Fixing 36V Electric Bike Battery from Biltema, Coop & T-Hansen - 1118

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[Music] hi and welcome to my playhouse and today we are in the creepy basement it's been a while um i have an interesting project here and it's a bicycle battery from an electric bike and well at work i have a have an intern and his mom has a bicycle and after winter it did not work anymore it did not it didn't want to charge and well a new battery i think it was four thousand danish farmers and and to try and get it repaired was like 2500 danish crowns so i promised to have a look at it so i thought we should do that have a look at it see if we can figure out what the heck is going on it's probably unbalancing cells or something like that so um yeah it's here let's um check the table oh here it is i haven't even put it taken it out of the bag here is the battery and there is also a charger there so we might just start by checking that it doesn't charge i haven't got a clue how this works so okay there is some indication up here and the charging port where would they put it that looks like it right there that could be a charging it looks about right that would fit right there okay so let's what if we press the button will it show us that there is anything totally dead nothing so let's um power this okay the charger is powered charge power so okay if it just works now it's gonna be a really short video maybe not that interesting either empty it says okay it didn't do that for long did you see that i think you saw that let's just try that again empty or era of error probably error okay so we have a baseline for starting it's not working so let's disconnect that i have managed to check that there was actually some screws on the back here so let's see don't we have anything underneath these labels i can see where the well the bicycle is bought it's a bt we have had a cables from there let's see screwdriver we need we need it's bigger brother there i have never taken a bicycle battery apart before but so this is going to be interesting i see there is a pin out of the charging cable so plus is inside and minus is the code here this looks very much like a um a television clock that will probably end the life of that tv if you do something like that there's also a fuse down here we might just check that and if we don't check it we might just take it out so that to make sure that i think it it's kind of a car fuse let's see it hits it's in there okay so let's just take that up oh that's not gonna go in there that is all good no issues there okay always um good to disconnect that so it's a 36 wall battery and it's 10 amp hours so it's something like 360 watt hours is that correct yeah there and this goes into the bicycle on the back and this is the the rare the red light on the back of the bicycle so it's it's like where you sit if you're a passenger on a bike which is illegal here well that's where you do it anyway it looks like this is gonna come off yeah we have a connection here for the fuse thing okay i need to mess with this to take it apart just a second okay i managed so this is what it looks like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that would make it a thinness so it looks like each of these packs are like four cells one two and then two on the bottom three four so um and there is like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten of those so 10 s 4p and my idea is that why this has failed is that one of these are out of balance and therefore um it won't charge that's that's my theory and that's where we're gonna start so uh we're gonna this has gotten dusty this was very expensive so i'm gonna change the battery on the multimeter so i'm able to measure the voltage of the cells here the first one uh closest to the negative is like 3.197 and the next one is 3.19 so that is fairly out of balance next one is 3.2 and the last one in this row 3.18 so the long roll here seems good so moving on to the next one i'll i'll let you know what i find okay so i did find a couple of cells here that are ever so slightly low this one uh these four batteries here uh oh that's not bad it's 2.96 let's let's write that 2.96 and the next one that's the one that i found that was lowest here to there that's 2.656 so 2.65 2.65 that's the lowest one that i found so from about 3.2 to about 2.65 so there is a difference of about 600 milliwatts so i think we'll try and charge this up a little bit and see if we uh if we if we put some power onto that if if we can get this to charge on its own it has a nice bms i'm sure that it handles everything just great if it will just charge it up i'm sure the bms will work but it has gotten so far out of balance which isn't a lot in this case that uh the bms says no i am not gonna do that i don't wanna charge it up further than the other ones it could i could just it would be a mess if i charge this up to four walls and then it wouldn't work before i charge every other cell up so i'm gonna charge it up to about uh those uh 3.2 volts we're gonna borrow the leads over here don't short circuit then we're gonna turn the current with the voltage down to about where we need to be that must be oh there we are and yeah let's see if we can connect that it flickers on the camera it's great in real life gonna be easy there is a they have mounted nice balancing leads on here so i can just i can just connect to those this is plus of the battery and this is negative of the battery so i should be able to connect the i should check that negative positive 2.65 yes we're good to go we'll connect that one the negative here and the positive here and we see that it's taking a charge over here we're charging with about two amps or we could go up on that no reason not to give it just max there that's no problem whatsoever so [Music] yeah it shouldn't take too long to get that up in [Music] in an area where i think the the battery would would be able to charge by itself i'll give it 10 minutes okay i'm a little bit impatient i want to see if this works um right now it's it's it's only ticking in about one watt and that means the batteries are charging with about 100 milliamps each as there is four of them and so i think we'll try and disconnect this and [Music] try and put the charger on so i'll just close this quickly we'll put the fuse in there and um sitting on the wire oh and the leds are on the other side that's not convenient so all right there so let's try and put this in over there not much happened still not happy with me still just error back to the charging okay so now i'm charging this cell that was at 2.79 volts and after that we have this one up here 2.86 volts and then we have 2.96 so uh yeah we'll try and get those up to about 3.2 volts as well see if if that won't work for us so now i've moved to chat this these four cells up they were well 2.86 volts so we're gonna try and get those up and we have some two point nine twos here and i have some 2.96s over here we might as well get those give them a little bit of a kick in the box and see if that will help okay i have been stopping when it's it's uh getting close to about one watt i'm on the last block that wasn't on just about so we're gonna try again okay so and i have been measuring that they haven't lost too much voltage it could be something like that if the batteries become uh goes under three rods three volts that it's it it's gonna go um it's not gonna operate so that might be something that if it blows up we want a good video eh still not eh rude okay as as everything was balanced now now i just connected to each end of the battery and now i'm just bringing up the vultures here and i'm gonna try and charge it up around the bms uh just put some extra voltage on there so right now we are at 34 volts before i started this how it was at 32 volts uh which uh it's not that low so the battery is 36 volts really sh yeah i don't know if it needs to go up that high to work i've reduced it to 2 amps that means that we are charging all the cells with 500 milli amps the charger charges it with 1.8 amps so it's it's close to what the it would see from the charger so yeah it's not as easy as i would have thought right now we are putting 72 watts into it okay it has been charging it has come up about four and a half volts or something like that so i think we'll try it again see if this did anything good so remove the power supply there and this did uh remove the charger so let's do this put the fuse back in [Music] i'm not sure if i need to remove this fuse every time i think it's just the output there oh and i have a little thinking so that i don't scratch it too much so oh it shows something else now so a little luck nothing oh it actually shows something different now when we press it it shows that it's full which is probably not it's only at 36 volts so it might just be the battery indicator that shows me something weird it does claim to be charging over here but it have done that all the time yeah i'm doubtful okay so i had to cheat a little bit and go and look this up on youtube i found a swedish guy that has made a video about this battery and he reset it and then it worked um go away and what he did he unplugged this plug here let's see the balancing thing unplug that there it's unplugged and then he dismounted this one and moved it out of the way and then he measured some wattage on the board i'm not sure where he got that from let's see voltage there is next to nothing there there is some there but it's going down very quickly so nothing there nothing there okay interesting i'll just short circuit those for a second okay then let's try and connect that again there charger is in view i saw that when he did it it turned red when it's okay and it charges ah okay so now i should be able to measure voltage coming in on the batteries minus down here minus and the positive oh and we can't see anything then and we have 36.3738 so it's going up now awesome we fixed it with a little help from our swedish youtuber nice so i probably didn't have to do any balancing to get this working i just could have just reset it uh that kind of sucks but i tried all that fuse one okay yeah i'm gonna let it charge for a while uh it's just on the back here that it should oh it doesn't say it just says on the back here that when you get the battery important charge the battery in 14 hours before use and charge the battery every month i think that's what has gone on that they missed that you need to keep these batteries charged if it becomes too low apparently that circuit board resets or doesn't reset or cracks up on you on the other side it lights up e here but it is judging and i did see some voltage on the batteries so and it blinks i think i think we're good to go i would hope that it would go on and keep going up i don't know how high it has to go before it it goes if it goes up against full or something like that should we try and try and disconnect it there and it's not happy and it structures again so apparently it's very discharged let's let's judge it for a couple of hours and see what happens it is the next morning and it has stopped charging now i'm just gonna unplug it and plug it in again and it's still not charging so what does it say fully loaded interesting so i guess it's working now so ever so slightly more scruffy looking this morning um to go help a friend with a ship and i think i fixed this now this is the battery from biltme um and it has a model number it's it's right there i'll just read it out to its 27-1402-100 and apparently that's how you fix those if they die like this one did open it up disconnect those two cables wait a little bit like a minute or so and then connect them again and your battery should be good to go all the balancing thing that i did here i'm not sure if that helped anything or if it did any changes but that could help on other batteries like if you have batteries for your ryobi tools or other electric tools these batteries if they get out of balance well they will also not charge okay this is a rare opportunity we get to test the battery there's a bicycle where it fits in so let's see if we can figure this out it looks very simple there's connections there battery slides in there plug and play i hope ah okay i think that's good and it's still green okay i've never tried an electric bicycle before so i hope you just power it on uh oh those bastards they have hidden a on off switch right there damn them let's see if this works now and i'll shoot [Music] yeah you're sure it's on there's power on the display now oh yeah yeah it works not doing much [Music] but there is air missing in the back tire not my problem hope you found that helpful and hope that you will now be able to save your very expensive bicycle battery electric bicycle battery that now blinks all green so yeah i think someone is going to be very happy they just saved 2500 danish crowns which is about 400 so it's it's a good fix thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so that you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 4,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, ebike, 36v battery, Electric Bike Battery, battery from Biltema, coop, t-hansen, thansen, fixing battery
Id: 4fW2NcIbekk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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