Voice Coach/Opera Singer REACTION and ANALYSIS of DIMASH KUDAIBERGEN: S.O.S. (2018 Slavic Bazaar)

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welcome back to the charismatic voice today I get to react to and analyze one of your most requested songs SOS the Fabio nan de presa now dommage has a rich history with this song he first sang it in 2015 at the Slavic bazaar and then later in 2017 it was the song that launched his success on singer today I'm going to be analyzing the 2018 version at Slavic bazaar which many of you specifically requested to thank you for those links so much and I did want to do a comparison of the singer to the Slavic bazaar but unfortunately copyright just won't let me do anything from singer so we're just gonna dig it straight into 2018 Slavic Bazaar here we go a block I see grand premiers the narrative of concourse a spawn Italy is proudly PCV tips via TC chip it mats it dommage coup de Burgh in Kazakhstan [Applause] [Music] oh yeah Oh [Music] go ahead and pause it I just it breaks my heart how well he begins this song it's so transparent it's like every single emotion he feels he's able to translate into his voice extremely beautiful he's so confident and rounded in his technique he's able to let a little fragility creep into the tone which is so hard to do especially when you're in front of a huge audience with a little bit of adrenaline flowing she said that very beautifully I also love the way that in the lyrics which I'm going to go ahead and put in this video - I'll give you translation in English I love that his voice sounds like it's questioning because the lyrics are a question at this beginning right why do I live why do I die these are huge questions and they're vulnerable and fragile and without even needing to understand the language you understand the meaning right away let's keep going [Music] [Music] who didn't see me Oh [Music] Timothy Timothy Timothy [Music] amazing amazing so the thing that's blowing my mind the most right now is the way that he goes to his different vocal registers I just love that we've heard a very strong chest voice in his low notes and then he has a head voice which he'll he'll even add a little bit to that and go a little bit higher like that last night that was a belted full head voice there and then when he's really high and lighter and the tone sounds like a little more feminine or just like I would say more ethereal or even haunting then that's his falsetto and he's going through all of them brilliantly there was even one point which I loved when he pressed a little bit into one of those registers and was able to do a little like emotional it wasn't a true bit but he was able to push into it to make it like a little jagged edge in there to give you an extra emotional bump I loved it loved it loved it I'll try to go back to that later but I want to finish this performance first [Music] [Applause] prove it to the on pitch [Music] [Applause] [Music] because he I got a pass there just really quickly that moment where he got really big and then suddenly came back down was able to be really quiet that's actually really hard to do vocally that takes a lot of control think about times when you I just let a lot of emotional energy go when you've like yelled for something that was great it makes your heart pump faster to calm that all down like he has here and just let again that vulnerability into his voice that is extremely hard and he just did it very well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay that was a really good example when he just flipped up into that high part that was a really good example of when he was going to like he was in a full people call it sometimes a mix felt or a head belt um and then he flipped up and you heard this like a little quick run that almost sounds synthesized because it's so perfectly in tune it's not synthesized this guy's doing it all live by the way just to clear up any misconceptions that people might have had this is all live but when he flipped out there that would be like the little falsetto and sometimes he gives it a little bit of extra reinforcement to be louder ah also just need to mention he's going across so many octaves in his voice at one point I was counting I was like within five seconds he'd gone through three octaves most people don't have a usable range of three octaves much less be able to go through that in five seconds with seamless transitions that's just out of this world incredible really truly incredible okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Ziya Moscow they had again I am so in love with the air that he put in these last few notes love love love that choice and it's amazing to hear him have this focused it's what I would call like a really condensed sound and then just open up and have more air flow in and he can do this and any style you can do that in pop or and he can do that when he's going for a classical operatic sound it's really incredible really truly incredible I want to hop back to this moment where I thought it was so cool that he pushed into a little edge [Music] such good transitions [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you see me Oh there you go did you hear the way he like let himself break off of that note a little bit also he's even showing you how much emotion and support and body are behind his sound right now you'll hear if we go back just a little more again listen to the way he's coming off of the notes feels like that at the end which gives you even more emotion behind it and it's a choice you can choose to do that or just to breathe in right away rather than letting a little bit of extra air out hear that [Music] hungers home I love that little flip right there it's so good Komachi Komachi and it feels cool to hear and do notes like this totally totally still at first then add a little vibrato back in or just attack them straight on in an operatic fashion it's amazing to see how many styles you can go into [Music] Wow I didn't catch the first time like that breath control that was so boring that was crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] because here [Music] [Music] wow that is so high for about especially somebody they can do that operatic way or hot let's so hi there [Music] [Applause] can't get enough of the wavy stitches with Jim's head I loved that performance so much it was a brilliant example of how to sing perfectly in a wide range throughout different vocal registers and also in different genres thank you for this recommendation and also for the specific link to this video I really I can't thank you all enough I love your input your comments and I hope that you will join me on Mondays at 8:00 a.m. in releasing new dommage videos every week so come and chat with me during those premieres I love getting to know you better and please keep recommending songs below I'm still looking for some people that are doing some fantastic performances during the corona virus pandemic I want to support artists especially right now that have to be staying at home or that are trying to support other funds for people that have been hit really hard so let me know about those below in the comments and I send you all tons of love hope to see you soon [Music]
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 325,721
Rating: 4.9480166 out of 5
Keywords: Dimash reaction, reaction to dimash, voice teacher reaction, vocal reaction dimash, reaction dimash sos, reaction sos, reaction video dimash, reaction video sos, voice reaction video dimash, first time reaction dimash, first time reaction sos, reaction sos slavic, dimash slavic bazaar, dimash sos slavic bazaar, sos lyrics video, sos english translation dimash, sos dimash lyrics, sos lyrics dimash kudaibergen, sos lyrics tranlsation, voice teacher online dimash
Id: _Nod8hL8oUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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