Vocabulary Comparisons - 'Hope vs. Wish'

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to make-believe ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's lesson I want to see if we can compare the words hope and wish okay I roam here both are used to express a desire for something that is different from now right so basically both of them are used to describe a positive change okay all right but what's the biggest difference between hope and wish okay that's what I want to talk about in today's lesson okay I wrote here first hope we use to express a desire that is possible or even likely to happen okay and I underlined there possible or likely to happen if we compare that to wish I wrote here that it's used to express a desire that is mostly impossible or not likely to happen okay and I also wrote there and that you don't expect to happen okay here again it is possible it is likely again it is not likely or it is mostly impossible okay let's see if we can take a look at different examples for each as well as the proper grammar we need to use when using each of these words let's see if we can get started with hope okay I put here to talk about the past we need to use the simple past tense for grammar okay looking at an example I hope she didn't miss her bus so again there's our simple pass in the negative I hope she didn't miss her bus okay if we think about the meaning maybe she left to get her bus 20 minutes ago and I don't know if she got her bus or if she didn't get her bus so I I say to myself I hope she didn't miss her bus right okay one more example I hope they got a taxi okay similar situation right I'm thinking did they get a taxi last night or they not right maybe the weather was bad so I hope they got a taxi right and again there's my simple past for the grammar okay to talk about the present we can use any of the present tenses so that could be a continuous tense or just a simple tense example here we hope she is okay right so again there's our present tense is right we hope she is okay so again that is our hope for right now right in the present tense okay and I hope you're enjoying the trip so there's a progressive tense that we're using right are enjoying so I hope you're enjoying the trip I might say this on the telephone when I'm talking to somebody or I'm texting them or writing them a letter of some sort so I hope you're enjoying the trip right it is my desire that you are enjoying the trip okay and to talk about the future we normally use again the present tenses so again progressive or simple and sometimes we might use the future tense although it is a little less common okay to look at an example we hope you come again next year so again I'm using the present tense of just calm we hope you come again next year I could say we hope you'll come again next year right we hope you will come again next year that's fine as well it works but I would say it's more common with just a present tense okay one more example I hope you like the cake I made so again we haven't eaten the cake yet right we're gonna eat it maybe later tonight so I hope you like it right I hope you like the present I bought you for your birthday right and maybe your birthday's next week so that's my hope for the future okay let's see if we can take a look at wish next okay looking at wish next okay just remember we looked at earlier wish is usually used to talk about things that are unlikely or mostly impossible okay so in that case we often use wish to talk about imaginary situations and again it could be about the past the present or the future okay all right so to talk about the past for our grammar we need past perfect for example I wish I had studied harder okay thinking about the meaning remember the truth or the reality is that I didn't study hard okay and probably as a result I did poorly on my test okay but I in my head I have a desire to change the past which I can't do but my desire is that I had studied harder okay and again there's our grammar the past perfect had studied okay another example by wish we'd bought a different car again the reality is that we bought this car and we can't change it but we wish we could go back and do something differently but we can't that's the reality again there's our past perfect had bought right okay to talk about the present we need to use the past tenses okay again an example he wishes he were taller okay but again the reality is that he can't be taller right he's not gonna grow any more if he's an adult right maybe if he's a child he might grow more but we can see the reality is that this is unlikely to happen or maybe impossible if somebody has already fully grown right also notice we're using the past tense I put there were we're never gonna use was so when we're expressing wish it doesn't matter which pronoun we use it could be he or she or I are you we're gonna use were in every situation okay one more example I wish I had more time okay again but I don't have more time that's the truth and I can't change that so again there I'm using the past tense so I wish I had more money I wish I had more clothes right I wish I had a bigger house okay but I don't actually have any of these things so it's just a imaginary situation okay and to talk about the future we use what okay for example I wish people would be kinder to her okay again probably the truth or the reality is that people aren't kind to her and they will continue to not be kind to her but my hope again my imaginary sort of hope for the future is that people would be kinder to her okay one more example we all wish you would quit drinking but again it's probably unlikely to happen right this problem this person probably has a big problem so it's very unlikely that they will quit drinking but again if I could imagine a future I would hope that you quit drinking right so we all wish you would quit drinking okay let's see if we can look at one more thing I want to put hope and wish together and take a look at the difference in meaning okay let's see if we can compare some of these sentences I wrote here I wish I were smarter and I hope to be smarter okay if we look at those those are almost the same but there was one key difference I wish I were smarter seems like well it's impossible for me to change that whereas I hope to be smarter sounds like hmm maybe I can be smarter if I study or if I spend more time at school right so again they're pretty similar but there's still a nuance difference okay same thing here they wish they had more money but the reality is they don't have more money whereas if I say here they hope to have more money well again same thing they don't have more money but this sounds like maybe there's a way they can make more money it could be possible it could happen again if you notice the grammar in both past tense and here we use to be or to verb so the infinitive and again here past tense and one more time we've got the infinitive to have okay if we look at the next example I hope to see you soon this is a future sentence right it is my desire to see you soon if we look here I wish to see the teacher well this sounds like right now I want to see the teacher right this is not the future okay in both cases we're using the infinitive but the meaning is different okay one more example I hope to speak to the manager okay this sounds very polite and it also sounds like well if it's possible if the manager is busy or if the manager is not here well then that's okay no problem okay but in the next example I wish to speak to the manager okay this one sounds more like a command okay and it sounds perhaps a little less polite it does sound formal but it sounds impolite like I you know I'm in a rush right I'm kind of annoyed or maybe I'm upset about something and I wish to speak to the manager I have a problem right if I was in a restaurant and there was a serious problem with my food or something's taken a long time I might say that the way or waitress excuse me I wish to speak to the manager right I have a problem or I have a complaint okay so it's usually used something like that okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope the differences and sometimes similarities between hope and wish are clear thank you so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 67,897
Rating: 4.934866 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, english grammar, grammar, grammar comparison, hope versus wish, hope vs wish, hope and wish, difference between hope and wish, comparing hope and wish, Vocabulary Series - 'Hope vs Wish', I wish I were taller, I wish I had more money, I hope to see you, I hope to, I hope we, impossible, unlikely, possible, likely, to happen
Id: 5t2OROv2m1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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