HPE DL560 Gen8 - 4x Intel E5-4627v2 - 3.3Ghz & Server 2022 - 1128

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[Music] hi and welcome to my playhouse and today we have the well this is a hula packard enterprise it's the dl 560 generation 8 which was graciously donated to me by cern in germany and yeah we we got to have a general look at it but then i we didn't actually get back to it so today i thought that we should try and well install something on it and do a little speed test and see what this bucket can do i'm pleasantly surprised with the noise level it's actually on running esxi 7.0 i haven't connected a network cable but it is running and we can barely hear it so that is really nice the reason why it's running esxi 7.0 is because i put in a hard drive and that was on there and i forgot that well i didn't want to delete that hard drive and i was about to delete it and then oh i gotta put something else in there so i have another one there ready to go and this is actually a hula packet drive it's a 480 gigabyte um ssd so we're gonna install something that we can mess with on that it's gonna be some version of server 2000 and beep might want to try server 2022 again and see if maybe it will be happy with this server it hasn't been happy with much so far it's it's mostly just been a big disappointment but well maybe this one is a good one so we might just go ahead and try and install that and see how far we get and see if well server 2022 they have removed a lot of drivers and it pisses me off so it's a combination it has to make the server happy and have all the drivers for it and it has to make me happy because i am still disappointed with the last two attempts of installing server 2022 as it's just if we're not happy with it we'll go right back to server 2019 so let's get cracking okay i disconnected power to it i wanted to put a power meter on it and of course it wasn't happy about that we're gonna we're gonna fill it nicely to shut down again yeah and we're gonna take this disc out it wasn't happy about that this disc which it is just a regular pc hard drive that i put in there but it was lighting up red so it didn't like it much so i got to put this one in instead it should be more happy with this one this is a real hewlett-packard enterprise disc so oh this is so tight that's never gonna come out again that's a shame okay let's pile that on okay i need to find my boot device i have to go in that way this server takes a bit to boot usually the bigger the server is physical the longer it takes to boot look weird thing but if you have a tiny little server it's usually very quick and booting and if you have a big mother beep it's pretty slow so yeah it checks all kinds of stuff but this is an enterprise server so it's uh it's very thorough and hewlett-packard has always been good at making nice graphics for when you get in here and in just a little bit i will have to press something to boot from the usb key anytime now i'm sure it's just pissed that i've turned it off without or just take the power let's see boot menu 11 there so we have a four cpus and these are the e5 46 27 and they're version two and they're 3.3 gigahertz so it's a really nice cpu that is in this system let's see we can boot from usb that's tree it was quick about that i must say so i have server 2000 and i have i have that twice because that's the newest one so we'll try that one and while it's booting the windows installation i can tell you that it's also not happy with this hard drive or ssd so i haven't got a clue why it doesn't like that one possible lighting in here but it uses about 200 watts and remember there is four cpus in this and it's silent it's on right now it's installing server 2022 well it does say a sound during boot so yeah it's not always silent this is when it's booting up when it gets a bit further it will silence down it does do the hard disk blinkity blink thing here which is oh that's i think that's pretty cool i like that feature it looks good but it doesn't like the hard drive so that's not as good okay so the ilo 4 is on this server and you get to it when the server boots up over here you get an ip number and it had taken number 29 from my dhtp server and when you go to that ip number you get a prompt for a username and a password and on hulu package servers they have this tag that you can pull out here and the default password is on this tag and i've just been in there getting my glasses because it's rather small but if you really want to you can take the tag out which makes it a little bit easier and the password is there so you type that in the username is administrator with a big a administrator and then you you punch in the password which in this case is all capital letters it's well set and if you i am there and we log in hopefully i got that right i got it and then you can change it in here if you really want to but but it's actually pretty handy that is right there i was interested in why it's complaining about the hard drives so let's go to some storage over here and see why it's whining logical drives everything is fine here it sees it just fine drive configured encryption ssd status okay what the hell whining about then everything agent list management service no everything else is fine okay whining i tell you meanwhile we have got server 2022 on here and that we can get into as well let's see what it i haven't seen this before you see it so we can start by don't show this again and go up to the manager server properties don't show this again okay go away so far so good let's check device manager we have a whole lot of stuff that it didn't find do we have any network on here do we have network cards we have broadcom network cards so it might just have some internet for us so server well windows systems you stop by the update check for updates there let's see if it sees anything yep we have internet so it's gonna be updating we'll be back next year okay it updated pretty quickly uh view optional updates i just was in there and it has driver updates and it has intel updates uh from the 1st of january 1970 i think if it hasn't got that we need it so let's just just select all of that because um 1970 was a good year i guess it was five years before i was born so we definitely want those drivers so yeah it usually asks if i want to boot so i think i'll boot by myself then and the camera needs a new battery so that's uh that adds up oh this was uh this was planned microsoft you you you always know that you're gonna be booting okay um windows is still working or not well it's just done but i was uh trying to get this remote console things work here and it seems that everything has been outdated and this thing doesn't work and it says that chrome needs some extension and i couldn't find that so i was uh i went here and i picked up firmware for the lights on management and uh and i have have put that on this little machine here i have extracted it to this directory and there is a bin file so we should be able to go over here and in there and firmware update somewhere let's see obtain the firmware bin file for the ilo4 yes we got that so we're gonna choose that file there and the bin file there open [Music] and the one we have is from 2018 it's a 2.61 so it should be now from 2021 and be version 2.78 if this works it says it down here upload updating blah blah blah yes it wants to reboot when it's done it's gonna cost us some rebuild 16 megabytes going up in the meanwhile i can go in here checking security digital signage thingy strong improvement over here it found a lot of drivers so there is only some base system device so that's fine i will um i think this is okay for us to run a little speed test see see how this is doing see how those four workhorses are doing the e5 4627 version 2 was it let's check that before i say something stupid again e5 4627 version 2 is a 3.3 gigahertz but there's four of them in here so that's a total of 32 cores oh and this one is flashing oh this is multitasking isn't it okay guess it's booting okay so the server is a bit noisy right now but in the meanwhile i it was bothering me that the resolution on the screen was really bad so i found the display driver for the metrox d200 eh that's on the server and chiller packet supplies that and i have installed it over here and now the resolution is a tad better it's uh 1600 by 1200 which is not a widescreen resolution so it's being stretched a little bit but it's it's a server it's fine okay this is very noisy now it's it's not quieting down like it was before now it says that it's able to run hdmi 5 so and i got the new version on here it's the 2.78 from this year early this year let's see if we can do some remote consulting here yeah we have a new option here html r and we get our screen this is what we see over here so that is up and running so progress progress and as you can see the i have a test program ready here it's a performance test 9.0 and i am actually only interested in the cpus so i'm not gonna the rest of it is server stuff like the ram and all the graphics is what you usually see the ram is what the ram will be so let's just run all the cpu stuff okay that was a very nice result within the 99 best all the way to 23 862. that is that is very decent so i have another test ready yes cinema is 23 and we are gonna run all the 32 cores and see how that goes maybe you want to see some more of that so that should be 60 i'm not sure actually it might only be 32 calls do i forget does this stuff do hyper fretting it does very oh second run why oh now i see this is counting down i didn't see that so it's apparently seeing how many times it can render this within 10 minutes and it's on past number six and it is not even halfway so okay we'll have to give it a little bit and the fans are trying to tell me something we are also using some more power here uh 570 watts when it's peaking you can see 2.65 points 572 watts also get a power reading in here in the ilo 4 so prison power reading it says 541 watts but it doesn't update as much and now it's 482 so yeah we get some up and downs there okay time right now but it's still going so what happens now just completes that one it has run 15 passes okay we got a number apparently it's good for 19 441 which puts it on third position and the cpus that it compares itself to and it has 32 cores and that is because the this cpu does not have hyper threading i found the cpu here at intel's homepage and we can see that it has eight cores and it has a total of eight frets which if it had hyper threading it would say eight core and 16 frets but it does not but its base clock is 3.3 gigahertz and a tumor boost up to 3.6 it's an older passer from 2014 22 nanometers and it benchmarks over here at the pass mark and 9320 for one of these good gpus after i updated the uh the ilo adapter in here is it's not quieting down anymore so i'm gonna try and shut it down and well let's reboot it see what happens okay after a power cycle it it slowed the fans down again it's on and i can sit here and talk and i don't even have to talk very loud i can talk very silently and you can still hear me because the server is so silent um sometimes it becomes really noisy but at that time it's doing something so i guess that is okay and for the first time we got something meaningful out of server 2022 we were able to run some stuff and it found the network cards and well it was only one little driver thing that it didn't pick up and i wasn't missing anything at any point so um so yeah a bit of success on that front we got to run a test on this machine and got some numbers out of it it's fairly quick it has four cpus and those are 100 130 watts each tdp so running full throttle it will be pretty power hungry but i like the silent part of it it's really silent so that is really cool i can hear the server in the data center that cloud line uh cl3100 g3 that is really noisy out there i'm still copying cheer over and yeah i will be more than happy when i can turn that thing off again because it's so loud compared to this one but if anyone way smarter than me can tell me why this hard drive is complaining over here and not giving me any errors in the ilo adapter please leave it in the comments below i would very much like to know that it runs just fine as no issues whatsoever it goes around with the green thingity thing but it's just that red thing bothers me but but i'm sure some of you guys will know what that means so uh yeah let me know and just to do a bit of promotion if you um should be in the market for a server like this i know that bargain hardware has them and you should go to bargainhardware.co.uk and they will have them in stock i didn't actually check that editing modem please do check that put it over there and last i checked they were reasonably priced and of course you can build them to something that is extremely expensive if you want the fastest cpu and a ton of ram then it becomes expensive like anything else and remember you get five percent off if you use the coupon code checkout code my playhouse small letters all the way and yes it's an affiliate link i will be laughing all the way to the bank just as you so thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 6,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, Data Center, Home Server, Home Data Center, HP Server, dl560 gen8, Intel, xeon, e5-4600 v2, E5-4627v2, HPE ProLiant, HP dl560 Gen8
Id: IXq-MnojYqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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