VMware VSphere ESXi 6.7 Installation on Lenovo SR650 - 1102

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[Music] hi and welcome to my playhouse and today we're in the data center because while i was on vacation i got a question if i ever ever put the the awesome lenovo x 3650 model 5 into production and i i kind of have because right now it's it's cheer mining and so that is up and running but i got um i actually have a newer one the sr 650 also from lenovo and then that hasn't been doing anything so i kind of um thought that maybe it was time to prepare to to have that server take over the well the main production here in my playhouse right now i'm running on a model for the awesome lenovo x3650 model 4. nothing wrong with that it has been running for over a year without any down time it is it's doing really well it's not as power efficient and i also think that at some point i set it to maximum performance which is awesome in a data center where you need to maximum performance i more or less don't need that all the time i probably more need like balanced performance and i think that's also why the noise level has gone up in my data center here so yeah i'm gonna today i'm gonna start trying to prepare the sr 650 to take over the jobs that the model 4 has and i'm still running esxi and the model 4 is running esxi 6.5 i think i'm just going to update this to the esxi 6.7 just because i don't want to mess with vcenter at the moment there is v-sensor on the m4 and it is a v-cinder 6.7 so if i if i stay at that level i don't have to do too much at the moment so that is always nice but i have a bit of this jogging to do so down here we have the model 4 and it has two 480 gigabytes ssds and i believe it has two one terabyte ssds and then it has four one terabytes spinning disk there's a decent amount of space on this one i don't need that much space i also have the unnamed nas up here now we're not talking about and the server has access to an ice core sheet drive up there and that has actually been working flawlessly so i'm gonna i'm gonna reduce the amount of drives that i have in the new server well at the moment i have two oh it's off so we can take one out i have two sea gates four terabytes barracuda drives in there we're gonna try and configure those in a mirror so that i get four terabytes on those two drives then we need something a little bit faster and i'm planning to put in this samsung drive it's a one terabyte pro samsung drive from 2018 i see so this is already three years old how time flies so let's put that in i'm gonna leave a spot for future expansion there and then oh that's the old casing oh i'm out of i'm out of trains i put all the trays in the m5 down here uh but i i'm only using a couple of them so there's a lot of these drives that are not in use um i think we're just gonna pop one out and hope for the best that and it's one of the ones not in use one two i've gotta go check out the computer okay we are on the lenovo x3650 model 5 here and i have four drives that are not one two three four drives that are not in use and i have two that is in use [Music] s and t but that doesn't add up that makes six drives in of that size of that one as well but there are seven drives over in the server so i needed some more help so i went and checked with the with the rate controller here and it seems that i have configured the first drive uh which is a mirror of two drives so that's why i'm missing one so probably s is actually two drives in the mirror so the last four drives in the server i can take out without getting into any sort of trouble except the raid controller will be complaining but let's see we might be able to go and delete them before we do that so if we just take i just need one of them so let's try and take this number five down here see if we can we can delete the virtual drive we need virtual drive drive five by four by three five two one and zero as well that one is going away there it removed the virtual drive now it's just down here as uh that's nothing so let's go over to physical drives and see if we we need to do anything we have number seven here and it's unconfigured so we can we can stop the location drive okay that led orange blinking there is supposed to be the location but i'm not a big fan of this drive the leds are not too good there i will stop the location and the orange led stops blinking so that must be it when we right click the drive there is also prepare for removal so let's do that one there and i think we can now take it out which i was preferring to so let's take it out yeah we we just got a another terabyte of data for our new vmware host here there and i'll put in the slot down here to make that look nice again so now we have two four terabytes and a and a two terabyte ssd so i don't want too much storage in the server it's the one that always has to be on so i want to bring the power levels down and the noise and stuff um it also has an internal boot device i believe 128 gigabytes lenovo boot thing that goes in this dedicated slot inside and that is a it's an m.2 ssd that is in there so i'm going to be booting on that and then these drives are all for the for the virtual machines okay i have powered the server i was going into the bios i have two exclamation marks here um using capacity two processors good ones i need to perform a firmware update of this server it's it's ancient we haven't been messing with this for quite a while [Music] we are in 2021 now and over halfway through the year so it's loading the provisioning manager and in here we can go and set different stuff so so here we are in the weavey uh buyers of the sr 650 and i just wanted to check the the operation mode that is down here under uefi settings [Music] and it's under system settings and then there is operation mode right there and you can see it it's set to efficiency favor performance it can go just as fast in this mode but it might favor not doing so so we can just see the different options this mouse is really slow but it's probably the best so there is minimum power which well does that then there is efficiency favor power efficiency favor performance custom mode then you get to to do everything i'm not knowledgeable enough to to go that route at the moment and then there is maximum performance which is the one that sucks all your power all the time so i'm gonna go with the efficiency favor performance here and hope that that's less noisy than what i'm working with today there's another setting under power here which talks about the power supplies and there's a serial output and that is disabled at the moment but it recommends it down here and says that if the if this server is not drawing that much power it will it will shut down some of the power supply and um yeah i think i want that because then the power supply is losing less power so i'm gonna try and enable that it's not as if oh advanced mode okay so um we we go directly from disabled to advanced mode yeah that's that's a new one save changes do you want to yes let's do that when i connected power and monitor and stuff to the server i saw that there was a gpu in there it's a one of these mining cards it's it's not a heavy card but i i've been standing here thinking about it and i think i'm going to take that out because i want to well if i want to do mining i will turn on another server this one should be the one that doesn't use a lot of power it should have the cpu performance but it shouldn't and that mining card is not very efficient and we get an excuse to look inside always nice and here we have the server internal rig controller we have some ram here uh it seems that i have 96 gigabytes of ram and i think we saw that and let's take this out and while we do that we can also see the bootable thing that is in here so we're just gonna remove this they have a they have made their own weird power connections in this server so we can just leave those in we will take the mining this is the mining cart without the fans those fans were so crisp that they broke when i so i'll see if i have some of these i hope i have some from an m3 and they don't fit they have altered something so they um they do go down there but there's there's a pin sitting right there that does not go in okay i found one that will fit that is from the m5 and i found my secret stash of trace of three plus i have a i have a hard drive here that also has one and that's just a 300 gigabyte oh i have two another one here okay so we have expansion possibilities i think we're good to go as we are right now so let's not mess with that we needed this i should put that in the back i'm gonna put it in the top one way most air will be moving near the components at the bottom in theory yeah good to go so as this is going to be my 24 server i have my virtual machine that runs a pf sense under and that gets the connection from the internet and at the moment my internet is it's rj45 connection and the server only has four ports 10 gigabit and they're all um sfp pluses so i need one of these converter things that will that will bring it down from a from an sfp plus to an rj45 connection and i have some different ones here i actually have a 10 gigabit one uh i only have a one gigabit internet connection so we don't really need that so i'm gonna be putting in one of the one gigabits here let's just take that one it looks perfectly fine so and this is an sfp that goes to an rj45 connection so i'm in the uefi bias again and i'm in configuring the bmc lenovo calls it the xcc but in the bars it's called bmc consistency is not their thing i have also disabled ipv6 and given it an ip number that i have noticed in my ip planning thing so that i can get back to it that enables me to access it through my laptop here so we have a enter this server directly and we're gonna try and do a remote console to it and see if we can install the software from there it's very easy with lenovo to get the esxi version for it we go to google and you search for esxi lenovo download first thing we just go there they have a very nice repository the 6.5 the 6.7 the 7.0 so let's go to the i was talking about the 6.7 there and we have the different versions here and this one isn't even that old so we're going to go and get that one we're gonna download it to my machine here i'm not logged in or anything there we need an iso that's the top one we'll pick that one up and it's downloading not logged in didn't have to do anything but to search for it i could probably go do this for my comfortable chair in the living room but now we are here um we are at the xcc x clarity controller xcc and down here i have the feature on demand code for doing remote desktop so let's click that and we have different options here i'll be kicked out in an hour i recall blah blah whatever launch it opens a new window it will come and tell me that it's blocked because of a pop-up there so we need to approve that pop-up thing and allow always from this done and i don't think we can i don't think we can refresh but we could try oh that actually worked so now we're seeing on here what i have on my console over there so but i also have access to the computer's files so we should be able that has done downloading down here so we should be able to to put that in the disk drive in the media bay up here so let's go media we need to activate that yes we need to browse and that should be in our download folder there okey dokey and mount local media and it's mounting that there we are mounted i think we can close this now and then we can boot this and hopefully we can then boot off our iso file i think that would be that button there do you really want to exit yes i think i have server 2019 on this server so we're going to get rid of that and then we're going to install esx yeah we weren't fast enough to get rid of that so restart server immediately yes please there booting at some point i will get an option to what i want to boot from and then we need to select the probably the cd-rom drive it was quick f12 i cheated and used the other keyboard now that i'm right next to it i could probably go here and do a virtual keyboard we have a cd rom drive there is that the cd-rom oh we have the ife xcc virtual media i i think that might just be it let's check that one yeah we have an esxi installation here so we're in luck it's faster now we can get rid of the download thing and make everything just a tiny bit bigger so i'm still on windows 10 here does anyone have some good experience with windows 11 at some point i'll have to check it out oh it tells us which cpus we have and how much ram we have i really forget what ram this is this this could be 16 gigabyte blocks i believe there is six blocks in there so this being lenovo's own image it should have everything that it needs to to work well there we are the installation has loaded and it's ready for us to configure it enter do you wanna well if we don't agree to this we are not gonna get far so f eleven two three it's just like any other system you have to agree with all the otherwise you're not gonna get anywhere ah okay so the thing that i thought was the cd-rom drive is that bootable device that lenovo has inside so yeah we have to select that and i see that we have a four terabyte rate we haven't configured that so apparently from the last time i was missing with this i have configured those two four gigabytes drives in there in a raid one these are storage drives they are smr drives so they're not the greatest but they're good enough for storage big files not good enough for use as a lock folder or something like that but big files that are not changing too much no problem so we're gonna install on that 120 gigabyte thinking in there gathering additional information from the selected device awesome there it will be deleted no surprise there need to select the language here keyboard i do actually have a usb keyboard so let's just keep to that i need to put in a password i am going to do that you're not going to see we can continue it's happy with that so are you sure you want to install on this yep and it's doing everything on the laptop here but i can just turn around and see that it's also doing it on the monitor back here so if i have had this server connected i should have done it when i was on vacation that would have been impressive okay we can now remove the bootable media and press enter okay so that's media now we can unmount slam i sure yes yeah let's unmount it and then press enter the server will reboot esxi has booted it has picked up a ip number from the dhcp server 30. i am not very happy with that it's that's not the one that i want so we're gonna according to my ip plan it's it's supposed to have number 230 so we're gonna go in and do that so we need to press f2 down here and i need to feed it my secret password there and it should pop up we get some get some possibilities and we need to go and and configure the network there are some network adapters so we have the first one is active that is connected to 10 gigabit the second one is where i put in that converter to rj45 connections but it's not activated yet nothing is connected and there's a usb thinking that doesn't matter so there is just that one at the moment ipv version four we need to set a static ip number i have to do all of it i'll read [Music] there and i don't want ip version six it always messes me up good to go with that i would like to give it a name though [Music] zero one yeah okay to make this network changes happen we have to reboot and that is perfectly normal so yep and it's recording okay so that is up and running um it has the right ip number it even has a nice name i gave it so awesome so i've added the ip number here let's see if it finds it it does it's very pissed that it's not an https address but yeah so unsafe so get access to our vmware host here and try and lock in that seems to be okay it wants us to join the vmware customer experience i don't think so we are sharing quite enough there is a lot of stuff here that it's uh it's things that i should be aware of there are some security issues esxi in evaluation mode you have 60 days you're running lenovo's custom image i i know that we can we can get rid of that one it should install a ballast specification okay there's a lot of good stuff here that i need to worry about but the server is installed and i can now go to my vcenter on the other but i'm gonna make that a different video so that is gonna be it for this video we didn't do anything too complicated we put in some drives we installed the esxi not too complicated but please give the video a like anyway and if you wouldn't mind visiting my little shop which is located in in the description below check out if i have something useful for you that will help me clean up and get room for other stuff because that is an issue that i'm having i have too much stuff and i can't just bring myself to throwing it out so i much rather that someone else takes it off my hand and well finance getting some other stuff so thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so you can see me again have a nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 4,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, Lenovo, Data Center, lenovo Server, Home Server, Home Data Center, SR650, Lenovo SR650, ESXi, ESXi 6.7, installation, VMware VSphere ESXi 6.7
Id: 1O1hJjFpu5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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