Extraordinary Cool SAS Expander Card AEC-82885T - 1132

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[Music] hi and welcome to my playhouse and today we're in the data center and we're gonna be well i'm almost done moving over tier from the awesome lenovo x3650 model 5 over here with the disk array down here which is outside of you but um yeah almost done um i have behind the screen i have that uh well it's a hewlett packard cloud line cl 3100 generation three and we stuffed a hundred terabytes of hard drives in there but it wasn't enough i'm missing like two terabytes a little under two terabytes i think i'm 15 plots or something that i am missing space for here is all the tier plots on the on the mega drive and i'm missing everything beneath here there's one oh that's not a plot that's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 13 14 15 16 missing this is the last drive that i've copied to it's a three terabyte drive if you saw the last video we uh well we can see it in here i have one 14 terabyte hard drive a 12 a bunch of tins two fours and two three terabytes and combined it's 100 terabytes but yeah it exactly wasn't enough we are missing a little bit over a terabyte so we can see that all the drives are filled up but there is um well there's like 60 gigabytes here that they can't use 77 here that you can use and 91 and 26 and 64. so there's a bit of waste because i'm just copying to one drive those large drives was really quick but these smaller ones that was really slow and the the smaller the drive was the slower the the the write speed was on it so the last ones well they they took a while so my evil plan to get this to uh to do is just to go around the back and pop this usb ssd in there this is a 1.92 terabytes and i hope that the last 16 plots can be on there so we're gonna do that okay i popped it in and nothing happened i have all the drives here but well i don't get any new drives oh we better check disk manager again it takes a while with all those drives yeah there is nothing new in here either i have just gone through it and it does not pop up i have also tried and disconnected and connected again there is another available slot in the server itself so i'm going to go and remove the drive again we're going to put it in this drive cage and try and stuff it in there [Applause] oh i actually got it now okay i'll um i'll go and try and pop this in i don't know if this is hot pluggable but we're gonna do it anyway there it is got it morton's ssd got you and uh we'll do a bit of a rename and start the copy and we're off so oh it started out so good yeah it's gonna get up again it's just [Music] it used to buffer up real quick so let's see when it when it finds itself okay so we're moving along here 420 30 megabytes per second it's really good for an ssd on the spinning drives i saw sometimes 10 maybe 12 15 of that so this is quick okay cool it's done it's um has copied that over and i can now shut this down again and that is really nice because it is rather loud so let's do that oh this is this is planned i'm planning to shut this down so here is the the hewlett packard cloud line 1u server with the 12 internal three and a half inch hard drives and the now two internal uh around the back two and a half inch ssds but that was actually not what we're gonna be doing today and working on we're gonna be working on the awesome lenovo x3650 model 5 over here which is in control of the storage box down here this box down here it has 73 and a half inch hard drives in there and right now it's running with the x3650 model 5 it's running windows storage pools and i am not very satisfied with that it has only been giving me trouble trouble and disappointment um also i found that my good network card in there i had a lot of issues in the video trying to get that up and running and i found out that i was an idiot which is nothing new i am going to be trying to put in this card which is a sass expander so you put in one sas connects into it and you get a lot of sas connection out of it plus two external sas connections and all of this is 12 gigabit sas connections and yeah i want to put that in so we're going to shut that down as well and get to work so here that is i think we will go now that i have copied all the stuff off of there i think we should delete the disk pools in here so this has given me nothing but trouble so i'm gonna get rid of it so we're gonna delete the mega pool if we can we probably have to do it in stages so do we have volumes uh we can delete the volume that would be mega volume here it's a hundred terabytes and even though it's a hundred terabytes and has eight terabytes free the 100 terabytes in the other machine was enough to copy that over so okay deleting volume i have to delete the shares and the scossy virtual there's no squashy virtual disks but well i have to delete the share that is on it which i guess is this one so can we we can stop sharing see if that's enough let's try and delete it again now we get to delete it are you sure yes yes okay that is gone so now we can go to storage pools and then i think we can delete the mega pool maybe let's see if it will let me it will okay that is gone make it pull oh it still sees it up there all right but it is gone isn't it yes can you keep deleting it okay now it's gone and we just have a lot of available drives and that is good so i'll shut this down as well it's turned off and the cables has been unplugged so it now comes out of the rack without any issues and we can take the cover off so last time i messed with this sir i messed up and i did it over here this is a special riser car it has the ml2 connection down here and i couldn't get that lucky network car to work this one and um yeah editing morton found out what was wrong because this riser card only works over here it doesn't work over there so uh yeah we're gonna fix that today we're gonna take take the new network card out i had yeah that was an all-day video trying to get that up and running i ah forgotten i have taped them a little bit here i think we're gonna reuse this tape but first let's pop the card back in i see that it goes in in the bottom slot oh i need to take this rubber things protective so yeah there it's very nicely marked here which one is port number one and which one is port number two this is um often you don't find it that good and it's a real problem when you're working on the system and you need to figure out which you have used so i'm gonna put the tape back in because i like the airflow to go through the electronic components and not just out the back so okay this one goes in over here then there's nothing in that one so pop that over there now we need to remember to pop that in otherwise it's not gonna work very well and then we'll pop that one in here and i think we will get some very much better results doing that um then we um i have an hba here we're gonna be replacing this this one it's a 6 gigabit hph that goes out the back says sas 9207 8e so um yeah and there we're going to pop in this sass expander instead on the system board down here there's a rake controller and a very nice raid controller it has even been expanded with a cache controller there so this card it's stuffed with good things i can take just one connection from down here and bring it up to this sass expander and it will expand it let's say that i put it in here that's not actually where i should put it in i should put it in over here it's just this one is more like it it can then expand four sets connections going in here and i can get 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 and 32 sas connections going out of the server it expands quite nicely it has two power options you don't actually need it to to go into a computer there is also a power option to just power it from from an old pc power supply model model x bot would licks wood legs connection there and you could just pop the connections in and pop the connections out and it should work we're not gonna test that one it should but we need the two external connections to go down to the dash so therefore i picked this specific model which can do that plus it's just really cool so i will make sure to leave a link in the description to this card if you want to go and check it out and we'll put it in right there lock it in place will we i guess it's locked in place but now we need to take the connections from the from the rake controller first bring the connections over here and then take the connections from over here and bring them around the front we need some cables for that and i've cheated and ordered them ahead and these are internal sas connectors i probably only needed one but we have two so let's use both of them i think it might be easier to mount this when the card is not in the slot so we can see it better so this is a dual connection down here uh there and i checked last time i had this open the cables are long enough so that's good so i think we want those to go in okay i'll just pop them in there that's the drives that goes to the front of the server a little bit stiff those cables then we need to unwrap the new ones i would have liked some shorter ones they were not available this was the shortest ones that i could get for a reasonable amount of money i think they're pretty good they look pretty good so we're gonna connect those yes see there's port zero and there's port one and those connections will go over to this board uh where we'll put them in one and two oh this is what is it it says it somewhere yeah a b c d e f g and then those two are among them so let's just pop those in it shouldn't matter which one is in and out it will figure that out itself very smart card if it doesn't we'll get back to that and figure out why it doesn't work so i'm not seeing stiff cables here oh by the way this server has just gone out of warranty it had warranty until the 23rd of november and today is the i think it's the 4th of december so it's just out of warranty so yeah i shouldn't break it that will be expensive now that's gonna be really exciting to see if this works so if this works what it does is that these drives in front of the server will be on the same rate controller physical hardware rate controller as the all the drives down here the 7d drives in the hewlett packard the 6000 dash box so i can have the brake controller manage all of that instead of this software thing that i am not impressed with so we can power it on now and it's going to be exciting to see what it comes up with if it's happy with me or if it thinks i'm a bad guy now okay someone forgot to plug in the keyboard and screen i'll have a serious talk with this guy it's very unprofessional to try to do video and not show anything so yeah we're working on it okay we're still working on it it probably has a few drives to figure out so it might take a bit longer it's not as if it's with that hba it wasn't quick or anything but okay number 20 is red i have never seen that before okay i need to see what go what's going on with that this looks pretty nice that it lights up there the hard drives yes well now it has taken two minutes let's hope it figures it out soon hey we have a bit of success here it sees the well it sees a lot of network cards in here it the server has four brocade one gigabit ethernet cards and there's the first four here one two three four those are one gigabit there then it has an ibm usb remote something something that we don't really need or care about then it has eight cue logic the network card that we put in there is a cue logic card and it has eight of those and that's because this network card can do virtual network connections so each of those connections in the back will bring you four virtual connections inside the operating system so you can you can do vlans and stuff on those connections and you can bring those out of the server and connect it to vlans and it becomes a little bit messy when you look at it we get a lot of connections here so i have connected i believe number one here is one of the four gigabit network i believe connection number em1 is one of the one gigabit uh brocade internet connections which it says here then connection 11 12 6 and seven are the 10 gigabit ethernet card that i put in there and those are the four virtual connections that are available there so yeah a little bit messy but it works it is connected to the internet here is all the connections and it looks good it works i didn't even have to do anything it just worked so that's nice also as you might be able to see the it booted up so um i believe we are actually booting on the nvme drive in there we could just check that there yeah that's just about all it sees it sees a 500 gigabyte uh nvme drive so it doesn't see any drives at all so we do have some issues here the migrate says adapter in there we which is the sas expander oh it's i think it needs something i've been looking at the documentation for that it's actually an adapter card that is in there as a sas expander but i think i only need to use one port maybe i was wrong and you can't use two ports for the input to the car so here we are again the first port over here should be the port that is for the input and the second one might not be good to have that in so we're gonna try and not have that in there see if that might be confusing it okay that actually helped oh wait so it doesn't like the drives and the array down there but it is the ssds that i have in front of the server so something is working which is always a good thing so i'll go in and check what it sees in the mega rate storage adapter here hey this is way better than expected it was very unhappy with me when i just came in here but i found that all of these errors down here more or less as i i fixed drive number 20. it was marked in here as a bad i just told it that it was good and then it shut up i don't know if that's the a good thing to do but well it definitely helped and if we go into physical drives here it just lists all the drive i just went through it there's not one single drive missing down there it goes and it even sees the d6000 there and it goes from from slot number one to slot number 35 and i looked they're all there and well that that disk shield down there is in two units um you you take them out should we just see that we better well sometimes i come across somebody who has been lazy and haven't been watching all of my videos so there's like two drawers here each of them has 35 hard drives in this one if we pull that out the drives are there and there are 35 of them it goes further and further and stops and it makes a lot of noise when you do that because it needs to cool the drives and it does that by [Music] ah [Music] by telling the fans to run faster so and the other one is exactly the same it's just another drive size over here we have 10 terabyte drives and over here we have 12 terabyte drives all of these are 10 terabyte and all of these are 12 terabyte and if we go down we can see that it ends that's one of them and that's that one is the other one and they are even in the right order i was lucky to plug the cables in in the right order so the last tab is logical what a rate controller does is that it's it sits between uh the drives and the operating system so what you do on a rate controller you tell it how to present the drives to the operating system so it takes all the drives and it does stuff with them and it presents the operating system with a virtual volume so all of these are how that is configured so there is a drive and that that drive is is part of a virtual volume and stuff so we need to take all these 7d drives and configure them into virtual drives so i am running into some hardware limitations here the rate control that i have in here which is the m5210 it says up here it has a limitations that you can put 32 hard drives in an array 32 hard drives in our array is a quite a few so we're not gonna do that but we're gonna do it almost as unsafe so i have 35 in each of the two enclosures so i need to divide that up and i'm just gonna put 18 drives in one array and 17 in the other array and then we have divided each of the enclosures up uh to two so let's try and do one of those see if we run into trouble we might create virtual drive symbol i think we will have to do the advanced i'm gonna go with a raid five i'm gonna be putting tier plots on here if um if it all goes away it's not going to be the end of the world even if i just spend a week copying it over so raid 5 i could go with raid 50 it just means that it will take the number of drives that i put in there and it will divide them up even further so uh yeah rate five uh data protection disabled okay i don't know why that is disabled i don't like why it's disabled nothing we can do about it start picking one one do i ow damn two two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. let's see if that goes over there and let's just count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and no more i haven't actually done this before i always do it from the from booting the server or in the bias create drive group next so we can call it something here virtual drive file it's going to be 155 terabytes we're going to store very large files on it so i think we might go with one megabyte strip size uh always right ahead right back okay create that yes so we have created the first one and there is no more space i have no idea why it's things that we can do anymore so next and finish drives has been successfully cool then we need to make the other one let's just let's have a look at what symbol says symbol five ah i don't like it it doesn't tell me what i'm doing here so let's cancel that pretty sure yes advanced and then we're gonna go for raid five again and we're gonna add the rest of the 10 terabytes there and we're going to go over there and we're going to count them make sure that there is how many 17 1 2 3 four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen and no more and that's gonna be virtual disk number six and that is gonna be 145 terabytes and we're gonna set this one to one megabyte as well and create and yes and next finish and success and now i can do the same thing with the 12 terabyte drives yeah i'm sure this is getting tedious we still can't use data protection but 18 drives add and over here it tells us the the slot number here and it starts from one so if the last one is 18 we're good to go and i didn't miss any it looks good create next drive boot seven that's gonna give us 185 terabytes and we're gonna go up to one megabyte now i gotta create yes and next and finish and i'm just gonna fast forward the last one so now we should have some big logical drives in here down at the bottom here number five number six number seven and number eight but i think that windows server 2019 should also see them now i would expect that they are at the bottom down here and they are okay we have something here one of the drives remembers what it have done in in its previous life we need to wipe its memory so do we need to go into storage spaces and delete that we'll check that i forgot to record there was a red exclamation mark on this and i right clicked and i reset drive so i think that might have just fixed it disks um it doesn't see the individual disks in here because the the rate controller does not present it with the individual drives and it sees it as disks in here there are some sata disks and then there is some big storage array how many one two three four okay it adds up let's see if we can it's gone in here now so now we can do stuff with our new array so we could just take the first one here and make a simple volume out of that all of the space please m as my playhouse max and we are gonna call that volume six is 158 terabyte 158 terabyte unit size i think we can go with i think we'll go with one megabyte as well it's really big files so uh hopefully it's going to save something somewhere next next and now we have a blotchy big drive on here so i just turned on the hewler packard cloud line again because now i have enough space to copy all the cheers back and i have space to expand that when it's done copying all the cheers back i don't think i want to divide i could go in here and tell it to to span all of these but i didn't exactly have a good experience with spanning stuff so we are on the noisy cloud computer i made a share on the 158 terabyte drive over there so i'm gonna start the copying of tier back so this is the 14 terabyte drive on here so let's try and select all and copy that over and see how that goes it starts really well that's about the speed that the hard drive can do cool it worked i now actually have the option of deleting those other virtual drives that i put in there the and just have one virtual drive and i could take the the hard drives out of the disk shelf down here to preserve power and put them back in as needed uh in the video we just configured everything it's more interesting to do that than just being a little bit more conservative and and saving power i would do that in real life i would make an array and then i would give it the amount of hard drives that it needs and then every time i'm about to run out i would add a drive and expand the array of course do it a little bit before i need it i don't really want to build something gigantic like this and have it do nothing for a really long time but it is more interesting for video purposes to see me juggle around with large amount of hard drives so but i wouldn't actually do that in real life so just to you know it um i would like to promote bargain hardware for once and um if you don't know bargain hardware sells a lot of second-hand enterprise equipment so if you want something enterprise to play with definitely check out bargainhardware.co.uk and especially if you are in the uk they are a very good supplier there and they give you a top-notch service over there so i can highly recommend using them and if you use the coupon code checkout code my playhouse small letters you get five percent off of your purchase and it is an affiliate link so i will also be laughing all the way to the bank other than that i'll say a special thank you to my patreon who helped me get that lenovo sas expander in there which is actually produced by adaptic and i'll be sure to leave some links in the description so that you can go check that out it's um it's a really cool car and well internal and external connections and you don't actually need to put it in server you can also put it in a in a pc or you can just put it in a storage box and you can connect a external connection into the storage box and you can have all the drives in the storage box and you just need a power supply to supply that model x connection in the bottom and that would have been a really interesting video to do as well but my patreons helped to sponsor that card so thank you very much and if you are a patreon of mine i would very kindly remind you to go watch the patreon videos that i post to you every sunday because i can see that some of you are not watching those videos and i would like you to do that so you get something for your money thank you other than that thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 3,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, Lenovo, Data Center, lenovo Server, Home Server, Home Data Center, SAS Expander, adaptec, x3650 M5, AEC-82885T, Expander Card, storage, enterprise storage, Hardware Raid, Lenovo 00LF095, HP D6000 storage DAS
Id: wbQ70mUyVOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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