first of all how long was that held note and then the run that happened right after all so how many styles did that run go through that was insane let's pull it up here okay off right apart and there's a high UV note such a cool reverb too [Music] I will love this [Music] hmm see feathers are put there [Music] he's still going this is all been one breath [Music] whoa that is such a crazy good was 30 seconds of of singing that's that is mind-blowing ly good he's in one breath going upstream lis extremely high and then in his run down he has he does like a reminiscence of the chromatic part earlier that's so hard to tune it sounds like he has like a little bit of ethnic song in there as well it sounds like a pop run in the way he's a little more streamlined with vibrato and focus of sound but then he also pulls in like it's like melisma is coming from classical singing there's so much that happens in such a short timeframe and it's all on one breath that's crazy can we listen to it again and actually time how many seconds it is okay here we go I think I started right right yeah that's EE okay okay on there I'm happy to listen to this again [Music] that's kind of like that yodeling thing that I've talked about Indiana on food in all those videos he's using that as well it's really good okay he's gonna take another breath okay 4:45 is where that started great time for a change too [Music] all right and I went to five ten went to five ten so that's 25 seconds of damash just playing throughout all registers all style it's like that's uh that's a voice lesson on a platter for anybody this sings in any style Wow super incredible okay I'm going to finish this song up one more time and then give an overall impression [Music] [Applause] oh that's eager to play cute sign to recognize him ah so one of the things that fascinated me about that ending I didn't really see it the first time because I was mind blown by the run the ending he doesn't think again but I thought he did because of the way it cut back to his face at one point and he's still holding the audience that's that's something that people learn in theater class or maybe they're just natural at it and he's looking out to the audience keeping his stance really strong still microphone up that let them know hey it's not time to applaud yet and also it's kind of cool that the song sila had an instrumental and it sounded like some chorus happening on top of that so he was being really courteous to his colleagues even though he was done singing she wanted the audience to continue to listen to everyone who was still performing really wonderful guy those twenty five seconds of just one breath but a massive run throughout all of his vocal range and in many styles those 25 seconds were the best 25 seconds of singing that I ever heard nuts astonishing brilliant and not only did we go through a journey in those 25 seconds but also he constructed a journey throughout the whole song beginning with this quiet beginning and then a huge climax and at the end where he just held us with his gaze and showed incredible respect to his colleagues not only is he a wonderful performer he's just a wonderful person Wow I thank you thank you guys I just adore your recommendations I love your comments I adore you if you'd like I'd love to meet you I'm gonna be here every Monday at 8 a.m. is when I premiere a video and there's a chat that you can come and say hi in I'll be there so come tell me where you're from I'd love to get to know you better and if you'd like to learn a little bit more about voice you can check out some of the other videos on my channel or also head over to my website the charismatic voice comm where I have an online course so I hope to be seeing you guys soon thank you [Music]
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 439,869
Rating: 4.9102039 out of 5
Keywords: #dimash, #SinfulPassion, #firsttimereaction, vocal coach reacts, voice coach reacts, reaction video dimash, reaction video sinful passion, singing coach reacts, singing reaction video dimash, voice reaction video dimash, sinful passion reaction, sinful passion 2018 sochi, sinful passion new wave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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