First time reaction Dimash Sinful Passion

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hey everybody Lucas hassel here I'm back with another reaction video in this case it is a song that has been requested by a lot of people it is my second exposure to a wonderful gentleman singer quilted mush who died Bergen I believe from Kazakhstan and it is sinful passion I found the one without a glitch people have been telling me to avoid the other ones so thank you everyone I will not further adue not sure what to expect I was very impressed with his first go-around let's see if this is any different [Music] oh yes it's now that they expect [Music] [Music] so I heard him use his low register a little bit in SOS this is opening with a full low-toned voice it's it's layered it's rich it's not thin it doesn't feel like he's pushing his voice down it's a very soft opening letting me into where he's at emotionally you know the reason I'm not sitting with a big grin here is because that's not the mood that he's going for he's letting me enter his state of mind which is much more thoughtful and low-key at this point and and I appreciate his subtlety of that the little breath that he uses is so carefully titrated that it's he must be hovering up the edge right at the edge of where his voice might break or that might be not enough breath or he knows his voice and and breaths so well that he can sing exactly at the edge that nothing extra is in there and that just enough is there that is masterful [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so soft and so sensitive so pleasant to listen to just gently letting me go on this journey with him [Music] oh wait [Music] [Music] [Music] so pure so pure just drops in perfectly inky of course he's using a lot of reverb which is beautiful but if you boy if you hit any of that wrong or a little bit off it's gonna show straight away the fact that you just pops in perfectly this guy's grasp of his own vocal abilities is incredible [Music] I'll go back a little bit here's that shift that he does in SOS as well where he's very chest voice he and then he goes into this what I called the hybrid people have been telling me I think it's a mix of chest and voice but he goes into this we're going operatic thing and then he goes into this incredibly clean and clear higher register that is just it was starting the first time it's stunning here I'm gonna go back a little bit [Music] [Music] oh man this is something that it's a lot I mean a lot of people try to do this as opposed and he just makes it look like he's comfortable there this is his go-to but like any part of the song thus far I would have said well that's his register and then you change that I'm like what that is that's this register and now he's in this and I'm like that's its register the fact is he can just do all of it so far I know people have been telling me about his incredible October range what this is proof so [Music] [Applause] what was that wait what I'm sorry I have to listen to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] where my way who so many good things happen in such a short amount of time I feel bad having to go back all the time but first it did this crazy thing with his voice I haven't really heard it this way before I think I've heard it and like weird sort of Bulgarian chance or something very so that Eastern maybe where he can do this thing of like opening and closing his his vocal cords but I've never heard anyone do it that fast for that length of time and then he goes into what I thought was already like two beautiful changes of chest into this hybrid and then just what I think is high he goes on this crazy journey up which I have to listen to again because I didn't pay attention to what came after because I was just blown away at how high he went so let's go back for this crazy [Music] there was a dress and then [Music] [Music] how long does he hold that note I mean oh my so I'm not entirely sure how to describe that other than it gave me double goosebumps which doesn't happen very much totally took me by surprise I was impressed already and then he goes on this crazy Raisa that he then holds and holes and holes and holes and holes and holes and actually it goes back to the point I made at the beginning of the video that this guy has impeccable control of how much breath he uses to produce his notes because if you use too much air he's not gonna be able to sustain that tone that note for that long so he uses just enough to produce what he needs and then he can play with how long he holds it and that is amazing amazing I don't think I've heard anything quite like this before I mean that many artists who are incredibly talented who have their own skill set demacia skill set seems to be that he can do all of it the fact that he looks so comfortable on stage he looks so much in his own he's so focused he's not focused on who was looking at him in the audience he's just focused on being in the moment and feeling what he's singing which is a skill you know all the best singers in the world also know what they're singing it's not just about it in the next perfect note it's about understanding what you're trying to convey what is your point of view as an artist that's what I'm trying to do as an actor or as a filmmaker or as a writer it's all about the point of view that I have if I know what it is I'm trying to convey then I can shape the story in the film to support that so thank you guys for recommending this movie I'm gonna go back and listen to this in one go I know a lot of people well not a lot a few people have said you know it's very annoying that I keep stopping the video but it is a reaction video after all if you want to see it in one go watch the original without this face and this voice annoying and clouding it up you're welcome to do that thank you thank you thank you for this recommendation keep the recommendations coming I always look forward to exploring new talent and new voices and damash I'm gonna have to check out more of your stuff because that was amazing thank you
Channel: Lukas Hassel
Views: 366,492
Rating: 4.9666095 out of 5
Id: P6JafwFo3Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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